Fill up the form. After filling form you will be provided with username and password for
the base machine. Here provide password is for local user, not admin.
2). setup a ipaddr for virtual macine as ip addr 192.168.0.y subnet mask Default gateway nameserver and hostname as serverx.example.com ( where "x" is the
fourth byte of base machine ip & y=x+100 ).
The user natasha must configure a cron job that runs daily at 14:23
local time and executes /bin/echo hiya
Find files in your system which is owned by natasha user & copy all the
files on /backup/somefile directory
Chkconfig sssd on
Su ldapuser7
Here is showing error. For removing error we make directory & mount server directory on this
Mkdir p /home/guest/ldapuser7
Su ldapuser7
Vim /etc/auto.master
/home/guests /etc/auto.misc
Vim /etc/auto.mics
* -rw,soft,intr ldapuser:/home/guests/&
Su ldapuser7
17). Create a user with uid
Create the following user name neo with uid 1337 and set the password
Create the volume group with name myvol with 8 MiB P.E. and create the lvm
name mydatabase with the 20 P.E. and format this lvm with vfat and create a
directory /database and mount this lvm permanently on /database.
Find the string root from /etc/passwd file and save the result in