Determinant of Customer Loyalty in Malaysian Takaful Industry

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 130 (2014) 362 370

INCOMaR 2013

Determinant of Customer Loyalty in Malaysian Takaful Industry

Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassana,* , Wan Jamaliah Wan Jusohb, Zarinah Hamidb
Faculty of Business Management, University Teknology MARA, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam, Malaysia
Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The Malaysian Takaful industry is considered a growing industry with significant progress and continues to play an important
socioeconomic role within the economy. In the new global economy, service providers are competing to develop and retain
customers through increased satisfaction and loyalty. To achieve this aim, customer knowledge has been increasingly recognized
as a key strategy in managing customer relationships. Organizations sometimes are not aware of what actually goes on in a
customers mind. This study is aimed to investigate the factors influencing customer loyalty among Malaysian Takaful
customers. It focuses on the relationships among customer relationship management, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
The population of the study will consist of customers who have subscribed to the Islamic insurance products and services. Self-
administered questionnaires are distributed to eight Takaful companies in Malaysia as a study setting for this study. Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) is applied to test the constructs relationships. It is expected that findings from this study will
contribute to the existing literature to both theoretical and managerial approaches in order to better understand the pattern of
customer knowledge management, customer relationship management and customer lifetime value, especially in Takaful industry
2014 The
2014 TheAuthors.
Ltd.Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and
Selection andpeer-review
thethe Organizing
Organizing Committee
Committee of INCOMaR
of INCOMaR 2013.

Keywords: Customer Loyalty; Customer Relationship Management; Malaysia; Satisfaction; Takaful Industry

1. Introduction

In the new global economy, service providers are competing to develop and retain customers through increased

Corresponding author. Tel.: +6-03-3258-5070; fax: +6-03-3258-5168
E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-0428 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of INCOMaR 2013.
Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 130 (2014) 362 370 363

satisfaction and loyalty. Customers who have a strong relationship with a service provider represent a major source
of profit. Thus, in order to improve strategies in maintaining the customers, we have to understand their behaviours,
investigate their needs and wants (Peppers & Rogers, 2004). Recently, Jamil & Aryaty (2010) highlights service
providers utilized relationship marketing as a strategy to maintain long term relationship with current and also
potential customers.
Malaysia is the only country with a specific Takaful Law and the demand for Takaful products, both life and non-
life has been huge (Patel, 2008). In general, Takaful services are not fully accepted and subscribed by the Islamic
community themselves due to lack of awareness of Takaful roles in their lives and their economy. One of the
contributory determinants to this absence of awareness among Muslims is the lack of understanding of Islamic
product and services (Mohd Razif, 2011).
So far, there is limited research on customer relationship management and its impact on customer loyalty and to
the best of the authors knowledge no study has investigated an outcome in an Islamic insurance environment from a
relationship marketing perspective. There may be a tendency for customers to switch from conventional insurance to
Islamic insurance or vice versa due to their past relationship with their service providers or when the customers
perceive that there are no other alternatives available to them.
Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to validate the hypothesized interrelationships among the
constructs of customer relationship management, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty among policyholders of
Takaful companies in Malaysia. In addition, the study also examined the likely mediation effect of customer
satisfaction on customer relationship management and customer loyalty relationship.

1.1. Takaful Industry

It is a generally accepted view that Islamic insurance was first established in the early second century of Islamic
era when Muslim Arabs started to expand their trade to India, the Malay Archipelago and other countries in Asia.
Due to travel / long voyage, they often had to suffer heavy losses as mishaps and misfortunes or robberies along the
way. Based on Islamic principles of mutual help and cooperation in good and noble action, all the dealers agreed to
contribute to a fund before they begin their journey. These funds were used to pro-vide compensation to anyone in
the group that suffered losses through any mishap. This was later copied by Europeans who later used to develop the
concept of marine insurance.
Takaful is an Islamic insurance concept which is based on Islam muamalat (banking transactions), to comply
with the rules and regulations of Islamic law. This concept has been practiced in various forms for over 1400 years.
It comes from the Arabic word Kafalah, meaning "the guarantee of each other" or "joint guarantee" against certain
Basically, there are two types of takaful, that is family takaful and general takaful. Several critical factors
namely, agency system (al-wakalah), reputation of takaful operators, products and services, marketing and
advertising of takaful products, are found to be the main determinants for family takaful demand (Arifin, Yazid, &
Sulong, 2013).

1.2. Evolution of the Malaysian Takaful industry

As the Malaysian authorities became comfortable with the growth and regulation of the Islamic market, the
Government introduced further legislation to allow other conventional banks to offer Islamic products through their
designated premises.
According to Fisher (1999), Takaful is the second most important social institution in the Islamic community to
counter poverty and deprivation. The Takaful is operated as an enterprise providing services on a self sustaining
model rather than as a charity.
According to Yon Bahiah, Siti Zaleha and Norshahidah (2009), although the Malays are aware of Takaful, they
are not convinced that it is what they need for financial planning. On future Takaful needs, Takaful operators may
need to look for innovative products for protection, education and investment purposes (Yon Bahiah et al., 2009).
364 Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 130 (2014) 362 370

As a caring and customer oriented organisation, Takaful companies are continually upgrading their products and
services via new channels to attract customers (Mohd Razif, 2011). However, the issue such as lack of awareness
and understanding of Takaful roles in the economy and people lives en-tail the Islamic community themselves not
fully accepting and subscribing to Takaful products and services (Koid, 2007; Mohd Razif, 2011).
A clear understanding of customers needs is important to help the Takaful industry to be proactive in providing
customers with reliable products and services.
Based on the research background and motivations that explore if relationships exist between CRM, customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty based on the customers viewpoint, the following describes the research objectives
of this study:

x To investiJDWHWKHLQXHQFHRI&50RQFXVtomer loyalty.
x To examine the role of customer satisfaction as mediating variable in the relationships between customer
relationship management (CRM) and customer loyalty.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Customer Relationship Management

Swift (2001) suggest that CRM is a company in which the behavior of trying to understand and reach customers
through full interaction; moreover, it is a business strategy that increases customer loyalty and profits.
Customer relationship management (CRM) has become one of the leading business strategies in the new
millennium. It is difficult to find out a totally approved definition of CRM. It can be described as Managerial
efforts to manage business interactions with customers by combining business processes and technologies that seek
to understand a companys customers, i.e. structuring and managing the relationships with customers (Kim, Suh, &
Hwang, 2003). CRM covers all the processes related to customer acquisition, customer cultivation, and customer
retention. Even though we put aside the existing studies, which assert that it costs more to acquire new customers
than to retain the existing customers, we can imagine that customer cultivation and retention are more important
than customer acquisition because lack of information on new customers makes it difficult to select target customers
and this will cause inefficient marketing efforts.

2.2. Customer Satisfaction

Wills (2009) pointed out that it costs five times more to acquire a customer than to retain an existing customer,
and that if the loyalty of customers can be raised by 5% a corporation can obtain 25 PRUH SURW .HULQ
Hartley & Rudelius, 2009; Reichheld & Sasser, 1990). Therefore, the importance of keeping valuable and existing
FXVWRPHUV H[FHHGV WKDW RI QGLQJ QHZ FXVWRPHUV +RZ Wo establish a fair and subjective method of measuring
customer satisfaction has become a very important academic and practical issue (Kotler & Keller, 2006; Wills,
Lam & Burton (2006) affirm that customer satisfaction has often been suggested to be the leading determinant of
loyalty. Ehigie (2006) reported that there is a significant positive relationship between customer satisfaction
and customer loyalty/retention. As such, customer satisfaction in this research is acting as a mediator between ser-
vice quality and customer loyalty.

2.3. Customer Loyalty

Several earlier studies identified that the cost of retaining the current customers is five times much cheaper than
Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 130 (2014) 362 370 365

acquiring for new customers (Reich-held 1996, Peppers & Rogers, 2004). According to Dekimpe, Steenkamp,
Meelens and Abeele (1997), there are two dimensions of customer loyalty namely behavioural and attitudinal.
According to Dick & Basu (1994) and Oliver (1999), a consumer is loyal if s/he has a strong attitude to certain
suppliers over its competitors. Attitudinal loyalty leads to loyal buying behaviour and positive word-of-mouth
(Reichheld & Sasser, 1990).
Behavioural loyalty represents the actual behavioural responses expressed over time. The measure of
behavioural loyalty is operationalized on the basis of attitudinal loyalty statements, but modified to describe actual
repurchase and recommend behaviour rather than intention (Rosidah, 2005).
Loyalty is conceptualised as a combination of customers favourable attitude toward the service and intention to
re-purchase the service (McDonald, 1996; Oliver, 1999; Kim & Cha, 2002; Wu & Li, 2011). The majority of the
earlier studies on loyalty define it as the repeat purchasing of a particular service or product (Homburg & Giering,
2001). The goal of the customer relationship management (CRM) is to increase customer loyalty.

3. Methodology

3.1. Research design and instrument

For this study we used primary data by means of a questionnaire for collection of data. Questionnaires
were distributed personally to selected respondents and it took 20 minutes to answer. The items were adapted from
previous studies with appropriate changes to make the items more relevant to the present study.
In addition, the question items were designed according to theory and literature, and examined and corrected by
experts. Their constructive comments provided a basis for refinement to the construct measures. Responses to these
items were made on a seven-point Likert scale which ranged from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree as
illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1. Measurement of study variables

Construct No of items Source
Customer Relationship 12 Keeney (1999); Ming and Chen (2002); Wu
Management and Li (2011)
Customer Satisfaction 7 Ndubisi (2006); Sanchez-Garcia et al. (2007);
Whitten and Green (2007); Wu and Li (2011)
6 McDonald (1996); Kim and Cha (2002); Wu
Customer Loyalty and Li (2011)

3.2. Selecting Sample

The main objective of this research is to identify the key driver of customer loyalty in the Takaful industry in
Malaysia. Therefore, the sample for this study was selected from the eight Takaful companies in Malaysia. These
Takaful operators are Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad, Etiqa Takaful Berhad, Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd.,
CIMB Aviva Takaful Berhad, Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad, HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn.
Bhd., MAA Takaful Berhad and Hong Leong MSIG Takaful Bhd. Anderson et al. (1998) suggested that the
sample size of 100-200 is adequate for the structural equation modelling.
The target population of this study is people who have obtained any Takaful products or services from Malaysian
Takaful companies more than two years.
366 Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 130 (2014) 362 370

4. Results and Findings

4.1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Overall a total of 150 questionnaires were distributed and 100 usable questionnaires were returned,
yielding a response rate of 66.7%. There are more female (60%) than male respondents (40%). Out of this group
of respondents, the majority of them were aged between 36 45 years old (54%). Obviously, 78% are married and
52% of the respondents worked in the government sector. The remaining 35%, 10% and 3% of the respondents
worked in private sector, non-governmental sector and self-employed respectively. The majority monthly income
of the respondents were between RM4,001 RM5,000 (25%) and investment and saving based on Shariah
compliance was the main concern of taking Takaful policy (56%). The demographic profile of respondents is
presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Demographic profile of respondents

Demographic Information Frequency %

Gender Male 40 40
Female 60 60
Age Group <25 years 1 1
26-35 years 35 35
36-45 years 54 54
46-55 years 10 10
Marital Status Single 20 20
Married 78 78
Divorced 1 1
Widowed 1 1
Income Group Less than RM2,000 8 8
RM2,001 RM3,000 17 17
RM3,001 RM4,000 12 12
RM4,001 RM5,000 25 25
RM5,001 RM6,000 13 13
RM6,001 RM7,000 7 7
RM7,001 RM8,000 8 8
RM8,001 RM9,000 3 3
RM9,001 RM10,000 3 3
More than RM10,000 4 4
Occupation sector x Government 52 52
x Private sector 35 35
x Non-government sector 3 3
x Self-employed 10 10
Takaful company x Etiqa Takful Berhad 57 57
x Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad 13 13
x Takaful Ikhlas Sdn Bhd 7 7
x Prudential BSN Takaful 12 12
x MAA Takaful 5 5
Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 130 (2014) 362 370 367

x CIMB Aviva Takaful 4 4

x Hong Leong Takaful 1 1
x HSBC Amanah Takaful 1 1
Reason for Takaful x Tax benefit 3 3
products/services x Investment based on Shariah compliance 5 5
x Investment and saving based on Shariah 56 56
x Security based on Shariah compliance 30 30
x Saving based on Shariah compliance 6 6

Using AMOSs (version 18) maximum likelihood estimation, the study tested the adequacy of the
hypothesized models using structural equation modeling (SEM) approach.
Cronbachs Alpha is used to measure the internal consistency of the items used in the study. Table 3 reported
that the detail of measurement of the variables of the hypothesized model. the results showed that Cronbachs
that the reliability of each measurement factor is high and reliable for further analysis (Nunnally, 1978).

Table 3. Measurement of the Variables of the Hypothesized Model

Construct Measurement Items Cronbachs

Customer CRM1 1. My Takaful company has provided personalised service. 0.926

CRM2 2. My Takaful company has a privacy protection policy.
CRM3 3. My Takaful company provides a convenient payment system.
CRM4 4. My Takaful company provides a convenient and easy to use helpline facility.
* Item 2, 9,10,11,12
(deleted) CRM5 5. My Takaful company cares for my need eagerly.
CRM6 6. My Takaful company replies to my opinions/recommendations.
CRM7 7. My Takaful company provides a website contains helpful updated information on
Takaful products/services.

CRM8 8. My Takaful Company has a convenient interactive communication channel.

Customer SAT1 1. The service provided by My Takaful Company satisfies me. 0.958
Satisfaction SAT3 2. The attitude of my Takaful company employees satisfies me.

(SAT) SAT4 3. I am satisfied with the skilled employees of my Takaful company.

* Item 2, 7 SAT5 4. I am satisfied with the well trained employees of my Takaful company.
(deleted) SAT6 5. My Takaful company met my expectations.
Customer Loyalty LOY1 1. I am likely to maintain my patronage of my Takaful company for a very long time. 0.903
LOY2 2. I will still use the services of my Takaful company even if the other Takaful
* Item 6 (deleted) company offers me a promotional or favored price.
LOY3 3. Even if the price increases, my Takaful company is my first choice when I want to
have Takaful (insurance) coverage.
LOY4 4. When I need other Takaful products/ services, my Takaful company is my
368 Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 130 (2014) 362 370

best choice.

LOY5 5. Once I have made a choice on which Takaful product to purchase, I am likely to
continue to buy it from my Takaful company without considering products
from other Takaful company.

The results of the full fledge SEM (see Fig.1), which used AMOS data-fitting program, supported the
hypothesized relationships. Specifically, the maximum likelihood estimation of the model yielded the several
noteworthy results, which collectively supports the adequacy of the model. The chi-square test of overall model fit
resulted with a statistically significant discrepancy between the model and the data (X2 = 185.771; p = .000;
CMIN/df =1.588), however, the other overall fit statistics (RMSEA= .077; TLI= .954; NFI= .901; CFI = .960)
satisfied their respective thresholds deemed important in a good fitting model.

Fig.1. Result of structural model

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, the study reports on exploratory investigation of the relationship between customer knowledge and
customer loyalty, and the mediating effect of satisfaction in the Malaysian Takaful industry. This study endeavors
to make both theoretical and practical contribution to the literature, and it also provides several implications for
future research. Findings from this study will assist policymakers, marketing practitioners, planners and
government to change, as needed, in strategies, rules and procedures, and to improve the provision of customer
relationship management in this country
Nevertheless, this study has several limitations and requires further examination and additional research. First,
this study has focused on customers with experience in local ownership Takaful companies. Further research is
needed to compare policyholders from local and foreign ownership Takaful organizations for more rigorous
result. Second, since this study only considered local ownership Takaful companies, it is unclear whether the
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analytical results can be generalized to both local and foreign ownership Takaful operators in Malaysia. Finally,
since the sample of this study was collected in Malaysia, generalization to other countries might be limited due to
cultural differences in managing customer relationship management issues related to satisfaction and loyalty.


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