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Product: Bubbledeck Structure Solutions

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Part 1 December 2014

Structure Solutions


The Original Voided Flat Slabs

with the BubbleDeck technology
What i s t h e B u b b l e D e c k System?

Reinforcing mesh, top

Recycled plastic hollow Bubble void former
Reinforcing mesh, bottom cast into optional
concrete filigree biscuit permanent formwork


Design Freedom

Light with Longer Spans

Green and Sustainable

Made to Measure

Want to know more? Faster Construction


Information is available Economical

on website

and upon request

The engineering solution that radically
improves building design and performance
while reducing the overall cost.
The revolutionary BubbleDeck method virtually eliminates concrete from the middle of a slab not performing any
structural function, thereby dramatically reducing structural dead weight. The patented BubbleDeck technique is based
on the direct way of linking air and steel. Void formers in the middle of a flat slab eliminates 35% of a slabs self-weight
removing constraints of high dead loads and short spans.

Incorporation of recycled plastic bubbles as void formers permits 50% longer spans between
columns. Combination of this with a slab construction approach spanning in two
directions the slab is connected directly to insitu concrete columns without any beams -
produces a wide range of cost and construction including:

Design Freedom layout easily adapts to irregular & curved plan layouts.
Reduced Dead Weight 35% removed allowing smaller foundation sizes.
Longer spans between columns up to 50% further than traditional structures.
Downstand Beams eliminated quicker & cheaper erection of walls and services.
Load bearing walls eliminated facilitating MMC with lightweight building envelopes.
Reduced concrete usage 1 kg recycled plastic replaces 100 kg of concrete.
Environmentally Green and Sustainable reduced energy & carbon emissions.

The overall area is divided down into a series of planned individual elements, tailored up
The BubbleDeck to a standard of 16 x 3 m depending on project, which are manufactured using MMC
method savings techniques. These elements comprise the top and bottom reinforcement mesh, sized to suit
allowed 2 extra the project, joined together with vertical lattice girders with the bubble void formers
rs to be
added during
trapped between the top and bottom mesh reinforcement to their optimum position. This
construction is termed a bubble-reinforcement sandwich which is then cast into bottom layer of pre-cast
concrete, encasing the bottom mesh reinforcement, to provide permanent formwork
within part of the overall slab depth.

On site the individual elements are then stitched together with loose reinforcement simply laid centrally across the
joints between elements. Splice bars are inserted loose above the pre-cast concrete layer between the bubbles
and purpose made mesh sheets tied across the top reinforcement mesh to join the elements together. After the
site concrete is poured and cured this technique provides structural continuity across the whole slab
the joints between elements are then redundant without any structural to create a seamless floorslab.

The BubbleDeck technology has proved to be highly successful around the World since invented in the 90ies by
Mr. Breuning with over 3 million square metres of slabs have been constructed using the BubbleDeck system
in all types of multi-storey buildings.

Notice: Describtions and examples in this material only describes some of the technologies, production methods
and execution methods availble with the BubbleDeck technology.

The BubbleDeck system is a simple solution that eliminates non - working

dead load in concrete slabs while fully retaining strength.
page 2
Simple site installation
( Ty p e A - Fi l i g r e e p a n e l s
Temporary Support Propping on parallel beams at
1.8 to 2.4 meter spacing
Placing Elements Semi pre-cast elements
mechanically lifted into position
Joint Reinforcement Insert loose bottom splice bars
and tie top mesh across joints between elements

Shear Reinforcement Insert loose bars across columns BubbleDeck
Edge reinforcement Insert edge bars and hairpins technology:
around slab perimeter Biaxial hollow
Perimeter shuttering Fix shuttering to bottom pre-cast deck in which
concrete layer & tie to top mesh reinforcement
recycled plastic
Soffite shuttering Prop plywood across tolerance joints
bubbles serve the
purpose of
between element bays and between elements & columns
Preparation Seal joints between elements, clean and
moisten bottom pre-cast concrete layer
Concreting Pour, vibrate and float 10mm max.
aggregate in-situ concrete
Temporary works Remove, typically after 3 5 days,
according to specific site advice
Finishing no further work required, the slab is complete
unless requirement for exposed soffit

Note - Additional Structural steel as shear-, joint- and

edge-reinforcement, and installations can be integrated in
elements at the factory, further reducing onsite works

page 3
B u b b l e d e c k s l a b versions

The appropriate BubbleDeck slab version is bespoke engineered to suit building conguration, span length between supports,
applied loadings and vertical alignment of supports. Indicative spans are given as a guide to what can be achieved. Established
from full calculation FE analysis these are based on 20mm concrete cover to bottom rebar (minimum 1 hour resistance);
live / dead loa2 of 3 / 1.5 kN/m and lightweight external envelope maximum 6 kN/m line load.
Completed slab mass and Concrete Quantity based on 3 x 9 metre pre-cast panels with 35 kg/m total reinforcement.
** **
Version Slab height Bubbles Span Cantilever Span Weight of Slab Concrete
Interval (Multiple bays) Maximum Length (Single bay rows) Slab Mass Quantity
mm mm metres metres metres kN/m 2 m3/m2
BD230 230 - 250 180 58 2.8 5 6.5 4.1 0.1 6
BD285 280 - 320 225 7 10 3.3 6 7.8 5.0 0.20
BD340 330 - 370 270 9 12 4.0 7 9.5 6.0 0.24
BD395 380 - 420 315 11 14 4.7 8 11.0 6.9 0.27
BD450 430 - 500 360 13 16 5.4 9 12.5 7.9 0.31
BD560 * 540- 600 450 15 20 6.7 11 15.5 9.7 0.39
BD670 * 630- 700 540 17 24 8.1 13 19.0 11.5 0.46

Element types * New 2006

BubbleDeck slab
BubbleDeck slabs can be supplied in 3 main
types of manufactured elements: ** Based on standard

Concrete Cover
Type A Filigree Panels , where the bottom of the bubble-
reinforcement sandwich includes a 60mm thick pre-cast concrete
layer acting as permanent formwork within part of the finished slab
depth replacing the need for soffite shuttering. Shear, edge and joint splice
reinforcement can be integrated as well as installations. The panels are placed
on temporary propping, and loose reinforcement added, perimeter and tolerance joints shuttered
and then the remaining slab depth concreted.

Most commonly specified being suitable for the majority of new-build projects. Requires fixed or mobile
crane to lift into position. Most structural steel can be incorporated off-site.

Type B Reinforcement Modules

comprising pre-fabricated bubble-
reinforcement sandwich elements.
The modules are placed on traditional site
formwork; loose reinforcement added and then
concreted in 2 stages to the full slab depth.
.Majority of structural reinforcemnt including shear- and joint-
splice bars can be integrated as well as installations can be
manually lifted into position.

Type C Finished Planks, delivered to the building site as complete

precast factory made slab elements with the full concrete
thickness. These span in one direction only and require the
inclusion of supporting beams or walls within the structure.
page 4
Selected B u b b l e D e c k p r o j e c t s
Le Coie Housing
The largest BubbleDeck structure so far erected in Great Britain was These are only a few of many projects with
completed 6 weeks ahead of programme. The structure comprises 7,800m
BubbleDeck rs.
BubbleDeck slabs between 3 and 6 stories high supported on in-situ
For many others and new projects see our
reinforced concrete columns. Over 400,000 of savings were realised as a
WEB site: www. BubbleDeck.com
direct result of incorporating BubbleDeck into this project, amounting to a
3% saving the TOTAL project cost.

The Main Contractor subsequently found the BubbleDecksystem

continue throughout the whole construction process with
faster and cheaper erection of external & internal walls plus fast
and easy installation of services below the flat soffit.

Chris Dunne, Project Architect, commented:- Our original

solution for Le Coie was a steel frame with Bison planks &
structural concrete topping in the 5 to 6 storey areas, with load
bearing blockwork supporting a composite metal deck in the lower sections.

The BubbleDeck technique not only saved a considerable sum but

the buildings structure, removing my co-ordination headache of getting
services around or through beams required with a traditional solution. We
were also able to eliminate all load bearing walls down the middle of each
, required to support the short spans of composite metal decks, giving
more internal space and fantastic y.

I will definitely consider the BubbleDeck system

for use on my future projects.

page 5
Media City
This 32.000 m 2 building was
constructed with great
transparency, revealing a huge
open atrium. This atrium is the fulcrum and heart of
the building. The spaces are formed in soft,

BubbleDeck organic shapes allowing light to spill onto

every single workplace in the building.
technology is
To achieve these wide, open,
officially certified
internal spaces, the BubbleDeck
and accepted as
system with 450mm deep voided
a standard slab
floor plates, achieving 16 metre
system directly spans between columns was
incorporated in the selected, dramatically reducing
Eurocodes structure dead weight and
EN 13747:2005+A1 enabling long spans. The
as well as standard flexibility of BubbleDeck also

BuildingRegulations facilitated construction of the soft

/ Agrment flowing, organic shapes forming the
Certicate. floors around the central atrium.

Millennium Tower
Originally designed with hollow core planks, late in the
design stage it was determined BubbleDeck system would
realise considerable cost and time savings. Adopting
BubbleDeck also reduced the structural floor zone City Hall and Offices
depth due to omission of beams, lowering the The BubbleDeck system achieved superior
overall buildings height. cantilevering with 3.3 metre from a
Another consideration was the lack of storage space 280mm deep slab with 7.5 metre internal
on the building site which is located close to major spans between columns. The building
arterial roads and streets. The floors were on provides a City Hall and financial centre
average erected, cast and completed in half the 2
for Danske Bank containing 4,000 m
time - 4 days instead of 8 days it would have floor area. The slender slab without any
taken to construct with hollow core planks. Half beams secures maximum light from the
way through constructing the structure it was facades, which is enhanced by an internal
decided to add another 2 oors which was made atrium. This project won Building of the
possible within the overall height of the original building Year 2004 award for Offices and

due to BubbleDeck system reducing structural floor depth. Commercial buildings.
page 6
Solid deck comparisons
A BubbleDeck slab has the same applied load carrying capacity with We can refine this approximate indication
only 50% of the concrete required for a solid concrete slab, or with by full calculation, and we would be pleased
the same slab thickness has twice the load carrying capacity using to give you advice on a specific project.
65% of the concrete required by a solid concrete slab.
Post tensioning
Schematic design basic principle When mega spans are required, we can
As a general guide for project scoping purposes the maximum provide a PostTensioned (PT) BubbleDeck
achievable spans for each BubbleDeck slab depth is usually determined solution. The spans can be increased
by deflection limitations. This criteria is controlled by the ratio of span / by up to 30% with post-tensioned
effective depth (L/d) stipulated in BS8110 and modified by applying a BubbleDeck slabs.
factor of 1.5, permitted by BS8110 to take account of BubbleDeck slabs
dramatically lower dead weight than traditional solid flat slabs.

L/d 30 for simply supported floors (single spans)

L/d 40 for continuously supported floors (multiple spans)
L/d 15 for cantilevers.

Fire Resistance
BubbleDeck slabs can be tailored to meet any needed
fire rating by simply adjusting the concrete cover.
90 min fire resistance is standard (25 mm cover),
but 120 min resistance (30 mm cover) is
generally applied.
The exact cover should be included in
structural calculations.

page 7

Solid slab BubbleDeck slab BubbleDeck slab
same thickness same capacity
Carrying capacity
Slab Dead load

Relative values in % of solid slab

Carrying capacity
Dead load
40 Green credentials
Dead load / Carrying capacity 3:1 1:1 1.5:1
By virtually eliminating concrete in the middle of a BubbleDeck slab
Absolute values in % of solid slab makes a signicant contribution to reducing environmental impact.
Carrying capacity 100 200 100
Slab dead load 100 65 50 Guidance from the ODPM requires the direct environmental effects of
Utility value of 300 200 buildings to be considered, including usage of natural resources and
concrete increased
emissions resulting from construction. Not only is concrete usage
BubbleDeck slabs has twice the capacity with 65% concrete
reduced by up to 50% within a buildings structure but knock-on benefits
and the same capacity with 50% concrete
compared to a solid slab. can be realised through reduced foundation sizes. The BubbleDeck
technology can make a substantial contribution towards achieving
BREEAM targets.
slabs make a
substantial Every 5,000 m2 of BubbleDeck slab can save:
contribution to 1,000 m3site concrete.
reducing carbon 166 ready mix lorry trips.
emissions arising 1,798 Tonnes of foundation loads or 19 less piles.
from construction. 1,745 GJ energy used in concrete production & haulage.
278 Tonnes of CO2 green house gases emissions.

Consider the Benefits

Data based on typical 4,500 m 2 Office Building with 7.5 x 7.5 metre multiple spans
between in-situ or precast concrete columns.

Slab Site Concrete Site Concrete Total Slab Embodied CO 2

Depth Volume Quantity Dead Load Energy Emissions
(mm) m3 / m 2 m3 (Tonnes) (Giga Joules) (Tonnes )
Solid Slab 310 0.31 1,395 3,376 3,278 522
BubbleDeck slab 230 0.11 495 1,758 1,707 272
BD SAVES 80 0.20 900 1,618 1,571 250
1) Lightweight external envelope (curtain walling or equal).
2) Typical office live load 2.5 kN/m +1.5 kN/m2 for lightweight partitions, computer floor, finishes & services
3) Overall stability braced by stair/lift core shear walls, in both cases the BD slab transfers lateral loads to cores.
4) Energy from materials transport cement 50 miles, aggregate 10 miles (to ready mix plant) and concrete 5
miles (to site).

BubbleDeck structures are also Sustainable with the system allowing frame re-use for
future purposes. The envelope and all internal work can be removed from the building,
and the original frame simply retted for a new purpose. The two way spanning nature of
BubbleDeck slabs allows any internal layout to be reconfigured to new uses within the
original design load parameters.

page 8

Service optio n s
We provide two main Service Options covering provision of design, detailing, drawing production,
element manufacture and supply of all components to site completely ready for construction:

Option A - Full Slab Design - by the BubbleDeck Group (BDG)

1. Initial Enquiry & consultation / advice / meetings (FOC) .
2. Schematic design of Deck Type and advice on appropriate solution (FOC) .
3. Quotation for Detail Design, Drawing Production, Element Manufacture & Supply, based on estimated amount
of reinforcement required per m 2 (FOC).
4. Acceptance of Quotation and order / payment for Detail Engineering Design,
Calculations and Drawing Production.
5. Detail Engineering Design and Calculations of BubbleDeck slabs by
BDG, Detail Design of all other elements (foundations, columns,
external envelope & roof) by Clients Agents or others. The
6. Production of Manufacturing and Site Installation
drawings by BDG, including pre-cast elements ready for
manufacture and all required loose reinforcement. BubbleDeck
7. Preparation of Design & Calculation report by BDG.
Provision of Design Report and Manufacturing /
Site Installation Drawings to Clients Agents for
system is based
their Building Control submission.
8. Acceptance and sign-off by Clients Agents of
BDG Design Report and Manufacturing / Site
upon the patented
Installation Drawings.
9. Preparation of loose site reinforcement bar integration technique
bending schedules issued to Main Contractor /
Site Installer for supply to site by others.
10. Adjusted Quotation, based on final amount of reinforcement per m2.
- the coupling of
11. Acceptance of Adjusted Quotation & Order for prefabricated BubbleDeck
Element manufacture, production & supply to site. air and steel
12. Advice to Clients Main Contractor & Agents on Site Installation & Construction.
13. Manufacture of prefabricated BubbleDeck Panels & supply to Site.
14. Advice to Main Contractor during Site Installation & Construction.
15. Site Inspections of Erection, Loose Reinforcement installation and sign-off by
BDG prior to final concrete pour.
Option A under-written by BDG's Professional Indemnity / Product Liability Insurance Policies
and Collateral Warranty issued following settlement of BDG Account.

Option B Structure BubbleDeck Slab Design by Clients Agents

1. Initial Enquiry & consultation / advice / meetings (FOC)
2. Advice on Deck Type, appropriate solution, element layout and design (FOC) .
3. Quotation for Element Production & Supply, based on Clients Agents estimated reinforcement per m 2 (FOC).
4. Detail Design of BubbleDeck slab and all other elements (foundations, columns, external envelope & roof)
by Clients Agents or others.
5. Submission of Detail Design by Clients Agents to BDG for review & comment.
6. Production of Manufacturing drawings by BDG, production of Site Installation drawings by Clients Agents
including all required loose site reinforcement.
8. Preparation by Clients Agents of Design & Calculation report and submission with Manufacturing /
Site Installation Drawings by Clients Agents to Building Control for approval.
7. Submission of Design & Calculation report and Site Installation drawings to BDG for review & comment.
8. Preparation by Clients Agents of loose site reinforcement bar bending schedules for supply to site by others.
9. Adjusted Quotation, based on final amount of reinforcement per m2 in prefabricated BubbleDeck elements.
10. Acceptance of Adjusted Quotation & Order for prefabricated BD Element manufacture, production&supply to site.
11. Advice to Clients Main Contractor & Agents on Site Installation & Construction.
12. Manufacture of prefabricated BubbleDeck Elements & supply to Site.
13. Site Inspections of Erection, Loose Reinforcement installation and signoff by Clients Agents prior to final pour.
Option B under-written by BDG's Product Liability Policy and Product Guarantee.

BubbleDeck International A/S

page 9 W E B : www.BubbleDeck.com
Contact details

Head Office
BubbleDeck International A/S
Rsevangen 8, 3520 Farum
Telephone: +45 44 95 59 59
Facsimile: +45 44 95 59 59
E-Mail: info@BubbleDeck.com

National Offices
Please see website:

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