Popular Woodworking - 004 - 1981

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Paci ic

00 wor

much Upshaw
wooo sculpton
Rebwoob Valley
The Los Angeles Woodworking~
Machinery & Furniture I

Supply Fair ejection). The Japanese Machinery dealers all seem to like the
descriptive phrase; "Super Surfacer " for these machines. Some
models even have two cutting heads; one for rough planing and
The excitement at the Los Angeles Woodworking, one for the finishing pass. Since they are so new, no one knows
Machinery & Furniture Supply Fair, which was held on if they really are a "Super Surfacer" yet they are touted to give
September 24-27, was tremendous for all woodworkers that a smoother and more polished surface than a rotating-cutter
attended. The show attracted thousands of wood enthusiasts planer.
from the Western states and even other countries to view
over 100,000 square feet of machinery and supplies for the Some of the other new tools for the small woodshop that
woodworking trade. Over 325 exhibitors displayed almost
were displayedat the Los Angeles Fair are as follows:
every power tool imaginable with methods and procedures
incorporating new and faster ways of doing things. We at
Hitachi Hitachi displayed many of their stationary and
Pacific Woodworker went to cover the show; not to see the
power tools in their complete line. At the show was a good
huge double end tenoners or the $90,000 NC routers
sampling of their hand power tools such as their routers, jig
(although both of these were fascinating), but to view and
saws, drills, etc. They also had one of their combination
forward information to our readers of the new tools that are
machines, a surfacing planer and a band saw. These three are
of special interest to the small woodworker.
just a small section from their surprisingly large stationary line
which includes four bandsaws, seven planer-jointer
We were surprised with the increased number of booths
combinations , five universal (combination) machines. chop saws
there, that were catering to the small shop over the show two
and tenon making machines.
years ago. Most of the woodworking shops on the West coast
have less than five employees and there seems to be a definite
Even though Hitachi has been distributed in the United States
push to capture this marketplace with new tools and for the last few years on a smaller scale, their new marketing
procedures. This market (the small one to five person shop), is
plans coupled with high quality tools makes one think that they
becom ing more important and suppliers are taking notice.
will find good acceptance and give a good amount of
competition to Makita's fine line of tools.
Continued on page .12
Tools & "Super Planers"
Literally thousands of tools were on display. There were a
few surprises, the major one being the influx of so many
surfacing planers. For the uninformed, a surfacing planer has a
stationary blade and the wood is pushed/pulled over the cutting
edge . These are a relatively high-technology type of tool with
prices starting at about $2000 and going up over $10 ,000. The
finish that th is tool gives is exceptional, yet all the
demonstrations at the show were done with soft wood, mostly
pine. All were Japanese made and a few tools had their
electronic problems (they were in constant use for ten hours
per day, for four days).

The cutting angle of the blade can be changed, on some

models, to suit differen t woods with the resulting fine surface
available to all hardnesses of woods. For those accustomed to
the noise and chips produced by a normal planer, these
surfacing planers will be quite a surprise . With each pass over
the blade, a very thin cut, only as thick as a few sheets of paper, demonstrations at the Los Angeles Show Included the Polymax-3
is removed from the surface of the piece and comes billowing prec..-Islon saw (above left) and the Schieber pin router (above right).
out the bottom of the machine (some smaller units have a top

I Pacific
I Woo dwor~r
Number 4
November/December 1981
Pacific Woodworker (ISSN 0277-576X) Is
published six times per year by Steve
Aquilina, 7904 Washington. Sebastopol. CA
95472. Copyright 1981 by Steve Aquilina.
Reproduction without prior permission Is

I Subscription rates: $8.00 for one year,

$14.00 for two years. Single copy: $1.50.
Please direct subscription Inquiries to
I Subscription Department, Pacific Wood-
worker. P.O. Box 29, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
Unless a claim Is made for nonreceipt of an
I Issue within six months after mailing date,
I that Issue will not be supplied free of charge.
Direct all address chages to subscription Marketing Interview
department six to eight weeks before moving.
I Pacific Woodworker Is a member of
Page 14 Page 22

Unsolocited manuscripts, photographs. art

work and other materials should Include a Los Angeles Woodworking Fair 2
postage pre-paid. self-addressed envelope or
they will not be returned. Editorial
correspondence Is encouraged and will be Marketing
considered for publication and may be
condensed because of space limitations.
How to find craft shows 14
Oasslfled advertising for the Oasslfled Test Report
Market should be directed to Qasslfled, P.O.
Box 29, Sebastopol, CA 95472. The SUPPORTABLE 20
Display advertising Inquiries should be Interview-
directed to: Del A. Andreini, 869 Olive
Avenue, South San Francisco. CA 94080 Bob Petersen-President of PFDA 22
(415) 873-1484.

Editorial office at 7904 Washington, Profile-Lucius M. Upshaw, Sculptor 26

Sebastopol, CA (707) 823-9477.

Next Issue January 1, 1982. All advertising,

classified or display, must be received by
December 15,1981.
Q&AColumn 4-7
Bulk mail postage paid at Sebastopol. CA

Steve Aquilina News ...Notes...Access 8-9

Constance J. Aquilina The Fourth Corner 10
classified & art services

Del Andreini Combination Machinery 18

advertising manager

Nickels Graphics/Santa Rosa Spike Boyd 30

layout & production services

Barlow Press/Petaluma Classified Market 35

printing services


Question & Answer Column

I take my carbide tipped router bits to a local bits should be radius ground and relieved . There are
sharpening service. I'm satisfied most of the time with many shops that just face grind and do nothing else , sol
the results, but then, there are other times that I am watch out. There are ways to put on a very shard
not. What should I look for when they are returned edge that won 't last long, but if all three guidelines arel
to me to know whether a good job has been done or followed you w ill have an expertly sharpened route r'
not? bit.
First, you shouldn't be able to see any grinding marks
on the face of the bit ; it should be smooth. Second, Is there an easy way to tell when I should get mYj
each face of carbide should be surfaced evenly and router bits sharpened? I've heard that there is a way,
each should be geometrical in size. Third, there should to tell by the scraping off of one's fingernail enamedI
be no shine behind the cutting edge (if there is a shine but I'm not quite sure of how it should work. Should
back there , the bits were probably just faced and the resharpening time be judged solely on the hou~s used?1
increased drag will blow the edge off very quickly). All If so, how long?


Part of Conover's complete line of cast iron
Compare the features and price of our planers with
others on the market. You will find that feature, dollar ,
and quality wise we have the most to offer. All Conover
machines are backed by a full one year parts warranty-
probably the longest in the market place today.
Like to know more1 Send today for our 24 page catalog
of Conover tools and machinery. It gives complete details
on our line of "honest built" machinery which is of heavy
cast iron construction and competitively priced.
For the detail minded buyer instruction manuals are
available on many of our machines. We have a special
literature package detailed below .

Conover Woodcuh Spectalues, Inc.
SPECInCATIONS SPECJFICATIONS 18US Mad ison Reed , Perkm en, O hio 44080
18* Pbrwrs 24" Planers

~~~I~t:: ::1~~
Lmlth: 28 ".
.. Height : 38 .
Width : 391ft .
Length : 28" .

, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------1
Phone No. (216)548-3481
Motor: 3 HP Stngle P hase . 110/ 220 V w ith Mag netic Motor: S HP Three Phase . 220 / 440 V wi th Ma gnet ic
Stoute r.
Teble : 19" ll. 28" . Ta ble: 25'){ 28 " . o Enclosed is $1.00 for your latest 24 page catalog of 1
~~~~w~:.,~t Adjustment : Do uble Jack Screw a nd ~~~~w~::tt Adjustment : Dou ble Jilek Screw and Conover tools and machinery. I
CUllt rhud : 3 1/1 " )( 18 " High Speed wit h 3 knives , Cutterhead : 3 1ft x 24" High Speed with 3 k nives . o I can't waitl Enclosed is $2.00 for first class delivery. I
Ch ippers : Seg mented cast iron wit h 1 cells .
Prtssun Bar: Cut iro n spri ng loaded .
Chippers : Segmen ted cast iro n with 1" cells .
Pressure Bar : Ca st iro n sp rin g loaded.
o Enclosed is $5.00 for your 24 page catalog,S manuals,
Infftd Rolltr : Serrated. segmented . 1 cells. lnfeed Roller : Serra ted . segmen ted , 1" ce lls. and a 24' four fold wood ruler , all sent 1st class. I
OutfNd Roller : Smooth . Outfftd Roller : Smoo th .
Bed Rollers : Ball beanng 17 )( 2~/. . Bed Rollers : Ball bear ing 23" x 2 J/ , .
Rate of Feed : 25 ft. pe r m inute . Name, _ I
Rate of Fftd : 2S ft . pe r minu te .
Cuts per Inch : 50. Cu ts per Inch : 50 . 1
Max imum Depth o f C ut : If. " . Maximum Depth o f Cut : lJ. " .
Address' _
Net Weight : 965 Ibs .
Sh ipping Weight : 1400 lbs ,
Net Weight : 1235 lbs .
Shipping Weight : 16281b s.
Extril ~t of kni ves : $112 .50 . Extra set of kn ives: 5150.00 . City State' Zip, _ I
Instruction Manual: $2 .00 [Included with machine. ) Instruction Manual : $2 .00 (Included with mac hlne.}
Pr ice: SJ800.oo FOB Pa rk ma n. O H Prfce : $5215.00 FOB Pa rk man . O H I

4'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pac i~i c

0100100100100100100100100100100100 100 100100 10 0 100 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 iooI00ioDiooiooiooiooIDo ioo iooIOoiooiooiooiooiooloolooloolooloolooloolt

The scraping of fingernail enamel has absolutely and sharpness will be lost. The optimium feed rate has
nothing to do with anything. A lmost any metal surface to be foun d for each tool, bit and material.
w ill remove some nail enamel, so thi s is not an Resharpening should be done when your plowing
accurate guideline. An extremely dull edge w on't grab becomes t ougher . Increased drag is the best sign for
any enamel but sharpening should be done before it resharpening ti me. There is no hard and fast rule for
gets to this stage. As to hours used; this also isn't an resharpening as it depends solely on the material ,
accurate guideline. The only accurate way is t o t ake materi al density, horsepower and operator.
into account what material you are cutting and t he
What are the differences in high speed steel (HSS)
Iamount of material rem oved. Part icleboard , fo r
and solid carbide and carbide tipped bits?
instance, has a high dirt content and wil l dull bits
quickly. A very shallow cut w ill dull t he bit slowe r t han First , wh en new , HSS will always have a keener and
I larger cut . A s to the wood being used; someone
a sharper edge ove r car bide. Car bide bit s will always
I working with oak w ill get roughly four t imes the life outlast your HSS bits by te n t imes or mo re . Solid
per sharpening t han those w or king in part icleboard carbide and carbide t ipped can be considered as the
using the same bit and rou te r . The material, the same bit; solid carb ide is used in those bit configura-
I power of the router (mo re power equals longer bit life ti ons t hat don 't adapt themselves well to tipping.
I because of less bogging dow n) and the operat or ar e all Shar pening cost s are lower for HSS bits and in some
very important. If th e bit is being forced all day long application s th e lower cost of HSS enables it to be
you w ill loose sharpness quickly. The reverse is also -thrown away afte r it has seen its fullest use.
true; a slow feed rate will increase the heat generated flute carbide bit will cut three t imes faster than a two
Continued on next page


The flnest w ood binding epoxy adhes rve on the m arkel .
T-88 WIll cu re at tempera tu res as lo w as 35 0 F w itho ut
sh rinki ng , T h is stronq . durable 1 1 mix WIll adhere to
m ois t sur faces and is very easy 10 use . even It you're me x-
penenced C lea r ambe r formula forms virtu ally mvrst ble
join ts Wat e rp ro o f? A bsolutely '
Spec ial o nc e for ini ti al or der o nly -
1 pint $7.95 P. Pd . U.S .A.
4669 Lander Road. Chagrin Falls. H44022 121612480770

Sleeveless DRUM SANDER

r~~~ Motor ECONOMICAL-:-Simply cut sandpaper
Snopsmun from standard size sheets. UNIQUE way
Radial Saw of holding paper to drum. TWist of key
Yo' onn tightens. SPONGE RUBBER backing in-
sureslong wear of paper.
World Patant s Mada In Garmany
1'x3" lono . $13.50
Hegner Precision Saws cut: 2"x3" lono $14.50
2y,'x3"lono $15.25
3'x3" ... ...... . . .. ... $16.50
PRECISELY RAPIDLY l ' Ind 2Vr" ABOVE .. $2&.75
virt ually without blade breakage ABOVE 4 ORUMS $53.50
ox3"lono $14 .50
EVERY Kind of Wood up to 2" 2y,'x4y,'lono $21.00 Finished, some would give a
Plastics up to 1 '12 " 3"x4y,'lono $22.50
2Y,' x6" long. . . . . . . . . . $25.50 week's pay to own it
NonFerrous Metals up to 3~" 3"x6' lono $27.50
Med. Hard Steel up to 3/8" Fin d out how to duplicate virtually
Turning Radii as sma ll as 0.002" Add $2.50 PerOnler For Shipping anyth ing in wo od wit h a
No Relief Cuts necessary HUBS AVAILABLE:
No Finishing necessary MONEY BACK 17'BoreWith 17' or Yo' adapter
GUARANTEE 1720 R.H. Thread except o'x3"
Easy and Safe to Operate ..... Boreexcept o'x3" and 2"x3"
Send Check or Money Order
HEGNER SAWS A Cut Above ! Send $1 .00 for brochure today .
I (Model Mult imax2 also availab le)
P.O. Box 5087PW Greensboro . N.C. 27403 Dupt l-Carvert
I 2735 Tanager Dr. pw Dept. Dept. 1104

I I AMI, ltd. Wilmingt on. DE 19808 4004 W. 10th Street

Phon e 3029999233 Indianapolis, IN 46222

,roodworker iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5

I use a plunge cutting HSS straight router bit and because the material should be removed from th e
have used both up-spiral and down-spiral flutes. It matter as it is fed. When you use a down-spiral yo u're'
seems that there is an increased outward pressure on shoving waste into your cutting area . I
the piece being cut created by the use of these bits as There is more force created because the bit is in
compared to carbide, yet the finish is better. Why contact w ith the material at all t imes. The re is al
would this type of bit increase the outward force constant d rag w ith a spiral bit as compared wit h al
(both the piece being cut and the template are tightly carbide straight cutter that has relief in it . With al
clamped)? straight cutter , material is being cut, t hen blown awa y,l
When working in wood always use an up-spiral cut, blown away , etc. Th is is the reason that a single

These hardened screws are self-drilling and hold tight. The bugle head sets screw flush
with your work, without splitting, for a finished professional look.
Drive screws easily with a #2 phillips screwdriver or attach a phillips hardened bit
to your electric drill for more speed on larger jobs.
Black phosphate finish.
USE. . .. To install drywall

To assemble and install kitchen cabinets
Tolay new flooring
Invan conversions
For hobbies and furniture building
Bugle Head ~
with NO.2 Phillips
r------------ 181 piece assortment available $8.95. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Includes eight different lengths and one phillips bit in a cardboard box, -- orpurchase the lengths you need in bulk.
1" $1.43perl00 21/2" 5.39 per 100
11/8" 1.60 per 100 3" 6.05 per 100
11/4" 1.86 per 100 P2 Bits
15/8" 2.19 per 100 lto 9 .45 each
2" ' 3.29 per 100 10 to 49 40 each
21/4" $4.38 per 100 50 or more 35 each
SAVE -- BuV 1000 or more of one size deduct 25%. - - - - - - - - - '

No Pre-drilling -- No Special Countersink Tools Needed

Save Time and Money -- Stock up Today
All merchandise has Money Back Guarantee. We accept VISA and Mastercard. Complete Fastener Catalog
and Bi-mnnthlv specials $1.00. Send check or money order today with $2.50 for shipping to:

' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
61iiiiii Pacijfic
News...Notes...Access .....
reproductive effects in both rabbits and rats . The studies !
A Northern Ca lifornia reader wants Calif. Black Oak ,
which were sponsored by the National Institute for
surfaced and kiln dried , in 1000 plus bd. ft. lots. Suppliers or
Occupational Safety and Health , demonstrated tha t
oth er woodworkers with information on this type and amount
cellosolve can cause birth defects and fetal toxicity at levels
of wood , please contact PW.
below the OSHA permissible exposure limits, and caus e
A reade r in the Los Angeles area needs ideas on different severe embryo toxicity at higher levels.
ways to sell and market his wood scraps. It seems like he has The study showing that celloso lve can have serious repro -
a felr amount of scraps to sell. If you have run across a good ductive effects also raises questions about the possible
way to sell scrap s, share it with the rest of us . reproductive effects of the closely related solvents meth yl
cellosolve (2- methoxy ethanol or ethy lene glycol
Heartwood Techniques, in Portland and Salem, Oregon , monomethyl ether) and butyl cellosolve (2-butoxy ethanol or
are offering the ir experience in detailing office space , circular ethylene glycol monobutyl ether) . I
staircases and custom cabinetry and moulding . They have All three of these solvents and their acetates can be foun d
recently started making custom doors and they look forward in some artist' materials, including many nitrocellulose I
to the stimulation and challenge of new and different projects . natural and synthetic lacquers , soluble oils, lacquer thinners
They can be reached in Portland at (503) 245-9031 (Paul paint and varnish removers , clean ing solutions, etc .
South) and in Salem at (503) 371 -7289 (David Furr) . As a result of these studies showing serious reproductive
effects in animals , COH recommends that pregnant wome n
Replies to this column should be sent to Pacific Woodworker and avoid using art materials that contain these solvents. I
we 'llshare the answers in upcoming issues.
The above article appeared and was reprinted from the August
Cellosolve: Evidence of Reproductive Effects 1981 ART HAZARDS NEWS. The Art Hazards News is th~
publication from the Center for Occupational Hazards and
Shell Oil Company has reported to the Environmental directs itself to the hazards of arts and crafts materials and
Pro tect ion Agen cy that cellosolve (2-ethoxy ethanol or
eth ylene glycol monomethyl ether) can cause serious POWER
A Renaissance in the
Art & Craft World
:a. - J.i
Table Strok e-Side Stroke-Strin g
Wt;-'umuh llcense, Form
(9 Plan. , & Knou-Hou:
Spike Boyd's book: Wonderful World o( Power
Hand Tool Carving" only $4.75 and contains
3= FOR DETAILS SEND 40 patterns and how tocarve each one .
51.00 & YOUR CARD
4 MODELS S585S685 . Delu xe S750S9OOIKils avail.
Sand 38 - x 6 ' & B' Ball Bearin g.M ol or Exira
free McCALLHOUSE, Box 1950H
Ulerature lenoir, NC 28645 (7047581991)

W@@ @]D~[JiJ @
The Japan Woodworker
Finest quality hardwood
lumber for the discerning Woodworker
craftsman .
Domestic and imported
SAVE VAST SUMS . Build . restore, r.... ~~~~
tools for the serious fin ish anything of wood ! Here 's ev-
erything you need . Fine woods.
woodworker. veneers . spec ialty tools . Cabinet
hardware, per iod & modern. Pro fin- Dremel Crea ti ve Power Tools
ishes. Cane . Lamp parts. Uphol. supplies. Picture moklings.
Our 36 piece professional power kit,
Unhurried browsing Clock kils. 1OO's of plans . Instr uct ion books. Thousands 01
hardte-lind woodworker producls in big new catalog. Mail including the Dremel Mota-Flex 232 ,
Professional sales help ad for Calalog & 20 beautiful W90d Samples.
with 35 accessories, only $145 .00
Complete woodworking CONSTANTIN. Est . 1812
2058 Eastchester Road, Bronx, N.Y. 10461 (postage paid).
Catalog available for $1.00.
o Here' s st . Send 104 pace Woodwork.,Ca.aloc only.
S2 enclowd. Send Woodwork., Cataloc and ZO Wood
Send check, cash or money order to:
O .Sample s, SI.5O rerunded on 1st Cataloc order. SPIKE BOYD' S WOOD
9:30 - 5:00 Address 1 RT.1-BOX 416
Monday - Saturday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP - __
1731 Clement Ave., Alameda HIGHL ANDVILLE, MO 65669
at the Alameda Marina ...or send a stamped sell-addressed legal
sized envelope for a free pricelist and dremel
4155211810 catalog . We ship by UPS within two hours
following receipt ofyour order.

S>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP a c i f i c
Bill Farnsworth

Roughly half the land area of the Northwest To a somewhat lesser extent we makers of
states is forest. Between private holdings and finished woodworking products are feeling the
multiple-use federal and state lands earmarked for squeeze. Although here in Seattle there is a I
lumbering , upwards to one third of this region 's surprising amount of commercial construction I
landmass is devoted to commercial wood going on (propped up by a thriving aerospace
production . As much as the supply and demand industry and bullish international trade) , smaller-
for corn and soybeans affects the well-being of scale construction and home building , which is the I
state and local economies in , say, Iowa , the bread and butter of most small and medium scale
market for the lumber "crops" of Idaho, Oregon woodworkers , is noticeably off. Even with less
and Washington greatly influences the fiscal than a one percent housing unit vacancy rate in
health of this region . With the prime rate hovering Seattle, there is little visible home building going
around 20 percent and building loans and on. Interest rates being what they are , homes and
mortgage rates pegged accordingly , the bottom condos that are already available tend to be far out
has utterly fallen out of the wood products market of reach of the average family income.
around here. Lumbering operations have ground
nearly to a halt as warehouse inventories of Things are not entirely as dire for woodworkers I
finished materials have swollen to capacity. In this region as they seem , however. My material
Throughout the Northwest mills have closed suppliers are hanging in there , although I've
down or dramatically reduced production, idling noticed that their prices for the most part have not
thousands of.workers and depressing hundreds of gone up in over a year , which with inflation
communities. As an indicator of how vast the figured in means an actual net price drop in the
problem is, the state of Washington's revenues double digit range on everything from hardwood
from lumbering contracts and related industrial lumber and plywood to tools and hardware . A
and business taxes this year are hundreds of salesman from Arch itectural Woods Inc. of
millions of dollars below projections, causing Tacoma tells me that some of the local woods ,
governor Spellman and the state legislature to run such as fir and fir plywood , will even be dropping
to the big New York banks for huge emergency down further from the 1980 prices they've been
loans while simultaneously slashing state budgets lingering at. It is a good time to be stocking up
by 10 to 20... percent across the board. one's material inventories if the shop budget
Unemployed loggers , millworkers , industrial and allows it.
construction workers are caught in a double bind
between lost personal incomes and reduced social It is also a good time to attempt establishing
services . credit accounts with major material suppliers, as

f: : ~:i: : i : i: ;: : : :i: : : : : : : : : : : : : : i: :~: : : :i: :~: : :i: : : : : : : : : : : :~: : : : : : : : : : ;: i: : :;:;:~: : ;:;: :;:;i:;:;: :;:~m;:;:;:;:;:;:;: ;: ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:i;:;:;:;:;: : : : : :;: : : : : : :~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :;: :i: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :'1:;:;: : : :;:m;: :;: : :;:;:;:;:;:;: : : : :;: : : :;:;:;:;:;:;: : : :;i: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : i i: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : );

lOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pac\fic

they seem more willing to cater to smaller shops foreign lumbering operations leave behind
these days. Not too long ago the larger wholesale wastelands that cannot even provide enough
suppliers wouldn 't give the small woodworker the firewood to fuel village cooking pots. Our
time of day , they stipulated large minimum domestic lumbering industry is far from an ideal
orders , and generally treated us as more of an system, and of course profits are being made that
annoyance than as paying customers. The might be more equitably distributed , but I am
ambience at their sales counters and credit hopeful that enough controls , checks and
departments seems considerably friendlier of late , balances will continue to exist to keep our
I as they too have scaled their operations down to landscape green while efficiently providing the
the existing market. Extending credit to smaller wood products we need. As any resident of the
shops has been one way of attracting much Northwest can learn on a Sunday drive , there are
needed business, although with cash-flow a more an awful lot of trees around here , which should
persistent problem some suppliers are giving provide future generations with both scenic beauty
substantial discounts for cash sales. Their and wood products if our forests are managed and
warehouse inventories also appear to be better harvested Wisely.
stocked , which is perhaps a burden to them but a
convenience for us. For the above reasons I can feel good about
using local lumber , where I might otherwise feel
I have made it something of a design .sense of loss at the falling of an Indian teak tree ,
consideration to always suggest the use of local or for that matter a 300-year-old black walnut tree
woods to my clients whenever possible, in much in Virginia .
the same way a local restauranteur would run
specials on Dungeness crab or fresh salmon. There seems to be a contrary tendency among
Aside from the advantages of being able to some woodworkers to use the rarest and most
procure the lumber at lower prices - sometimes exotic woods possible. It is a mentality akin to that
right from the mill - it makes both creative and of a jeweler or goldsmith I suspect, where the
socio-political sense to use the natural resources preciousness and scarcity of one's material is
from one's local economy. Although the thought to increase the intrinsic value of the
environmentalist part in me winces at the sound of finished piece. To an extent it is a valid argument ,
a Northwest tree falling to the ground , I know that but sometimes approaches the realm of absurdity.
our forests around here are relatively well- While the beauty of Bolivian rosewood or
managed and a constantly replenished, renewable Macasser ebony might justify it's use in a small
I resource. By buying local woods I am providing turned vase or jewelry box, to do a whole bank or
jobs and revenues for the region that stimulate office in the stuff strikes me as conspicuous waste
economic activity and in turn comes back to me in on the order of solid gold doorknobs and
sundry ways to keep my woodworking business plumbing fixtures. In both design and material
afloat , to provide community services and cultural choices I prefer to follow the wisdom of Occum's
activities for the area . Razor , which states that "simplest is best. " To this
axiom I add a couple of corollaries: "least
It is to the credit of North ~merican forestry that expensive to do the job right is best," and "the less
even a clear-cut lumbering operation gets freight and handling charges, the better."
immediately replanted with seedlings, whereas
much of the exotic tropical hardwoods are Our locally grown woods , mainly fir, alder,
dwindling down to nothing as the short-sighted cedar and western maple, all have their intrinsic
greed of a few individ uals plunders the forests of worth and intrinsic problems . Fir is splintery and
the third world nations . Many of these quick -buck not particularly hard , alder has pin knots and
Continued on page 32

\\ood \VOr~riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ll
The Los Angeles Woodworking Fair
Continued from page 2

Biesemeyer Two new products have joined the family

headed by the very popular Biesemeyer T-Square Saw Fence .
First , they have added a smaller version (at a reduced price) of
the T-Square Saw Fence called the Super-40 T-Square Saw
Fence System and it is intended for smaller table saws. It is a
scaled down version with the same measur ing accuracy and
Qose-up of PACCO Shaper
cutting consistency formerly available for commercial sized
saws. Second . a quite ingenious idea called the Cut-Off Saw PACCO PACCO had on display their complete line of
Stop for cutting accuracy on the radial arm saw. Most tools and introduced their new shaper (model 500). This
woodworkers have made jigs of their own design for this shaper, as with all PACCO products is based on a straight- I
purpose inco rpo rating C-damps and bulky add-ons, yet none forward design. One of the most interesting notes about this
has been marketed with the hair-line accuracy and Simplicity of tool is that it is almost vibration-free. Most shapers have a good
the Cut-Off Saw Stop. It seems to be easy to install and should amount of vibration when running and the PACCO seems to
produce an accurate cut every time. have solved this problem beautifully.

Inca Anson Industries demonstrated the new INCA Schieber Machine Company Schieber displayed (and I
Bandsaw. Exceptional INCA quality was apparent throughout demonstrated) their Model 280 Router Mate. This overarm
the machine which has an 8" cutting height. a 20" throat and pin-registration router for only $750 .00 seems underpriced as I
three speeds . It can handle blades from 1/16" to I" thus compared to similar tools. As many woodworkers know, a pin
allowing a good resawing blade capacity while retaining the registration router is one of the first steps up for a small
ability to do small-radius precise cutting. The unit lists at a bit producing woodshop. The amount of work that can be turned
over $1000. out from one of these tools is tremendous and at this price. is
affordable by many. I
A pin registration router has the motor mounted on a track
that moves up and down (usually by air). Exactly beneath the
center of the router bit, on the table, is a pin sticking up for
following the edge of the template. After a template is made, it
is placed face down beneath the board to be cut . Both template
and board are held together , either by a vacuum or clamps, and
as the template follows the pin the router is lowered by a foot
switch into the cutting position. This is one of the simplest ways
for the small shop to make repeated cuts . The demonstration
of the Model 280 was enthusiastically watched by many fair
goers . This tool accepts a wide variety of router makes, offers
solid two-piece cast construction and has an 18" throat.

Maklta's Surfacing Planer

Makita Makita had many items in their large tool line on

display. An addition to their line of successful planer-
jointer combinations is the Model LM300 I. The components of
this tool are as follows : planer (12 ")-jointer (6 1/8") - saw (13
1/8''). The motor is a I 3AMP-1 I5 volt, that powers the tool.
In addition they also showed a surfacing planer that was quite a
bit lower in price than others at the show. It too was being
used with pine and producing beautiful results.

Powermatfc's Rotary Shaper

Powermatic Powermatic chose this show to unveiL some

new tools and a new tool color. They have changed from the
Powermatic Green to a metallic gold. This was quite a surprise
to those of us accustomed to the green tools. They label it the
"New Gold Standard" and this new phrase is said to represent
Dupli-Carver Dupli-Carver, which produces four sizes of
a " new era" at Powermatic. They are still committed to their
carving-duplicating machines introduced its new band saw at the
excellent machinery designs that have proven themselves
show. The B-24.S (model designation) boasts a 24.5" throat
workhorses of the industry , and in addition, they will be
and a 9" cutting height . This is a large capacity for an
introducing new products for improved production. They have
inexpensive ($329.95 without motor and stand) band saw and
made changes in the fence of the popular Model 66 10" table
could prove to be a good solution for many small shops .
saw and introduced a single-phase, American made power
Another unique feature is its self-contained dust collection
feeder that uses a V2HP- I IS volt motor. In the larger
system driven off the lower pulley. This is not a fancy, beautiful
machinery they showed an automatic Rotary Shaper (a valuable
band saw. It stresses simplicity and low cost without sacraficing
tool for the shop that is faced with large jobs of cutting and
performance or capacity .
edging placques or similar objects, an abrasive planer and a wide
belt sander. Continued on page 29


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Marketing... The total activity by which transfer of goods from seller to

buyer is effected - including selling, advertising, shipping. etc.

O ne ob ject ive of many w oodw orkers is having the ir different methods of marketing your products such as
raft support them. Inter ior wood products are being craft fairs, stores (r et ail, co-op and craft), brochures,
used in most homes today, and th is burgeoning representatives, and gift and trade shows. There are
market will continue to be an excellent source of lite rally millions of customers fo r finished wood
income for many woodworke rs. Th is mar ket ing products , and making them available to th is
column w ill look at ways woodworkers can use to sell tremendous audience can bring profits and satis-
their products. In upcoming issues, we will examine faction to any woodworker.

Craft Fairs-

by Steve Aq uilina
Outdoor Markets
Craft shows can be used fo r sales by most Th is first inst allment directs it self to finding different
w oodw or kers. For the woodworker producing fine craft shows and outdoor markets to sell at . ManYI
art pieces there are many " art only " shows which only t imes th is type of show is the first avenue that
allow fine art associated products. Since there are woodworkers look to in order to sell the ir
relatively few woodworkers working in this area, most merchand ise. In addition to the selling aspect, shows
promoters would welcome any craftsperson with are an excellent way to receive a broadened exposure
wood products as fine art. Craft shows have also been to the buying public and their likes and dislikes.
used by larger wood manufacturers to sell seconds and Customer's input can help you better perceive your
returns. If their work is displayed in local stores, th is products which can lead to changes , both in desirability
recognition can help' w ith sales yet care should be of your wares and the way they are sold or displayed.
exercised as not to upset wholesale accounts.
Starting out selling at craft shows begins long before
Craft shows range in scope from one and two day looking for shows to sell at . If you have no estab-j
park shows, two to four day shopping mall shows and lished products to sell, you must start making samp les,
finely judged shows such as Rinebeck and Pacific States get used to manufacturing problems and processes I
Craft Fair where only a very small percentage of the and build up your stock. These samples should be
applicants are accepted for the show. shown to everyone you know. Th is includes fr iends,
neighbors , relatives, business associates and peop le
The fees that are charged for shows also vary in you work w ith . These initial contacts will provide '
amount. Many of the shows are under $25.00 and comments and observations and can give you a bette r
some are even free (especially those that are put on indication of how your work w ill be accepted .
by compan ies fo r the ir employees) and can go up to
thousands of dollars (in fees and commissions) for When you have a product that you feel comfortab le,
some shows that last a month or more in malls during w ith (in style, production and pr icing), then look ing
Christmas time. for ways to sell your product should be the next step. I

14liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pac~i c
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Craft Fairs-Outdoor
Markets Continued

these shows represent an excellent source for sales

afte r the show. Be sure to have cards printed with th e
informat ion you want on them (use a P.O. Box unless
you want people coming to your shop or home; I

believe me , they w ill).

Local shows can be an excellent way t o sell your THE CRAFTS REPORT, subtitled " The Newsrnonth ly'
work and are easy to find th rough a little searching. of Marketing. Management and Money for Crafts
When you want to find more information about larger Professionals" (700 Orange Street - P.O. Box 1992,
shows, it is usually necessary to use the publications Wilmington, DE 19899. Published eleven t imes per ,
that cat er to th is need . Following is a listing. with year - cost is $14.50 per year or $1 .50 per single copy.)
descriptions. of some of the publications that can be THE CRAFTS REPORT is filled w ith articles
used as a tool to broaden your knowledge and access concerning the business side of crafts. The ir column
of shows and promoters. Most libraries do not stock " Craft s Wanted" lists stores that need crafts (some
these publ ications, yet they are w orthwhile to wood) to sell and they also list shows throughout the
subscribe to as they will increase your awareness. country . They have a listing of promoters of shows as
w ell as information on ex hibit ions, competitions and
...... .... upcoming events. This all makes for interesting reading
and is especially valuable if you want to turn your
On the west coast, the most instructive source fo r woodworking into a business .
info rmati on is WEST ART (P.O. Box 1396. Auburn ,
CA 95603. Published twice per month - cost $8.00 per THE GOODFELLOW REVIEW OF CRAFTS (2839
year . You can rece ive a sample copy of WEST ART by Forest Avenue, Berkeley , CA 94705. Published bi-i
sending them your name . address and zip code.) This monthly - cost $10.00 for two years). THE REVIEW is
tabloid newspaper contains promoter 's advert ise- published by the folks that put out THE
ments for upcoming shows in addit ion to information GOODFELLOW CATALOG O F WONDERFUL
on art shows , gallery and museum exhibits and general THINGS. THE REVIEW conta ins informati on on craft
art news covering the Western United St ate s. For shows and exhibits with articles on individualI
the person starting out in shows. WEST AIR is an craftspersons and highlighted crafts. The CATALOG
indispensable tool for finding infor mat ion on shows in is a fascinating compiling of different crafts and
your area. There are literally hundreds of shows (and information about crafts and is available at rnosf
hundreds of promoters) and WEST ART is the bible bookstores (a new CATALOG is due to be release d
for craft show information . very soon!)

16iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPa c

if i c:
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Valley, CA 94941 . Published quarte rly - cost $20.00
per year - $7.50 per issue. They offer a guarantee with With the information in hand from th ese different
i a full year 's subscription; You can cancel w ithin 30 days publications you can start your searching fo r craft
I and receive a full refund ). THE CRAFTS FAIR GUIDE shows. We are now coming up on the busiest selling
can also be an indispensable tool. In it are conta ined time of the year for shows and it can be an excellent
I rev iews of many shows throughout the West Coast. time to start out selling your work. This practical
These rev iews consist of a description of the mall knowedge gained can be used as a base for next year's
(park, auditor ium, etc. ) and surroundings where the sales .
show w as held (including it ems such as weather,
parking, security , etc.), how each craftsperson judged There are veritab ly hundreds of show s; some are
the show for sales and enjoyment (on a scale of one to tremendous and some are horrible. Understanding
ten for each) and the ir comments on the show and the your market and choosing t he correct show wh ich w ill
promoter. Through THE CRAFTS FAIR GUIDE you give you the best exposu re for your specific product
can find out about good shows that others have had. will help you on your path to success . If you atta ck the
These, of course, won 't be good shows for everyone, problem of wh ich shows t o do method ically, you w ill
but st ill, it is valuable informati on about many shows produce results. Accept the bad shows as learning
I that are booked well in advance and have no mistakes for there w ill always be mo re show s to
I advertising for booth spaces. succeed at .

\\Tood,vor~r liiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 17
Pacific Woodwor~r focus Oll. ..

Combination machinery has seen a tremendous rise such as a band saw, belt sander, jig saw and jointer.
in popularity within the last five years and because of
that, this column will appear quite regularly in The second type of combination tool incor porat es a
table saw, horizontal drill (some have a moveable
upcoming issues. The largest seller of combination
table , thereby making it an excellent morti~ing
machinery, by far, is Shopsmith, and their promotion
machine), jointer, planer and shaper. This type ortool
includes numerous shows and demonstrations,
throughout the United States, of their tools and is closer to a production tool than the first type and
their pr ices start at about $3000 .

All combination machinery is increasing in it s

We went to such a demonstration recently and
were surprised with some of the comments we found. popularity. We all have some space limitations and
People there had owned Shopsmiths for many years large amounts of floor space can be saved by the luse
of these machines. Most of the features of the larger,
(some over twenty) and all owners were really in love
with their tools. Service and parts replacement more expensive ones and some features of the smaller
weren't talked about that much because it seems that ones don't force you to sacrafice quality of tooling.
They can be a reward ing part of any shop; from It he
very few things go wrong. Of course, there are
weekend woodworkers to the small production shop.
problems, but as a rule the Shopsmith seems to be
quite well made and designed for longevity.
We look forward to your feedback on your dwn
experiences with combination machinery and foll00ing
We came away from the demonstration impressed
are descriptions and photos of some of the machi~ery
with some of the functions of this tool. Used only as a
that we viewed at the Los Angeles Woodworking Fair.
variable speed lathe, one might be able to justify the
$ I 000 (or so) price tag. Its functions as a drill press and
boring machine are admirable and turns this tool into a
valuable piece of equipment.

This brought us to the point of asking fellow

woodworkers what they thought of the Shopsmith.
Their comments ranged from "strictly hobbyist" to
"aren't those machines just for people with little or no
room?" Our feelings before the demonstration were
similar to these and we were quickly changed into
believers of combination machinery.

There are two distinct types of combination

machines. Those that have a variable-speed motor
mounted on rails (Shopsmith, Super Shop, the Wood
Master Multi-Tool, etc.) and those that resemble a
conventional table saw (Lurem, Hitachi, Wood
Master, etc.).

The first type usually offers the following fuctions: The Hitachi U-21O Is a 2 HP (3 phase) combination tool that
lathe, table saw, vertical and horizontal drill press and offers 8~" Jointer/planer, 10" (actually 9-27/32") table saul
a disc sander. There are also attachments that are and a mortlser 'and shaper. Hitachi also offers three other:
models of combination machinery. (4487-F Park Drive)
connected to the tool via a power take-off feature Norcross, GA 3(093)

18iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pacific '

"ornbl nut lon ~Iachincr

The Wood Mter Maltl-Tool touts change-over from one tool to

another In about 35 seconds. Motor speed ranges from 1()()().5400
RPM. It has a 2 HP motor and other accessory tools such as a 6 " belt
sander. 6" Jointer. bandsaw and Jigsaw are available. (800 Spruce Lake
Drive. Harbor City. CA 90710)
ne ~are ... C21().B features an 8" planer. 8" Jointer. 10"
lble ,saw, horizontal drill (with sliding table to be used for
10rtlslng) and shapero A larger model. with a 10"
laner/jolnter Is available as well as numerous motor
:>mblnatlons. (11665 Coley River Circle, Fountain Valley.
:A 92708)

aper Shop seems to be the Cadillac of the rail-type combination The Wood.....ter 321 Is a ' European made machine that
res, It, of course, has the five basic tool configurations of the railtypes and features a 12" table saw. 12" Jointer. 12" planer. horizontal
I top speed of 7200 RPM. junctions such as routing and shaping are easily
drill and shapero In the photo above the shaper fence Is
:>llshed. It Is said to offer tolerances and capadtles for metal work and as viewable In the foreground. (P.O. Box 2025. La Puente. CA
graljpart of the machine, a great number of adjustments are standard 91746)
'Crens haw, Gardena, CA 90249) .

d ,vor~r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii19
Test Report

Singlehandedly making an accurate cut in a 4 by awkward to use and adjust , and take up valuable
8 sheet of plywood with a small table saw can be a floor space in a small shop when not in use. I
difficult, cumbersome and sometimes downright
dangerous task. For those with limited space , As an alternative there is a new product than can
where a large cutting table is impractical, the usual be put to use not only as an outfeed/infeed tablJ
procedure is to have on hand one or two portable for sheet materials , but for a number of other
roller supports as outfeed and/or infeed aids to purposes around the shop. The Supportable!
guide the sheet through the blade and catch the cut marketing by Turning Point Manufacturing , Inc.
pieces. A number of ingenious supports of this works on the same principle as the single roller
nature can be homemade, or quickly jury-rigged on support, yet provides a 16" by 60 " roller surface to
sawhorses with C-clamps. Homemade roller safely support the outfeed pieces. For cutting sheet
supports , however , often have a tendency to materials, ideally two Supportables should be used ,
topple over at the worst possible moment, are one on either side of the kerf, however a single unit
works quite well for this purpose if positioned
properly beh ind the blade .

A single Supportable is particularly suited as an

outfeed table with a number of shop tools: fo~
catching the rippings of long boards, smoothly

"The beauty of the SUPPORTABLE

is its portability and ease of storage. "

catching the outfeed of shapers, jointers and

planers , and alongside radial arm saws and mite~
saws. Two such units on either side of a radial arm
saw work very efficiently for cross-cutting
operations . It can also serve the function of a
portable shop bench , although the roller action can
be more of a nuisance than a convenience during
delicate operations . I

The beauty of the Supportable is its portabilit~

and ease of storage . It weighs only 30 pounds, and
folds down to a 6" depth , making it ideal fJr
transport to job sites or merely hanging on a shop

20liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pacijic

wall out of the way when not in use. It is adjustable

in height from 271j2" to 48" , making it compatible
with most shop equipment. The Supportable is
eas ily assembled in less than half an hour ,
consisting of ten PVC plastic rollers on a sturdy
metal and oak frame . Its legs can be individually
adjusted to allow for uneven floors .

This unit proved to be a versatile tool on a job site SUPPORTABLE

conspicuously lacking in table space, serving not Manufactured and sold by
only as a roller support for a table saw but as a Turning Point Mfg., Inc.
Dept. P
work table for handsaw cross -cutting , laying out of RR-1
large panels , and as a support alongside a miter Davenport, ND 58021
saw for cutting long boards and mouldings. The Cost: $139.95 plus shipping
only feature that might be added in future models is
some sort of locking mechanism to hold the rollers Specifications:
fixed in place when using the unit as an ordinary Rollers - 16" long
Roller diameter - 2 3/8"
work table , where immobility of the working Weight - 30 Lbs.
surface is desired. Length - 58 5/8"
Bill Farnsworth
Width -173/4"
Folded Depth - 6"
Height adjustable from 27 Y2" - 48"

Interview continued
that more people are discovering think I even had the decoys in the At this point, what was it in you'!
nature and wanting more informa- back of the car, and in Santa Rosa background that played a large part
tion about conservation. Some birds we saw that there was a Pacific in your new found interest? I
are becoming extinct; people are Flyway Decoy Show going on. We
becoming more ecology minded and saw people outside with duck Well, I've always had somewhat of
paying attention to what goes on decoys and other things so we an artistic background although ~
around them. decided to go inside. We went in, never pursued it much except in
looked around, and noticed some college.-I have been an engineerind
decoys that appeared to be the same technician for fifteen years and
You're involvement with decoys has basically my work is pen and ink od
as I had. We started talking with I
been for eight years. How did you mylar film involving geometric
some of the people and after looking
get started in it?
around at the show I became figures. I
completely awestrucken by the
Up to 1974 I was hunting ducks, After receivmq some of theI
decorative decoy carving. I wanted
deer, and pheasants among others brochures describing competitions it
to know more about the
and my father-in-law found a pair of struck me that I wanted to carve. II
organization and that night a
decoys. Knowing my interest in did my first pair of birds, they wer~
member came over to my house and
hunting he gave me the pair and I blue bills in a service class, and
explained some details to me and
became very interested in them. At entered them in a competitioni
recommended some books I should
the time I had never thought about Although they didn't do too well, II
get. All this excited me even more.
decoys and I had never even seen started doing other birds, always
We started out just wanting to
one before receiving these two.
collect old decoys, but after seeing studying and trying to learn mor~
It just happened that the next day the prices that thought had to be and more about accuracy. I looked
my wife and I were out for a drive, I forgotten. at photographs, made actual
observations and read everything I
could on all types of birds. I
Six months later I entered two
birds in a competition in Southen!a
. California and both of them came
back with first place ribbons. This
provided encouragement and I
started getting more involved with
the PFDA Committees and th~
annual show. The next year, in out
own show, I carved several more
birds and had taken several more
ribbons. I
I was beginning to realize that :1
/ really liked shore birds. There were
/ hundreds of ducks at shows and not
that many shore birds. Shore bird~
are enjoyable to watch on the coast;
you can view them at any time a~
opposed to being forced to wait fo~
winter time for duck viewing. I Iivr
close to the ocean and I became
fascinated with photographing
them, watching them and chasing
them up and down the beach with
my wife and kids. I was becoming
even more involved with the
Association and in 1978 I won best
of show in the shore bird category.

24iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilI ac \{ic
...................... , .
Explain shore birds in a decoy The purpose of the Pacific Flyway watching. At our shows we have
competition. When were shore birds Decoy Association? antiuqe decoy displays, decorative
used as decoys? bird displays, competitions for
The main purpose is the different types and classes of birds,
preservation of the American art a decoy painting and decoy carving
Up until 1918 shore birds were form of decoys. Our membership contest and a large area devoted to
legal to hunt and many people used consists of photographers, hunters, painting and other flat art.
them for food. Hunting them was collectors, carvers and artists; all of
outlawed as a means of protection. whom are interested in the It seems that the general public
They were becoming extinct owing protection of waterfowl. Each has a will more readily accept the flat art
to the fact that shore birds are not deep appreciation in their respective than three dimensional sculptures
one of the smarter birds and they fields; being it painting, collecting, as art. Woodcarving, in certain
needed to protect them. hunting, carving or just bird areas, hasn't found wide acceptance
as an art form. I don't know why it is
this way, but in my own case I can
put fifty hours in both a painting and
a carving and the painting will sell
faster at a higher price. Of course,
some carvings command a very high
price, even reaching upwards of
twenty-five thousand dollars, but in
my own case and that of others,
flatwork sells faster.

The PFDA is only one of many

organizations around the United
States. Most of the activity in
decoys is concentrated in the east
and the largest organization is the
Ward Foundation in Maryland
under which is held the World
Carving Championships each

Are most members of the

association hunters?
A good majority have hunted in
the past; but many are artists that
Continued on page 32

Bob Petersen on tools and wood...

I use the hand held Dremel for and all the way down to needle files. Some of them get quite long and
much of the work. Using it with a they are easy to crack or break.
coarse grit sanding drum, it takes Most of my decoys are made from
6ff stock as fast or faster than basswood and some from pine or In the past I have used walnut and
~nything else. In addition, I use an redwood. Basswood seems best sycamore for birds and have left
r id drawknife for much of the rough suited for the fine detail and the them natural. I really don't care for
stock removal. The handles of the strength of the wood is greater. the results and using this type of
arawknife are gone but it is the best Sometimes I will combine woods wood is much harder on the tools
tool that I have found for this and use redwood bodies and and for the extra work involved, it
purpose. I also have and use many basswood heads. All the wood I use doesn't seem to be worth it. Most of
Fiscellaneous tools such as large is clear and kiln-dried. Often times the time I'm going to paint over it, so
rasps, the Stanley Surform tools the hardest part of a bird is the bill. the wood doesn't matter.
... ............................... ................................. ..... ......... ... ........................ 1

Profile: Lucius M . Upshaw -

by Sculpt o r
Deborah R. Upshaw

Lucius M. Upshaw's interest in woodworking

began as thousands of other young men's
interests have orig inated - in the backyard wood
shop with father , fr iends, relatives , or a close
associate inst ructi ng simple w oodcarving
techn iques. The simp lest beginning creati ons,
from a chopp ing board t o a tab le and chairs to a
roll ing pin, proved to deliver some real
satisfaction to him . Upshaw has come a long
way since those first beginnings; his woodcarv ing
has moved int o th e realm of fine, modern art.

If you have ever had the opportunit y to travel

through Northern California 's Humboldt
County, the land of giant Redwoods, dense
forests, and awesom e ocean view s, you can
easily understand what attracted Lucius Upshaw
to th is area almost twenty years ago. A
graduate of Humboldt State Unive rsity , in
Arcata, with a bachelors degree in fine art,
focusing on sculpture ( 1974), " Mit ch", as his
fr iends know him , now 4 1 years, works from his
riverfront studio, adjacent his home in
Redwood Valley. The picturesque beauty of th is
lush valley must surely inspire him to create his
unique wood sculpture s.

A myriad of trees gro w in t his lovely region.

There are redwood, maple , dogwood , w alnut,
madro ne, alder, and peppe rwood (also known
as myrtlewood) trees, just t o mention a few .
Many species of oak are located here and a
var iety of firs. Yew wood and pepperwood are
Male Figure - Walnut 26" high A modest among Upshaw 's favorites owing to t heir
sized figure contrasted to th e life size figures inherent characteristics of being tough and
he has don e. durable, and having a handsome , close and
swirling grain.

26iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pacljic
.............................................................................................................................. .


Drum Lizard - Pepperwood 54" long, 18" wide Example of hollowed out form , whose intriguing
design does function as a drum.

The themes of Upshaw's sculpture reflect following a few guidelines that he recommends .
many sides of nature and humanity. While the Become acquainted with your home-town
carvings may seem to re-echo indian or eskimo galleries and art centers. Build up a " local"
origins, they are contemporary and individual. reputation as a sculptor. Seek out exhib itions
His sculptures are well proportioned, lively and and other public art shows as avenues to display
handsome - the dimensions ranging from 30 your wood work. Establish yourself in a
inches tall to life size. The wood surfaces are compatible working relationship with a
very smooth and left in their natural state reputable gallery. With perseverance, you will
except for added oil and wax. Sometimes he be on the way to becoming a successful
will color the wood with oil paint . A touch of sculptor.
elegance is added to a piece by his meticulous For centuries man has been carving wood .
application of gold leaf as demonstrated in the Possibly it is one of the oldest expressions of art.
Space man with the Gilded Helmet. His work Man builds numerous, functional objects from
covers the spectrum of abstract and realistic art; this versatile medium that we see and use in our
he said, "I am open to all types of imagery ." everyday lives. He embellishes furniture , homes,
and architectural monuments with elaborate
His art has been displayed in galleries in one- carvings; further, man fills modern museums
man and group shows throughout Humboldt with priceless works of art. Upshaw reflectively
County, always winning him recognition and summed up his feelings about his sculpture, " I
commendation by others. If you are a gravitated toward wood as a medium because
woodworker whose end product may fall into of its warmth and natural beauty . Every new
the realm of fine art, you will be interested in piece is an adventure and a challenge to me. "

28.'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pac \~i c

\\TQod,vor~r's rOl' 1I SOIL, .


high constant speed produces a super
smooth cut. I have never found a reason to I

ever reduce the speed for any facet of

wood carving. Speed reduction of a tool's
engineered RPM slows the cooling fan
BY located therein , engenders heating , and
ruins the tool. If you doubt this, drive your
SPIKE BOYD car 5 MPH for a month and then drop me
a card on your findings
We ship the Model 280 UPS anywhere
in the U.S ., for Pacific Woodworker sub- I
scribers only , at $59.95 , plus $2 freight.

As we enter the wonderful world of FLEXIBLE SHAFT TOOLS

power hand tool wood carving , let us There are 4 on the market worthy of
spend some time in analyzing the various mention , Dremel Moto-Flex 232; Black & I
power hand tools on the market. Decker Rotary Shop ; Wen Hobby Center;
For 16 years I have been systematically and Foredom Miniature Power Tool. Here I

and rigorously testing all brands and found is what I personally found in giving each a
a great deal of difference in them. First, thourough and rigorous testing period.
there are two distinct types - the Flexible The Black & Decker has a shaft that is I
Shaft and the 2" Large Cylinder jobs . Here extremely stiff and unhandy. It is
are my findings: connected to a carousel 'which must be
bolted down thus constricting the carver
LARGE CYLINDER TYPES like a dog on a leash. The handpiece is
For some inexplicable reason, Design larger than necessary and for some reason ,
Engineers design these tools where the the design department flared out the end.
exhaust vents emit heat right into the palm Why is it that tool designers never seemed I
of your hand . And to make matters worse , to have used . one in wood carving? It I
when you hold the tool properly, your appears that they hold the handpiece like a I
hand is constricting 30% of the cooling pocket knife instead of a ball-point pen like I
capacity, thus, the inevitable intolerable we do. I
heating , brush usage, and armature Now , for the Wen Hobby Center. Our I
grooving or scoring. Most craftsmen and staff found it became so intolerably hot
women have found that it is far less after just a short time tha t it had to be shut I
expensive to purchase 1 top-of-the-line off to prevent burning their hand. It, too , is I
ball bearing electric tool than 5 or 6 of the tied to an island that constricts the user like I
cheap sleeve bearing jobs. After testing all a tether ball. The designers again put a
of the various brands in this large cylinder sexy flared out hand piece on it but what
category, I have found the ball bearing they didn't realize is that people come with
Dremel Moto-Tool, Model 280, which varied hand sizes.
turns 28,000 RPM, to be the most The Foredom tool is the most
dependable and coolest operating. This expensive . of the foursome. Locating
30liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ Pacij)c

,y oodcarving

ICARVI NG restricts its movement. Simply install a

drapery traverse rod on the ceiling above
your carving "island" and using heavy
wire, make yourself an elongated "S" hook
Foredom dealers for tools and accessories with one hook through one of the
is extremely difficult. It is a fine tool for traverse rod slides and the other through
certain sanding projects but the shaft is too the 232 bail. Your motor should be 27 "
large and cumbersome and with its slow above your workbench top with the shaft at
14,000 RPM, I found it unfeasible for a 45 0 angle to your work . Thus you can
wood carving. It comes with a bail for move your tool up and down the bench
hanging. freely. The tool carries a I -year guarantee.
Dremel Moto-Flex 232 : I have tested After my 16 years of testing and using
this fine tool for 5 years which has given us power hand tools , I have assembled a
adequate time to locate any bugs that have complete professional Power Kit which
arisen . I personally rate it as the finest contains the Cadillac of power tools , the
power carving tool in the world, with 232, and 36 accessories which are pictured
28 ,000 RPM's or gouges per minute. It has herewith . This excellent kit can do
large generous brushes which never seem anything you will ever need in Power
to ' wear due to its super cool operating woodcarving. The cost is $145 , includ ing
temperature . The 3/4" diameter, freight.
comfortable handpiece is connected to the When I recollect spending $750 for a
powerful motor by a 34" flexible shaft . hand tool outlay back 18 years ago , I feel
Thus it is a Godsend to those carvers that $145 for this finest kit in the world is
disabled by arthritis or stroke ; senior amazingly inexpensive. The beauty of steel
carvers who have lost the strength in their cutters is that they NEVER REQUIRE
hands; and women who have been SHARPENING.
restricted from wood carving by the rigors We shall discuss all of the cutters and
of swinging a 2-pound mallet or trying to accessories in our next article so familiarize
use a 2" diameter power tool. Do not use yourself with the 232 and we'll talk again in
the base that comes with the 232 since this 2 months.

Aluminum oxide grinders

small engraving cutters

~~~ l

High speed cutters

~ 1
~H( I

i\o odworker iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii31

~-~~-k~::~:~~o~:-:h~-~~~d-~e-~~e~e~t~~~n--~:~:-------- - - - - - - - -- - . . 1
I Pacific Woodworker? Send along their name and address :
l and we will forward them information. Address I

problems in your woodworking shop and would like to have them answered , drop us an explanation and
we will do our best to find a solution for you .

: Letters to the Editor...

: If you have an opinion about an article in PACIFIC WOODWORKER or the publication itself tell
I us about it, we are always interested in your thoughts .

Signature _

19 7/8 Jointer-Planer Combina- MAKE TOYS - Plans - Hardwood The Dunbar-Conover Wood-
tion. Italian L' INVINCIBLE (now Wheels, Parts - Catalog $1.00. working School is offering one
Rockwell SCM) - Heavy Duty 5 HP Cherry Tree Toys, Mills Road, St. week of intense hands on instruc-
31Phase-87" long bed - $6000.00 Clarisville, Ohio 43950. tion in Windsor chair making with
or best offer - must sell. We also Mike Dunbar at Hiram College,
sell INCA tools, Swiss hand March 14-19 and 21-26. Contact
carving tools, workbenches, OVER 75 PATTERNS! Enjoy David Factor, Dunbar-Conover
Makita Tools, Primus Planes and making profitable wooden gifts, Woodworking School, 18125
uJe do custom millwork. the Swiss toys, household accessories. PLUS Madison Road, Parkman, Ohio
Cabinetmaker, 10355 S.E. Hwy. "Shop Secrets". Only $5.00. 44080.
212, Clackamas, OR 97015, (503) Accents (R-12), Box 262, Danvers,
655-9911. MA01923.
~ precision angle setting tool for Eastbay furniture / cabinetmaker
MITER GAGES and BEVEL seeks space to do our work. In-
SQUARES. Accurate to 1.5 terested in buying some machinery.
rrtinutes of arc. Completely Contact Werner at (415) 534-9276.
repeatable. No trial and error.
S~ves time. FREE brochure.
Woodcraft projects: Lamps,
Tables, etc. Illustrated assembly, BUSINESS
P~3, 4221 East 41st Tulsa, OK
material lists. Satisfaction guaran- OPPORTUNITIES
I teed or money returned. Proven to
be good park & swap items, Good HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN
MISCELLANY potential income possibilities. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS...Learn
Send $3.00 to DONCO PUB- the secrets of selling your products
CATALOG OF WOODEN TOY LICATIONS, P.O. BOX 2265, the Easy, Profitable way. Get the
PATTERNS, TOY-KITS, AND Glendale, AZ 85311 after 5 p.m, facts. Information Free! RE
TOYMAKER'S SUPPLIES. Over (602) 931-4815. SEARCH, Box 235W, Brea, CA
50 full size patterns. Whole- 92621
sale price list available upon re-
quest. For catalog send $1.00 to Make 6" and longer toy vehicles
Toy Designs, P.O. Box 441-A, from scrap wood. Nine full size WOODWORKERS
Newton, Iowa 50208. drawings. Send $2.00. Drawings Excellent earnings making unique
for woodworker's weekend one piece wood nameplates.
workbench (42" x 27~" x 30") Average $18.00 per hour. Illustrat-
STRINGS. For Brochure, Write: with 3 pipe clamp vises. Send ed instructions and proven selling
CASWELL HARPS 14690 Carrier $2.00, Weekend Enterprises, methods, $4.50. NAMECRAFT,
Lane, No. 115 Guerneville, CA 12342 La Barca, San Antonio, TX 2900 Osage, Camden, AR 71701

CLASSIFIED MARKET INFORMATION: Rate: 35 descriptive materials with ad.

cents per word, minimum of twenty-five words .
Payment must accompany all classified ads. To Deadlines for Classified ads is December 15,1981.
have your ad bordered, add $3.00. In addition to For display Advertising information, direct inquiries
information contained in the ad, please include to Advertising Manager - Del A. Andreini, 869 Olive
name, street address (if P.O. Box is used) and Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080
telephone. For customer safety, please include (415) 873-1484.

'I t::::'====~C:=~t:====::::::::JU=::J
'I Ii
next month...

Padflc Woodworker's buyers guide to table saws

which will present different models of saws like the Inside detail of the new INCA bandsaw which was displayed
Vega table saw (above) which has a builtln push and demonstrated at the los Angeles Woodworking Fair
stick not found on other table saws. and The (story starts on page 2).
California Carvers Guild grand opening of their long
awaited museum and sales gallery (below).

v:)'10dO.L SVS3S
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3.LVU xma

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