LNG Coil Wound Heat Exchangers Mid Sized LNG Plants

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A supplement to Hydrocarbon Engineering

V s C. B
ronfen ller,
. Mi
en n er and
Jame r re n R icals,
Wa C h e m
o d u c ts and il w ound
Ai r Pr t c o
U S A , presen r mid sized
h a ngers fo
x c .
heat e LNG plants

id sized LNG plants producing from 0.5 - 2.5 million tpy are being promoted as the way to
monetise stranded gas reserves at reduced cost. The LNG industry trend in recent years has
been toward larger plants, but it is often forgotten that approximately half of the operating
LNG plants are in the capacity range of 0.5 - 2.5 million tpy, what is today called the mid size LNG
market. Coil wound heat exchangers in these mid sized operating plants have demonstrated high
reliability, operability, and productivity for more than 35 years. The coil wound heat exchanger is most
suitable for liquefying natural gas for several reasons, the most notable of which is its robust design
and resultant ability to withstand the stresses inherent in the operation of a liquefaction process.

Reprinted from LNG INDUSTRY Winter 2008

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Liquefaction heat exchanger process the contaminants can build up and cause damage,
requirements whereas BAHX cores have many small crevices between
LNG liquefaction processes have independent natural the heat exchanger parting sheets and the heat transfer
gas and refrigeration streams. To complicate matters, fins which can collect water and mercury. Water can
the multi component natural gas feed stream changes cause leaks due to expansion on freezing; and mercury,
phase continuously from vapour to liquid. This makes it when exposed to moisture, can cause leaks due to
difficult for the control system or the operator to equalise corrosion of aluminium.
the heat load of the natural gas (warm) and refrigerant The mechanical structure of a coil wound heat
(cold) streams. For example, when the refrigerant is a exchanger provides an additional benefit in that if a
single phase fluid (e.g. N2 vapour) the heat load of the hydrocarbon leak in the natural gas circuit were to occur,
single phase vapour must be matched to the heat load the hydrocarbon would be contained within the pressure
of the multi component, two phase feed. During startups shell. The heat exchanger can be operated with leaks
and major upsets, there is no way to measure the phase for a long period of time with minimal process effect; and
change rate of the natural gas, and therefore to directly the leak can be repaired during a scheduled shutdown
match the refrigerant heat load to that of the feed. When in conjunction with other plant maintenance activities.
the refrigerant is a multi component refrigerant, it goes Hydrocarbon leaks in a BAHX core tend to be at the side
through the same phase changes as the feed. While this bar and manifold joints where the thermal stresses are
provides greater efficiency, it introduces an additional highest. Hydrocarbon leaks in these locations are to the
challenge in matching the heat loads of the warm and atmosphere (since the cold box is not a pressure vessel)
cold streams during startup and upsets. When the heat requiring immediate shutdown of the BAHX core system.
loads are not matched, the temperature difference
between the warm and cold streams can easily exceed Mid sized LNG process cycle considerations
30C, the generally accepted alarm point for aluminium When a plant is designed for continuous operation,
heat exchangers due to thermal stress.1 In the years downtime is costly, and reliability commands a premium.
that Air Products has been providing coil wound heat Onstream time is directly associated with revenue. A mid
exchangers for natural gas liquefaction service, none sized LNG plant must minimise downtime, maintenance,
have ever reported a complete failure due to the thermal and lost production just like a large plant; and if the
stresses resulting from large temperature differences, mid sized plant is on a floating production, storage and
which can occur during every startup and upset. In offloading (FPSO) vessel, it is even more critical that the
contrast, there are documented failures of brazed plant is robust and reliable.
aluminium heat exchanger (BAHX) cores in similar In hopes of reducing costs, many new LNG plant
services. promoters are considering small N2 expander cycles
As a leading industrial gas and cryogenic engineering because they are perceived to be simple, easy to
firm, Air Products is one of the largest buyers and users operate, and reliable. This may sound attractive, but it
of BAHX cores in the world. BAHX cores are well suited pays to understand the details. The largest N2 expander,
for processes with single phase, inherently balanced single LNG train operating today is smaller than the
feed and refrigeration streams, i.e. where the heat loads mid size range. The majority of these plants are
of the hot and cold streams are inherently matched. <0.1 million tpy, and are used in interruptible service.
Examples of this are cryogenic air separation and NGL These are very simple plants, usually consisting of
extraction where predominantly all of the feed is returned one compressor, one compressor loaded expander
as vapour products. BAHX cores in these processes do (compander), and one cold box with at most two brazed
not experience the large temperature differences and aluminium heat exchanger (BAHX) cores. Air Products
hence thermal stresses that LNG heat exchangers do. has designed and built several of these plants around
Pure component propane and ethylene evaporators used the world. Because these plants are much less efficient
in liquefaction processes are also inherently balanced as than mixed refrigerant plants operating today, their
long as the pure component level controller works and practical size is limited. To make up for inefficiencies,
there have been no documented problems with BAHX more expander refrigeration is required. However,
cores in this service. commercially available expanders are limited in size, and
However, when BAHX cores are used in processes a 0.5 million tpy N2 expander liquefier uses the largest
with independent, multi component, phase changing ones commercially available. To produce more LNG,
streams, the risk of failure is increased due to thermal parallel companders and BAHX cold boxes can be used,
stresses if/when large temperature differences between but the increased plant complexity is no longer as simple
the warm and cold streams occur. Reports of problematic or easy to operate. The alternative is building several
applications of BAHX cores in the LNG industry can be small, simple plant trains in parallel resulting in a larger
found for LNG end flash exchangers, multi component footprint, more pieces of equipment, and generally more
liquefaction heat exchangers, and reboilers where hot maintenance costs and downtime. Experience has also
and cold heat loads are independently set.2 shown that commercially available compander reliability
In addition to the thermal stress issue, liquefaction is lower than mid sized LNG plant compressors used in
main heat exchangers are occasionally exposed to mixed refrigerant cycles. This requires multiple parallel
water and mercury (Hg) when adsorption systems break units to ensure availability of the liquefier. Finally, the
through. The coil wound heat exchanger with its relatively BAHX cores must handle the thermal stresses inherent
large smooth tube surface provides few crevices where with liquefying the multi component natural gas.

Reprinted from LNG INDUSTRY Winter 2008 www.lngindustry.com

While single mixed refrigerant (SMR) LNG
processes are more efficient than N2 expander cycles,
they are still significantly less efficient than pre-cooled,
mixed refrigerant cycles. Again, this inefficiency limits
the practical size of a single train before parallel
compression trains and liquefaction heat exchangers
are required. Almost all SMR LNG processes operating
today are
< 1 million tpy size range. They use both BAHX cores
and coil wound heat exchangers. The BAHX cores have
been problematic in this service due to thermal stresses
and poor two phase flow distribution; coil wound heat
exchanger SMR plants have been more successful. Figure 1. LNG process cycle efficiency comparison.
The propane precooled, mixed refrigerant processes
(C3MR) that are the workhorse of the baseload LNG
industry have all been built with coil wound heat
exchangers since 1970; and as noted above, more
than half of these are in the mid sized range, some
with less than 1 million tpy capacity. They are very
efficient plants with high onstream factors using single
compressor trains. There has been no need for parallel
compression trains to achieve high reliability.
Efficiency is important when producing LNG from any
gas resource, and stranded gas is no exception. Poor
efficiency is the lost opportunity to produce more LNG
from the stranded reserve. High efficiency can be the
difference that makes a project economically attractive,
and the resulting capacity will almost always justify the
costs. With higher efficiency the rotating machinery
power can be lower to produce the desired LNG, or with
a given set of machinery, more LNG can be produced.
Coil wound heat exchangers have a demonstrated,
winning reputation in projects with very high returns.
Figure 1 compares the well known LNG process cycle
thermodynamic efficiencies (power per tonne of LNG) on Figure 2. N2 expander LNG process.
a relative basis. The precooled, mixed refrigerant cycles
are highest, followed by the cascade, single MR, and
N2 expander cycles in that order. Engineering choices Mid sized LNG applications
(e.g. compressor efficiency, ratio of heat exchanger
surface area to power, etc.) can change these relative N2 expander LNG facility
relationships, but when all things are equal, the relative The N2 expander LNG cycle shown in Figure 2 has
relationships shown are accepted by the industry. High three expanders, a coil wound heat exchanger to
thermal efficiency (auto-consumption) is also valuable, liquefy the natural gas, and BAHX cores for precooling
as this measures how efficiently the required power is the N2 refrigerant. This is an efficient N2 expander
produced. Gas turbine firing rate, waste heat recovery, cycle compared to the simple N2 expander liquefiers
and boil off gas recovery among other things determine mentioned above and it is comparable to the single
thermal efficiency rather than the thermodynamics of the mixed refrigerant process. It uses commercially available
chosen process cycle. companders to make 0.5 - 1.0 million tpy LNG. It might
In designing any facility, there are tradeoffs between take five to ten simple N2 cycle trains to produce the
initial capital investment (CAPEX) and efficiency, which same LNG as one to two LNG trains using this cycle.
are highly dependent on specific site conditions. The This more complex N2 expander cycle will reduce
underlying justification for many of these projects tends footprint and pieces of equipment while increasing
to be driven more by the cost of gas and LNG price. efficiency.
Recognising that the liquefier tends to be a smaller This N2 expander cycle coupled with the reliability
percent of the overall investment for a greenfield of a coil wound heat exchanger for liquefaction makes
project, an LNG developer may want to be careful and it attractive for an FPSO LNG plant as well as land
not take risks with operability and reliability, which based plants. As with all N2 cycles, a nitrogen source is
can directly affect the revenue stream. While mid required, possibly from a dedicated nitrogen generator.
sized plants on the surface may be viewed as smaller
investments than the mega trains being built today, Single MR LNG facility
investors are still putting hundreds of millions, or even For the 0.5 -1.0 million tpy size LNG facility the single
billions of dollars at risk.3 mixed refrigerant (SMR) LNG process with dual pressure

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coil wound heat exchangers (Figure 3) can provide Larger FPSO LNG facility
an attractive solution with enhanced performance and Air Products has proposed a dual mixed refrigerant
reliability. The dual pressure cycle is more efficient than a (DMR) LNG process (Figure 4) for mid sized FPSO
single pressure cycle and therefore the heat exchangers applications for reliability, efficiency, and maintainability.
and compressor are smaller. The coil wound heat It is designed to provide a single train capacity of
exchanger can be fully modularised to minimise fieldwork. greater than 1.0 million tpy. The DMR cycle has a
If required, the mixed refrigerant can be formulated compact footprint, can eliminate propane from the mixed
without propane without affecting efficiency, making it refrigerants when required for safety, uses two coil
appropriate for FPSO plants as well as land based plants. wound heat exchangers (less than 50 m tall) that can
Parallel trains may increase availability, but will also be provided in a modular package, and compression
increase maintenance costs due to increased pieces of equipment proven in the LNG industry. A single pressure,
machinery/equipment. The SMR cycle with coil wound warm mixed refrigerant with a liquid refrigerant pump
heat exchanger benefits from years of experience and is shown; a dual pressure, warm mixed refrigerant
know how learned in the LNG industry because it uses without the liquid pump has also been proposed. An
the same compression equipment and heat exchangers. artists rendition of major equipment layout is shown in
Figure 5 for the DMR process on an FPSO vessel. This
process benefits from years of mixed refrigerant process
experience and should achieve availabilities that can
make a single train FPSO plant practical.
The propane precooled, mixed refrigerant (C3MR)
LNG process that is used in liquefying more than 80% of
the world's LNG today is also fit for FPSO service as long
as propane or a non hydrocarbon precooling refrigerant
is acceptable.

Coil wound heat exchangers for FPSO service

Starting in 1997, Air Products has carried out research
to prove the performance of coil wound exchangers in a
floating environment. This work has included small scale
Figure 3. Single mixed refrigerant LNG process. fluid flow and heat transfer experiments at the Institute of
Thermal Physics in Siberia, pilot scale static and dynamic
fluid flow experiments with a coil wound heat exchanger
at Heriot Watt University, and fluid flow modelling and
dynamic simulation carried out by Air Products. With
this work, Air Products has gained insight into the
performance of the coil wound heat exchangers, which
has resulted in design improvements that have been
demonstrated in operating heat exchangers.

In conclusion, the coil wound heat exchangers
robustness and operability help to ensure that the LNG
liquefier will produce LNG as designed and achieve
the project economics projected. Reliability is the key
Figure 4. Dual mixed refrigerant LNG process. to economic success of a project, and experience and
know how of the process licensor and contractor can
help ensure reliability.2 The LNG plant does not produce
LNG while it is down for maintenance and repairs. When
making a technology decision, project developers must
continue to investigate all of the options available and
ask whether their choice carries with it undue operational

1. CARTER, P. et. al., Failure Analysis and Life Prediction of a Large,
Complex Plate Fin Heat Exchanger, Eng. Failure Analysis, Vol. 3,
no.1, pp 29-43, 1996 http://researchspace.csir.co.za/dspace/bit-
2. PRICE. B., et al., 'A proven low-cost liquefaction alternative', HTI
Quarterly, Winter 1995/6. pp 127 - 133.
3. COLLINS. C., et al. 'Liquefaction plant design in the 1990s'
Hydrocarbon Processing, April 1995, pp 67 - 76.
4. Scandinavian Oil and Gas Magazine, StatoilHydro Resume
Figure 5. Artist's rendition of dual MR FPSO LNG Production at Snohvit, July 14, 2008 http://www.scandoil.com/moxie-
plant layout. shtml.

Reprinted from LNG INDUSTRY Winter 2008 www.lngindustry.com

For more information please contact us.


Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

7201 Hamilton Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18195-1501 USA
Tel 610-481-4861
Fax 610-481-6329


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