SMS SRH-2D SedimentTransport

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SRH-2D Tutorials Sediment Transport Modeling

SMS v. 12.2
SRH-2D Tutorial
Sediment Transport Modeling

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform sediment transport simulations in SRH-2D.

Prerequisites Requirements Time

SMS Overview tutorial SRH-2D Model 3060 minutes model setup
SRH-2D Map Module Up to 3 hours model run
Mesh Module
Data files

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SRH-2D Tutorials Sediment Transport Modeling

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background...................................................................................................................... 3
2 Getting Started....................................................................................................................... 3
3 Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Creating the Boundary Condition Coverage .................................................................... 4
3.2 Assigning the Boundary Conditions ................................................................................ 7
3.3 Assigning Monitor Lines ................................................................................................. 8
4 Assigning Monitor Points ...................................................................................................... 9
5 Assigning Sediment Material Properties ........................................................................... 11
6 Defining the SRH-2D Simulation ....................................................................................... 13
6.1 Linking Components ..................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Assigning SRH-2D Parameters ..................................................................................... 14
6.3 Model Check ................................................................................................................. 15
6.4 Running SRH-2D .......................................................................................................... 15
6.5 Viewing SRH-2D Output .............................................................................................. 16
7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 19

1 Introduction
The Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Two-Dimensional (SRH-2D) model is a
hydraulic, sediment, temperature, and vegetation model for river systems developed by
the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and sponsored by the United States
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Sediment Transport modeling is an advanced topic. This tutorial assumes that the user is
knowledgeable and experienced with the SMS interface and the SRH-2D hydraulic
model. Furthermore, this tutorial demonstrates how to set up and run a sediment transport
simulation in SRH-2D with SMS, but does not provide background on sediment transport
theory or the analysis methodology.
Users should have proper training in sediment transport theory before performing and
relying on sediment transport simulations. Some guidance is provided in the SRH-2D
articles in the SMS documentation ( but
this is not considered as comprehensive or sufficient for proper training. Refer to
Hydraulic Series 6 1 and other sediment transport texts for additional background.
For this tutorial, a previously developed SRH-2D hydraulic simulation is extended to
include sediment transport simulations. The primary interest for FHWA is in relation to
bridge scour, and SRH-2D sediment transport simulations can be very informative for
estimating contraction scour, which is essentially an erosion and sediment transport
problem. SRH-2D also provides detailed hydraulic output that can be used to estimate
pier and abutment scour potential.

Richardson, E.V., Simons, D.B. and Lagasse, P.F., 2001. River engineering for highway encroachments-
highways in the river environment, Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulic Series No. 6, Washington,
DC. Publication NHI-01004.

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SRH-2D Tutorials Sediment Transport Modeling

1.1 Background
The Cimarron River example from the SMS SRH-2D overview tutorial was modified for
use in this tutorial. The modifications included converting the model to U.S. Customary
units and adjusting the material types to provide additional detail in the overbank areas.
Further modifications included adjusting the flow, up- and downstream boundary
conditions and restart file to represent the 50-year peak flow event. The 50-year flood
discharge was selected because it comes close to overtopping the road, although a road
overtopping discharge could also have been selected.
The Cimarron River hydraulic model is well suited for sediment transport analysis
because the level of detail in the channel and floodplains is good without being too
refined. The number of elements (approximately 28,000) is well within the target for
SRH-2D sediment transport simulations (targeting less than 30,000 elements and upper
limit of generally less than 40,000 elements). Run times for sediment transport
simulations can be extremely long, so limiting the number of elements is necessary and
excessively large networks may not even run as sediment transport simulations.
Hydraulic models with more than 40,000 elements may need to be reconfigured for fewer
elements while still maintaining an adequate representation of the channel and floodplain.
This tutorial will cover defining sediment parameters and properties including sediment
material types, boundary conditions, transport equation, and other input parameters. This
tutorial is for instruction purposes and is not intended as an analysis of actual conditions
at this bridge crossing.

2 Getting Started
To start this tutorial:
1. Launch the SMS application.
2. Select File | Open to bring up the Open dialog.
3. Browse to the file Cimarron_Sed.sms located in the data files folder for this
4. Click Open to import the project file and close the Open dialog.
This file opens the existing hydraulic model as shown in Figure 1. The project includes
results from a hydraulic run of the 50-year recurrence flood condition, which is used as a
restart condition for the sediment transport run. This project will be modified to perform
sediment transport simulations.

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Figure 1 The hydraulic model of the Cimarron River

3 Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions force certain hydrodynamic conditions and sediment transport rates
onto the model. For this model, an inflow water and sediment boundary conditions will
be specified at the upstream boundary and a water-surface elevation will be specified at
the downstream boundary.

3.1 Creating the Boundary Condition Coverage

In SRH-2D, the boundary conditions parameters are assigned to an SRH-2D boundary
condition coverage. This coverage will become part of the SRH-D simulation and how
the simulation is specified as a sediment transport simulation.
To create the boundary conditions coverage for the sediment transport simulation, modify
the boundary conditions coverage used for the hydrodynamic model.
1. Right-click on the BC_Flow coverage under Map Data in the Project
Explorer and select Duplicate.
2. Right-click on the duplicate coverage and select Rename. Name the coverage
Now change the simulation type from a hydrodynamic (Flow) simulation to a mobile
boundary simulation (Mobile).

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3. Right-click on the BC_Sed and select BC Types to bring up the BC Type

Parameters dialog.
4. Select Mobile from the Hydro/Transport pull-down menu.
The Sediment Transport Parameters are now available and can be modified to represent
the site conditions.
5. Set Sediment Specific Gravity to 2.65 (the default value).
The values input into the Particle Diameter Threshold box represent the bin sizes of the
bed material gradations and sediment inflow gradations. Nine representative bin sizes are
specified (Table 1). Typically the bins are defined using the Phi scale.
6. At the bottom of the Particle Diameter Threshold box, select Insert Above
7. Enter 0.0025 mm into the field. This value is the lower end of the first bin.
8. Select the Insert Below button
9. Enter 0.0625 mm. This value is the upper end of the first bin and the lower end
of the second bin.
10. Repeat steps 89 to continue adding the remaining values: 0.125, 0.25,
0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 in increasing sizes in Table 1. The ten values
create nine bins.
Table 1: Representative Sediment Sizes
Bin Lower (mm) Upper (mm)
1 0.0025 0.0625
2 0.0625 0.125
3 0.125 0.25
4 0.25 0.5
5 0.5 1
6 1 2
7 2 4
8 4 8
9 8 16

Note: The maximum number of bin sizes in SRH-2D is nine; the more bin sizes,
the longer the simulation time. The smallest bin size (0.0025 to 0.0625 mm in
this case) can be used for cohesive sediment transport modeling. This will be
demonstrated in another tutorial.
There are seven sediment transport equations available including Engelund-Hansen
(1972), Meyer-Peter Mller (1948), Parker (1990), Wilcock-Crowe (2003), Wu et al.
(2000), Yang (1973) Sand with Yang (1984) Gravel, and Yang (1979) Sand with Yang
(1984) Gravel. In addition, there is a mixed option, where the user can specify a Sediment
Size Class Cutoff and two sediment transport equations. One equation applies to sediment
sizes less than the Sediment Size Class Cutoff, and the other equation applies to sediment
sizes greater.

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11. For this example, leave the transport equation and parameters at the defaults:
a. Sediment Transport Equation set to Engelund-Hansen.
b. Water Temperature to 12 (degrees Celsius).
c. Adaption Coefficients for Suspended Load2 to:
Deposition Coefficient to 0.25.
Erosion Coefficient to 1.
There are five methods available for setting the Adaption Length for Bedload Transport,
including the Constant Length, Phillips-Sutherland Saltation Length Formula, Van
Rijn Sand Dune Formula, Van Rijn Saltation Length Formula, and the Seminar et al.
(2002) Formula. The SRH-2D pre-processor provides the following guidelines:
Constant Length is recommended for gravel bed rivers (Length=1 to 5 channel widths),
the Phillips-Sutherland Saltation Length Formula is recommended for sandy bed rivers.
12. Set Mode, under Adaption Length for Bedload Transport, to Phillips-Sutherland
Saltation Length Formula.
There are two methods to set the Active Layer Thickness of the surface layer: Constant
Thickness and Thickness Based on D90. The SRH-2D pre-processor provides the
following guidelines for the Thickness Based on D90 method: Set the thickness scale
from 1 to 3 times the D90 for gravels, 5 to 14 for sands.
13. Set the Mode under Active Layer Thickness Specification to Thickness based on
D90 and set the Thickness/Thickness Scale to 10. (These are defaults.)
14. Leave the Cohesive Sediment Modeling option set to Off.
The BC Type Parameters dialog should look like Figure 2.
15. Click OK to close the BC Type Parameters dialog.

For more information on the adaption coefficients, see:
Greimann, B., Lai, Y. and Huang, J., 2008. Two-dimensional total sediment load model equations. Journal
of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(8), pp.1142-1146.

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Figure 2 The BC Type Parameters dialog box with assigned parameters

3.2 Assigning the Boundary Conditions

In SRH-2D, the boundary conditions are assigned to an SRH-2D boundary condition
coverage. This tutorial uses a copy of the boundary condition coverage created in the
SRH-2D hydraulic modeling tutorial. A steady-state water-surface elevation was applied
at the downstream boundary with a steady-state flow at the upstream boundary. The

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sediment load coming in to the model must be defined since this was not part of the
hydraulic simulation. This tutorial will use the Capacity option to estimate the sediment
load at the upstream boundary.
To assign boundary conditions at the upstream boundary:
1. Click on BC_Sed under Map Data in the Project Explorer to make it
2. Using the Select Feature Arc tool, double-click on the arc on the left
(upstream) side. This will open the SRH-2D Linear BC dialog. Since this
boundary condition was copied from the hydraulic simulation, the hydraulic
parameters should already be:
a. Type set to Inlet-Q (subcritical inflow)
b. Discharge (Q) to Constant.
c. Constant Q to 178208 (ft3/s).
d. Constant Q flow unit to cfs.
e. Distribution at Inlet to Conveyance.
3. Under Sediment Inflow, leave the setting as Capacity which is the default
4. Click OK to exit the SRH-2D Linear BC dialog.
To verify the boundary conditions at the downstream boundary:
1. Using the Select Feature Arc tool, double-click on the arc on the right
(downstream) side to bring up the SRH-2D Linear BC dialog. The values should
a. Type set to Exit-H (subcritical outflow).
b. Water Elevation (WSE) to Constant.
c. Constant WSE unit to Feet.
d. Constant WSE to 896 feet.
2. When done, click OK to exit the SRH-2D Linear BC dialog.
3. Save (Ctrl + S) the project.

3.3 Assigning Monitor Lines

Monitor lines are applied the model to determine the flow and sediment flux across the
lines at specified locations in the model. In this case, evaluate the fluxes in four locations:
in the channel near the up- and downstream boundaries, across the main bridge opening,
and across the secondary bridge opening.
SRH-2D creates a *_LN#.DAT file (where * indicates the run name and # is the monitor
line number) for each monitor line that details the bed and water-surface elevations, the
flow, and the sediment flux across the lines. The monitor lines can be used to determine

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when the model reaches steady state conditions. For example, by comparing the predicted
water-surface elevations over time and at various locations along the reach, the user can
determine when the water-surface elevation reaches a steady state condition.
The monitor lines are specified in the BC_Sed map coverage. For this example,
three of the four monitor lines existed in the hydraulic simulation and were copied when
the BC_Sed coverage was created from the BC_Flow coverage. Monitor lines
already exist across the channel near the up- and downstream boundary conditions, and
across the main channel near the bridge opening.
Assign the fourth monitor line that extends across the opening of the secondary bridge by
doing the following:
1. Select the BC_Sed coverage to make it active.
2. Using the Create Feature Arc tool, create an acre near the secondary bridge
as showing in Figure 3.
SMS will automatically assign the feature arc as a monitor line.

Figure 3 The location of the Inlet-Q and Exit-H boundary conditions and the four monitor

4 Assigning Monitor Points

Monitor points are used to evaluate the hydraulic conditions, erosion and deposition, and
the bed material gradation at specified locations in the mesh. Similar to the monitor lines,
the monitor points can be used to determine when the model reaches steady state
conditions. Monitor points can be created anywhere within the mesh. This example will

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place a monitor points in the main channel near the upstream boundary and near the
downstream boundaries.
The hydraulic output for the monitor points is reported in the *_PT#.DAT file and the
sediment output is reported in the *_PT#_SED.DAT file, where * represents the run
name and # is the monitor point number.
To create monitor points:
1. Click on the Vel_Mag_ft_p_s dataset to make it active. The display will update
to show the velocity contours.
2. Right-click on Map Data and select New Coverage to open the New
Coverage dialog.
3. Select Models | SRH-2D | Monitor Points for the Coverage Type. Keep the
default Coverage Name as Monitor Points.
4. Click OK to close the New Coverage dialog and create a new coverage.
5. Select the Monitor Points coverage to make it active.
6. Using the Create Feature Point tool, place five monitor points in this model
at the following location as show in Figure 4:
one in the main channel slightly to the right of the upstream boundary
one point slightly to the left of the downstream boundary,
one point in the high velocity area in the main bridge
two points in the high velocity areas near the ends of the relief bridge
The points in the bridges are expected to have significant scour potential.

Figure 4 Locations of the five monitor points

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5 Assigning Sediment Material Properties

The channel bed material and overbank soil characteristics are specified as a material
type. Each material type can either be assigned a uniform soil profile where the
representative soil gradation is the same over the entire depth of sediment, or the
sediment gradation changes with depth. It is also possible to assign a non-erodible
material type. Sediment can deposit on a non-erodible surface, and the deposited material
can be eroded off the surface, but not below the original depth of the non-erodible
surface. For this example, two material types are used; one to represent the main channel
area and an area under the secondary bridge opening, and a non-erodible material to
represent the remaining floodplain area.
To create the materials coverage for this simulation:
1. Right-click on the Materials coverage and select Duplicate. This will create a
new coverage named Materials (2) that can be used to define the sediment
material types.
2. Right-click on the Materials (2) coverage and select Rename. Then enter the
name Sed_Materials for this coverage.
3. Right-click on the Sed_Materials coverage and select Type | Models | SRH-2D |
Sediment Materials as the new type.
4. Using the Select Feature Polygon tool, double-click on the area representing
the main channel to bring up the Assign Material Properties dialog.
5. Click the button to create a new material.
6. Double-click on new material and rename it Channel.
7. On the right side of the dialog, click on Insert Above.
8. Set the Thickness to 1 (ft), Units to English and Density to 100 (lb/ft3).
9. Click the Define button under Gradation Curve to bring up the XY Series Editor.
10. Enter the sediment gradation parameters as shown in Table 2. (Note: the sizes in
the gradation curve do not have to match the particle sizes in the simulation.)
Table 2: Sediment Gradation Parameters
Particle size di (mm) % finer
0.0625 0.0
0.125 4.7
0.25 11.7
0.5 38.6
1.0 76.9
2.0 96.0
4.0 98.9
8.0 99.7
16.0 100.0

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11. Click OK to close the XY Series Editor to return to the Assign Material
Properties dialog.
12. Now add a second layer to the Channel by clicking the Insert Below button.
SRH-2D guidance indicates that a minimum of two layers is recommended even if the
bed material is vertically uniform. The top layer interacts with the sediment in the water
column and is part of the active layer used for computing sediment transport. A zero-
thickness layer can also be specified to set the area as non-erodible.
13. In the new row, set Thickness to 20 (ft), Units to English, and Density to
100 (lb/ft3).
14. Click on the Define button under Gradation Curve to bring up the XY Series
15. Enter the same sediment gradation parameters as shown in Table 2. (Note: the
values can be copied to the clipboard using Ctrl-V when looking at the curve
defined in step 10 above. They can then be pasted into this layer since they are
the same.)
16. Click OK to close the XY Series Editor.
17. Click OK to close the Assign Material Properties dialog.
Also apply the Channel material properties to the area at the secondary bridge opening.
18. Using the Select Feature Polygon tool, double-click on the area at the
secondary bridge opening to bring up the Assign Material Properties dialog.
19. Select the Channel material to assign it to the polygon.
20. Click OK to close the Assign Material Properties dialog.
Now assign the remaining areas a non-erodible material type; these areas can be assigned
individually or all at once. To assign individually:
21. Using the Select Feature Polygon tool, double-click on any polygon other
than the main channel or the area near the secondary bridge to bring up the
Assign Material Properties dialog.
22. Click the button to create a new material.
23. Double-click on new material and rename it to Non-Erodible.
24. Click OK to close the Assign Material Properties dialog. Notice only the
selected polygon has assigned material properties as the Non-Erodible.
To assign Non-Erodible to all the remaining polygons at once:
25. Using the Select Feature Polygon tool, select the channel polygon.
26. Hold the Shift key and select the other erodible area in the secondary opening.
27. Right-click and select Invert Selection. This selects all polygons except the two
specified as erodible.
28. Right-click and select Assign Material Properties to open the Assign Material
Propertied dialog.

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29. Select Non-Erodible as the material for all of the remaining polygons.
30. Click OK to close the Assign Material Properties dialog.
Figure 5 shows the two assigned material zones in the sediment materials coverage. The
light brown color represents the channel areas and the aqua color represents the non-
erodible areas.
Note: Sediment a gradation could be assigned to the non-erodible material with a
very small thickness (such as 0.1 ft). The capacity upstream sediment load (see
Section 3.2) would calculate a load for the overbank portion, but would not be
able to erode more than 0.1 ft from the floodplain.

Figure 5 The two assigned material zones: the light brown color represents the channel
areas and the aqua color represents the non-erodible areas

6 Defining the SRH-2D Simulation

The SRH-2D simulation is created as a separate entity in the SMS project. Each project
can contain multiple SRH-2D simulations. Individual components (such as coverages and
meshes) are associated or linked to the simulation. Each simulation can have its own
assigned parameters.
To create the simulation:
1. Right-click in the white space at the bottom of the Project Explorer and select
New Simulation | SRH-2D. This creates a new simulation, Sim, in the
Project Explorer tree.
2. Right-click in the new simulation and select the Rename command.

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3. Enter Sed_Steady_State as the new name.

6.1 Linking Components

Components are added to the simulation by either right-clicking on the component and
selecting the Link to command, or by dragging and dropping the component into the
To link the components for this simulation, do the following:
1. Right-click on the Cimarron01 mesh and select the Link To | SRH-2D
Simulations Steady State command.
2. Repeat the previous step for the BC_Sed, Materials,
Sed_Materials and Monitor Points coverages.

6.2 Assigning SRH-2D Parameters

Now it is also necessary to set up the SRH-2D control data and define the model
parameters for the new simulation.
To do this:
1. Right-click on the Sed_Steady_State simulation and select Model
Control to bring up the Model Control dialog.
2. Select the General tab and define the data as follows:
a. Set Simulation Description to Cimarron Sediment Transport.
b. Set Case Name to Sed_Steady_State.3
c. Set Start Time (hours) to 0 .
d. Set Time Step (seconds) to 1. 4
e. Set End Time (hours) to 12.5
f. Set Initial Condition to Restart File.
g. Click the Select button to bring up a Choose file browser.
h. Navigate to the data files folder for this tutorial and select the
Q50YR_RST.dat file.

To avoid confusion, it is a good practice to name the Case Name the same as the simulation name.
The time step should be selected to maintain hydraulic computational stability during the model run.
Monitor Points can be used to track model stability.
The simulation end time depends on the type of simulation and the characteristics of the channel and bed
material. Steady flow simulations can be run for long periods to reach equilibrium transport and bed
elevation conditions, or for a representative amount of time the flow could occur. Hydrograph simulations
should include a sufficient amount of time before and after the peak to adequately represent the range of

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i. Click Open to close the Choose file browser.

3. Leave all the parameters under Flow tab at their default settings.
4. Select the Output tab and enter the following:
a. Make sure the Result Output Format is set to XMDF.
b. Result Output Unit is set to English.
c. Result Output Method is set to Specified Frequency.
d. Result Output Frequency (hours) is set to 1 (i.e. 1 hours).
5. Click OK to close the Model Control dialog.
6. Save (Ctrl + S) the project.

6.3 Model Check

Before assigning SRH-2D parameters, the Model Check should be run.
To do this:
1. Right-click on the Sed_Steady_State simulation and select Model Check
a. If everything is correct, a dialog comes up indicating No model checks
b. If there are any errors, follow the instructions in the Model Checker
(Potential Issues Found) dialog to correct them.
2. Once all of the errors are corrected, proceed to the next section.

6.4 Running SRH-2D

The simulation is now ready to run. The method of launching a sediment transport
simulation is identical to that for a hydraulic simulation. However, it should be noted that
sediment transport simulations do require much more computation power and time. If
time is limited, a set of solution files are provided for the next section.
Note: Sediment transport simulations require significant computation power.
Any computer system with hardware less than the recommended system for
running SMS will not be able to complete an SRH-2D sediment transport
To run SRH-2D:
1. Right-click on the Sed_Steady_State simulation and select Save, Export
and Launch SRH-2D.
This command will save the SMS project, export all necessary files for PreSRH-2D, run
the preprocessor and then run SRH-2D.
SMS will renumber the boundary conditions as needed when exporting the files for SRH-
2D. When this happens, SMS will display a message that this will occur.

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2. Click OK to continue from this message.

While executing the run command, SMS assumes that SRH-2D executables are stored
into the SMS installation folder, if it cannot find those executables, a prompt will ask to
manually locate those. This is a one-time process and SMS will remember the location of
the executables after this.
Once the run is complete (it could take up to 3 or 4 hours depending on the CPU being
used and hard drive speeds), SRH will display a completion message.
3. Click Yes to close the console window.
Notice the Load Solution option at the bottom of the SRH-2D model wrapper asking if
the solution should be read in. If the run that has just been completed is meant to replace
an already loaded solution, the Load Solution option should be checked.
4. Click Exit to close the model wrapper.

6.5 Viewing SRH-2D Output

Once SRH-2D run completes, it will generate a XMDF file which will have a name Sed
Steady State_XMDF.h5. SMS loads this file in by default if the Load Simulation option
in the model wrapper is checked at the conclusion of the model run.
If the model run was skipped to save time, import the solution file by doing the
1. Select File | Open to bring up the Open dialog.
2. Browse to Solution\Cimarron_Sed_final\SRH-2D\Sed_Steady_State in the data
files folder for this tutorial and select the Sed Steady State_XMDF.h5 file.
3. Click Open to close the Open dialog and import the solutions file.
This file includes at least the following datasets:
Point ID of the mesh element6
X_ft, Y_ft: coordinates of the element6
D50_mm: Median size of the bed material
Froude: dimensionless Froude number (< 1 indicates sub-critical flow)
CONC_T_ppm: Sediment concentration in parts per million.
ERO_DEP_ft: Erosion depth in feet. Positive values represent degradation and
negative values represent aggradation.
Bed_Elev_ft: bed elevation. This may change over the duration of the simulation
B_Stress_lb_p_ft2: bottom stress at the ground in pounds per square foot

These datasets are included in the output file and used for graphical representation, but do not appear in the
SMS list of output.

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Water_Elev_ft: water surface elevation in feet above the datum

Vel_Mag_ft_p_s: velocity magnitude in feet per second
Water_Depth_ft: depth of water in meters
Velocity: x and y components of velocity in feet per second
SRH-2D also supports options for additional dataset output in a variety of situations.
See the visualization tools in SMS as described in the Data Visualization tutorial, to
evaluate the solution created by the SRH-2D model.
For Example, the positive (erosion) values of the ERO_DEP_ft variable is shown for the
end of the simulation in Figure 6.
Detailed output files are also created in the SRH-2D folder associated with this SMS
Project. These output files are created for the monitor lines and points created in sections
3.3 and 4 in this tutorial. The monitor line output summarizes the average hydraulics and
sediment transport results through the duration of the simulation for each monitor line in
the *_LN#.dat output files. Two files are created for each monitor point. The *_PT#.dat
files contain detailed hydraulics, bed elevation and D50 bed material size output during
the simulation and the *_PT#_SED.dat output files include detailed sediment transport
An observation coverage can also be used to view simulation results from an SRH-2D
sediment transport simulation (see the SMS Observation tutorial for guidance on using
observation coverages). Figure 7 shows observation profile plot of the bed elevation
using a feature arc through the main channel bridge at the beginning, midpoint, and end
of the 12-hour simulation. Figure 8 shows a time series plot of erosion using feature
points in the relief bridge and main channel bridge. Although significant scour has
occurred, the ultimate scour has not been reached during the simulation.

Figure 6 Erosion at the end of the sediment transport simulation

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Figure 7 Bed Elevation change in the Main Channel Bridge during the simulation

Figure 8 Scour occurring in the Main Channel and Relief Bridges during the simulation

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7 Conclusion
This concludes the SRH-2D Sediment Transport Modeling tutorial7. This tutorial
Setting up an SRH-2D boundary condition coverage for sediment transport
Assigning monitor points
Creating an SRH-2D sediment materials coverage.
Defining an SRH-2D simulation for sediment transport
Running an SRH-2D sediment transport simulation
Viewing results from a sediment transport simulation
Additional tutorials cover using sediment transport with unsteady flow and cohesive
materials. Continue to experiment with the sediment transport options for SRH-2D in
SMS or exit the program.

This tutorial was developed by Aquaveo, LLC under contract with the Federal Highway Administration.

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