The Requirements For Ontologies in Medical Data Integration: A Case Study

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The Requirements for Ontologies in Medical Data Integration: A

Case Study

Ashiq Anjum, Peter Bloodsworth, Andrew Branson, Tams Hauer, Richard

McClatchey, Kamran Munir, Dmitry Rogulin, Jetendr Shamdasani

CCS Research Centre, CEMS Faculty, University of the West of England,

Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay, Bristol BS16 1QY, UK
Email: {Ashiq.Anjum, Peter.Bloodsworth, Andrew.Branson, Tamas.Hauer,
Richard.McClatchey, Kamran.Munir, Dmitry.Rogulin, Jetendr

Evidence-based medicine is critically dependent on three sources of information: a
medical knowledge base, the patients medical record and knowledge of available
resources, including, where appropriate, clinical protocols. Patient data is often scattered
in a variety of databases and may, in a distributed model, be held across several disparate
repositories. Consequently addressing the needs of an evidence-based medicine community
presents issues of biomedical data integration, clinical interpretation and knowledge
management. This paper outlines how the Health-e-Child project has approached the
challenge of requirements specification for (bio-) medical data integration, from the level of
cellular data, through disease to that of patient and population. The approach is
illuminated through the requirements elicitation and analysis of Juvenile Idiopathic
Arthritis (JIA), one of three diseases being studied in the EC-funded Health-e-Child project.

Keywords: Biomedical application, user requirements, data modelling, ontologies

1. Introduction
1.1. The problem in general
Information technology today is widely adopted in modern medical practice, especially
supporting digitized equipment, administrative tasks, and data management but less has
been achieved in the use of computational techniques to exploit the medical information in
research or practice. There is an emerging demand for the integration and exploitation of
heterogeneous biomedical information for improved clinical practice, medical research and
personalized healthcare [1].
The application of computational and mathematical techniques in applying the laws of
medicine to solve clinical problems is difficult because these laws are not mathematical in
nature. Biology and especially medicine are knowledge based disciplines relying greatly
on observed similarities rather than on the application of precise rules [2], [3]. Even though
the amount of digitized and thus computer accessible information is substantial and
increasing, effective use of computer-aided processing of the data is usually not feasible
because of the vast amount of implicit semantics behind that information. The lack of
explicit semantics is also responsible for heterogeneity which makes integration particularly
The Health-e-Child (HeC) project aims to demonstrate that indeed integrating medical
integration in novel ways yields immediate benefit for clinical research and practice. We are
studying the use of integration along different integration axes including the following
examples. The first aspect is that of sharing data among spatially separated clinicians
bringing together information produced in different departments or multiple hospitals for
the purpose of creating statistically significant samples, studying population characteristics
and sharing knowledge among clinicians. Vertical integration means establishing a coherent
view of the childs health to which information from each vertical level contributes, from
molecular through cellular to individual. Temporal integration is particularly interesting.
The conventional patient record is a bag of snapshot information. Disease progression,
deterioration and change quantification are of the utmost importance, especially with
chronic diseases. Supporting the time axis is particularly challenging in paediatrics as
change quantification must account for the normal growth of the patient, too. The really
interesting questions come from the combination of these axes, for example can one
predict from a genetic profile the expected joint deterioration over five years in certain
populations. We have recently studied how these integration challenges reflect in concrete
requirements in the context of the Health-e-Child project. In this paper we give an account
of some of those related to paediatric rheumatology, in particular we present the concrete
example of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
In the next sections we introduce the Health-e-Child project and detail its high level user
requirements. Then in Section 2 the JIA case study is introduced and its specific
requirements are investigated. Section 3 describes the approach being adopted in HeC to
address the low-level JIA requirements and we indicate in the conclusions how this
approach can be used in the other clinical areas being studied in HeC.

1.2. The Health-e-Child project

There is a compelling demand for the integration and exploitation of heterogeneous
biomedical information for improved clinical practice, medical research and personalised
healthcare across the EU. The Health-e-Child project [1] aims to develop an integrated
platform for European Paediatrics, providing seamless integration of traditional and
emerging sources of biomedical information as part of a longer-term vision for large-scale
information-based research and training, and informed policy making. The HeC project will
study the data integration requirements of clinicians treating paediatric heart diseases,
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and child brain tumours and will provide demonstrators
for decision-support, knowledge management and disease modelling. Clinicians from the
hospitals of the Gaslini Institute (Genoa, Italy), Great Ormond Street (London, UK) and the
Necker Institute (Paris, France) are working with computer scientists, knowledge engineers
and bioinformaticians (both academic and commercial) to produce project deliverables in a
4-year Integrated Project initiated at the start of 2006, supported by the eHealth Unit of the
ECs ICT Framework 6 programme. The first demonstrable prototypes demonstrating data
integration using a Grid platform are scheduled for review and feedback from the clinical
community towards the end of 2007.

1.3. The High-level requirements of HeC

In order to ensure agreement on realisable project objectives, to establish the foundations
for clinical collaboration in the prototype development process and to provide
understanding of the clinical processes and constraints inherent in the HeC study, a process
of rigorous requirements elicitation was initiated at the project outset. This involved a
number of elicitation meetings comprising study of existing practice, interviews with
clinicians, observation of current system usage and evaluation of potential technological
options. Use-case and conceptual data models were incrementally and iteratively developed
and validated as the main requirements models in consultation with key clinical staff in
order to ensure that HeC requirements engineering process addressed the needs of the
specific communities of paediatric heart diseases, JIA and child brain tumours.

Figure 1: The conceptual approach of vertical data integration in Health-e-Child

Health-e-Child information sources are spread over a vertical dimension across

disciplines (biomedical abstractions from genetics to epidemiology, see figure 1), a set of
lateral dimensions between physical data sources, a temporal dimension and a conceptual
abstraction (from data to information to knowledge). Data is linked through the individual
patient it relates to, providing the basis for personalised treatment; collecting the many
different types of information that is available about an individual into a coherent whole.
A number of sophisticated analysis and modelling techniques are required to address the
specialised needs of Health-e-Child applications synthesising disease models, knowledge
discovery and data mining algorithms, biomedical similarity measures and ontology
integration mappings. Health-e-Child will adopt a conservative attitude towards technology,
developing only what is strictly necessary. This is best achieved through a system
developed on top of generic infrastructures that provide all the required common data and
computation management services. The emphasis of the Health-e-Child requirements
process is therefore on universality of information and its corner stone is the integration
of information across biomedical abstractions, whereby all layers of biomedical information
are vertically integrated (see figure 1) to provide a unified view of a childs biomedical
and clinical condition. The next section introduces JIA one of the integration areas studied
in HeC and one that illustrates the importance of vertical integration particularly well.
2. Paediatric Rheumatology

2.1. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) [4] has a resemblance to Rheumatoid Arthritis, but
with an onset in childhood (defined as before 16 years of age). The disease is assumed to
have an auto-immune mechanism and is characterized by a generalized inflammation
affecting multiple joints, but there is a wide range of conditions that are collectively labelled
JIA and the group of patients is not uniform. Although the disease is thought to have
molecular or cellular origin, the accepted diagnosis of JIA is mostly clinical.
JIA is a chronic disease with active periods that may involve a number of joints, though
not necessarily the same ones every time, leaving permanent damage that may result in
serious functional disability in the long term. The evaluation of the disease activity is based
primarily on clinical and lifestyle assessment scores (pain, limited range of motion,
swelling), while the damage progression is assessed by a doctors evaluation of images (X-
ray, ultrasound, MRI), the standardization is achieved by various scoring schemata. There is
no specific therapy to cure JIA as the cause of the disease is not known.

2.2. Clinical requirements for modelling JIA data

It is apparent that the strategy for tackling JIA in the clinical practice relies on data
spanning a wide range of vertical heterogeneity: molecular, organ-specific, and lifestyle
information all contribute to various aspects of diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment. This is
the case with many other diseases, but in JIA the lack of sufficient understanding of the
linkage of information across the vertical axis and modalities is very apparent and
interesting to study. Some of the outstanding questions that we identified as candidate
issues to study are:

The diagnosis is clinical, mostly negative, while the origin is probably molecular.
Assessments are based on imaging, while the treatment is local (molecular, organ), as
well as global (molecular). How do these interact?
How can the clinical variables for disease activity and damage be standardised?
Correlations can be made between patient assessment and disease progression. Which
are the early predictors of damage?
What are the short and long term effects of treatment procedures?
Are there markers which distinguish between reversible and permanent organ damage?
Can we identify more homogeneous groups of patients for better classification of JIA
subtypes and better planning for treatment response?
Are there any hereditary elements, do these correlate with other autoimmune diseases?

To answer these questions, clinicians need to test their theories on a statistically

significant representation of the population. Of considerable importance are the so-called
fishing experiments: individual centres generating ideas based on some individual case
reports that can be tested against larger population or clinical trials.

3. Addressing JIA Requirements in Health-e-Child

3.1. HeC information technology solutions addressing JIA problems

The requirements mentioned in the previous sections drive the development of the
Health-e-Child prototype system. There are many aspects in addressing these requirements
from the end-user applications (e.g. decision support system, knowledge discovery etc.) and
the data management platform points of view. For example, while the former are primarily
specialized algorithm-based tools focusing on the processing of a particular (pre-defined)
dataset, the latter is more concerned with serving the applications in more generic way
providing the mechanisms for storage, access, management and integration of any available
biomedical data and knowledge. Thus the solutions proposed by different activities within
the project may differ and in effect pose new requirements on the system from an IT point
of view but at the end all these serve the same purpose fulfilling the needs of the clinicians.
From the applications point of view the following techniques have been proposed in
order to address the clinical requirements with respect to JIA:

Knowledge Discovery (KD) algorithms using statistical learning and data mining
techniques to find a better classification of the JIA (homogeneous groups of patients)
based on the joint analyses of all available heterogeneous biomedical data (e.g.
clinical, imaging, genomics, proteomics). Currently the JIA diagnoses and treatment
are primarily based on the clinical assessment. The imaging and laboratory tests assist
clinicians in the evaluation of the disease progression and drug outcome but do not
serve as early predictors or indicate the patients sensitivity to a particular treatment or
risk of poor outcome.
Image-based techniques including semi-automatic segmentation of the synovitis to
speed-up and improve the scoring (an inflamed synovia might be an early predictor of
the severity of the disease); semi-automatic evaluation of joint damage; image
registration across time to be able to compare the different studies of the same patient
or between different (groups of) patients.
Decision Support System (DSS) for individualized evaluation/treatment by monitoring
disease progression and treatment outcome based on available biomedical inputs and
previously established clinical knowledge.

These applications place additional requirements on the data management facilities

provided by the platform. For example, the DSS system must be trained on large amounts of
sample data, preferably coming from different populations; the knowledge acquired by the
clinicians needs to be shared across different clinical communities; the information stored in
the hospital databases should be made available for sophisticated query processing engine
to assist the applications as well as to enable end-users to analyse the data.

3.2. Modelling requirements

In order to support the requirements discussed so far, the models for representing
appropriate biomedical information need to meet specific requirements. In the context of the
Health-e-Child project, these requirements are specified in a joint effort with the
participating clinicians. To support the Health-e-Child objectives, a set of models for
representing biomedical information need to be in place. At the first approximation,
(borrowing the terminology from description logics), the information at hand may be split
into terminology and assertions. In both cases, we need to observe constraints: existing
knowledge should be reused, at the same time the knowledge base should be aligned to
existing data models (patient record formats, examination templates, clinical protocols).
For the example at hand, various existing ontologies can contribute to representing the
domain knowledge for rheumatology or JIA in particular. GALEN [5], Gene Ontology
(GO) [6], FMA [7] etc. cover fragments representing population, patient semantics, or
define the concepts of and relationship between joint, synovial membrane, fluid,
proteomics, etc. Alignment with these ontologies is both very beneficial and challenging at
the same time. On the one hand, one gains powerful reasoning support over the knowledge
base and makes the acquired knowledge universal, shareable and reusable. On the other
hand, the selection and alignment of the reusable fragments from different ontologies is a
difficult task. In Health-e-Child a further important requirement is to capture the aspects
that are specific to paediatrics: many of the existing ontologies do not directly apply to the
anatomy, physiology and pathology of children.
Rather than attempting to give a complete account of the modelling requirements that we
have determined, lets study three examples. The following questions have been identified
as part of the set of rheumatology use-cases in Health-e-Child.

1. Identify those MRI baseline measures (degree of synovitis, bone marrow oedema etc)
that are most predictive of future severe radiological damage. (Correlation of the MRI
baseline variables with the change in the erosion score from baseline to 1- 2 years.)
2. Identify more homogeneous groups of patients (suitable for aetiopathogenetic studies)
taking account clinical assessment, immunologic, genetic, proteomic and radiological
3. Identify a panel of candidate protein biomarkers in JIA that can predict which patients
will develop erosive, disabling diseases. (Are the serum and synovial protein profiles
reflective of active disease and /or predictive of disease course?).
All these examples stress the importance of the integrating the diverse medical data
(clinical, epidemiological, imaging, genomic, proteomic etc.) that represent the patients
information at different levels of granularity (vertical levels). The semantic link between
these levels is obvious: entities are in a part-of hierarchy, but the extreme complexity of the
human body and its processes usually do not allow for drawing straightforward conclusions
from parts to the whole. To establish a basis for the semantic coherence of the integrated
data and facilitate availability and accessibility of external information for querying and
analysis by clinicians, the mappings from clinical data to the external medical knowledge
(e.g. biomedical ontologies and databases) should be provided. For example, to answer the
third question the clinical data needs to be aligned with the external knowledge sources to
identify genetic markers that can be present in JIA.
Another important requirement for our modelling is the temporal dimension. Time is a
key issue in paediatric research and practice. Clinicians are usually interested in analysing
patients data over time (see the first example). The paediatrics domain adds an additional
complexity due to the fact that the child is growing and the observations in time should be
aligned with the anatomical changes as well as the knowledge about how a particular
disease may affect these changes. The clinical process usually follows a given time order
(symptoms, study, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, etc.). In addition, some
symptom/diagnosis and treatment concepts are time-related (for example, a diagnostic
criterion for JIA is persistence of some symptoms for a given time; medication is prescribed
with a time profile, etc).
4. Ontologies in Health-e-Child
The standard textbook definition of an ontology is a formal specification of a shared
conceptualisation. This means that an ontology represents a shared, agreed and detailed
model of a problem domain. We are currently developing and investigating an ontological
approach to represent the HeC domain. One advantage for the use of ontologies is their
ability to resolve any semantic heterogeneity that is present within the data. Ontologies
define links between different types of semantic knowledge. They can particularly aid in the
resolution of terms for queries and other general search strategies, thus improving the
search results that are presented to clinicians. The fact that ontologies are machine
processable and human understandable is especially useful in this regard [8]. A complete
discussion of ontologies is beyond the scope of this paper; the interested reader is referred
to [9]. There are many ontologies in existence today especially in the biomedical domain,
however they are often limited to one level of what we refer to as vertical integration. For
example consider the Gene Ontology (GO) [6] which only defines structures regarding
genes and GALEN [5] that is limited to anatomical concepts. In both cases there are no
links to the other vertical levels that we have defined. We are currently investigating the
scope for reusing these ontologies, or parts thereof, which have been identified by experts in
both knowledge representation and clinical matters.
Many of the ontologies that exist today do not cover the paediatrics domain, to a
thorough extent, for example there is a difference between the physiology of a fully grown
adult and that of a child; there are also some similarities for example they both have a two
lungs. Hence, it would not be sensible to reuse these ontologies in their entirety; instead we
propose the extraction of the relevant parts and then the integration of these into a coherent
whole, thereby capturing most of the HeC domain. However it should be noted that
integrating these ontologies into one single (upper level) ontology will not be sufficient to
capture the entire HeC domain, and therefore we will have to model the missing attributes
and extend these existing ontologies to suit our needs. Although there are other upper level
ontologies present today, such as DOLCE [10] and SUMO [11], they are considered to be
too broad to be included in the project.
The ontology modelling process is known as ontology engineering. The traditional
ontology engineering process is an iterative process consisting of ontology modelling and
ontology validation [12]. Taking this view of ontology engineering, we have chosen to
evaluate different methodologies available to us for the development of our vertical domain
model. There are many methods available in the literature, for example CommonKads [13]
and Diligent [14]; this evaluation process is ongoing. A methodology that deserves special
consideration in this paper is proposed by Seidenberg and Rector [15] in which a strategy
for modular development of ontologies is proposed, to support the re-use, maintainability
and evolution of the ontology to be developed. This methodology consists of untangling the
ontology into disjoint independent trees which can be recombined into an ontology using
definitions and axioms to represent the relationships in an explicit fashion. To facilitate this
modular methodology we are also taking under consideration the use of a fragment-based
approach for the development of our domain models.

4.1 Ontologies and data integration

Data integration is the process of using a conceptual representation of the data and of
their relationships to eliminate possible heterogeneities. Ontologies are extensively used in
data integration systems because they provide an explicit and machine-understandable
conceptualization of a domain. There are several approaches to data integration which we
will now consider in further detail as described by Wache et al. in their article [16]. In the
single ontology approach, all source schemas are directly related to a shared global
ontology that provides a uniform interface to the user. However, this approach requires that
all sources have nearly the same view on a domain, with the same level of granularity. A
typical example of a system using this approach is SIMS [17]. In the multiple ontology
approach, each data source is described by its own (local) ontology separately. Instead of
using a common ontology, local ontologies are mapped to each other. For this purpose, an
additional representation formalism is necessary for defining the inter-ontology mappings.
The OBSERVER system [18] is an example of this approach. In the hybrid ontology
approach, a combination of the two preceding approaches is used. `In the hybrid approach a
local ontology is built for each source schema, which is not mapped to other local
ontologies, but to a global shared ontology. New sources can be added with no need for
modifying existing mappings. The layered framework [19] is an example of this approach.
The single and hybrid approaches (see figure 2) are appropriate for building central data
integration systems, the former being more appropriate for so-called Global-as-View (GaV)
systems and the latter for Local-as-View (LaV) systems. One drawback associated with the
single global approach is the need for maintenance when new information sources are added
to the representation. The hybrid architecture allows for greater flexibility in this regard
with new sources being represented at the local level. The multiple ontology approach can
be best used to construct pure peer-to-peer data integration systems, where there are no

Figure 2: The three possible ways for using ontologies for data integration [16]

A mapping discovery process involves identifying similarities between ontologies in order

to determine which concepts and properties represent similar notions across heterogeneous
data samples in a (semi-)automatic manner. One of the major bottlenecks in generating
viable integrated case data is that of mapping discovery. There exist two major approaches
to mapping discovery. A top-down approach is applicable to ontologies with a well-defined
goal. Ontologies usually contain a generally agreed upper-level (top) ontology by
developers of different applications; these developers can extend the upper-level ontology
with application-specific terms. Examples from this approach are the Suggested Upper
Merged Ontology, SUMO [11] from the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Working Group
and DOLCE [10].
A heuristics approach uses lexical structural components of definitions to find
correspondences with heuristics. For example, [20] describes a set of heuristics used for the
semi-automatic alignment of domain ontologies with a large central ontology. PROMPT
[21] supports ontology merging, guides users through the process and suggests which
classes and properties can be merged and FCA-Merge [22] supports a method for
comparing ontologies that have a set of shared instances. IF-Map[23] identifies the
mappings automatically by the information flow and generates a logic isomorphism [24] .
Based on medical ontologies e.g. UMLS [25], GALEN[5] and GO[6] Health-e-Child is
investigating the mapping heuristics for integrated case data. It is evaluating the relative
quality of several of these mapping discovery methods for integrated case data. As a
consequence it is in the process of providing an optimal combination of the best methods
with respect to the accuracy and computation times.

4.2 External knowledge

An interesting research area within the scope of the HeC project is the exposure of the
HeC knowledge base to the outside world. One example of where this can be useful is to aid
in communication between outside sources allowing querying of the HeC system with a
user that speaks an outside ontology language. For example, if a common concept is found
between the HeC ontology and an external ontology such as the FMA (Foundation Model
of Anatomy) [7] then a query, which was originally formulated for the FMA ontology, can
also be processed within the HeC domain via the common links that are found between the
two ontologies. Much previous work has already been conducted on constructing (semi)
automatic mappings between ontologies this being referred to as ontology alignment. The
HeC project is currently investigating existing methods and creating new approaches to
facilitate the alignment of the HeC ontology with external ontologies. This will facilitate the
knowledge sharing of the HeC domain via the ontology and will aid in its reuse.

4.3 Semantics support for DSS

Another interesting feature of ontologies is that they can aid in the creation of similarity
metrics. This has already been attempted by many projects for example in [26] [27] to
gauge the similarity between genes using the GO ontology and by Resnik in [28] to gauge
the similarity between different words with the WordNet Thesaurus. This technique can aid
in the integration of the other sub-projects in HeC such as the decision support system by
creating a similarity metric based on the HeC ontology, hence creating a common base for
the training and classification phases of the DSS. One other area where the HeC ontology
can be used within the project is the creation of ontology based training data, for example to
classify different diseases, this is can be done by using the rule base of the ontology within
an expert system [29]. The HeC ontology can be used to annotate different data sets such as
images for easy access later, hence creating a semantic image database.

4.4 Semantic query enhancement and optimization

Ontologies as mentioned previously can aid in the area of query enhancement. An

example is when an image is annotated according to the HeC ontology with the concept of a
Jaw. The clinician inputs a simple query into the system, presented here in natural
language, stating Give me all X-Ray images of Jaws for children with a particular disease
in a specific age group then the system will return all of the X-Rays in the database that
have been annotated with the concept Jaw. However, if the system uses the power of the
HeC ontology it will know that teeth have a part-of relation to a Jaw. Hence, the system
will not only return a result set of images annotated with the concept of Jaw but it will be
able to return images annotated with the concept of teeth as well. Therefore, the clinician
will be able to take advantage of an enhanced search such as this feature to aid in their
Query enhancement as the previous example demonstrates is important because it allows
the system to provide clinicians with more targeted information. During the requirements
analysis phase of the project it became clear that clinicians often struggle to create the
complex queries necessary to capture all the data that they require in a study. This may
cause too many or too few results to be returned thus undermining the research being
undertaken. By using the conceptual model that the HeC ontology provides we can take
basic queries from users and translate them into more complex context aware searches. This
reduces the amount of time taken by clinicians to locate and group the dataset they require
which, in turn minimises the load on the system as fewer searches are necessary. Query
optimisation also assists in this regard by using the HeC ontology to aid the creation of
efficient data access paths by semantically altering the initial query to find a more efficient
execution path within the database. Both query enhancement and optimisation are crucial in
delivery of intuitive data access for clinicians whilst at the same time ensuring the
scalability and overall stability of the system.

5. Conclusions
In this paper we have used JIA as one disease to illustrate concretely the kind of
medical problems we are trying to solve in the HeC project. Many of those are not JIA
specific but appear in other areas of medicine possibly with different weights of relevance,
importance etc. The Health-e-Child project aims to provide generic solutions without
focusing on one particular study. We have selected three considerably different disease
areas (paediatric heart diseases, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and child brain tumours)
to investigate the problems related to differences and commonalities across the paediatric
domain. Clinical requirements have been collected during the elicitation sessions with the
medical experts and these requirements have been driving the development of the
technological solutions to tackle these problems. The integration of the diverse medical data
(clinical, epidemiological, imaging, genomic, proteomic etc.) that represent the patients
information at different levels of granularity is very important as the clinical knowledge will
span across different medical disciplines allowing clinicians to discover interesting findings
and infer new medical knowledge. In addition, the clinical work flows can be quite different
in different medical areas (as is exemplified by the three different diseases in our project),
but the patient journey can be viewed as the composition of similar tasks (e.g. baseline,
diagnosis, treatment, follow-up etc.) for which a common model based on the reusable
formalized process patterns should be used. As indicated, future work in the project will
enable appropriate knowledge representations including ontologies to be implemented to
aid the process of vertical data integration and address the differences across these three
disease domains.

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