Solar Generations Impact On Fault Current

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Solar Generations Impact on Fault Current

Kody Heppner

Student Advisor
Ahmad Nafisi

Senior Project


California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo

June, 2016

California is paving the road for other states with the capacity of solar installations for

residential and commercial entities. The added capacity of solar generation to the state's electric

grid has an impact on power flow and fault currents. This project looks at the impact of solar

installations on fault currents. Feeders with added residential rooftop solar and larger commercial

solar installations may impact the system differently than a large, utility-sized solar installation.

This project looks at the impact of both cases on the magnitude of fault current during many

different fault types and locations that can occur within a utility system.


Section Page
Abstract.. ii
Table of Contents... iii
Lists of Tables and Figures iv
Acknowledgements.... v
Chapter 1. Introduction.. 1
Chapter 2. Customer Needs, Requirements and Specifications. 3
2.1 Customer Needs... 3
2.2 Requirements and Specifications..... 3
Chapter 3. Modeling an Inverter 5
3.1 Constant Voltage Source vs. Constant Current Source... 5
3.2 Magnitude of Fault Current. 7
3.3 Type of Inverters Used. 8
Chapter 4. Modeling Results..9
4.1 Small-Scale Solar Model Overview. 9
4.2 Fault Current without Installed Solar Capacity.. 10
4.3 Fault Current with 500 kVA Installed Solar Capacity.....11
4.4 Fault Current with 1 MVA Installed Solar Capacity... 11
4.5 Utility-Scale 10 MVA Solar Model Overview.. 12
4.6 Fault Current with 10 MVA System..13
Chapter 5. Conclusions.. 15
References.. 16
Appendix A. Senior Project Analysis 17
Appendix B. Functional Decomposition23
Appendix C. Project Planning25
Appendix D. Solar Inverters.. 27


Tables Page
2.1 Requirements and Specifications.... 3
2.2 Project Deliverables......... 4
4.1 Fault Locations with Respect to Substation. 10
4.2 Fault Magnitudes without Installed Solar Capacity......................................................... 10
4.3a: 500 kVA -- LL and LLL Fault Magnitudes11
4.3b: 500 kVA -- LG and LLG Fault Magnitudes. 11
4.4a: 1 MVA -- LL and LLL Fault Magnitudes.12
4.4b: 1 MVA -- LG and LLG Fault Magnitudes... 12
4.5a: 500 kVA Inverters Total Fault Contribution.13
4.5b: 1 MVA Inverters Total Fault Contribution... 13
4.6: Percent Increase in Fault Current Magnitude with 10 MVA System..14
B.1: Level 0: Inputs, Outputs, and Functionality.. 23
B.2: Level 1 Block Diagram.. 24
C.1: Cost Estimates 26
D.1: Single Phase Inverters 27
D.2: Three-Phase Inverters 27

3.1 Three-Phase Fault Equivalent Circuit.. 5
3.2a Solar Plant as a Voltage Source..... 6
3.2b Solar Plant as a Current Source..... 6
3.3 Milsoft Inverter Model. 7
4.1 Feeder with 1 MVA Installed Solar..... 9
B.1: Level 0 Block Diagram.. 23
B.2: Level 1: Inputs, Outputs, and Functionality... 24
C.1: Gantt Chart Project Timeline. 25

Professor Nafisi Thank you for assisting in research and advising throughout the project.

Manjot Gill and Turlock Irrigation District Thank you for your cooperation throughout the

project in allowing me use of feeder models and obtaining other information required for the


Milsoft Utility Solutions Thank you for allowing me full access for usage of WindMil

software to conduct the project.

Brian Lassiter and Joshua Wolf Thank you for your help in obtaining WindMil and all

troubleshooting you helped me with throughout the project.


Chapter 1

This project fulfills California Polytechnic State Universitys requirements for a Senior

Project specific to obtain a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. Renewable resources

have exploded in technology and usability in the last 10 years. This project looks at solar

generations effect on the electric grid in terms of fault magnitude.

Distribution networks were designed and used in the past as a radial system [1]. Radial

systems are simple and low cost and the cost of distributed generation was not economical. The

falling prices and increased efficiency of distributed generation systems, specifically solar,

combined with the increasing costs to produce and distribute power has made it more economical

for utilities to make use of distributed generation [2]. The installation of distributed generation

impacts the magnitude of the fault current of a circuit. A fault on a circuit causes massive

amounts of power flow in a very short window of time which can have destructive affects [4].

Utilities must keep the magnitude of fault current down as much as possible. With distributed

generation, more sources exist that contribute current to a fault [3].

This project looks at how distributed generation affects the magnitude of fault currents in

two different situations. The first with solar generation in the form of rooftop and commercial

solar installations spread throughout a feeder. In this case, 500 kVA of solar capacity was added

and then the fault study conducted. Then, an additional 500 kVA, for a total of 1 MVA, was

added to the same circuit and the study repeated. The second case is a 10 MVA solar system

installed near the substation. In this case, two different scenarios were looked at. The first with

500 kVA inverters, and the second with 1 MVA inverters.


Milsoft Utility Solutions WindMil software was used for this project because of my

previous experience with it doing load-flow analysis and coordination studies. Turlock Irrigation

District (TID) provided feeder models in WindMil with all of the required data. TID also

provided information about solar inverters that had been installed on their system.

Chapter 2

Customer Needs,
Requirements & Specifications
2.1 Customer Needs

This project was conducted for Turlock Irrigation District (TID). With the rise in solar

installations throughout the electric grid, some impacts are not as well explored. TID was

interested in knowing the effects of many solar installations throughout a feeder as well as the

impacts a large solar system would have.

2.2 Requirements and Specifications

The electric grid is a complex interconnected system. Changes in the grid miles away,

impacts the grid in multiple places. This is the driving thought determining the requirements and

specifications. This project utilizes a computer model of a real-world feeder to look at various

fault conditions. The requirements and specifications for this project narrow down the location of

the simulated faults and the information gathered. Table 2.1 lists the full requirements and


Table 2.1: Requirements and Specifications

Marketing Engineering
Requirements Specifications
1 The model must utilize real-world Using a real-world circuit ensures
circuits. accuracy and remains unbiased.
1 Computer model must have the Computers are able to compute
capability to calculate load flows, complex algorithms used in model.
voltage drop, and fault current.
2 The model must utilize existing Ensures accuracy.
inverter sizes and specifications.
3, 4, 5 Solar installations capacity must not Increased generation in a circuit leads

produce a fault current above the to higher fault currents. Adequately

rated safety values of feeder rated electrical equipment prevents
electrical equipment. larger and more costly failures.
3, 4, 5 Compare fault currents without This specification helps to quantify
generation and with generation. the impact of generation on the
Marketing Requirements
1. A computer model of a feeder from a substation must be implemented.
2. A computer model of the solar inverters must be implemented.
3. Determine residential solar installations effect on fault current.
4. Determine commercial solar installations effect on fault current.
5. Determine utility-scale solar installations effect on fault current.

Table 2.2 lists the projects expected deliverables deadlines. A more detailed timeline is given in

Appendix C in the form of a Gantt Chart.

Table 2.2: Project Deliverables

Delivery Date Deliverable Description
November 2, 2015 ABET Sr. Project Analysis
December 11, 2015 Computer model chosen
January 15, 2016 Design Review
January 15, 2016 Data for computer model acquired
March 4, 2016 EE 461 report
June 1, 2016 EE 462 demo and first report
June 10, 2016 EE 462 Final Report

Chapter 3

Modeling an Inverter
3.1 Constant Voltage Source vs. Constant Current Source

In calculating fault currents, a constant voltage source is used for the substation. Then,

using the impedances between the fault and the source, the magnitude of the fault current can be

determined. In this way, the only thing that determines the magnitude of the fault, is the

impedance between the fault and source. For example, for a three-phase fault, the simplified

circuit is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Three-Phase Fault Equivalent Circuit

In this case, the magnitude of the fault is mostly dependent on how close to the source the fault

location is. If a fault occurs further from the source, the impedance between the source and fault

is greater which results in a lower fault current.

The best way to model a solar inverter is to use the model of a solar panel which is a

constant current source [6]. Using this model will produce a different magnitude of fault current

than if a voltage source was used. For example, by inserting a solar generation plant between the

substation and fault location of our previous case, the equivalent circuits shown in Figure 3.2

will be obtained for a constant voltage source and a constant current source.

Figure 3.2a: Solar Plant as a Voltage Source

Figure 3.2b: Solar Plant as a Current Source

As can be seen from inspection, changing the fault location will change the line impedance

values but will not affect the solar plants contribution to the fault. Unfortunately, Milsoft does

not have the option to model the inverter as a constant current source. A constant voltage source

was used and the error that this inflicts on each study will be addressed in each section.

3.2 Magnitude of Fault Current

To model an inverter in Milsoft, the inverter impedance was needed. Solar inverters have

a maximum current output at full load conditions. The maximum magnitude of the fault current

will not exceed 1.5 times the maximum current output [7]. In fact, most solar inverters will only

output 1.2 times the maximum rated output [8]. To be conservative and leave room for error, 1.5

will be used. The value contributed from each inverter can then be calculated and is shown in

Appendix D.

In Milsoft, the magnitude of the fault current was input for each type of inverter. Milsoft

calculates the positive, negative, and zero sequence values of the inverter based on the input fault

magnitudes for a three phase fault and a line-to-ground fault.

Figure 3.3: Milsoft Inverter Model

Shown in Figure 3.3 is a screenshot of the inverter settings for a 1 MVA ABB inverter. A fault

magnitude of 1.5 times the maximum AC rated output or 2168 A is input. Milsoft calculates the

positive sequence impedance value from this. Solar inverters during a fault, do not contribute any

zero or negative sequence currents [9]. Because of this, changing the line-to-ground fault input in

Milsoft does not affect the magnitude of the fault current calculation for any of the fault types.

Therefore, it does not matter what the zero or negative sequence impedance values are for

calculating the fault magnitude at another point in the feeder. Milsoft will only use the positive

sequence value.

An example for calculating the magnitude of fault current contributed by a single inverter

is as follows:

For the PVP 100 kVA inverter:

AC maximum current = 120 A

120 A x 1.5 = 180 A at 480 V

Transformer ratio: 12,470 V / 480 V = 26

180 A / 26 = 6.9 A

For an inverter designed to deliver up to 100 kVA, during a fault it will only contribute at

most 6.9 A at the 12 kV level. The inverter is modeled to deliver 1.5 times the AC maximum

current at the rated voltage. Milsoft does the above calculation to determine the fault contribution

of an inverter. It also factors in other complex factors such as line reactances, distance, etc.

3.3 Type of Inverters Used

TID provided a list of inverters that have been installed on their system. Several were randomly

selected for use in this project. A complete list of the inverters and their fault contribution can be

found in Appendix D.

Chapter 4

Modeling Results
4.1 Small-Scale Solar Model Overview

Commercial and residential solar installations have become more popular on a utilities electric

grid. To look at the impacts of installed solar plants on the grid, 500 kVA of solar capacity was

modeled on a single feeder. Then on the same feeder, 500 kVA was added for a total of 1 MVA

installed solar capacity. The installed solar plants were distributed throughout the circuit.

Figure 4.1: Feeder with 1 MW Installed Solar


Shown in Figure 4.1 is a high level view of the feeder with 1 MVA solar capacity installed.

Visible in the picture is the solar plants locations and the fault locations. For a detailed list of

inverters used, refer to Appendix D. For each case (500 kVA installed solar capacity, 1 MVA

installed solar capacity), the fault flow tool in Milsoft was ran for three-phase faults, single line-

to-ground faults on each phase, double line-to-ground faults, and line-to-line faults.

Table 4.1: Fault Locations with Respect to Substation

Fault Location Distance From Substation

1 0.2 miles
2 1.2 miles

3 1.9 miles

Three fault locations were looked at for each case. The fault locations were chosen based on their

distance from the feeder. The first fault location is very near the substation while the second

location is about a mile downstream of the substation and close to the center of the feeder. The

third location is at the end of the feeder and nearly 2 miles away from the substation.

4.2 Fault Current without Installed Solar Capacity

Using the model sent by TID, the fault currents at all three locations were calculated. The

results are shown in Table 4.2. Since every fault location is on a three-phase line, the fault

magnitude will be identical witgfh respect to its fault type.

Table 4.2: Fault Magnitudes without Installed Solar Capacity (Amps)

Location LG LLG LL LLL
1 11133 11953 10654 12302
2 4912 5884 5453 6296
3 3474 4291 4014 4635

4.3 Fault Current with 500 kW Installed Solar Capacity

With the added solar generators, the fault current analysis was run again. The fault current was

calculated for each fault type and for each phase.

Table 4.3a: 500 kVA -- LL and LLL Fault Magnitudes (Amps)

Fault Type AB BC CA LLL
Inverter Contribution A B B C C A A B C
Fault Location 1 36 22 35 24 38 24 35 33 36
Fault Location 2 37 22 36 23 38 25 35 34 36
Fault Location 3 30 16 29 16 31 17 27 25 27

Table 4.3b: 500 kVA -- LG and LLG Fault Magnitudes (Amps)

Inverter Contribution AG BB CG A B B C C A
Fault Location 1 24 23 24 34 25 34 26 26 37
Fault Location 2 21 21 23 36 24 35 26 37 26
Fault Location 3 15 14 16 27 20 27 20 27 20

Shown in Table 4.3a and Table 4.3b is the contribution of fault current from all the installed

inverters during a fault. The fault current contributed by the source is in Table 4.2 for each

respective case. The values shown in Table 4.3a and Table 4.3b were calculated from the model

results by subtracting the current contributed by the source from the total current supplied to the

fault. Compared to the magnitude of fault current contributed by the source, the inverters do not

have a large impact. With fault current magnitudes not even in the triple digits, the inverters do

not change the overall fault current by more than 1%.

4.4 Fault Current with 1 MW Installed Solar Capacity

With an additional 500 kW of installed solar capacity, the fault currents were again calculated.

As expected, the additional generation did not have much of an impact.


Table 4.4a: 1 MVA -- LL and LLL Fault Magnitudes (Amps)

Fault Type AB BC CA LLL
Inverter Contribution A B B C C A A B C
Fault Location 1 69 46 67 42 65 45 66 64 62
Fault Location 2 57 36 58 35 56 34 52 54 52
Fault Location 3 59 35 58 32 56 33 54 54 51

Table 4.4b: 1 MVA -- LG and LLG Fault Magnitudes (Amps)

Inverter Contribution AG BB CG A B B C C A
Fault Location 1 45 44 42 67 50 65 47 63 49
Fault Location 2 42 41 39 68 49 65 45 63 48
Fault Location 3 31 30 28 54 41 52 38 50 39

Since the magnitude of fault currents contributed by the inverters is small relative to the source,

the error due to the inverter model being a constant voltage source instead of a constant current

source does not have an impact.

4.5 Utility-Scale 10 MVA Solar Model Overview

To analyze the effects of a much larger sized solar installation, a 10 MVA system was

added to the same feeder analyzed previously. All other solar inverters were removed so it was

just the 10 MVA system. Because of the different designs available for use in the system, two

different cases were studied. In the first case, the inverters used were 500 kVA. This required the

use of 20 inverters to reach 10 MVA. In the second case, 1 MVA inverters were used with a total

of 10 inverters. In each case, 10 1 MVA transformers were used. The inverters and

transformers were connected to the 12 kV system just downline of Fault Location 1 in Figure


4.6 Fault Current with 10 MVA System

The same fault locations and type of fault as studied in the previous sections was looked at here.

The generation in the feeder is balanced on all three phases so the fault currents per phase will all

be equal.

Table 4.5a: 500 kVA Inverters Total Fault Contribution (Amps)

Fault Contribution
Fault Type LLL LL LLG LG
Fault Location 1 1201 1043 1062 802
Fault Location 2 756 683 695 610
Fault Location 3 679 632 640 592

Table 4.5b: 1 MVA Inverters Total Fault Contribution (Amps)

Fault Contribution
Fault Type LLL LL LLG LG
Fault Location 1 1200 1041 1061 801
Fault Location 2 755 682 694 609
Fault Location 3 678 631 639 591

Shown in Table 4.5a is the magnitude of the fault contribution of the 20 500 kVA inverters. In

Table 4.5b is the magnitude of the fault contribution of the 10 1 MVA inverters. Both types of

inverters were from the same manufacturer. As a check, to determine if the model gives a

reasonable solution the following is shown:

The fault magnitude of the 500 kVA inverter is 1,448 A at 519 V. These values can be seen in

list form for all inverters in Appendix D.

12,470 V / 519 V = 24.0 V / V

1,448 A / 24 = 60.3 A

60.3 A x 20 inverters = 1206 A


The fault magnitude of the 1 MVA inverter is 2,168 A at 692 V.

12,470 V / 692 V = 18.0 V / V

2,168 A / 18.0 = 120.4 A

120.4 A x 10 inverters = 1204 A

Therefore, the fault magnitudes of both types of inverters should be similar, which is what is


The impact of the 10 MVA system effects the grid much greater than the smaller,

distributed solar systems.

Table 4.6: Percent Increase in Fault Current Magnitude with 10 MVA System
Location LG LLG LL LLL
Fault Location 1 10.79 % 8.73 % 9.97 % 6.52 %
Fault Location 2 15.39 % 11.61 % 12.75 % 9.69 %
Fault Location 3 19.55 % 14.73 % 15.94 % 12.77 %

Shown in Table 4.6 is the percent increase of the fault current magnitude compared to the fault

current with no solar plants installed on the system. It is clear from these percentages that the

impact from the 10 MVA system is significant. At fault location 3, the difference results in an

almost 20% increase in fault magnitude for a line-to-ground fault! It should be noted that the

further away from the substation the fault occurs, the greater the impact on the fault magnitude.

This is because the solar generation acts more as a constant current source rather than a constant

voltage source.

Chapter 5

Solar installations effect on the electric grid depends on a couple things. The size of the

installation is most important. Even when the capacity of solar reached 1 MW, the effect on the

electric grid was barely even noticeable. However, a utility-sized installation may have a larger

impact. The 10 MVA system modeled in this project had a significant impact. The installation

contributed fault current that ranged from 600 A up to 1200 A. Comparing this current to the

current contributed by the source during a fault gave a percent increase ranging from 6% up to

20% depending on the fault type and the fault location.

It is important to still note that the model used in Milsoft for the solar inverters was a

constant voltage source associated with an impedance. This would cause a different effect than if

the inverters were modeled with a constant current source. The closer the fault is to the modeled

inverters, the less effect this will have. This may cause larger contribution to the fault current

magnitude than modeled here for locations further from the solar installation. However,

remember that the impedance of the inverters was calculated with 1.5 times the maximum rated

output current rather than 1.2 multiples which will make up for some of that difference.

This project showed the importance of knowing the impacts of generation that is being

tied to the grid. Analyzing the effects of a solar installation should be done on a case-by-case

basis as no case is the same. The size of the installation as well as the equipment used will have

an impact on how the feeder will behave during a fault.


[1] S. XinYue, The Study on Protection Schemes for Distribution System in Presence of
Distributed Generation, Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, vol. 2, October

[2] S.M. Brahma, Development of Adaptive Protection Scheme for Distribution Systems with
High Penetration of Distributed Generation, Power Delivery, vol. 19, no. 1, January 2004.

[3] P.P. Barker, Determining the Impact of Distributed Generation on Power Systems, Power
Engineering Society Summer Meeting, vol. 3, July, 2000.

[4] L. Grigsby et al, Power Systems, 3rd ed. Boca Raton (Fla.): CRC Press, 2012.

[5] J. Keller and B. Kroposki, Understanding Fault Characteristics of Inverter-Based Distributed

Energy Resources, NREL., Golden, CO, Rep. January 2010.

[6] D. Bejmert and T. Sidhu, Present Problems of Power System Control, Wroclaw Univ. of
Tech., Wroclaw, Poland, Rep. 2012.

[7] D. Turcotte and F. Katiraei, Fault Contribution of Gird-Connected Inverters, in IEEE

Electrical Power Conf., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2009.

[8] F. Katiraei. (2012, October). Investigation of Solar PV Inverters Current Contributions during
Faults on Distribution and Transmission Systems Interruptions Capacity. [Online]. Availabe:

[9] E. Muljadi, M. Singh, V. Gevorgian, and R. Bravo, Dynamic Model Validation of PV

Inverters Under Short-Circuit Conditions, in IEEE Green Technologies Conference. Denver,
CO, April 4-5, 2013.

[10] N. Rajaei, Fault Current Management Using Inverter-Based Distributed Generators in

Smart Grids, Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 5, September 2014.

Appendix A

Senior Project Analysis

Functional Requirements

California paves the road for other states with the capacity of solar installations for

residential and commercial entities. The magnitude of added capacity to the state's electric grid

due to solar has an impact on power flow and fault currents. This project looks at the impact of

solar installations to fault currents and load flows. The addition of so many power sources affects

the fault current potential at various points along the grid.

Additionally, this project looks at the larger scale of power flow in the grid. With solar

systems, both utility and consumer owned, now installed at various points along distribution

feeders, power flows no longer in one directional. This project looks at the present protection

schemes commonly in use today and whether they are adequate for continued use in a non-radial


Primary Constraints

A significant challenge with this project was choosing the correct circuits to analyze and

modeling the circuits. The ideal situation uses actual circuits that exist in the field and have

distributed generation. This goal was accomplished by speaking with Turlock Irrigation District

and obtaining permission to utilize their circuit models. The next issue determined which

circuits to model and study. Since in the field, infinite possibilities and set-ups exists, several

circuits were chosen that had varying set-ups. For example, one circuit chosen had small

distributed generation balanced throughout the circuit while another circuit studied had several

large distributed generation throughout.


One limiting factor for this project was the model. The model used for the circuits was

only as accurate as the data that was used to describe the circuit elements. The most accurate

information about the circuit elements were obtained in order to most accurately build the model.


With every project attempted or completed, economic impacts occur. These impacts can

be felt all the way from the manufacturing to the end user or even to a third party. Since this

project contains only a computer simulations and data analysis there are no manufacturing

impacts. The main economic impacts of this project applies to financial and natural capital. The

main subject of this project is the impact of distributed generation on distribution circuits.

Distributed generation mainly consists of solar or wind power. The more solar generation, the

less utilities must rely on non-renewable energy sources to generate power. Determining how the

influx of solar generation impacts the electric grid is a key component for future planning of the

grid. This is a financial and natural capital economic impact. Investors have spent large sums of

money on renewable energy and solar is the leading driver of this. This also, is a financial

impact. Some human economic impacts as a result of this project are also felt. The electric grid

must begin adapting to the changes occurring to it. This leads to more work for linemen and

more money spent on wages and equipment.

Costs and benefits accrued throughout the duration of the project. Since the bulk of the

project analyzed several computer models and simulations, the only costs for the project included

labor and software. The software used was provided through California Polytechnic State

University so there no financial charge occurred. Benefits occurred after project completion

when the full analysis completed.


As mentioned earlier, since the project as based on computer modeling and simulation,

the inputs to the experiment is the data for the model. The data for the model was obtained from

data sheets for the electrical equipment used and billing information provided by Turlock

Irrigation District. The total cost of the project included labor provided free of charge.

If Manufactured on a Commercial Basis

The data and information gathered from the study was shared with Turlock Irrigation

District in response to them allowing the project to utilize their circuit models. Because of this,

no part of this project was sold.


Manufacturing for this project was defined as the time it takes to build and set-up the

computer model. The environmental impacts of this are the power used by the computers to build

the model. An indirect impact, energy, was used by the makers of the computer software.

Overall, however, this project had a positive impact on the environment. The project looked at

the impact of solar generation in which the results help make the grid safer and more adaptable.

Through this project, the grid becomes more durable and more efficient which saves power,

money, and resources directly by the power saved and by the equipment saved.


Since the nature of this project is analysis of individual circuits using a computer model,

there is no manufacturing involved.


The techniques developed from the completed project may be applied to other circuits

and models. This is all done by use of computer modeling. Because of this the only

environmental impact uses power to run the computers. This does not have a significant impact

on the environment. Some challenges do arise when maintaining the project. The electric grid

constantly changes even day-to-day. Keeping a large system modeled and up to date to

constantly do analysis takes too much time. This project hopefully gives rise to techniques that

can be applied to other circuits in terms of protection and sustainability so written standards help

analyze the different types of circuits and models.


It can be difficult to pin down a good definition of ethics. For this section ethics will be

defined as a set of moral principles or values. To examine the ethics encompassed in this project,

the IEEE Code of Ethics will be used with Ethical Principlism.

Looking at the IEEE Code of Ethics (CoE) reveals this project has some ethical

implications relevant to the IEEE CoE and specifically numbers 3, 5, 6, and 7. The third code

refers to honesty and being realistic in claims or estimates. This is specific to this project by one

must be honest and not attempt to adjust the model or data in order to gain a desired output. With

computer simulations, variables changed to affect the output of the system can skew results. In

order for this project to adhere to the IEEE CoE this must be avoided. The fifth IEEE CoE refers

to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of technology. In relation to this project, it

must be kept clear that the main component is a computer model, not an exact

representation. Trusting the model to be more than it is, can lead to fault analysis and


At the beginning of the project, before the project plans had even been written, I did not

have the technical skills to complete the project. Only by studying the material, guided by

professionals who had specific experience, and referencing reliable sources have I gained the

appropriate technical knowledge to complete this project. That said, one must ensure they have

the technical skill and knowledge to use and apply the results of this project. This is the exact

implications of IEEE CoE point 6. One must only take on tasks that he has qualified training or

experience in. Knowing this it is also important to accept criticism. This is point 7 of IEEE CoE.

If someone qualified takes issue with part of the project, their concerns should be adequately


This project can also be looked at in terms of Ethical Principlism. Ethical Principlism can

be broken down into four different categories: autonomy which refers to freedom, non-

maleficence, beneficence, and justice. Freedom in this case relates to the project by giving

someone the freedom to analyze the computer models and do the project. Non-maleficence refers

to the project not having bad qualities. As mentioned in the environmental section, the

disadvantages of this project are the time it takes to complete and the energy spent. Beneficence

refers to the amount of good that the project will accomplish. The goal of this project is to learn

about the effect of distributed generation which the results help the grid become safer and more

reliable. Therefore, this aspect fulfills the beneficence part of Ethical Principlism.

Health and Safety

One of the main goals of this project analyzed distributed generations effect on fault

current and how that impacts power protection. Power protection protects the electric grid from

dangerous situations and to cut power when the grid malfunctions. Therefore the project must be

properly conducted and great care taken to avoid inaccuracies which lead to flawed conclusions.

Overall, the project had a positive impact on safety since it looked at better protecting the electric

grid and the equipment that is a part of the grid. This leads to fewer faults causing unsuspected

results and accidents.


Social and Political

This project had many direct and indirect stakeholders involved. Some direct

stakeholders are utilities and electric equipment manufacturers. Utilities are direct stakeholders

because the project studied their product and way of delivering power. This project positively

benefits utilities by making the grid safer, more efficient, and more understood. Electric

equipment manufacturers are direct stakeholders since the equipment they sell to utilities must

have a high enough safety rating of fault current. An indirect stakeholder is the solar companies

and customers of the utilities. Solar companies are indirect stakeholders because changes in

design of the panels or inverters may decrease the magnitude of fault current. Customers of the

utilities are indirect stakeholders since having a safe and reliable grid benefits them as they have

reliable power.


In order to successfully complete this project, techniques for calculating fault current and

modeling electrical systems were learned. Circuit modeling was something I had done several

times during internships but did not require such an accurate model. Learning and deciding

which factors to include or not include made an impact on the project. The other technique used

during this project was the calculation of fault current. I had a general idea of how to calculate

fault current before the project started but a higher level of understanding was required to

complete the project.


Appendix B

Functional Decomposition
B.1 Level 0 Block Diagram

Figure B.1 shows a level 0 block diagram. The computer model takes conductor, transformer,

load data, inverter impedances, and other relevant feeder information. The model calculates fault

currents at any point in the circuit.

Figure B.1: Level 0 Block Diagram

Table B.1 shows a more detailed summary of the level 0 block diagram and summarizes the

functionality of the system.

Table B.1: Level 0: Inputs, Outputs, and Functionality

Inputs: Feeder/circuit information:
Conductor data: type, length, impedance, UG or OH
Transformer data: kVA, phase, impedance
Inverter data: impedance, fault current supplied
Outputs: Fault currents at selected locations:
Near substation
Halfway down feeder
End of feeder
Functionality: Solar generations effect on fault current and protection schemes.

B.2 Level 1 Block Diagram

A level 1 block diagram is shown in Figure B.2. This diagram shows 4 models contained inside

the main block.

Figure B.2: Level 1 Block Diagram

The difference between the models is the amount and location of solar plants modeled. In the

first model, 500 kW of solar is distributed throughout the feeder. The second model has 1 MW

distributed throughout the feeder. Models 3 and 4 consist of a 10 MVA solar system installed

near the substation. Model 3 has 500 kVA inverters and Model 4 has 1 MVA inverters. Shown in

Table B.2 is a summary of the inputs, outputs, and functionality.

Table B.2: Level 1: Inputs, Outputs, and Functionality

Model Inputs Outputs Functionality
1 500 kVA total of solar installations Solar generations
2 1 MVA total of solar installations effect on fault
3 10 MVA solar system with 500 kVA inverters current and
4 10 MVA solar system with 1 MVA inverters protection schemes.

Appendix C

Project Planning
Gantt Chart

Displayed in Figure C.1 is a Gantt chart that lists the major project tasks. The gap in the center of

the chart is the time between quarters for Cal Poly. The chart begins at December 28 but that task

started in early October. The tasks proceeding it until the gap involved the set-up of a computer

model. Once the model was complete, the first six weeks of the final quarter was allotted for

analysis. The report was also written during this time.






Obtain approval to utililize TID's real world circuits

Design circuits (if no TID approval)

Model and map conductors, transformers, and

Model inverters and solar generation

500 kVA total case 1

1 MVA total case 2

10 MVA with 500 kVA inverters case 3

10 MVA with 1 MVA inverters case 4

Record process of implementing model

Record analysis of all 3 cases

Final Report

Figure C.1: Gantt Chart Project Timeline


Cost Estimates

Since this project involves computer simulations and analysis, the only cost required for this

project is labor. The project makes use of free software programs through Cal Poly or student

versions offered from software companies. The table shown in Table C.1 is of cost estimates for

this project. The calculated cost was found by using the following equation:

+ 4 +

Table C.1: Cost Estimates

Item/part Pessimistic Most Likely Cost Optimistic Cost Calculated Cost
Labor ($125.00 an $15,625.00 $18,750.00 $21,875.00 $18,750.00
hour) (125 Hours) (150 Hours) (175 Hours)
WindMil Free Free Free Free

Appendix D

Solar Inverters
Inverters Used

Several inverters were provided by TID to be used in this project. Shown in Table D.1 and Table
D.2 is the inverters used in this project. All values were obtained from the manufacturers

Table D.1: Single Phase Inverters

Power Nominal Maximum Fault
Rating (kW) Voltage (V) Current (A) Current (A)
Fronius IG Plus A 3.0-240 3 240 13 19
Sunny Boy 6000TL-240 6 240 25 38
Sunny Boy 7000TL-240 7 240 32 48
SE 11400-240 11.4 240 48 71
Fronius IG Plus 11.4-240 11.4 240 48 71

Table D.2: Three-Phase Inverters

Power Nominal Maximum Fault
Rating (kW) Voltage (V) Current (A) Current (A)
Sunny 20000TL-US-480 20 480 24 36
PVP 100 kW 100 480 120 180
PVP 260 kW 260 480 316 474
PVS800-57-0500kW 500 300 965 1448
PVS800-57-1000kW 1000 400 1445 2168

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