Stochastic Processes
Olivier Scaillet
1 Introduction
2 Markov chains
3 Application in insurance
4 Application in nance
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Stochastic process
If T = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . } or T = {. . . , 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . }, the
process is said to be a discrete-time process.
If the set T = R+ or T = R, it is said to be a continuous-time
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
1 Space homogeneity:
P [St = j |S0 = a] = P [St = j + b|S0 = a + b]
2 Time homogeneity: P [St = j |S0 = a] = P [St +h = j |Sh = a]
3 Markov property:
P [St +1 = j |S0 = s0 , . . . , St = st ] = P [St +1 = j |St = st ], t
(conditionally on present, future does not depend on past)
Transitions (cont'd)
In particular, P (t , t + h) = P (0, 0 + h) = P h .
State classication
Chain classication
Stationary distribution
2 = P , that is, j =
i i pij for all j
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Bonus-malus system
Chain of reinsurance
Application in nance
We then simulate:
1 the evolution of the Markov Chain to obtain the change of
ratings of the portfolio assets
2 the evolution of the nancial variables in order to keep track of
the changes in nancial markets
We build a histogram of the portfolio PnL with a maturity of 1
year, 2 years, ... We compute the associated portfolio quantiles.
We dene the economic capital as the dierence between an
extreme loss quantile (99.9%) and the average loss. This value is a
buer used to absorb the impact of large unexpected losses
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Options valuation
An option is a nancial asset giving the right (but not the
obligation) to its holder to buy or sell some predined amount of
another asset, at some particular date and price.
Multiple factors dene an option:
option kind: call (option to buy), put (option to sell)
underlying asset (stock, debt, interest rate, exchange rate, ...)
whose value at time t is denoted by St )
maturity: expiration date (denoted by T)
exercise price: price at which the exercise takes place (denoted
by K )
kind of exercise: European (at maturity), American (until
premium: price of the option
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Put-call parity
We show that the probability of the two states does not have any
impact on the option price.
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Hypothesis: dSt < K < uSt . Indeed, if K < dSt < uSt , the buyer
always exercises his option, thus nobody would like to sell such a
contract (and inversely for K > dSt > uSt ).
We want to determine the call price at time t .The payo function
at t + 1 is max(St +1 K , 0), that is
max(uSt K , 0) = uSt K in the up state
max(dSt K , 0) = 0 in the down state
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Pricing by replication
The current option price must be equal to the portfolio price whose
weights are given by 1 ,2 in order to avoid arbitrages. The option
price is therefore given by
Ct = 1 St + 2 = uSuSttdSKt St (uS(uSt tdS
K )dSt
t )(1+r )
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Risk-neutral probability
E p [St +1 ]
= (1 + r ) [p (1 + r ) + (1 p )(1 + r )] + pu + (1 p )d
= (1 + r ) + [u (1 + r )]p + [d (1 + r )p ](1 p )
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Let n = 2, that is, three dates 0, 1, 2. At the end of the rst period,
there are two possibilities: S0 S1 = uS0 or S0 S1 = dS0 .
At the end of the second period, there are three possibilities:
S1 S2 = uuS0 or S1 S2 = udS0 = duS0 or S1 S2 = ddS0 .
We thus have a recombining tree: the price is the same after an
upward and downward move that it is after a downward and upward
move. Also, the price only depends on the previous period (Markov
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Pricing by replication
Consider the second period, and the asset having the following
in up state Cuu = max(S0 uu K , 0)
in down state Cud = max(S0 ud K , 0).
We see that we are back to a one-period model and that we can
apply the same tools as in the previous slides, using the risk-neutral
We thus have:
Cu = 1+1 r [Cuu + (1 )Cud ] after an upward move in the
rst period
Cd = 1+1 r [Cud + (1 )Cdd ] otherwise.
Introduction Markov chains Application in insurance Application in nance
Generalization (cont'd)