IBM Archiving and Data Management Solution For SAP

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IBM ILM solutions for SAP improve SAP database operations and protect data for

the long term

IBM archiving and data management

solution for SAP

Information Lifecycle Management

(ILM) is important for SAP businesses
that use policies, processes, practices,
and tools to cost-effectively align the
business value of information with
their SAP IT infrastructure, as well
as to meet compliance needs. The
IBM System Storage Archive solution
for SAP aligns your SAP information
with business processes through man-
agement of retention policies and serv-
ice levels to help ensure your data is
available, accessible, compliant and

Data retention and management are

essential functions of Information
Lifecycle Management. Effective imple-
Provide quick, easy access to Protect offloaded data within a
mentation of these ILM functions helps
integrated archives of SAP and secure storage disk or tape
you improve SAP IT production per-
non-SAP business content system
formance, improve TCO, improve legal
documents and data
compliance and mitigate your IT risks.
SAP-certified offering enables
SAP has recognized these needs by
Improve system performance by seamless coordination of data
creating its new product ILM from
offloading inactive data from SAP retention policies between SAP
SAP as part of the SAP NetWeaver
production databases databases and the protected stor-
stack. With ILM from SAP, data
age system
retention management starts at the
moment a data management class is
assigned to a newly created data
object. The assigned management
class applies SAP policy information,
like business and regulatory rules, to
the data object throughout its lifecycle,
from creation through expiration to

SAPs Information Retention Manager

(IRM), a key component of ILM from
SAP, is the central tool for setting up
and managing retention policies and
uses the SAP WebDAV Storage
Interface as an open-standard interface
based on HTML. The WebDAV
(Web-based Distributed Authoring and
Versioning) interface allows clients to
perform remote Web content authoring IBM System Storage DR550 itself quickly during long archiving peri-
operations such as creating a frame- The IBM System Storage DR550 ods, as data that usually outlives disk
work and set of retention rules, along uniquely stores the data as protected or optical media can use IBM longer-
with enforcing those rules for both objects, and not as files, into the data lasting tape storage capabilities.
structured and unstructured SAP data. management layer using DR550
Maximizing and sustaining ILM effi- IBM System Storage Archive Manager The IBM System Storage DR550 is an
ciency involves leveraging storage tiers software. Competitor tools that write award-winning, industry-proven infor-
to support information classes and the data as a file with file and path mation retention solution. It is designed
service levels. The IBM archiving names to a NFS or CIFS device, and to help businesses meet the growing
solution for SAP includes the award- not as an object, limit the storage type challenge of managing and protecting
winning IBM System Storage DR550, to only disk or optical media. As a business information for long periods
together with IBM CommonStore for result, more frequent competitor data while providing operational efficiency.
SAP, and enables alignment of SAP migrations are disruptive to SAP pro- DR550 can scale up to 224 TB of
information business value with the duction operations and do not utilize physical disk storage and to petabytes
most appropriate and cost-effective IT cost-efficient tape storage in their solu- with attached tape systems
infrastructure. tions. The IBM solution helps pay for
DR550 is designed to provide: Non-erasable, non-rewriteable Interoperability. In addition to
archival storage. DR550 offers non- IBM CommonStore, IBM Content
Lower TCO with flexible storage rewritable, non-erasable storage con- Manager, IBM FileNet Image
tiering. It is costly to keep all trols to prevent deletion or alteration Services, IBM Optim (formerly
archived data in more expensive of data stored on the system until Princeton Softech) and other
nearline storage throughout its deletion is permitted by retention IBM software offerings, over 30 third-
retention period. DR550 offers the policy. party vendors (ISV) are certified users
capability to support and manage of the IBM DR550 for archiving and
cost-effective tiers of storage (disk, Security and protection through data retention. These include
tape and optical). data encryption and data shred- Hummingbird, OpenText, Autonomy
ding options. DR550 provides data (Zantaz) and SAPERION and many
Migration. DR550 is designed to encryption options (128 bit AES or more. Additionally, DR550 is interop-
support data migration capabilities to 56 bit DES technology) to help com- erable with NFS and CIFS, allowing
move data from disk to tape and panies protect their data when trans- more vendors to create archiving
between infrastructure upgrades mitted over the network or saved to solutions leveraging standard file sys-
without disruption while maintaining disk or tape. Data is encrypted prior tem support.
data immutability. Migrations can be to transmission and remains
automated or scheduled for off hours encrypted in the DR550, including For more information on
and can be performed by the cus- backup copies. interoperability: http://www-
tomer or as a service. After the data has expired according
to defined corporate or regulatory storage/disk/dr/interop.html
Chronological and event-based policy, the deleted data can be
data retention. DR550 uses cus- destroyed via an optional shredding IBM CommonStore for SAP (CSSAP)
tomer and regulatory-defined policies feature. Shredding is designed to A new version of the IBM SAP
to manage information and retention explicitly overwrite the deleted data to archiving solution component,
and is designed to prevent data dele- make it impossible to discover or IBM CommonStore for SAP,
tion before the retention criteria are reconstruct that data later. Version 8.4, delivers archiving that goes
satisfied. beyond simply trimming the size of SAP
Integrated backup. DR550 has databases. Building on SAPs previous
built-in free backup functions that
allow for backing up the entire DR550
to an external tape system.
ArchiveLink API functionality associated IBM CommonStore for SAP delivers: By integrating SAP and non-SAP busi-
with SAPs R/3 releases, and leveraging ness content into a single archive, the
the new SAP WebDAV Storage Integration. IBM fully supports IBM archiving solution for SAP helps
Interface, CSSAP v8.4 enables SAP- SAPs new ILM from SAP improve your organizations efficiency.
directed and storage-enforced retention (BC-ILM 2.0) specification made pos- Production performance increases
periods and legal holds to be placed on sible by IBMs support for SAPs because data you access infrequently is
SAP transaction data archived directly WebDAV Storage Interface. These effectively archived.
to the IBM DR550 via its System features enable you to place SAP-
Storage Archive Manager interface. This directed, IBM orchestrated retention Your information is securely protected
new ILM retention management capa- periods and legal holds on archived and accessible when needed, inde-
bility also provides critical support for SAP transaction data, and help you pendent of application, helping you to
eDiscovery operations in the event of a better meet your compliance needs. comply with company and regulatory
legal challenge. policies and rules while enabling you to
Fully integrated with IBM Content respond quickly to the demands of your
Beyond basic data archiving, Manager suite (optional). Enables employees, customers, partners and
CommonStore for SAP software pro- you to manage SAP content along suppliers.
vides document management capabili- with other content types, presenting
ties, so you can manage a wide range all related information from e-mails, Additionally, the IBM archiving solution
of SAP-related information. By linking images and faxes to SAP and non- for SAP can be easily extended for
archived documents to SAP business SAP users and applications, and also e-mail archiving, as IBM CommonStore
objects, CommonStore for SAP soft- leveraging content from within SAP and IBM DR550 support Lotus
ware is designed to make business Workflow. Domino as well as Microsoft
documentsfrom purchase orders to Exchange. For more information on the
supplier statistics to inventory reports External access to SAP IBM archiving solution for e-mail please
available to authorized users anywhere documents. The CSSAP Index visit:
on your network. So multiple users can Transfer feature enables users to find data/commonstore/ and
have secure, parallel access to docu- and retrieve archived SAP system
ments, and authorized users can have documents without a SAP GUI client. data/cmgr/pdf/cslotus82.pdf.
access to documents without the delay
caused by paper-based archive Bulk archiving for printed
inquiries. documents. IBM CommonStore can
archive electronic copies of your
printouts and link the archived docu-
ments to the corresponding SAP
business objects. This linkage
ensures that your documents are
archived in the same format as you
sent them and that you can still
access them from SAP.
Feature Benefit

Offload inactive data from the Improves the performance of SAP applications. Large amounts of data need large
production SAP database amounts of server capacity. Unchanged server capacity leads to a decreased application
performance when data volume grows.
Reduces hardware and IT infrastructure costs. To fight loss of performance, SAP servers
have to be equipped with higher hardware capacity (especially memory and CPU). Also,
faster disk storage systems have to grant faster data access. More disk capacity is
needed, not only for the production environment but also for the testing environment which
often is a mirror of the production system.
Reduces the risk of system failure. Restoring a very large SAP system generally takes
more time than restoring a smaller one. Potential downtime generally grows in parallel to
the amount of data.
Reduced administrative costs. To prevent system downtime a large productive SAP
system needs more attention. This increases the need for additional administrative
precautions to lower downtime risk and downtime duration.

Data encryption Data is stored in encrypted format, helping ensure protected data cannot be read from a
stolen storage medium.

Secure erase of expired data Some data, like personal records, needs to be erased completely as it expires. IBMs data
retention solution erases expired data securely.

Tiered Storage Management Stored data can be migrated from one kind of storage device to any other kind of storage
device, fully transparent to the applications that have stored the data.
End of life of the storage device types can easily be managed during migration of the data
to new devices.
TCO can be reduced by storing long-term archiving data to off-line media such as
encrypted tape libraries.

OpenAPI Interface IBMs Data Retention and Archiving solution provides an open, standardized API,
delivering platform-independent access.

NFS & CIFS interface In addition to the open API, IBMs Data Retention and Archiving solution provides access
to storage via common NFS and CIFS interfaces.

Supported platforms As of 2008 more than 30 content providers are storing their data onto IBMs Archiving
solution, including IBM Content Manager, MS Exchange, IBM Domino Notes, SAP,
Princeton Softech Optim, Bycast Inc., CaminoSoft, Ceyoniq, d.velop AG, Easy Software,
Enigma Data Systems, FileNet, Hummingbird, Hyland Software (OnBase), Hyperwave, and

Disaster Recovery support IBMs Data Retention and Archiving solution (DR550) offers HA and DR capability, through
clustering and synchronous or asynchronous mirroring and data replication.
For more information Copyright IBM Corporation 2008
IBM Corporation
To learn more about the IBM archiving
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and data retention management solu- Systems and Technology Group
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IBM Business Partner, or visit the fol- SAP AG
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