Enterprise Analytics in The Cloud

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S pecial Editio n


Enterprise Analytics
in the Cloud
5 Components Why Cloud Security The Cloud Is Not Step The
for Analytics Fears Are Completely a Silver Bullet for into the Perfect
in the Cloud 2 Misguided 4 Analytics 6 Cloud 7 Fit 9
5 Components
for Analytics
in the Cloud
Cloud solutions are here to stay.
This is how to successfully use them
to create new value.

by Shawn Rogers

nnovative organizations are reviewing their data management Criteria for Success
strategies to identify where and how cloud solutions should Different vendors offer analytics that
excel in various areas so make sure you
play a role. An array of offerings and technology advancements
investigate each competitors compe-
are enabling companies to disrupt traditional data management tency in these five critical areas:
paradigms in favor of new ways to createvalue.
1 Analytic Performance
A great example is cloud-based analytics. Research by
Determining how easily and quickly
Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) identified a growing information can move from a source
trend toward a hybrid data management landscape focused on system to the cloud-based environ-
leveraging purpose-built platforms to align data, applications ment is essential in supporting
analytic use cases. Slow or cumber-
and workloads for performance and cost advantage. A recent some data acquisition will impact how
survey by the company found that 60% of respondents are quickly decisions can be made, while
using two to three platforms to execute sophisticated work- laborious preparation and multi-step
data loading hurdles can slow produc-
loads, and the cloud often plays a vital role in thismix. tivity and add ongoing operational
costs. How much information can

PAGE 2 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

be stored is also important since it data than initially planned as more for professional services, training and
dictates the amount of history associ- users adopt them and additional execution can make the process easier.
ated with business questions. Systems needs are placed on the system. Thats
unable to handle higher data scaling why planning for the long term and 5 Enterprise Ecosystem
will restrict fast-growing projects. pushing project requirements forward Business insights have limited value
Cloud-based platforms need to is important, even though it may not when theyre locked in a single solu-
support not only a single user asking seem necessary initially. tion. The cloud is more effective when
business questions, but allow multiple As a data-driven project matures, so analytic platforms work within a
users to query the system at the same does the need for more advanced fea- wideecosystem.
time. Insights must be processed and tures and functions. This is especially Leveraging the capabilities of
returned in a timely fashion no matter true as users demand insights that go advanced analytic or discovery
how many people are querying the sys- beyond traditional system functional- platforms can enable sophisticated
tem. Long queues and delayed insight ity. The ability to extend and integrate workloads and projects. Most, if not
will restrict adoption and reduce or a cloud environment with innovative all, solution providers offer partner
eliminate ROI. functions such as discovery-based ana- networks to extend capabilities and
lytics creates an immediate need for function, which add value to a project.
2 Workload Flexibility a platform capable of executing this
Reporting, iterative OLAP, ad hoc and style of work. Complementing a data Pick a Platform to Fit
data mining or advanced analytics are warehouse with a Hadoop solution theNeed
common. Its the ability to support presents opportunities for advanced As workloads and more sophisticated
multiple workloads that is the hall- insights, while having the option to applications evolve, its becoming
mark of an agile and flexible platform. expand into new areas of execution increasingly important to consider the
Database orientation can enhance can help a project stay on track, grow use case when selecting a cloud plat-
performance and flexibility, and and deliver unexpected value. form. Organizations across all indus-
serve workloads in different ways. tries are investigating cloud analytics to
Traditional row-based strategies offer 4 Expert Support drive innovation. Given the wide variety
an easy way to add inserts and updates Provisioning a database infrastructure of technology offered by vendors, care-
to records, but can be a disadvantage is a key aspect of implementing an ful evaluation of all the relevant criteria
to columnar layouts when queries scan analytic solution, but it is not the only is vital when choosing a solution to
entire tables. Some platforms have a part. To support business questions, ensure it will deliver the performance
mix of columnar and row-based tech- information must be in the proper and valuethat is expected. T
nologies to meet the demands of ana- format. This allows a platform to effec-
lytical workloads. Meanwhile, big data tively deliver accurate and relevant Shawn Rogers, formerly the vice
strategies that require an Apache information to users. president of research at Enterprise
Hadoop infrastructure and discovery Building and designing an architec- Management Associates, has more than
analytics for a deeper capability to ture may require advanced database 20 years of IT experience with a focus
explore data are important to compa- management skill sets and experience on Internet-enabled technology.
nies looking to optimize their existing with data modeling, data integration
This article originally appeared in the
capabilities with a cloudoffering. and security. Organizations that move Q3 2014 issue of Teradata Magazine.
to the cloud are often challenged by
3 Advanced Technologies IT skill issues and cant always get the
Analytic projects often evolve beyond new project support that matches the ONLINE This article is based on
the white paper Analytics in the
their initial scope. After a time, most required speed of implementation. Cloud: Five Components for Success.
platforms hold greater quantities of Working with the solution provider Download it on Teradata.com.

PAGE 3 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

Why Cloud Security Fears
Are Completely Misguided
Cloud providers employ
rigorous standards
and audits to achieve
security compliance.
by Marc Clark

PAGE 4 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

n a 2015 survey from the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), 73% of respondents said their concerns about
security of data are a top challenge to adopting the cloud. And with all the high profile data breaches in just the
past 12 months, who could blame them?
And yet, is this cloud security fear truly grounded in reality? The answer, perhaps surprisingly to some, is a resound-
ing no. The fact is that when one thinks about data breaches, not a single one that comes to mind was actually a cloud
breachthey were all on-premises breaches or incursions resulting from stolen (or guessed) user login credentials.
Might this mean that the cloud is actually a safer place for data than in an on-premises deployment? Maybe so.

Cloud Security Compliance although champions of on-premises engaging with any cloud provider that
Consider this: most major cloud pro- systems have the best of intentions, you review their security policies and
viders are putting themselves through often they are not afforded the budget that you ensure they have all the regula-
rigorous audits to validate compli- or resources that major cloud provid- tory audits that pertain to your industry.
ance with security standards such as ers have to secure and monitor their Also understand that not all certi-
FedRAMP, HIPAA, ISO 27001, PCI, environments. fications are done at the same level.
SSAE 16, and others. To pass such audits For example, if a retailer has a data For example, a PCI audit against IaaS
a provider must prove that its security breach, maybe some people dont shop (Infrastructure as a Service), comput-
practices meet or exceed an exhaus- there for a few weeks or months. Or ing and storage in the cloud, is different
tive list of controls and policies. Now maybe customers start paying in cash than one done against PaaS (Platform
ask yourself this: do your on-premises more than by debit/credit card. So as a Service), platform resources in the
datacenters and the systems deployed in although security is important to these cloud, or SaaS (Software as a Service),
those datacenters have the capabilities types of companies, the fact is that applications delivered via the cloud.
to pass the same types of audits listed until they have a breach that costs them Just make sure you recognize the differ-
above? Are you sure? How do you know? WAY more than they would have ever ences and clearly delineate where your
If a cloud provider can meet more, paid for better security, they typically cloud providers security responsibili-
and possibly stricter, security audits arent putting the money and resources ties end and yours begin. Mind the gap!
than your on-premises deployments, needed to really stay ahead in the secu-
hasnt security ceased to be a legitimate rity game. The insurance is considered Calm Your Fears
excuse for not deploying in the cloud? more expensive than the risk. Whether or not to enter the cloud is a
For cloud providers whose products matter of security, not one of control.
Cloud vs On-Premises Security are not hammers or hobby crafts or Ultimately you have to feel as though
Many of the people holding out on paper towels, however, a security breach your cloud provider will take care of your
moving anything to the cloud are actu- means that trust is lost in their core data as well as, or better than, you will.
ally confusing control with security. offering, full stop. And it is very hard to The first step is to take a deep breath
They seem to feel somehow that if recover that trust. Therefore, securing and set aside any thoughts that the
systems are on-premises and under their productthe cloudshould and, cloud is not a safe place. Then talk to a
their visibility and control that they in most cases does, get the money and few select vendors trusted advisors who
necessarily have better security. resources it needs. can put your mind at ease as you work
However, dont we all know intui- toward finding your best options. And
tively that location of data does not Critical Requirements then, finally, step into the cloud!T
equate to security? Access and the Still, you should not blindly assume that
controls around data are immensely every cloud provider is doing what is Marc Clark is director of cloud strategy
more important than location. And needed for data security. It is vital when and deployment at Teradata.

PAGE 5 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

The Cloud Is Not a
Silver Bullet for Analytics
Great analytic tools and expert support are requirements in the new era of cloud.
by Marc Clark

he cloud is not a silver bullet. But isnt the silver bullet just a myth anyway?
In its first era, the cloud offered applications like Salesforce.com or
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) such as Amazon Web Services. If you
wanted to run a CRM application via a web browser or didnt want to manage a
data center, then cloud was a good fit.
But now we are entering a new era of the cloud.

A Different Cloud Some of the areas where you might need a hand to deploy
The key to understanding the value of the cloud is to know a complete cloud analytics solution include:
what you want and then determine whether available solu- >>Protection of sensitive corporate data in the cloudfor
tions are a good fit. If you need to provide your company risk and compliance purposes
with a state-of-the-art environment for data analytics, you >>Development and validation of your solution concept
will likely require: on top of a cloud architecture
>>A data warehouse to capture transactions and enable >>Data integration and business intelligence application
analysis and reporting connections
>>A way to manage workloads that helps meet perfor- >>Data movement between on-premises systems and the
mance expectations for hundreds of users cloud
>>A platform that enables rapid prototyping, experimen- >>Workload management assistance for running analytics
tation, and discovery at cloud scale
>>Systems for profiling, transforming, cleansing, refining, >>Database administration to offload the burden for IT
and managing data staff
Teradata understands that a different cloud is needed for >>Application development to meet the needs of key
data analytics. Thats why its cloud offering provides a fully stakeholders
functional environment for data analytics thats ready to Unlike most cloud environments, Teradata includes in its
help you find real value in your data. It includes the best-in- cloud offering an incredible innovation: skilled profession-
class Teradata Database for data warehousing and opera- als well prepared to talk with you about how to set up your
tional analytics, Teradata Aster Discovery Platform for data environment and how to tailor it for your industry.
discovery and exploration, and a portfolio for open source
Apache Hadoop for data refining and management. A Better Way
Teradata offers a completely different approach to analytics
Experts On Hand in the cloud. Not only do you get great tools, but also expert
Once you decide to move analytic workloads to the cloud, guidance in making cloud analytics work for you and your
you still need the right people to manage security, integra- business. Using the cloud is not in and of itself a silver bullet,
tion, data modeling, analytics for specific industry problems, but using great analytic tools in the cloudand getting
and so on. A cloud analytics stack, with expert and certified sound advice when you need itjust might be. T
people for support, will ensure youre not left sitting with
a complicated virtual toolbox that doesnt really work for Marc Clark is director of cloud strategy and deployment
your business. at Teradata.

PAGE 6 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

Step into
the Cloud
Gain the power of data warehousing
and analytics with the simplicity of
cloud computing.

by Paul Barsch

loud computing is consis- and elastic manner. In any case, transfers to a cloud service provider.
tently a top priority for CIOs, resources should be available via a If applicable, companies can shift
and analysts predict that in budget-friendly subscription model. their cloud investment to operating
the next three years, more resources expenses rather than capital expenses.
in dollars, time and talent will be Advanced Capabilities However, organizations stepping
allocated to cloud-based solutions. Cloud computing adoption is increas- into the cloudespecially for ana-
However, before the rush to shift IT ing for myriad reasons. With cloud lytic capabilityshould be cautious
responsibilities to a contracted service implementations, theres no longer a of workload demands. Analytic
provider, companies should carefully need to worry about procuring, main- workloads are often compute- or
consider whether theyre getting the taining and continually investing in IT I/O-intensive, or both, and there-
right analytics infrastructure, software resources. Instead, organizations that fore may not be ideally suited for
and support to successfully transition previously could not afford world- traditional cloud services. Moreover,
to the cloud. class infrastructure and talent can when transferring workloads to
While there are many definitions access these capabilities on a subscrip- cloud infrastructures, special atten-
of cloud computing, one of the tion basis. When capital constraints tion to security may be warranted
most common is the delivery of IT are an issue, cloud computing is to comply with data privacy and
resourcesas a servicein a scalable attractive because solution ownership securityregulations. >>

PAGE 7 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

Teradata understands the importance of acquiring the right
analytics infrastructure that is protected, secured and managed
by industry professionals.

Teradata understands the importance >>Private cloud service is for a also offers increasing levels of security
of acquiring the right analytics infra- core database infrastructure in tiers in which customers can choose
structure that is protected, secured and which no equipment, software, to add optional in-database column-
managed by industry professionals. or networking is shared with any level encryption or detailed logging,
For companies that want to acquire other customer. Teradata provides log data retention and a tamper-proof
data warehousing, big data analytics or remote access to the Teradata audit trail of all activity.
data management, Teradata now deliv- Database, Teradata Aster Database
ers these advanced capabilities with the or HDFS with maintenance, oper- Advanced Analytics for All
simplicity of cloud computing. ating system (OS) management Unlike other analytics companies
and database availability services. arriving to market with cloud offers,
Pick Your Cloud Type In this model, a customer accepts Teradata can provide a full range of
Teradata Cloud services are based on responsibility for data integra- services for analytics design and devel-
Teradatas workload-specific plat- tion and applications that use opment, including data loading into
form family, including balanced and the database. Additional service the cloud environment, data model-
configured solutions designed for a options include DBA assistance ing, BI reporting, advanced analytics
companys analytic needs today and for immediate user needs, or next- and more. Not all cloud computing
tomorrow. These engineered platforms day business ticket response. services are created equalespecially
are combined with either the Teradata >>Hybrid cloud service offers a fully since some are not expressly designed
Database, Teradata Aster Database or administered analytic environ- for analytics. Teradata Cloud services
Apache Hadoop Distributed File ment. Teradata provides the entire run leading Teradata Database and
System (HDFS) and include hardware data warehouse or discovery envi- discovery solutions on an infrastruc-
and software support, hosting services ronment, data integration, BI and/ ture that is scalable, highly available
and options for varying levels of or Teradata applications. Teradata and reliable.
ManagedServices. also provides all operational Companies can be confident that
Providing Teradata Cloud services support services for the environ- Teradata certified professionals will
on a subscription-based model aims to ment, including activities such as ensure infrastructure availability
eliminate upfront capital investments. database and system administra- alongside day-to-day analytics sup-
These service offers include monitor- tion, data backup, application port. Best of all, these capabilities are
ing, security, maintenance and support operations, authentication, access delivered in a budget-friendly monthly
for entire analytics environments. In controls, security, and perfor- subscription, making powerful analyt-
addition, data integration, business mance and capacity management. ics available to organizations of all
intelligence (BI), master data manage- For both formats, Teradata provides sizes with the benefits of acloud.T
ment and visualization applications secure connectivity between a cus-
are available. tomers network and Teradatas cloud Paul Barsch is a services marketing
Because organizations often have environment. In addition, security director for Teradata and a regular
diverse requirements, and some dont services consultants review a custom- contributor to Teradata Magazine. He
necessarily want to manage and/or ers specific requirements, architect has more than 15 years of IT experience.
maintain an analytics infrastructure, and implement mutually agreed upon
Teradata Cloud services are available controls as well as perform activity This article originally appeared in the
in two formats: monitoring and patching. Teradata Q3 2013 issue of Teradata Magazine.

PAGE 8 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

The Perfect Fit
Teradata Cloud offers fast, easy access to a powerful analytics
platform in an affordable and flexible pricingmodel.

by Paul Barsch and Ed White odays agile businesses are seeking to expand analytics fast, gain
flexible analytic deployment options and smooth cash flows. Teradata
understands these needs and has engineered a cloud solution that
meets organizations analytic needs.
Teradata Cloud provides enterprises with flexible as a service options for
data warehousing, discovery platform solutions and open-source Apache
Hadoop. These capabilities are available in a simple subscription-based
pricing model that helps reduce capital expenditures. Cloud starter kits are also
available that allow companies to leverage Teradatas vast industry expertise to
load data quickly, create BI reports and gain business value in a rapid fashion.
Organizations can now choose between an on-premises installation or flex-
ible cloud options that are secure and highly available. With Teradata Cloud,
it has never been easier to gain instant access to Teradata technologies to meet
todays competitive forces head on and capitalize on future opportunities. >>

PAGE 9 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

Key Considerations performance might work for a modest With Teradata Cloud, organizations
Industry analysts enjoy debating dataset and a small number of concur- have the capability to be up and run-
the substance of cloud computing. rent queries, but these cloud offerings ning in days instead of waiting weeks
However, squabbles on definitions will usually not meet the needs of or even months for IT equipment to
are mostly counterproductive demanding business users. be shipped, installed and powered on.
because the real value of cloud isnt And cloud capabilities from Teradata
in how it is defined; its the business Fast, Flexible and Powerful can be acquired in a subscription pric-
value it delivers. In a Financial Times Because performance, service level ing model to help smooth cash flows
publication titled, The Business agreements (SLAs) and availability are for asset-light businesses.
Landscape of Cloud Computing, important to business users, Teradata Adding to Teradatas success in
analyst Darryl Plummer writes: is now offering a complete cloud cloud computing are flexible options
Cloud computing means someone solution that delivers a cloud founda- to deploy:
else runs your computers and soft- tion, enhanced operational services >>Teradata Database, the worlds
ware while you use what they deliver and consulting services to help advise, most robust database engine with
and focus on delivering value. This architect and manage analytics. sophisticated workload manage-
simple definition shows the real Teradata Cloud eliminates the need ment and unparalleled features
value of cloud is the ability to focus for organizations to procure, maintain such as support for geospatial,
on customer needs while someone and capitalize an analytic infrastruc- temporal and columnar-based
else takes care of analytic infra- ture. Instead, analytic resources can be analytics.
structure and operations. quickly added to scale up for expand- >>Teradata Asters pre-built library of
In terms of performance, its impor- ing business needs. more than 100 SQL-MapReduce
tant to recognize that not all cloud
infrastructures are created equal.
Thats because analytic workloads
are typically CPU- and I/O-intensive.
Therefore, it does not make sense to figure Teradata Cloud Foundation and As a Service Options
run analytic workloads on cloud ser-
vices that are provisioned for general Data Warehouse Discovery Data Management
as a Service as a Service as a Service
purpose computing one day and for
data warehousing the next. Business
Consulting Consulting Consulting
users expect top tier performance, Services Services Services
which is why a cloud environment
dedicated and engineered specifically
for analytic workloads isimperative.
Enhanced Enhanced Enhanced
Lastly, when weighing analytic Services Services Services
cloud options, considerations such as
performance and functionality should
override the siren song of lowest Cloud Foundation Cloud Foundation Cloud Foundation
cost per terabyte. Few people would (Teradata Database) (Teradata Aster (Apache Hadoop)
buy a house based on the lowest price
per square foot. Likewise, a low price
for limited features and lethargic Teradata Cloud offers a full range of analytic services, including data
warehousing, discovery capabilities and data management.

PAGE 10 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

6 Factors Driving Cloud Analytics
functions that allow business users In addition to improved business agility, organizations are increasingly
to perform statistical analytics, text turning to cloud-based analytics for six reasons:
analytics, graph, path analysis and >> Cloud first mandates. Some enterprises institute a cloud first policy
more in a single solution. because C-level leadership no longer wants to support data centers,
>>Teradata Portfolio for Hadoop license software and capitalize IT assets.
for capturing, storing and refining >> Departmental use. Business users will acquire application-specific data
marts in the cloud.
multi-structured data.
>> Analytic pilots. Data warehousing or discovery pilot projects can take
advantage of cloud services for a short duration to show business value
Teradatas as a service options can quickly.
include everything for end-to-end >> Platform for applications. Cloud options are often attractive for
analytics, such as production DBA enterprises that wish to build solutions on top of an existing analytic
support, improved security for com- platform.
pliance purposes, enhanced backup, >> Development. Workloads for development are shifting to the cloud to
and management for data integration avoid affecting production data warehouse service level agreements.
and business intelligence (BI) servers. >> Disaster recovery. Cloud services provide a convenient, affordable
Additional consulting services are also option for IT disaster recovery.
available for advising on analytic best
practices, migrating from existing
databases, implementing new applica-
tions and providing analytic access. for Hadoop with maintenance, daily solutions. All data types, including
To succeed in analytics, customers backup and base security all included structured and multi-structured, can
require more than just a platform and in one low monthly subscription price. be conveniently stored and analyzed
database. Teradata is leveraging its (Seefigure, previous page.) in a cost-effective and cash-flow
unique vertical industry expertise to With this solution, Teradata handles friendly manner. To meet current
provide optional industry starter kits basic cloud infrastructure functions and future business needs, theres no
to help enterprises jump-start their such as hardware/software monitoring better option than Teradata Clouda
analytics projects. These accelerated and maintenance, security admin- powerful analytic solution thats scal-
packages include high-level logical and istration and resource provisioning. able, reliable, secure, and supported by
physical data models, and industry Teradata Cloud Foundation includes trained and certified associates.T
report templates. assistance with:
>>Customer onboarding Paul Barsch is a services marketing
Remote Access to >>Base security and networking director for Teradata and a regular
PowerfulAnalytics >>Data center management contributor to Teradata Magazine. He
Some enterprises have invested heavily >>Backup and recovery has more than 15 years of IT experience.
in acquiring, training and developing >>System availability Ed White is the general manager
talent in database administration, >>Provisioning for Teradata Cloud responsible for
application development and sus- >>Daily operational management the cross functional development
tainment, data modeling and other and deployment of Teradatas cloud
analytic skill sets. For these situations, Best Solution Possible strategy. Ed has more than 15 years of
the Teradata Cloud Foundation is a With Teradata Cloud, organizations data warehousing experience.
perfect fit since it offers remote access can select flexible cloud options that
to the Teradata Database, Teradata deliver data warehousing, discovery This article originally appeared in the
Asters analytic services and Portfolio analytics and data management Q4 2013 issue of Teradata Magazine.

PAGE 11 l TeradataMagazine.com l Special Edition l Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud

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