Assignment Fifth Sem

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Assignment Booklet

B. Tech.
Aerospace Engineering

Fifth Semester
Course Code Course Title

ET 102 Mathematics-III

BAS 014 Aircraft Structures

BAS 015 Aerodynamics - II

BAS 016 Propulsion - II

BAS 017 Flight Mechanics

School of Engineering and Technology

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering
Dear Student,
As we explained in the Programme Guide for B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering, you will have to do
one Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) for each course.
You will find that the questions in the Assignments are analytical and descriptive so that you can
better understand and comprehend the concepts.
Before you attempt the Assignments, please read the instructions carefully provided in the
Programme Guide. It is important that you write the answer to all the TMA questions in your own
words. Your answers should be in brief and to the point. Remember, writing answers to assignment
questions will improve your writing skills and prepare you for the term-end examination.
You are to submit the assignments to the Coordinator of your Centre. You must obtain a receipt from
the Centre for the Assignments submitted and retain it with you. It is desirable to keep a photocopy
of the assignments submitted by you.
Once evaluated, the Centre will return the assignments to you. Please insist on this. The Centre will
send the marks to the SR&E Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.
You need to submit the Assignments within the stipulated date for being eligible to appear in the
term-end examination.
All Assignments are to be submitted by 30th October, 2012 to the Coordinator of the Centre allotted
to you.


We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful
to keep the following points in mind :
Read the assignment carefully; go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points
regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.
Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give
adequate attention to questions introduction and conclusion.
Make sure that
(a) The answer is logical and coherent.
(b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs.
(c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.
Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission.
It is mandatory to write the assignment neatly in your own handwriting. If you so desire, you
may underline the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the
stipulated word limit.

Ms. Shweta Tripathi

(Programme Coordinator)




Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : ET-102

Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 30, 2012

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) Test the convergence or divergence of the series S ( n 2 + 1) - n
n =1 .

(b) For a function f (x) defined by f ( x ) = x , - p < x < p , obtain a fourier series.

p2 cos n x
Q.2 (a) Prove that x 2 = + 4 (- 1)n ,- p < x < p.
3 n =1 n2
1 p2
Hence, show that = .
n2 6
1 1 m n 1
(b) If 2 cos q = x + and 2 cos f = y + show that one of the values of x y + m n
x y x y
is 2 cos (m q + n f ) .
Q.3 (a) If tan log ( x + iy ) = a + ib , where a 2 + b 2 1, show that
tan log ( x 2 + y 2 ) = .
1 - a2 - b2
(b) Show that the polar form of Cauchy-Riemann equations are

u 1 v v 1 u
= , = -
r q r
r r q
2u 1
u 2
1 u
Deduce that + + 2 = 0.
r r r q2
Q.4 (a) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = 1, i, 1 into the points
w = 2, i, 2 respectively.
(b) Expand f ( z ) = in the region | z | > 2.
( z - 1) ( z - 2)

z2 + 1
Q.5 (a) Determine the poles of the following functions and the residue at each pole : .
z 2 - 2z
(b) The number N of bacteria in a culture grew at a rate proportional to N. The value of N
was initially 100 and increased to 332 in one hour. What would be the value of N after
1 hours?

Q.6 (a) Solve tan y + tan x = cos y cos2 x .
(b) Solve (mz - ny ) p + (nx - lz ) q = ly - mx .
2 2 2
z z z
Q.7 (a) Solve +3 +2 2 = x + y.

x y y
u px
(b) Find the solution of for which u (0, t ) = u (l , t ) = 0 , u ( x, 0) = sin
= h2 by
x 2
t l
method of variables separation.

Q.8 (a) Test the series ( 3 n 3 + 1 - n ) for its convergence or divergence.

(b) Find the Fourier series to represent f ( x ) = x - x 2 , - p < x < p .

1 1 1 1 p2
Hence, show that - + - + ... = .
12 22 32 42 12
Q.9 (a) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = 0, - 1, into the points
w = - 1, - 2 - i, i.
(b) Find the general solution of the partial differential equation

x 2 ( y - z) p + y 2 ( z - x ) q = z2 ( x - y )

1 1 xm yn
Q.10 (a) If 2 cos q = x + and 2 cos f = y + , show that one of the values of n + m is
x y y x
2 cos ( m q - n f ) .

2 6 14 3 2n - 2 n - 1
(b) Test for convergence of the series 1 + x + x2 + x + ... + n x + . . .,
5 9 17 2 +1
(for x > 0).




Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BAS-014

Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 30, 2012

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q1. Explain the following briefly:

(a) Monocoque structures

(b) End fixidity of a column
(c) Strain gauge
(d) Shear centre
(e) Beam column

Q2. (a) Derive an expression for Eulers critical load of a column when its both
ends are fixed.
(b) Differentiate short and long columns.

Q3. (a) Prove the relation = for the deflection of a beam.

(b) Explain the boundary conditions necessary for determining the slope and
deflection of a cantilever beam.

Q4 (a) Draw a neat sketch of V-n diagram and explain the following.

(i) Positive and Negative structural limit

(ii) Stall boundary
(iii) Corner velocity and its significance.

(b) Two aircrafts, one on mars and one on Earth, are performing level turns at identical bank
angle of 60 deg. How do their load factors, turn radii and rates of turn compare?

Q5 A beam of 60 m length and of uniform rectangular cross-section is simply supported at its

ends. It carries a udL of 10 kN/m run over its entire span. Find the dimensions of its cross
sectionif the permissible bending stress is 8 N/mm2 and the central deflection is not to exceed
1cm. For the beam material, E = 104 N/mm2.

Q6. (a) Classify different types of Torque wrenches.

(b) Explain the working of beam Torque wrenches.

Q7. Derive Lames equation, giving hoop stress ( f x ) distribution and inner pressure Px in case
of a thick cylinder in the form:

b b
fx = 2
+ a and Px = 2 - a , where a and b are constants Px and fx are radial pressure and
x x
hoop stress respectively.

Q8. (a) Define shear centre and shear flow.

(b) Locate the shear centre for the channel section shown below.

5 cm

1 cm

1 cm

3 cm

1 cm

Q9. For the simply supported beam, with overhanging load of 10 kN at A, shown below determine

a. maximum deflection.
b. Slope at both supports B and E.

Take for the beam section, I = 18 x 108 mm4 and for the beam material, E = 200 kN/mm2

10 kN
7.5 kN /m
20 kN-m
2m B 2m 2m 2m




Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BAS-015

Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 30, 2012

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 Explain vortex flow over a finite wing. What is downwash and how does it result in induced
Q.2 (a) What is Biot - Savart law for an inviscid, incompressible flow? Derive the term for
the velocity induced by a straight vortex filament of infinite length at a given point,
using the above law.
(b) Explain the elliptical lift distribution. Show that the downwash is constant over the
span for an elliptical lift distribution.
Q.3 A flat plate of 0.6 m chord at zero incidence is in a uniform airstream of 45 m s-1. Estimate
(i) the displacement thickness at the trailing edge, and
(ii) the overall drag coefficient of the plate. Is it reasonable to assume that the boundary layer
is entirely laminar?
Q.4 With the help of a neat sketch, explain boundary layer flow over a flat plate. Show the various
regions of flow and also explain the phenomenon of separation.
Q.5 Derive the Navier Stokes equation for an unsteady, compressible, three dimensional viscous
Q.6 Derive the expression for the velocity of sound across a sound wave. Also give the energy
equation for steady one dimensional flow.
Q.7 A normal shock wave is standing in the test section of a supersonic wind tunnel. Upstream of
the wave, M1 = 3, P1 = 0.5 atm, and T1 = 200 K. Find M2, P2, T2 and u2 downstream of the
wave. Use Normal shock property table.
Q.8 Derive q - - M relation for an oblique shock wave.
Q.9 (a) Derive the prandtl Meyer function for prandtl-Meyer expansion waves.
(b) Explain strong and weak shocks.
Q.10 A light aircraft has a tapered wing with root and tip chord-lengths of 2.2 m and 1.8 m
respectively and a wingspan of 16 m. Estimate the skin-friction drag of the wing when the
aircraft is traveling at 0.375 chord-length from the leading edge. The dynamic viscosity and
density of air may be taken as 1.8 x 10-5 kg s/m and 1.2 kg/m3 respectively.



Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BAS-016

Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 30, 2012

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q1. (a) Air is expanded reversibly and adiabatically in a nozzle from 13 bar and 150oC to
a pressure of 6 bar. The inlet velocity of the nozzle is very small and the process
occurs under steady state flow conditions. Calculate the exit velocity of the nozzle.

(b) Air enters a frictionless adiabatic converging nozzle at 10 bar 500 K with negligible
velocity. The nozzle discharges to a region at 2 bar. If the exit area of the nozzle is
2.5 cm2, find the flow rate of air through the nozzle. Assume for air cp = 1005 J / kg K
and cv = 718 J / kg K.
Q2. (a) The exit velocity from a jet unit is 650 m/s for an air flow of 40 kg/s
through the unit. The aircraft is flying at 250 km/h. Calculate the thrust developed, the
thrust power and the propulsion efficiency. Neglect the effect of fuel.

(b) A simple jet engine has compressor directly coupled to the turbine mounted in an
aircraft with forward facing intake and rearward convergent propelling nozzle.
Calculate the total thrust when the aircraft flies at true air speed of 300 m / s in the
ambient conditions of 10oC and 0.58 bar.
Q3. (a) A turbojet engine inducts 51 kg of air per second and propels an aircraft
with an constant flight speed of 912 km/h. The isentropic velocity enthalpy change for
the nozzle is 200 kJ / kg and its velocity coefficient is 0.96. The fuel-air ratio is
0.0119, the combustion efficiency is 0.96 and the lower heating value of the fuel is
10500 kcal / kg. Assume CV = 42 MJ / kg. Calculate
(i) the thermal efficiency of the engine,
(ii) the fuel flow rate in kg/h and TSFC,
(iii) the propulsion power in kW
(iv) the thrust power and
(v) the propulsive efficiency.

(b) A turbo jet engine consumes air at the rate of 60.2 kg / s when flying at a speed of
1000 km / h. Calculate:
(i) Exit velocity of the jet when the enthalpy change for the nozzle is 230 kJ / kg
and velocity co-efficient is 0.96.
(ii) Fuel flow rate in kg /s when air-fuel ratio is 70:1
(iii) Thrust specific fuel consumption
(c) Thermal efficiency of the plant when the combustion efficiency is 92% and
calorific value of the fuel used is 42000 kJ/kg.
(d) Propulsive power
(e) Propulsive efficiency
(f) Overall efficiency.

Q4. (a) The following data pertain to a turbojet flying at an altitude of 9500 m :

Speed of the turbo-jet = 800 km / h
Propulsive efficiency = 55%
Overall efficiency of the turbine plant = 17%
Density of air at 9500 m altitude = 0.17 kg / m3
Drag on the plane = 6100 N
Assuming calorific value of the fuels used as 46000 kJ/kg
i. Absolute velocity of the jet
ii. Volume of air compressed per min.
iii. Diameter of the jet
iv. Power output of the unit
v. Air-fuel ratio
(b) In a jet propulsion unit air is drawn into the rotary compressor at 15oC and 1.01 bar
and delivered at 4.04 bar. The isentropic efficiency of compression is 82% and the
compression is inter-cooled. After delivery the air is heated at constant pressure until
the temperature reaches 750oC. The air then passes through a turbine unit which drives
the compressor only and has an isentropic efficiency of 78% before passing through
the nozzle and expanding to atmospheric pressure of 1.01 bar with an efficiency of
88%. Neglecting any mass increase due to the weight of the fuel and assuming that R
and are unchanged by combustion, determine :
(i) The power required to drive the compressor.
(ii) The air-fuel ratio if the fuel has a calorific value of 42000 kJ/kg.
(iii) The pressure of the gases leaving the turbine.
(iv) The thrust per kg of air per second.
Neglect any effect of the velocity of approach.
Assume for air: R = 0.287 kJ /kg K, = 1.4.

Q5. (a) Find the required air-fuel ratio in a gas turbine whose turbine and
compressor efficiencies are 85% and 80 %, respectively. Maximum cycle temperature
is 875 oC. The working fluid can be taken as air c p = 1.0 kJ/kgK , = 1.4 which
enters the compressor at 1 bar and 27oC. The pressure ratio is 4. The fuel used has
calorific value of 42000 kJ / kg. There is a loss of 10% of calorific value in the
combustion chamber.
(b) In an air-standard regenerative gas turbine cycle the pressure ratio is 5. Air enters the
compressor at 1 bar, 300 K and leaves at 490 K. The maximum temperature in the
cycle is 1000 K. Calculate the cycle efficiency, given that the efficiency of the
regenerator and the adiabatic efficiency of the turbine are each 80%. Assume for air,
the ratio of specific heats is 1.4. Also, show the cycle on a T-s diagram.

Q6. (a) A single stage single-acting air compressor delivers 0.6 kg of air per
minute at 60 bar. The temperature and pressure at the end of suction stroke are 30oC
and 1 bar. The bore and stroke of the compressor are 100 mm and 150 mm

respectively. The clearance is 3% of the swept volume. Assuming the index of
compression and expansion to be 1.3, find:
(i) Volumetric efficiency of the compressor,
(ii) Power required if the mechanical efficiency is 85%, and
(iii) Speed of the compressor (rpm).
(b) The velocity of steam exiting the nozzle of the impulse stage of a turbine is 400 m /s. The
blades operate close to the maximum blading efficiency. The nozzle angle is 20o.
Considering equiangular blades and neglecting blade friction, calculate for a steam flow
of 0.6. kg/ s, the diagram power and the diagram efficiency.

Q7. (a) A single stage steam turbine is supplied with steam at 5 bar, 200oC at the
rate of 50 kg / min. It expands into a condenser at a pressure of 0.2 bar. The blade
speed is 400 m/s. The nozzles are inclined at an angle of 20o to the plane of the wheel
and the outlet blade angle is 30o. Neglecting friction losses, determine the power
developed, blade efficiency, and stage efficiency.

(b) A single impulse turbine has a mean blade speed of 200 m/ s. The nozzles are inclined
at 20o to the plane of rotation of the blades. The steam velocity from nozzles is
600 m/s. The turbine uses 3500 kg /h of steam. The absolute velocity at exit is along
the axis of the turbine. Determine:
(i) The inlet and exit angle of the blades.
(ii) The power output of the turbine.
(iii) The diagram efficiency.
(iv) The axial thrust (per kg steam per second)
Assume inlet and outlet angles to be equal.

Q8. (a) A reaction turbine running at 360 rpm consumes 5 kg of steam per second. Tip leakage
is 10 %. Discharge blade tip angle for both moving and fixed blades is 20o . Axial
velocity of flow is 0.75 times blade velocity. The power developed by a certain pair is
4.8 kW where the pressure is 2 bar and dryness fraction is 0.95. Find the drum
diameter and blades height.
(b) An axial flow compressor having eight stages and with 50% reaction design compress
air in the pressure ratio of 4 : 1. The air enters the compressor at 20oC and flows
through it with a constant speed of 90m/ s. The rotating blades of compressor rotate
with a mean speed of 180 m/s. isentropic efficiency of the compressor may be taken as
Calculate :
(i) Work done by the machine
(ii) Blades angles.

Q9 (a) A centrifugal compressor under test gave the following data:

Speed : 11,500
Inlet total head temperature : 21oC
Outlet total head pressure : 4 bar
Air flow : 131600 kg/h
Impeller dia. : 75 cm

If the slip factor is 0.92, what is the compressor efficiency?

(b) A centrifugal compressor runs at 10,00 rpm and delivers 600 m3 / min of free air at a
pressure ratio of 4:1. The isentropic efficiency of compressor is 82%. The outer radius
of impeller (which has radial blades) is twice the inner one and the slip coefficient is

0.9. Assume that the ambient air conditions are 1 bar and 293 K. The axial velocity of
flow is 60 m/s and is constant throughout. Determine:
(i) Power input to the compressor
(ii) Impeller diameters at inlet and outlet and width at inlet
(iii) Impeller and diffuser blade angles at inlet

Q10. (a) A single stage reciprocating air compressor has a swept volume of 2000 cm3 and runs
at 800 rpm. It operates on a pressure ratio of 8, with a clearance of 5% of the swept
volume. Assume NTP room conditions and at inlet (p = 101.3 kPa, t = 15oC), and
polytropic compression and expansion with n = 1.25.

(i) Indicated power (ii) Volumetric efficiency (iii) Mass flow rate,
(iv) FAD (v) Isothermal efficiency,
(vi) the actual power needed to drive the compressor, if mechanical efficiency is 0.85.
(b) A 50% reaction, axial flow compressor runs at a mean blade speed of 250 m/s. The
pressure ratio developed by the machine is 1.3. Determine the blade and air angle if
the mean flow velocity was 200 m/s. Condition at inlet are 1 bar and 300 K.




Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BAS-017

Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 30, 2012

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q1. An aircraft is flying in a steady level coordinated turn at a speed of 250 m/s at a bank angle of
60o. Calculate the turn rate, if the yaw rate is r and the pitch rate is q. The forces acting on the
aircraft are shown in fig.
Lift L

Radius of turn R

X mv o



Q2. In the context of aircraft motion, what are the Euler angles? If the standard right handed
aircraft axis set is rotated through pitch and yaw angles only. Show that the initial
vector quantity ( x0 , y0, z0 ) is related to the transformed vector quantity x, y , z as follow :-

x cosq sin cosq sin - sin q x0

y = - sin cos 0 y0
z sin q cos sin q sin cosq z0

Q3. Define the span, gross area, aspect ratio and mean aerodynamic chord of an aircraft wing.

Q4. Sketch a typical Cm plot and explain the condition for trim, the requirement for static
stability and the concept of stability margin. Why is too much stability as hazardous as too
little stability?

Q5. Describe the longitudinal short period pitching oscillation. On what parameters do its
characteristics depend?

Q6. (a) Show that the period of the phugoid is given approximately by, TP = 2p ,
and state all assumptions used.
(b) State which aerodynamic parameters introduce damping into a phugoid, and discuss
how varying forward speed whilst on approach to landing may influence phugoid

Q7. (a) What is the lateral- directional weather cock stability of an aircraft?
(b) State the main aerodynamic contributions to weather cock stability.

Q8. Distinguish between the centre of pressure and the aerodynamic centre of an airfoil. Explain
why the pitching moment about the quarter chord point of an air foil is normally constant in
subsonic flight.

Q9. A tailless aircraft of 9072 kg mass has a delta wing with aspect ratio 1 and area 37m2. Show

that the aerodynamic mean chord c =

c 2 dy
of a delta wing is 2/3rd of its root chord and
that for this wing it is 8.11m.

Q10. With the aid of a diagram showing a generalized set of aircraft body axes, define the
parameter notation used in the mathematical modeling of aircraft motion.


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