Speech Beirut, 8 November 2017

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excellences, your eminence. Mr Jibran Bassil, minister of foreign affairs

representing the president of the Republic of Lebanon. Distinguished guests,
ladies and gentlemen.

It is an absolute honor for me to be standing in front of you. I'd like to take a
moment to express my organizations and my personal appreciation of the work
that Syriac League does here in Lebanon. As a charity and advocacy organization
Malfono Habib Aframs international lobby operations for the indigenous
people of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran.

A Demand For Action (ADFA) started as a worldwide social media campaign, to
raise awareness about (ISIS) Daesh and other jihadist groups persecution and
ethnoreligious cleansing of Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs, Armenians, other
Christians, Yezidis and other non-Muslims groups.

Just before Mosul in north Iraq was invaded, we, volunteers from all over the
world, predicted that genocide was imminent. On the 2nd of July 2014 we sent
thousands of emails that contained reports, other files, facts and contact
information of people on the ground in Iraq and Syria.

The emails were sent to lawmakers, world leaders, NGO:s, UN and media editions
in many countries. There was a void; the most vulnerable groups needed an
international voice. Within just a couple of months ADFA was invited to the
White House, the U.S. Congress, Brussels and capitals all over the world.

Today we have been quoted more than 3000 times in international media, we
have been giving speeches in many parliaments, we have issued reports and we
have conducted charity operations.

Throughout all this work we have been co-operating with Syriac League.

And Malfono Habib Afram made it possible for me personally, (as a journalist) to
get the first interview with His Excellency Michel Aoun, a couple of days before
he was formally announced the president of Lebanon.

Just hours after the meeting with him I changed my clothes and joined Syriac
Leagues and ADFAs volunteers here in Lebanon.

I will never forget the first family we visited that day. A young couple and their
two children from Syria that were kidnapped by Daesh and recently released and
who now lived in a dump in one of the suburbs of Beirut.

The young mother cried as she told me: We thank God for Syriac League for, the
organization and its people give us hope back. They always ask for our needs,
supporting us with health care, food on the table, roof above our heads and
moral support, they show us that we are not forgotten.

Syriac League and ADFA are fighting for the same cause - with very minimal
resources and with only the help of our very few private sponsors - we will
continue to defend Christians and other persecuted minorities of the Middle

I have been given nice awards earlier in my life, but this is by far, the one that is
closest to my heart. On behalf of all the volunteers of ADFA, our board and our
sponsors: Taudi. Shukran. Merci. Thank you. I love you all.

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