Values and Attitudes in Science Values

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1. Utilitarian Values - All our activities are controlled, designed and fashioned by Science;
Standard of Living; Without Science our existence would become impossible; Science has
entered in our daily activity.

2. Cultural values- It influenced our way of thinking way of life. Development of technologies
has provided changes in the society by promoting new cultural models.

3. Disciplinary values - It makes people to sharpen their intellect and makes them more careful
and systematic reasoning. Science is an organized common sense it has introduced us to
new way of thinking and reasoning. The Science education will develop the positive attitude
like open mildness, logical reasoning.

4. Aesthetic Value- Teaching of Physics is essential for developing Aesthetic sense in an

individual. Science is primarily unfolding of mysteries of nature. Knowledge of Science
develops in man a passion for truth thus he has a passion of beauty.

5. Moral Value- Knowledge of Science develops Truthfulness and Reasoning.

6. Psychological values- Teaching of Physical science is essential for developing scientific

attitude. Learning by doing and learning by observing. Science develop positive attitude such
as open mindedness, critical observation, reasoning and respect others point of view.

7. Vocational Value- Science forms the basis of many of the individuals of a purely vocational in
nature and thus prepares for a various professions like Medicine, Engineering, Dental,
Agriculture, Computer, etc.


1. Curiosity- An urge to know and understand the natural world is part of the makeup of every
healthy baby, and it's how humans learn to adapt to the world. Their curiosity leads them to
study how things in the natural world behave, why, and what factors might affect them.

2. Creativity- Scientists must have fertile mind because creating a plausible reason for things to
work as they do is a crucial step in scientific investigation. Creating a hypothesis that can
explain a phenomenon, and then constructing an experiment to test that hypothesis and
establish its accuracy, lies at the heart of the scientific method. This creativity, or mental
agility, must also extend to recognizing unanticipated factors when they intrude on the

3. Accuracy of Observation- Fleming's discovery also points to skill in observation, another

important characteristic of good scientists. Much scientific progress has been fueled by
observing and recording natural phenomena, even when those observations seem
unimportant to the subject at hand. Often their importance becomes clear only after new
discoveries, technological advances or statistical analysis.

4. Skepticism- The results of a scientific experiment are only as good as the hypothesis and
experiment that gave rise to them. That's why skepticism is also an essential part of a good
scientist's mental makeup. When reviewing the results of an experiment, a scientist must
always consider it critically. There might be a flaw in the experimental process, or the way the
observations were conducted. The results might conflict with those of similar experiments
performed by other scientists, or there might be a hypothesis that better explains the
experiment's results. This is why good scientists publish their work in peer-reviewed journals,
to benefit from the collective skepticism of their peers.


1. Science has no answer for questions of morality that is it cannot decide the right or
wrong decision, good and bad decision lies outside the purpose of science. Science
helps us describe how the world is, but it cannot make any judgments about whether that
state of affairs is right, wrong, good, or bad.
2. Science has no answer for questions about value. Science can reveal the frequency of a
G-flat and how our eyes relay information about color to our brains, but science cannot tell us
whether a Beethoven symphony, a Kabuki performance, or a Jackson Pollock painting is
beautiful or dreadful. Individuals make those decisions for themselves based on their own
aesthetic criteria.
3. Science does not help questions related to supernatural. Questions that deal
with supernatural explanations are, by definition, beyond the realm of nature and hence,
also beyond the realm of what can be studied by science.
4. Science does not deal with metaphysical issues; there are some issues in which
cannot be proved by scientific experiments. As we know about the existence of gravity and
the effects of the gravity can be describe but no one knows why this gravity works
5. Science can tell us about the laws of physics but cannot explain why these laws
6. Science cannot explain us that why the universe is existed and lastly science cannot
explain that whether God is exists or not exists.

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