D-MD-120 Installation Instructions

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<Company Long Name>

Author: <Author>
Creation Date: January 13, 2006
Last Updated: January 13, 2006
Document Ref: <Document Reference Number>
Version: DRAFT 1A


<Approver 1>

<Approver 2>
MD.120 Installation Instructions Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
January 13, 2006

Document Control

Change Record

Date Author Version Change Reference

13-Jan-06 <Author> Draft 1a No Previous Document


Name Position


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Library Master Project Library
2 Project Manager

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<Subject> Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

File Ref: 371040869.doc (v. DRAFT 1A )
MD.120 Installation Instructions Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
January 13, 2006


Document Control.....................................................................................................................

Installation Instructions for <Subject>...................................................................................

Pre-Installation Steps..........................................................................................................
Installation Steps.................................................................................................................
Verification Checklist.........................................................................................................
Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable........................................................................
Open Issues..........................................................................................................................
Closed Issues.......................................................................................................................

<Subject> Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

File Ref: 371040869.doc (v. DRAFT 1A )
Doc Ref:

Installation Instructions for <Subject>

Environment Name: <Environment Name> Machine: <Machine Name>

Pre-Installation Steps

If Destination Environment Does not Include

q Create custom application directory.

q Edit APPLSYS.env file to include definition of <Application Short


q Register custom application with Application Object Library.

q Shutdown and restart concurrent manager.

q Create custom database user.

Installation Steps
q Load customization files into custom application directory .

q Run <Master Installation Script Name>

Verification Checklist

Verify that the customization has been properly installed by following these steps:


Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

File Ref: 371040869.doc (v. )
Doc Ref:

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

File Ref: 371040869.doc (v. )

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