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Methods of English Teaching MID SEMESTER

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Kinds Of English Teaching Methods

Presented As an Assignment for the Study of Metode Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris

Compiled by:
Name : Koko Tandian
SIN : 140705018
Class A Of English Literature

Methods of English Teaching

1. Direct Method
Direct means directly. Direct method or the direct model is a way to preset material
foreign language lessons where the teacher directly using the foreign language as the
language of instruction, and without using the language of the students in the slightest in
teaching. If there is a word that is difficult to understand by the students, the teacher can
interpret by using props, describe and others.

The direct method of teaching came as a response to the shortfalls of the grammar-
translation method, which works to teach grammar and translate vocabulary from the native
language of the student.

Therefore, the grammar-translation method relies heavily on the written language,

whereas the direct method places the emphasis on both listening and speaking.

Although the direct method isnt limited to teaching foreign language, it is however,
often used for this purpose. In fact, you can see evidence of it being used in many English
classrooms around the world today. The aim of this method for teaching English is to
immerse the students in English, the teacher would use realia, visual aids and demonstrations
to teach English to students.

The teacher would in this instance focus on repetitive patterns of teaching with
grammar being taught inductively. This means that the rules of grammar are not taught
directly, instead students would learn to change different parts of the sentence. For example,
I go to school, the word go could be changed for other verbs like walk, run, jog, drive, etc.

The characteristics of this method:

The subject matter is in the first word for word, then the grammatical structures are
taught only in passing, and students are not required to memorize the grammarformulas, but
students must beable to speak the language well. In the process of teaching constantly using
tools (props) in the form of props direct, indirect or demonstration through symbols or certain
movements upon entering the classroom, the student or students really conditioned to accept
and speak in a foreign language, and are prohibited from using other languages.

The strength method of direct method:

Probably the biggest advantage of this method of teaching English is that it actually teaches the
language and doesnt teach about the language. Furthermore, due to its emphasis on speech, it is better
for students who have a need of real communication in English. Finally, this method introduced the
use of teaching vocabulary using realia, which is still widely used today when teaching English to
speakers of other languages.

The weakness of the direct method teaching

One major disadvantage for this method is that is works on the assumption that a
second language is learnt exactly the same way as the first. Second language acquisition
varies considerably from first language acquisition.

Another criticism of the direct method is that it was hard for public schools to integrate it.
In his book, R. Brown (1994:56) explains that the direct method wasnt successful in public
schools because of constraints of budget, classroom size, time, and teacher background
(native speakers or native like fluency) made such a method difficult to use.

2. Conversation Method

Teaching foreign languages such as English, Arabic or other languages is a direct way
of inviting students chatting / talking in a foreign language being taught this. Of course,
begins with the words or sentences or phrases that commonly apply to the activities of
everyday life, such as: Good Morning, How are you? What are you doing? Can you speak
English? Etc; or sentences, conversations in classrooms around the school, at home in the
office and so forth; increasingly widespread and diverse.

3. Phonetic Method

This method prioritizes ear training and training speak that way of presenting foreign
language lessons through listening exercises followed by exercises pronounce words and
phrases in a foreign language being studied.

Step-by-step implementation of the method to do: Teachers read readings foreign

language in front of the class, or open / turn shows readings in the form of radio cassette /
video, students listen and pay close attention to the event this passage carefully, seriously (no
messing around while reading it), students should pay attention to correct style and
intonation, as well as the movements of certain forms of expression in literature.

The series in the reading should be structured such that the reading material as
continue. The teacher can stop the series of certain if this series of studies that has been
finished and mastered by students, it can then proceed to the session / next series after
reading lesson is completed, then the conversation exercises can be done. For example
conversations that are initially simple, then headed on a complex conversation / more difficult
for clarify speech and conversation, then this method is recommended to use props / media

4. Practice Method

This method is as the name suggests, more emphasis on the practical ability of the theory.

The Strength PracticeMethod Theory

Students acquire practical skills directly or in a foreign language. Students feel

troubled by the rules or grammatical rules for grammatical subjects are taught only in
passing, as the sharpening of understanding.

The Weakness of Practice Method Theory

Requires the teacher who truly proficient and active in foreign language. At the levels
of the basic (initial) method is still difficult to implement because the vocabulary and
language students are still limited, even stiff. Teachers have to multiply memorizing sentence
patterns well to pupils.

5. Reading Method

Method of reading (Reading Method) which presents the subject matter by way of
first priority to read, the teacher first read the topics of reading, followed by the student
protege. But sometimes teachers can directly appoint students to read certain subjects first,
and of other students notice and follow suit.

Mechanical methods of reading (Reading Method) This can be done by the teacher
directly read the subject matter and the students were told to pay attention / listen to readings
teacher well, after the teacher pointed to one of the students to read, by changing (rotating).

The Strength of Reading Methods

When compared with other methods, this method has advantages in terms of /
goodness among others: Students can fluently read and understand passages in foreign
languages fluently and correctly. Students can use the tone of reading a foreign language in
accordance with the rules of correct reading.

The Weakness of Reading Method

In the method of reading, to the levels beginner feels a bit difficult to implement,
because students in all very foreign to accustom his tongue, so sometimes being forced to
repeatedly lead and repeating words and sentences are difficult to duplicate by the tongue of
students who are not of the foreign language being taught. And thus the method is relatively

6. Oral Method

This method is similar to the method and reform phonetic method, but the scrambled
method is focused on exercises verbal by mouth. Train to be able to fluently speak (fluently),
harmony and spontaneity. Coaching oral / mouth so that the pronunciation of the foreign
language can sound right, does not sound awkward. Exercises sound system through the lips,
trained precisely esophagus discharge letters, the letters at the end or at the base of the tongue
and so forth.

7. Pattern-Practice Method

The most important application of this method is to train students in practice

immediately pronounce sentence patterns are arranged either true, or work as defined by the
pattern of the sentence.

So the patterns sentence implies, had already provided or arranged in harmony with
the obvious, gradually until hard and material vocabulary of simple to complex. The disciples
must actively say, do until it becomes a habit, so live up to the patterns of the sentence to be
The Comparison All of Methods of English
1.1 Similarities
- Direct method and Conversation method.
- Phonetic method and Oral method.
- Practice method and Pattern-Practice method.
1.2 Table of Characteristics and Comparison
No Methods Characteristics
1. Direct - The subject matter is in the first word for word, then the
grammatical structures are taught only in passing, and
students are not required to memorize the grammar
formulas, but students must be able to speak the
language well.
2. Conversation - Makes students more active to be able to speak and have
3. Phonetic - To teach the students in pronounce the words /
4. Practice - Ability to required the trouble of the students about
5. Reading - Implemented by the students certain to read the text.
6. Oral - Focused on exercises verbal mouth.
7. Pattern-Practice - Providing the vocabulary of simple to complex and

No Methods Comparisons
1. Direct and Conversation Both of these theories used to using foreign language in
teaching directly.
2. Phonetic and Oral Both of these theories used to using listen and
oral training.
3. Practice and Pattern-Practice Both of these theories practice directly. In Practice
method does not recommend in grammar but in
Pattern-Practice method has grammar necessary.
1.3 Which subjects concerned with the methods
No Methods Subjects
1. Direct Speaking and Vocabulary
2. Conversation Speaking and Vocabulary
3. Phonetic Phonology, Listening and Speaking
4. Practice Grammar, Speaking and Syntax
5. Reading Reading Comprehension, Writing and Grammar
6. Oral Phonology, Listening and Speaking
7. Pattern-Practice Grammar, Speaking and Syntax
According to Browns (1994:51), there are 9 English language teaching methodology, they

1. Grammar Translation Method


This method is used as a goal to help students read and appraciate foreign language
literature. This method is also expected, through learning the grammar of a foreign language,
students become familiar with their own language grammar and this familiarity will help her
to speak and write their own language properly.


- Asked to interpret a text from one language to another.

- The teacher gives the rules of grammar and example, then students are asked to
memorize it, and then told to use these rules to other examples.
- Students learn the grammar paradigms such as noun, verb, adverb, and so forth.
- Students memorize the equivalent word of the original language itself with the
vocabulary of a foreign language is learned.

The teacher-student interaction in GTM Most interactions that occur in the classroom
is the teacher to the student. While the interaction of students to teachers and fellow students
are very minimal interaction. Language Skill In GTM Vocabulary and grammar is
emphasized once in this method. Reading and writing is the primary skill or key skills that
students do. There is little attention is focused on speaking and listening, as well as upon
pronunciation. Evaluation In GTM Written test is often used to evaluate students to interpret
a foreign language is learned to their own native language, or vice versa. Questions
concerning the Dair grammar rules to learn foreign languages or native language students
also often found.
Appropriate Learner

This method is suitable for students of secondary school-high school, such as reading and
writing lessons more studying verb, pronountation and vocabulary. This method is also
entirely teachers more involved, because this dimetode students do not need to directly use
the target language, students learn only what their teachers teach and the teachers they know.
for example in studying tenses, teachers do not need to provide pictures or graphs but
teachers only explain how to interpret the rules in English and more emphasis on adding
vocabulary and verb.
2. Direct Method


Direct Method has one basic rule that is not allowed the kind of translation. Origin
said the fact that the Direct Method for teaching the language when using this method
delivered directly (direct) with visual aids without the use of the language of origin (native
language) students.


- Teachers use this method to force students to understand the meaning of the target
language (target language) directly.
- When the teacher introduces a target language word or phrase, the teacher
demonstrates its meaning through the use pictures, or pantomime.
- Teachers should not be interpreted as direct to the original language (native language)


Interaction between teachers and students walked from two directions, from teachers
to students or from student to teacher, but most interaction goes from teacher to student.
Interaction between students is also a lot happening in this method.

Appropriate Learner

This method is suitable for the student of University, because they generally more
competent at capturing the education they provide. direct method is suitable carried out on
students, such as during learning conversation. Student forbidding them to wear their native
language but use the target language, because the teacher directly provide materials to
students and show images and others to support its teaching and learning.
3. Audiolingual Method


The audio-lingual method is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign language. It

is based on behaviorist theory, which populates that certain trait of living things, and in this
case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement. The correct use of a trait
would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative

This approach to language learning was similar to another, earlier method called the
direct method, like the direct method, the audio-lingual method advised that students should
be taught a language directly, without using the students native language to explain new
words or grammar in the target language.


This method has been scientifically discredited

It is still sometimes used in ESL classrooms
It can be beneficial, but should be used in conjunction with other methods
1. Repetition
2. Inflection
3. Replacement
4. Restatement
Appropriate Learner
It is also still used by all people who will learn and it does not refer to our
4. Community Language Learning Method


CLL was developed by Charles A. Curran and his associates in Chicago, 1955. CLL takes
its principles from the Counseling Learning Approach. Community Language Learning
advises teachers to take their students as whole person. Whole person learning means that
teachers consider not only the students intellect but also their feelings. Teachers become
language counselors and give no threatening to students.
Characteristics & Application

1. Experience
Techniques Principles Situation/ Effect
Tape recording students Motivation for learners and Short Conversation
conversation able to recall the meaning in
first conversation
Reflection on experience Students reflect on what they Students share their
have experienced difficulties and experiences
in the process of learning
Transcription The opportunity to translate Dialogue- translate native
his or her utterances language to English
Reflective listening Students need quiet Concentration on new
reflection time in order to language learning
Human Computer Enable students develop an Aroused learners
inner wisdom about where spontaneity in learning
they need to work English
Small group tasks Students can begin to feel a Encouraged cooperation, not
sense of community and competition among learners
learn from each other

2. Procedure
The basic procedures of CLL can thus be seen as derived from the counselor-client
Consider the following CLL procedures: A group of learners sit in a circle with the
teacher standing outside the circle; a student whispers a message in the native
language (LI); the teacher translates it into the foreign language (L2); the student
repeats the message in the foreign language into a cassette;* students compose further
messages in the foreign language with the teacher's help; students reflect about their
3. Psychological Counseling -vs- Community Language Learning
Psychological counseling Community Language Learning
(client-counselor) (learner-knower)
Client and counselor agree [contract] to Learner and knower agree to language
counseling. learning.
Client articulates his or her problem in Learner presents to the knower (in LI) a
language of affect. message he or she wishes to deliver to another.
Counselor listens carefully. Knower listens and other learners overhear.
Counselor restates client message in language Knower restates learner's message in L2.
of cognition.
Client evaluates the accuracy of counselor's Learner repeats the L2 message form to its
message restatement. addressee.
Client reflects on the interaction of the Learner raptors (fromtape or memory) and
counseling session. reflects upon the messages exchanged during
the language class.

Critics of Community Language Learning question the appropriateness of the
counseling metaphor upon which it is predated, asking for evidence that language
learningin classrooms indeed parallels the processes that characterize psychological
It is still sometimes used in ESL classrooms
Supporters of Community Language Learning, on the other hand, emphasize the
positive benefits of a method that centers on the learner and, stresses the humanistic
side of language learning, and not merely its linguistic dimensions.
It is also still used by all people who will learn and it does not refer to our
Appropriate Learner
In the early stages, typically the students generate the material since they decide what
they want to be able to say in the target language. Later on, after students feel more secure,
the teacher might prepare specific materials or work with published textbooks. Particular
grammar points, pronunciation patterns, and vocabulary are worked with, based on the
language the students have generated. The most important skills are understanding and
speaking the language at the beginning, with reinforcement through reading and writing. Six
elements necessary for non-defensive learning: security, aggression, attention, reflection,
retention and discrimination
5. Silent Way Method


The silent way is a methodology of teaching language based on the idea that teachers
should be as silent as possible during a class but learners should be encouraged to speak as
much as possible.


- Methodology of teaching language based on the idea that teachers should be as silent
as possible during a class but learners should be encouraged to speak as much as
- The learner needs to discover or create.
- Learning is made easier by the use of physical objects such as Cuisenaire rods.
- Learning is made easier by problem-solving using the target language.


The Silent Way uses a structural syllabus, and structures are constantly reviewed and
recycled. Translation and repetition are avoided and the language is usually practiced in
meaningful contexts. Evaluation is carried out by observation, and the teacher may never set
a formal test.

Appropriate Learner

It is very appropriate to use by the learners start from Junior High School until they be
thestudent of University. This method force the student to be an active learner, talkative, and
brave, so this method is not suitable for the beginner, because the learners can get bored and
not understand what is the teacher means.
6. Suggestopedia Method


Suggestopedia is a teaching method which is base on a modern understanding of how

the human brains works and how we learn most effectively.


- Focuses on how to deal with the relationship between mental potential and learning
- The most conspicuous characteristics of suggestopedia are the decoration, furniture,
and arrangement of the classroom, the use of the music, and the authoritative behavior
of the teacher.


Suggestopedia provides some valuable insights into the power of cognition and
creates techniques that make students feel comfortable, relaxed and suggestible to the
material being learned.

Appropriate Learner

It is very appropriate to use in teaching speaking for young language learners. For the
example like the play group learners, kindergarten learners, until elementary school learners.
This method needs good facility and good teacher, so the cost of the school that apply this
method is too expensive.

The play group learners, kindergarten learners, and elementary school learners are the
suitable learners, because actually they still children and beginner. Children are the person
who have sensitive feeling, so this method is appropriate for them.

7. Total Physical Response (TPR) Method


Total physical response (TPR) is a method of language teaching that built around
coordination of speech and action, It attempts to teach language through physical activity. In
TPR, the teacher give a commands to students, and students respond with the actions, an
example of the comprehension approach to language teaching. TPR is a valuable way to learn
vocabulary, especially idiomatic terms. TPR methodology was that learning needed to
become more enjoyable and less stressful. A natural way to recreate the natural way to
children learn their native language is when interactions between their parents and children
often took the form of speech from their parents by a physical response from the child.


Using Commands to Direct Behavior (The use of commands requiring physical

actions from the students in response is the major teaching technique)
Role Reversal (Students direct the teacher and fellow learners)
Action Sequence (The teacher gives interconnected directions which create a
sequence of actions)


In Total Physical Response (TPR) ,the teacher give commands to students in the
target language, and students give a respond with the actions, an example of the
comprehension approach to language teaching. TPR is a valuable way to learn vocabulary,
Predicting skills, reading the text, and also conversation.

Appropriate Learner

Total physical response (TPR) is a method that suitable for the beginners and with
young learners, although it can be used with students of all levels and all age groups. So, this
method can be used to children and also adults.

8. Natural Approach


The natural approach is a method of language teaching which claims that language
learning is a reproduction of the way humans naturally acquire their native language. The
approach to a communicative to language teaching and rejects earlier methods. In Natural
approach, students listen to the teacher using the target language communicatively. It has
similarities with the Direct Method, but the important exception that students are allowed to
use their native language alongside the target language as part of the language learning

Preproduction (developing listening skills)

Early Production (students struggle with the language and make any errors which
corrected based on content and not structure)
Extending Production (to promote fluency through a variety of more challenging


In Natural Approach, the students listen to the teacher using the target language
communicatively. The Natural Approach focusing on a wide range of activities including
games, roleplays, and discussions

Appropriate Learner

Natural Approach is a method that suitable for adult and children, the different
between adult and children acquisition skill is that for adult have two things to follow when
they learn foreign language, Acqusition and learning. But for children only acquire the

9. Communicative Language Teaching Approac


The Communicative approach emphasizes the ability to communicate the message in

terms of its meaning, instead of concentrating exclusively on grammatical perfection or
phonetics. Therefore, the understanding of the second language is evaluated in terms of how
much the learners have developed their communicative abilities and competencies. In
essence, it considers using the language to be just as important as actually learning the


David Nunan (1991:279) lists five basic characteristics of Communicative Language

An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target
The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.
The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on the language but
also on the learning process itself.
An enhancement of the learner's own personal experiences as important
contributing elements to classroom learning.
An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside
the classroom.

In Community Language Teaching Approach, the teacher let the students to talk in
target language without thinking about the grammar. The students more active than the
teacher. The activities in the class such as role play, interviews, information gap, games,
language exchanges, survey, and pair work.

Appropriate Learner

English department collegers are very suitable to apply this approach, because it is
supposed to be student interaction using the English language without thinking of the
grammar anymore. This approach is not suitable for the beginner, because in here the
students have to more active in speak English without thinking about the grammar. The
beginner still confuse about the right grammar, while the English department students are
already understand about the grammar, so they are easily to speak directly into the target

Brown, H. Douglas (1994). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Prentice Hall.

Beale, Jason (2008). Is communicative language teaching a thing of the past?. TESOL article.

Harmer, Jeremy (2007). How to teach English. Pearson Longman.

Richards, Jack C (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching.. Cambridge University Press.

Willis, Jane (1996). A Framwork for Task-Based Learning. Longman.

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