Pagell Et Al-2014-Journal of Supply Chain Management
Pagell Et Al-2014-Journal of Supply Chain Management
Pagell Et Al-2014-Journal of Supply Chain Management
York University
In the last two decades, the topic of sustainability has moved from the
fringes of supply chain management research to the mainstream and is
now an area of significant research activity. In this paper, we argue that
while this increase in acceptance and activity is welcome and has lead to a
greater understanding of sustainability, our present knowledge is not suf-
ficient to create truly sustainable supply chains. We build on this insight
to identify five main issues that future research needs to address. We
argue that when it comes to the theory of sustainable supply chain man-
agement, previous research has focused on the synergistic and familiar
while overlooking trade-offs and radical innovation. These theoretical
issues are compounded by measures that do not truly capture a supply
chains impacts and methods that are better at looking backwards than
forwards. The paper concludes by proposing a series of recommendations
that address these issues to help in the development of truly sustainable
supply chains.
To be truly sustainable a supply chain would at SSCM have supply chains that are not yet truly sus-
worst do no net harm to natural or social systems tainable. True sustainability remains an aspiration.
while still producing a profit over an extended per- This necessitates a change in how supply chains are
iod of time; a truly sustainable supply chain could, managed. Sustainability is at its core about long-term
customers willing, continue to do business forever. survival. Most supply chains in existence today will
not survive unless they change practices and business
Building on these definitions, SSCM is the design-
models to address their negative social and environ-
ing, organizing, coordinating, and controlling of sup-
mental impacts. For research to help in the creation
ply chains to become truly sustainable with the
of truly sustainable supply chains, the separation of
minimum expectation of a truly sustainable supply
SSCM needs to end.
chain being to maintain economic viability, while
Future SCM research will have to treat a supply
doing no harm to social or environmental systems.
chains social and environmental performance as
These definitions and many others share a focus on
equally or more valid than economic performance.
the triple bottom line of economic, environmental,
Our argument is that if SSCM research is to realize
and social performance and examining this perfor-
the change, most of its proponents claim it is aimed
mance over an extended period of time.
at, all SCM research, not just one stream, must
We use the term SSCM in its broadest fashion to
address the social economic and environmental
encompass any research that accounts for both the
impacts of the supply chain.
economic and noneconomic impacts of a supply
All SCM research being SSCM research is then the
chain. SSCM, in this context, includes all SCM
end point we believe the field needs to be working
research that addresses the environmental or social
toward. But we also believe that, while significant pro-
components of performance, including research that
gress has been made toward this goal, there is a long
has been labeled as green, responsible, or ethical sup-
way to go before the SSCM moniker can be retired.
ply chain management.
Our aim in this paper is to help move the field from
The existence of SSCM as a separate stream of
studying how to manage unsustainable supply chains
research means that while it is now mainstream
in a more sustainable manner, to managing truly sus-
enough to have its own tracks in conferences and
tainable supply chains.
departments in journals, SSCM is still somehow a
We start by briefly reviewing what is known about
novelty or a nice to have, not the focus for the typical
SSCM. In the process, it becomes clear that we know
researcher. For instance in the last year (v48, i4 to
far more about how to adapt known practices to
v49, i3), JSCM, a journal that is supportive of the
make a supply chain more sustainable than we know
topic and whose editors work extensively in the area,
about what new practices and processes are needed to
published 27 articles of which three were clearly
create truly sustainable supply chains. This insight
SSCM articles. And at the 2013 EUROMA conference
allows us to identify five main issues that future
in Dublin, approximately 20% of the papers and pre-
research needs to address to provide some guidance as
sentations were clearly on SSCM. In sum, 80% of the
to how these changes could come about.
papers at EUROMA and about 90% of the papers in
JSCM did not address sustainability.
This separation of SSCM means that at best, the
majority of ongoing research overlooks the environ-
mental and social consequences of supply chain
The field of SSCM has been the subject of numerous
actions and at worst is research on nonsustainable or
special issues and multiple robust reviews (e.g., Carter
irresponsible supply chain management. We recognize
& Easton, 2011; Seuring & M uller, 2008). This previ-
this comment is somewhat facetious, but the point
ous work does an excellent job in describing what we
remains: research on un-sustainable supply chains is,
know and reinforces the point that the field has made
to a great extent, still the norm.
significant progress.
However, creating truly sustainable supply chains is
But our interpretation of the literature suggests that
no longer a nice to have. The planets ability to pro-
to reach the point of no longer separating SCM and
vide some natural resources is running out at the
SSCM research, researchers need to address five critical
same time that many stakeholders are demanding
and related issues. When it comes to the theory of
action on a range of issues from climate change to
SSCM, we argue that previous research has often
working conditions in supplier factories in developing
focused on the synergistic and familiar while over-
countries. In response, many organizations are striving
looking trade-offs and radical innovation. And, we
to create truly sustainable supply chains as evidenced
believe these theoretical issues are compounded by
by initiatives such as Interfaces Mission Zero (Inter-
measures that do not truly capture a supply chains
face, 2013). Moreover, todays leading practitioners of
January 2014 45
Journal of Supply Chain Management
impacts and methods that are better at looking back- profits was a way to gain legitimacy in a field where
wards than forwards. it was assumed that such actions often harmed prof-
its (i.e., Walley & Whitehead, 1994) and that the
Issue One Harm Reduction is not Harm social responsibility of a business was to be profit-
Elimination able (Friedman, 1970). But, that we are still debating
Because most supply chains are not presently sus- the economic value of sustainability today is indica-
tainable, extant SSCM research has been focused on tive of outdated assumptions and a very limited
harm reduction in unsustainable supply chains. When stakeholder perspective in much of the SCM/SSCM
researchers ask questions such as does it pay to be literature.
sustainable? what they are effectively asking is: does The does it pay to be sustainable? question con-
being more sustainable than other unsustainable sup- tains a normative assumption that profits are the ulti-
ply chains improve economic performance? Simi- mate assessment of supply chain performance and
larly, when researchers ask if a practice can that managers and shareholders are the most impor-
simultaneously have positive impacts on economic tant stakeholders in a supply chain. Carter et al.
and environmental outcomes (e.g., King & Lenox, (Carter & Dresner, 2001; Carter & Rogers, 2008) claim
2002; Zhu & Sarkis, 2004), the positive environmental that if a practice has a negative impact on the eco-
outcomes are often a reduction, not elimination in nomic bottom line, it is not sustainable, no matter
harm. how beneficial it is for environmental or social perfor-
For example, there is evidence that the adoption of mance. Hence, the focus of a firm should be on envi-
lean will also mean less harm to the environment ronmental or social practices that are beneficial for
because lean practices lead to better use of resources economic performance, of course, the social and
and a reduction in emissions (e.g., King & Lenox, environmental dimensions of [SSCM] must be under-
2002). Except this, reduction in harm is often coming taken with a clear and explicit recognition of the eco-
from supply chains whose products or services would nomic goals of the firm (Carter & Rogers, 2008).
use resources faster than their rate of replacement, This approach can be traced back to pioneering work
even if there were no emissions during production. of Carroll (1979), who emphasized the importance of
An extremely lean automobile supply chain that cre- economic sustainability, claiming its priority over
ates no environmental harm in the production of other dimensions of the triple bottom line.
vehicles is still creating a product that uses a signifi- However, the literature offers numerous cases of
cant amount of nonrenewable resources in its lifecy- companies who face trade-offs between economic and
cle. Absent a radical change in business models, these noneconomic performance (e.g., Kolk, 2012; Lee,
supply chains will hit the productivity frontier where 2010; Wu & Pagell, 2011). In addition, many authors
no further reduction in environmental or social harm note that supply chains often have no choice but to
is possible before they are truly sustainable. adopt new practices that have a negative or uncertain
Extant research has mainly focused on making impact on the economic bottom line (e.g., Hahn,
unsustainable supply chains and business models less Frank, Pinkse, & Preuss, 2010; Pinkse & Kolk, 2010;
unsustainable. It offers limited insight into how to Winn, Pinkse, & Illge, 2012; Wu & Pagell, 2011). Fur-
create an economically viable supply chain that at a thermore, sustainability research grounded in stake-
minimum creates no harm and may even have posi- holder theory (Clarkson, 1995; Eesley & Lenox, 2006;
tive or regenerative impacts on social and environ- Mitchell, Agle, & Wood, 1997) does not predicate the
mental systems. introduction of new practices based on their positive
economic impacts. This alternative view supports the
Issue Two a Limited Stakeholder View the adoption of costly new practices that improve envi-
Primacy of Profits ronmental or social performance in the following
As seminal works by authors such as Russo and way: supply chains often have to satisfy the demands
Fouts (1997) and Klassen and Whybark (1999) first and needs of their stakeholders; many of whom, such
appeared, numerous authors have addressed the ques- as NGOs, governments, or communities, are not inter-
tion of does it pay to be green (sustainable)? in a ested in the chains economic performance, but rather
variety of ways. Enough studies have been carried out are focused on the chains impact on society or the
on this topic for Golicic and Smith (2013) to conduct environment. This view implies that by focusing only
a meta-analysis where they conclude that it does pay on those practices that are economically beneficial a
to be green. supply chain would not be able to respond to all of
Given the topics historical treatment, the focus on its negative social or environmental impacts and
the economic implications of being sustainable was hence not be sustainable. According to this view,
initially understandable. Evidence that addressing adoption of nonsynergistic practices is sometimes
environmental or social issues positively impacted required. By focusing on synergies, the SSCM
literature offers limited insight into what to do when Yet numerous authors have noted that sustainability
environmental or social concerns cannot be addressed is a fundamentally new way of thinking about supply
in a synergistic manner (Figge & Hahn, 2012; Hahn & chain management (e.g., Hart & Milstein, 2003)
Figge, 2011). requiring radical innovations in terms of practice
While other literature gives primacy to stakeholder (Pagell & Wu, 2009). It is possible that lean, purchas-
claims other than profits (see for instance Burch, ing portfolios, and the like will be part of the tool kit
Dixon, & Lawrence, 2013; Maertens & Swinnen, in a future where we do not differentiate between
2009), in the SSCM literature there is broad, albeit SSCM and SCM. But it is also possible that an
often implicit acceptance of the supposition that prof- enhanced understanding of how to create truly sus-
its are the ultimate gauge of supply chain perfor- tainable supply chains will lead to the development
mance. And because the preponderance of SSCM of entirely new practices.
research (including much of our own) has been based This problem would exist anytime practice under-
on this norm, which research has also mainly dealt goes change, but it is likely exasperated with sustain-
with looking for evidence of synergies, with little ability. Creating sustainable chains will likely require
research dealing with trade-offs. Future research will changes in both what and how of providing value
have to explicitly recognize the claims of stakeholders and a rethinking of what value means. This will
without an economic stake in the chain, treat these require changes in both practices and supply chain
claims as equally valid to economic claims, and start business models.
to focus on ways to deal with situations where syner- Most SSCM research examines practices adopted
gies cannot be created. within existing/traditional business models even
though history suggests that radical innovations are
Issue Three a Focus on the Familiar more likely to come from new entrants rather than
Focusing on synergies seems to partially underpin exiting organizations (Utterback, 1996). And even the
the third issue with extant research: a focus mainly on notion of a supply chain motivated mainly by profit
the familiar when examining the practices associated may be a limitation in a world where governments
with SSCM. The focus on the familiar is clear in stud- are starting to recognize entities such as Community
ies that ask questions such as how does a practice Interest Companies (UK) or Benefit Corporations
such as lean impact environmental (King & Lenox, (mainly USA), which are set up with a mandate that
2002) or social outcomes (Longoni, Pagell, Johnston, makes profits necessary but secondary to other
& Veltri, 2013) or how do we update an existing tool impacts. The limitations of studying mainly familiar
such as supplier portfolios to deal with changed practices are magnified when we study those practices
expectations (Pagell, Wu, & Wasserman, 2010). But in traditional supply chains.
the familiar is also the foundation for most other If we continue to conduct research that mainly
work in SSCM. For instance, studies on green sourcing focuses on how variations on existing practices impact
build on previous work in certification and supplier the ability of unsustainable supply chains to become
development (Klassen & Vachon, 2003). Similarly, less unsustainable, we will miss a critical opportunity
practices such as commitment to employees (Pullman, to lead future practice and the development of new
Maloni, & Carter, 2009) and ethical procurement supply chain models.
(Carter & Jennings, 2002) can be traced back to the
work of Deming (1986). Issue Four the Limits of Empiricism as Most of
Our intent is not to denigrate this research; far from us Presently Practice it
it. But as these practices were often developed to Arguably the largest shifts in supply chain practices
achieve certain economic goals, they tend not to have in the last century involved the eventual understand-
a negative impact on the economic bottom line of a ing of systems such as quality management and lean
firm. production. These paradigm shifts were industry lead,
By mostly limiting research to confirming the role of academia followed. The inability of existing research
these familiar practices in SSCM, researchers are likely methods, especially analytical methods, to deal with
missing critical new practices, because the set of prac- topics such as quality management was one of many
tices that have positive economic and noneconomic reasons that the SCM field expanded from its histori-
impacts on chain performance will always be smaller cally analytical roots to include what is now a robust
than the set of practices that may improve some but empirical research tradition (e.g., Buffa, 1980; Hayes
not all of the triple bottom line. The end result of this & Pisano, 1996).
limited solution space is that studies such as Pagell However, these empirical tools can still be an
and Wu (2009) or Wolf (2011) that explicitly set out impediment to developing the knowledge needed to
to examine what is different about SSCM practice are create truly sustainable supply chains. Many of the
rare. most rigorous empirical tools, especially tools that
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Journal of Supply Chain Management
would be classified by many as quantitative empirical issues are likely to give socially desirable but not nec-
tools, are much more suited to what (is the relation- essarily valid answers. And their perceptions of what
ship) type questions as opposed to how (to become is acceptable/good performance in these realms may
sustainable) questions and will likely overlook those not match the views of other stakeholders.
very supply chains that are most likely to be radically Therefore, the field has done significant work in
innovating. developing valid and more objective measures of the
Researchers define rigor in numerous ways. But noneconomic outcomes associated with sustainability
descriptions of high-quality empirical research often that are not based on managerial perceptions. Specifi-
include a large sample size that is representative of an cally, we have carried out an exemplary job of using
overall population and the use of (previously) vali- secondary data to address what are often tricky
dated measures. Absent these attributes results that are constructs.
anything but what we would expect are rightfully, dis- Nevertheless, these measures have two limitations:
missed as likely artifacts of poor sampling or measure- they generally are not measures of the full chains
ment. And such studies, regardless of whether they use impact and they tend to have an artificial upper limit.
survey or secondary data can generally answer ques- For instance, numerous studies in the United States
tions such as for the average supply chain does it pay have used Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) data as an
to be green? in a mathematically elegant and robust indicator of environmental performance (e.g., Klassen
fashion. But studying average results provides limited & Whybark, 1999; Pagell & Gobeli, 2009). However,
insight, especially into how to achieve outcomes that TRI data are limited to emissions during production
are not average or how to create a supply chain that is and do not capture a myriad of other supply chain
different from the present unsustainable norm. impacts such as the loss of green-space in building
In fact, such studies are likely to overlook the radi- roads and factories.
cally different. Either these radically different supply Toxic Release Inventory data and other similar mea-
chains will get averaged away in the large sample, or sures such accident statistics from safety regulators
they will be explicitly eliminated as outliers. Research (e.g., Pagell et al., 2013) are also limited to one link
designs that rely on publicly held corporations for in the chain. So when a study determines that reduced
access to objective data, surveys that are limited to emissions are associated with higher profits, we are
firms with more than 100 employees to ensure mana- assuming reduced emissions are an indicator of better
gerial expertise along with numerous other design deci- environmental performance for the chain. Except,
sions we take for granted can marginalize or eliminate reduced emissions at the focal firm may mean the
the very organizations that are likely to be engaged in outsourcing of pollution to a supplier. These measures
a radical rethinking of supply chain management. do not capture the entire chain, and they focus on a
Qualitative methods such as case studies can be limited set of impacts.
focused on the supply chains that might be missed or They also have another more subtle limitation: by
dismissed in quantitative studies. However, most focusing on impacts, these measures often place an
empirical research, including many qualitative studies, artificial upper limit on performance. The best a com-
is by nature backwards looking. Even research, such pany can perform when measuring worker safety with
as Pagell and Wu (2009), which set out to address accident statistics is zero accidents. Yet many stake-
what was different in SSCM, needed firms to change holders view no harm (no impacts) as a lower limit
their practices so that researchers could then dis- of acceptable performance not an upper limit (e.g.,
cover them. Sustainability is about change; yet the ECCJ, 2013; OXFAM, 2013; Seuring & M uller, 2008).
way, we presently do a great deal of research is to wait And many organizations have stated goals to have a
for firms to change and then report on it. net positive/regenerative impact on the environment
The acceptance of empirical research in the SCM or society.
realm has greatly expanded our understanding of how Our existing measures can differentiate between the
to manage supply chains. These tools have made sig- relative levels of harm created by a single link in the
nificant contributions to the understanding of how to supply chain. But, with the exception of studies, such
make existing supply chains more sustainable. Still, as Matos and Hall (2007), they generally do not cap-
efforts to insure rigor and the fact that empirical ture the entire chains impact or allow for examina-
research tends to be backward looking limit our tions of chains that have gone beyond no impact
understanding of how to create truly sustainable sup- toward being regenerative or having positive impacts.
ply chains. The five issues we raise are each individually impor-
tant as well as interrelated. For instance, research on
Issue Five Measuring Supply Chain Impacts the unfamiliar requires new measures and hence is
Managers focused on profitability who are asked harder to publish. Additionally, it is difficult to study
about their perceptions of social and environmental supply chains that are engaged in radically different
practices whether you do not know what these radi- the natural systems where the chain operates, is a crit-
cally different practices are or how to measure them ical component of creating the understanding of how
once you are aware of them. These five issues are indi- to become sustainable. Researchers in numerous other
vidually and collectively impediments to describing fields also study supply chains, but often from very
what a sustainable supply chain looks like or prescrib- different perspectives. For instance, many researchers
ing what a sustainable supply chain does. of food supply chains are far more interested in the
rural development implications of global sourcing
(e.g., Burch et al., 2013) than they are in the profit
WAY(S) FORWARD implications of global sourcing. Similarly, poverty
The solutions we propose require changes in norms, researchers have studied supplier certification from the
measurement, methods, and research questions. In perspective of certifications impact on wages in devel-
the following, we address the issues raised above and oping countries (Maertens & Swinnen, 2009). As busi-
for each proposed solution show some new areas of ness researchers, profitability or economic viability is
research that would then be possible. a critical outcome. But by giving primacy to profits,
Many of the issues we have raised have their roots we often ignore the views of other stakeholders, not
in the norms of SCM research. It makes sense to to mention the growing number of supply chains that
mainly study the familiar when a critical metric of define their own success in terms that go beyond
rigor is the validity of the measures used, and the easi- profits (Wu & Pagell, 2011).
est way to insure a measure is valid is to use one that We know this call for multidisciplinary research is a
has been previously validated. Similarly, it is easy to familiar refrain, but our motivation is different. Our
criticize research that focuses mainly on answering interest lies in capturing new stakeholder perspectives
what is the relationship? type questions, but again and examining potential trade-offs. We believe that
our measures of rigor reward such research. There are multi-disciplinary research is needed to make sure that
then numerous institutional pressures to continue noneconomic stakeholders are represented in supply
doing research in this manner. chain research and that economic stakeholders are
Changing the norms and assumptions of a field is represented in other areas of research, so that all sup-
difficult, yet that journey has already begun. When ply chain impacts are treated as equally important.
JSCM started 50 years ago, it was a journal focused Such research will not just measure impacts from
on purchasing practice, and rigorous research in the multiple perspectives, but will also explore trade-offs
area was mainly analytical. Similarly, 20 years ago as well as synergies and provide insights into how to
research on SSCM was almost unknown. So clearly, manage the trade-offs that are identified.
the field has evolved and will continue to do so. Another familiar refrain is that we need to view out-
But, the issues we raise require a combination of liers not as a source of statistical noise, but a potential
evolutionary and revolutionary change. Revolutionary source of insight (Singhal & Singhal, 2012). On reflec-
changes, such as conducting research that leads prac- tion, studying a large sample of mainly unsustainable
tice, are always risky, especially for new researchers. supply chains to learn more about creating sustainable
However, there are many evolutionary steps that supply chains seems imprudent, yet many existing
researchers can take today that will help address these studies (again including our own work) do just this.
issues. The first evolutionary step is to start asking dif- As we move forward, we need to follow authors, such
ferent questions. The question of does sustainability as Guide, Harrison, and Van Wassenhove (2003),
pay? is the wrong question moving forward. This Seelos and Mair (2005), Yunus, Moingeon, and
question often ignores the equally valid claims of Lehmann-Ortega (2010), and Wu and Pagell (2011),
stakeholders without an economic stake in the chain and spend much more time studying the presently
and trying to answer it today, when few if any supply small number of supply chains that are trying new
chains are truly sustainable, is highly misguided. things that do not fit expected patterns and so on. In
The critical question for today is how to create sup- addition, we have to be open to studying small
ply chains that are sustainable (Kleindorfer, Singhal, organizations, start-ups, various types of nonprofit
& Wassenhove, 2005). As part of this transition from and social purpose organizations and businesses in
does it pay? to how to be sustainable? we need to less developed parts of the world because these
be much more open to asking what is different about under-studied organizations could be sources of inspi-
creating a sustainable supply chain. ration for how to do things differently. Research in
The adoption of more multi-disciplinary or trans- these spaces could help identify what the business
disciplinary (Hirsch-Hadorn, Bradley, Pohl, Rist, & models of truly sustainable supply chains might look
Wiesmann, 2006) research that explicitly looks at the like.
supply chain from the perspective of other stakehold- These are evolutionary first steps. In the following
ers, such as governments, NGOs, communities, and sections, we address some of the more difficult
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challenges we have identified, because while the above To address the issue of measures that only capture
will get us closer to the normative goal of all SCM degrees of harm, we can again look to other fields
research being SSCM research, it will not be enough. and managers for inspiration. For instance, geologists
And critically, the former suggestions would still leave and hydrologists have long measured the water bal-
the SCM research community lagging practice. ance of a watershed, basically determining whether
over time the amount of water is changing. Some
Measurement companies (i.e., Pepsi, 2013) have applied similar
We identified multiple problems with measurement. thinking to measure their net impact on watersheds
The three most important issues are a focus on a lim- by measuring not just how much water they remove
ited number of stakeholders and outcomes, measures but also how much water they replace, and whether
that are artificially limited to amounts of harm, and that water is safe for drinking. Similar thinking could
measures that do not account for the entire chain. be applied to the use of any other resource, although
The stakeholder problem is the easiest to address. it would admittedly be difficult to apply to social
Again, there are numerous other research traditions impacts. Being able to capture both harm and regener-
that also study supply chains from other perspectives. ation would allow for research that identified chains
These other literatures are then a source of alternative that had net positive impacts. Once these chains were
ways to measure a supply chains impact. identified, they could be studied in detail to deter-
For instance in our own work, we have measured mine how they achieved such outcomes.
the safety of operational workers as a proxy for the The final problem, measuring a single link in the
social impact of a supply chain (e.g., Pagell et al., chain not the impact of the entire chain, is the most
2013). Safety at a focal firm is a small slice of work- difficult to address. This issue is not unique to SSCM
ers overall well-being and a tiny portion of the social research; most SCM research suffers from this problem
impact of the chain. Creating measures of the well- because the costs of gathering such data can be pro-
being of workers that were more expansive would be hibitive. Studying every link in the chain means trad-
relatively easy, in that validated measures exist for ing depth for breadth in terms of sample size, a trade
numerous other elements of worker-well-being includ- that limits researchers to specific types of questions
ing psychological safety (Edmondson, 1999; Siemsen, and methodologies.
Roth, Balasubramanian, & Anand, 2009) and long- However, the assumption that in order to study the
term health (e.g., McDowell, Newell, & McDowell, entire chain, we need to collect data from every link
2006). in the chain is in a sense a holdover from the
The impact of a supply chain on multiple sets of assumption that we are measuring success or failure
stakeholders is more complex. But there are ways to based on the economic performance of each link.
measure a communitys social (e.g., Christakopoulou, There may be other ways to address the environmen-
Dawson, & Gari, 2001; Helliwell & Putnam, 2004; tal and social impacts of a chain that would not
Srinivasan, OFallon, & Dearry, 2003) or environmen- require the same intensity of data collection.
tal (e.g., WHO, 2005) well-being. The stickier issue is For instance, it may be best to measure a chains
determining the impact of any one supply chain on environmental impact based not on emissions at each
the well-being all of its stakeholders. As a starting link, but rather based on a life cycle assessment (LCA)
point, we could follow researchers in diverse fields of the product or service provided by the chain. For
such as forestry and tourism (e.g., Beckley & Rei- example, Tan and Khoo (2005) use LCA to determine
mer,1999; Getz & Jamal, 1994) by examining commu- how various supply chain configurations would
nities with a limited number of employers to better impact the environment.
isolate the impacts of any one supply chain. Captur- This would have two implications for future
ing a chains communal impacts will be an important research. First, it would fundamentally change the
step toward conducting research that accounts for all level of analysis to the product or service that the
stakeholders. chain delivers. Changing the level of analysis may
With such metrics, researchers could answer ques- allow new ways of thinking about supply chain prac-
tions such as how to manage base-of-the-pyramid tices and outcomes. A change in the level of analysis
suppliers in a way that protected the suppliers and would give more space for research that included
their communities. Similarly, such metrics would stakeholders such as customers, regulators, and com-
make it possible to re-examine issues such as the munities as researchers would be measuring the
impact of global sourcing in a much more expansive impact (positive or negative) of the creation of value.
fashion; perhaps by simultaneously looking at price The second implication is that there would be
and quality impacts on the supply chain and impacts greater scope to capture the entire chain. It is difficult
on communities where production or consumption to determine a chains economic impact without gath-
occur. ering data from every chain member: data they may
be loathe to share. But in many supply chains, the adopted in the workplace (e.g., Wandersman et al.,
environmental impacts of certain activities can be 2008; Wells, 2009).
determined without actually collecting data from the Supply chain researchers have traditionally avoided
entities that perform those activities. For instance, a participatory research, yet one of the main ways to
product may move from China to Europe using help supply chains become truly sustainable will be
numerous means of transport. And this transport can to engage in these types of activities. What is inter-
be arranged by a single 3PL or by multiple intermedi- esting is that many other fields are busy developing
aries. Estimating the profitability of each link for this radical new process and product technologies that
one product would be a herculean task. But basic could help supply chains become sustainable. For
knowledge of the products attributes and the method instance, researchers have been working on edible
of transport are all that is required to estimate the packaging (Janjarasskul & Krochta, 2010), bio-
environmental impact of transportation, regardless of composites derived from renewable resources (Moh-
who conducts it. Publically available databases, such anty, Misra, & Drzal, 2002) and using geographical
as the European reference Life Cycle Database (ELCD, information systems to plan the sustainable manage-
2013), exist for just this purpose. Determining an ment of wood fuels (Masera, Ghilardi, Drigo, & An-
entire products impact does not require data from all gelTrossero, 2006). These and related fields have a
members of the chain; much can be imputed. long history of participatory research, even though
What could not be imputed would be the steps in they may not use this term. Yet the practical impact
chains delivering similar products or services to cus- of these studies is often limited because those con-
tomers that were carried out in unique ways. But as ducting them do not fully understand management
these would be the steps that truly determined the and supply chains.
chains relative environmental performance, they The gap between the laboratory and the workplace
would be of greatest import to study in depth. in fields focused on interventions or introducing new
technologies is often partially explained by noting that
Getting Ahead of Practice what is developed in the laboratory/controlled studies
Asking what is different rather than what is the same does not account for workplace realities (e.g., Wells,
and looking at supply chains from new perspectives 2009). Partnering in such participatory studies would
will help expand our understanding of SSCM. But be a way for supply chain researchers to improve the
absent other changes, this research would still be odds of innovations moving from the laboratory to
mostly backwards looking. Research that directs rather practice and hence to lead practice. Participatory stud-
than responds to practice will be a significant chal- ies could assist the process of developing new busi-
lenge, but there are two existing, although very differ- ness models or developing new tools to measure the
ent traditions that can give guidance. supply chains impact.
First, we should be much more open to participa- Participatory research will, at least in the supply
tory/action type research (Westbrook, 1995). Like chain field, be very hands on and steeped in qualita-
most of our suggestions, others have also called for tive traditions. Engaging in intervention based
this type of research, but it remains very rare in the research is in a sense a way to experiment with the
supply chain field (Coughlan & Coghlan, 2002). And supply chain.
while some of what we envision is SCM researchers Managers are, for good reason, wary of researchers
working with managers to create and test new prac- who want to experiment with their supply chain. Yet
tices, we also believe that other research fields offer a simulations and analytical models, tools which are
different way to participate in change efforts in a very familiar to supply chain researchers, also offer
rigorous way. ways to experiment, if not with a real supply chain
Many research fields, such as ergonomics and public then with virtual approximations.
health, are based on interventions (e.g., Amick et al., While it is sometimes possible to criticize simula-
2003; Tompa, Dolinschi, de Oliveira, & Irvin, 2009). tions and analytical models for oversimplifying
These fields tend to be ones where a new method is assumptions or a general lack of verisimilitude, they
developed in a laboratory or controlled setting and also offer another avenue for moving from studying
then tried in practice. For instance, ergonomists have existing practice to predicting future practice or busi-
always carried out studies where a technique is first ness models. This is not just an opportunity for
developed in a controlled setting and then tested in research in sustainability, but it seems especially sui-
real workplaces, with the level of analysis being the ted to sustainability, where there are few if any truly
intervention. Not only do these fields have a long his- sustainable businesses to presently study. Hence,
tory of intervening in practice to try and improve it, researchers will have to look beyond collecting data
they also have a history of developing practices which from existing organizations, which analytical tools can
work in the controlled settings but are not effective or accommodate.
January 2014 51
Journal of Supply Chain Management
For instance, multiple authors have used simulations these problems stem from a limited stakeholder focus,
to test the performance of various supply chain and our fields norms of determining rigorous
designs (e.g., Bottani & Montanari, 2010; Persson & research. We believe we have done a good job in
Olhager, 2002). These studies only looked at opera- describing the challenges we face and we hope that
tional outcomes, such as cost or quality, but it would some of our suggestions for change will be fruitful.
be possible to add the other elements of the triple And we recognize that these changes will take longer
bottom line. In so doing, it would then be possible to than we would like and will require leadership from
test innovative supply chain configurations and busi- senior scholars working in their roles as authors,
ness models before they were adopted in practice. reviewers, editors, and mentors.
Similarly, analytical tools such as simulations Sourcing and SCM research can help lead the
(Davis, Eisenhardt, & Bingham, 2007) can be used to change to truly sustainable supply chains. Or we can
test assumptions about best practice. And critically, continue to do research that looks backwards at what
this can be carried out from the perspective of multi- supply chain managers have already discovered about
ple stakeholders. So for instance, global sourcing is how to make their existing chain less unsustainable.
generally viewed as having positive impacts on a sup-
ply chain (Petersen, Prayer, & Scannell, 2000) but via
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