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Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789

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An efcient approach to incorporating interfraction motion in IMRT

treatment planning$
Chunhua Men a, H. Edwin Romeijn b,n, Anneyuko Saito c, James F. Dempsey d
Elekta Inc., 13723 Riverport Drive, Suite 100, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, United States
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2117, United States
Department of Radiology, Juntendo University Uryasu Hospital, Uryasu, Japan
ViewRay Inc., 2 Thermo Fisher Way, Village of Oakwood, OH 44146, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Available online 31 October 2011 Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is one of the most widely used delivery modalities for
Keywords: radiation therapy for cancer patients. A patient is typically treated in daily fractions over a period of 59
Interfraction motion weeks. In this paper, we consider the problem of accounting for changes in patient setup location and
IMRT treatment planning internal geometry between the treatment fractions, usually referred to as interfraction motion. The
Stochastic models conventional method is to add a margin around the clinical tumor volume (CTV) to obtain a planning
target volume (PTV). A uence map optimization (FMO) model is then solved to determine the optimal
intensity proles to deliver to the patient. However, a margin-based method may not adequately model
the changes in dose distributions due to the random nature of organ motion. Accounting for
interfraction motion in the FMO model essentially transforms the deterministic optimization problem
into a stochastic one. We propose a stochastic FMO model that employs convex penalty functions to
control the treatment plan quality and uses a large number of scenarios to characterize interfraction
motion uncertainties. Some effects of radiotherapy are impacted mainly by the dose distribution in a
given treatment fraction while others tend to manifest themselves over time and depend mostly on the
total dose received over the course of treatment. We will therefore formulate an optimization model
that explicitly incorporates treatment plan evaluation criteria that apply to the total dose received over
all treatment fractions and ones that apply to the dose per fraction. Particularly when many structures
fall into the former category, this can lead to signicant reductions in the dimension of the optimization
model and therefore the time required to solve it. We test an example of our model on ve clinical
prostate cancer cases, showing the efcacy of our approach. In particular, compared to a traditional
margin-based treatment plan, our plans exhibit signicantly improved target dose coverage and
clinically equivalent critical structure sparing at only a modest increase in computational effort.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction delivered as a series of daily treatment fractions over a period of 59

weeks. For each treatment fraction, patients are treated using a
In this paper, we consider the problem of determining high- gantry-mounted radiation source that can deliver radiation from
quality intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment several different directions. Moreover, the beam can be shaped
plans for cancer patients. Since radiation therapy kills both cancer- dynamically using a so-called multi-leaf collimator (MLC) system
ous and normal cells, the treatment must be carefully planned so that blocks part of the beam. Together, these tools allow for the
that a clinically prescribed dose is delivered to cancerous cells while delivery of highly complex dose distributions that conform to the
sparing normal cells in nearby organs and tissues to the greatest clinical targets while adequately sparing the functionality of critical
extent possible. Radiation therapy treatment plans are generally structures. A uence map optimization (FMO) problem is formu-
lated and solved to identify a high-quality collection of intensity
proles, one for each beam direction. Such problems have been
extensively studied in the literature; we refer in particular to the
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant no. review papers by Shepard et al. [31] and Romeijn and Dempsey
DMI-0457394/CMMI-0852727. [30]. More specically, Lee et al. [1618] studied mixed integer
Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 734 7632238; fax: 1 734 7643451.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Men),
programming approaches; Hamacher et al. [11] and Kufer et al. [14]
[email protected] (H.E. Romeijn), [email protected] (A. Saito), proposed a multi-criteria approach to the problem; and Romeijn
[email protected] (J.F. Dempsey). et al. [28,29] developed convex programming models.

0305-0548/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1780 C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789

Traditionally, the design and evaluation of IMRT treatment the MIGA approach may not be large enough to capture all
plans (i.e., the FMO model) is based on a static patient model interfraction motion uncertainties, and signicantly increasing
obtained using a single planning CT image set. During the course of the number of scenarios may make the optimization model
a fractionated radiation therapy the patient geometry may deviate intractable. Secondly, while properties of a treatment plan that
from the geometry observed in the image on which a treatment depend on aggregate dose distribution are accurately assessed by
plan is based. These deviations are caused by, for example, (i) an considering the expected or average dose delivered per fraction,
inability to setup the patient in an identical location with respect to other properties that rely more heavily on the dose distribution
the radiation source on each day of the treatment, (ii) movement delivered in a single treatment fraction are ignored by the MIGA
and shape changes of tumor as well as soft tissues and organs, and approach. As McShan et al. [21] point out: Clearly, to believe that
(iii) patient weight loss or gain. Such changes in patient geometry the MIGA optimization is going to be clinically useful in this case,
between fractions are generally referred to as interfraction motion. the cost function for the optimization should be modied to
(This distinguishes these sources of uncertainty to those caused by either (1) force dose/fraction constraints as well as the total dose
intrafraction motion, which refers to internal organ motion occur- costs, or (2) specically include dose/fraction corrections into the
ring during the actual radiation treatment due to breathing, optimization through the use of linear/quadratic model estimates
swallowing, etc.; see, e.g., [15].) of a bioeffect. In this paper, we will take the former approach.
To account for organ motion, the conventional approach is to In this paper, we will therefore introduce a new stochastic
add a margin around the clinical tumor volume (CTV) to obtain a model for FMO that accurately captures interfraction motion
planning target volume (PTV) (see, e.g., [12,13]). The CTV contains uncertainties while remaining computationally tractable. Our
an area including and immediately surrounding the gross tumor goals in this paper are to
volume (GTV) that is at high risk for clinical extension of the
tumor. The PTV is an expansion of the CTV with a margin  propose a new stochastic FMO model accounting for interfrac-
accounting for both interfraction and intrafraction motion. tion motion;
Several studies (see, e.g., [2,33,34,24]) have empirically derived  empirically evaluate the ability of this model to nd high-
expressions for the required margin size. However, these quality treatment plans when the model is used to account for
margin-based methods suffer from the fact that the margin may setup errors in particular;
not adequately model the changes in dose distribution due to the  develop a new and appropriate way to evaluate treatment plan
uncertain deviations caused by interfraction and intrafraction evaluation criteria that depend on the dose distribution in a
organ motion; in particular, it may not be necessary or appro- single treatment fraction.
priate to use a uniform margin for the entire CTV. Therefore, the
use of margins for treatment planning may lead to underdosing of
the CTV and/or overdosing of critical structures, causing reduced
cure rates or increased side-effects of treatment. Moreover, the 2. Incorporating interfraction motion
aggregate dose distribution received by those targets and critical
structures for which dose per fraction is important does not 2.1. Deterministic FMO model
accurately capture treatment plan quality. Although the cumula-
tive dose over the course of treatment is evaluated, the actual Our stochastic FMO model is based on a traditional determi-
dose received in each of the treatment fractions may signicantly nistic FMO model that we will rst introduce. We denote the set
differ from the planned (or clinically prescribed) one. of beamlets (which discretize a pre-determined and xed set of
Because of these problems associated with margin-based beams from different directions) by N and the associated decision
methods, attention has shifted to the development of alternative variables representing the intensity of these beamlets by xi (iA N).
methods. It is expected that explicitly accounting for the uncer- Furthermore, we denote the set of voxels by V, and associate a
tainties of interfraction motion will lead to improved treatment decision variable zj with each voxel j A V that measures the dose
plans by implicitly identifying patient-dependent and non- received by that voxel. We make the standard approximation that
uniform margins to optimally hedge against geometry changes. expresses the vector of voxel doses as a linear function of the
Hence, the conicting goals of tumor dose coverage and critical intensities of the apertures through the so-called dose deposition
structure sparing can be balanced more effectively. One approach coefcients Dij : the dose received by voxel j A V in a given fraction
is to post process the static planned dose distribution by convol- from beamlet iA N at unit intensity. Finally, we assume that the
ving it with a probability density function which describes the clinician or physician has identied a collection of treatment plan
motion uncertainties (see, e.g., [19,20]). This dose-convolution evaluation criteria given by the convex functions G : R9V9 -R
method assumes shift invariance of the dose distribution. ( A L) as well as associated criteria weights w ( A L). Then our
However, internal inhomogeneities and surface curvature may deterministic FMO model can be written as
lead to violations of this assumption (see [7,8]). In order to
overcome these drawbacks, Chu et al. [6] propose a robust minimize w G z
optimization model. However, their model not only views the AL
dose to the voxels as independent random variables, whereas in
practice there will be a strong dependence between these, but it subject to
also focuses on the aggregate delivered dose over the entire X
course of treatment. Alternatively, McShan et al. [21] proposed zj Dij xi for j A V
the multiple instance geometry approximation (MIGA) technique.
In this approach, a relatively small number of scenarios (typically
about seven) for the patient geometry are selected and a full dose xi Z 0 for i A N
calculation is performed for each of these scenarios. A treatment
plan is then determined based on the average or expected dose (see, e.g., [28]). Of course an FMO model may also contain
distribution delivered to the patient in these scenarios. This constraints on certain treatment plan evaluation criteria. Our
approach, although very promising, suffers from two potentially approach can be extended to such models, but for ease of
serious drawbacks. Firstly, the number of scenarios that is used in exposition we will not consider this explicitly in this paper.
C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789 1781

2.2. Stochastic FMO model subject to

X s
zsj Dij xi for j A V
Integrating interfraction motion uncertainties into the FMO iAN
model essentially transforms this deterministic optimization
problem into a stochastic one since the location of the patient is Ezj  EDij xi for j A V
no longer known with certainty. We use the convention that the iAN
set of voxels discretizing the patient is constant relative to the
patient geometry, so that these move when the patient geometry xi Z 0 for i A N
changes. This means that the values of Dij, the dose received by It is easy to see that the number of scenarios S determines the
each voxel at unit intensity, is now a random variable that we dimensionality of this problem. Moreover, since the deterministic
denote by Dij . Since the current optimization models are already FMO problem is already a large-scale one, this model may become
challenging large-scale optimization problems, models that expli- intractable quickly. However, since dose/fraction effects generally
citly account for motion may quickly become intractable. Since apply to only a relatively small set of structures, we only need to
the number of fractions is generally relatively large, we could incorporate the decision variables zsj for the voxels in such
consider simply replacing the coefcients Dij in the static model structures, i.e., the ones that are subject to a dose/fraction-based
by their expected values EDij . Implicitly, this assumes that the evaluation criterion. Therefore, this model will in fact generally be
relevant quantities are the total dose received by all voxels over much smaller than it appears. Note that the MIGA approach
the course of the treatment. This assumption may not always be proposed by [21] is a special case of our approach with (i) Lfx |,
appropriate; for example, for targets it is often considered P
(ii) S 7, and (iii) EDij  1=S Ss 1 Dsij .
essential that the dose delivered to each voxel is close to constant
in each treatment fraction, typically 1.82.1 Gy. This means that 2.3. Treatment plan evaluation
the amount of dose received in each individual fraction will be
important as well. We therefore decompose the collection of To evaluate treatment plans obtained by the stochastic opti-
treatment plan evaluation criteria into a set of criteria that mization model, one of the tools that we will use is the traditional
measure dose/fraction effects (indexed by Lfx ) and a set of criteria and clinically widely used dose-volume histograms (DVHs). These
that measure total dose effects (indexed by Ltotal L\Lfx ). The histograms specify, for each target and critical structure, the
former criteria are then evaluated at the actual dose in a fraction, fraction of that structure that receives a certain dose level or
while the latter are evaluated at the expected dose in a fraction. higher. In particular, for total dose effects, we consider the DVH
Denoting the dose received by voxel j A V in a given fraction by zj corresponding to the expected aggregate dose distribution deliv-
(which is now a random variable), we then formulate our ered to the patient over all treatment fractions. (Our experiments
stochastic FMO model as follows: will validate that the number of fractions is typically large enough
X X to justify this.) However, to evaluate dose/fraction effects for
minimize EG z G Ez
relevant structures we should evaluate the dose distribution
A Lfx A Ltotal
delivered in each fraction. One tool that is often used is a
subject to so-called DVH-cloud, a collection of DVHs for individual
X scenarios. Since, for large numbers of scenarios, such clouds are
zj Dij xi for j A V often hard to interpret due to the vast amount of information
iAN displayed, we also propose a new evaluation technique. In parti-
cular, we propose to parameterize a corresponding criterion and
evaluate the probability that, in a given scenario, the parameter-
xi Z0 for i A N
ized version of the criterion is satised. For example, in order to
In order to make the above stochastic model tractable, we evaluate target coverage, we may plot the probability that b% of
represent the random dose distribution coefcient matrices via the target volume receives the prescription dose as a function of b.
a nite number of scenarios, say S. We then let Dsij denote the dose
received by voxel j from beamlet i at unit intensity in scenario
3. Experiments
s1,y,S, zsj denote the dose received by voxel j A V in scenario
s1,y,S, and Ezj  denote the expected dose received by voxel
3.1. Clinical problem instances
j A V in any given fraction. This leads to the following so-called
deterministic equivalent model:
To test our stochastic optimization model, three-dimensional
" #
X 1X S X treatment planning data for ve prostate cancer patients was
minimize G zs G Ez exported from a commercial patient imaging and anatomy
Ss1 total
AL AL segmentation system at the University of Florida Department of

Table 1
Model dimensions (full resolution; between parentheses: after downsampling).

Case # voxels # bixels

Total Target Rectum Bladder Femoral heads Normal tissue

1 205,911 (35,988) 1806 3132 1614 4639 194,720 (24,797) 2055

2 131,216 (22,330) 949 361 504 4545 124,857 (15,971) 2253
3 226,324 (38,731) 2888 3670 1364 4851 213,551 (25,958) 2653
4 162,628 (29,828) 1700 1429 4947 3011 151,551 (18,741) 2413
5 262,184 (40,636) 1502 1035 6205 6900 246,542 (24,994) 2736
1782 C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789

Radiation Oncology. This data was then imported into the we identify the bixels for which the dose deposition coefcient Dij
University of Florida Optimized Radiation Therapy (UFORT) treat- associated with at least one target voxel is nonzero in any of the
ment planning system and used to generate the data required by scenarios. For all cases we generated a voxel grid with voxels of
the models described above (see, e.g., [28]). size 4  4  4 mm3 for the targets and critical structures. Dempsey
For all ve cases, we design plans using nine equispaced et al. [9] performed a Fourier analysis of required voxel resolution
Co-beams (note that this does not affect the optimization for the case of 6 MV photon beams. Our resolution in this paper
algorithm, which is, without modication, applicable to high- was based on a similar (but unpublished) analysis of 60Co-beams.
energy x-ray beams as well; see, for example, [28] for results with Moreover, this resolution is a typical choice for prostate cancer
6 MV photon beams). The nine beams are evenly distributed cases in clinical settings due to (i) the typical tumor size, and (ii)
around the patient with angles 01, 401, 801, 1201, 1601, 2001, the relatively regular shape of the prostate (for other sites a
2401, 2801, 3201, respectively. The nominal size of each beam is different resolution may be required). For the optimization model,
40  40 cm2. The beams are discretized into bixels of size we downsampled the voxels in normal tissue to a voxel grid of
1  1 cm2, yielding on the order of 1600 bixels. The coefcients 8  8  8 mm3. However, the treatment quality of the obtained
Dij are then obtained using a pencil beam model with a correction plans was always evaluated on the full resolution voxel grid. There
for nonhomogeneous tissue densities. We then reduce the set of is one target (prostate), with a prescription dose 73.8 Gy delivered
beamlets that actually need to be considered in the optimization in 41 daily fractions. Moreover, there are three critical structures:
by using the fact that the actual volume to be treated is usually bladder, rectum, and femoral heads, in addition to normal tissue.
signicantly smaller. That is, for each beam, we identify a mask Table 1 shows the problem dimensions for the ve cases.
consisting of only those bixels that can help treat the targets, i.e., Both our deterministic and stochastic FMO models employ
treatment plan evaluation criteria that are quadratic one-sided
voxel-based penalty functions. Denoting the collection of targets
Table 2 by T and the collection of critical structures by C, these penalty
Criteria for prostate cancer.
functions are
Rectum Bladder Femoral heads 1 X 2
Gt z a
t  maxf0,T 
t zj g t AT 1
9V t 9 j A V
r 15% receives Z 75 Gy r 15% receives Z 80 Gy r 10% receives Z 52 Gy t

r 25% receives Z 70 Gy r 25% receives Z 75 Gy

r 35% receives Z 65 Gy r 35% receives Z 70 Gy 1 X
r 50% r 50%
Gt z at  maxf0,zj T t g2 t AT [ C 2
receives Z 60 Gy receives Z 65 Gy 9V t 9 j A V

100 100

80 80
% Scenarios

% Scenarios

60 60

40 40

20 20
Scenarios 1-25 Scenarios 1-50
Scenarios 101-200 Scenarios 101-200
0 0
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
% Volume % Volume

100 100

80 80
% Scenarios

% Scenarios

60 60

40 40

20 20
Scenarios 1-75 Scenarios 1-100
Scenarios 101-200 Scenarios 101-200
0 0
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
% Volume % Volume

Fig. 1. The probability that a specied percentage of the target received the prescription dose for case 1: (a) 25, (b) 50, (c) 75, and (d) 100 scenarios.
C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789 1783

where T 
t and T t are underdosing and overdosing thresholds and voxels is associated with a dose/fraction effects (i.e., lack of
at and at are criteria weights). For illustration purposes, our adequate tumor cell kill), while overdosing of voxels is associated
experiments deal with an example where underdosing of target with total dose effects (side-effects of treatment). That is, we
included overdosing-related penalties in the set Ltotal and under-
Table 3 dosing-related criteria in the set Lfx , i.e., Lfx T and Ltotal T [ C.
CPU running time (seconds). Since our model explicitly accounts for interfraction motion,
our target is the CTV with margins added for intrafraction motion;
Case Traditional model Stochastic model (100 scenarios)
we will denote the corresponding expanded CTV by CTV . In
1 45 271 order to compare the results of our stochastic model with a more
2 42 149 traditional margin-based approach, we also create a PTV by
3 71 375 expanding the CTV with a setup margin. Empirically, the setup
4 67 246
5 89 251
errors in each direction have been found to be approximately
normally distributed with a standard deviation of 3 mm (see, e.g.,

Case 1 Case 2
100 100

80 80
% Scenarios

% Scenarios
60 60

40 40

20 Traditional Model 20 Traditional Model

Stochastic Model Stochastic Model

0 0
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
% Volume % Volume

Case 3 Case 4
100 100

80 80
% Scenarios

% Scenarios

60 60

40 40

20 Traditional Model 20 Traditional Model

Stochastic Model Stochastic Model

0 0
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
% Volume % Volume

Case 5

% Scenarios



20 Traditional Model

Stochastic Model
70 75 80 85 90 95 100
% Volume

Fig. 2. The probability that a specied percentage of the target received the prescription dose: (a) case 1, (b) case 2, (c) case 3, (d) case 4, and (d) case 5.
1784 C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789

[10,4,25,35]). Following Antolak and Rosen [2], we therefore set are not well-established, we used the most strict criteria that we
the width of the setup error margin to about 1.65 times the found in the literature [3]. For the traditional deterministic FMO
standard deviation and formed the PTV by adding a margin of model, we required that (i) at least 95% of the PTV receives the
5 mm in each direction to the CTV . Clinical DVH criteria and prescribed dose of 73.8 Gy, (ii) at least 99% of the PTV receives
constraints were established to keep toxicity at acceptable levels, 93% of the prescribed dose, and (iii) no more than 10% of the PTV
and our optimized treatment plans were evaluated with respect receives 110% of the prescribed dose. Formalizing these criteria
to these criteria. In particular, we used the RTOG [26] criteria for yields a non-convex optimization model. Moreover, quantifying
rectum and bladder (see Table 2) which are commonly used by the trade-off between these criteria is highly subjective. We
physicians and researchers [27,5,23]. While femoral head criteria therefore chose to use the convex penalty-function based model
as described above without explicit incorporation of the DVH
Table 4 criteria. We tuned the problem parameters of this model by
Target hotspot (% of volume exceeding 110% of the prescribed dose). manual adjustment, taking the clinical DVH criteria into account
as well as the physicians clinical subjective trade-offs. This
Case Traditional model Stochastic model
process was applied to a single patient case, and these parameters
1 1.65 2.07 were then used for all other cases as well. The performance of the
2 3.63 4.75 obtained treatment plans with respect to the clinical DVH criteria
3 6.41 4.70 is taken as evidence of the effectiveness of this approach.
4 1.97 1.46
5 3.00 2.17
We next generated 200 scenarios by perturbing the location of
the patient according to a normal distribution with a mean of

Case 1 (traditional)


% Volume



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy)

Case 1 (stochastic)




% Volume






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy)

Fig. 3. DVH clouds for the CTV for case 1: (a) traditional model and (b) stochastic model.
C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789 1785

0 and a standard deviation of 3 mm in each coordinate direction 3.2. Results

for each patient case. Of these scenarios, we used the rst 100 in
our optimization model (i.e., we set S 100), while we used the We solved all optimization models using our in-house primal
remaining to validate our results. We performed an extensive dual interior point algorithm (see [1]). All experiments were
comparison of the solutions obtained with our stochastic FMO performed on a PC with 2.66 GHz Intel Quad CPU and 4 GB of
model with the ones obtained using the traditional deterministic RAM, running under Windows Vista. Our algorithms were imple-
FMO model. mented in Matlab 7.

Case 1 Case 2
(Traditional: dot; Stochastic: solid) (Traditional: dot; Stochastic: solid)
100 100
Femoral Head Femoral Head

Rectum Rectum
80 80
Normal tissue Normal tissue
% Volume

% Volume
Bladder Bladder
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)
Case 3 Case 4
(Traditional: dot; Stochastic: solid) (Traditional: dot; Stochastic: solid)
100 100
Femoral head Femoral head

Rectum Rectum
80 80
Normal tissue Normal tissue
% Volume

% Volume

60 60 Bladder

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)
Case 5
(Traditional: dot; Stochastic: solid)
Femoral head

Normal tissue
% Volume




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy)

Fig. 4. DVHs for critical structures (stochastic vs. traditional model: (a) case 1, (b) case 2, (c) case 3, (d) case 4, and (d) case 5).
1786 C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789

3.2.1. Number of scenarios 3.2.3. Critical structure sparing

We start by testing the effects of varying the number of Fig. 4 shows the DVHs for the critical structures for the
scenarios that is included in the optimization models. A small stochastic model as compared to the traditional model.
number of scenarios may be insufcient to capture the actual Tables 5 and 6 list the corresponding DVH values based on the
uncertainties and may therefore result in unacceptable treatment criteria, evaluated on scenarios 101200. We conclude from Fig. 4
quality while a large number of scenarios may lead to an and Tables 5 and 6 that our methods could obtain better target
unacceptably long CPU running time. By testing different number dose coverage without a clinically signicant additional dose to
of scenarios included in the models we can nd a balance the critical structures.
between computational effort and the treatment plan quality. In
particular, we have solved the stochastic optimization model with 3.2.4. Individual scenario DVHs
25, 50, 75, and 100 scenarios, respectively. We then evaluated the Our stochastic optimization model takes individual dose
treatment plan quality based on the scenarios used in the distributions for the target into account and robust treatment
optimization model as well as on scenarios 101200, i.e., scenar- plans can be obtained while the traditional method does not have
ios outside the optimization model. Taking case 1 as an example, this merit: in some extreme scenarios, the treatment plan quality
Fig. 1 estimates the probability that b% of the target volume may be very bad using the traditional method. We would like to
received the prescription dose for the traditional and stochastic take case 1 as an example, and check the target dose coverage and
models, respectively, as a function of b. We observe that the critical structure sparing for Scenario 135. Note that this scenario
actual treatment plan quality as measured by target coverage is not included in the optimization model. Fig. 5 shows the DVHs
based on scenarios 101200 is inferior to the quality that is for the stochastic model compared to the traditional model. We
perceived by the models with 25, 50, or 75 scenarios. For can see that about 98% of the target receives the prescription dose
example, if we include 25 scenarios in the stochastic optimization (73.8 Gy) by solving the stochastic model, while for the traditional
model, at least 97.5% of the target volume receives the prescrip- method that volume is only 92%. Critical structure sparing is
tion dose with probability 97%. However, based on scenarios comparable for both sets of DVHs, and satisfy the guidelines
101200 the actual probability is more accurately estimated by mentioned in Section 3.1.
79%. If we include 100 scenarios in the stochastic optimization
model the actual and perceived distribution of target coverage are
virtually indistinguishable from one another. A similar pattern 3.2.5. Perceived vs. actual DVHs
was observed for the other four cases, which led us to conclude Recall that the traditional method does not account for inter-
that 100 is an appropriate number of scenarios to use in the fraction motion in either the optimization model or its reporting
stochastic optimization model. of the treatment plan quality. Hence, the perceived treatment
Using 100 scenarios, the amount of time required, on average, plan quality (i.e., the DVHs reported by the traditional model)
by our optimization algorithms to nd the solutions ranges from may differ from the actual one (i.e., the DVHs reported by the
about 2 to 6 min of CPU time for the stochastic optimization
model while it takes less than 2 min to solve the traditional Table 5
model. Table 3 records the CPU time for the two models. DVH criteria for rectum (%).

Case Model Rectum

3.2.2. Target coverage, hot spots, and cold spots @75 Gy @70 Gy @65 Gy @60 Gy
Fig. 2 shows the target coverage curves for all ve cases for both (r 15%) (r 25%) (r 35%) (r 50%)
the treatment plan obtained with the traditional model and the one
1 Traditional 8.37 11.91 14.78 17.40
obtained with the stochastic model using scenarios 1100, in both
Stochastic 9.29 12.35 15.16 16.92
cases evaluated on scenarios 101200. It is clear from these gures 2 Traditional 3.99 6.22 8.45 11.09
that, in general, the stochastic model obtains a much better target Stochastic 10.65 13.43 16.64 20.08
dose coverage than the traditional model does. Taking case 1 as an 3 Traditional 2.70 14.13 17.17 22.85
example, the probability of 95% target coverage is 99% for the Stochastic 2.77 9.69 16.06 20.49
4 Traditional 13.79 20.15 25.82 30.86
stochastic model as opposed to 91% with the traditional model. Stochastic 10.56 17.98 22.95 27.40
Besides estimating the probability that a specied percentage 5 Traditional 11.20 19.52 25.41 29.57
of the target receive the prescription dose, we would like to check Stochastic 8.21 15.46 20.29 25.60
another two important criteria: target coldspots (underdosing)
and hotspots (overdosing) which refer to the volume of target
which receives less than 93% and more than 110% of prescription
Table 6
dose, respectively. Table 4 shows the averaged hotspots for all ve DVH criteria for bladder and femoral heads (%).
cases. In most of the scenarios, 100% of the target receives at least
93% of the prescription dose for all ve cases, so there are no Case Model Bladder Femoral
unacceptable coldspots. heads
@80 Gy @75 Gy @70 Gy @65 Gy @52 Gy
A more traditional way of evaluating the dose distribution for ( r 15%) (r 25%) ( r 35%) (r 50%) ( r 10%)
structures for which dose/fraction effects are important is to use
so-called DVH clouds, i.e., a DVH for each potential fraction 1 Traditional 0.57 6.09 9.51 12.30 0.06
scenario. In our case, the optimization model only concerns itself Stochastic 0.68 10.47 15.06 17.97 1.21
2 Traditional 0.82 6.88 8.45 10.09 0
with individual fractions when evaluating the dose distribution in
Stochastic 7.7 13.12 16.57 20.16 5.44
the target, so we limit ourselves to DVH clouds for the CTV. Fig. 3 3 Traditional 0.79 11.36 16.82 24.95 0.20
conrms that the stochastic model achieves more consistent Stochastic 0 2.58 9.52 14.48 0.59
target coverage than the traditional model. It is interesting to 4 Traditional 0.42 4.65 6.87 8.71 0
note that this gain in target coverage does not seem to come at Stochastic 0.54 3.21 5.60 7.13 0
5 Traditional 0.29 4.45 6.93 8.99 0
the expense of additional hotspots: the upper tails of both DVH Stochastic 0.14 2.63 4.90 6.96 0.59
clouds appear very similar.
C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789 1787

Case 1, scenario 135 (traditional: dot; stochastic: solid) stochastic model, evaluated using the scenarios). To assess this
100 effect, we compared the perceived DVHs reported from the
traditional model with the actual DVHs that take into account
CTV+ the uncertainty using the 200 scenarios from the interfraction
Femoral head motion model. The results indicate that the perceived DVHs for
critical structures are very close to the actual ones (see examples
% Volume

60 in Fig. 6). However, the perceived DVHs overestimate the dose

Normal tissue distribution to the targets (see results in Fig. 7). This further
underscores the importance of taking interfraction motion uncer-
40 Bladder
tainty into account explicitly.

3.2.6. Expected dose vs. aggregate dose over all fractions
Finally, note that an essential assumption that we make in our
0 model is that the aggregate dose delivered over 41 fractions
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy)
(which is uncertain) can accurately be approximated by the
expected dose delivered over these 41 fractions. In order to
Fig. 5. DVHs for case 1 in Scenario 135 (stochastic vs. traditional model). validate this assumption, we simulated the optimized treatment

Case 1 (perceived: dot; actual: solid)


Femoral head


Normal tissue

60 Bladder
% Volume



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy)

Case 2 (perceived: dot; actual: solid)


Femoral head


Normal tissue

60 Bladder
% Volume



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Dose (Gy)

Fig. 6. Perceived and actual DVHs for critical structures for (a) case 1 and (b) case 2.
1788 C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789

Case 1 Case 2
100 100
Actual Perceived
Perceived Actual
80 80

60 60
% Volume

% Volume
40 40

20 20

0 0
65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85
-20 -20
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)
Case 3 Case 4
100 100
Perceived Perceived
Actual Actual
80 80

% Volume
% Volume

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85
-20 -20
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)
Case 5

% Volume



65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85
Dose (Gy)

Fig. 7. Perceived and actual DVHs for the target: (a) case 1, (b) case 2, (c) case 3, (d) case 4, and (d) case 5.

plans over a collection of ve sample random treatments of 41 in each treatment fraction and evaluate the per-fraction DVHs,
fractions each, and plotted the corresponding realized DVHs. while for total dose effects we consider the aggregate DVHs over
Fig. 8 shows that, for case 1, the differences between the ve all treatment fractions. We illustrate the model by including dose/
simulated treatments were clinically indistinguishable from one fraction criteria for target coverage while including total dose
another. The results for the other four cases were similar. criteria for all targets and critical structures. Note, however, that
our proposed methodology applies equally well to other settings,
as long as the distribution of interfraction motion can accurately
4. Concluding remarks and future research directions be characterized. We show that robust treatment plans can be
obtained using only a modest number of scenarios. In particular,
We propose a new stochastic optimization model for IMRT the target dose coverage obtained with the stochastic model is far
treatment planning that accounts for interfraction motion and superior to that obtained by a traditional model using xed
distinguishes explicitly between total dose and dose/fraction interfraction motion margins. Clearly, the quality of our results
effects. For dose/fraction effects, we penalize the doses received depend on the correctness of the assumed organ motion model, so
C. Men et al. / Computers & Operations Research 39 (2012) 17791789 1789

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