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Underpinning project and construction techniques

The rehabilitation of an existing building, mostly 40 to 50 years old, motivated by

a change of use or structural damage, which may be a consequence of insufficient
soil bearing capacity, may require an underpinning project.

This type of work requires skilled labour, not only constructors, but also in the
planning stage, since there is not an universal solution applicable to all cases. In
fact, the underpinning solution depends on many factors, among which are the
mechanical properties of the support stratum of soil, the conservation conditions
of the foundation elements and, above all, the restrictions imposed during this

The need for reinforcement of foundations is generally associated with works

under an existing construction or in their immediate proximity (changes in
boundary conditions of the ground foundation), or induced by the degradation
with time of the foundation stratum. The first case is becoming increasingly
common in urban areas, due to the need of mobility, resulting in the execution of
tunnels or underpasses, but also the creation of underground car parks,
associated with the construction of several levels of basements.

It is possible to intervene in various manners in order to reinforce/underpin

foundations. One possibility is to improve the soil mechanical properties,
increasing its bearing capacity and its stiffness. On the other hand, it is also
possible to act on the foundation itself, improving its resistance or reducing the
foundation-soil contact stresses.

A. Jet Grouting

Jet Grouting is a load transferring system for the underpinning, often also serving as an excavation
support and groundwater control system. This is an in situ method of construction undertaken beneath
foundations. Simply stated, high velocity injection of fluids, often enclosed in air, erodes the soils and
replaces the soil with and engineered grout, forming a cementations product known as soilcrete that is
capable of attaining unconfined compressive strengths in excess of 70,30 kg/cm2. Groups of 1 to 1,20 m
diameter soilcrete columns are constructed to transfer foundation loads to underlying suitable bearing
Figure 6 Jet Grouting Process 14]

This technology requires specialized equipment and experience to construct the soilcrete. Work is
accomplished safely above grade, and sequenced so that little or no structural deformation occurs. In
fact, it is the most widely used system for underpinning historical and sensitive structures.
Jet grouting for underpinning has been applied to construct deep foundation systems, in site gravity wall
structures, and groundwater cutoff barriers.


Compaction grouting can be either a soil treatment system or a combination of soil

treatment and load transfer. Soil in a loose or soft state can be densified by injecting a
very viscous sand-cement grout into these soil zones (Fig. 8). Compaction grouting uses

displacement to improve ground conditions. With adequate confinement stress and slow

injection rates, the low mobility grout will displace the soil into a denser arrangement,

thus increasing its bearing capacity and reducing its compressibility. In cases where

ground dropouts are a problem, settled structures can be pushed back to near original

position as part of the grout treatment program.

Depending on the location and arrangement of the grout injection and the quality of the

cured compaction grout, the grout element can be used as a load transfer mechanism as

well as a soil improvement system.

2.1. Micropiles

Micropiles are presented as a variant of deep foundations, and consist of piles of

small diameter between 75mm and 350mm, cast in situ, vertical or executed with
an angle. These elements, when compressed, transmit their forces to the ground
primarily by lateral friction (floating piles), although there is a small contribution
from the bearing resistance. In general, the execution of micropiles is divided into
the following stages [1], as illustrated in Figure 1:

Drilling to the specified depth;

Placement of the reinforcement;
Gravity fill injection of grout;
Pressure postgrouting injection, when applicable.



Two types of micropiles, namely reinforcement bars system and API (American

Petroleum Institution) pipe systems are used (Fig. 13). Other types of
reinforcements, like

H-pile sections, are occasionally used for certain purposes. Figure 11 below,
shows the

typical sections of micropiles for the two reinforcement systems. "API pipe system
generally recommended for compression piles as it provides good lateral stability
of the

pile under axial compression load. Reinforcement bars are common for tension

because of its resemblance with ground anchorage. Some designers also use

reinforcement bars for compression piles with provision of sufficient helical links

avoid buckling of reinforcement bars and for piles in ground with good lateral

[5]. The cementitious grout also contributes to the rigidity of the embedded pile

Care needs to be taken for micropiles to carry large lateral load or high bending

because the small pile section will limit the development of sufficient shear and

resistances. It can be an expensive option for such purpose. The sizes of


usually constructed vary from 100mm to 350mm carrying load of up to 285 Tons


2.2. Pre-stressed connection

The use of this GEWI type systems results, firstly in the installation of a certain
normal stress at the interface between the beam and the underpinned element.
Moreover, the load transfer to the micropiles produces, according to the strut
and tie method, tensions that can be absorbed at the expense of the resistance of
these steel bars (Figure 2).

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