An Improved Dual Decomposition Approach To DSL Dynamic Spectrum Management

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Paschalis Tsiaflakis, Ion Necoara, Johan A. K. Suykens, and Marc Moonen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Electrical Engineering, ESAT-SCD
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, B-3001, Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium

ABSTRACT iteratively executing the following two steps: (i) approximat-

Modern DSL networks suffer from crosstalk among differ- ing the nonconvex problem by a convex optimization prob-
ent lines in the same cable bundle. By carefully choosing lem, and (ii) solving the convex approximation using a stan-
the modems transmit power spectra, the impact of crosstalk dard (sub)gradient-based dual decomposition approach. We
can be minimized leading to spectacular data rate perfor- will focus on the second step, which requires the major part
mance gains. This is also referred to as dynamic spectrum of the computational complexity. The standard subgradient-
management (DSM). DSM algorithms based on an iterative based updates used in this step can lead to very slow conver-
convex approximation approach are recognized as being very gence. This is mainly because of two reasons: (i) subgradient
effective in tackling the corresponding non-convex optimiza- methods are generally known to exhibit a slow convergence,
tion problems. One crucial ingredient of this type of algo- i.e. a worst case convergence of order O( 12 ) with referring
rithms, is a subgradient-based dual decomposition approach to the required accuracy of the approximation of the opti-
to solve the corresponding convex approximations. Although mum [5], and (ii) the stepsizes used by subgradient methods
a dual decomposition approach decouples the problem into are very difficult to tune so as to guarantee fast convergence.
manageable subproblems, the subgradient-based updates are In this paper we propose a novel improved dual decom-
known to exhibit a slow convergence, with a difficult but cru- position approach for iterative convex approximation based
cial stepsize selection. This paper presents an improved dual DSM algorithms inspired by recent advances in mathemati-
decomposition approach that improves on the convergence of cal programming [6]. More specifically the novel approach
existing subgradient-based approaches by one order of mag- improves on the convergence of existing subgradient-based
nitude. It uses a smoothing technique for the Lagrangian approaches by one order of magnitude with the same compu-
combined with an optimal gradient-based scheme for updat- tational complexity. The proposed method uses (i) a smooth-
ing the Lagrange multipliers. Furthermore, the optimal step- ing technique for the Lagrangian that preserves the separa-
size parameters are selected automatically. The proposed ap- bility of the problem, (ii) an optimal gradient-based scheme,
proach makes an important step towards obtaining numeri- and (iii) optimal stepsizes, which leads to straightforward
cally fast and effective DSM algorithms. tuning.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the sys-
1. INTRODUCTION tem model for the crosstalk environment is described. In Sec-
Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology remains by far the tion 3 the spectrum management problem is reviewed. In
most popular broadband access technology. The increas- Section 4 the iterative convex approximation approach for
ing demand for higher data rates forces DSL systems to use DSL DSM is briefly reviewed. In Section 5 the improved
higher frequencies. At these high frequencies, electromag- dual decomposition approach is proposed with correspond-
netic coupling becomes particularly harmful and causes in- ing proofs on the convergence speed-up. Finally in Section 6
terference, also called crosstalk, among lines operating in simulation results are given.
the same cable bundle. This crosstalk is a major obstacle
for modern DSL systems towards reaching higher data rates. 2. SYSTEM MODEL
Dynamic spectrum management (DSM) [1] refers to a set Most current DSL systems use discrete multi-tone (DMT)
of solutions to the crosstalk problem. These solutions consist modulation. For the standardly assumed case of perfect tone
of signal level and/or spectrum level coordination amongst synchronisation, the transmission for a binder of N modems,
the different modems. In this paper the focus is on spec- using a frequency range of K tones, can be modeled on each
trum level coordination, which is also referred to as spec- tone k by
trum balancing. Here the modems transmit power spectra
are designed so as to mitigate the impact of crosstalk in- yk = Hk xk + zk , k K = {1, . . . , K}.
terference, leading to spectacular performance gains. The
problem of optimally choosing the transmit power spectra to The vector xk = [x1k , x2k , . . . , xNk ]T contains the transmitted sig-
maximize the data rates of the network can be formulated as nals on tone k for all N modems. [Hk ]n,m = hkn,m is an N N
an optimization problem [2], and is referred to as the spec- matrix containing the channel transfer functions from trans-
trum management problem. Unfortunately this optimization mitter m to receiver n on tone k. The diagonal elements
problem is a very difficult, NP-hard, nonconvex optimization are the direct channels, the off-diagonal elements are the
problem. State-of-the-art DSM algorithms (CA-DSB [3], crosstalk channels. zk is the vector of additive noise on tone
SCALE [4]) use an iterative convex approximation approach k, containing thermal noise, alien crosstalk, RFI, . . . . The
to tackle this nonconvex problem. This approach consists of vector yk contains the received symbols.
The transmit power is denoted by snk , f E{|xnk |2 }, the proposed schemes for CA-DSB. This can similarly be done
noise power by kn , f E{|znk |2 }. The vector contain- for SCALE but requires more complicated notations because
of the inherent exponential transformation of variables.
ing the transmit power of modem n on all tones is sn ,
[sn1 , sn2 , . . . , snK ]T . The DMT symbol rate is denoted by fs ,
the tone spacing by f . The set of users is denoted by Algorithm 1 DSM based on iterative convex approximations
N = {1, . . . , N} 1: Approximate F by a convex approximation Fcvx
In our model, no signal coordination is assumed among 2: repeat
transmitting and receiving modems. Each modem views the 3: Solve Fcvx using a subgradient-based dual decompo-
signals from the other modems as noise. When the number sition approach, to obtain sk,cvx , k K
of interfering modems is large, the interference is well ap- 4: Tighten convex approximation Fcvx in sk,cvx , k K
proximated by a Gaussian distribution. Under this standard 5: until convergence
assumption the achievable bit loading for modem n on tone k,
given the transmit spectra sk , [s1k , s2k , . . . , sNk ]T of all modems Note that line 3 of Algorithm 1 requires the major
in the system, is part of the computational cost. It involves solving a high-
! dimensional convex optimization problem, i.e. with dimen-
n 1 |hkn,n |2 snk sion NK, where the number of users N typically ranges be-
bk , log2 1 + , (1) tween 2-100 and the number of tones K can go up to 4000.
|hkn,m |2 sm
k + k
For CA-DSB, this convex problem is as follows:

where denotes the SNR-gap to capacity, which is a function

sk Sk ,kK
bk,cvx (sk ) s.t. snk Pn,tot , n N (Fcvx )
kK kK
of the desired BER, the coding gain and noise margin. The (3)
total bit rate for modem n and the total power used by modem where Sk = {sk R n : 0 snk skn,max , n N } is a compact
n are Rn = fs kK bnk and Pn = kK snk respectively. 
convex set with skn,max := min skn,mask , Pn,tot and Pn,tot < ,
and where bk,cvx (sk ) is concave and given as:
The problem of optimally balancing the transmit power spec- bk,cvx (sk ) = |hkn,m |2 smk + kn)
wn fs log2 (
nN mN
tra snk , k K , n N , to maximize the data rates of the DSL (4)
network is referred to as the rate adaptive spectrum manage-
wn fs ( am,n m
k sk + ck ),
nN m6=n
ment problem. The objective is to find the optimal transmit
spectra for a bundle of interfering DSL modems, maximiz- and where akn,m , cnk , n, m, k
are constant approximation pa-
ing a weighted bit rate, subject to per-modem total power rameters, obtained by a closed-form formula during the ap-
constraints and spectral mask constraints. This can be formu- proximation step (line 1 and 4 of Algorithm 1), and
lated as the following nonconvex optimization problem [7]: (
n,m 2 = |hkn,m |2 , n 6= m
|hk | (5)
sn ,nN
wn Rn = |hkn,m |2 , n = m.
s.t. snk Pn,tot , nN , (F) (2) The standard way of solving Fcvx (3) is via its dual prob-
kK lem formulation Fcvx,dual , as shown in (6), which leads to the
0 snk skn,mask , n N , k K , same solution because the duality gap is zero. The advantage
of the dual formulation is that the dual objective function
where Pn,tot denotes the total power budget for modem n and gcvx ( ) can be decomposed into independent subproblems
skn,mask denotes the spectral mask for modem n on tone k. The gk,cvx ( ) for each tone k, which are much more simple to
weights wn are used to put more emphasis on some modems. solve. The dual problem Fcvx,dual , dual function gcvx ( ) and
Let us also define Ptot = [P1,tot , . . . , PN,tot ]T . Lagrangian Lk,cvx (sk , ), for tone k, are given as follows:
min gcvx ( ) (Fcvx,dual ) (6)
APPROXIMATIONS with gcvx ( ) = gk,cvx ( ) = max Lk,cvx (sk , )
DSM algorithms based on iterative convex approximations, kK kK sk Sk
such as CA-DSB and SCALE, are known to be very effec- Lk,cvx (sk , ) = bk,cvx (sk )
n snk + n Pn,tot /K
tive in tackling the nonconvex optimization problem F (2). nN nN
Their basic approach is summarized in Algorithm 1. It starts The dual problem Fcvx,dual is solved using the standard
with an initial convex approximation Fcvx of the nonconvex subgradient-based dual decomposition approach, as shown in
problem F in line 1. In line 3 the obtained convex approxi- Algorithm 2, so as to find the solution of the convex problem
mation is solved using a subgradient-based dual decomposi- (line 3 of Algorithm 1). Note that [x]+ denotes the projection
tion approach, which will be discussed in more detail later in of x R N onto R+ N , and that the stepsize can be chosen
this section. In line 4 the approximation is improved based using different procedures [2] [7], e.g. = q/t where q is the
on the solution sk,cvx , k K , obtained in line 3. This iter- initial stepsize and t is the iteration counter. Note that line 4
ative scheme converges to a locally optimal solution of (2) of Algorithm 2 corresponds to solving K independent convex
under certain conditions [8] on the chosen convex approx- subproblems of dimension N. This can be done by using
imations, which are indeed satisfied for both CA-DSB and state-of-the-art iterative methods (e.g. Newtons-method) or
SCALE. In the remaining of this text we will elaborate the by using iterative fixed point updates [3] [4].
Algorithm 2 Subgradient-based dual decomposition ap- where c is a positive smoothness parameter that will be de-
proach to solve Fcvx for CA-DSB fined later in this section. By using a sufficiently small value
1: t := 1 for c, the smoothed dual function can be arbitrarily close to
2: repeat the original dual function. Note that the particular choice of
 + the prox-functions does not destroy the tone-separability of
3: nt+1 = nt + (kK snk Pn,tot ) , n N
the objective function in (8).
4: k : sk = argmax Lk,cvx (sk , t+1 ) Denote by sk,cvx ( ), k K , the optimal solution of the
sk Sk
5: t := t + 1 maximization problem in (8). The following theorem de-
6: until convergence (accuracy ) scribes the properties of the smoothed dual function gcvx ( ):
7: sk,cvx = sk , k K Theorem 5.1 ([6]). The function gcvx ( ) is convex and con-
tinuous differentiable at any R n . Moreover, its gradi-
ent gcvx ( ) = kK sk,cvx ( ) Ptot is Lipschitz continu-
5. IMPROVED DUAL DECOMPOSITION FOR DSL ous with Lipschitz constant Lc = kK c1 . The following
DSM inequalities also hold:
The subgradient update approach (Algorithm 2) to solve
Fcvx , often exhibits a very slow convergence. Therefore we
gcvx ( ) gcvx ( ) gcvx ( ) + c DSk R n .
propose an improved approach that is inspired by recent ad- (9)
vances in mathematical programming, in particular the proxi-
mal center method of [6]. Our improved scheme uses an opti- The addition of the prox-functions thus leads to a con-
mal gradient-based scheme and automatically selects optimal vex differentiable dual function gcvx ( ) with Lipschitz con-
stepsizes. Furthermore we prove that the proposed scheme tinuous gradient. Now instead of solving the original dual
improves on the convergence of subgradient based schemes problem (6), we will focus on the following problem:
by one order of magnitude, i.e. from O( 12 ) to O( 1 ), with
min gcvx ( ). (10)
the same computational complexity, resulting in much faster 0
DSM algorithms.
The basic steps in this approach are as follows. First an Note that, by making c sufficiently small in (8), the solution
approximated (smoothed) dual function gcvx ( ) is defined of (10) can be brought arbitrarily close to the solution of (6).
that can be chosen to be arbitrarily close to the original dual This means that the solution of (6) can be found by solv-
function gcvx ( ). Then it is proven that this smoothed dual ing (10), up to a certain accuracy determined by the choice
function gcvx is differentiable and has a Lipschitz continuous of c. Taking the particular structure of (10) into account,
gradient, contrary to gcvx ( ) that is non-differentiable and i.e. a differentiable objective function with Lipschitz contin-
has no Lipschitz continuous gradient. Finally an optimal uous gradient, we propose Algorithm 3, which is an optimal
gradient scheme [5] is applied to the smoothed dual function gradient-based scheme derived from [6] to solve (10).
gcvx ( ) leading to an efficiency estimate of the order O( 1 ),
i.e. one order of magnitude better than the subgradient based Algorithm 3 Improved dual decomposition scheme for (10)
dual decomposition approach (Algorithm 2). 1: i := 0, tmp := 0
2: initialize imax , i
We introduce the following functions dk (sk ) which are 3: for i = 0 . . . imax do
k = argmax bk,cvx (sk ) n sk cdk (sk )
k : si+1 i n
called prox-functions in [6] and are defined as follows: 4:
sk Sk nN
Definition 5.1. A prox-function dk (sk ) has the following 5: c = kK sk P
d gi+1 i+1 tot
properties: d gi+1
6: ui+1 = [ Lcc + i ]+
dk (sk ) is a non-negative continuous and strongly convex
function with convexity parameter Sk 7: tmp := tmp + i+1 i+1
2 d gc
i+1 tmp +
dk (sk ) is defined for the compact convex set Sk 8: v = [ Lc ]
9: i+1 = i+1
i+3 u
i+1 + 2 vi+1
An example of a valid prox-function is dk (sk ) = 21 ksk k2 . 10: end for
Since Sk , k, are compact and dk (sk ) are continuous, we can 11: Build = imax +1 and sk = ii=0
max 2(i+1) i+1
(imax +1)(imax +2) sk
choose finite and positive constants such that

DSk max dk (sk ), k. (7) In Algorithm 3, the specific value for Lc depends on the
sk Sk chosen prox-function dk (sk ), as given in Theorem 5.1. The
specific value for c will be defined later in Theorem 5.2. The
The prox-functions are used to smoothen the dual func- index i refers to the iteration counter. Note that lines 5-9
tion gcvx ( ) to obtain a smoothed dual function gcvx ( ) as of Algorithm 3 correspond to the improved Lagrange multi-
follows: plier updates. By comparing this with the standard subgradi-
ent Lagrange multiplier update (line 3 of Algorithm 2), one
gcvx ( ) =
can observe that the standard and improved updates require
n Pn,tot o
sk Sk ,kK
bk,cvx (sk ) n (snk
) cdk (sk ) , a similar complexity.
The remaining issue is to prove that sk , k K , in Algo-
kK nN
(8) rithm 3, after imax iterations has converged to an -optimal
solution where imax is of the order O( 1 ). For this we define Proof. Using a similar reasoning as in the proof of Theorem
the following lemmas that will be used in the sequel. 3.4 in [6] we can show that for any c the following inequality
Lemma 5.1. For any y R n and z 0, the following in-
equality holds1 : 
gcvx ( ) min (i 2L+1) 2 k k
c 2
0 max
yT z k[y]+ kkzk. (11) imax
+ (imax +1)(i

max +2)
[gcvx ( i ) + (gcvx ( i ))T ( i )]
Proof. Let us define the following index sets: = {i I i=0
{1 . . .n} : yi < 0} and I + = {i {1 . . . n} : yi 0}. Then,
By replacing gcvx ( i ) and gcvx ( i ) with their expressions
yT z = yi zi + yi zi yi zi = ([y]+ )T z k[y]+ kkzk. given in (8) and Theorem 5.1, respectively and taking into
iI iI + iI + account the functions bk,cvx are concave, we obtain the fol-
lowing inequality:
The last inequality follows from the Cauchy-Schwartz in-
gcvx ( ) bk,cvx (sk )
The following lemma gives a lower bound for the primal kK
2 k k h , sk P i

gap, fcvx kK bk,cvx (sk ), of (3), where fcvx
is the optimal c( DSk ) + min (i 2L+1)c 2 tot
0 max
objective value of (3), kK k

Lemma 5.2. Let be any optimal Lagrange multiplier, then

= c( DSk ) (imax +1)2
8Lc k[ sk tot + 2
P ] k c( DSk ).
kK k kK
for any sk Sk , k, the following lower bound on the primal
gap holds: Therefore taking c as in the theorem we obtain (15). For

the constraints using Lemma 5.2 and the previous inequal-

fcvx bk,cvx (sk ) k kk[ tot +
sk P ] k. (12)
kK kK
ity we get that k[k sk Ptot ]+ k satisfies the second order
inequality in y: (imax8L+1) y2 k ky 0. Therefore,
Proof. From the assumptions of the lemma we have c
k[k sk Ptot ]+ k must be less than the largest root of the

fcvx = max
sk Sk ,kK
bk,cvx (sk ) T ( sk Ptot ) corresponding second-order equation, i.e.
kK kK q
bk,cvx (sk ) T ( sk Ptot ). k[sk Ptot ]+ k k k + k k2 + (imax
+1)2  4Lc
(i +1)2
kK kK k
Formula (12) is then obtained by applying Lemma 5.1. Taking imax as defined in the theorem, we also get (16).
A consequence of Lemma 5.2 is that if k[kK sk From Theorem 5.2 we can conclude that by taking c =

Ptot ]+ k c , then the primal gap is bounded: for all R+
kK D , Algorithm 3 converges to a solution of Fcvx with
duality gap less than and the p constraints violation sat-
c k k fcvx

bk,cvx (sk ) gcvx ( ) bk,cvx (sk ). isfy
q k[k s k Ptot ]+ k (k k + k k2 + 2) after imax =
kK kK
(14) 2 (k )(k DSk ) iterations, i.e. the efficiency estimate
1 1
Therefore, if we are able to derive an upper bound for k
of our scheme is of the order O( 1 ), one order of magnitude
the dual gap, gcvx ( ) kK bk,cvx (sk ), and an upper bound better than the standard subgradient based method that has
c for the coupling constraints for some given ( 0) and an efficiency estimate of the order O( 12 ).
sk Sk , k, then we conclude that sk is an ( , c )-solution for Note that this approach is fully automatic, i.e. it does not
Fcvx (since in this case c k k fcvx

kK bk,cvx (sk ) require any stepsize tuning as in the subgradient approach,
). The next theorem derives these upper bounds for Algo- which is known to be a very difficult and crucial process.
rithm 3 and provides a specific value for c. For our proposed scheme, one decides on the required accu-
Theorem 5.2. Let be an optimalqLagrange multiplier, racy and then simply executes the algorithm. The extension
of CA-DSB with the improved dual decomposition approach
taking c = D and imax + 1 = 2 (k 1 )(k DSk ) 1 , will be referred to as I-CA-DSB, i.e. improved CA-DSB.
kK Sk Sk
then after imax iterations, Algorithm 3 obtains an approxi- A final remark on Algorithm 3 is that the independent
mate solution sk , k K , to the convex approximation (3) convex per-tone problems (line 4) are slightly modified
with a duality gap less than , i.e. with respect to the standard per-tone problems gk,cvx . This
is a consequence of the addition of the extra prox-function
gcvx ( ) bk,cvx (sk ) , (15) term. One can use state-of-the-art iterative methods (e.g.
kK Newtons-method) to solve these convex subproblems with
guaranteed convergence. Another popular method consists
and the constraints satisfy:
in using an iterative fixed point update approach, as this is
q shown to work well with very small complexity and can eas-
k[ sk Ptot ]+ k (k k + k k2 + 2). (16) ily be extended to a distributed implementation [4] [3]. The
k fixed point update formula for the transmit powers snk used
1 For the sake of an easy exposition we consider only the Euclidian norm by CA-DSB can be adapted to take the extra prox-term into
k k. Other norms can also be used (see [6] for a detailed exposition). account. Following the same procedure as explained in [3],
we obtain the following transmit power update formula, that
only differs in the presence of the term PROX: improved scheme
" subgradient, q=1000
 600 subgradient, q=10000
wn f s / log(2)
snk = m,n 2
subgradient, q=30000

n wm fs |h | / log(2) subgradient, q=50000
n +2cs k+ m f s an,m

m,p 2 p
| s + m 550 optimal dual value

dual function g
|{z} m6=n m6=n k k k
PROX p (17)
|hk |2 smk +k +
|hk |2

By iteratively updating the transmit powers snk using (17)

over all users and tones, a fast convergence to the solution of
the convex subproblem is achieved (line 4 of Algorithm 3).
Providing convergence conditions for these types of iterative 350
0 100 200 300 400 500
fixed point updates is outside the scope of this paper. In [3, number of updates of Lagrange multipliers
9, 10], limited convergence results are given for these types
of iterative updates. Although convergence is only proven
under certain conditions, one always observes convergence Figure 1: Comparison of convergence behaviour between
for realistic DSL scenarios as shown in [3, 9, 10]. subgradient schemes, with different initial stepsizes q, and
Finally note that the improved dual decomposition ap- the improved scheme.
proach can straightforwardly be extended to more gen-
eral DSM problem formulations that incorporate energy- G.0302.07; Research communities (ICCoS, ANMMM, MLDM); AWI:
awareness, such as those presented in [11] (green DSL). BIL/05/43; Belgian Federal Science Policy Office: IUAP DYSCO.

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