Nsit Quiz Club - 11th Aug

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1. Etymology – Which word?
Slaves given to Roman soldiers to reward them for performance in battle were known as?
2. In 1968 a Yale student produced "Bull Tales" for the Yale student newspaper. In 1970, the
strip moved to commercial newspapers under a new name. What is the name of this
Pulitzer Prize winning comic strip?
3. The measurement of coastline was a complicated process, as noted by Lewis Fry. He
noted that the length of a coastline was dependent on the length of the ruler you measured
it by. The shorter your minimum measurement, the longer the coastline would be. This
was called the coastline paradox. An explanation to this paradox was produced in the
paper “How long is the coast of Britain?” What concept was introduced in this landmark
The concept of Fractal by Benoit Mandelbrot
4. When used as an accessory to a suit, what are these types of? Presidential, TV, Cagney,
Puff or Cooper, Astaire, Straight Shell, and Diagonal Shell.
Types of folds of Handkerchief placed in a coat pocket
5. In March 1947, a remarkable assemblage gathered in New Delhi. Delegates from 22
Asian countries – some free, some on the cusp of Independence, some ruled by generals,
others by monarchs – came together for the Asian Relation's Conference, India's first,
dramatic entry into the world stage of foreign affairs. Indonesians were banned from
attending by the ruling Dutch regime. On the first day, Nehru declared that without the
Indonesian delegates the conference was a non-starter. ‘There can be no free Asia without
a free Indonesia' he thundered. Next day, 40 Indonesians including Sukarno - flown in
from behind Dutch lines by one of Indian air force's daredevil pilots – were greeted at
conference with a prolonged standing ovation. Name the pilot?
Biju Patnaik
6. It was originally called Lady Irwin Amphitheatre. Its first tryst with destiny was in 1951
as the first of something. What is it called now?
Major Dhyanchand Stadium (where the hockey World Cup is going on)
7. The Indian penal code is not mandatory. No law enacted by the Parliament of India is
abiding - except for laws in the fields of defense, communication and foreign policy and
Supreme court jurisdiction. The tenure of elected representatives is 6 years, not 5 years.
Other Indians cannot purchase land in the domain. What is being referred to?
Jammu & Kasmir (Article 370)
8. This custom is prevalent in certain areas of Rajasthan where women of lower caste were
hired as professional mourners upon the death of upper-caste males. These women
(literally translated as ‘female weeper’) were hired. Their job was to publicly express
grief of aristocratic family members who are not permitted to display emotions due to
social status. Name them/
9. X was a drink created by the Pure Drinks Group in the 1970s. The Pure Drinks Group

virtually monopolized the entire Indian soft drink industry for about 20 years. The group
was founded by Padam Shiri Sardar Mohan Singh. Upon his death, it was passed on to
his two sons; Sardar Daljit Singh and Sardar Charanjit Singh. When Sardar Charanjit
Singh died, he left no heirs, and so the company was handed down to the sons of Sardar
Daljit Singh. X?
Campa Cola
10. Which is the only city in India to have both an IIT and IIM?
11. 7) The word X is an onomatopoeic word that imitates the sound it represents. Through
focus groups Y decided that the name X was memorable, short, easy to spell, and that it
would function well as a URL around the world. The word would remind people of the
sound made during "the moment of discovery and decision making. “Y was assisted by
branding consultancy Interbrand in their search for the best name. Identify X and Y.
Bing and Microsoft
12. The Northern most is in Longyearbyen, Swalbard in Norway and the Southernmost is
Mc.Murdo station in South Pole. This was first opened by the comic actor Reg Vamey in
1967. Identify this.
13. Which institution established on 1st April, 1935 headed by Sir Osborne Smith which
celebrated its 75th Anniversary recently?
Reserve Bank of India
14. X is also represented as "1.2c" (c symbol is often mistaken for a degree: "1.2°"). X is a
"pure number" that needs no unit symbol, and in mathematical writing the symbol "___"
(symbol expansion) is almost always omitted. In centuries before, the concept of X was
used by astronomers to measure the distance between the stars as a function or factor of
distance from earth to a particular star. In this way a kind of unity was made when they
wanted to talk about the distance between different stars.
15. Drawn like moths to a Kingfisher flame, most tourists end up at this _______ (city)
traveler’s institution at one time or another. Around since 1871, _______ (place) has
wobbly ceiling fans, open-plan seating and a rambunctious atmosphere conducive to
swapping tales with random strangers. Although there's a huge menu, it's the lazy evening
beers that are the real draw. Which place is described thus in the Lonely planet?
Leopold’s Cafe Mumbai


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