Web Roadmap
Web Roadmap
Web Roadmap
human rights
and social
determinants into
the work of WHO
Summary iii
1. Introduction 1
Direction 1 3
Direction 2 7
Direction 3 11
This document presents a Roadmap for Action, i.e., corporate integration of equity, human rights,
gender and social determinants across the World Health Organization (WHO): all programmes, offices
and key management processes. The Roadmap has three main directions:
1. provide guidance on the integration of sustainable approaches, which advance health equity, pro-
mote and protect human rights, are gender-responsive and address social determinants in WHO
programmes and institutional mechanisms;
3. provide guidance on the integration of sustainable approaches, which advance health equity,
promote and protect human rights, are gender-responsive and address social determinants, into
WHOs support at country level.
The primary audiences of the document are WHO programmes and offices, required to integrate WHO
core values and approaches, into the way they think, plan and operate. A secondary audience consists
of Member States and other contributors of resources who are knowledgeable about the 201617 Pro-
gramme budget and want to know how it links to roll-out of mainstreaming in practice.
The Roadmap for Action describes how the integration of equity, human rights, gender and social deter-
minants will be rolled out, including strategic milestones. A companion document, the Unifying Frame-
work Guide explains what integration of WHO core values and approaches means and provides illustrative
examples. The Roadmap for Action is expected to be adjusted in synchrony with WHOs management
cycle, i.e., the next adjustments will be in early 2016.
The Roadmap covers actions in four programme areas of the Twelfth General Programme of Work and
the Programme budget, i.e.: programme area 3.31 in full, and programme areas 3.42, 4.43 and 6.14
in part1. While the Roadmap is facilitated by the team, it is not the workplan or responsibility of a single
organizational entity or level. It should be noted that headquarter units and regions may have additional
actions depending on their specific mandates, circumstances and needs. Not all these actions are not
captured by the Roadmap.
3.3 Gender, equity and human rights mainstreaming; 2 3.4 Social determinants of health; 3 4.4 Health systems, information and evidence; 4 6.1 Leadership
and governance.
1. Introduction
Health outcomes are not equal for people throughout the world, or even within countries. The under-
lying reasons are complex. Those differences that are avoidable and unacceptable are inequities. For
example, noncommunicable disease deaths occur at younger ages in low- and middle-income countries
compared to high-income ones (1); blindness prevalence is two to three times higher in women than
men in areas where trachoma infection is common (2); deaths among children under five years of age are
notably higher in rural than in urban populations (3); and the risk of complications of childbirth among
girls under 15 years old is much higher than for older women (4). While much work is already ongoing,
WHO has increased its commitment to support countries in reducing health inequities through policies
and programmes with which it is involved. In keeping
with its constitutional commitment that the highest
attainable standard of health is one of the fundamen- Of all forms of inequality,
tal rights of every human being (5); and in response
to a call from Member States to learn from and more
effectively utilize earlier efforts, the Director-General
injustice in health care is the
Margaret Chan has prioritized the mainstreaming of
equity, human rights, gender and social determinants
most inhumane.
across the Organization. The GER team, the Social
Determinants of Health (SDH) unit, the Health Statis-
Martin Luther King
tics and Information Systems (HSI) department, and
the Country Cooperation and UN Collaboration (CCU) department share a focus on tools. They and
their counterparts in the regional offices work together to reach out to programmes across WHO at all
three levels: Headquarters (HQ), regional offices and country offices. The approach to implementation
will promote cross-programme, cross-regional and cross-country collaboration and learning as well as
support for regional leadership.
This Roadmap aligns with the six leadership priorities of WHOs Twelfth General Programme of Work
(12th GPW):
1. universal health coverage;
2. the International Health Regulations (2005);
3. increasing access to medical products;
4. social, economic and environmental determinants;
5. noncommunicable diseases; and
6. health related Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
It also aligns as well as with WHOs commitment to wider UN mandates, including the United Nations
System-wide Action Plan for Implementation of the Chief Executives Board (CEB) Policy on Gender
Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN SWAP), the UN Common Understanding on the Hu-
man Rights-Based Approach to Development Cooperation and the post-2015 Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals (SDGs) (6).
The proposed SDGs are formulated much more holistically and comprehensively than the MDGs, have
a strong equity focus and suggest data disaggregation with a broad range of stratifiers: income, sex,
age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographical location and other characteristics relevant
to the national contexts. With this focus, SDG 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
at all ages puts health at the centre-stage of sustainable development and confronts WHO with the
challenge of providing global public health leadership.
In a context of growing inequity, competition for scarce natural resources and a financial crisis threat-
ening basic entitlements to health care, it would be hard to find a better expression of health as a fun-
damental right, as a prerequisite for peace and security, equity, social justice, popular participation and
global solidarity... (6).
Integrating equity, human rights, gender and social determinants into all WHOs policies, programmes
and institutional mechanisms will build on lessons learnt in previous efforts to enhance the organization-
al culture and ability to support Member States in making sustainable health and development gains.
Direction 1: Provide guidance on the integration of sustainable approaches, which
advance health equity, promote and protect human rights, are gender-responsive and ad-
dress social determinants in WHO programmes and institutional mechanisms
This direction will contribute to the delivery of 20162017 Programme budget (PB) outputs 3.3.1 Gen-
der, equity and human rights integrated in WHOs programme areas; 3.4.2 A social determinants of
health approach to improving health and reducing health inequities integrated in national, regional and
global health programmes and strategies, as well as in WHO2; and 6.1.1 Effective WHO leadership
and management in accordance with leadership priorities. Successful integration will begin with inte-
gration into key corporate processes and strengthening institutional capacity through technical guidance
and information dissemination networks to promote organizational change and culture transformation.
Cultivating dialogue and monitoring change will ensure commitment and accountability.
Provide technical and capacity - building support for integration - E-learning course
in WHO programme areas and normative functions - New HQ staff induction briefing
- Unifying framework with examples and glossary - Briefings and training conducted in some coun-
- Briefing package for programmes and country offices try offices
- Seminars on how practically to integrate GER into guideline - Now included in the WHO representative hand-
development book (7).
Create WHO-wide focal point, collaborating centres and other - Regional and category focal points in place
external partner networks during the PB 201617 planning
- Develop a network guide
- Setting up and managing a comprehensive network
Review and document best practices for integration - 15 country and two cross-regional case studies
- Commissioning of studies on implementing human rights policies and
- Publication of experiences actions commissioned
Direction 1 milestones until the end of 2019:
n Number of WHO programme areas that have integrated (PB 201617 output 3.3.1 indicator)
by 2017: 15 out of 30 programme areas
by 2019: 30 out of 30 programme areas
n Progress towards meeting the targets in the United Nations System-wide Action Plan (UN SWAP)
requirements (indicator for PB 201617 Outcome 6.1)
by 2017: 14 out of 15 performance indicators met or achieved. (Target 10 gender architecture
and parity will not have been met.)3
by 2019: (provisionally) 15 out of 15 performance indicators met or achieved
WHO-UN SWAP performance indicators: accountability (1) policy and plan; (2) gender-responsive performance management; (3) strategic planning; (4) results-based
management monitoring and reporting, oversight; (5) evaluation; (6) gender-responsive auditing; (7) programme review; human and financial; (8) resource tracking and
(9) allocation; (10) gender architecture and parity; (11) organizational culture; capacity; (12) capacity assessment and (13) development, coherence, knowledge and informa-
tion management; (14) knowledge generation and communication; (15) coherence.
Gender predicts misdiagnosis of mental disorders
This direction will contribute to delivery of PB 201617 outputs: 3.3.1 Gender, equity and human rights
integrated in WHOs programme areas; 3.3.2 Countries enabled to integrate and monitor gender,
equity and human rights in national health policies and programmes; 3.4.3 Trends in, and progress
on, action on social determinants of health and health equity monitored, including under the universal
health coverage framework and the proposed sustainable development goals4; and 4.4.1 Compre-
hensive monitoring of the global, regional and country health situation, trends, inequalities and deter-
minants, using global standards, including data collection and analysis to address data gaps and system
performance assessment.
Only by disaggregating and analysing data can populations in need of health services be identified and
included in informed policies and programmes. The global GER team together with the HSI department
and SDH are developing instruments and interactive tools for monitoring health inequalities, and inequi-
ties, providing the foundation for further integration.
Facilitate equity, human rights, gender and social determi- - Interactive visualization report State of
nants situation analysis of existing quantitative and qualita- inequality
tive national data - Extensive capacity -building through regional
- Case studies being finalized for four countries: Bangladesh, training of trainers and HQ workshops on
Brazil, South Africa and Viet Nam health equity analysis
- Health equity assessment toolkit (HEAT)
Indicator/milestone to be determined.
Direction 2 milestones until the end of 2019
n Additional countries monitoring inequalities in reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health
indicators through data disaggregated at a minimum by age, sex, place of residence and wealth5
by 2017: four additional countries
by 2019: (provisionally) four additional countries
93 countries are currently reporting reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health indicators based on data from Demographic and Health Surveys/Multiple Indicator
Cluster Surveys to the Global Health Observatory Health Equity Monitor http://www.who.int/gho/health_equity/about/en/ (accessed 18 Aug 2014)
This could, e.g., be tuberculosis, noncommunicable diseases, ageing and health. However, this would require new resources something that might be feasible given the
focus on equity in the SDGs, including capacity building for data disaggregation (SDG17.18).
Direction 3: Provide guidance on the integration of sustainable approaches, which
advance health equity, promote and protect human rights, are gender-responsive and
address social determinants, into WHOs support at country level
The third direction builds on the first two and contributes to delivering on PB 201617 outputs: 3.3.1
Gender, equity and human rights integrated in WHOs programme areas; 3.3.2 Countries enabled
to integrate and monitor gender, equity and human rights in national health policies and programmes;
3.4.2 A social determinants of health approach to improving health and reducing health inequities in-
tegrated in national, regional and global health programmes and strategies, as well as in WHO; 4.1.1
Improved country governance capacity to formulate, implement and review comprehensive national
health policies, strategies and plans (including multisectoral action, and health in all policies and equity
policies); 4.2.1 Equitable integrated, people-centred service delivery systems in place in countries and
public-health approaches strengthened; and 6.1.1 Effective WHO leadership and management in ac-
cordance with leadership priorities.
Direction 3 requires working with disease- and condition-specific programmes as well as with health sys-
tems strengthening programmes at all three levels of WHO and aligned with the UHC goals. The global
GER team together with SDH, HSI, and CCU among others will work with regional offices depending on
the regional and country circumstances and requests, including facilitating multistakeholder review pro-
cesses leading to programmatic changes that address avoidable health outcome and access differences.
Direction 3 milestones up to the end of 2019:
n Number of countries implementing at least two WHO-supported activities to integrate into their
health policies and programmes (PB 201617 output 3.3.2 indicator)
by 2017: 32 countries (up from 6)
by 2019: (provisionally) 56 countries
n Percentage of WHO Country Cooperation Strategies developed during the biennium that are explic-
itly guided by the Organizations core values and approaches based on equity, human rights, gender
and social determinants
by 2017: to be determined.
by 2019: to be determined
SDH Unit has confirmed that the 3.4.2 indicator double-counts the review tool, i.e., the numbers in the 3.3.2 indicator milestone. However, the indicators appear in the
PB 201617 under two different Programme areas (3.3 and 3.4) in the version going to the World Health Assembly.
Ethnic minorities often excluded from health
The GER team will expand and facilitate an Organization-wide network building on the lessons learnt
from the Priority Public Health Conditions Knowledge Network of the Commission on Social Deter-
minants of Health and other documented Organization-wide network experiences. This network will
include staff in key positions and functions as well as staff who have an interest in being champions of
change for the integration of equity, human rights, gender and social determinants. As a key tenet of
the network GER will encourage and foster cross-programme, cross-office and cross-country learning,
experience sharing and support.
PB 201617 Category 6, Corporate services/enabling functions.
4. Assumptions and adjustments
A key assumption of the Roadmap and in particular its milestones is that the PBs 201415 and 201819
will be fully funded at the level of outputs and that there will be sufficient flexibility of the funding to
allocate the resources to the activities, staffing and budget centres as required.
Integration of equity, human rights, gender and social determinants of health requires cooperation of a
large and diverse group of actors across the Organization. Lessons from past experiences suggest that
having the right tools and structures is not enough continuous attention to the peoples part and ad-
justments to the process are required.
Further, the SDGs will be finalized by the UN General Assembly starting in September 2015. These goals
are likely to shape resource flows as well as demand from countries for the years to come.
Therefore, the Roadmap for Action will be adjusted at regular intervals according to WHO management
cycles with the first review scheduled to take place in early 2016.
1. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2014. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 (http://www.who.int/nmh/
publications/ncd-status-report-2014/en/, accessed 23 June 2015).
2. Trachoma Fact sheet N382. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs382/en/,
accessed 23 June 2015).
3. Global Health Observatory Data Repository. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://apps.who.int/gho/data/?theme=main,
accessed 23 June 2015).
4. Maternal mortality Fact sheet N348. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/
fs348/en/, accessed 23 June 2015).
5. Constitution of the World Health Organization. Geneva: World Trade Organization; 1946 (http://apps.who.int/gb/bd/PDF/bd48/
basic-documents-48th-edition-en.pdf#page=7, accessed 23 June 2015).
6. Twelfth General Programme of Work. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 http://apps.who.int/iris/bit-
stream/10665/112792/1/GPW_2014-2019_eng.pdf?ua=1, accessed 23 June 2015).
7. Handbook for the induction of Heads of WHO Offices in countries, territories and areas. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014
(http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/136490/1/HandbookforInductionofHeadsofWHO offices_en.pdf, accessed 28 June
8. Review and reorientation of the Programme for active health protection of mothers and children for greater health equity in the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Roma Health Case Study Series No. 2. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe;
2015 (http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/276479/Review-Programme-active-health-protection-mothers-
children-greater-health-equity-en.pdf, accessed 23 June 2015).
human rights
and social
determinants into
the work of WHO