Mortification of Sin in Believers

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Cheat Sheet
for John
of Sin in

John Owen's
Mortification of Sin in Believers
is a beast of a book.
It's not a beast in size--it clocks in at 84 pages. It's a beast in content, language
and style:
Mortification (killing) of sin doesn't get a lot of work in our
. Neither do the methods behind killing sin. So it will be a
shock to the
system for believer and unbeliever
Published in 1656, when Owen was 40,
shares some of
the same characteristics of a Shakespearean play. A reader must untangle
complex sentences and bone up on his Elizabethan vocabulary.
Owens writes like a lawyer. His arguments are precise (liberal use of
verses from both the Old and Testament) and highly structured. And then there is
a hierarchy that demands a close reading.
No wonder an
anonymous biographer said Owen
"travels through [his subjects]
with the grace of an elephant." And that's funny, because Owen actually
his "little discourse."
I guess you can make that kind of statement when you are the
greatest theologian
in the English Language
In a future post I'll follow up with the reasons why a close reading will be worth
it, in the meantime I hope this cheat sheet will give you a taste--and desire--
And keep in mind, this cheat sheet is dense because John Owen is dense: it is
hard to determine what should go and what should stay because it all is very
My goal is to encourage you to pick up a copy of Mortification
and read it
. I had
the privilege of studying it with a great friend, which is an effective tactic to
reading Owen. I highly recommend it.
Grab a copy here:
PDF of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
(This is how I read it.)
Google Books

Book at Amazon

Kindle Version

Audio version--Free

Abridged Version by Richard Rushing

Why Owen's Wrote Mortification of Sin in

Believers (Preface)
So the burning question is this: why did John Owen write this book? His answer
is three fold.
He preached it because he wanted to set the record straight.
struggling to resist sin: At peace with the world, themselves, their sin. Self
wrought mortification taught by some, which is unbearable, foreign to the gospel,
responsible for superstitions, self-righteousness and causes anxiety.
Men preaching mortification of sin as an end in itself.
He targets the
Papists, which is a derogatory slur for Roman Catholicism, who are guilty of
teaching both the regenerate and unregenerate to mortify sin as a means to gain
God. This rubbed Owen's the wrong way. Big time.
His friends and colleagues encouraged him to publish it as a
This book started out as a series of sermons. The people who heard the
sermons thought Owen's should publish the sermons.
Having preached on this subject unto some comfortable success, through the
grace of Him that adminstereth the seed to the sower, I was pressed by sundry
persons, in whose hearts are the ways of God, thus to publish what I delivered,
with such additions and alterations I should judge necessary.

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