Case Study Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template

Name Kelcey Miller
Subject Social Studies
Grade Level K-2nd
Date/Duration One class period
Big Ideas A good classroom citizen follows the rules.
Essential Questions What is a citizen?
What are rules?
What are the rules of the classroom?
Why does a classroom have rules?
What are the consequences for breaking the rules?
Why are there consequences for breaking the rules?
PA/Common Standard 5.1.2.A: Explain the purposes of rules and their
Core/Standards consequences in the classroom and school community.
Standard 5.3.2.F: Identify and explain behaviors for responsible
school citizens and possible consequences for inappropriate
Objective All second grade students (A) will correctly list (B) five rules
David broke and two consequences (D) during the completion of
Bloom's Taxonomy the Reading Sheet (C).

Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)
Formative & Formative Assessment:
Summative Teacher checks the Reading Sheets.
Assessment Teacher writes the students responses during the Pre-Assessment
Evidence on the board. Teacher uses this information to determine how
much the students know before learning the content.
Students complete the electronic exit slip.
ISTE Standards for Teacher presents a YouTube video about classroom rules during
Students the Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set. This teaches students that
YouTube can be an educational resource when used correctly.
Framework for 21st This relates to ISTE Standard 2: Global Citizen.
Century Learning During the Summary & Review of the Learning, students respond
to a question through a Nearpod presentation. This aligns with
the Learning and Innovation Skills of the Framework for 21st
Century Learning.
Accommodations, See the red text throughout the document.

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step Procedures

RATIONALE for the This is the first lesson in the unit regarding Basic Economic Principles and CK
Learning Plan Civic Education. The focus for the lesson is being a good citizen in the
classroom. The lesson incorporates Standard 5.1.2.A: Explain the
purposes of rules and their consequences in the classroom and school
community and Standard 5.3.2.F: Identify and explain behaviors for
responsible school citizens and possible consequences for inappropriate
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
Teacher asks students if they remember what the rules of our
classroom are.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Teacher shows students a video about classroom rules.
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions Teacher tells students that a good classroom citizen is someone
who follows the rules.
Essential Questions Statement
Teacher shares the Essential Questions for the lesson:
What is a citizen?
What are rules?
What are the rules of the classroom?
Why does a classroom have rules?
What bad things, or consequences, happen when the rules are
Why are there consequences for breaking the rules?
Objective Statement
Teacher tells students that they are going to read David Goes to
By the end of class, their goal is to write five rules David broke and
two consequences on their Reading Sheets.
Teacher calls students who packed their lunch up to the rug for
Key Vocabulary instruction. Teacher calls students who bought
their lunch to the rug.
Key Vocabulary
Citizen: a member of a community
Rules: laws or regulations that must be followed
Consequences: something that happens after breaking a rule
Lesson Procedure PreAssessment of Students
Teacher asks students if they know why the rules must be
followed. Students share their answers with a partner and then
with the whole class. Sharing answers with a partner might cause
behavior problems since the students have poor peer relationships.
To address this issue, I will model how students can use kind
words to talk to their peers and how they can take turns sharing
their ideas. Teacher writes their ideas on the board.
Modeling of the Concept
Teacher passes out the Reading Sheets and reads David Goes to
School aloud to the students. Owen might have difficulty listening
to me read the book aloud since he has a short attention span. I will
avoid this problem by using proximity. I will request that Owen sit
close to me as I read. Teacher shows students how they will
complete their Reading Sheets. Students will write the rules David
broke in the first column and the consequences in the second
column. Writing the responses might cause some students to
become frustrated since they perform below grade level in some
areas. I will allow them to draw a picture instead.
Guiding the Practice
Teacher re-reads the first page of the book and asks students to
name a rule that David broke. Owen might have difficulty listening
to the story again since he has a short attention span. I will get him
involved while I am reading by having him be my book helper. He
can help me turn the pages as I read. Teacher shows the students
how to add the answer in the first column of the Reading Sheet.
Teacher tells students who are wearing red to find a partner.
Students who are wearing white then find a partner. This process
repeats until all students are paired. Many of my students have
difficulty forming peer relationships and engaging in conversations
with peers, so they will likely not be able to find their own partner.
Instead, I will assign each student a partner.
Providing the Independent Practice
Teacher gives students time to complete their Reading Sheets in
groups. This might cause behavior problems since the students
have poor peer relationships. I will address this issue by modeling
how the students can greet their partners and introduce
themselves. I will also show them how they can take turns
speaking and sharing their ideas to complete the Reading Sheet.
Additionally, I will model how the students can compliment each
other when they like each others ideas.
Reading Materials David Goes to School by David Shannon
Technology The Rules of the Classroom Video:
Supplies Reading Sheets
Evaluation of the Formal Evaluation
Learning/Mastery Teacher checks the Reading Sheets.
of the Concept Informal Evaluation
Teacher writes the students responses during the Pre-Assessment
on the board. Teacher uses this information to determine how
much the students know before learning the content.
Students complete the electronic exit slip.
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Teacher goes over the responses for the Reading Sheets with the
Teacher asks students to restate the objective.
Teacher asks students to type a sentence about one thing they
could do to be good classroom citizens. This electronic exit slip
activity is done through a Nearpod presentation. Forming a
sentence might cause some students to become frustrated since
they perform below grade level in some areas. To address this, I
will allow them to verbally tell me one thing they could do to be
good classroom citizens.
Teacher passes out the Homework Sheet and explains the
Students are required to complete the sentence to describe how
they could be good citizens at home. Writing a response might
cause some students to become frustrated since they perform
below grade level in some areas. I will allow them to draw a picture
Teacher also informs the students of the due date for the
Teacher I will know that students have learned instances of rule breaking
Self-reflection and consequences that result from not following the rules when
they complete their Reading Sheets.
If students do not master the concept, I will re-teach the lesson. Re-
teaching the lesson will be especially beneficial and possibly
necessary for Oliver. He is slow to grasp concepts and he requires
extremely slow-paced instruction. If Oliver really struggles with
this lesson, I will re-teach it to him in a one-on-one setting.
Instead of reading the book all at once and then having students
work in groups, I will read in sections. After I read a few pages, I
will allow students to meet with their partners to complete the
Reading Sheet.

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