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KNOWN: Spherical container with an exothermic reaction enclosed by an insulating material whose
outer surface experiences convection with adjoining air and radiation exchange with large

FIND: (a) Verify that the prescribed temperature distribution for the insulation satisfies the
appropriate form of the heat diffusion equation; sketch the temperature distribution and label key
features; (b) Applying Fourier's law, verify the conduction heat rate expression for the insulation layer,
qr, in terms of Ts,1 and Ts,2; apply a surface energy balance to the container and obtain an alternative
expression for qr in terms of q& and r1; (c) Apply a surface energy balance around the outer surface of
the insulation to obtain an expression to evaluate Ts,2; (d) Determine Ts,2 for the specified geometry
and operating conditions; (e) Compute and plot the variation of Ts,2 as a function of the outer radius
for the range 201 r2 210 mm; explore approaches for reducing Ts,2 45C to eliminate potential
risk for burn injuries to personnel.


ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional, radial spherical conduction, (2) Isothermal reaction in

container so that To = Ts,1, (2) Negligible thermal contact resistance between the container and
insulation, (3) Constant properties in the insulation, (4) Surroundings large compared to the insulated
vessel, and (5) Steady-state conditions.

ANALYSIS: The appropriate form of the heat diffusion equation (HDE) for the insulation follows
from Eq. 2.29,
1 d 2 dT
r =0 (1) <
r 2 dr dr
The temperature distribution is given as

1 ( r1 r )
( )
T ( r ) = Ts,1 Ts,1 Ts,2 (2)
1 ( r1 r2 )
Substitute T(r) into the HDE to see if it is satisfied:

1 d 2
0 + r1 r 2
( ) = 0
r 0 Ts,1 Ts,2 1 ( r r )
r 2 dr 1 2

1 d
+ ( Ts,1 Ts,2 )
1 ( r1 r2 )
r 2 dr
and since the expression in parenthesis is independent of r, T(r) does indeed satisfy the HDE. The
temperature distribution in the insulation and its key features are as follows:
PROBLEM 2.52 (Cont.)

(1) Ts,1 > Ts,2

(2) Decreasing gradient with increasing radius,

r, since the heat rate is constant through
the insulation.

(b) Using Fouriers law for the radial-spherical coordinate, the heat rate through the insulation is

q r = kA r
( ) dTdr
= k 4 r 2 <
and substituting for the temperature distribution, Eq. (2),

q r = 4k r

0 Ts,1 Ts,2 ) 1 (r
0 + r1 r 2 )

1 r2 )

qr =
4 k Ts,1 Ts,2 ) (3) <
(1 r1 ) (1 r2 )
Applying an energy balance to a control surface about the container at r = r1,

E& in E& out = 0

q& q r = 0

where q& represents the generated heat in the container,

q r = ( 4 3) r13q& (4) <

(c) Applying an energy balance to a control surface placed around the outer surface of the insulation,

E& in E& out = 0

q r q conv q rad = 0

( 4
q r hAs Ts,2 T As Ts,2 4
Tsur =0( ) (5) <
PROBLEM 2.52 (Cont.)

As = 4 r22 (6)

These relations can be used to determine Ts,2 in terms of the variables q& , r1, r2, h, T , and Tsur.
(d) Consider the reactor system operating under the following conditions:

r1 = 200 mm h = 5 W/m2K = 0.9

r2 = 208 mm T = 25C Tsur = 35C
k = 0.05 W/mK

The heat generated by the exothermic reaction provides for a volumetric heat generation rate,

q& = q& o exp ( A To ) q o = 5000 W m3 A = 75 K (7)

where the temperature of the reaction is that of the inner surface of the insulation, To = Ts,1. The
following system of equations will determine the operating conditions for the reactor.
Conduction rate equation, insulation, Eq. (3),

qr =
4 0.05 W m K Ts,1 Ts,2 ) (8)
(1 0.200 m 1 0.208 m )
Heat generated in the reactor, Eqs. (4) and (7),

q r = 4 3 ( 0.200 m ) q&

q& = 5000 W m3 exp 75 K Ts,1 ) (10)

Surface energy balance, insulation, Eqs. (5) and (6),

( )
q r 5 W m 2 K As Ts,2 298 K 0.9As 5.67 108 W m 2K 4 Ts,2
( 308 K )
)=0 (11)

As = 4 ( 0.208 m )

Solving these equations simultaneously, find that

Ts,1 = 94.3o C Ts,2 = 52.5o C <

That is, the reactor will be operating at To = Ts,1 = 94.3C, very close to the desired 95C operating
(e) Using the above system of equations, Eqs. (8)-(12), we have explored the effects of changes in the
convection coefficient, h, and the insulation thermal conductivity, k, as a function of insulation
thickness, t = r2 - r1.

PROBLEM 2.52 (Cont.)

55 120
Outer surface temperature, Ts2 (C)

Reaction temperature, To (C)




35 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Insulation thickness, (r2 - r1) (mm) Insulation thickness, (r2-r1) (mm)

k = 0.05 W/m.K, h = 5 W/m^2.K k = 0.05 W/m.K, h = 5 W/m^2.K

k = 0.01 W/m.K, h = 5 W/m^2.K k = 0.01 W/m.K, h = 5 W/m^2.K
k = 0.05 W/m.K, h = 15 W/m^2.K k = 0.05 W/m.K, h = 15 W/m^2.K

In the Ts,2 vs. (r2 - r1) plot, note that decreasing the thermal conductivity from 0.05 to 0.01 W/mK
slightly increases Ts,2 while increasing the convection coefficient from 5 to 15 W/m2K markedly
decreases Ts,2. Insulation thickness only has a minor effect on Ts,2 for either option. In the To vs. (r2 -
r1) plot, note that, for all the options, the effect of increased insulation is to increase the reaction
temperature. With k = 0.01 W/mK, the reaction temperature increases beyond 95C with less than 2
mm insulation. For the case with h = 15 W/m2K, the reaction temperature begins to approach 95C
with insulation thickness around 10 mm. We conclude that by selecting the proper insulation
thickness and controlling the convection coefficient, the reaction could be operated around 95C such
that the outer surface temperature would not exceed 45C.

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