NX Unigraphics Tutorial - Most Used Commands in Ug

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sino Dew NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. More Next Blog» Create lag Sign In NX UNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL Tos in UG Trterview aves Insta Kin PO Search This Blog Search ‘Showing posts with label Most used Commands in UG. Show al posts Wiertnesday, 80 November 2017 INDEX ASSEMBLY (6) DRAFTING (2) INTRODUCTION TO US (21), MANUFACTURING (1) Most used Commands in UG 6) PRACTICE (5) Routing Systems (1) SKETCHER (6) ‘SOLID MODELING (24) ‘Symehronaus modeling (1) Tips n Tricks for UG (7) UG Instatiation (2) UG intervetw questions (7) Follow by Email Ema address mt Popular Posts Installation of NX in Windows, 7 (326i) This isthe ———— proceedure for instalation of NX.0 in Windows 7: The NX folder consists of fallowing tems. Botore staring the instal. fF) HIDING & SHOWING: ENTITIES Whenever you create.a sketch- based feature, tne skelon used to create tis retained on the screen, even after the feature is ereaied. NX Lesson: Coordinate system FEATURE OPERATIONS Feature operations are performed on the basic form features to smocth corners, create tapers, and unite oF subtract certain solids from other solids. Some of the feature operat et Let us see the different types of feature operation commands in NXS and the function of, ‘each command. ‘TYPES OF FEATURE OPERATIONS. ‘The features operations used in NX Include Edge blend, Face blend, Soft blend, CChamfer,Hollow, Instance, Sew, and Patch. Let us see some of the Important commands in etails. Unlike the NX3 version, some of the feature operations nave been removed in NXS. For example, the Taper operation has been removed. In addition, changes have been made to 1 way @ few ‘operations are performed. For example, the Trim Body operation no longer supports solid bodies as tools for trimming, Same of the feature operations such as Split Body cannot be ‘accessed from the INSERT menu ane have to be opened using the Toolbar. Edge Blend [an Ege Bland is @ radius blend that is tangent to the blended faces. This feature modifies salle body by rouncing selected edges, This command can be found under Insert -- Design Feature, You can also do a face blend ip urigraphicstasiesrmalrial blogspot intsearchlabelMostiZGused%420Commands%. 20:20 6 sino COORDINATE SYSTEMS Absolute + Coordinate 8 System: The Absolute Coordinate System is the coordinate system from which all objects are referen. Lesson: USING LAYERS Layer Contok With NX, you can contol whothor objects are visible or selectable by using layers. ayers a system= Gefined altinute Know your Computer Host_ID,Host_Na To Know your Computer Host ID, Open Command Prom. (Run>omd>onter) 2. Type ipconfigiall->enter, Here Host Name i your HisToRY oF UNIGRAPHICS. NX, also known ashx Unigraphics or Usually ust UG, 16 an ‘advanced CADICAMICAE software package developed by Siemens PLM Software, NX Us interview quesionsiPart 2 Unigraphies general interview questions: 1. Exphin typos of Moding? 2. Explain \ypes of Coordinate systems in Unigraprics? Radial Engine ‘Assembly In this exercise you will create the Racal Engine assembly shown in below Figure. The Racial Engine assembly wil be created | Model a Hexagonal Scrow Create a new fle and save tas Impetor_ bolt Choose INSERT DESIGN FEATURE — CYLINDER Tho cylindor should be pointing inthe Trreading of a hexagonal ool pan the model with Hexagonal rut trom my previous post hitp:tunigraphicsbasicsnmater lal blogspot com/2011/12!mod elhexagonalscrew. NKUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL Mest sedCommantsinUG pes ‘avable Ras Plots y Stop short of Comer v “im Options. y Overflow Resolatons ¥ seins y review y chamfer ‘The chamfer function operates very similarly to the blend function by adding or subtracting ‘material relative to whether the edge is an outside charnfer or an Inside chamfer. This ‘command can also be found under the Insert —~ Design Feature menu, You can preview the result of chamfering and if you are not happy withthe result you can Lunde the operation, offsets A Settings y sata a review show evot[Q] [=| Thread ‘Threads can only be created on cylindrical faces. The Thread function lets you create symbolic or detailee threads (on solid bodies) thet are right o left handed, external or Internal, parametricjand associative threads on cylindrical faces such as noles, bosses, or cylinders, Tt also lets you select the method of creating the threads such as cut, rollec, milled fF ground. You can create different types of threads such as metre, unified, acme and so on To use this command, go to Insert —+ Design Feature ip urigraphicstasiesrmalrial blogspot intsearchlabel MostizGused%420Commards%. 20:20 26 sino Content ¥ 201801) September (1) Lesson: Assembly constraint ‘tering > 2012 (21) » 2011 (27) Ramesh S Design Engineer View my ‘compl role Followers Followers (22) xt et LE AHAB aSAaf ai ai aia a NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. ‘Trim Body A solid body can be trimmed by a sheet body or 2 datum plane. You can use the Trim Body function to trim @ solid body with a sheet body and at the same time retain parameters and associativty. To use this commané, go to Insert = Trim Tool A esl Option [Face crpane fx) * Selece Face olan (0) Split Body {A solié body can be split into two just Ike trimming it. It can be done by @ plane or a sheet body. Click on the icon in the Form Feature Taolbar as shown to open the Split Body dialog box. BS ee sie OSV OS ea MST Spitting plane ip urigraphicstasiesrmalrial blogspot intsearchlabelMostiz0used%20Commands%. 20:20 ane sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. Instance copy + Instance Feature. inance You might also tke: Posted by Ramesh S at 12°31 pm i 24 Rectangular ‘Ostia Sphere ‘Define Tors Croaingasold Baris: Modeling Lesson: Toolbars in Lesson iano ‘noselueing Rooker Devas amogules toolbar (eter) Berruoe {Using Cures) ip urigraphicstasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabel Mostiz0used%420Commands% 20206 [A Design feature or a detail feature can be made Into dependent copies in the form of an array. It can be Rectangular or Circular array or just 3 Mirror. This particularly helpful feature saves plenty of time and modeling when you similar Features for exemple threads of gear ar holes on amounting plate, etc. This commane can be found Dy going to Insert -» Associative (reaing a sot trodelvang | REVOWE ane sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. Reactions: Informative (0) interesting (1) coo (0) ise) No comments: af {G41 raconmentts on Goat Labels: Most used Commands in UG, SOLID MODELING “Tuesday, 29 November 2011| Boolean Operations Boolean operations are: + unite + sustract + Intersect These options can be used when two or more solid bodies share the same model space in the part file To use this command, go to Insert ~ Combine Bocies Consider twa solids given. The block and the cylinder are next to each other as shown below. Unit The unite commané ades the Tool body with the Target bocy. For the above example, the ‘output willbe as follows if Unite option is used Subtract: When using the subtract option, the Tool body is subtracted from the Target body. The following would be the output if the rectangle is used as the Target anc the cylinder as the Tool This command leaves the volume that is common to bi body. The eutput is shown below the Target body and the Too! ip urigraphicstasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabelMostiZ2used%420Commands%. 20:20 56 sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. CS ‘You might also tke: FEATURE Leseon:Toobars in Lessontianslam Cresta sol! Ofset Fa ‘OPERATIONS silmodulae totber eer)” rad ing Posted by Ramesh § at 222 am Reactions: lnformatve (0) interesting (0) cool (0) ise) ‘comment: 621) recommand is on ooae Lobel: Most uted Commands in UG, SOLID MODELING Fiday, 18 Novernber 2011 Lesson: Toolbars in all modules Modeling Environment Toolbars You can invoke the Modeling environment, if it isnot already Invoked, by choosing 1e Medeling outton from the Application toolbar. Alternatively, you can choose Start > Modeling from the Standard toolbar. ‘The toolbars in the Modeling environment are ciscussed next. View Toolbar The tools in the View toolbar, 2s shown in Figure,are used for manipulating the views of the ‘model. The View toolbar js available in all te environments. Some of the buttons in the View toolbar are not available in the Drafting environment. DAaAcis e661 6F Feature Toolbar ‘The tools in this toolbar, as shown in Figure, are used to convert a sketch érawn in the Sketcher environment into a feature. This tooloar contains sketch-based feature tools and placed feature tools, You can create the datum plane, axis, and points using the tools in s toolbar ip urigraphicstasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabelMostiZ2used%420Commands%. 201.20 ae sino i of 2 The Ski iscussed next, ‘Sketcher Toolbar ‘Sketch Tools Toolbar The t Feature Operation Toolbar ols in the Feature Operation toolbar are used to apply the placed features such 2s taper, fillet, hole, shell, ang so on. Figure shows the buttons in the Feature NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. o @ 2 es st tt ma a)/o t & foie tien oman tenn ‘Sketcher Environment Toolbar button in the Fes where you can create the sketch. After choosing the Sketch button, select a plane, or a planar face to invoke the Sketcher environment, The toolbars in the Sketcher environment are 1 toolbar is used to Invoke the Sketcher environment, ‘The Finish Sketch button in the Sketcher toolbar is used to switch back to the Modeling environment, where you can convert the sketch int t are available in the Sketcher toolbar. 2 feature. Figure shows the YB Finish skerch (SKETCH_oos Ty) E> ag Sy It is one of the most important toolbars in the Sketcher environment. The tools in the ‘Sketch Tools toolbar are used to draw tI ‘Agditionally,you can apply constrains to the geometric entities and assign dimension to @ sketch using the tools in ths toolbar. You can make a sketch fully defined using these tools. Figure shows the buttons that are avallable in the Sketch Tools toolba sketches as well as edit the drawn sketches. yO KR ov 1824 & ff x oF zRes (Once the basic sketch is complete, you need to convert it into a feature. Choose the Finish Sketen button from the Sketcher toolbar and switch back to the Modeling environment. The remaining toolbars in the Moceling environment are discussed next. ip urigraphicstasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabel Mostiz0used%420Commands% 20206 m6 sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. Operation toolbar 2 0.2%? 09 & 2S 4 8 Bw a eee oo we wo > w Sey geet omsene ne 7 pare Surface Design Toolbars You can create the surface design in the same Modeling environment. A separate environment ‘snot required to create the surface design. The tools used to create the solid bodies are also usec to create the surface bodies. Some of the toolbars usec to create the surface design are iscussed next, Surface Toolbar ‘The tools in the Surface toolbar are used to create complicated surfaces. Figure shows Freeform Shape Toolbar ‘The tools in the Freeform Shap Figure shows the Freeform Shape toolbar jolbar are used to create advanced surfaces a Y Bb © S * B/C Assemblies Environment Toolbars You can create the assembly in the same Modeling environment, The toolbars that are used for the assembly can be invoked by choosing Start > Assemblies from the Standard alr. Alternatively, choose the Assemblies button from the Application toclbar. The toolbars used in the assembly design are discussed next, Assemblies Toolb ‘The tools in the Assemblies toolbar are used to insert an existing part or assembly in the current assembly file. You can also create a new component in the assembly file using tools in this toolbar. Figure shows the buttons in the Assemblies toolber ip urigraphicstasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabelMostiZ2used%420Commands%. 201.20 ane sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. 2 h @ & 4 3 Drafting Environment Toolbars To invoke the Drafting environment, choose the Drafting button from the Application toolbar. Alternatively, this environment c@n be Invoked by choosing Start > Drafting from 1 Standard toolbar. The toolbars in the Drafting environment are discussed next. Drawing Toolbar ‘The tools in the Drawing toolbar are used to Insert @ new sheet, create @ new view, ‘generate an orthographic view, section view, and detail views for a solid part or an assembly Figure shows the Drawing Layout toolbar. Dimension Toolbar ‘The tools in the Dimension toolbar ere used to generate various dimensions in the drawing views. Figure snows the Dimension toolbar. fF Age Sf BX Chanter separ Cyindneal fle Danetr—sadus rerzonal vyecal_Henaoral wericalHrzonal "Onin Drafting Annotation Toolbar ‘The tools in the Drafting Annotation toolbar are used to generate the GOT parameters,annetations, symbols, and so on, Figure shows the Drafting Annotation toolbar. wa & o ‘Synchronous Modeling Toolbar The Synchronous Modeling Technology is one of the latest enhancements in NX. A separate toolbar named as Synchronous Modeling toolbar consisting of 26 tools is introduced in NX 6, The tools available in this toolbar are used to madify and improve an existing design in the shortest period of time. Figure shows 1 Synchranous Modeling toolbar ip urigraphicstasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabel Mostiz0used%420Commands% 20206 ane sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. a Saseaa ea S. 2.2.9 )% 2 contra Dense Creating a sold Exercise: Modaing Creating esol Lesson.yianstom — Exerese: A sketch mmodeluanggRackerDevce medal ung ll bar(tleT) forse mogeing ExiRUOE {Using Cures)” REVOWE Posted by Ramesh S at 1:36 am Reactions: Informative (0) interesting (0) cool (0) ise () No comments: af Get] raconmentis on Goat Labels: Most used Commands in US “Tuesday, 15 November 2011| Lesson: Working with EXPRESSIONS Unigraphics Expressions is a powerful feature in UGS, This UG tutorial will discuss ow to use UGS Expressions with an example. ‘The concept of expressions in Unigraphics is equivalent to the parameters and relations of Prof or somewhat similar to the adding formulas In MS Excel. In UGS expressions are used for controling the relations between the features of a part anc the parts of an assembly. Before going to the example, let's see the cifferent types of expressions available in UG: Software Expressions: These UG expressions will be created by the software automaticaly Curing some of operations. For example if you create a sketch of a rectangle and dimension t, UGS will create as many parameter as the numbers of clmersions. User Expressions: You will create these UG expressions as and when required according to your design requirements. Creating UG Expressions For aiscussing the concept we will take the exemple of following pentagon block: ip urigraphistasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabel Mostiz0used%.20Commands% 20:20 1018 sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. CCreate the UG model of the black as usval extrusion: draw the sketch, give dimensions to all the five sides, and specity the height. Now, go ta tools — expressions and you wil find the expression window like below: Click the érop down ist below the listed expressions and set it to all and you will see the already available ‘expressions in the window, these expressions are Software ‘expressions. age = ‘There will be total of seven software expressions available, Sanne @ five will be for the five sides dimensions and two for the [SE | height of te pentagon. You can rename the software expressions, for that click on 2 expression and change the name from the Name fiele ofthe dialog box and click apply. = | Now, we will ereate six user expressions, five are for the five sides (Si, s2, $3, 94, and s5) of the pentagon and the sixth ane for the height (h) For creating a user expression, enter suitable name In blank Name fleld and enter some value fat the Formula fiele. Click Apply. Next, we have to relate the software expressions with the user expressions. For thet, click software expressions and replace the value of it withthe suitable user expression. For ‘example, we have related the software expression p61 with the user expression s1, and p62, 263, p64, 965, p47 with £2, $3, 54, $5, and h respectively, 0, Finally the expression dialog box will look lke below: ip urigraphicstasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabelMostiZ2used%420Commands%. 20:20 16 sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. Click on Apply and OK, the expressions dialog box will be closed. Now, look at the part navigator of your model tree, expand the user expressions and you will find all the user expressions are listed there. ‘You can change the values of any of them simply by double clicking on it, editing the value {and pressing the Enter. and you will see the change In your UG model You might also tke: rerciee: Modeling Crating told Lesson Toolbars in Losson‘Tianelom Creag. sold ‘sRoceer Deve modeling allmaculoe too bar coeT) adel using (sng Curves) BXTRUDE REVOWE commas onmand Posted by Ramesh S at 1155 am Reactions: Informative (0) interesting (0) cool (0) dislie (0) No comments Git Reconments on ooale Labele: Most used Commands in UG Friday, 11 November 2071 Lesson: Transform tool bar (ctrl+T) Here we will discuss about the most used and important commands in UG: Toolbars: ‘Toolvars contain icons, which serve as shortcuts for many NX functions, The following figure shows the main Toolbar items normally displayed. However, you ean find many more icons for different feature commands, based on the module selected and how the module Is customized. > Right-Click anywhere on the existing toolbars gives @ list of other Toolbars. You can adé any of the toolbars by checking them. The list of toolbars you can see in the default option is Standaré, View, Visualization, Selection, Object Display, etc. Normally, the default setting should be sufficient for most operations but curing certain operations, you might need acaltional toolbars. If you want to add buttons pertaining to the commands and toolbars, > Click on the pull-down arrow on any of the Toolbars and choose [ADD OR REMOVE BUTTONS. > Choose CUSTOMIZE. ip urigraphistasiesrmalerial blogspot intsearchlabel MostiZ2used%420Commands%. 20:20 rae sino NXUNIGRAPHICS TUTORIAL: Most used Commands in US. PENA ONs Be ‘This will pop up @ Customize dialog window with all the Toolbers under Toolbar’ Tab ‘and commands pertaining to each Toolbar under ‘Commanes' tab. You can check all the toolbars that you wish to be cisplayed. [asec ign You can customize the settings of your NX interface by clicking on the Roles tab on the Resource Bar ‘The Roles tab has ciferent settings ofthe toolbar menus that are displayed on the NX interface. ' Ieallows you to customize the toolbars you desire to be displayed in the Interface. « Selecting Advanced shows all the Application Toolbars necessary for drafting and modeling + You can also select the Application Toolbars to be splayed in the interface by clicking on the Industry Specific settings. This provides a lst of Incustry specific toolbar applications as shown In the fig ‘Transform Functions: ip urigraphicstasiesrmalrial blogspot intsearchlabel MostiZoused%420Commands% 2020 sai8

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