Legal - Register - Manufacturing Service (Aug '17) .

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The document outlines the various licenses, approvals, permissions that need to be obtained and maintained for compliance with different laws governing factories, environment, labour welfare and other areas. It provides details of the applicable acts, responsible authorities, forms to be filed and due dates for renewals.

Licenses and approvals are required under the Factories Act, Environmental laws, Explosives Act, Fire Service Act, Boilers Act, Water Act, Hazardous Waste Rules and other laws related to welfare of labour such as Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour Act etc. The document lists each license/approval along with details like responsible person, form to be filed, current status and renewal dates.

Various records like wage register, attendance register, forms under Contract Labour Act, Maternity Benefit Act etc need to be maintained. Records for compliances under Boilers Act, Pressure Vessels Act also need to be kept. Other records include those for Professional Tax, ESI, PF like contribution records, nominations etc.

Legal Register

License/Consent/Permission/Approval,Require under various acts

Licences/ Licences/
S. No Under Act /Rules/ Prime Licences/ Form in which Permissions/A
Regulation Applicable Responsibility Permissions/ Due date for
Permissions/ application to pprovals Approvals Period Renewal
Approval to be obtained be made obtained current status

Laws regulating manufacture, storage, use and sale of batteries

Controller of
The Explosives Act 1884; The Explosives Rules, 2008 and the Head-Engg Controller of Explosives, Valid upto
1 Form III Explosives, 3 years 30.08.19
Explosive Substances Act, 1908 services Vellore 30.09.2019
Factories laws

Joint Directors of Jan 2017 to

2 The Factories Act, 1948 and Tamil Nadu Factories Rules 1950 1950 Head - P & A Form No.2 Obtained Complied
Industrial Safety & Health Dec 2019

Fire licenses from Department of Fire & Emergency Under Section District Officer, Fire and
3 Safety Officer Appendix-III Obtained Complied Yearly 10.08.2017
13 of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service Act 1985 Rescue Service
4 Sanitary licenses from PHE - - - - - -
for Hoist - Competent
Person. For Pressure Rule 55 A (4) & Yearly / Half 04/11/2017 &
5 Statutory checking of hoist & pressure vessels as per factory Act Safety Officer Vessels - from Joint Obtained Complied
Form 8 Yearly 30.06.2017
Directors of Industrial
6 The Indian Boilers Act, 1923 - - - - - - -
Environmental Laws:
Head-Engg Valid upto Once in a Applied for
7 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules,1986 Yes Application Yes
services 31.03.2017 year renewal
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Head-Engg Valid upto Once in a Applied for
8 Yes Application Yes
Rules,1975 services 31.03.2017 year renewal
The Water(Prevention and control of pollution) Cess (Amendment) Head-Engg Valid upto Once in a Applied for
9 Yes Application Yes
Act, 2003 and Cess Rules,1978 services 31.03.2017 year renewal
License/Consent/Permission/Approval,Require under various acts

Licences/ Licences/
S. No Under Act /Rules/ Prime Licences/ Form in which Permissions/A
Regulation Applicable Responsibility Permissions/ Due date for
Permissions/ application to Period
pprovals Approvals Renewal
Approval to be obtained be made obtained current status

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Rules Head-Engg Valid upto Once in a Applied for
10 Yes Application Yes
1982 services 31.03.2017 year renewal
The Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling & Trans-boundary) Head-Engg Valid upto
11 Yes Application Yes Five years Apr'21
Rules, 2016 services 09.05.2021
Laws Governing Welfare of Labour

Notification for 2016-17 Next

12 The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 Head - P & A received from Labour - - Complied Notification in
Deptt-TN March'17

13 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Head - P & A - - - - - -

As & when
14 The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 Head - P & A Obtained Certified copy - - - - required

Untill any Certificate to be
changes in modified as and
Joint Director of Industrial the
15 The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 Head - P & A Form I Yes Complied when
Safety & Health composition additions/deleti
of Cont on of C.L.s
Labour done.

The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National, Festival &

16 Head - P & A - - - - - -
Other Holidays) Rules, 1959

17 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Head - P & A - - - - - -

18 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Head - P & A - - - - - -

19 The Apprentices Act , 1961 Head - P & A - - - - - -

License/Consent/Permission/Approval,Require under various acts

Licences/ Licences/
S. No Under Act /Rules/ Prime Licences/ Form in which Permissions/A
Regulation Applicable Responsibility Permissions/ Due date for
Permissions/ application to Period
pprovals Approvals Renewal
Approval to be obtained be made obtained current status

20 The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1973 Head - P & A - - - - - -

21 The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 Head - P & A Not Applicable

22 The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 Head - P & A - - - - - -

23 The Trade Unions Act, 1926 Head - P & A - - - - - -

24 The Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 Head - P & A - - - - - -

25 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 Head - P & A - - - - - -

The Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Establishment Code
26 Head - P & A - Obtained Live Permanent Not applicable
1952 number

The Group Insurance in lieu of Employees Deposit Linked Insurance

27 Head - P & A Exemption from PF - Obtained Live Permanent Not applicable
Scheme, 1976

Head - P & A - - - - - -

The Local Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings, Employments Act,

28 1987 ( Compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act 1959)
- - -

29 The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 Head - P & A - - - - - -

Laws Governing Indirect Taxes:

License/Consent/Permission/Approval,Require under various acts

Licences/ Licences/
S. No Under Act /Rules/ Prime Licences/ Form in which Permissions/A Permissions/
Regulation Applicable Responsibility Due date for
Permissions/ application to Period
pprovals Approvals Renewal
Approval to be obtained be made obtained current status

Valid- No
30 Central Excise Act, 1944 Head-Accounts Yes - Yes expiry
Valid- No
31 Central Sales Tax Act , 1956 Head-Accounts Yes - Yes expiry
32 BengalVAT Act 2005 (Cenvat /OdishaVat) - - - - - - -
Valid- No
33 The Service Tax Act and Rules 1994 Head-Accounts Yes - Yes expiry
34 The Insurance Act, 1938 - - - - - - -
35 The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 & The Public Liability - - - - - - -
Insurance Rules, 1981
Other applicable Laws:
Valid- No
36 The Income Tax Act, 1961 Head-Accounts Yes - - - -

37 The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 Head - P & A Registeration of Vehicles - Done Live Permanent Not applicable

The Indian Electricity (Supply) Act, 2003 & (Amendment) Rules, Head-Engg
38 - - - - - -
2005 services

Testing done,
Head-Engg Once in a
39 The Standard Weights & Measures (Enforcement) Act of 1985 Yes - Yes 24.08.2017 awaiting for
services year certificate

The Petroleum Act 1934 & The Petroleum (Amendment) Rules, Head-Engg Valid upto Once in
40 Yes Application Yes 31.10.2018
2002 services 31.12.2018 three years

41 The chemical accidents (Emergency planning, preparedness and Head - P & A - - - - - -

response rules, 1996
Doc No. 01
Rev No. 00
Date :
Page No. 01

quire under various acts Returns/Notices Records Maintained

Return Periodicity of Remarks

Responsibility Notices Due date Responsibility Records Maintained updation Responsibility

Engg. Service - - - - - - -
- Mechanical

Annual Returns
Submitted in Jan
Half Yearly
Head - P & A Head P & A Form No.21 & 22 Half yearly /Annual Head - P & A 2017. Half yearly
Annual returns submitted
in July 2017

Safety Officer - - - - Annual Safety Officer 10.08.2017

- - - - - - - Not applicable

Hoist upto
Safety Officer - - - Nil & Form 8 Yearly / Half Yearly Safety Officer 04.11.2017 & PVs
upto 31.12.2017

- - - - - - - Not applicable

Head-Engg Head-Engg
- - Yes Once in a year Head-Engg services -
servives services
Head-Engg Head-Engg
- - Yes Once in a year Head-Engg services -
servives services
Head-Engg Head-Engg
- - Yes Once in a year Head-Engg services -
servives services
quire under various acts Returns/Notices Records Maintained

Return Periodicity of Remarks

Responsibility Due date Responsibility Records Maintained Responsibility
Notices updation

Head-Engg Head-Engg
- - Yes Once in a year Head-Engg services -
servives services
Head-Engg Head-Engg
- - Yes Once in 5 years Head-Engg services -
servives services

Form 22 Annual Returns

- - ( Combined Annual Head P & A Yes Once in a year Head P & A Submitted in Jan
Return) - January 2017.

Form 22 Annual Returns

- - ( Combined Annual Head P & A Wage Register Once in a year Head P & A Submitted in Jan
Return) - January 2017.

- - - Head P & A Yes - Head P & A -

Wage Register,
Untill any changes Issued Form V & VI
Attendence register,
Head - P & A - in the composition Head P & A Monthly Head P & A steps taken to
Form I,II, V,VI, Form -
of Cont Labour ammend RC

Submitted for
- - Form V - December Head P & A Form VI Annual Head P & A 2017.

Form 22 Annual Returns

- - ( Combined Annual Head P & A Maintained Annual Head P & A Submitted in Jan
Return) - January 2017.
- - - - - - - -

1st quarter
Attendence, Wage
- - Quaterly Head P & A every month Head P & A submitted in July
Register 2017
quire under various acts Returns/Notices Records Maintained

Return Periodicity of Remarks

Responsibility Due date Responsibility Records Maintained Responsibility
Notices updation

Form A & C- Contribution

- - Head P & A yes Yearly Head P & A
January submitted - Jan'17

Hosur Unit not

cable Head P & A - - Head P & A covered under ESI
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

Inclusion of new
Premium to be paid workmen to the
- - every year to Head P & A yes Yearly Head P & A policy. Task
Insurance Company completed in

Nominations in As and when new

- - - - Head P & A Done
Form F person joins
15th of every On Line updation, Submitted for
Head - P & A - month Head P & A Wage Register, Monthly Head P & A Jun'17
Annual returns Chellans,.

Head - P & A - Yearly with LIC Head P & A yes Monthly Head P & A Done

Professional Tax Filed April 2017

- - April & Oct. Every Head P & A Maintained Half yearly Head P & A returns . Next due
year in Oct- 2017.

Submitted in Jul'17
Notification of for the quarter
- - Vacancies Head P & A returns Quarterly Head P & A Apr'17-Jun'17.
ER-1 Next due is in

Form 22 Annual Returns

- - ( Combined Annual Head P & A Bonus Register Monthly Head P & A Submitted -Jan
Return) - January 2017.
quire under various acts Returns/Notices Records Maintained

Return Periodicity of Remarks

Responsibility Due date Responsibility Records Maintained Responsibility
Notices updation

Monthly Head-Accounts Yes Regular Head-Accounts

Monthly Head-Accounts Yes Regular Head-Accounts

- - - - - - - NA
Half yearly Head-Accounts Yes Regular Head-Accounts
- - - - - - - Handled by HO
- - - - - - -
Handled by HO

- - Monthly Head-Accounts Yes Regular Head-Accounts -

Head-P & A - - - Yes - K.Sureshbabu - P&A -

Head-Engg Head-Engg
- - - - Head-Engg services -
services services

Head-Engg Head-Engg
- - Yes Once in a year Head-Engg services -
services services

Head-Engg Head-Engg Once in three

- - Yes Head-Engg services -
services services years

- - - - - - - Forms part of
Factories Act.

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