Manual Sepam IEC61850 en

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Electrical network protection

IEC 61850
For Sepam series 20/40/60/80

Users manual
Safety instructions 0

Safety symbols and messages

Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to become familiar with
1 the device before trying to install, operate, service or maintain it. The following
special messages may appear throughout this bulletin or on the equipment to warn
of potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies a

Risk of electric shock

The addition of either symbol to a Danger or Warning safety label indicates that an
electrical hazard exists, which will result in personal injury if the instructions are not
ANSI symbol. IEC symbol.

Safety alert
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or

Safety messages
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
can result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can
result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.

Important notes
Restricted liability
Electrical equipment should be serviced and maintained only by qualified personnel.
No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out
of the use of this manual. This document is not intended as an instruction manual for
untrained persons.

Device operation
The user is responsible for checking that the rated characteristics of the device are
suitable for its application. The user is responsible for reading and following the
devices operating and installation instructions before attempting to commission or
maintain it. Failure to follow these instructions can affect device operation and
constitute a hazard for people and property.

Protective grounding
The user is responsible for compliance with all the existing international and national
electrical codes concerning protective grounding of any device.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Contents

Presentation 2
Communication implementation steps 4
ECI850 Sepam server 5
Configuration 5
FTP server 13
Diagnostics pages 14
Commissioning and troubleshooting 18
ACE850 Communication interface 20
Configuration 20
FTP server 24
Web server 25
Commissioning and troubleshooting 31
Configuration of IEC 61850 protocol 34
Introduction 34
With SFT2841 setting and operating software 36
With CET850 configuration software 43
Configuration of GOOSE communication 51
GOOSE configuration process 51
Testing GOOSE communication 55
Conformance statements
(Edition 1.0) 57
ACSI conformance statement 58
MICS - Model implementation conformance statement 61
PICS - Protocol implementation conformance statement 94
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing 97
TICS - Technical issues conformance statement 104
Conformance statements
(Edition 2.0) 106
ACSI conformance statement 107
MICS - Model implementation conformance statement 110
PICS - Protocol implementation conformance statement 140
PIXIT - Protocol implementation extra information for testing 143
SICS - SCL Implementation conformance statement 150
TICS - Technical issues conformance statement 152
Notes 154

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 1
IEC 61850 Presentation

IEC 61850 is a standard for communication networks and systems in substation.
1 Sepam units can be connected to an IEC 61850 station bus by one of the following
b the ECI850 Sepam server, for Sepam series 20, Sepam series 40,
Sepam series 60, and Sepam series 80,
b the ACE850 communication interface, for Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60, and
Sepam series 80 only.

Sepam units with ECI850 and ACE850 are compliant with edition 1 and edition 2 of:
b IEC 61850-6
b IEC 61850-7-1 to 7-4
b IEC 61850-8-1

Application and benefits

Based on the Ethernet protocol, the IEC 61850 communication standard ensures:
b high communication speeds and versatile communication architectures
b interoperability between manufacturers

With ECI850 Sepam server

The ECI850 Sepam server provides a high-performance, cost-effective, and versatile
solution for connecting Sepam units to an IEC 61850-compliant system.
This provides:
b compatibility with the whole Sepam range (series 20, 40, 60, and 80) to fit your
needs perfectly,
b ability to upgrade existing Sepam units to ensure the durability of your assets,
b ability to connect up to 8 Sepam units to one ECI850, ensuring a cost-effective
solution. However, the maximum number of Sepam recommended per ECI850
Sepam server is:
v 5 Sepam series 20
v 3 Sepam series 40
v 2 Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80
b IEC 61850 logical nodes and configurable data sets to fit the needs of your Scada
b high-performance because the ECI850 is not a generic gateway but a data server
dedicated to Sepam,
b up to 6 simultaneous IEC 61850 connections.

With ACE850 communication interface

The Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60, and Sepam series 80 fitted with the ACE850
communication interface provide a built-in solution for demanding IEC 61850
b IEC 61850 logical nodes and configurable data sets to fit the needs of your Scada
b Peer-to-peer communication capabilities on Sepam series 60 and Sepam
series 80 with GOOSE messages to enhance your protection and control system
without additional wiring,
b up to 8 simultaneous IEC 61850 connections.

The Sepam IEC 61850 solution can be configured in two ways:
b The SFT2841 setting and operating software ensures straightforward configuration
and builds standard IEC 61850 configuration files.
b The CET850 configuration tools adapt the communication profile of the devices to
the precise needs of the system.
The Sepam E-LAN runs in parallel with the IEC 61850 S-LAN, allowing Ethernet
connection of the SFT2841 setting and operating software to Sepam without any
extra cost.
The Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60, and Sepam series 80 fitted with the ACE850
communication interface also support the Modbus TCP-IP communication protocol.

2 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Presentation

Typical architecture
b The ECI850 Sepam server can be connected to an Ethernet switch using
10/100BASE-T copper wire (radial connection).
b The Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60, and Sepam series 80 fitted with the
ACE850 communication interface can be connected to an Ethernet switch using:
v 10/100BASE-T copper wire (radial or ring connection)
v 100BASE-FX multi-mode fiber optic (radial or ring connection)
To optimize system performance, Schneider Electric recommends the following:
b build a fault-tolerant backbone fiber-optic ring
b use IEC 61850 compatible managed switches
If Sepam units are connected in a ring configuration, the managed switches must be
compatible with RSTP 802.1d 2004 standard.
A global approach for building an Ethernet infrastructure can be found in the
"Transparent Factory Network Design and Cabling Guide" edited by Schneider

IEC 61850 architecture example


Control center
Maintenance Local control

RTU Fiber optic ring


Ethernet switch

P1/P2 ACE850 P1/P2 ACE850 P1/P2 ACE850 P1/P2 ACE850

Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam

series 80 series 40 series 60 series 40

Ethernet TCP/IP/IEC 61850

IEC850 IEC850 IEC850

RS 485/Modbus

Rc ACE949-2 Rc ACE949-2

Sepam Sepam
series 80 series 60
RS 485/Modbus

Rc ACE949-2 Rc ACE949-2 Rc ACE949-2

Rc : last interlinked module

Rc : not last interlinked module
Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 40 series 40 series 40
RS 485/Modbus

Rc ACE949-2 Rc ACE949-2 Rc ACE949-2 Rc ACE949-2 Rc ACE949-2

Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam

series 20 series 20 series 20 series 20 series 20

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 3
IEC 61850 Communication implementation
communication steps

IEC 61850 communication with the Sepam relays can be implemented using either
the ECI850 Sepam server, or the ACE850 communication interface (Sepam

1 series 40, Sepam series 60, or Sepam series 80 only).

Depending on the communication interface used, the following steps must be

ECI850 Sepam server configuration steps

Configuration of Sepam Modbus interface
Communication between the ECI850 server and the Sepam is based on Modbus.
The first step deals with the configuration of the Sepam Modbus interface. It consists
of installing the Modbus interface in the equipment, wiring it to the RS 485 network
and configuring it, using the SFT2841 software.
Two kinds of communication interface can be used on Sepam:
b ACE949-2 for 2-wire RS 485 network
b ACE959 for 4-wire RS 485 network

Refer to the relevant Sepam user's and operation manual for details.
ECI850: IEC 61850 Sepam server. b Sepam series 20 user's manual, reference PCRED301005EN
b Sepam series 40 user's manual, reference PCRED301006EN
b Sepam series 60 user's manual, reference SEPED310017EN
b Sepam series 80 operation manual, reference SEPED303003EN
b Sepam series 80 Modbus manual, reference SEPED303002EN

The physical layer parameters have to be configured, with the authorized values.
Remote control must be set in "direct" mode. With Sepam series 60 and Sepam
series 80, security features must be disabled.
Parameters Authorized values
Sepam address 1 to 247
Speed 19200 or 38400 bps
Parity Even or odd

Configuration of the ECI850 server

The second step deals with the configuration of ECI850 Ethernet and Modbus layers.
See page 5.

ACE850 communication interface configuration steps

ACE850 communication interface configuration involves configuring the ACE850

Ethernet layer. See page 20.

ECI850 Sepam server/ACE850 communication interface:

common configuration steps
These next 2 steps are common to both the ECI850 Sepam server and the ACE850
communication interface.
Configuration of IEC 61850 protocol
The next step deals with the configuration of the IEC 61850 protocol. It generates a
CID file, which contains the configuration of the communication data for all the
ACE850TP communication interface.
Sepam connected to an ECI850 Sepam server or an ACE850 communication
b SFT2841software is used for standard configuration of IEC 61850 (see page 36).
All communication data is defined in standard ICD files that are gathered in a CID file
depending on the Sepam type.
b CET850 software is used for advanced configuration of IEC 61850 (see page 43).
The configuration can be modified to optimize the exchange between devices:

v Suppress unused communication data

v Gather relevant communication data

Transfer of the CID file to ECI850 or ACE850

The last step consists of loading the CID file, using the SFT2841 software, into either
the ECI850 Sepam server or the ACE850 communication interface.
The ECI850 and the ACE850 first perform a validation of the CID file before using it
for configuration. See page 50.
ACE850FO communication interface.

4 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

Ethernet setup
Ethernet setup is required to enable access to the ECI850 over a network. If Ethernet
setup has already been done at installation time, proceed directly to the section:
Accessing the ECI850 over a network page 7.
Before configuring the ECI850, obtain a unique static IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway address from the network administrator. Use a web browser or
Hyper Terminal to configure the ECI850 with the information obtained from the
network administrator, as described in the following sections.

Ethernet setup using Hyper Terminal

1. Connect to ECI850 RS 232 port using the TCSEAK0100 Configuration kit or any
null modem cable.

2. Start Hyper Terminal (click Start > Run, then type hypertrm).
3. In the Name text box, type a name for the new connection (for example,
ECI config), then click OK.
4. In the Connect using drop-down list, select the computer COM port you will be
using, then click OK.
5. Set the COM properties as follows: Bits per second = 19200, Data bits = 8,
Parity = None, Stop bits = 1, and Flow control = None. Click OK.
6. Start the ECI850 Setup Utility:
b Cycle power or press the reset button on the ECI850 below the LED power status.
b While the green Power/Status LED blinks rapidly, press Enter on the computer
keyboard to access the setup utility.
Note: the Power/Status LED stops blinking after 5 seconds.
7. The following screen should appear:

Hyper Terminal: choose connection port.


Hyper Terminal: access ECI850 setup utility.

Hyper Terminal: configure serial port.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 5
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

ECI850 setup options

Option Description Setting

1 1

Used to select the language for the current
Hyper Terminal session.
Used to enter the static IP address of the
English, French, Spanish
Default: English to
ECI850. Default:
3 Used to enter the subnet mask of the network. to
4 Used to enter the default gateway (router) IP to
address used for wide area network (WAN) Default:
5 Used to define the physical Ethernet b 10T/100Tx Auto
connection. b 10BaseT-HDo 10BaseT-FD
b 100BaseTx-HD
b 100BaseTx-FD
Default: 10T/100Tx Auto
6 Saves the settings and exits the setup utility. -

Ethernet setup using a web browser

1. Disconnect your computer from your network.
Nota : after disconnecting from your network, your computer should automatically use the default
IP address 169.254.###.### (### = 0 to 255) and the default subnet mask If the IP
address is not automatically configured, contact your network administrator to set up a static IP
2. Connect an Ethernet crossover cable (available in the kit TCSEAK0100) from the
ECI850 to the computer.
3. Start Internet Explorer (version 6.0 or higher).
4. In the Address text box, type, then press Enter. Type
Administrator for your Username, type ECI850 for your Password, then click
OK. Usernames and Passwords are case sensitive.
5. Set up parameters as described in the Ethernet and TCP/IP settings on page 8.
6. Reconnect your computer to your network. If you assigned a static IP address to
your computer in step 1, you must restore your computer's original settings before
reconnecting to your network.

6 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

Accessing the ECI850 over a network

After setting up the Ethernet parameters, the user can access the ECI850 over an
Ethernet LAN using Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.

Logging into the ECI850


Action Result
1. Launch Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. Opens Internet Explorer.
2. In the Address text box, type the address of Opens the Login dialog box.
your ECI850 ( is the default), then
press Enter.
3. Type your Username (Administrator is the Enters the Username and Password, then
default) and Password (ECI850 is the default) into opens the ECI850 home page.
the text boxes, then click OK.
4. Click Setup to access the ECI850 setup page, Opens the Setup or Diagnostics pages.
or click Diagnostics to access the ECI850
diagnostics page.

Logging Out
ECI850 home page. We recommend logging out whenever you do not need access to the ECI850. To log
out of the ECI850 configuration session, click Log Out to end your session.

ECI850 user interface overview

The ECI850 ships with several pre-installed web pages used for ECI850 setup,
configuration and diagnostics. See Table below for a description of each web page.
Access to pages can be restricted (see Web Pages Access).

ECI850 Web Page Description See

Ethernet & TCP/IP Configure Ethernet and TCP/IP communication settings. page 8
Serial Port Set up or change serial communication parameters. page 9
IP Filtering Set up which IP addresses can access the ECI850. page 10
SNMP Parameters Enable and configure the Simple Network Management page 11
Protocol (SNMP), which allows the ECI850 to identify itself to
network devices requesting SNMP data.
SNTP Parameters Enable and configure the Simple Network Time Protocol page 12
(SNTP), which allows the ECI850 to be time synchronized.
User Accounts (1) Create and edit groups and users. page 9
Web Page Access (1) Select web page access rights for each user group. page 10
Communication Displays diagnostic data used to troubleshoot network page 14
statistics problems.
ECI850 Summary This page contains information about your specific ECI850, page 16
including the serial number, manufacturing date and Media
Access Control (MAC) address.
Read Device Registers Allows ECI850 administrators to read register data from a page 17
serial device connected to the ECI850.
(1) Accessible by administrators only.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 7
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

Communications setup
Ethernet and TCP/IP settings

Action Result
1. From the Setup page, click Ethernet & Opens the Ethernet & TCP/IP page.
2. Select your media type. Contact your network Selects the media type.
administrator if you do not know.
3. Enter your IP address, subnet mask, and Enters the Ethernet parameters for the
default gateway address assigned to your ECI850.
ECI850 by your network administrator. Note: if you enter an IP address that is used by
another device, you will be prompted to select
a new IP address. See "Duplicate IP address
detection" below.
4. Click Apply. Updates the ECI850 Ethernet and TCP/IP
Note: after making changes to the Ethernet parameters and clicking Apply, the ECI850 will

ECI850 Ethernet & TCP/IP page. Description of Ethernet and TCP/IP settings
Option Description Setting
Media Type Used to define the physical Ethernet b 10T/100Tx Auto
connection or media type. b 10BaseT-HD
b 10BaseT-FD
b 100BaseTX-HD
b 100BaseTX-FD
Default: 10T/100Tx Auto
IP Address Used to enter the static IP address of to
the ECI850. Default:
Subnet Mask Used to enter the Ethernet IP subnet to
mask address of your network. Default:
Default Gateway Used to enter the gateway (router) IP to
address used for wide area network Default:
(WAN) communications.
Allow CID file to Check this box if you want the IP Default: not checked
override IP parameters parameters contained in the CID file to
replace the above configuration.
Keepalive Timeout value used to test for session 1 to 60 seconds
disconnection. Default: 30 seconds
FTP session inactivity Timeout value used to force 30 to 900 seconds
timeout disconnection of an inactive FTP Default: 30 seconds

Duplicate IP address detection

While connected to your network, the ECI850 publishes its IP address. The IP
address of the ECI850 must be unique on the network it is connected to. If it is not
unique the Power/Status LED repeats a four blink-pause pattern. Assign a new IP
address to the ECI850 or to the conflicting device.

8 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

Serial port configuration


Action Result
1. From the Setup page, click Serial Port. Opens the Serial Port page.
2. Select your physical interface, baud rate, Selects the serial port options.
parity, and response timeout (see Table below).
3. Click Apply. Updates the ECI850 Serial Port settings.
ECI850 Serial Port page.
Description of serial port settings
Option Description Setting
Physical Interface Used to select how the ECI850 serial RS 485 4-wire, RS 485 2-wire
port is physically wired. Default: RS 485 2-wire
Baud Rate Used to select the data transmission 19200, 38400
speed over the serial connection. Default: 38400
Parity Used to select which parity bit is used Even, Odd
for checking data. Default: Even
Response Timeout Used to select how long the ECI850 0.1 to 2 seconds
will wait to receive a response from a Default: 0.3 second
device. Default value should usually be
Note: the settings defined here must match the settings of the connected Sepam devices.

Access control configuration

User accounts

ECI850 users are assigned Usernames and Passwords. Each user belongs to a
group, and each group has access rights to the ECI850 web pages assigned by the
ECI850 administrator.
Note: there are two default user accounts: Administrator (password is ECI850) and Guest
(password is Guest).

Action Result
1. From the Setup page, click User Accounts. Opens the User Accounts page.
2. If you want to change a group name, type a Enters a new group name.
new name in one of the Group text boxes (the
Administrator group name cannot be changed).
ECI850 User Accounts page. 3. In the Users section, enter a Name (1 to 24 Enters the name and password for a user.
characters) and Password (0 to 12 characters)
for a new user.
Note: Usernames and Passwords are case-
sensitive and can contain only alphanumeric
4. Select a group and the default language for Selects the group and language for a user.
the new user.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additional user Continues adding users.
you want to add.
6. Click Apply. Saves all of the user account settings.

ECI850 accounts and passwords description

Account Default Password
Administrator (default account) ECI850
Guest (default account) Guest
User-defined accounts (up to 11 accounts No default Password is user-defined

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 9
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

Web page access



1 Action
1. From the Setup page, click Web Page
Opens the Web Page Access page.

2. In the Communication statistics row, select See Table below for an explanation of access
the access level (None, Read-only, or Full) levels for each group.
ECI850 Web Page Access page. that each user group will have for the Ethernet
& TCP/IP web page.
3. To allow Guest access to the web page, Allows the default Guest group to access the
select Read-only under the Guest column. if web page.
the Guest group is Read-only, other groups can
only be set to Read-only or Full.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other rows. Selects the access level for each web page.
5. Click Apply. Saves the page access settings.

Group access
Group Access
Administrator Full access to all web pages.
We recommend that you change the default
administrator password for system security the
first time you log in.
Guest Read-only access to selected web pages.
Three user-defined groups Choosing from the following options, the
administrator assigns web page access for
each group. Access levels are as follows:
b None: a group has no access to selected
web page
b Read-only: password grants a group read-
only access to the selected web page
b Full: a group has the same access as the
Administrator group to the selected web page

IP address filtering

This function allows the administrator to specify which IEC 61850 clients and
SFT2841 have access to the ECI850 services.
Note: if IP addresses filtering is enabled, access is forbidden to any device not in the filtered list.

Action Result
1. From the Setup page, click TCP/IP Filtering. Opens the TCP/IP Filtering page.
2. Check Enable Filtering. Activates filtering.
3. In the IP address column, enter the TCP/IP Enters an IP address for a TCP/IP client that
client address will have access to the IEC 61850 server or to
the SFT2841 link or both.
4. In the IEC 61850 and SFT2841 link columns, Selects the access level for the corresponding
check what applies. IP address. SFT2841 link, IEC 61850 or both.
ECI850 TCP/IP Filtering page.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more IP Continues adding IP addresses for filtering.
6. Click Apply. Saves the IP address filtering list.

10 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

Configuring additional features

SNMP parameters

The ECI850 supports SNMP, allowing a network administrator to remotely access it

with an SNMP manager and view the networking status and diagnostics in the MIB2

Action Result
1. From the Setup page, click SNMP Opens the SNMP Parameters page.
2. Check ENABLE SNMP to turn ON the simple Activates SNMP.
network management protocol.
Nota : if you uncheck Enable SNMP and click
Apply, the ECI850 will reboot and SNMP
functionality will be turned OFF.
ECI850 SNMP Parameters page. 3. Enter the system contact, system name, Enters the SNMP system information and
system location, read-only community community access names.
name, and the read-write community name.
4. Click Apply. Saves the SNMP settings.

Settings description
Option Description Setting
Enable SNMP Checking the check box enables SNMP Default: not enabled
and MIB II support
System Contact Name of the administrative contact. String (< 50 characters)
Default: empty string
System Name Name given to the ECI850 and Sepam String (< 50 characters)
subnet. Default: empty string
System Location Location of the ECI850. String (< 50 characters)
Default: empty string
Read-only SNMP community that has read-only String (< 50 characters)
Community Name access to the MIB. Acts as a password. Default: "public"
Read-write SNMP community that has read-write String (< 50 characters)
Community Name access to the MIB. Acts as a password. Default: "private"

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 11
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Configuration

SNTP parameters

SNTP is the time synchronization method required by IEC 61850. It is used in mode

1 3-4 (unicast mode).

The ECI850 supports SNTP to enable synchronization between the ECI850 and
Sepam devices.
b If SNTP is not turned ON, time synchronization must be provided to the Sepam
devices by other means (ECI850 time is meaningless in that case).
b If SNTP is turned ON, time synchronization must be set up on Sepam, to the
communication channel linked to ECI850 (there are 2 communication channels on
Sepam series 80).

Action Result
1. From the Setup page, click SNTP Opens the SNTP Parameters page.
2. Check Enable SNTP to turn ON the simple Activates SNTP.
ECI850 SNTP Parameters page. network time protocol.

3. Enter the time offset from UTC of your Enters the time zone.
4. Check Enable DST to turn ON the Daylight Activates Daylight Saving Time.
Saving Time (summer Time) feature.
5. Enter the time offset for Daylight Saving Time Enters DST time offset: start time and end
and the start and end time. time.

6. Enter the IP address of the primary (or only) Enters the address of the SNTP server(s).
SNTP server. If available, enter the IP address
of a secondary server to be used if the primary
one is not responding.
7. Enter the poll interval between two requests Enters poll interval
to the server.
8. Click Apply. Saves the SNTP settings.

Setting descriptions
Option Description Setting
Enable SNTP Enables the time and date of the ECI850 Default: not enabled
to be set by the Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) server.
Time Zone Offset Determines the difference between local UTC-12 to UTC+14
time and Coordinated Universal Time Default: UTC
UTC (same as GMT).
Enable Daylight Enables the use of Daylight Saving Time Default: not enabled
Saving Time (Summer time).
DST offset Difference between standard time and + 30 or + 60 minutes
Daylight Saving Time. Default: + 60 minutes
DST starts If enabled, DST starts on the selected Default: last sunday of March
DST ends If enabled, DST ends on the selected Default: last sunday of
date. October
Primary Server IP The IP address of the SNTP server the to
Address ECI850 contacts to get the time Default:
Secondary Server IP The IP address of another SNTP server to
Address the ECI850 contacts in case the primary Default:
server is down.
Poll Interval Controls how often the ECI850 contacts 1 to 300 minutes
the SNTP server for the correct time. Default: 60 minutes

12 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication FTP server

After you set up the Ethernet parameters, you can access the ECI850 FTP server,
using Internet Explorer or another FTP client. The following description is made using

Internet Explorer 6.

Note: this server features only a limited implementation of the FTP protocol and is therefore not
guaranteed to work with every client.

Logging into the FTP server

Action Result
1. Launch Internet Explorer, type ftp:// and the IP Opens the Log On As dialog box.
address of the ECI850 in the Address text box (for
example,, then press Enter.
2. Type the Username and the Password in the text Opens an FTP session with the ECI850
boxes, then click Log On. and displays the root directory of the
Logging into the FTP server.
Note: access to the FTP server is restricted to accounts belonging to the Administrators group.

ECI850 directories
Root directory

The root directory contains:

b the logical devices directory LD
It is structured as described by the IEC 61850 standard. There is one directory for
ECI850 directories view. each Sepam Logical Device.
In each of these:
v a COMTRADE directory contains the COMTRADE (1) files CFG and DAT.
v a CTX directory (ECI850 u V2.0) contains the various context files (tripping context,
no sync context) in binary (.CTX) or text (.TXT) mode. Please refer to Sepam manuals
for a description of their content.
These files can only be read. They can also be read using IEC 61850 file transfer.
Contrary to other IEC 61850 data, timestamps in these files are expressed in local
b the backup directory BAK
It contains the backup IEC 61850 file, if any. This file can only be read. This file is only
kept as an archive. It is not used by the ECI850.
b the ECI850 standard configuration file "ecicfg.txt". This file can be read or written.
It is checksum protected and must not be modified externally. When written to the
ECI850, it updates the device parameters except the Ethernet settings.
b the IEC 61850 configuration file CID (if loaded). This file can be read or written. Its
content is protected and can be modified only with the SFT2841 or CET850 tools.

Transferring files from the ECI850 to the computer

Action Result
1. Right-click the file you want to download from the Copies the selected file.
ECI850, then click Copy.
2. Locate the folder you want to save the copied file, Pastes the file into the folder.
right-click in the folder's window, then click Paste.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 if you want to copy other files Continues to copy files from the ECI850.
from the ECI850
4. Click the Close button on the Internet Explorer Closes Internet Explorer and ends the
window. FTP connection to the ECI850.

Transferring files from the computer to the ECI850

Write-able files are transferred to the ECI850 as described above, inverting source
and destination folders.
IEC 61850 configuration files can also be transferred with the SFT2841 software (see
page 40).

(1) IEEE Std C37.111, Common Format for Transient Data Exchange for Power Systems.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 13
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Diagnostics pages

Diagnostics pages provide useful information for network monitoring, tuning, and
1 troubleshooting.
There are 3 diagnostics pages:
b Communication statistics page to troubleshoot Ethernet TCP/IP communication
b ECI850 summary page to display information about the ECI850 Sepam server
b Read device registers page to troubleshoot Modbus communication

Communication statistics

Action Result
1. From the Diagnostics page, click Opens the Communication Statistics page.
Communication Statistics.
2. View the data See Interpreting Statistics below.
3. Click Reset. Resets the ECI850 cumulative diagnostic data to 0.

Interpreting statistics
Statistic Description
Link Status A status string that represents the speed and duplex
setting being used to communicate with the linking
Frames Transmitted OK A counter that increments each time a frame is
successfully transmitted.
Collisions A counter that increments each time a frame is
retransmitted due to collision detection.
Excessive Collisions A counter that increments each time a frame is not able
to be sent due to reaching the maximum collision status
based on the Truncated Binary Exponential Backoff
Frames Received OK A counter that increments each time a frame is
successfully received.

CRC Errors A counter that increments each time a frame is received

that has a checksum/CRC that does not match what is
Alignment Errors A counter that increments each time a frame is received
ECI850 Communication Statistics page. that has a checksum/CRC error and does not end on an
8-bit frame boundary.
Frames Too Long A counter that increments each time a frame is received
that is larger than the allowed maximum size defined in
the standards (frames larger than 1518 bytes).
Frames Too Short A counter that increments each time a frame is received
that is smaller than the allowed minimum size defined in
the standards (frames smaller than 64 bytes).
SFT2841 link
Frames Sent A counter that increments each time a frame is sent.
Frames Received A counter that increments each time a frame is received.
Protocol Errors A counter that increments each time an ill-formed
message is received.
Active Connections A status value that represents the number of
connections that are active at the moment the
diagnostics page is refreshed. A maximum of 4
connections are supported. Clicking Active Connections
opens a new window with a list of all of the active client
Accumulative Connections A counter that increments each time a connection is
made to the ECI850.
Maximum Connections A status value that represents the maximum number of
connections that were active at any given moment.
Inbound Read Messages A counter that increments each time a read request
message is received.
Inbound Write Messages A counter that increments each time a write request
message is received.
Outbound Reply Messages A counter that increments each time a reply message is

14 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Diagnostics pages

Interpreting statistics (cont.)

Statistic Description
IEC 61850
Protocol Errors A counter that increments each time a received request is
incorrect or cannot be satisfied.
Active Connections A status value that represents the number of connections
that are active at the moment the diagnostics page is
refreshed. A maximum of 6 connections are supported.
Clicking Active Connections opens a new window with a
list of all of the active client connections.
Accumulative Connections A counter that increments each time a connection is made
to the ECI850.
Server indications A counter that increments each time the server receives
a protocol indication.
Variable Reads A counter that increments each time the server receives
a read variable request.
Variable Writes A counter that increments each time the server receives
a write variable request.
Information reports A counter that increments each time the server sends an
information report message.
Serial port
Frames Sent A counter that increments each time a frame is sent.
Frames Received A counter that increments each time a frame is received.
CRC Errors A counter that increments each time a message is
received that has a CRC that does not match what is
calculated. Typically the result of wiring issues.
Protocol Errors A counter that increments each time an ill-formed
message is received.
Timeouts A counter that increments each time a request message
is sent without receiving a corresponding response
message within the allowed time. Timeouts are typically
the result of configuration errors or a non-responsive
Outbound Read Messages A counter that increments each time a read request
message is sent.
Outbound Write Messages A counter that increments each time a write request
message is sent.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 15
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Diagnostics pages

ECI850 Summary

1 Action Result
1. From the Diagnostics page, click Opens the ECI850 Summary page.
ECI850 Summary.
2. View the data See Interpreting information below.

Interpreting information
Information Description
Device Information
Firmware Version The firmware version that is installed on the ECI850
ECI850 Summary page. System Idle Time A percentage from 0% to 100% indicating the average
processor time that is not being used
MAC Address The unique Ethernet hardware address of the ECI850
Serial Number The serial number of the ECI850
Model Number The ECI850 model number
Hardware Version The ECI850 hardware version
Manufacture Date The date the ECI850 was manufactured
IEC 61850 Device Name The name given to the ECI850 device in the IEC 61850
configuration file
IEC 61850 Configuration files
File "Current" is the last loaded CID file
"Backup" is the archived CID file
Name Name of the file as defined at loading
Edit time Time at which the configuration file has been created
Version Version of the file as defined in the file header
Revision Revision of the file as defined in the file header
Restore This button overwrites the content of the current file with
the content of the backup file.
IEC 61850 Logical devices
Name Name of the logical device built from the configuration file
Label Label of the device (Sepam label or ECI850 system
Type Type of the device as declared in the configuration file
Address Modbus address of the device as declared in the
configuration file
Status b Offline: the declared device does not respond to
ECI850 requests
b Wrong type: the device at this address is not of the
expected type
b Init: the device database is being initialized
b Online: the device is operational
b Bad Conf.: there is an error in the configuration file, the
device is ignored
Date and time
Last Successful Time Displays the last time the ECI850 successfully contacted
Synchronization (UTC) the SNTP server (UTC time).
ECI850 Date and Time (UTC) Current time and date of the ECI850 (UTC time).
ECI850 Date and Time (local) Current time and date of the ECI850 (local time).

16 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Diagnostics pages

Read Device Registers


Read Device Registers page can be used to check Modbus communication

between the ECI850 and Sepam devices.

Action Result
1. From the Diagnostics page, click Read Device Opens the Read Device Registers page.
2. Enter the Device ID, Starting Register number, and Enters the values to begin reading
the Number of Registers to read. registers for the specified device.
3. Click Read Holding Registers or Read Input Displays the values for the listed
Registers. registers.
ECI850 Read Device Registers page. 4. To change how the data is displayed in the Value Selects how the data values are
column, select Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary, or displayed.

ECI850 Read Device Register Settings

Option Description Default
Device ID The address of the device that registers are 1
Starting Register The first register to read. 1000
Number of Registers The number of registers to read (1 to 10). 10
Register column Lists the register numbers. -
Value column Lists the data stored in a register. -
Decimal, Hexadecimal, Select an option to specify how the Value Decimal
Binary, or ASCII options column data is displayed.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 17
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Commissioning and troubleshooting

Installation and operating instructions


The ECI850 Sepam server must be installed and connected in accordance with the
1 instructions in the following documents:
b ECI850 installation guide (delivered with each ECI850),
reference 63230-216-314,
b Sepam series 20 users manual, reference PCRED301005EN,
b Sepam series 40 users manual, reference PCRED301006EN,
b Sepam series 60 users manual, reference SEPED310017EN,
b Sepam series 80 operation manual, reference SEPED303003EN.

To download these documents, follow the procedure below:

1. Go to
ECI850: IEC 61850 Sepam server. 2. Type Sepam in the Search field.
3. Click Sepam series xx.
4. Click Download.
5. Click Technical Publications.
6. Click the manual you want to download.

Troubleshooting makes use of:
b ECI850 front panel LED indicators
b ECI850 web diagnostics pages

It should be done in the following order:

1. Check the ECI850 connection to Ethernet.
2. Check the Modbus subnetwork.
3. Check the IEC 61850 configuration.

ECI850 front panel LED indicators

Ethernet status LEDs (green):
1 LK LED on: Ethernet link active

2 TX LED flashing: transmitting data LK RS485
3 RX LED flashing: receiving data TX TX
4 100 LED RX RX
b On: 100 Mb link speed
b Off: 10 Mb link speed

Serial status LEDs (yellow): 5 6 7 8 9

5 RX LED flashing: receiving data
6 TX LED flashing: transmitting data
7 RS 485 link mode:
b On: RS 485 mode
b Off: RS 232 mode

8 Reset button
9 Power/status LED

18 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ECI850 Sepam server
communication Commissioning and troubleshooting

ECI850 and Ethernet troubleshooting

Symptoms Possible cause Action/Remedy
Power/Status LED off Source power is not applied or is not stable. Apply power or check source.
LED is burned out. Check to see if other LEDs operate properly.
Ethernet LK LED off Proper link is not established. 1. Make sure the proper cable is used and connected.
2. Make sure the proper media type is selected in the ECI850.
3. Check the communications setup configuration.
Power/Status LED repeats The IP address that the ECI850 was assigned is being used by Assign a new IP address to the ECI850 or to the conflicting device.
a four blink-pause pattern. another network device. Note: when a duplicate IP address is detected, the ECI850 resets its
specified IP address to the default IP address. When the ECI850
detects the conflict no longer exists, it will use the specified IP
Cannot browse the ECI850. Incorrect network configuration. 1. Verify all IP parameters are correct.
2. Verify ECI850 receives requests:
ping ECI850 by:
b going to DOS prompt
b typing ping and the ECI850 IP address, e.g.:
3. Verify that all browser internet connections settings are correct.

Modbus subnetwork troubleshooting

Symptoms Possible cause Action/Remedy
RS 485 LED off ECI850 has not started correctly. Check to see if there is an Ethernet connection problem.
Serial TX not flashing The IEC 61850 server is not configured and there is no This is a normal situation.
SFT2841 remote connection active.
The IEC 61850 server is not configured and there a SFT2841 The SFT connection can be active on another ECI850. Check IP
remote connection active. addresses.
The IEC 61850 server is configured and there is no SFT2841 Check the IEC 61850 configuration file.
remote connection active.
Serial TX flashing Setting of ECI850 serial port does not match setting of Sepam Check and correct settings.
Serial RX not flashing devices.
Modbus addresses configured in the IEC 61850 file or in the Check and correct addresses.
SFT2841 do no match Sepam addresses.
The RS 485 network is not wired properly. Check and correct wiring.

IEC 61850 configuration troubleshooting

Symptoms Possible cause Action/Remedy
IEC 61850 clients can not Ethernet setup is not correct. See above.
connect to the ECI850 The maximum number of active connections is reached. Check the active clients.
IEC 61850 clients connect The IEC 61850 server is not configured or the configuration file Download a valid configuration file.
to the ECI850, but no data is is not valid.
The IEC 61850 server is The actual Sepam type at a given address is not the type Check device address, correct the configuration file or replace
working, but some logical expected in the configuration file. device.
devices do not report data. The device is not communicating. Check device, check its communication parameters, check wiring.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 19
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Configuration

Access to configuration parameters

Configuring an ACE850 involves:
1 b configuring the standard Ethernet parameters (mandatory)

b configuring one or more of the following sets of advanced optional parameters:

v SNMP: Ethernet network management
v SNTP: time synchronization
v IP filtering: access control
v RSTP: Ethernet ring management
v User accounts: access control.

The configuration parameters can be accessed from the Communication

configuration window in the SFT2841 software.
To access this window:
b For Sepam series 60 and Sepam series 80:
v open the Sepam configuration window in SFT2841
v select the Ethernet communication port
SFT2841: Sepam series 80 configuration screen. v click on the relevant button : the Communication configuration window
v select the type of interface used: ACE850TP or ACE850FO.

b For Sepam series 40:

v open the Sepam hardware configuration window in SFT2841
v check the "ACExxx Communication interface" box
v click on the relevant button : the Communication configuration window
v select the type of interface used: ACE850TP or ACE850FO.

SFT2841: Sepam series 40 configuration screen.

Ethernet and TCP/IP configuration

Before configuring the ACE850, obtain a unique static IP address, subnet mask, and

default gateway address from the network administrator. See page 23.
Parameters Description Authorized values
Frame format Used to select the format for data sent over
Ethernet II, 802.3, Auto
an Ethernet connection. Default: Ethernet II
Media type Used to define the physical Ethernet ACE850TP
connection. b 10T/100Tx Auto
b 10BaseT-HD
b 10BaseT-FD
b 100BaseTX-HD
b 100BaseTX-FD
Default: 10T/100Tx Auto
b 100BaseFX-HD
b 100BaseFX-FD
Default: 100BaseFX-FD
IP address Used to enter the static IP address of the to
ACE850. Default:
Subnet mask Used to enter the subnet mask of your to
network. Default:
Default gateway Used to enter the default gateway (router) to
IP address used for wide area network Default:
(WAN) communications.
Allow CID file to This parameter is not used for Modbus Default: not checked
override IP only communication.
SFT2841: Ethernet configuration.
Keep alive Timeout value used to test for session 1 to 60 seconds
disconnection. Default: 30 seconds
FTP session Timeout value used to force disconnection 30 to 900 seconds
inactivity timeout of an inactive FTP session Default: 30 seconds

Duplicate IP address detection

The ACE850 IP address must be unique in the network. If it is not unique, the Status
LED repeats a four blink-pause pattern and a new IP address must be assigned to
the ACE850 or to the conflicting device.

20 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Configuration

SNMP configuration
The ACE850 supports SNMP V1, allowing a network administrator to remotely
access it with an SNMP manager and view the network status and diagnostics in

the MIB2 format (only a subset of MIB2 is implemented).

Additionally, the ACE850 may be configured to send SNMP traps in the following
b ACE850 start/restart
b Link up
b Link down
b Authentication failure.

Parameters Description Authorized values

System Name This parameter is the same as the Sepam Not modifiable from this
label. screen.
System Contact Name of the administrative contact String (< 16 characters)
Default: empty string
SFT2841: SNMP configuration. System Location Location of the Sepam/ACE850 String (< 16 characters)
Default: empty string
Read-only SNMP community that has read-only String (< 16 characters)
Community Name access to the MIB. Acts as a password Default: "public"
Read-write SNMP community that has read-write String (< 16 characters)
Community Name access to the MIB. Acts as a password Default: "private"
Enable traps Checking this check box enables SNMP to Default: "not checked"
send traps.
Traps SNMP community that is used with traps String (< 16 characters)
Community Name Default: "public"
Manager 1 IP IP address of the SNMP manager to which to
address traps are sent Default:
Manager 2 IP IP address of a second SNMP manager to to
address which traps are sent Default:

SNTP configuration
SNTP is a time synchronization protocol that can be used to synchronize the
Sepam. SNTP is used in mode 3-4 (unicast mode).

b If SNTP is used, the synchronization source for Sepam must be defined as

b If SNTP is not used, the Sepam synchronization must be ensured by other
means (Modbus frames, synchronization tops).

Parameters Description Authorized values

Enable SNTP Enables the time and date of the Sepam to Default: not enabled
be set by the Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) server.
Time Zone Offset Determines the difference between local UTC-12 to UTC+14
time and Coordinated Universal Time Default: UTC
(UTC) (same as GMT).
Enable Daylight Enables the use of Daylight Saving Time Default: not enabled
Saving Time (Summer time).
SFT2841: SNTP configuration. DST offset Difference between standard time and + 30 or + 60 minutes
Daylight Saving Time. Default: + 60 minutes
DST starts If enabled, DST starts on the selected Default: last Sunday of
date. March
DST ends If enabled, DST ends on the selected date. Default: last Sunday of
Primary Server IP The IP address of the SNTP server the to
Address ACE850 contacts to get the time Default:
Secondary Server The IP address of another SNTP server to
IP Address the ACE850 contacts in case the primary Default:
server is down.
Poll Interval Controls how often the ACE850 contacts 1 to 300 minutes
the SNTP server for the correct time. Default: 60 minutes

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 21
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Configuration

IP filtering configuration
The IP filtering function allows the administrator to specify which Modbus/TCP
1 clients and which IEC 61850 clients have access to the ACE850 services.

Note: if IP filtering is enabled, access is forbidden to any client not in the filtered list.

Parameters Description Authorized values

Enable filtering Check this box to activate filtering based Default: not enabled
on IP addresses.
IP address The IP address of a client for which to
filtering options are defined. Default:
IEC 61850 Check this box to grant IEC 61850 access Default: not checked
to the given IP address.
Modbus Check this box to grant Modbus/TCP Default: not checked
access to the given IP address.

SFT2841: IP filtering configuration.

RSTP configuration
The RSTP protocol enables the use of redundant Ethernet architectures such as

It must be enabled each time the ACE850 is included in a loop. It may be disabled
in other cases.
Changing the default settings is normally not required and should be performed with
extreme care as it could jeopardize the stability of the Ethernet network.
If in doubt, it is always possible to revert to the default values using the "default
settings" button.

Parameters Description Authorized values

Enable RSTP Check this box to activate the use of the Default: enabled
RSTP protocol.
Bridge priority Priority of the bridge. The bridge with the 0 - 61440, by steps of 4096
lowest priority becomes root. Default: 61440
Hello time Amount of time between the transmission 1 to 10 seconds
of configuration messages Default: 2 seconds
SFT2841: RSTP configuration. Forward delay time Time value to control how fast a port 4 to 30 seconds
changes its spanning state when moving Default: 21 seconds
towards the forwarding state
Max age time Valid duration of configuration message 6 to 40 seconds
once sent by the root bridge Default: 40 seconds
Max transmit count Maximum BPDUs that can be transmitted 3 to 100
by the Port Transmit state machine in any Default: 32
Hello time. This value limits the maximum
transmission rate.
Cost style RSTP (32 bits) or STP (16 bits) cost style Default: RSTP
Note: RSTP parameters must verify the following relationships:
b 2 x (Forward_delay_time - 1 second) u Max_age_time
b Max_age_time u 2 x (Hello_time + 1 second).

22 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Configuration

User accounts configuration

ACE850 users are assigned usernames and passwords used to gain access to the
FTP or web servers. Each user belongs to a group which determines the users

access rights:
b Administrator: read-write access to the FTP server, access to the web server
b Operator: read-only access to the FTP server, access to the web server
b Guest: no access to the FTP server, access to the web server

Up to 4 user accounts can be defined.

Parameters Description Authorized values

User control enable Check this box to enable the configuration Default: enabled
of users account. Currently, the ACE850
will not operate if this box is not checked.
Ensure that this box is always checked.
User n Check this box to create this user account. Default: user 1 enabled
Uncheck it to delete the account (only the Users 2 to 4 disabled
last account in the list can be deleted).
SFT2841: User accounts configuration. Name User name String (1 to 8 characters)
Password User password String (4 to 8 characters)
Group Group to which the user belongs Administrator, Operator,

The following account is always created by default as user 1:

b Name: Admin
b Password: ACE850
b Group: Administrator

IP address and parameter guidelines

IP addresses
Several configuration parameters are IP addresses. These addresses must follow
precise rules which are enforced by SFT2841 and ACE850. These rules are:
b Every IP address is made of 4 fields separated by dots: x . y . z . t
b Each field is a decimal value coded on 8 bits (range [0..255]).
b The first field (x) must be in the range [1..224] but must not be 127.
b Intermediate fields can cover the full range [0..255].
b The last field must not be 0 (range [1..255]).

IP subnet mask
The IP subnet mask is also made of 4 dot separated fields:
b The binary representation of the subnet mask is made of a set of 8 to 30
contiguous ones in the most significant part, followed by a set of contiguous zeroes
( to
b For a class A IP address (x y 126), the number of ones in the subnet mask must
be at least 8 (255.y.z.t).
b For a class B IP address (128 y x y 191), the number of ones in the subnet mask
must be at least 16 (255.255.z.t).
b For a class C IP address (192 y x y 223), the number of ones in the subnet mask
must be at least 24 (255.255.255.t).
b The subnet part of the device IP address, obtained when applying the subnet
mask, must not be 0.

IP default gateway
b An IP address of means no gateway.
b If a gateway is defined, it must belong to the same subnet as the device.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 23
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication FTP server

After you set up the Ethernet parameters, you can access the ACE850 FTP server.
It features a limited implementation of the FTP protocol and is therefore compatible

1 mainly with command-line mode FTP clients, although ACE850 u V2.0 also offers
limited compatibility with some graphical clients.
Nota : Access to the FTP server is restricted to authorized user accounts.

Using a command-line mode FTP client

The following description is made using the Windows client.
Connecting to the FTP server
b Start the command line interface (start menu, then execute "cmd")
b If required, change to your working directory
b Run ftp on the desired IP address
b Give user name and password when prompted

FTP commands
The main FTP client commands that can be used are:
b cd: to change the current target directory
b put: to load a file into the ACE850
b get: to get a file from the ACE850
b dir: to list the files of the target directory
b bye: to disconnect from the ACE850
b help: to get help on using the ftp client

ACE850 file system structure

The ACE850 file system comprises two volumes named "flash0:" and "ram0:".
The ftp server always starts on the flash0 volume. To switch from one volume to the
other, use the following commands:
cd ram0:\
cd flash0:\

Flash0 volume content

This volume contains:
b the IEC 61850 configuration file "CID" (if loaded). This file can be read or written.
Its content is protected and can be modified only with the SFT2841 or CET850 tools.
b the backup directory "bak". It contains the backup IEC 61850 file, if any. This file
can only be read. This file is only kept as an archive. It is not used by the ACE850.
b the system directories "fw" and "wwwroot". These directories contain firmware and
system files and they should never be modified unless instructed to do so.

Ram0 volume content (ACE850 < V2.0)

This volume contains:
b the logical devices directory LD
As described by the IEC 61850 standard, it contains a directory bearing the same
name as the Sepam Logical Device, in which a COMTRADE directory gathers the
disturbance files CFG and DAT. These files can only be read.
b a system directory "fw" that should never be modified.

Ram0 volume content (ACE850 u V2.0)

This volume contains:
b the logical devices directory LD which itself contains (as described by the
IEC 61850 standard) a directory bearing the same name as the Sepam Logical
Device, in which are located:
v a COMTRADE directory gathering the various COMTRADE (1) files (disturbance
records, data log records, motor records). These files (.CFG and .DAT) can only be
read. Timestamps in these files are expressed in local time.
v a CTX directory containing the various context files (tripping context, no sync
context). These files in binary (.CTX) or text (.TXT) mode can only be read. Please
refer to Sepam manuals for a definition of their content. Timestamps in these files are
expressed in local time.
v a LOGS directory containing a COMFEDE (2) image of the entire IEC 61850 Log
file. This file can only be read.
b a system directory "fw" that should never be modified.
Note: The content of the "Ram0:" volume can also be read using IEC 61850 file transfer, except
for COMFEDE files.

(1) IEEE Std C37.111, Common Format for Transient Data Exchange for Power Systems.
(2) IEEE Std C37.239, Common Format for Event Data Exchange for Power Systems.

24 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Web server

The ACE850 features an embedded web server that enables network and device
monitoring, tuning, and troubleshooting.

Accessing the ACE850 over the network

After you have set up the Ethernet parameters, you can access the ACE850 over an
Ethernet LAN using a web browser (Internet explorer 6.0 or higher,

Mozilla Firefox ).

Accessing the ACE850 Web server

1. Start your web browser.
2. In the address text box, type the address of the ACE850 ( is the
default), then press Enter.
3. Type your username and password in the login window (default is Admin,
4. Choose the language for the current session, using the Home menu (left side).

Logging Out
We recommend logging out whenever you do not need access to the ACE850.
To log out of the ACE850 session, click Log Out to end your session. This feature is
ACE850 home page. only available with Internet Explorer. With other web browsers, the browser's window
must be closed.

Home menu
Click Home, to access the Home menu. With this menu, you can:
b Change the language for the current session

b Display the About page that provides information about Sepam and ACE850

ACE850 About page.

Diagnostics Web pages

Click Diagnostics to access the diagnostics menu.
There are 2 general diagnostics pages dealing with Ethernet operation:
b Ethernet global statistics
b Ethernet port statistics
There is also a set of protocol dedicated diagnostics pages:
b Modbus statistics
b IEC 61850 statistics
b SNMP statistics
b SNTP statistics
b RSTP statistics
Diagnostics pages are automatically refreshed every 5 seconds (approximately).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 25
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Web server

Ethernet statistics
1 Ethernet and TCP/IP statistics
Item Description
Mac address Unique Ethernet hardware address of the ACE850

Frame type Value of the frame type configured with SFT2841

TCP/IP parameters Parameter values configured with SFT2841
Frames received Total number of received Ethernet frames, regardless of port or
Frames transmitted Total number of transmitted Ethernet frames, regardless of port or
ACE850 Ethernet TCP/IP statistics. Reset Counters button Button to reset the Ethernet counters

Ethernet port statistics

Item Description
Port P1/P2 buttons Selection of the port of which statistics are displayed

Frames transmitted OK A counter that increments each time a frame is successfully

Collisions A counter that increments each time a frame is retransmitted due to
collision detection.

Excessive collisions A counter that increments each time a frame cannot be sent
because it has reached the maximum collision status based on the
Truncated Binary Exponential Backoff algorithm.
ACE850 Ethernet port statistics. Carrier sense errors A counter that increments each time there is a collision because
carrier sense is disabled.
Internal MAC Tx errors A counter that increments for every transmission error that is not
caused by late, excessive, or carrier sense collisions.
Link speed Actual link speed
Frames received OK A counter that increments each time a frame is successfully
Alignment errors A counter that increments each time a received frame has an FCS
error and does not end on an 8-bit frame boundary.
CRC errors A counter that increments each time a received frame has a CRC
or an alignment error.
FCS errors A counter that increments each time a received frame has a FCS or
an alignment error.
Late collisions A counter that increments each time a collision occurs after the slot
time (512 bits starting at the preamble).
Reset counters button Button to reset the port counters

26 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Web server

Modbus statistics
Modbus/TCP server statistics
Item Description
Port status Modbus port status

Opened TCP connections Number of Modbus clients currently connected

Received messages Total number of Modbus requests
Transmitted messages Total number of Modbus responses
Reset counters button Button to reset the Modbus counters
Note: the web interface uses one Modbus connection to operate.

ACE850 Modbus/TCP server statistics.

Modbus/TCP connections statistics
Item Description
Index Connection number

Remote IP IP address of the Modbus client

Remote port TCP port number on the client side
Local port TCP port number on the server side
Transmitted messages Number of Modbus responses for this connection
Received messages Number of Modbus requests for this connection
Sent errors Number of Modbus exception responses for this connection
Reset counters button Button to reset the Modbus counters

ACE850 Modbus/TCP connections statistics.

IEC 61850 statistics

IEC 61850 server statistics
Item Description
Called connections Number of incoming connection requests

Called connections OK Number of accepted incoming connection requests

Called connections failure Number of rejected incoming connection requests
Server conclude Number of server initiated conclude operation
Local abort Number of server initiated abort operation
Remote abort Number of client initiated abort operation
Rejects sent Number of reject frames sent
Rejects received Number of reject frames received
Server indication Number of incoming server requests
Server responses OK Number of accepted incoming server requests
Variables Read OK Number of accepted MMS read variable requests
Variables Read errors Number of rejected MMS read variable requests
Variables Write OK Number of accepted MMS write variable requests
Variables Write errors Number of rejected MMS write variable requests
Information reports Number of Information reports sent
Unsolicited status Number of Unsolicited status messages sent
Reset counters button Button to reset the IEC 61850 counters

ACE850 IEC 61850 server statistics.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 27
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Web server

IEC 61850 connection statistics

Item Description

1 Index Number of the connection


Remote IP IP address of the IEC 61850 client

Remote port TCP port number on the client side
Local port TCP port number on the server side

ACE850 IEC 61850 connections statistics.

IEC 61850 configuration status
Item Description
Device information

Device name Name given to the device in the IEC 61850 configuration file
Device type Type of the Sepam as declared in the configuration file
Device status b Wrong type: the actual Sepam is not of the expected type
b Init: the device database is being initialized
b Online: the device is operational
b Bad Conf.: there is an error in the configuration file
IEC 61850 Configuration files
ACE850 IEC 61850 Configuration status. File "Current" is the last loaded CID file
"Backup" is the archived CID file
Name Name of the file as defined at loading
Edit time Time at which the configuration file has been created
Version Version of the file as defined in the file header
Revision Revision of the file as defined in the file header
Restore backup file button Overwrite the content of the current file with the content of the
backup file

GOOSE messaging statistics

Item Description
GOOSE produced (1)

Index Number of the produced GOOSE message

GOOSE ID Value of the appID field in the GOOSE control block
Dataset Dataset used for this GOOSE message
Destination @ Mac multicast address for this GOOSE message
V-Lan ID / Priority V-Lan identifier and priority for this GOOSE message
Test checkbox Value of the GOOSE message test mode/simulation flag
Enabled Enabled status of the GOOSE control block
AppID Value of the AppID field in the GSE address block
Min/Max Minimum and maximum retransmission time
Tx Msgs Number of such GOOSE messages produced
Undo button Cancel the changes made to the test checkboxes
ACE850 GOOSE messaging statistics. Apply button Apply the changes made to the test checkboxes
GOOSE subscribed (1)
Index Number of the subscribed GOOSE message
GOOSE ID Value of the GoID field in the received GOOSE message
Dataset Dataset used for this GOOSE message
Source @ Mac address of the GOOSE message producer
Destination @ Mac multicast address for this GOOSE message
Test Value of the test mode/simulation field of the received GOOSE
Validity Enabled state of the subscription
AppID Value of the AppID field in the received GOOSE message
Quality status: QD Value of the "quality of data" flag for that message
Quality status: QR Value of the "quality of reception" flag for that message
Rx Msgs Number of such GOOSE messages received
GOOSE frames counters (1)
Frames transmitted Total number of GOOSE frames transmitted by the device
Frames received b Number of GOOSE frames received with or without subscription
b Number of GOOSE frames received with subscription (u V1.1)
(1) More information can be found on page 100.

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IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Web server

SNMP statistics
Item Description
SNMP agent status Status of the SNMP agent

Bad Community usages Number of requests with invalid community

Received messages Total number of SNMP requests
Transmitted messages Total number of SNMP responses
Reset counters button Button to reset the messages counters

ACE850 SNMP statistics.

SNTP statistics
Item Description
SNTP Client status Value configured for the parameter in SFT2841

Active SNTP server IP Address of the server currently answering SNTP requests (
address if no server answer)
Poll interval Value configured for the parameter in SFT2841
Round trip delay Total time for SNMP request and response messages
Local offset Difference between SNTP time and ACE time
Daylight saving time Value configured for the parameter in SFT2841
Last Successful Time Last time the ACE850 successfully contacted the SNTP server
Synchronization (UTC) (UTC time)
Device Date and Time Current time and date of the ACE850 (UTC time)
Device Date and Time Current time and date of the ACE850 (local time)

ACE850 SNTP statistics.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 29
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Web server

RSTP statistics
RSTP bridge statistics
1 Item
Bridge status
RSTP status of the bridge

Bridge ID Bridge vector (Bridge priority/Bridge Mac address)

Designated Root ID Bridge vector of the RSTP root bridge
Designated Root Port Identifier of the root port (priority/number)
Rootpath cost Path cost to the root
Total topology changes Topology change counter (as defined by 802.1D-2004)
Configured hello time Value of the configured hello time
Learned hello time Operational value for hello time
Configured forward delay Reminder of the configured forward delay
Learned forward delay Operational value for forward delay
Configured max age Value of the configured max age
Learned max age Operational value for max age

ACE850 RSTP bridge statistics.

RSTP port statistics

Item Description
Port P1 / P2 buttons Selection of the port of which statistics are displayed

Status RSTP status for the selected port

Role RSTP role for the selected port
Priority Port priority
Port path cost Port contribution to root path cost
Designated port ID Identifier of the link partner port (priority/number)
Received RSTs Number of RST BPDUs received (RSTP)
Transmitted RSTs Number of RST BPDUs sent (RSTP)
Received configure Number of Configuration BPDUs received (STP)
Transmitted configure Number of Configuration BPDUs sent (STP)
Received TCNs Number of Topology change BPDUs received (STP)
Transmitted TCNs Number of Topology change BPDUs sent (STP)

ACE850 RSTP port statistics.

30 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Commissioning and troubleshooting

Installation instructions

The ACE850 communication interface must be installed and connected in

accordance with the instructions in the following documents:
b ACE850 installation guide (delivered with each ACE850), reference BBV35290,
b Sepam series 40 users manual, reference PCRED301006EN,
b Sepam series 60 operation manual, reference SEPED310017EN,
b Sepam series 80 operation manual, reference SEPED303003EN.

Preliminary checks
Perform the following actions:
b check the CCA614 cord connection between the ACE850 interface and the
Sepam base unit
b check the connection of the ACE850 to the Ethernet network
ACE850TP communication interface. b check the auxiliary power supply connection
b check the complete configuration of the ACE850.

Checking the operation of the ACE interface

You can use the following to check that an ACE850 interface is operating correctly:
b the indicator LEDs on the front panel of the ACE850
b the information provided by the SFT2841 software connected to Sepam
b the web pages embedded inside the ACE850 (this advanced diagnostics feature
is only available when it is possible to establish an Ethernet connection with the
ACE850. If not, use the basic diagnostics to help solving the problems).

Basic diagnostics
Diagnosis using indicator LEDs on the ACE850

ACE850FO 1 1 On/fault indicator. This indicator has the following states:

2 b Off: the module is not powered
3 b steady red: the ACE850 is initializing or is faulty
5 b blinking red: the ACE850 is unable to establish communication with the Sepam
Sepam P2 P1 6 base unit, or the ACE850 is not properly configured
S80 S40
100 100
BASE- FX BASE- FX b steady green: the ACE850 is operating correctly
Tx Rx Tx Rx
b fast blinking green: indicates a transient state which occurs at startup when
IEC 61850 configuration file is analyzed
b steady green and blinking red: communication with the base unit has been lost.
This can indicate a normal situation due to a restart of the Sepam after parameters
have been downloaded. The ACE850 automatically resumes normal operation in a
ACE850 communication interface. few seconds.
This status can also indicate an error condition, in which case, ACE850 restarts
automatically within 15 seconds and try to re-establish connection.

2 Status indicator. This indicator has the following states:

b Off: the Ethernet communication is not started
b steady green: the Ethernet communication is correctly operating
b three blinks pattern: no logical Ethernet link
b four blinks pattern: duplicate IP address
b six blinks pattern: invalid IP configuration.

3 and 5 Speed indicators. These indicators have the following states:

b Off: the corresponding physical link is down or the port speed is 10Mbps
b On: the corresponding port operates at 100Mbps.

5 and 6 Link/Activity indicators. These indicators have the following states:

b Off: the corresponding physical link is not established
b On: the corresponding physical link is established
b blinking: the indicator blinks with the activity on the link.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 31
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Commissioning and troubleshooting

Diagnosis using SFT2841 software

When connected to Sepam, the SFT2841 software informs the operator of the

1 general Sepam status and of the Sepam communication status in particular.


Sepam status information appears on the Sepam diagnosis screen on which buttons
can be used to obtain detailed status information on each communication channel.
The Sepam diagnosis screen can be used to check that the Sepam base unit and
the ACE850 interface are correctly connected:
Sepam series 60 and Sepam series 80


Diagnosis screen detail: Diagnosis screen detail:
ACE850 not or improperly connected. ACE850 connected properly.

SFT2841: Sepam series 80 diagnosis screen.

Sepam series 40


Diagnosis screen detail: Diagnosis screen detail:

ACE850 not or improperly connected. ACE850 connected properly.

SFT2841: Sepam series 40 diagnosis screen.

Detailed diagnosis
The Ethernet diagnosis screen allows to check:
b the ACE850 has accepted its configuration (status = OK)

b the communication ports status

b the IP address used by the ACE850.
If different from the one configured, it might mean that the configured address is not
valid, or that it is overridden by the CID file, if allowed.

SFT2841: Ethernet diagnosis screen.

32 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 ACE850 Communication interface
communication Commissioning and troubleshooting

ACE850 and Ethernet troubleshooting
Symptoms Possible cause Action/Remedy
On/Fault LED is not lit. Source power is not applied or is not stable. Apply power or check source.
LED is burned out. Check to see if other LEDs operate properly.
On/Fault LED is steady red. The module is in a faulty condition. Try to power off and on again. If condition persists, replace the module.
On/Fault LED is blinking The link with Sepam base unit is broken. 1. Check that the ACE850 is declared in Sepam configuration.
red. 2. Check the cabling between Sepam and ACE850.
P1/P2 link LED is not lit. Proper link is not established. 1. Make sure the proper cable is used and connected.
2. Make sure the proper media type is selected in the ACE850
Communication setup configuration.
Status LED repeats a four The IP address that the ACE850 was assigned is being used Assign a new IP address to the ACE850 or to the conflicting device.
blink-pause pattern. by another networked device. Nota : When a duplicate IP address is detected, the ACE850 resets its
specified IP address to the default IP address. When the ACE850
detects the conflict no longer exists, it will use the specified IP address.
Status LED repeats a three No Ethernet connection can be established. Check that at least one of the P1 or P2 link is established.
blink-pause pattern. Nota : if RSTP is enabled, this is a normal transient situation
for approximately 20/30 seconds after startup.
Cannot browse the Incorrect network configuration. 1. Verify all IP parameters are correct.
ACE850. 2. Verify ACE850 receives request by pinging the ACE850:
b go to DOS prompt
b type ping and the ACE850 IP address,
e.g ping
3. Verify all the browser Internet option connection settings are correct.

IEC 61850 configuration troubleshooting

Symptoms Possible cause Action/Remedy
IEC 61850 clients can not Ethernet setup is not correct. See above.
connect to the ECI850. The maximum number of active connections is reached. Check the active clients.
IEC 61850 clients connect The IEC 61850 server is not configured or the CID configuration Download a valid configuration file.
to the ACE850, but no data file is not valid.
is available.
The ACE850 seems The actual Sepam type is not the type expected in the Check on the web server that the configured Sepam type matches
working, but does not report configuration file. the actual Sepam type and update the configuration file as
data. necessary.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 33
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol

Configuration files
The IEC 61850 configuration process uses and generates the following types of
1 Substation Configuration Language (SCL) files:
SCL file Description
ICD An ICD file exists for each type of Sepam device.
IED (Intelligent Electronic
It describes the functions and communication data available in a
Device) Capability Sepam.
Description ICD files are provided in a library with SFT2841 and CET850
configuration tools, and are used as device models in the
configuration process.
IID The IID file describes the project-specific configuration of a single IED
Instantiated IED in a system.
Description It is used as an exchange file between the CET850 configuration tool
and other IEC 61850 system configuration tools to exchange the
configuration data for a single IED instantiated specifically for a
CID For every configured Sepam or ECI850 device there is a CID file
Configured IED which describes the operating IEC 61850 configuration of the device.
Description A CID file is created when a device is configured with the
configuration tools. The CID file is then loaded into the device to
configure it. In the case of an ECI850, the CID file contains
configuration information for all the Sepam devices to which it is
SCD An IEC 61850 Substation Automation System has an SCD file.
Substation Configuration An SCD file contains configuration data for the IEC 61850 system and
Description the communication configuration settings for all related IEC 61850

34 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol

SFT2841 for standard IEC 61850

The Sepam setting and operating software, SFT2841, is used to produce a standard
IEC 61850 configuration. The standard configuration enables the use of all the

communication data of a Sepam without modification, as described in the ICD files.

Sepam series 20/40/60/80 The SFT2841 is used to:

1 Get the information from Sepam and ECI850 connected to the IEC 61850
6 1 network. This can be done manually by keying the Sepam description (name,
type, address) or automatically by the SFT2841 polling the network to find
template library 5 connected devices.
2 Extract ICD files from the library to build a configuration based on the Sepam
SFT2841 .scd description.
.icd 2 4
3 Build a CID file as a result of the configuration for each Sepam or ECI850
3 connected to the IEC 61850 network. For an ECI850, it contains the configuration
of all the Sepam connected to the ECI850.
4 Generate an SCD file for use by other IEC 61850 configuration tools. It contains
the configuration of all Sepam and ECI850 connected to the IEC 61850 network.
SCL files with SFT2841. 5 Import a CID file into SFT2841 to modify it: for example to add or remove a Sepam
in the IEC 61850 network topology.
6 Download a CID file into Sepam or ECI850 with SFT2841.

CET850 for advanced IEC 61850 configuration

IEC 61850 configuration software CET850 is used to create, display, modify, or
optimize an IEC 61850 configuration.

1 The CET850 can be used to:
1 1 Create an IEC 61850 configuration using an ICD, IID, or CID file as an input.
template library

5 2 Edit an existing CID, SCD, IID, or user-customized ICD file to modify its contents
CET850 .scd by:
.icd 2 b adding or removing a Sepam
3 2 b displaying the configuration
6 4
2 b modifying communication parameter values
b optimizing configuration by creating or modifying Datasets and Report Control
.icd .cid Blocks
user .iid b configuring or optimizing the GOOSE communication by creating or modifying
customized ICD the GOOSE messages production and subscription.
SCL files with CET850. 3 Generate a user-customized ICD file using a Sepam IED template from the
factory ICD library.
4 Generate a CID file for storing the configuration of one device which can then be
downloaded to the Sepam or ECI850 server using SFT2841 or by FTP with a
standard Internet browser software.
5 Generate an SCD file for storing the configuration of an IEC 61850 system which
can then be used by other IEC 61850 configuration tools.
6 Generate an IID file for storing the specific configuration of an instantiated IED
which can then be used by other IEC 61850 system configuration tools.
The CID or SCD file can come from the SFT2841. Sepam ICD Factory library templates can
not be modified.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 35
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With SFT2841 setting and operating
The SFT2841 software provides a quick and easy way to generate all the standard
1 configuration files that describe the IEC 61850 access to Sepam devices according

to standard IEC 61850-6. These files are:

b The ECI850 CID file that describes the communication and data interface to all
Sepam attached to the server as Logical Devices.
b The CID file for the Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60, and Sepam series 80
fitted with the ACE850 communication interface.
b The SCD file that gives the complete description of the whole IEC 61850
communication system and that can be used as input to configure the SCADA
The CET850 configuration software provides all necessary functions for an
advanced IEC 61850 configuration. SFT2841 supports only a standard IEC 61850
configuration with predefined device capabilities (predefined Datasets and Report
Control Blocks).
To configure an IEC 61850 Sepam communication system using SFT2841, follow
these steps:
1. Create a Sepam communication network
2. Add the Sepam and ECI850 devices to the network
3. Generate the CID files, and optionally, the SCD file
4. Load the CID files into the devices

Sepam communication network

SFT2841 welcome window. SFT2841 can be connected to Sepam either locally in point-to-point mode, or in
multipoint mode via a communication network called E-LAN (Engineering Local Area
First the definition of a Sepam communication network is described in a configuration
file (NET file) with SFT2841.
Then the Sepam devices can be addressed by SFT2841 via the E-LAN and
constitute a Sepam communication network.
In an IEC 61850 system based on Ethernet TCP/IP, the E-LAN uses the same
Ethernet TCP/IP communication network. Therefore, this network configuration
(defined in a NET file) can be successfully adapted to include the full description of
the IEC 61850 Sepam devices profiles, thus creating their CID files.
SFT2841 is able to load into the Sepam devices and ECI850 their CID file via the
Ethernet network.

Creating a Sepam communication network


When creating a Sepam communication network (NET file) with SFT2841, 3 types of
communication link are possible:
b Serial
b Phone modem
b Ethernet
To create an IEC 61850 Sepam network do the following steps:
1. Select Ethernet because IEC 61850 is based on Ethernet TCP/IP protocol over
Ethernet network.
2. Select the option IEC 61850 configuration.
This option enables a set of functions that are used during the IEC 61850
configuration process.

Network configuration.

36 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With SFT2841 setting and operating

Adding devices

Sepam series 20/40/60/80

Device editing functions.

Device editing functions

To define the devices to be connected on the network, 4 options are available:

b Add an Ethernet TCP/IP device
b Add a device on an ECI850
b Modify a device
b Remove a device from the configuration
Adding devices to the network. These actions are also available from a contextual menu.

Adding an Ethernet TCP/IP device

To add an Ethernet TCP/IP device (ECI850 or Sepam series 40/80 and ACE850):

1. Click on the button to display the following Device properties window.


Ethernet switch
Ethernet switch

Sepam series 40/60/80

Sepam series 40/80
and ACE850

Sepam series 20/40/80

Sepam series 20/40/80
Adding an Ethernet TCP/IP device. 2. Set the fields of the Device properties window according to following description.
Communication settings
b Address
Assign an IP address to the device.
This address is used by SFT2841 to access the device for loading the CID file. This
address must match the IP address assigned locally to the device. It must be unique
on the Ethernet TCP/IP network.
b Timeout and Reiterations
These parameters are related to the communication between SFT2841 and the
device when SFT2841 is used in multi-point mode via the E-LAN. They have no
impact on the IEC 61850 configuration. Default values should be kept.

Device identification
b Device name
The device name is the name of the IED in the IEC 61850 system. It must be unique
in the IEC 61850 system.
b ICD file
v Device type
For a Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60, or Sepam series 80 device, set the type to
Sepam. For an ECI850, set the type to ECI/EGX.
v ICD file
Select the ICD file that provides the IEC 61850 description of the device.
SFT2841 software is delivered with a library of ICD files for all types of Sepam
devices and all Sepam applications. This library also includes the ICD file for the

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 37
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With SFT2841 setting and operating
Selecting a device in the library
SFT2841 displays the list of IEC 61850 devices available in the library.

1 To browse inside the ICD library, use the 3 access keys: Family, Model and Version.
1. Select the Family you wish.
Then the Model defines a device within the Family.
For instance, the Family Sepam series 80 includes the following Models:
b Substation S80, S81, S82, S84
b Transformer T81, T82, T87
b Generator G82, G87, G88
b Motor M81, M87, M88
b Busbar B80, B83
Browsing the library and device selection. b Capacitor C86
2. Select the Model you wish.
3. For a given Model, select the Version.
The correct ICD file associated with the device is automatically selected.
The new device is added to the devices table and all its main characteristics are

Ethernet TCP/IP devices added on the devices table.

The ECI850 is represented by the following icon: .

A Sepam is represented by the icon: .

Adding a Sepam on the ECI850

This option is enabled only if an existing ECI850 is selected in the devices table.
Ethernet switch
Ethernet switch

To add a Sepam:
1. Click on the button .
2. Set the fields of the device settings window according to following description.
ECI850 Properties
Sepam server
b Address
Sepam server
Assigning a Modbus address to the device from 1 to 247.
This address is used by the ECI850 to access the device as a slave device via the
Modbus subnetwork. It must be unique on the Modbus subnetwork.
b Device name
Assigning a name to the device.
Each Sepam attached to the ECI850 will be considered as a Logical Device (LD)
according to the IEC 61850 standard. The name of the device will be the name of the
Sepam series 20/40/60/80 LD inside the ECI850. It must be unique inside the server.
Adding an Ethernet TCP/IP device. b ICD file
Selecting the ICD file that provides the IEC 61850 description of the device.
Selecting the device in the library
To select the ICD file that provides the IEC 61850 description of the device, follow
the same process as described for an Ethernet TCP/IP device, browsing inside the
ICD library with the 3 access keys: Family, Model and Version.

The Family depends on the device type so select the Model, then select the Version.
When the action is complete, the new Sepam is added to the devices table and all
its main characteristics are displayed.

Sepam device settings window. Sepam devices added on the devices table.

The ECI850 is represented by the following icon: .

A slave Sepam connected to an ECI850 is represented by the icon and a link to
the ECI850 icon.

38 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With SFT2841 setting and operating

Generating the CID files and the SCD file

After the devices have been added to the IEC 61850 communication network,
SFT2841 can generate the CID file of a specific device or all the CID files for all

IEC 61850 devices defined on the network. SFT2841 can also generate the SCD file
that describes the Sepam communication network as an IEC 61850 communication
Sepam series 20/40/60/80 system.
3 functions are available to generate the CID files and the SCD files.
To activate these functions, use the following 3 buttons in the toolbar:

Generating a specific CID file

To generate the CID file of a specific device, select the device in the devices table
and click on the button .
Nota : this button is enabled only when an Ethernet TCP/IP device is selected (ECI850,
Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80 directly connected to the Ethernet TCP/
IP network).
Generating CID and SCD files. A dialog box requests the location and name of the CID file. By default, the name of
the CID file is built from the IED name: <IED-name>.cid.

Generating all CID files

To generate all of the CID files for all IEC 61850 devices defined on the network,
click on the button .

A dialog box requests you to provide the location of the CID files. The name of each
CID file is built from the IED name: <IED-name>.cid.

Generating the SCD file

To generate the SCD files for all IEC 61850 devices defined on the network,
click on the button .

A dialog box requests the location and name of the SCD file. By default, the name of
the SCD file is built from the name of the Sepam NET file: <NET file name>.scd.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 39
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With SFT2841 setting and operating
Loading a CID file into a device
To load a CID file into a device, select the device from the devices table
1 and click on the button .

Nota : this button is enabled only when an Ethernet TCP/IP device is selected (ECI850,
Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80 directly connected to the Ethernet TCP/
Sepam series 20/40/60/80
IP network).

1. A dialog box requests to select the CID file to load.

2. The file transfer from SFT2841 to the device is based on FTP protocol. A dialog
box requests your Username and Password in order to establish the FTP connection
with the device.
The Username and Password should match those defined in the FTP server
embedded in the remote device. Ask your IEC 61850 network administrator for the
FTP Username and Password.
3. When the load of the CID file is complete, the connection with the remote device
is automatically closed and the following result message "CID file downloaded
successfully" is displayed.
Loading a CID file into a device.

Special transfer error cases

The transfer of the CID file is aborted by the device in the following cases:
b The content of the CID file is corrupted
To guarantee the integrity of the CID files, SFT2841 and Schneider Electric devices
use a check key. If a CID file is modified using an XML editor or any other editor, the
CID file will be considered as corrupted and refused by the device.
b Memory overflow
The device refuses the CID file if there is not enough memory to store it on the

40 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With SFT2841 setting and operating

Importing a device configuration from an

existing CID file
This function enables the creation of a Sepam communication network by importing
CID files. In this case, descriptions of devices are provided by CID files, instead of

ICD files.
If the CID file represents an ECI850 Sepam server, all associated Sepam devices will
Sepam series 20/40/60/80 be automatically added to the Sepam communication network.
To import a device from a CID file, proceeds as follow:
1. Add an Ethernet TCP/IP device by clicking the button .
2. Enter the IP address. The other parameters are not needed, as they will be taken
automatically from the CID file.
Nota : to import a CID file from a remote device, the address must be the IP address of this
3. When the device is created and appears in the devices table, select it.
4. Then, associate an existing CID file to the selected device. 2 cases are possible:
b The CID file is on the PC.
b The CID file is on the remote device.

Importing a device configuration.

Importing a CID file from the PC
If the CID file is on the PC, click on the button
Nota : this button is enabled only when an Ethernet TCP/IP device is selected in the devices

1. A dialog box asks you to select a CID file on the disk.

2. After the CID file has been selected, the description of the device in the devices
Sepam series 20/40/60/80
table is automatically updated with the data taken from the CID file (device type,
Family, application, IED name, ).
If the CID file represents an ECI850 Sepam server, all associated Sepam devices will
be automatically added to the devices table with their own characteristics (device
type, Family, application, IED name, ).

Importing a CID file from the PC. Devices table.

Importing a CID file from a remote device

If the CID file is on the remote device, click on the button
Nota : this button is enabled only when an Ethernet TCP/IP device is selected in the devices


Sepam series 20/40/60/80 This will initialize a file transfer from the device to SFT2841. This transfer is based
on FTP protocol. A dialog box requests your Username and Password.
The Username and the Password should match those defined in the FTP server
embedded in the remote device.
When the FTP connection with the device is established, and if a CID file is found on
the device, select in which folder the CID file is to be stored.

Importing a CID file from a device.

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IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With SFT2841 setting and operating
Creating an IEC 61850 standard configuration by automatic
search and identification of Sepam devices
1 SFT2841 is able to display all information about a Sepam series 40,
a Sepam series 60, a Sepam series 80 or an ECI850 Sepam server connected to the

Ethernet TCP/IP network. SFT2841 is also able to display information about all
Sepam connected to an ECI850. Using the parameters returned by each device,
SFT2841 automatically retrieves its ICD files from the ICD library. The devices table
is then updated and the entire Sepam network configuration is ready to build the CID

To activate this function click on the following button:

Nota : this button is enabled only when an Ethernet TCP/IP device is selected in the devices

When the function is activated, SFT2841 asks the selected Ethernet TCP/IP device
to provide its identification.
When SFT2841 receives the response, it automatically updates the devices table
with the data returned by the device (device type, Family, application ). Then, using
the version of the Sepam firmware, SFT2841 automatically selects the associated
ICD file in the ICD library.

In the devices table, the device identified by SFT2841 is displayed with the following
different icons depending on the device type:

b for a Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80

b for an ECI850 Sepam server
b for an unknown device

If SFT2841 identifies an ECI850, the function continues and SFT2841 launches the
polling of all Sepam devices connected to the server as slave devices. Modbus
addresses 1 to 247 are polled. SFT2841 asks each slave device to provide its
identification. When SFT2841 receives a response, it automatically updates the
devices table with the data returned by the slave device (device type, Family,
application ). Then using the version of the Sepam firmware, SFT2841
automatically selects the associated ICD file in the ICD library.

In the devices table, a slave device identified by SFT2841 is displayed with different
icons depending on its type:

b for a Sepam device

b for an unknown device

42 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

CET850 software provides a way to create, edit, and display IEC 61850 configuration
files which use the Substation Configuration Language (SCL).
In particular, it is used for creating or editing the following files:
b ICD (IED Capability Description)
b IID (Instantiated IED Description)
b CID (Configured IED Description)
b SCD (Substation Configuration Description)

CET850 enables editing of the CID and SCD files generated by SFT2841 so that the
Sepam IEC 61850 configuration can be customized to the needs of the system with
more options than SFT2841 provides.
This section presents the main characteristics of the CET850 software. For more
information, refer to the CET850 Users manual.

Graphical SCL Editor

CET850 is a graphical tool that enables to browse an SCL file using a tree view that
displays the content of the file in a hierarchical format.
Tree view
The following main sections are displayed in the tree view:

b Header and History

b Substation (optional)
b Communication
b List of IEDs
b Data Type templates
Expand each section to obtain more details.

Property view
When an item is selected in the tree view, the property view displays details of the
selected item. You can activate editing operations from the toolbar and contextual
menu. There are also specific dialog interfaces to help guide you.

General content of an SCL file

Header and History
This section contains the history of the file. CET850 provides a specific function that
allows you to add an entry whenever there is a need to track the modifications made
to the file.
This section describes the functional structure of the electrical substation, identifies
the primary devices and their electrical connections and defines the system
functionality by attaching Logical Nodes to primary equipment. This section deals
with the system configuration only; it is optional in an SCD file and not relevant to a
CID file.
When present, the section is displayed by CET850 but is not editable. It can be
hidden using a specific option in the CET850 User Preferences.
This section contains the definition of all sub-networks defined in the IEC 61850
system, with the list of the connected IEDs. Both Client/Server and Peer-to-Peer
communication access points are displayed.
CET850 provides specific functions to add, delete a subnetwork, add, remove an IED
on a subnetwork, and to set, modify the communication addresses.
List of IEDs
This section contains the definition of all IEDs defined in the IEC 61850 system. Each
IED is displayed with all its contents:
b Logical Devices (LD)
b Logical Nodes (LN)
b Datasets (DS)
b Report Control Blocks (RCB)
b GOOSE Control Blocks (GoCB)
b GOOSE Receive
b Log Control Blocks (LCB)
Data Type templates
This section provides the description in detail of all types of data used by the IEDs
defined in the configuration: Logical Node Types, Data Object types, Data Attribute
types, Enumeration Types.
This section is intended for IEC 61850 experts and is hidden by default, using a
specific option in the CET850 User Preferences.

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IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

Adding and removing a device in an

IEC 61850 system
1 Adding and removing a device in an IEC 61850 system consists of making the
change in the associated SCD file.

CET850 manages 2 types of devices:

b IEC 61850 IEDs: ECI850 Sepam server, Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60 or
Sepam series 80.
b Sepam devices as slave devices associated to an ECI850 Sepam server. Such
devices are seen as Logical Devices inside the ECI850.

Adding an IED

CET850 enables the addition of an IED to an IEC 61850 system using its ICD
description file, or the addition of a device already defined by a CID file.
A specific dialog interface requests a name for the IED and then its description. The
description is provided from an ICD file, or from a CID file.
As with SFT2841, CET850 software is delivered with a library of ICD files for all types
of Sepam devices and all Sepam applications. This library also includes the ICD file
for the ECI850.
You can add a Schneider Electric device identified in this library (as with SFT2841,
browsing the ICD library is done using 3 characteristics of the device: Family, Model
and Version), or add a third party device using an external ICD file.
Adding an IED.
When the IED is fully identified, the tree view is updated and the new IED appears in
the list of IEDs. The content of the current SCD file is updated with all the description
data concerning this device.

Removing an IED

An IED can be removed from an SCD file. This function is available when an IED is
selected in the tree view. After you have confirmed that the IED is to be deleted, the
tree view and the content of the SCD file are updated.

Adding a Logical Device (LD)

When an ECI850 Sepam server is selected in the tree view, CET850 allows the
addition of Sepam devices as Logical Devices.
A specific dialog interface requests a name for the LD and then its description. The
description is provided from an ICD file of the ICD library. The ICD file is selected
Removing an IED. depending on the Family, Model and Version of the Sepam to be added.
After the Sepam device is fully identified, the tree view is automatically updated and
the new Sepam appears inside the ECI850 as a new Logical Device.
The content of the current SCD file is updated with all the description data concerning
this Sepam.

Removing a Logical Device

A Logical Device can be removed from an SCD file. This function is available when
a LD is selected in the tree view. After you have confirmed the LD is to be deleted,
the tree view and the content of the SCD file are updated.

Connecting a device in an IEC 61850 system


An IEC 61850 IED uses an Access Point (AP) to communicate. This AP should be
connected to a subnetwork.
CET850 provides the following set of functions to manage the communication
architecture of an IEC 61850 System:
b Adding or removing a Subnet to the system
b Adding or removing an Access Point on a Subnet

Adding an Access Point.

44 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

Editing an IED
The configuration of an IED described in an ICD, CID or SCD file can be modified so
that its communication profile and behavior are adjusted to the needs of the system.
Using the CET850, the user can:
b Create, modify or delete a Dataset
b Create, modify or delete a Report Control Block
b Adjust a dead band
b Create, modify or delete a GOOSE Control Block
b Subscribe to GOOSE messages and assign Sepam GOOSE Inputs

Create, modify or delete a Dataset

A Dataset is a collection of Data Attributes (DAs) grouped together to increase

communication efficiency. In particular, Datasets are used for reports and GOOSE
Any LN instance can contain one or more Datasets depending on the capabilities of
the IED.
By default, each Sepam provides 3 Datasets predefined in the ICD file in LLN0:
b StDs: this Dataset includes all status indications provided by all the Protection (or
related to protection) Logical Nodes present in Sepam, the Switchgear LN, the
Sensor and Monitoring LN, and the Physical Device itself.
b MxDs: this Dataset includes all measurement values provided by all the
Measurement Logical Nodes (MMXU) present in Sepam.
b BasicGseDs: this Dataset includes the main indications used for basic GOOSE
Adding a Dataset. These default Datasets can be modified by the user and new Datasets can be added,
depending on the capabilities of the IED.
It is not necessary to define the BRCB index number in the versions where auto-
indexed BRCBs are supported (Attribut RptEnabled) because the instances are
automatically created.
Note: The BRCB.RptEnabled attribute is supported from version V1.25 of the ECI850 and
version V1.2 of the ACE850.
CET850 provides an easy way to create or edit a Dataset inside a Logical Node.
When creating a Dataset, CET850 prompts you for its name and description. A
specific dialog interface allows you to select which data is to be added to, or removed
from the Dataset. The available data that can be selected is displayed in a
hierarchical tree with collapse and expand facilities, from their host Logical Node up
to their final attributes. Individual and multiple selections are possible.
After completing the definition of the Dataset in the dialog interface, the changes to
the Dataset are reflected in the current SCL file and the CET850 display is updated:
a newly created Dataset is displayed in the tree view and a deleted Dataset is
removed from the tree view. The content of the Dataset is updated in the property

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IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

Create, modify or delete a Report Control Block (RCB)

A Report Control Block (RCB) defines the way a Dataset is transmitted to a client.

1 An RCB can be created inside any Logical Node.

Sepam provides both buffered and unbuffered RCBs.
A buffered RCB (BRCB) is dedicated to only one client at a time. If the same report
is to be used by more than one client, several reports of this type have to be
instantiated in the IED. The instances of a BRCB are identified using a numerical
index and are called commonly indexed BRCB.
An unbuffered RCB (URCB) may be used by several clients.
By default, each Sepam provides 2 pre-defined buffered RCBs in the LLN0, each
RCB defined with 2 instances.
These 2 RCBs, defined in each Sepam ICD file, are:
b brcbST01 and brcbST02 are the 2 indexed BRCB associated with the StDs
Dataset for reporting status indications.
Adding a Control Block.
b brcbMX01 and brcbMX02 are the 2 indexed BRCB associated with the MxDs
Dataset for reporting measurements.
These default RCBs can be modified by the user and new RCBs can be added,
depending on the capabilities of the IED.
It is not necessary to define the BRCB index number in the versions where auto-
indexed BRCBs are supported (Attribut RptEnabled) because the instances are
automatically created.
Note: the BRCB.RptEnabled attribute is supported from version V1.25 of the ECI850 and version
V1.2 of the ACE850.
CET850 provides a specific dialog interface for creating or modifying a Report
Control Block. When creating an RCB, CET850 prompts you for the name and
description of the RCB. A specific dialog interface allows you to select the Dataset to
be associated with the RCB and to define all settings concerning the way the report
is generated.
The most common trigger options to define an RCB are:
b Data Change: the Report is triggered by changes to the data
b Quality Change: the Report is triggered by quality changes
b Periodic: the Report is triggered periodically, according to an Integrity period you
After completing the definition of the RCB in the dialog interface, the changes to the
RCB are reflected in the current SCL file and the CET850 display is updated: a newly
created RCB is displayed in the tree view and a deleted RCB is removed from the
tree view. The settings of the RCB are updated in the property view.

Adjusting the dead band of measurements

Sepam produces a lot of measurements that are accessible via the IEC 61850
communication interface as Measured Values (MV) and Complex Measured Values
To optimize the network bandwidth, it is possible to create a Dataset of
measurements and to send it on data changes only, rather than periodically.
Sepam and CET850 use the dead band parameter (db) defined by the IEC 61850
standard for the MV and CMV to control the conditions for generating reports.
CET850 allows you to set the dead band of each value for MV and CMV data
produced by Sepam. If the data is associated with a Dataset and an RCB with the
Data change trigger option, a report will be generated only when the value of the data
exceeds the dead band. If the data change is less than the dead band, no report will
be generated.

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IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

Create, modify or delete a GOOSE Control Block (GoCB)

The GOOSE message service is an efficient real-time communication service for
peer-to-peer exchanges between IEDs.
A GOOSE Control Block (GoCB) defines the way a Dataset is transmitted in a
GOOSE message. A GoCB can only be created inside the Logical Node 0 (LLN0).
The capabilities of an IED regarding the configuration of GoCBs are defined in its ICD
file. For Sepam devices, only Sepam series 60 and Sepam series 80 IEDs implement
the GOOSE communication service.
By default, each Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80 IED provides 1 GoCB defined
in the LLN0. This GoCB is pre-defined in each Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80
ICD file. It is named gcbBasicGse and is associated with the BasicGseDs Dataset.
This default GoCB can be modified by the user and new GoCBs can be added,
depending on the capabilities of the IED.

CET850 provides a specific dialog interface to create or modify a GOOSE Control

Block. When creating a GoCB, CET850 prompts the user for a name and description.
A specific dialog interface allows the user to select the Dataset to be transmitted as
a GOOSE message. Then, the user needs to enter the settings for publishing the
GOOSE message. This includes:
b multicast address the GOOSE message must be transmitted to
b time for the first reiteration of the GOOSE message
b maximum period of production (heartbeat cycle time)

After completing the definition of the GoCB in the dialog interface, the changes to the
GoCB are reflected in the current SCL file and the CET850 display is updated: a
newly created GoCB is displayed in the tree view and a deleted GoCB is removed
from the tree view. The GoCB settings are displayed in the property view.

Subscribe to GOOSE messages and assign Sepam GOOSE

The capability of a Sepam IED to receive GOOSE messages is defined in its ICD file.
In this case, a GOOSE Receive element is defined at the beginning of the IED

section, in the tree view displayed by CET850. For Sepam devices, only Sepam
series 60 and Sepam series 80 IEDs implement the GOOSE communication service.
Editing the GOOSE Receive element allows the user to:
b select the GOOSE messages and the data to which the IED must subscribe
b assign the subscribed data to Sepam GOOSE inputs.

CET850 provides a specific dialog interface to edit the GOOSE Receive. The dialog
is organized in 2 parts:
b GOOSE message and data subscription
b Sepam GOOSE Inputs assignment
GOOSE message and data subscription
This dialog interface displays the list of all GOOSE messages produced on the
GOOSE Receive element.
network and allows you to select the ones the IED must receive. Each GOOSE
message can be expanded to see its content: the Dataset conveyed by the GOOSE
message is displayed up to the final Data Attributes (DA). The dialog interface allows
you to select which DA you want to subscribed to.

Sepam GOOSE Inputs assignment

This dialog interface allows you to assign the subscribed DAs to the Sepam GOOSE

Sepam provides 32 GOOSE inputs that can be used as binary inputs by Sepam
control logic functions:
b 31 GOOSE Inputs, named G401 to G416 and G501 to G515, are free for
b GOOSE Input G516 is reserved for the ACE850 module presence detection.
An assignment table gives in rows the list of all the subscribed DAs and in column
the list of the Sepam GOOSE inputs to which the DAs can be assigned/de-assigned.
Assignment/de-assignment is done by selecting the appropriate cells in the table.
Several DAs can be assigned to the same Sepam GOOSE input. In this case, Sepam
applies a wired-OR logic operation to these DAs.

Sepam GOOSE Inputs assignment.

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IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

Create, modify or delete a Log Control Block (LCB)

1 A Log Control Block (LCB) defines which data values and when these data values
are to be stored in the log.
CET850 provides a specific dialog box to create or edit a LCB depending of the
capabilities of the IED.
When creating a LCB, CET850 prompts you for its name and description.
The LCB identification attributes and parameters can be completed according to the
description below.
b The associated dataset can be chosen thanks to a list.
b Log Attributes
v LD inst: the name of the logical device where the log resides. If missing, it refers
to the LD in which the LCB is located.
v Log Name: the name of the log. The log element shall exist and can't be added nor
In edition 1, LD inst and Log Name are set with default values and can't be modified.
In edition 2, LD inst and Log Name are chosen in list box.
b Integrity Period: time to periodically create the log, in ms.
b Trigger conditions: the reasons for storing a log entry into the log. The reasons
may be:
v dchg: report triggers on data change,
v qchg : report triggers on quality change,
v dupd : report triggers on data update
v period: report triggers periodically according to the integrity period defined above.
To set an attribute, click the corresponding attribute value and select true or false in
the combo box.
b Optional Attributes:
v logEna: select true to enable the logging process, false to disable it
v reasonCode: select true to store the reason code for the event trigger into the log.

After validation, the changes are reflected in the current SCL file and the CET850
display is updated: a newly created LCB is displayed in the tree view and a deleted
LCB is removed from the tree view. The content of the LCB is updated in the property

For edition 1, ACE850 allows only one Log file (in Logical Device LD0) and only one Log Control
For edition 2, ACE850 allows only one Log file (in Logical node LLN0 and Logical Device LD0)
and only one Log Control Blocks.
Logging is not supported by ECI850.

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IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

Generating CID files

When an SCD file is open, CET850 generates of the CID file of a specific IED or all
the CID files for all IEDs defined in the SCD file.

Generating a CID file

This function is available when an IED is selected from the tree view and when this
IED is connected to a subnet. A specific dialog interface box asks you to enter the
location and the name of the output CID file. By default, the name of the CID file is
based on the name of the IED.

Generating all CID files

This function is available when the SCD file includes at least one IED that is
connected to a subnet. A specific dialog interface box asks you to enter the location
of the output CID files.
The name of each CID file is based on the name of the IED.

Editing a CID file

CET850 allows the editing of an existing CID file.
This CID file is an advanced configuration file generated during a previous use of
CET850, or a standard configuration file generated by SFT2841.
When editing the CID file of an ECI850, you can use all of the advanced editing
Editing a GOOSE Control Block or the Dataset functions described below:
associated to a GoCB may lead to incoherence with the b Add, remove a Logical Device inside the ECI850
definition of the GOOSE message expected by the b Create, modify or delete a Dataset
consumer IEDs. Therefore it is recommended to deal b Create, modify or delete a Report Control Block
b Adjust the dead band of the measurements
with GOOSE configuration when editing an SCD file,
and not a CID file.
When editing the CID file of a Sepam series 40, Sepam series 60, or
Modifying the GOOSE subscription requires to have
Sepam series 80, you can use all of the advanced editing functions described below:
the description of the IEDs that publish GOOSE
b Create, modify or delete a Dataset
messages. Therefore when editing a CID file, CET850
b Create, modify or delete a Report Control Block
does not allow modifying the GOOSE Receive element
b Adjust the dead band of the measurements
of the IED.
b Create, modify or delete a GOOSE Control Block (for Sepam series 60 or
Sepam series 80)

Validating an SCL file

The Validate function includes 2 kinds of verification:
b Verification of the structure and content of the SCL file
The Substation Configuration Language is based on XML. The structure and content
of an SCL files is fully specified by the IEC 61850 standard using an XML Schema
(XSD files).
CET850 is delivered with the set of XSD files defined by the IEC 61850 standard.
Using the Xerces parser, CET850 checks the validity of SCL files against the
IEC 61850 XML Schema.
b Verification of the consistency of the GOOSE communication
The Dataset sent via GOOSE messages must meet a specific size constraint.
The data sent by a producer IED must be consistent with the data expected and
subscribed by the consumer IED.
CET850 checks the size and the consistency of the data exchanged via GOOSE

CET850 provides 2 ways to validate an SCL file:

b Schema validation
b Validation at file saving

Automatic validation is enabled or disabled using a specific option in the CET850

User Preferences.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 49
IEC 61850 Configuration of IEC 61850
communication protocol
With CET850 configuration software

Export to SFT2841
SFT2841 is the setting tool for Sepam devices. It gives access to Sepam devices via
1 Ethernet TCP/IP and may be used to identify the Sepam devices connected to the
network and to load the associated CID files.
For that purpose, SFT2841 uses a configuration file named "NET file" which
b the IP address of each Sepam,
b the reference to its CID file,
b the identification of the originating ICD file from the Sepam ICD library.

When an SCD file is open, the Export to SFT2841 function allows you to generate
the NET file and the CID files for all the connected IEDs defined in the SCD file. This
function is available when the SCD file contains at least one connected IED.

A specific dialog interface prompts you to enter the location of the NET file. The name
of the NET file is the same as the name of the SCD file, with the .scd extension
changed to .net. The NET file is created in the specified output directory.
A CID sub-directory which contains all the CID files for the IED declared in the NET
file is created.
The Export to SFT2841 provides a ready-to-use NET file for SFT2841 that allows
addressing Sepam easily for CID transfer (see below).

Transferring a CID file

A CID file contains all the IEC 61850 configuration information needed for a Sepam
or an ECI850. The transfer of a CID file is performed on Ethernet TCP/IP and based
on FTP protocol. There are 2 ways to transfer a CID file to Sepam or ECI850:
b Transfer with SFT2841: the transfer is done using the function "Load CID file to
b Simple copy with a standard Internet browser connected to the IP address of the
Sepam or ECI850 Sepam server.
In both cases the user has to log onto the device with an authorized username and

The use of the Export to SFT2841 function provided by CET850 makes the transfer
process by SFT2841 easier for a complete IEC 61850 installation described by an
SCD file and when several CID files are to be loaded in several Sepam devices (see
The Export to SFT2841 provides a ready-to-use NET file for SFT2841 that allows
addressing Sepam easily for CID transfer. Once the Export to SFT2841 is
completed, you can open the NET file using SFT2841. All connected Sepam devices
defined in the originating SCD file are displayed in a table along with their IP address
and the reference to their CID file. To load a CID file into a device, select the device
from the devices table and follow the instructions given on page 40.

The CID file is copied at the root of the file system within the device:
ftp://<ip address>/.
A back-up copy of the previous CID file is automatically created in the directory
ftp://<ip address>/bak. You can revert to the previous configuration by copying the
back-up file to its previous location.
After the CID file has been correctly transferred, it is automatically taken into account
and used by the Sepam or ECI850.

50 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of GOOSE
communication communication
GOOSE configuration process

GOOSE communication is implemented by Sepam series 60 and Sepam series 80

fitted with ACE850 communication interface.

To configure the GOOSE communication, the following software are used:

b CET850 software to configure GOOSE communication in the IEC 61850 system
b SFT2841 software to assign GOOSE Inputs to Sepam control and monitoring
b As an option, SFT2885 software (Logipam) to design fully customized and
extended control logic functions.

Configuration using CET850 software

Configuring GOOSE communication involves first configuring the publisher that
sends the messages and then the subscriber that receives the messages.
The GOOSE communication configuration is saved in an SCD file.
Adding a GOOSE Control Block. Configuration at Sepam GOOSE publisher side
1. Create a Dataset. You can use the predefined BasicGseDs Dataset from the
Sepam ICD file, adapt it to meet your application needs or create a new one.
2. Create a GOOSE Control Block to define the publishing of the Dataset as a
GOOSE message on the communication network.

There are no specific output variables for GOOSE communication and any data
produced by Sepam may be put into a Dataset to be sent via a GOOSE message.
Nevertheless, only data from the following types are relevant for GOOSE
communication between Sepam devices: Single Point Status (SPS), Double Point
Status (DPS) and Quality.

Any Dataset may be attached to a GOOSE Control Block provided its size is
compatible with the size of an Ethernet frame. When creating a Dataset, CET850
calculates the size of the Dataset and informs you if it is GOOSE compatible or not.
When creating a GOOSE Control Block, CET850 allows the selection of GOOSE
compatible Datasets only.

Configuration at Sepam subscriber side

1. Select from the published GOOSE messages which Data Attributes (DAs) the
device shall subscribe to.
2. Assign subscribed DAs to Sepam GOOSE Inputs.
Sepam provides 32 GOOSE inputs that can be used as binary inputs by Sepam
control logic functions:
b 31 GOOSE Inputs, named G401 to G416 and G501 to G515, are free for
b GOOSE Input G516 is reserved for the ACE850 module presence detection.
Assignment table
The subscribed DAs are assigned to Sepam GOOSE inputs in an assignment table.
The assignment table gives in rows the list of all the subscribed DAs and in column
GOOSE subscription. the list of the Sepam GOOSE inputs to which the DAs can be assigned/de-assigned.
Assignment/de-assignment is done by selecting the appropriate cells in the table.
Several DAs can be assigned to the same Sepam GOOSE input. In this case, Sepam
applies a wired-OR logic operation to these DAs.
Quality attributes
2 specific attributes, QR and QD, are available for each GOOSE message. They can
be assigned to a GOOSE Input to provide information about the timing and
consistency of the message received:
b QR: Quality Reception
If at run time the QR attribute is set to 1, this means that the GOOSE message was
not received in the expected time.
b QD: Dataset consistency
If at run time the QD attribute is set to 1, this means that the structure of the GOOSE
message is not as expected at subscription time.
Assigning GOOSE Inputs.
Export to SFT2841
When the GOOSE configuration is completed both at publisher and subscriber side,
run the Export to SFT2841 function in order to generate from the SCD file, the CID
files and the appropriate NET configuration file to be used with SFT2841 (see
page 50).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 51
IEC 61850 Configuration of GOOSE
communication communication
GOOSE configuration process

Configuration using SFT2841 software

SFT2841 software is used to configure the ACE850 communication interface and to
1 assign the Sepam GOOSE inputs to control and monitoring functions.

Follow the steps described below:

Configuring the ACE850 communication interface

1. Open the Sepam configuration window in SFT2841,
2. Select the Ethernet communication port
3. Configure the ACE850 communication interface (see page 20).

SFT2841: Sepam series 80 hardware configuration.

Assigning the Sepam GOOSE inputs to control and monitoring

Once the ACE850 communication interface is configured, the GOOSE tab in the
Sepam configuration window becomes available.

Select the GOOSE tab to display the GOOSE inputs assignment window.

For each GOOSE input G401 to G416 and G501 to G515, select in the list box a
control and monitoring function which the GOOSE input shall be assigned to. The
control and monitoring functions available depend on the Sepam application type
and are listed in the table below.
A GOOSE input can also be assigned to customized control and monitoring functions
designed with SFT2885 software (used to create Logipam programs). In this case,
select the Other use option in the assignment list box.

GOOSE input G516 is always assigned to the ACE850 module presence detection.
This assignment cannot be changed.
SFT2841: Sepam series 80 GOOSE Inputs assignment.
The control logic of each GOOSE input can be inverted by clicking the associated
Neg cell (Negative).

Available functions for GOOSE Inputs assignment

The following tables list for each Sepam series 60 and Sepam series 80 application,
the pre-defined control and monitoring functions that can be assigned to GOOSE
Assignment with Sepam series 60
Functions S60 S62 T60 T62 G60 G62 M61 C60 Assignment
Blocking reception 1 b b b b b b Free
Blocking reception 2 b b b Free
External trip 2 b b b b b b b b Free
Inhibit closing b b b b b b b b Free
Load shedding request b b b b b b b b Free
GOOSE reception fault b b b b b b b b Free
GOOSE reception indicator b b b b b b b b Free
Other use b b b b b b b b Free
ACE850 presence b b b b b b b b G516

Assignment with Sepam series 80

Functions S80 S81 S82 S84 T81 T82 M87 M81 G87 G82 B80 B83 C86 Assignment
T87 M88 G88
Blocking reception 1 b b b b b b b b b b Free
Blocking reception 2 b b b b b Free
External trip 2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b Free
Inhibit closing b b b b b b b b b b b b b Free
Load shedding request b b b Free
GOOSE reception fault b b b b b b b b b b b b b Free
GOOSE reception indicator b b b b b b b b b b b b b Free
Other use b b b b b b b b b b b b b Free
ACE850 presence b b b b b b b b b b b b b G516

52 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of GOOSE
communication communication
GOOSE configuration process

Standard GOOSE inputs assignment

The following table describes the standard GOOSE inputs assignment obtained with
SFT2841 when clicking the Standard assignments button.

Functions Standard assignment Application

Blocking reception 1 G401 All except
M61, C60, M87,
M81, M88, C86
Blocking reception 2 G402 S62, T62, S82, S84,
T82, T87, G87, G82,
External trip 2 G403 All
Inhibit closing G404 All

All other GOOSE inputs are automatically marked "Not used".

SFT2841: "Standard assignments" and "Assign to other use"


GOOSE inputs assignment to Logipam control and monitoring

To assign a GOOSE input to a customized control and monitoring function (Logipam
program), select the Other use option in the assignment list box of the GOOSE input.

All GOOSE inputs that are not yet assigned to any function (marked "Not used") can
be assigned to a Logipam program by clicking the Assign to other use button.

Using GOOSE in the control matrix

All Sepam GOOSE inputs, whether assigned to predefined functions or customized
Logipam programs, can be used in the control matrix. The Sepam GOOSE inputs, in
the same way as wired logic inputs, can be connected to wired logic outputs or a LED
on the front of the Sepam or a message on the local Sepam display.
Note: Sepam GOOSE inputs cannot be used in logical equations.

SFT2841: Using GOOSE Inputs in the control matrix.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 53
IEC 61850 Configuration of GOOSE
communication communication
GOOSE configuration process

Using SFT2885 (Sepam series 80 only)

Logipam Inputs
1 All Sepam GOOSE inputs can be used with SFT2885 software as binary input
variables for the Logipam program in ladder language.
Sepam GOOSE inputs G401 to G416 and G501 to G515 are handled in the same
way as wired logic inputs I1xx, I2xx and I3xx from the 3 Sepam MES120 modules:
b They are divided between 2 binary input virtual modules: G4xx and G5xx
b They can be used only in the program contact zone.
b They are updated at the start of each program execution cycle.
b They can be given a name and a comment.
For more details about SFT2885, refer to Logipam User's Manual
The logic inputs used only in Logipam should be assigned as Other use in
SFT2841. A GOOSE input that is declared unused in SFT2841 is always set to 0.
If a name has been allocated to the GOOSE input in Logipam, this name appears in
SFT2885: GOOSE Inputs in Logipam program. the input assignment table in SFT2841 instead of Other use.

Logipam Outputs
The Logipam program can set 5 types of output variables:
b Binary outputs to MES physical I/O modules)
b Remote indications (status)
b Outputs to control matrix
b Predefined outputs
b Protection inputs

Only remote indications can be put in a dataset to be sent via a GOOSE message.
Most Sepam indications are pre-assigned to protection, control and metering
functions. They are available from the Logical Node that implements the functions.
For example, the trip indication of the first instance of the time over-current protection
comes from A51_PTOC1 Logical Node and is named A51_PTOC1.Op.general.
Some Sepam indications are totally free and can be used without restriction by
Logipam program. They are specifically named Logipam indications and are defined
in the LGP_GGIO1 Logical Node.
8 Logipam indications are available, named LGP_GGIO1.Ind1 to LGP_GGIO1.Ind8.
Pre-assigned Sepam indications can be re-assigned by the Logipam program if
SFT2885: Variables window (Remote indication tab). necessary to answer the needs of your installation. When an indication is used by a
Logipam program, it is no longer assigned to a predefined function and its meaning
is determined by the Logipam program.
64 Sepam indications are specifically defined for that purpose. They are available
from a generic Logical Node named S80RI_GGIO1. These indications are named
S80RI_GGIO1.TS1 to S80RI_GGIO1.TS64.

The IEC 61850 name of Sepam indications in SFT2885 software can be obtained in
the Variables window (Remote indications tab)
When editing a program in the Diagram window, the IEC 61850 name of Sepam
variable is also given:
b by a tool tip displayed when you point to the variable with the mouse;
SFT2885: IEC 61850 name of a variable in tool tip and b by a specific dialog box that opens when you double-click on the variable
parameter setting dialog box.

54 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Configuration of GOOSE
communication communication
Testing GOOSE communication

When using GOOSE communication between devices, it is important to verify that all
collaborating devices have a consistent IEC 61850 configuration which ensures that
each producer device sends the correct GOOSE message as expected by the
receiver devices.
Sepam and SFT2841 software provide an easy way to check the GOOSE
communication at installation time and at run time. The GOOSE Test function is
available when SFT2841 is connected to Sepam. This function is used to:
b Display the current state of Sepam GOOSE inputs at Sepam subscriber side
b Force the emission of GOOSE messages at Sepam producer side

Displaying the current state of the Sepam


GOOSE inputs
Open the Sepam diagnosis window and select the Input, Output and LED status
tab. The window displays the current state (0 or 1) of the 32 Sepam GOOSE Inputs:
each GOOSE Input is displayed by a coloured cell with its name G401 to G416 and
G501 to G516. State 0 is displayed by a grey colour cell while state 1 is displayed by
a yellow colour cell.

Forcing GOOSE message emission

Forcing GOOSE message emission can be done by:
b Forcing specific GOOSE Test Data Objects
b Forcing Sepam status

SFT2841: Sepam diagnosis Input, Output and LED status. Forcing specific GOOSE Test Data Objects
Sepam provides 4 specific Single Point Status Data Objects for testing GOOSE
communication. These DOs are defined in GSE_GGIO1 Logical Node and are

named GSE_GGIO1.Test1 to GSE_GGIO1.Test4.

Each Test DO can be added to a GOOSE Dataset and then used to trigger the
emission of the GOOSE message. To check that the GOOSE message is received
by the expected Sepam, the GOOSE Test DO can be attached at the Sepam
subscriber side to a GOOSE input to switch-on a LED or generate a message on the
Sepam front display. The GOOSE input state can be also obtained using another PC
running SFT2841 software and displaying the Input, Output and LED status
window as described above.
By default, each GOOSE Test DO is set to 0. To set manually each Test DO to 1
using SFT2841, follow the procedure below:
1. In the Input, Output and LED status window, click the Testing GOOSE
button. The GOOSE Test window opens.
2. Select the Test DOs to be forced by checking the corresponding check-boxes
SFT2841: Forcing GOOSE Test Data Objects.
located at the top of the window.
3. Select the forcing duration from 50 ms to 999 s in the Test duration list box.
4. Click the Test button to force the selected Test DOs for the specified forcing

Forcing Sepam status

The GOOSE Test window includes a grid that displays the current state of 240 Single
Point Status (SPS) generated by Sepam. The current state of the status is given by

the cell color:

b grey means state 0
b yellow means state 1
Each cell contains the internal identifier of the Sepam SPS (from 1 to 240).
If the Sepam status corresponds to an IEC 61850 Data Object, a tool tip displays the
IEC 61850 name when the mouse pointer is placed over the cell.
When some SPS are defined as member of a Dataset for GOOSE communication,
you can trigger the emission of the GOOSE message by changing the state of the
To force the Sepam status, follow the procedure below:
1. Select the state of all the desired SPS in the grid:
b To select state 1, click the corresponding cell once: the cell blinks orange.
b To select state 0, click the corresponding cell twice: the cell blinks white.
SFT2841: Forcing Sepam status. b To deselect the cell and keep the current state unchanged, click 3 times: the cell
stops blinking and is colored according to the current state of the SPS.
2. Select the forcing duration from 50 ms to 999 s in the Test duration list box.
3. Click the Test button to force the selected SPS for the specified forcing duration.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 55
IEC 61850 Configuration of GOOSE
communication communication
Testing GOOSE communication

Monitoring GOOSE communication at

Sepam subscriber side
1 Several indications are specifically available to check that GOOSE communication is
fully operational at run time. All these indications can be used in any monitoring

function to generate alarms or to switch-on a LED on Sepam front panel.

Check of ACE850 module presence

This indication is available as GOOSE input G516. It is set to 0 if ACE850 module is
off-line or not installed, or not correctly defined in the Sepam series 60 or
Sepam series 80 hardware configuration.

SFT2841: ACE850 presence assigned to G516.

Check of GOOSE message reception

For each expected GOOSE message, 2 specific attributes QR and QD are available

allowing the receiver Sepam to check that the timing and the consistency of the
received GOOSE message are correct.
QR and QD attributes can be assigned to any Sepam GOOSE inputs G401-G416
and G501-516.
b QR: Quality Reception
At run time, the QR attribute is set to 1 to inform that the GOOSE message was not
received in the expected time.
b QD: Dataset consistency
At run time, the QD attribute is set to 1 to inform that the structure of the received
GOOSE message is not as expected at subscription time.

CET850: assigning QR and QD attributes.

56 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)

This chapter describes conformity with IEC 61850 Edition 1.0. It does not describe
the standard itself, but only the choices that have been made in the Sepam
implementation of the standard, in terms of services, modeling, exceptions,
extensions and adaptations.
The conformance statement is made up of the following documents:
b ACSI conformance statement: this document describes the abstract
communication services interface (which services are implemented). These services
are mapped to specific communication services (SCSM) described in the PICS.
b MICS (Model Implementation Conformance Statement): describes how the
information model is implemented.
b PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement): describes choices
made in protocol implementation. Many of these choices are implied by the ACSI
conformance statement.
b PIXIT (Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing): gives any additional
implementation specific information not found in the previous standardized
documents. Despite the name, these informations are useful for operation of the
b TICS (Technical Issues Conformance Statement): describes how the device
behaves regarding identified technical issues.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 57
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
ACSI conformance statement

ACSI basic conformance statement

Client / Server / Value /
1 Client-server roles
subscriber publisher comments

B11 Server side (of TWO-PARTY b

The Abstract Communication Services Interface is B12 Client side of (TWO-PARTY
defined by part 7-2 of IEC 61850. APPLICATION-
It provides: ASSOCIATION)
b the specification of a basic information model, SCSMs supported
b the specification of information exchange service B21 SCSM: IEC 61850-8-1 used b
models. B22 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-1 used
B23 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-2 used
These conformance statement tables are as defined by B24 SCSM: other
Annex A of IEC 61850-7-2. Generic substation event model (GSE)
B31 Publisher side b (1)

B32 Subscriber side b (1)

Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)

B41 Publisher side
B42 Subscriber side
(1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

ACSI service conformance statement

Services AA: Client / Server / Value /
TP/MC subscriber publisher comments
Server (Clause 6)
S1 ServerDirectory TP b
Application association (Clause 7)
S2 Associate b
S3 Abort b
S4 Release b
Logical device (Clause 8)
S5 LogicalDeviceDirectory TP b
Logical node (Clause 9)
S6 LogicalNodeDirectory TP b
S7 GetAllDataValues TP b
Data (Clause 10)
S8 GetDataValues TP b
S9 SetDataValues TP
S10 GetDataDirectory TP b
S11 GetDataDefinition TP b
Data set (Clause 11)
S12 GetDataSetValues TP b
S13 SetDataSetValues TP
S14 CreateDataSet TP
S15 DeleteDataSet TP
S16 GetDataSetDirectory TP b
Substitution (Clause 12)
S17 SetDataValues TP
Setting group control (Clause 13)
S18 SelectActiveSG TP b
S19 SelectEditSG TP
S20 SetSGValues TP
S21 ConfirmEditSGValues TP
S22 GetSGValues TP
S23 GetSGCBValues TP b
Reporting (Clause 14)
Buffered Report Control Block (BRCB)
S24 Report TP b
S24-1 data-change (dchg) b
Nota : S24-2 quality-change (dchg) b
AA: Application Association S24-3 data-update (dupd) b
TP: Two Party
S25 GetBRCBValues TP b
MC: Multi Cast
b: supported S26 SetBRCBValues TP b

58 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
ACSI conformance statement

ACSI service conformance statement (cont.)

Services AA: Client / Server / Value /
TP/MC subscriber publisher comments
Unbuffered Report Control Block (URCB)
S27 Report TP b (1)

S27-1 data-change (dchg) b (1)

S27-2 quality-change (qchg) b (1)

S27-3 data-update (dupd) b (1)

S28 GetURCBValues TP b (1)

S29 SetURCBValues TP b (1)

Logging (Clause 14)

Log Control Block
S30 GetLCBValues TP b (2)

S31 SetLCBValues TP b (2)

S32 QueryLogByTime TP b (2)

S33 QueryLogAfter TP b (2)

S34 GetLogStatusValues TP b (2)

Generic substation event model (GSE) (Clause 15)

GOOSE Control Block
S35 SendGOOSEMessage MC b ACE850 only
S36 GetReference TP
S37 GetGOOSEElementNumber TP
S38 GetGoCBValues TP b ACE850 only
S39 SetGoCBValues TP b ACE850 only
GSSE Control Block
S40 SendGSSEMessage MC
S41 GetReference TP
S42 GetGSSEElementNumber TP
S43 GetGsCBValues TP
S44 SetGsCBValues TP
Transmission of sampled values model (SVC) (Clause 16)
Multicast SVC
S45 SendMSVMessage MC
S46 GetMSVCBValues TP
S47 SetMSVCBValues TP
Unicast SVC
S48 SendUSVMessage TP
S49 GetUSVCBValues TP
S50 SetUSVCBValues TP
Control (Clause 17)
S51 Select TP
S52 SelectWithValue TP b
S53 Cancel TP b
S54 Operate TP b
S55 CommandTermination TP b without
S56 TimeActivatedOperate TP
File transfer (Clause 20)
S57 GetFile TP b
S58 SetFile TP
S59 DeleteFile TP
S60 GetFileAttributeValues TP b
Time (Clause 18)
Nota : T1 clock resolution of internal clock class T1
AA: Application Association (nearest value of 2-n in seconds)
TP: Two Party T2 Time accuracy of internal clock
MC: Multi Cast
T3 Supported TimeStamp resolution class T1
b: supported
(nearest value of 2-n in seconds)
(1) With ECI850, supported only from version V1.25.
(2) ACE850: supported from version 2.0, ECI850: not supported.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 59
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
ACSI conformance statement

ACSI model conformance statement

Client / Server / Value /
1 If server side (B11) supported
subscriber publisher comments

M1 Logical device b
M2 Logical node b
M3 Data b
M4 Data set b
M5 Substitution
M6 Setting group control b Active SG only
M7 Buffered report control b
M7-1 sequence-number b
M7-2 report- time-stamp b
M7-3 reason-for-inclusion b
M7-4 data-set-name b
M7-5 data-reference b
M7-6 buffer-overflow b
M7-7 EntryId b
M7-8 BufTm b
M7-9 IntgPd b
M7-10 GI b
M7-11 Conf revision b
M8 Unbuffered report control b (1)

M8-1 sequence-number b (1)

M8-2 report- time-stamp b (1)

M8-3 reason-for-inclusion b (1)

M8-4 data-set-name b (1)

M8-5 data-reference b (1)

M8-6 BufTm b (1)

M8-7 IntgPd b (1)

M8-8 GI b (1)

M8-9 Conf revision b (1)

M9 Log Control
M9-1 IntgPd
M10 Log
M11 Control b
If GSE (B31/B32) supported
M12 GOOSE b b ACE850 only
If SVC (B41/B42) supported
M14 Multicast SVC
M15 Unicast SVC
M16 Time b
M17 File Transfer b
(1) With ECI850, supported only from version V1.25.

Nota :
b: supported

60 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Model conformance
The Model conformance of each particular Sepam device is described by its ICD file.
The following descriptions are general descriptions that apply to all Sepam devices.
Extensions to the IEC 61850 data model belong to the "Sepam series 20/40/60/80"
Logical Node name space.
The information model is defined by parts 7-3 and 7-4
of IEC 61850. Common data attributes classes
It provides: The following tables list which fields is found in each Common Data Attribute Class
b the specification of the Logical Nodes used to model (CDAC). Fields not found in these tables are optional (O) or conditional (C) fields not
substation devices and functions, supported by Sepam devices. Mandatory fields (M) are always present.
b the specification of Common Data Classes and
Common Data Attribute Classes used in the Logical
Nodes. Quality
Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C Comments
validity CODED ENUM good | invalid | questionable M Supported
detailQual PACKED LIST M Supported
overflow BOOLEAN DEFAULT : FALSE M Defaulted
outOfRange BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
badReference BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
oscillatory BOOLEAN DEFAULT : FALSE M Defaulted
failure BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
inconsistent BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
inaccurate BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
source CODED ENUM process | substituted M Defaulted
DEFAULT : process
operatorBlocked BOOLEAN DEFAULT : FALSE M Defaulted

Analogue value
Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C
f FLOAT32 floating point value C

Configuration of analogue value

Common data attribute class not supported.

Range configuration
Common data attribute class not supported.

Step position with transient indication

Common data attribute class not supported.

Pulse configuration
Common data attribute class not supported.

Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C
orCat ENUMERATED See IEC 61850-7-3 M

Unit definition
Common data attribute class not supported.

Context specific integer. The type depends on the data object.
For Mod, Beh, Health, PhyHealth, EEHealth and AutoRecSt data objects, the type is
ENUMERATED, otherwise, the type is INT32.

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 61
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Vector definition
Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C

1 mag

Point definition
Common data attribute class not supported.

CtlModels definition
Attribute value Comment
status-only not controllable SPC, DPC and INC
direct-with-normal-security controllable SPC and INC
direct-with-enhanced-security not supported
sbo-with-normal-security not supported
sbo-with-enhanced-security controllable DPC

SboClasses definition
Attribute value Comment
operate-many not supported

Common data classes

The following tables list which attributes is found in each Common Data Class
(CDC). Attributes not found in these tables are optional (O) or conditional (C)
attributes not supported by Sepam devices. Mandatory attributes (M) are always

Single point status (SPS)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data

Double point status (DPS)

Common data class not supported.

Integer status (INS)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
stVal CtxInt ST M
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data

Protection activation information (ACT)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
general BOOLEAN ST M
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

62 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Directional protection activation information (ACD)
Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
general BOOLEAN ST M
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M

Security violation counting (SEC)

Common data class not supported.

Binary counter reading (BCR)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
actVal INT128 ST M The range of such variables
never exceeds 32 bits. They are
therefore transmitted as INT32
values (as allowed by ASN.1
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
pulsQty FLOAT32 CF M read-only

Measured value (MV)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
mag AnalogueValue MX M
q Quality MX M
t TimeStamp MX M
db INT32U CF O read-only
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data objects

Complex measured value (CMV)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
cVal Vector MX M
q Quality MX M
t TimeStamp MX M
db INT32U CF O read-only

Sampled value (SAV)

Common data class not supported.

Data name Data class FC M/O/C Comments
phsA CMV C
phsB CMV C
phsC CMV C
neut CMV C for some objects only
res CMV C for some objects only

Delta (DEL)
Data name Data class FC M/O/C Comments

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 63
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Sequence (SEQ)
Data name Data class FC M/O/C Comments

1 c1
c2 CMV M

Harmonic value (HMV)

Common data class not supported.

Harmonic value for WYE (HWYE)

Common data class not supported.

Harmonic value for DEL (HDEL)

Common data class not supported.

Controllable single point (SPC)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
q Quality ST C
t TimeStamp ST C
ctlModel CtlModels CF C read-only
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data objects

Controllable double point (DPC)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
ctlModel CtlModels CF C read-only
sboTimeout INT32U CF C read-only
sboClass SboClasses CF C read-only

Controllable integer status (INC)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
ctlVal CtxInt CO C
stVal CtxInt ST M
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
ctlModel CtlModels CF C read-only

Binary controlled step position information (BSC)

Common data class not supported.

Integer controlled step position information (ISC)

Common data class not supported.

Controllable analog set point information (APC)

Common data class not supported.

Single point setting (SPG)

Common data class not supported.

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

64 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Integer status setting (ING)
Common data class not supported.

Analogue setting (ASG)

Common data class not supported.

Setting curve (CURVE)

Common data class not supported.

Device name plate (DPL)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
model VISIBLE STRING255 DC O Sepam application
location VISIBLE STRING255 DC O Same as SNMP location

Logical node name plate (LPL)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
swRev VISIBLE STRING255 DC M Sepam version
d VISIBLE STRING255 DC M LLN0: Sepam label
Other LN: not used
configRev VISIBLE STRING255 DC C LLN0 only

Curve shape description (CSD)

Common data class not supported.

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 65
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical device
1 The IEC 61850 server inside the ECI850 contains the following logical devices:

ECI850 b A logical device dedicated to the ECI850 unit itself. This logical device contains
IEC 61850 server only LLN0 and LPHD logical nodes.
ECI LD1 LD2 LDn b A logical device for each Sepam unit connected to the ECI850.The content of this
Proxy = 0 Proxy = 1 Proxy = 1 Proxy = 1 logical device is defined by the Sepam type, as described by its ICD file.
The PROXY attribute of the LPHD logical node is set to TRUE for Sepam logical
ECI850 logical devices name
The name of the logical devices is freely assigned at configuration time, using
SFT2841 or CET850 tools, except for the ECI850 logical device which has a fixed
name of "ECI".
ECI850 logical devices.
ACE850 is a communication accessory. It is not modelled in the IEC 61850 server.

ACE850 A single logical device is used for each Sepam (fixed name LD0).
The content of this logical device is defined by the Sepam type, as described by its
IEC 61850 server
ICD file.
Logical nodes
Proxy = 0
The following tables list possible attributes in Logical Node (LN).
Attributes not found in these tables are optional (O) or conditional (C) attributes not
supported by Sepam devices. Mandatory attributes (M) are always present. Sepam
series 40/60/80
devices also use extension attributes (E) for some LNs.
ACE850 logical device. Logical nodes not found in this description are not supported.

System logical nodes: L group

Physical device information (LPHD class)
Attribute Attribute Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E ECI850 Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
name type series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name LPHD1 M b b b b b
PhyNam DPL Physical device name plate M b b b b b
PhyHealth INS Physical device health (1) M b b b b b
Proxy SPS Indicates if this LN is a proxy M b b b b b
PwrSupAlm SPS Power supply alarm O b b
(1) Sepam partial fault, low battery...

Logical node zero (LLN0 class)

Attribute Attribute Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E ECI850 Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
name type series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name LLN0 M b b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b b
Loc INC Local operation O b b b b
LEDRs SPC LED reset (reset Sepam) b O b b b b
ComWac SPC Communication monitoring E b (u V09xx) b (u V7.0)
PhRot SPC Set phase rotation direction (on: 123, off: 132) E b (u V8.0) b (u V8.0)
Status information
CTFlt SPS CTs fault E b b b
VTFlt SPS VTs fault E b b b
ComFlt SPS Communication fault (TS240) E b b (u V6.0)
ActSGA SPS Setting group A active E b b b b
ActSGB SPS Setting group B active E b b b b
PhRotFlt SPS Phase rotation command fault (TS239) E b (u V8.0) b (u V8.0)
Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

66 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group
Differential protections (PDIF class)
87T - Transformer differential
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A87T_PDIF1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b
Measured values
DifAClc WYE Differential Current O b
RstA WYE Restraint Current O b

87M - Machine differential

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A87M_PDIF1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b
Measured values
DifAClc WYE Differential O b
RstA WYE Restraint O b

64REF - Restricted earth fault

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A64RF_PDIF1, A64RF_PDIF2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 67
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Distance protections (PDIS class)
21B - Underimpedance
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A21B_PDIS1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Directional overpower (PDOP class)

32P - Directional active overpower
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A32P_PDOP1 M b
A32P_PDOP1, A32P_PDOP2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

32Q - Directional reactive overpower

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A32Q_PDOP1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

68 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Directional underpower (PDUP class)
37P - Directional active underpower
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A37P_PDUP1, A37P_PDUP2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

40 - Field loss
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A40_PDUP1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Rate of change of frequency (PFRC class)

81R - Rate of change of frequency
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A81R_PFRC1 M b
A81R_PFRC1, A81R_PFRC2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Ground detector (PHIZ class)

27TN/64G2 - Third harmonic undervoltage
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A64G2_PHIZ1, A64G2_PHIZ2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M b
Op ACT Operate b M b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 69
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Instantaneous overcurrent (PIOC class)
50/27 - Inadvertent energizing
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A5027_PIOC1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information b
Op ACT Operate b M b

Motor restart inhibition (PMRI class)

66 - Starts per hour
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A66_PMRI1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
StrInh SPS Restart inhibited O b b b b
StrInhTmm INS Restart inhibition time O b b b b
NumStr INS Number of starts before inhibition E b b b b

Motor starting time supervision (PMSS class)

48/51LR - Excessive starting time, locked rotor
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51LR_PMSS1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Measured Values
StrAmp MV Starting current E b b b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b O b b b b
StrTmms INS Starting time E b b b b

Phase angle measuring (PPAM class)

78PS - Pole slip
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A78PS_PPAM1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M b
Op ACT Operate b M b
Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

70 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Time overcurrent (PTOC class)
50/51 - Phase overcurrent
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51_PTOC1 to A51_PTOC4 M b b
A51_PTOC1 to A51_PTOC8 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

50N/51N, 50G/51G - Earth fault

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51N_PTOC1 to A51N_PTOC4 M b b
A51N_PTOC1 to A51N_PTOC8 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

46 - Negative sequence/unbalance
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A46_PTOC1 M b b
A46_PTOC1, A46_PTOC2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 71
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Time overcurrent (PTOC class) (cont.)
46BC - Broken conductor
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name 46BC_PTOC1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v
Op ACT Operate b M b
Measured values
MaxImbNgA MV Maximum value of negative sequence/ E b
positive sequence current ratio

51C - Capacitor bank unbalance

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51C_PTOC1 to A51C_PTOC8 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v
Op ACT Operate b M b

67 - Directional phase overcurrent

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A67_PTOC1, A67_PTOC2 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

67N/67NC - Directional earth fault

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A67N_PTOC1, A67N_PTOC2 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

72 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Overfrequency (PTOF class)
81H - Overfrequency
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A81H_PTOF1 M b
A81H_PTOF1, A81H_PTOF2 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

Overvoltage (PTOV class)

59 - Overvoltage (L-L or L-N)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A59_PTOV1, A59_PTOV2 M b b
A59_PTOV1 to A59_PTOV4 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

59N - Neutral voltage displacement

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A59N_PTOV1, A59N_PTOV2 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

47 - Negative sequence overvoltage

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A47_PTOV1 M b
A47_PTOV1, A47_PTOV2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 73
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Protection trip conditioning (PTRC class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name PTRC1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Tr ACT Trip C b b b b
ExTr1 SPS External Trip 1 E b b b
ExTr2 SPS External Trip 2 E b b b
ExTr3 SPS External Trip 3 E b b b
BlkInd1 SPS Block indication 1 sent (Logic E b b b b
BlkInd2 SPS Block indication 2 sent (Logic E b b b

Thermal overload (PTTR class)

49RMS - Thermal overload
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A49_PTTR1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b b b
Measured Values
ThmRte MV Thermal capacity used E b b b b
InhThmPro SPC Inhibit thermal protection E b b b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b
AlmThm ACT Thermal alarm O b b b b
TmResTr INS Operating time before tripping E b b b b
WaitTm INS Waiting time after tripping E b b b b

38/49T - Thermal monitoring

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A49T_PTTR1 to A49TPTTR8 M b
A49T_PTTR1 to A49TPTTR16 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health (1) M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Measured Values
Tmp MV Temperature for thermal load O b b b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b
AlmThm ACT Thermal alarm O b b b b
(1) MET148 module status

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

74 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Undercurrent (PTUC class)
37 - Phase undercurrent
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A37_PTUC1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b b
ProRs SPC Protection reset E b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

Underfrequency (PTUF class)

81L - Underfrequency
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A81L_PTUF1, A81L_PTUF2 M b
A81L_PTUF1 to A81L_PTUF4 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 75
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection
functions: P group (cont.)
Undervoltage (PTUV class)
27- Undervoltage (L-L or L-N)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27_PTUV1, A27_PTUV2 M b b
A27_PTUV1 to A27_PTUV4 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

27D - Positive sequence undervoltage

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27D_PTUV1, A27D_PTUV2 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

27R - Remanent undervoltage

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27R_PTUV1 M b b
A27R_PTUV1, A27R_PTUV2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

27S - Phase to neutral undervoltage

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27S_PTUV1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v
Op1 ACT Operate on phase A b M b
Op2 ACT Operate on phase B b M b
Op3 ACT Operate on phase C b M b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

76 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Voltage controlled time overcurrent (PVOC class)
50V/51V - Voltage restrained overcurrent
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51V_PVOC1 M b b
A51V_PVOC1, A51V_PVOC2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Volts per Hertz (PVPH class)

24 - Overfluxing
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A24_PVPH1, A24_PVPH2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
Str ACD Start v
Op ACT Operate b M b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 77
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Zero speed or underspeed (PZSU class)
14 - Underspeed
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A14_PZSU1, A14_PZSU2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Measured values
RotSpd MV Rotation speed E b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

12 - Overspeed
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A12_PZSU1, A12_PZSU2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Measured values
RotSpd MV Rotation speed E b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

78 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection related

functions: R group
Breaker failure (RBRF class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RBRF1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Status information
OpEx ACT Breaker failure trip b C b b b b

Disturbance recorder function (RDRE class)

Disturbance recorder
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RDRE1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b b b
RcdTrg SPC Trig recorder O b b b b
RcdInh SPC Inhibit recorder E b b b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (2) M b b b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not supported, always 0) M b b b b

Context recorder
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name CTX_RDRE2 (1) M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt INS Name plate M b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (2) M b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not supported, always 0) M b b
(1) Requires ACE850 or ECI850 uV2.0.
(2) RcdMade if false when no record is available and true when at least one record is present. It then goes false for a short period of time for every new record. This
allows performing new record detection through reporting of RcdMade.stVal.
The timestamp attribute of RcdMade (RcdMade.t) is meaningless and should be ignored.

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 79
EC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection related
functions: R group
Data log recorder
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name DLG_RDRE3 (1) M u V8.0 u V8.0
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt INS Name plate M b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b
RcdTrg SPC Start/Stop recorder O b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (2) M b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not supported, always 0) M b b
RcdStr SPS Recording started O b b
(1) Requires ACE850 or ECI850 u V2.0.
(2) RcdMade if false when no record is available and true when at least one record is present. It then goes false for a short period of time for every new record. This
allows performing new record detection through reporting of RcdMade.stVal.
The timestamp attribute of RcdMade (RcdMade.t) is meaningless and should be ignored.

Motor start recorder

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MOT_RDRE4 (1) M u V8.0 u V8.0
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt INS Name plate M b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b
RcdTrg SPC Trigger recorder O b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (2) M b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not supported, always 0) M b b
RcdStr SPS Recording started O b b
(1) Requires ACE850 or ECI850 u V2.0.
(2) RcdMade if false when no record is available and true when at least one record is present. It then goes false for a short period of time for every new record. This
allows performing new record detection through reporting of RcdMade.stVal.
The timestamp attribute of RcdMade (RcdMade.t) is meaningless and should be ignored.

Fault locator (RFLO class)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RFLO1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Measured values
FltZ CMV Fault impedance M b
FltDiskm MV Fault distance M b
FltPh INS Fault phase(s) E b
bit 0 = 1: phase A faulty
bit 1 = 1: phase B faulty
bit 2 = 1: phase C faulty

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

80 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection related functions:

R group (cont.)
Autoreclosing (RREC class)
Attribute Attribute type Explanation/ T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
name Value
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RREC1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b b b
Controls b b b b
BlkRec SPC Block reclosing O b b b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M v v b b
AutoRecSt INS Autoreclosing status M b b b b

Synchronism-check or synchronizing (RSYN class)

Attribute Attribute type Explanation/ T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
name Value
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RSYN1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b
Measured values
DifVClc MV Calculated difference in Voltage O b b
DifHzClc MV Calculated difference in Frequency O b b
DifAngClc MV Calculated difference of Phase O b b
InhSynChk SPC Inhibit synchronism-check E b b
Status information
Rel SPS Release M v v
VInd SPS Voltage difference indicator O b b
AngInd SPS Angle difference indicator O b b
HzInd SPS Frequency difference indicator O b b
SynPrg SPS Synchronizing in progress O b b
SynStop SPS Synchronizing stop b E b b
SynFlt SPS Synchronizing failure b E b b
Syn SPS Synchronizing successful b E b b

Logical nodes for control: C group

Switch controller (CSWI class)
Attribute Attribute type Explanation/ T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
name Value
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name CSWI1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b b b
Pos DPC Switch, general M b b b b
Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 81
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for generic reference: G
Generic automatic process control (GAPC class)
Load shedding
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name LS_GAPC1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information b b
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b
MotStrRe SPS Motor restart E b b

Generic process I/O (GGIO class)

MES114 Digital Inputs
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name M114_GGIO1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information
Ind11 to Ind14 SPS Digital Input I11 to I14 O b b
Ind21 to Ind26 SPS Digital Input I21 to I26 O b b

MES120 Digital Inputs

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name M120_GGIOn (n = 1 to 3) M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information
Ind1 to Ind14 SPS Digital Input In01 to In14 (n = 1 to O b b

Logic equations
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name EQU_GGIO1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
Ind1 to Ind8 SPS V1 to V8 O b b b
Ind101 to Ind108 SPS V_MIMIC_IN_1 to O b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

82 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for generic reference:

G group (cont.)
Generic process I/O (GGIO class) (cont.)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name LGP_GGIO1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Loc SPS Local operation O b
SPCSO1 to SPCSO8 SPC Logipam TC49 to TC56 O b
DPCSO1 DPC Logipam TC57/58 and TS41/42 O b
DPCSO2 DPC Logipam TC59/60 and TS43/44 O b
Status information
Ind1 to Ind8 SPS Logipam TS33 to TS40 O b
IntIn1 to IntIn8 INS Logipam counter C1 to C8 O b

GOOSE monitoring
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name GSE_GGIO1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Status information
G401 to G416 SPS Value of Sepam virtual inputs E b b
G401 to G416
G501 to G515 SPS Value of Sepam virtual inputs E b b
G501 to G515
Test1 to Test4 SPS Value of GOOSE test data Test1 E b b
to Test4

Sepam series 80 customized applications/remote indications

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80RI_GGIO1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
TS1 to TS64 SPS Sepam remote indication TS1 to E b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 83
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for generic reference: G group
Generic process I/O (GGIO class) (cont.)
Sepam series 80 customized applications/Logipam counters
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80CT_GGIO1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Status information
C1 to C24 SPS Logipam counters C1 to C24 E b

Sepam series 60/80 customized applications/remote controls (first group)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80RC_GGIO1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b
TC1 to TC32 SPC Remote controls TC1 to TC32 E b b

Sepam series 60/80 customized applications/remote controls (second group)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80RC_GGIO2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b
TC33 to TC64 SPC Remote controls TC33 to TC64 E b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

84 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for metering and

measurement: M group
Non phase related harmonics (MHAN class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MHAN1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Measured values
Hz MV Basic frequency C b b
ThdAmp MV Current total harmonic distortion O b b
ThdVol MV Voltage total harmonic distortion O b b

Metering (MMTR class)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMTR1 (Internal energy counters) M b b b
MMTR2 (External energy counters) M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Measured values
SupWh BCR Real energy supply O b b b
SupVArh BCR Reactive energy supply O b b b
DmdWh BCR Real energy demand O b b b
DmdVArh BCR Reactive energy demand O b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 85
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for metering and
measurement: M group (cont.)
Measurement (MMXU class)
Main channels measurements (for Sepam series 40 and Sepam series 80)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMXU1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Measured values
TotW MV Total active power O b b b
TotVAr MV Total reactive power O b b b
TotVA MV Total apparent power O b b b
TotPF MV Average power factor O b b b
Hz MV Frequency O b b b
PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages O b b b
PhV WYE Phase to ground voltages O b b b
A WYE Phase currents O b b b
W WYE Phase active power O b b
VAr WYE Phase reactive power O b b
VA WYE Phase apparent power O b b

Current channels measurements for Sepam series 20 and Sepam series 80 (additional channels)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMXU2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Measured values
A WYE Phase currents O b b

Voltage channels measurements for Sepam series 20 (B2x applications) and Sepam series 80 (additional channels)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMXU3 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b
Health INS Health M b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b
Measured values
Hz MV Frequency O b b
PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages O b b
PhV WYE Phase to ground voltages O b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

86 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for metering and

measurement: M group (cont.)
Sequence and imbalance (MSQI class)
Main channels measurements
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MSQI1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Measured values
SeqV SEQ Positive, negative and zero sequence voltage C b (1) b b b
(1) negative sequence voltage not available on Sepam series 20

Additional voltage channels measurements

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MSQI2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Measured values
SeqV SEQ Positive, negative and zero sequence voltage C b

Metering statistics (MSTA class)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MSTA1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Loc SPS Local operation O b b b b
Metered values
Max W MV Maximum real power O b b b
MaxVAr MV Maximum reactive power O b b b
AvAmps1 MV Average current phase A O b b b b
AvAmps2 MV Average current phase B O b b b b
AvAmps3 MV Average current phase C O b b b b
MaxAmps1 MV Maximum current phase A O b b b b
MaxAmps2 MV Maximum current phase B O b b b b
MaxAmps3 MV Maximum current phase C O b b b b
TrAmp1 MV Last trip current phase A E b b b b
TrAmp2 MV Last trip current phase B E b b b b
TrAmp3 MV Last trip current phase C E b b b b
TrAmp4 MV Last trip current neutral E b b b b
RsMaxA SPC Reset peak demand current E b b
RsMaxPwr SPC Reset peak demand power E b b
RsMax SPC Reset peak demand values E b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 87
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for sensors and monitoring:
S group
Insulation medium supervision (liquid) (SIML class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name SIML1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b
Health INS Health M b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b
Status information
InsAlm SPS Insulation liquid critical (=Buchholz alarm) M b b b
GasInsTr SPS Buchholz trip O b b b
PresAlm SPS Pressure alarm O b b b
PresTr SPS Pressure trip O b b b
TmpAlm SPS Thermostat alarm O b b b
TmpTr SPS Thermostat trip E b b b
ThmAlm SPS Thermistor alarm E b b b
ThmTr SPS Thermistor trip E b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

88 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for switchgear: X group

Circuit breaker (XCBR class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name XCBR1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Loc SPS Local operation M b b b b
EEHealth INS External equipment health (1) O b b b b
OpCnt INS Operation counter M b b b b
Pos DPC Switch position M b b b b
BlkOpn SPC Block opening M v v v v
BlkCls SPC Block closing M v b v v
Metered values
SumSwARs BCR Sum of switched amperes O b b b b
Status information
CBOpCap INS Circuit breaker operating capability M b b b b
OpHrsCnt INS Operating hours counter E b b b b
OpTmms INS Operating time E b b b b
ChaTms INS Charging time E b b b b
PhFltCnt INS Phase faults trip counter E b b
EFTrCnt INS Earth faults trip counter E b b
SumSwAAlm SPS Cumulative breaking current alarm E b b
CBRkdOut SPS Circuit breaker racked out E b b
RkdOutCnt INS Racking out operations counter E b b
ESwPos SPS Earthing switch position E b b
(1) SF6 alarm and Trip circuit supervision.

Logical nodes for further power system

equipment: Z group
Capacitor bank (ZCAP class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name ZCAP1 to ZCAP4 M b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b
Beh INS Behavior M b
Health INS Health M b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b
Loc SPS Local operation O b
EEHealth INS External equipment health O b
OpTmh INS Operation time O b
CapDS SPC Capacitor bank device status M b
Status information
DschBlk SPS Blocked due to discharge M v
Auto SPS Automatic operation E b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data (applies only to BOOLEAN attributes with FC=ST).
No event is generated for reporting when changing from TRUE to FALSE.
Starting with version V1.4, the Sepam ICD files library is provided with this attribute always set to FALSE.
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 89
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical Nodes per Sepam series 20
1 Logical Node
System Logical Nodes - L group
S20 S23 S24 T20 T23 T24 M20 B21 B22

LPHD1 b b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A81R_PFRC1 b
A66_PMRI1 b
A46_PTOC1 b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b
A51N_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b
A81H_PTOF1 b b
A59_PTOV1-2 b b
A59N_PTOV1-2 b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b
A49T_PTTR1-8 b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b
A81L_PTUF1-2 b b
A27_PTUV1-2 b b
A27D_PTUV1-2 b b
A27R_PTUV1 b b
A27S_PTUV1 b b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b b
RBRF1 b b b b
RREC1 b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
M114_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MMXU2 b b b b b b b
MMXU3 b b
MSQI1 b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for switchgear- X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b b

90 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical Nodes per Sepam series 40

Logical Node S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S50 S51 S52 S53 S54 T40 T42 T50 T52 M40 M41 G40
System Logical Nodes - L group
LPHD1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A32P_PDOP1 b b b b b b b b
A32Q_PDOP1 b b
A66_PMRI1 b b
A51LR_PMSS1 b b
A46_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A46BC_PTOC1 b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51N_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A67_PTOC1-2 b b b b
A67N_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b
A81H_PTOF1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A47_PTOV1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A59_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A59N_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b b b b
A49T_PTTR1-16 b b b b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b b
A81L_PTUF1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27D_PTUV1-2 b b
A27R_PTUV1 b b
A51V_PVOC1 b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
RBRF1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
RFLO1 b b b b b
RREC1 b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
EQU_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
M114_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MMTR1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMXU1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MSQI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring - S group
SIML1 b b b b
Logical Nodes for switchgear- X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 91
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical Nodes per Sepam series 60
1 Logical Node
System Logical Nodes - L group
S60 S62 T60 T62 M61 G60 G62 C60

LPHD1 b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A64RF_PDIF1-2 b b
A21B_PDIS1 b b
A32P_PDOP1-2 b b b b b
A32Q_PDOP1 b b b
A37P_PDUP1-2 b b
A40_PDUP1 b b b
A81R_PFRC1-2 b b b b
A66_PMRI1 b
A46_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b
A51N_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b
A67_PTOC1-2 b b b
A67N_PTOC1-2 b b b b
A81H_PTOF1-2 b b b b b b b b
A47_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A59_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A59N_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b b b b
A49T_PTTR1-16 b b b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b
A81L_PTUF1-4 b b b b b b b b
A27_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A27D_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A27R_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A51V_PVOC1 b b
A12_PZSU1-2 b b b
A14_PZSU1-2 b b b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RBRF1 b b b b b b b b
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b
CTX_RDRE2 b b b b b b b b
DLG_RDRE3 b b b b b b b b
RREC1 b b
RSYN1 b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
EQU_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b
GSE_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b
M120_GGIO1-2 b b b b b b b b
S60RC_GGIO1-2 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MHAN1 b b b b b b b b
MMTR1-2 b b b b b b b b
MMXU1 b b b b b b b b
MSQI1 b b b b b b b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes sensors and monitoring - S group
SIML1 b b b b b
Logical Nodes switchgear - X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b

92 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical Nodes per Sepam series 80

Logical Node S80 S81 S82 S84 T81 T82 T87 M81 M87 M88 G82 G87 G88 B80 B83 C86
System Logical Nodes - L group
LPHD1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A64RF_PDIF1-2 b b b b b
A87M_PDIF1 b b
A87T_PDIF1 b b b
A21B_PDIS1 b b b
A32P_PDOP1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A32Q_PDOP1 b b b b b b
A37P_PDUP1-2 b b
A40_PDUP1 b b b b b b
A81R_PFRC1-2 b
A64G2_PHIZ1-2 b b b
A5027_PIOC1 b b b
A66_PMRI1 b b b
A51LR_PMSS1 b b b
A78PS_PPAM1 b b b b b b
A46_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-8/A51N_PTOC1-8 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51C_PTOC1-8 b
A67_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b
A67N_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A81H_PTOF1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A47_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A59_PTOV1-4/A59N_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A49T_PTTR1-16 b b b b b b b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b b b
A81L_PTUF1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27_PTUV1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27D_PTUV1-2/A27R_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51V_PVOC1-2 b b b
A24_PVPH1-2 b b b b
A12_PZSU1-2/A14_PZSU1-2 b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RBRF1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
CTX_RDRE2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
DLG_RDRE3 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MOT_RDRE4 b b b
RREC1 b b b b
RSYN1 b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
LS_GAPC1 b b b
EQU_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
LGP_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
M120_GGIO1-3 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
GSE_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
S80xx_GGIOn b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MHAN1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMTR1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMXU1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMXU2 b b b b b
MSQI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes sensors and monitoring - S group
SIML1 b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes switchgear - X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for further power equipment - Z group
ZCAP1-4 b

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 93
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PICS - Protocol implementation
conformance statement
Profile conformance
A-Profile support
1 Profile
A1 Client/server
Client Server

A2 GOOSE/GSE Management b b (1)

A4 Time sync b
The Specific Communication Services Mapping
to MMS (ISO 9506) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 is defined by
part 8-1 of IEC 61850. T-Profile support
It provides: Profile Client Server Comments
b the mapping of the objects and services of the ACSI T1 TCP/IP profile b
to MMS T2 OSI T profile
b the mapping of time-critical information exchanges to T3 GOOSE/GSE T profile b b (1)

ISO/IEC 8802-3 T4 GSSE T profile

These conformance tables are taken from chapter 24 of T5 Time Sync T profile b
IEC 61850-8-1. (1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

MMS conformance
MMS service supported CBB (server) M/O/C/I Supported
status M b
getNameList C b
identify M b
rename O
read C b
write C b
getVariableAccessAttributes C b
defineNamedVariable O
defineScatteredAccess I
getScatteredAccessAttibutes I
deleteVariableAccess O
defineNamedVariableList O
getNamedVariablesListAttributes C b
deleteNamedVariableList C
defineNamedType I
getNamedTypeAttributes I
deleteNamedType I
input I
output I
takeControl I
relinquishControl I
defineSemaphore I
deleteSemaphore I
reportPoolSemaphoreStatus I
reportSemaphoreStatus I
initialDownloadSequence I
downloadSegment I
terminateDownloadSequence I
initiateUploadSequence I
uploadSegment I
terminateUploadSequence I
requestDomainDownload I
requestDomainUpload I
loadDomainContent I
storeDomainContent I
deleteDomain I
getDomainAttributes C b

Nota :
M: mandatory support
O: optional support
C: conditional support
I: out of scope
X: must not be supported (version compatibility)

94 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PICS - Protocol implementation
conformance statement

MMS conformance (contd)

MMS service supported CBB (server) M/O/C/I Supported
createProgramInvocation I
deleteProgramInvocation I
start I
stop I
resume I
reset I
kill I
getProgramInvocationAttributes I
obtainFile C
defineEventCondition I
deleteEventCondition I
getEventConditionAttributes I
reportEventConditionStatus I
alterEventConditionMonitoring I
triggerEvent I
defineEventAction I
deleteEventAction I
alterEventEnrollment I
reportEventEnrollmentStatus I
getEventEnrollmentAttributes I
acknowledgeEventNotification I
getAlarmSummary I
getAlarmEnrollmentSummary I
readJournal C b ACE850 only
writeJournal O
initializeJournal C
reportJournalStatus I
createJournal I
deleteJournal I
fileOpen C b
fileRead C b
fileClose C b
fileRename I
fileDelete C
fileDirectory C b
unsolicitedStatus I
informationReport C b
eventNotification I
attachToEventCondition I
attachToSemaphore I
conclude M b
cancel M b
getDataExchangeAttributes X
exchangeData X
defineAccessControlList X
getAccessControlListAttributes X
reportAccessControlledObjects X
deleteAccessControlList X
alterAccessControl X
reconfigureProgramInvocation X

Nota :
M: mandatory support
O: optional support
C: conditional support
I: out of scope
X: must not be supported (version compatibility)

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 95
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PICS - Protocol implementation
conformance statement
GOOSE services
GOOSE conformance Subscriber Publisher
1 GOOSE services
Supported M/O/C
b(1) C
b (1)
SendGOOSEMessage M M b
GetGoReference O C
GetGOOSEElementNumber O C
GetGoCBValues O O
SetGoCBValues O O
GOOSE Control Block (GoCB) O O b
(1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

GSSE conformance Subscriber Publisher

M/O/C Supported M/O/C Supported
GSSE services C C
SendGSSEMessage M M
GetGsReference O C
GetGSSEDataOffset O C
GetGsCBValues O O
SetGsCBValues O O
GSSE Control Block (GsCB) O O

SCL services
SCL conformance
M/O/C Supported
SCL.1 SCL file for implementation available (offline) M b
SCL.2 SCL file available from implementation online O
SCL.3 SCL implementation reconfiguration supported online O

Nota :
M: mandatory support
O: optional support
C: conditional support
I: out of scope
X: must not be supported (version compatibility)

96 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing

Device configuration
The entire device configuration is read-only and can only be modified by the CID file.
In particular, data objects with functional constraints of DC and CF can never be

ACSI models
Association model
Item Value/Comments
Maximum simultaneous client associations ECI850, ACE850 < V2.0: 6
ACE850 ? V2.0: 8
TCP Keepalive 1 to 60 seconds (default 30) (1)
Authentication Not supported
Association parameters
TSEL Required, value defined in the CID file
SSEL Required, value defined in the CID file
PSEL Required, value defined in the CID file
AP-Title Not required, ignored if present
AE-Qualifier Not required, ignored if present
Maximum MMS PDU size 8000
Typical startup time after a power supply ECI850:
interrupt 20-100 seconds (depends on the CID
configuration file). The status LED blinks quickly
during startup.
5-30 seconds (depends on the CID
configuration file). The On/fault LED blinks quickly
during startup.
(1) This is the time between two keepalive probes during normal operation. The session time-out,
in case of communication failure, is related to this value in a non-linear way and ranges from
approximately 50 seconds to approximately 150 seconds. It is about 90 seconds for the default
keepalive value.
Note: A 3 second delay between each association is required.

Server model
Item Value/Comments
Quality bits for analog values (MX)
Validity Good, Invalid
OutofRange Supported
Failure Supported
Inconsistent Supported
Source Process
Other quality bits and values Not supported
Quality bits for status values (ST)
Validity Good, Invalid
BadReference Supported
Failure Supported
Inconsistent Supported
Inaccurate Supported
Source Process
Other quality bits and values Not supported
Maximum number of data values in Limited only by the MMS PDU size
Get/SetDataValues requests

Dataset model
Item Value/Comments
Predefined Datasets in the ICD files b 1 status Dataset LLN0.StDs
b 1 measurand Dataset LLN0.MxDs in each
Sepam Logical Device
Maximum number of data elements in one By configuration: 600
Maximum number of persistent Datasets By configuration: 32 (1)
Maximum number of non-persistent Not supported
(1) The number of Datasets and attributes is only limited by the available memory. The indicated
limit here is an imposed limit for the configurator and based on the section <services> content of
the ICD file.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 97
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
Setting group model
Item Value/Comments

1 Number of setting groups 2

Note: Setting group is used to globally switch Sepam between A and B parameter sets, so no
individual "SG" feature is provided.

Reporting model
Item Value/Comments
Predefined BRCBs in the ICD files b 2 status RCBs LLN0.brcbST01 and
LLN0.brcbST02, based on LLN0.StDs
b 2 measurands RCBs LLN0.brcbMX01 and
LLN0.brcbMX02, based on LLN0.StMx
in each Sepam Logical Device
Predefined URCBs in the ICD files None
Support of trigger conditions
Integrity Supported
Data change Supported
Data update Supported (can be set, but there is no process
data to report for this condition)
Quality change Supported
General interrogation Supported
Support of optional fields
Sequence number Supported
Report time-stamp Supported
Reason for inclusion Supported
Dataset name Supported
Data reference Supported
Buffer overflow Supported
EntryID Supported
Conf-rev Supported
Segmentation Supported, automatic
Sending of segmented reports Supported
EntryID Only the first 4 octets are used. Remaining octets
must be 0.
Buffer size for each BRCB 30000 octets
URCB management Non indexed URCB instances are created
dynamically from the models, for each client
requesting it.
The auto-indexation of the URCB with the use of
the RptEnabled max = "n" attribute is supported
from 2011 versions (See page 46).
BRCB management The auto-indexation of the BCRB with the use of
the RptEnabled max = "n" attribute is supported
from 2011 versions (See page 46).
Maximum number of RCB. 16 (48 for ECI850) (1)
(1) The number of RCB is only limited by the available memory. The indicated limit here is an
imposed limit for the configurator and based on the section <services> content of
the ICD file.

98 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
Log model
ACE850 allows only one Log file (in Logical device LD0) and only one Log Control
Log annotations are used to indicate loss of events, due to buffer overflow or clock
not synchronized.
Logging is disabled by default in the ICD file. It must be enabled either dynamically
or at configuration time. Integrity period logging is not supported, write operations to
the corresponding field of the Log Control Block are possible but the value is ignored.

Log data is stored in non-volatile memory. Two 128 Kbytes memory blocks are used,
when both are full, the block containing the oldest data is erased. Then the minimum
Log depth is 128 Kbytes and the maximum Log depth is 256 Kbytes, that is
approximately between 1000 and 2000 single point status changes respectively.

In order to ensure that a valid TimeOfEntry is assigned to Log entries, Logging is

automatically disabled if the SNTP synchronization is disabled or not successful,
whatever the value of LogEna.
Log annotations are used to indicate loss of events, due to buffer overflow or clock
not synchronized.
The Log file is erased each time a new CID is loaded in the device, in order to avoid
model inconsistencies.
Note: The content of the whole Log may also be retrieved at any time, as a COMFEDE formatted
XML file, using FTP.

Logging is not supported by ECI850. If Log or LogControl elements are found in the
CID file, they are ignored. This may occur as ICD files are common for ACE850 and
ECI850 and contain default elements.

Control model
Item Value/Comments
Control models supported
Status only Supported
Direct with normal security Supported
Direct with enhanced security Not supported
SBO with normal security Not supported
SBO with enhanced security Supported
Time activated operate (operTm) Not supported
Test mode Not supported, ignored
Check conditions Not supported, must be 0
Operate many Not supported
Pulse configuration Not supported
Command Termination timeout 15 seconds
Service error types b instance-not-available
b access-violation
b parameter-value-inappropriate
b instance-locked-by-another-client
b failed-due-to-server-constraint
b generic-error

SBO controls
ctlNum normally must have the same value in the Select and Operate requests.
To insure interoperability with older clients not complying with this rule, the value plus one is also
accepted in the Operate request.
It is possible to select several times the same control object. The select/operate timeout is
restarted with each selection. The value contained in the Cancel structure is ignored. Controls
with same ctlVal as current status are accepted.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 99
IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
GOOSE model (Sepam series 60 or series 80, with ACE850)
Item Value/Comments

1 GOOSE header subscriber identification

Source Mac Address Not Supported
Destination Mac Address Supported
VPID tag (VLAN, priority) Supported, optional field
Ethertype = 0x88B8 Supported
APPID Supported
Length Supported
gocbRef Supported
timeAllowedtoLive Supported
datSet Supported
goID Supported, optional field
t Not Supported
stNum Supported
sqNum Not Supported
test Supported
confRev Supported
ndsCom Not Supported, must be FALSE
numDatSetEntries Supported
GOOSE publish can be turned ON/OFF Supported, using SetGoCBValues(GoEna)
GOOSE publish mode test turned ON/OFF Supported, using the Diagnostics Web pages
Incorrect GOOSE publish configuration Not supported, configurator does not validate it.
Missing GOOSE detection Supported, QR condition is set on timeout.
Syntactically incorrect GOOSE frame Supported, QD condition is set on bad syntax.
Subscribed GOOSE is out-of-order Supported, partially for stNum, not for sqNum
Subscribed GOOSE is duplicated Supported, the frame is ignored.
GOOSE data contents
Structured data objects Supported
Data attributes Supported
timestamp data attributes Supported
GOOSE VLAN capability
GOOSE with VLAN tag Supported
GOOSE without VLAN tag Supported
Retransmission time profile Supported, configuration from 4 ms to 30 s
TAL min = 200 ms
(1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

GOOSE Publisher detailed behavior

b Test mode:
The test mode of a GOOSE can be set or reset using a check-box in the "GOOSE
messaging statistics" web page.
b Transmission profile:
v On any change the GOOSE frame is first transmitted as soon as possible, and then
retransmitted according to the time profile, from MinTime to MaxTime.
v Time profile follows the powers of 2 in milliseconds, bounded to 29900 ms.
v MinTime and MaxTime are configurable and truncated to the nearest convenient
value of the profile, in the range from 4ms to 29900 ms.
v Each member of a Dataset have to be detailed at least at the level of
b Time-Allowed-to-Live (TAL):
It is the sum of the 2 next retransmission times (with a minimum of 150 ms), plus
50 ms.
b Maximum number of GOOSE frames in transmission: 4
b Proprietary attributes completing information of the state of the GOOSE Control
Block status:
v MinTime: actual minimum time of the retransmission profile in milliseconds,
v Max Time: actual maximum time of the retransmission profile in milliseconds,
v Test: Test = TRUE means that the GOOSE is currently being emitted in test mode.

100 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
GOOSE Subscriber detailed behavior
A received GOOSE frame is considered if it matches the following configured criteria:
b Ethernet protocol:
v If the Optional VLAN tag exists, it must have the form 0x8100xxxx.
v The protocol identifier must be GOOSE = 0x88B8.
b GOOSE protocol:
v Received frame is large enough to contain specified data length.
v Destination address is the one of the subscribed GOOSE.
v All the fields are checked for consistency in the following order: APPID, Length,
gocbRef, TAL, datSet, optional goID, t, stNum, sqNum, test, confRev, ndsComm, and
Data fields. ndsComm must have the value FALSE.
b GOOSE data consistency:
v The datSet structure matches the expected one versus ASN.1 coding types.
v If it does not match, the Quality of Data flag (QD) is set.
b GOOSE timeout:
v If a frame does not match any above criteria, it is rejected as invalid.
v If no valid frame is received before the Time-Allowed-to-Live timeout, plus 50ms,
the Quality of Reception flag (QR) is set.
v On invalid frame, data is left to last known valid values.
b GOOSE data validity:
v stNum may take any value except for the previous value minus 1 (in order to avoid
possible desynchronization during a network reconfiguration).
v sqNum is not checked to prevent deadlocks with a desynchronized producer.
v t field is not checked, devices may be not time-synchronized.
v Test mode: when the test mode is set in the GOOSE header, the values are not
considered, and previous values are frozen as valid until the test mode is reset,
however QD and QR conditions are still evaluated.

A valid received GOOSE is decoded for Sepam serie 60 or Sepam series 80 as

follows, provided that the test flag is not set (if test flag is set, the message is ignored):
b Each IEC 61850 data is converted in a 1-bit value using rules:
v Single Point Status: "TRUE" = 1, "FALSE" = 0.
v Double Point Status: "10" = 1, all other combinations = 0.
v Quality: "bad" = 1, "good" = 0, with the following rules:
If INVALID: mask "I" is applied on detailQual (default 0xF8).
If QUESTIONABLE: mask "Q" is applied on detailQual (default 0x77).
Mask "M" is applied on the source, test, operatorBlocked bits (default 0x03).
If any of these gives 1 or QR condition is present, the quality is set to "bad".
v Any other data type gives a 0 value.
b Each of resulting 1-bit values may be assigned to zero, one, or more of the 31
dedicated GOOSE inputs of Sepam (GSE_GGIO1 logical node):
v The 31 virtual GOOSE inputs are G401 to G416, and G501 to G515.
v G516 input is reserved for the ACE850 module presence detection.
v A GOOSE input not having any assignment is let to 0.
v Several 1-bit values may be assigned to one GOOSE input: an OR is assumed.
b Maximum number of GOOSE subcriptions: 40

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 101

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
Time and time synchronization model
Item Value/Comments

1 Time quality bits

LeapSecondsKnown Supported but not used
ClockFailure Supported
ClockNotSynchronized Supported
Maximum time to wait for time server 5 seconds
Meaning of ClockFailure bit This bit is set when it is not possible to get time
from any time server (or when the SNTP
synchronization is not enabled).
Meaning of ClockNotSynchronized bit This bit is set when the time server sets the alarm
condition (clock not synchronized) in the SNTP
frame (LI field).

Time stamps
Time stamping is performed in Sepam devices for process status values such as protection
tripping, digital inputs changes
It is performed in the ECI850 or ACE850 for any other data such as deadbanded analog values.
For time stamping consistency, it is necessary that ECI850 or ACE850 are synchronized via

ECI850 or ACE850 clock

At power-up, the ECI850 or ACE850 clock is reset to a default date (1970/01/01 or 2007/01/01,
according to the version). It is then synchronized to the SNTP servers if the feature is enabled
and the servers are running. Sepam units are synchronized from the ECI850 or ACE850 only if
the ClockFailure status is not set.

File transfer model

Item Value/Comments
Separator for files and directories path '/'
Structure of files and directories LD/LDName/dirname/filename (1)
Maximum length of names (incl. path) 64
Case sensitivity Case sensitive
(1) See FTP server for more details.

102 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing

Impact of Sepam settings

Logical device mode
Provided that the Sepam unit is of the correct type and communicates correctly with
the ECI850 or ACE850, the corresponding logical device mode (given by LLN0.Mod)
is always ON. The only exception is when a Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80
device is set in "test mode" in which case it is reported as BLOCKED (the closest
IEC 61850 mode).

Protection logical nodes

Protection logical nodes are OFF (Mod attribute), if the corresponding protection
function is turned OFF in the Sepam unit.
Some Protection Logical Nodes require a mandatory Str (Start) attribute. Such an
information being unavailable in Sepam devices, it is always provided as an OFF
state and invalid quality.

Breaker-related Logical Nodes

Breaker-related logical nodes CSWI1 and XCBR1 rely on the breaker control function
being turned ON in the Sepam device.

Setting groups
IEC 61850 setting group 1 corresponds to Sepam setting group A.
IEC 61850 setting group 2 corresponds to Sepam setting group B.
Selection of active setting group is only possible if "Choice (of setting group) by
remote control" is selected on the Sepam device.

In order to be executed, controls must be enabled in the Sepam unit. This is the case
if the Loc attribute (available in every logical node containing controls) is OFF. In
addition, with ECI850, SBO mode must be turned OFF on the Modbus interface.

Analog values
Measurements are provided as floating point values with the following units:
Measurement type Units
Current 1A
Voltage 1V
Power 1 kW, 1 kVA, 1 kvar
Energy 1 MWh, 1 Mvarh
Temperature 1 C
Angle 1
Rate 1%
Rotation speed 1 rpm
Power factor 1

Default deadband values are provided in the CID file. These values can be changed.
Unlike specified in IEC 61850-7-3, deadband values are not expressed as % but they
are integer values in physical units, which are described in the CID file.
The deadband for the "ang" attribute of items belonging to the "vector" type is fixed
at 5.

Integer statuses
Integer statuses are transmitted with the following units:
Logical Attribute Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
Node series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
A66_PMRI1 StrInhTmm 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min
A51LR_PMSS StrTmms 100 ms 100 ms 10 ms 10 ms
A49_PTTR1 TmResTr 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min
A49_PTTR1 WaitTm 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min
XCBR1 OpHrsCnt 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr
XCBR1 OpTmms 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
XCBR1 ChaTms 1 ms 100 ms 1 second 1 second
Miscellaneous Counters 1 1 1 1

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 103

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
TICS - Technical issues conformance
Error corrections and improvements have been made to the current edition (edition 1)
1 of the IEC 61850 standard. These items, known as technical issues or "tissues" can
be found on:
The UCA IUG QAP, acting as the competent body for device certification, requires
that the tissue conformance statement of a device is provided.

The following tables reference only the tissues that have been accepted and solved
by the editor's group in charge of them, at the time of publication.

The conformance (M/O/-) column indicates:

b M: Mandatory, tissue is included in the UCA Device conformance test procedures
and stated as mandatory (interoperability).
b O: Optional, the tissue is a recommendation or it is optional in the IEC 61850
documents or it is not required for compliance to edition 1.

The supported (Sup) column indicates:

b Y: Yes, the tissue is implemented in the device.
b N: No, the tissue is not implemented in the device.
b N/A: Not applicable, the tissue is not applicable for the device.

Optional tissues are listed only if they are supported.

Some tissues are only editorial, or related to the XML schema or to a client. They
have no impact on the device conformance and are therefore just listed for sake of

IEC 61850 part 6 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 1, 5, 169
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
3 Annex B Check the ENUMs and complete the appendix: AutoRecSt, FltLoop, PmpCtl. O Y
The ICD/SCD files should include these ENUMS when used.
8 Annex B Use name Watts for code 62 instead of "W". M N/A
10 Annex A Add the bType Check to the schema, to be used for the Check attribute. M Y
15 The "bufOvfl" attribute in the "ReportControl/OptFields" section of SCL should be deleted. O Y
17 Change restriction of DAI/SDI to make it consistent with DA/BDA restrictions. M Y
The DA/BDA explicitly allow SIUnit as an attribute starting with uppercase. Other exceptions
are special CDCs created in 8-1.

IEC 61850 part 7-2 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 31, 32, 36, 45
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
30 Control parameter T M Y
35 Table 36 Change T attribute type from "EntryTime" to "TimeStamp". M Y
37 Change T attribute type from "EntryTime" to "TimeStamp". M N/A
38 15.2.1 Change GoCB attribute name from "AppID" to "GoID". M N/A
39 15.2.1 Add Attribute "DstAddress" after the Attribute "NdsCom". M N/A
" DstAddress
The attribute DstAddress shall be the SCSM specific addressing information like media
access address, priority, and other information."
40 GOOSE message syntax. Change Attribute name from "AppID" to "GoID". M N/A
41 15.3.1 GsCB class definition. Change Attribute name from "AppID" to "GsID". M N/A
42 16.4 Sampled value format. Change Attribute type from "EntryTime" to "TimeStamp". M N/A
43 Change M Y
"The parameter T shall be the time when the client sends the control requests.
"Control requests can be Select, Operate, or Cancel."
44 Add new AddCause value: M Y
Object-not-selected (18)
46 17.3.3 33, 34 Synchro check - Cancelling a command as long as no Oper_resp+ has been received, O N/A
compare new state diagram.
47 19.2 Figure 40 The LDName is limited to 64 characters. '.' or '$' or other '=' are not allowed. M Y
49 BRCB TimeOfEntry O Y

104 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 1.0)
TICS - Technical issues conformance

IEC 61850 part 7-2 Tissues (cont.)

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 31, 32, 36, 45
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
50 19.2 The LNName prefix shall start with a letter. Otherwise, mapping to MMS should restrict it, M Y
since MMS variable names are not allowed to start with a number.
51 5.5.2 Table 2 Definition of "ARRAY [0..num] OF." type M N/A
52 Table 2 GOOSE StNum: starts from 1 after power-up and sqNum starts from 0 M N/A
53 15.3.1 Tables 30, 32 Attribute DstAddress (Type: PHYCOMADDR, FC:GS) has been added to the GSSE control M N/A
151 19.2 Name constraints for control blocks etc M Y
166 DataRef attribute in Log M N/A
185 Logging integrity period M N/A
189 16.4 SV Format M N/A
190 BRCB EntryId and TimeOfEntry O Y
191 BRCB: Integrity and buffering reports M Y
234 5.5.2 New type CtxInt M Y
275 Confusing statement on GI usage M Y
278 EntryId not valid for a server O Y
297 The BRCB that has report enable set to TRUE shall maintain the parameter SqNum. This N
number shall be incremented by the BRCB for each report generated and sent on the basis (see
of the BRCB. The increment shall occur once the BRCB has formatted the report for PIXIT)
transmission. The first report following the setting of the report enable to TRUE shall contain
sequence number 0. The sequence number shall roll over to 0 at its maximal value.
334 17.3.3 In case the same SBO control object is selected twice from the same/another client, the Y
second operation must return a select response- with AddCause "command-already-in-
execution" or "Already-selected".
335 The buffer overflow bit should only be sent on the first report after enable. N

IEC 61850 part 7-3 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 138
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
28 7.6.2 Table 38 APC: change the FC of setMag to CO, like for all controllable CDCs (naturally also for origin M N/A
and operTm).
Add the attribute ctlNum with fc=CO like for other controllable CDCs.
Add the attribute mag with fc=MX for the back indication from the process.
65 General Deadband calculation of a vector and trigger option M Y
219 7.3.5 operTm in ACT M N/A
270 7.4.5/6 WYE and DEL RMS Values M Y

IEC 61850 part 7-4 Tissues

There are no mandatory TISSUES for that part.

IEC 61850 part 8-1 Tissues

Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
116 A MMS GetNameList request with a non-existing domain shall be responded by "Confirmed M Y
118 23.1 When the last character of FileName is the file separator it is a directory. E.g. "LD\KEMA" 0 Y
is a file and "LD\KEMA\" is a directory.
120 CtxInt shall be defined as a generic data type in 7-2: either as an Int32 or as an 0 Y
ENUMERATED depending on the context. The definition of the attributes stVal, ctlVal,
subVal in the CDC INS/INC is changed from Int32 to CtxInt. In 7-4, the enumerations lead
to set the CtxInt to ENUMERATED. Therefore no change required in 8-1, because
ENUMERATED are already mapped. As a result ENUMERATED attributes (as e.g. stVal,
ctlVal) are mapped to INT8 (not to INT32).
165 GetDataSetValues request with a non-existent DataSet should result in an MMS M Y
ErrorResponse of Class= ACCESS and Error Code= OBJECT-NON-EXISTENT.
183 9.3 Table 17 MMS getNamelist request with an unknown domain object reference result in an MMS M Y
ServiceError of Class= ACCESS and Error Code= OBJECT-NON-EXISTENT.
Update table 17
235 Extension of name length M Y

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 105

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)

This chapter describes conformity with IEC 61850 Edition 2.0. It does not describes
1 the standard itself, but only the choices that have been made in the Sepam
implementation of the standard, in terms of services, modeling, exceptions,
extensions and adaptations.
The conformance statement is made up of the following documents:
b ACSI conformance statement: this document describes the abstract
communication services interface (which services are implemented). These services
are mapped to specific communication services (SCSM) described in the PICS.
b MICS (Model Implementation Conformance Statement): describes how the
information model is implemented.
b PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement): describes choices
made in protocol implementation. Many of these choices are implied by the ACSI
conformance statement.
b PIXIT (Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing): gives any additional
implementation specific information not found in the previous standardized
documents. Despite the name, these informations are useful for operation of the
b SICS (SCL Implementation Conformance Statement): describes which features
are supported by the configuration tools.
b TICS (Technical Issues Conformance Statement): describes how the device
behaves regarding identified technical issues.
Support of Edition 2 features requires ACE850 or ECI850 devices with a firmware
version of at least 2.x.

106 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
ACSI conformance statement

ACSI basic conformance statement

Client / Server / Value /
subscriber publisher comments
Client-server roles
B11 Server side (of TWO-PARTY b
The Abstract Communication Services Interface is B12 Client side of (TWO-PARTY
defined by part 7-2 of IEC 61850. APPLICATION-
It provides: ASSOCIATION)
b the specification of a basic information model, SCSMs supported
b the specification of information exchange service B21 SCSM: IEC 61850-8-1 used b
models. B22 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-1 used
B23 SCSM: IEC 61850-9-2 used
These conformance statement tables are as defined by B24 SCSM: other
Annex A of IEC 61850-7-2. Generic substation event model (GSE)
B31 Publisher side b (1)

B32 Subscriber side b (1)

Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)

B41 Publisher side
B42 Subscriber side
(1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

ACSI service conformance statement

Services AA: Client / Server / Value /
TP/MC subscriber publisher comments
Server (Clause 6)
S1 ServerDirectory TP b
Application association (Clause 7)
S2 Associate b
S3 Abort b
S4 Release b
Logical device (Clause 8)
S5 LogicalDeviceDirectory TP b
Logical node (Clause 9)
S6 LogicalNodeDirectory TP b
S7 GetAllDataValues TP b
Data (Clause 10)
S8 GetDataValues TP b
S9 SetDataValues TP
S10 GetDataDirectory TP b
S11 GetDataDefinition TP b
Data set (Clause 11)
S12 GetDataSetValues TP b
S13 SetDataSetValues TP
S14 CreateDataSet TP
S15 DeleteDataSet TP
S16 GetDataSetDirectory TP b
Substitution (Clause 12)
S17 SetDataValues TP
Setting group control (Clause 13)
S18 SelectActiveSG TP b
S19 SelectEditSG TP
S20 SetSGValues TP
S21 ConfirmEditSGValues TP
S22 GetSGValues TP
S23 GetSGCBValues TP b
Reporting (Clause 14)
Buffered Report Control Block (BRCB)
S24 Report TP b
S24-1 data-change (dchg) b
Nota : S24-2 quality-change (dchg) b
AA: Application Association S24-3 data-update (dupd) b
TP: Two Party
S25 GetBRCBValues TP b
MC: Multi Cast
b: supported S26 SetBRCBValues TP b

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 107

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
ACSI conformance statement

ACSI service conformance statement (cont.)

Services AA: Client / Server / Value /
1 Unbuffered Report Control Block (URCB)
TP/MC subscriber publisher comments

S27 Report TP b
S27-1 data-change (dchg) b
S27-2 quality-change (qchg) b
S27-3 data-update (dupd) b
S28 GetURCBValues TP b
S29 SetURCBValues TP b
Logging (Clause 14)
Log Control Block
S30 GetLCBValues TP b ACE850 only
S31 SetLCBValues TP b ACE850 only
S32 QueryLogByTime TP b ACE850 only
S33 QueryLogAfter TP b ACE850 only
S34 GetLogStatusValues TP b ACE850 only
Generic substation event model (GSE) (Clause 15)
GOOSE Control Block
S35 SendGOOSEMessage MC b ACE850 only
S36 GetReference TP
S37 GetGOOSEElementNumber TP
S38 GetGoCBValues TP b ACE850 only
S39 SetGoCBValues TP b ACE850 only
GSSE Control Block
S40 SendGSSEMessage MC
S41 GetReference TP
S42 GetGSSEElementNumber TP
S43 GetGsCBValues TP
S44 SetGsCBValues TP
Transmission of sampled values model (SVC) (Clause 16)
Multicast SVC
S45 SendMSVMessage MC
S46 GetMSVCBValues TP
S47 SetMSVCBValues TP
Unicast SVC
S48 SendUSVMessage TP
S49 GetUSVCBValues TP
S50 SetUSVCBValues TP
Control (Clause 17)
S51 Select TP
S52 SelectWithValue TP b
S53 Cancel TP b
S54 Operate TP b
S55 CommandTermination TP b without
S56 TimeActivatedOperate TP
File transfer (Clause 20)
S57 GetFile TP b
S58 SetFile TP
S59 DeleteFile TP
S60 GetFileAttributeValues TP b
Time (Clause 18)
T1 clock resolution of internal clock class T1
(nearest value of 2-n in seconds)
T2 Time accuracy of internal clock
T3 Supported TimeStamp resolution class T1
(nearest value of 2-n in seconds)

Nota :
AA: Application Association
TP: Two Party
MC: Multi Cast
b: supported

108 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
ACSI conformance statement

ACSI model conformance statement

Client / Server / Value /
subscriber publisher comments
If server side (B11) supported
M1 Logical device b
M2 Logical node b
M3 Data b
M4 Data set b
M5 Substitution
M6 Setting group control b Active SG only
M7 Buffered report control b
M7-1 sequence-number b
M7-2 report- time-stamp b
M7-3 reason-for-inclusion b
M7-4 data-set-name b
M7-5 data-reference b
M7-6 buffer-overflow b
M7-7 EntryId b
M7-8 BufTm b
M7-9 IntgPd b
M7-10 GI b
M7-11 Conf revision b
M8 Unbuffered report control b
M8-1 sequence-number b
M8-2 report- time-stamp b
M8-3 reason-for-inclusion b
M8-4 data-set-name b
M8-5 data-reference b
M8-6 BufTm b
M8-7 IntgPd b
M8-8 GI b
M8-9 Conf revision b
M9 Log Control
M9-1 IntgPd
M10 Log
M11 Control b
If GSE (B31/B32) supported
M12 GOOSE b b ACE850 only
If SVC (B41/B42) supported
M14 Multicast SVC
M15 Unicast SVC
M16 Time b
M17 File Transfer b

Nota :
b: supported

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 109

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Model conformance
The Model conformance of each particular Sepam device is described by its ICD file.
1 The following descriptions are general descriptions that apply to all Sepam devices.
Extensions to the IEC 61850 data model belong to the "Sepam series 20/40/60/80
Ed.2" Logical Node name space.
The information model is defined by parts 7-3 and 7-4
of IEC 61850. Common data attributes classes
It provides: The following tables list which fields is found in each Common Data Attribute Class
b the specification of the Logical Nodes used to model (CDAC). Fields not found in these tables are optional (O) or conditional (C) fields not
substation devices and functions, supported by Sepam devices. Mandatory fields (M) are always present.
b the specification of Common Data Classes and
Common Data Attribute Classes used in the Logical
Nodes. Quality
Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C Comments
validity CODED ENUM good | invalid | questionable M Supported
detailQual PACKED LIST M Supported
overflow BOOLEAN DEFAULT : FALSE M Defaulted
outOfRange BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
badReference BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
oscillatory BOOLEAN DEFAULT : FALSE M Defaulted
failure BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
inconsistent BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
inaccurate BOOLEAN TRUE | FALSE M Supported
source CODED ENUM process | substituted M Defaulted
DEFAULT : process
operatorBlocked BOOLEAN DEFAULT : FALSE M Defaulted

Analogue value
Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C
f FLOAT32 floating point value C

Configuration of analogue value

Common data attribute class not supported.

Range configuration
Common data attribute class not supported.

Step position with transient indication

Common data attribute class not supported.

Pulse configuration
Common data attribute class not supported.

Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C
orCat ENUMERATED See IEC 61850-7-3 M

Unit definition
Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C
multiplier ENUMERATED O

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

110 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Vector definition
Attribute name Attribute type Value/Value range M/O/C
mag AnalogueValue M
ang AnalogueValue O

Point definition
Common data attribute class not supported.

CtlModels definition
Attribute value Comment
status-only not controllable SPC, DPC and INC
direct-with-normal-security controllable SPC and INC
direct-with-enhanced-security not supported
sbo-with-normal-security not supported
sbo-with-enhanced-security controllable DPC

SboClasses definition
Attribute value Comment
operate-many not supported

Cell definition
Common data attribute class not supported.

Calendar Time
Common data attribute class not supported.

Common data classes

The following tables list which attributes is found in each Common Data Class
(CDC). Attributes not found in these tables are optional (O) or conditional (C)
attributes not supported by Sepam devices. Mandatory attributes (M) are always

Single point status (SPS)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data

Double point status (DPS)

Common data class not supported.

Integer status (INS)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
stVal INT32 ST M
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 111

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Enumerated status (ENS)
Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments

1 stVal
t TimeStamp ST M
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data objects

Protection activation information (ACT)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
general BOOLEAN ST M
phsA BOOLEAN ST O 27S only (S20)
phsB BOOLEAN ST O 27S only (S20)
phsC BOOLEAN ST O 27S only (S20)
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M

Directional protection activation information (ACD)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
general BOOLEAN ST M
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M

Security violation counting (SEC)

Common data class not supported.

Binary counter reading (BCR)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
actVal INT64 ST M The range of such variables
never exceeds 32 bits. They are
therefore transmitted as INT32
values (as allowed by ASN.1
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
pulsQty FLOAT32 CF M read-only

Histogram (HST)
Common data class not supported.

Visible string status (VSS)

Common data class not supported.

Measured value (MV)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
mag AnalogueValue MX M
q Quality MX M
t TimeStamp MX M
db INT32U CF O read-only
units Unit CF O read-only
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data objects

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

112 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Complex measured value (CMV)
Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
cVal Vector MX M
q Quality MX M
t TimeStamp MX M
db INT32U CF O read-only
dbAng INT32U CF O read-only, for some objects
units Unit CF O read-only

Sampled value (SAV)

Common data class not supported.

Data name Data class FC M/O/C Comments
phsA CMV C
phsB CMV C
phsC CMV C
neut CMV C for some objects only
res CMV C for some objects only

Delta (DEL)
Data name Data class FC M/O/C Comments

Sequence (SEQ)
Data name Data class FC M/O/C Comments
c1 CMV M
c2 CMV M
c2 CMV M

Harmonic value (HMV)

Common data class not supported.

Harmonic value for WYE (HWYE)

Common data class not supported.

Harmonic value for DEL (HDEL)

Common data class not supported.

Controllable single point (SPC) (1)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
q Quality ST C
t TimeStamp ST C
ctlModel CtlModels CF C read-only
dataNs VISIBLE STRING255 EX C for non standard data objects
(1) This is the class definition as given in IEC 61850-7-3.
The mapping defined in IEC 61850-8-1 introduces complementary attributes for the control part.

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 113

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Controllable double point (DPC) (1)
Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments

1 stVal
t TimeStamp ST M
ctlModel CtlModels CF C read-only
sboTimeout INT32U CF C read-only
sboClass SboClasses CF C read-only
operTimeout INT32U CF C read-only
(1) This is the class definition as given in IEC 61850-7-3.
The mapping defined in IEC 61850-8-1 introduces complementary attributes for the control part.

Controllable integer status (INC) (1)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
stVal INT32 ST M
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
ctlModel CtlModels CF C read-only
(1) This is the class definition as given in IEC 61850-7-3.
The mapping defined in IEC 61850-8-1 introduces complementary attributes for the control part.

Controllable enumerated status (ENC) (1)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
q Quality ST M
t TimeStamp ST M
ctlModel CtlModels CF C read-only
(1) This is the class definition as given in IEC 61850-7-3.
The mapping defined in IEC 61850-8-1 introduces complementary attributes for the control part.

Binary controlled step position information (BSC)

Common data class not supported.

Integer controlled step position information (ISC)

Common data class not supported.

Controllable analog set point information (APC)

Common data class not supported.

Binary controlled analog process value (BAC)

Common data class not supported.

Single point setting (SPG)

Common data class not supported.

Integer status setting (ING)

Common data class not supported.

Enumerated status setting (ENG)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments

Analogue setting (ASG)

Common data class not supported.

Setting curve (CURVE)

Common data class not supported.

Nota :
M: mandatory field
O: optional field
C: conditional field

114 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Curve shape setting (CSG)
Common data class not supported.

Curve shape description (CSD)

Common data class not supported.

Device name plate (DPL)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
model VISIBLE STRING255 DC O Sepam application
location VISIBLE STRING255 DC O Same as SNMP location

Logical node name plate (LPL)

Attribute name Attribute type FC M/O/C Comments
swRev VISIBLE STRING255 DC M Sepam version
d VISIBLE STRING255 DC O LLN0: Sepam label
Other LN: not used
configRev VISIBLE STRING255 DC C LLN0 only

Object reference setting (ORG)

Common data class not supported.

Time setting group (TSG)

Common data class not supported.

Currency setting group (CUG)

Common data class not supported.

Visible string setting (VSG)

Common data class not supported.

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 115

EC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical device
1 The IEC 61850 server inside the ECI850 contains the following logical devices:

ECI850 b A logical device dedicated to the ECI850 unit itself. This logical device contains
IEC 61850 server only LLN0 and LPHD logical nodes.
ECI LD1 LD2 LDn b A logical device for each Sepam unit connected to the ECI850.The content of this
Proxy = 0 Proxy = 1 Proxy = 1 Proxy = 1 logical device is defined by the Sepam type, as described by its ICD file.
The PROXY attribute of the LPHD logical node is set to TRUE for Sepam logical
ECI850 logical devices name
The name of the logical devices is freely assigned at configuration time, using
SFT2841 or CET850 tools, except for the ECI850 logical device which has a fixed
name of "ECI".
ECI850 logical devices.
ACE850 is a communication accessory. It is not modelled in the IEC 61850 server.

ACE850 A single logical device is used for each Sepam (fixed name LD0).
The content of this logical device is defined by the Sepam type, as described by its
IEC 61850 server
ICD file.
Logical nodes
Proxy = 0
The following tables list possible attributes in Logical Node (LN).
Attributes not found in these tables are optional (O) or conditional (C) attributes not
supported by Sepam devices. Mandatory attributes (M) are always present. Sepam
series 40/60/80
devices also use extension attributes (E) for some LNs.
ACE850 logical device. Logical nodes not found in this description are not supported.

System logical nodes: L group

Physical device information (LPHD class)
Attribute Attribute Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E ECI850 Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
name type series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name LPHD1 M b b b b b
PhyNam DPL Physical device name plate M b b b b b
PhyHealth ENS Physical device health (1) M b b b b b
Proxy SPS Indicates if this LN is a proxy M b b b b b
PwrSupAlm SPS Power supply alarm O b b
Sim SPC Receive simulated GOOSE O b b
(1) Sepam partial fault, low battery...

Logical node zero (LLN0 class)

Attribute Attribute Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E ECI850 Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
name type series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name LLN0 M b b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod INC Mode M b b b b b
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b b
Health INS Health M b b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b b
Loc INC Local control behavior O b b b b b
Status information
CTFlt SPS CTs fault E b b b
VTFlt SPS VTs fault E b b b
ComFlt SPS Communication fault (TS240) E b b
ActSGA SPS Setting group A active E b b b b
ActSGB SPS Setting group B active E b b b b
PhRotFlt SPS Phase rotation command fault (TS239) E b b
LEDRs SPC LED reset (reset Sepam) b O b b b b
ComWac SPC Communication monitoring E b b
PhRot SPC Set phase rotation direction (on: 123, off: 132) E b b
Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

116 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for control: C group

Switch controller (CSWI class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name CSWI1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Pos DPC Switch, general M b b b b

Logical nodes for generic reference: G

Generic automatic process control (GAPC class)
Load shedding
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name LS_GAPC1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information b b
Op ACT Operate b O b b
MotStrRe SPS Motor restart E b b

Generic process I/O (GGIO class)

MES114 Digital Inputs
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name M114_GGIO1 M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Ind11 to Ind14 SPS Digital Input I11 to I14 O b b
Ind21 to Ind26 SPS Digital Input I21 to I26 O b b

MES120 Digital Inputs

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name M120_GGIOn (n = 1 to 3) M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Ind01 to Ind14 SPS Digital Input In01 to In14 (n = 1 to 3) O b b

Logic equations
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name EQU_GGIO1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Ind001 to Ind008 SPS V1 to V8 O b b b
Ind101 to Ind108 SPS V_MIMIC_IN_1 to V_MIMIC_IN_8 O b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 117

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for generic reference: G group
Generic process I/O (GGIO class) (cont.)
GOOSE monitoring
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name GSE_GGIO1 M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
G401 to G416 SPS Value of Sepam virtual inputs E b b
G401 to G416
G501 to G515 SPS Value of Sepam virtual inputs E b b
G501 to G515
Test1 to Test4 SPS Value of GOOSE test data Test1 E b b
to Test4

Sepam series 80 customized applications/remote indications

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80RI_GGIO1 M b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
TS01 to TS64 SPS Sepam remote indication TS1 to E b

Sepam series 80 customized applications/Logipam counters

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80CT_GGIO1 M b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
C01 to C24 SPS Logipam counters C1 to C24 E b

Sepam series 60/80 customized applications/remote controls (first group)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/ T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80RC_GGIO1 M b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
TC01 to TC32 SPC Remote controls TC1 to TC32 E b b

Sepam series 60/80 customized applications/remote controls (second group)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/ T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name S80RC_GGIO2 M b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
TC33 to TC64 SPC Remote controls TC33 to TC64 E b b
DPCSO1 DPC Logipam TC57/58 and TS41/42 O b
DPCSO2 DPC Logipam TC59/60 and TS43/44 O b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

118 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for metering and

measurement: M group
Non phase related harmonics (MHAN class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MHAN1 M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Measured values
Hz MV Basic frequency C b b
ThdAmp MV Current total harmonic distortion O b b
ThdVol MV Voltage total harmonic distortion O b b

Metering (MMTR class)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMTR1 (Internal energy counters) O b b b
MMTR2 (External energy counters) M b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Measured values
SupWh BCR Real energy supply O b b b
SupVArh BCR Reactive energy supply O b b b
DmdWh BCR Real energy demand O b b b
DmdVArh BCR Reactive energy demand O b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 119

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for metering and
measurement: M group (cont.)
Measurement (MMXU class)
Main channels measurements (for Sepam series 40 and Sepam series 80)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMXU1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
ClcMth ENG Calculation method (1) M b b b
Measured values
TotW MV Total active power O b b b
TotVAr MV Total reactive power O b b b
TotVA MV Total apparent power O b b b
TotPF MV Average power factor O b b b
Hz MV Frequency O b b b
PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages O b b b
PhV WYE Phase to ground voltages O b b b
A WYE Phase currents O b b b
W WYE Phase active power O b b
VAr WYE Phase reactive power O b b
VA WYE Phase apparent power O b b
(1) The calculation method is UNSPECIFIED and cannot be changed.

Current channels measurements for Sepam series 20 and Sepam series 80 (additional channels)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMXU2 M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
ClcMth ENG Calculation method (1) M b b
Measured values
A WYE Phase currents O b b
(1) The calculation method is UNSPECIFIED and cannot be changed.

Voltage channels measurements for Sepam series 20 (B2x applications) and Sepam series 80 (additional channels)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MMXU3 M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
ClcMth ENG Calculation method (1) M b b
Measured values
Hz MV Frequency O b b
PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages O b b
PhV WYE Phase to ground voltages O b b
(1) The calculation method is UNSPECIFIED and cannot be changed.

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

120 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for metering and

measurement: M group (cont.)
Sequence and imbalance (MSQI class)
Main channels measurements
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MSQI1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Measured values
SeqV SEQ Positive, negative and zero C b (1) b b b
sequence voltage
(1) Negative sequence voltage not available on Sepam series 20

Additional voltage channels measurements

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MSQI2 M b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Measured values
SeqV SEQ Positive, negative and zero C b
sequence voltage

Metering statistics (MSTA class) (1)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MSTA1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode M b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
NamPlt LPL Name plate M b b b b
Metered values
Max W MV Maximum real power O b b b
MaxVAr MV Maximum reactive power O b b b
AvAmps1 MV Average current phase A O b b b b
AvAmps2 MV Average current phase B O b b b b
AvAmps3 MV Average current phase C O b b b b
MaxAmps1 MV Maximum current phase A O b b b b
MaxAmps2 MV Maximum current phase B O b b b b
MaxAmps3 MV Maximum current phase C O b b b b
TrAmp1 MV Last trip current phase A E b b b b
TrAmp2 MV Last trip current phase B E b b b b
TrAmp3 MV Last trip current phase C E b b b b
TrAmp4 MV Last trip current neutral E b b b b
RsMaxA SPC Reset peak demand current E b b
RsMaxPwr SPC Reset peak demand power E b b
RsMax SPC Reset peak demand values E b b
(1) MSTA is obsolete in edition 2. However, it is kept for backward compatibility with the edition 1 data model.

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 121

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group
Differential protections (PDIF class)
87T - Transformer differential
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A87T_PDIF1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b
Measured values
DifAClc WYE Differential Current O b
RstA WYE Restraint Current O b

87M - Machine differential

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A87M_PDIF1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b
Measured values
DifAClc WYE Differential Current O b
RstA WYE Restraint Current O b

64REF - Restricted earth fault differential

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A64RF_PDIF1, A64RF_PDIF2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Distance protections (PDIS class)

21B - Underimpedance
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A21B_PDIS1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

122 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Directional overpower (PDOP class)
32P - Directional active overpower
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A32P_PDOP1 M b
A32P_PDOP1, A32P_PDOP2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

32Q - Directional reactive overpower

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A32Q_PDOP1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Directional underpower (PDUP class)

37P - Directional active underpower
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A37P_PDUP1, A37P_PDUP2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

40 - Field loss
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A40_PDUP1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Nota :
M: mandatry data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 123

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection
functions: P group (cont.)
Rate of change of frequency (PFRC class)
81R - Rate of change of frequency
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A81R_PFRC1 M b
A81R_PFRC1, A81R_PFRC2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Ground detector (PHIZ class)

27TN/64G2 - Third harmonic undervoltage
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A64G2_PHIZ1, A64G2_PHIZ2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M b
Op ACT Operate b M b

Instantaneous overcurrent (PIOC class)

50/27 - Inadvertent energizing
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A5027_PIOC1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information b
Op ACT Operate b M b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

124 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Motor restart inhibition (PMRI class)
66 - Starts per hour
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A66_PMRI1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
StrInh SPS Restart inhibited O b b b b
StrInhTmm INS Restart inhibition time O b b b b
NumStr INS Number of starts before inhibition E b b b b

Motor starting time supervision (PMSS class)

48/51LR - Excessive starting time, locked rotor
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51LR_PMSS1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b O b b b b
StrTmms INS Starting time E b b b b
Measured Values
StrAmp MV Starting current E b b b b

Phase angle measuring (PPAM class)

78PS - Pole slip
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A78PS_PPAM1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M b
Op ACT Operate b M b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 125

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Time overcurrent (PTOC class)
50/51 - Phase overcurrent
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51_PTOC1 to A51_PTOC4 M b b
A51_PTOC1 to A51_PTOC8 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

50N/51N, 50G/51G - Earth fault

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51N_PTOC1 to A51N_PTOC4 M b b
A51N_PTOC1 to A51N_PTOC8 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

46 - Negative sequence/unbalance
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A46_PTOC1 M b b
A46_PTOC1, A46_PTOC2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

46BC - Broken conductor

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name 46BC_PTOC1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v
Op ACT Operate b M b
Measured values
MaxImbNgA MV Maximum value of negative E b
sequence/positive sequence
current ratio

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

126 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Time overcurrent (PTOC class) (cont.)
51C - Capacitor bank unbalance
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51C_PTOC1 to A51C_PTOC8 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v
Op ACT Operate b M b

67 - Directional phase overcurrent

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A67_PTOC1, A67_PTOC2 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

67N/67NC - Directional earth fault

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A67N_PTOC1, A67N_PTOC2 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Overfrequency (PTOF class)

81H - Overfrequency
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A81H_PTOF1 M b
A81H_PTOF1, A81H_PTOF2 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 127

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Overvoltage (PTOV class)
59 - Overvoltage (L-L or L-N)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A59_PTOV1, A59_PTOV2 M b b
A59_PTOV1 to A59_PTOV4 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b O b b b b

59N - Neutral voltage displacement

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A59N_PTOV1, A59N_PTOV2 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b O b b b b

47 - Negative sequence overvoltage

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A47_PTOV1 M b
A47_PTOV1, A47_PTOV2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b O b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

128 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Protection trip conditioning (PTRC class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name PTRC1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Tr ACT Trip C b b b b
ExTr1 SPS External Trip 1 E b b b
ExTr2 SPS External Trip 2 E b b b
ExTr3 SPS External Trip 3 E b b b
BlkInd1 SPS Block indication 1 sent (Logic E b b b b
BlkInd2 SPS Block indication 2 sent (Logic E b b b
PhFltCnt INS Phase faults trip counter E b b
EFTrCnt INS Earth faults trip counter E b b

Thermal overload (PTTR class)

49RMS - Thermal overload
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A49_PTTR1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b
AlmThm SPS Thermal alarm O b b b b
TmResTr INS Operating time before tripping E b b b b
WaitTm INS Waiting time after tripping E b b b b
Measured Values
ThmRte MV Thermal capacity used E b b b b
InhThmPro SPC Inhibit thermal protection E b b b b

Undercurrent (PTUC class)

37 - Phase undercurrent
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A37_PTUC1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b
ProRs SPC Protection reset E b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 129

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Underfrequency (PTUF class)
81L - Underfrequency
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A81L_PTUF1, A81L_PTUF2 M b
A81L_PTUF1 to A81L_PTUF4 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

Undervoltage (PTUV class)

27- Undervoltage (L-L or L-N)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27_PTUV1, A27_PTUV2 M b b
A27_PTUV1 to A27_PTUV4 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

27D - Positive sequence undervoltage

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27D_PTUV1, A27D_PTUV2 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

27R - Remanent undervoltage

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27R_PTUV1 M b b
A27R_PTUV1, A27R_PTUV2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

130 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection functions:

P group (cont.)
Undervoltage (PTUV class) (cont.)
27S - Phase to neutral undervoltage
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A27S_PTUV1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v
Op ACT Operate (1) b M b
(1) Phase A, phase B, and phase C attributes are used.

Voltage controlled time overcurrent (PVOC class)

50V/51V - Voltage restrained overcurrent
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A51V_PVOC1 M b b
A51V_PVOC1, A51V_PVOC2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b b

Volts per Hertz (PVPH class)

24 - Overfluxing
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A24_PVPH1, A24_PVPH2 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Status information
Str ACD Start v
Op ACT Operate b M b

Zero speed or underspeed (PZSU class)

14 - Underspeed
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A14_PZSU1, A14_PZSU2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 131

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for protection functions:
P group (cont.)
Zero speed or underspeed (PZSU class) (cont.)
12 - Overspeed
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A12_PZSU1, A12_PZSU2 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Str ACD Start M v v
Op ACT Operate b M b b

Logical nodes for protection related functions:

R group
Breaker failure (RBRF class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RBRF1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
OpEx ACT Breaker failure trip b C b b b b

Disturbance recorder function (RDRE class)

Disturbance recorder
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RDRE1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (1) M b b b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not M b b b b
supported, always 0)
RcdTrg SPC Trig recorder O b b b b
RcdInh SPC Inhibit recorder E b b b b

Context recorder
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name CTX_RDRE2 M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (1) M b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not M b b
supported, always 0)
(1) RcdMade if false when no record is available and true when at least one record is present. It then goes false for a short period of time for every new record. This
allows performing new record detection through reporting of RcdMade.stVal.
The timestamp attribute of RcdMade (RcdMade.t) is meaningless and should be ignored.

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

132 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for protection related

functions: R group (cont.)
Data log recorder
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name DLG_RDRE3 M u V8.0 u V8.0
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (1) M b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not supported, M b b
always 0)
RcdStr SPS Recording started O b b
RcdTrg SPC Start/Stop recorder O b b
(1) RcdMade if false when no record is available and true when at least one record is present. It then goes false for a short period of time for every new record. This
allows performing new record detection through reporting of RcdMade.stVal.
The timestamp attribute of RcdMade (RcdMade.t) is meaningless and should be ignored.

Motor start recorder

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name MOT_RDRE4 M u V8.0 u V8.0
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
RcdMade SPS Recording made (1) M b b
FltNum INS Fault number (not supported, M b b
always 0)
RcdStr SPS Recording started O b b
RcdTrg SPC Trigger recorder O b b
(1) RcdMade if false when no record is available and true when at least one record is present. It then goes false for a short period of time for every new record. This
allows performing new record detection through reporting of RcdMade.stVal.
The timestamp attribute of RcdMade (RcdMade.t) is meaningless and should be ignored.

Fault locator (RFLO class)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RFLO1 M b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b
Beh ENS Behavior M b
Measured values
FltZ CMV Fault impedance M b
FltDiskm MV Fault distance O b
FltPh INS Fault phase(s) E b
bit 0 = 1: phase A faulty
bit 1 = 1: phase B faulty
bit 2 = 1: phase C faulty

Autoreclosing (RREC class)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RREC1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Status information
OpCls ACT Operate M v v b b
AutoRecSt INS Autoreclosing status M b b b b
Controls b b b b
BlkRec SPC Block reclosing E b b b b
Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 133

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical nodes for sensors and monitoring:
R group (cont.)
Synchronism-check or synchronizing (RSYN class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name RSYN1 M b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Status information
Rel SPS Release M v v
VInd SPS Voltage difference indicator O b b
AngInd SPS Angle difference indicator O b b
HzInd SPS Frequency difference indicator O b b
SynStop SPS Synchronizing stop b E b b
SynFlt SPS Synchronizing failure b E b b
Syn SPS Synchronizing successful b E b b
Measured values
DifVClc MV Calculated difference in Voltage O b b
DifHzClc MV Calculated difference in O b b
DifAngClc MV Calculated difference of Phase O b b
SynPrg SPC Synchronizing in progress O b b
InhSynChk SPC Inhibit synchronism-check E b b

Logical nodes for sensors and monitoring:

S group
Insulation medium supervision (liquid) (SIML class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name SIML1 M b b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b
Status information
InsAlm SPS Insulation liquid critical M b b b
(=Buchholz alarm)
GasInsTr SPS Buchholz trip O b b b
PresAlm SPS Pressure alarm O b b b
PresTr SPS Pressure trip O b b b
TmpAlm SPS Thermostat alarm O b b b
TmpTr SPS Thermostat trip E b b b
ThmAlm SPS Thermistor alarm E b b b
ThmTr SPS Thermistor trip E b b b

Temperature supervision (STMP class)

Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name A49T_STMP1 to A49T_STMP8 M b
A49T_STMP1 to A49T_STMP16 M b b b
Common logical node information
Mod ENC Mode O b b b b
Beh ENS Behavior M b b b b
Health ENS Health (1) O b b b b
Status information b b b b
Alm SPS Temperature alarm O b b b b
Trip SPS Temperature trip O b b b b
Measured Values
Tmp MV Temperature for thermal load O b b b b
(1) MET148 module status
Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

134 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical nodes for instrument transformers

and sensors: T group
Rotation transmitter (TRTN class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name TRTN1 M b b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b b
Measured values
RotSpd MV Rotation speed (rpm) E b b

Logical nodes for switchgear: X group

Circuit breaker (XCBR class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name XCBR1 M b b b b
Common logical node information
Beh INS Behavior M b b b b
Loc SPS Local control behavior M b b b b
EEHealth INS External equipment health (1) O b b b b
OpCnt INS Operation counter M b b b b
Status information
OpHrsCnt INS Operating hours counter E b b b b
OpTmms INS Operating time E b b b b
ChaTms INS Charging time E b b b b
SumSwAAlm SPS Cumulative breaking current alarm E b b
CBRkdOut SPS Circuit breaker racked out E b b
RkdOutCnt INS Racking out operations counter E b b
ESwPos SPS Earthing switch position E b b
Metered values
SumSwARs BCR Sum of switched amperes O b b b b
Pos DPC Switch position M b b b b
BlkOpn SPC Block opening M v v v v
BlkCls SPC Block closing M v b v v
(1) SF6 alarm and Trip circuit supervision.

Logical nodes for further power system

equipment: Z group
Capacitor bank (ZCAP class)
Attribute name Attribute type Explanation/Value T M/O/C/E Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
LNName Object Name ZCAP1 to ZCAP4 M b
Common logical node information
Beh ENS Behavior M b
EEHealth ENS External equipment health O b
OpTmh INS Operation time O b
Status information
DschBlk SPS Blocked due to discharge M v
Auto SPS Automatic operation E b
CapDS SPC Capacitor bank device status M b

Nota :
M: mandatory data
O: optional data
C: conditional data
E: extension data
T: transient data
v: compulsory data but unavailable in the device (provided with an invalid quality status).

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 135

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical Nodes per Sepam series 20
1 Logical Node S20
System Logical Nodes - L group
S23 S24 T20 T23 T24 M20 B21 B22

LPHD1 b b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
M114_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MMXU2 b b b b b b b
MMXU3 b b
MSQI1 b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A81R_PFRC1 b
A66_PMRI1 b
A46_PTOC1 b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b
A51N_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b
A81H_PTOF1 b b
A59_PTOV1-2 b b
A59N_PTOV1-2 b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b
A81L_PTUF1-2 b b
A27_PTUV1-2 b b
A27D_PTUV1-2 b b
A27R_PTUV1 b b
A27S_PTUV1 b b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b b
RBRF1 b b b b
RREC1 b b b
Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring - S group
A49T_STMP1-8 b b b b
Logical Nodes for switchgear- X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b b

136 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical Nodes per Sepam series 40

Logical Node S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S50 S51 S52 S53 S54 T40 T42 T50 T52 M40 M41 G40
System Logical Nodes - L group
LPHD1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
EQU_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
M114_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MMTR1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMXU1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MSQI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A32P_PDOP1 b b b b b b b b
A32Q_PDOP1 b b
A66_PMRI1 b b
A51LR_PMSS1 b b
A46_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A46BC_PTOC1 b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51N_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A67_PTOC1-2 b b b b
A67N_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b
A81H_PTOF1/1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A47_PTOV1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A59_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A59N_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b b
A81L_PTUF1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27D_PTUV1-2 b b
A27R_PTUV1 b b
A51V_PVOC1 b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
RBRF1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
RFLO1 b b b b b
RREC1 b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring - S group
SIML1 b b b b
A49T_STMP1-16 b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for switchgear- X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 137

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement
Logical Nodes per Sepam series 60
1 Logical Node
System Logical Nodes - L group
S60 S62 T60 T62 M61 G60 G62 C60

LPHD1 b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
EQU_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b
GSE_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b
M120_GGIO1-2 b b b b b b b b
S60RC_GGIO1-2 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MHAN1 b b b b b b b b
MMTR1-2 b b b b b b b b
MMXU1 b b b b b b b b
MSQI1 b b b b b b b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A64RF_PDIF1-2 b b
A21B_PDIS1 b b
A32P_PDOP1-2 b b b b b
A32Q_PDOP1 b b b
A37P_PDUP1-2 b b
A40_PDUP1 b b b
A81R_PFRC1-2 b b b b
A66_PMRI1 b
A46_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b
A51N_PTOC1-4 b b b b b b b b
A67_PTOC1-2 b b b
A67N_PTOC1-2 b b b b
A81H_PTOF1-2 b b b b b b b b
A47_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A59_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A59N_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b b b b
A49T_PTTR1-16 b b b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b
A81L_PTUF1-4 b b b b b b b b
A27_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A27D_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A27R_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b
A51V_PVOC1-2 b b
A12_PZSU1-2 b b b
A14_PZSU1-2 b b b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RBRF1 b b b b b b b b
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b
CTX_RDRE2 b b b b b b b b
DLG_RDRE3 b b b b b b b b
RREC1 b b
RSYN1 b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring - S group
SIML1 b b b b b
A49T_STMP1-16 b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for instrument transformers and sensors - T group
TRTN1 b b b
Logical Nodes switchgear - X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b

138 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
MICS - Model implementation
conformance statement

Logical Nodes per Sepam series 80

Logical Node S80 S81 S82 S84 T81 T82 T87 M81 M87 M88 G82 G87 G88 B80 B83 C86
System Logical Nodes - L group
LPHD1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
LLN0 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for control - C group
CSWI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for generic reference - G group
LS_GAPC1 b b b
EQU_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
M120_GGIO1-3 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
GSE_GGIO1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
S80xx_GGIOn b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for metering and measurement - M group
MHAN1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMTR1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMXU1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MMXU2 b b b b b
MSQI1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MSTA1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection functions - P group
A64RF_PDIF1-2 b b b b b
A87M_PDIF1 b b
A87T_PDIF1 b b b
A21B_PDIS1 b b b
A32P_PDOP1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A32Q_PDOP1 b b b b b b
A37P_PDUP1-2 b b
A40_PDUP1 b b b b b b
A81R_PFRC1-2 b
A64G2_PHIZ1-2 b b b
A5027_PIOC1 b b b
A66_PMRI1 b b b
A51LR_PMSS1 b b b
A78PS_PPAM1 b b b b b b
A46_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51_PTOC1-8/A51N_PTOC1-8 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51C_PTOC1-8 b
A67_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b
A67N_PTOC1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
A81H_PTOF1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A47_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A59_PTOV1-4/A59N_PTOV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
PTRC1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A49_PTTR1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A37_PTUC1 b b b
A81L_PTUF1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27_PTUV1-4 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A27D_PTUV1-2/A27R_PTUV1-2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
A51V_PVOC1-2 b b b
A24_PVPH1-2 b b b b
A12_PZSU1-2/A14_PZSU1-2 b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for protection related functions - R group
RBRF1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
RDRE1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
CTX_RDRE2 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
DLG_RDRE3 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
MOT_RDRE4 b b b
RREC1 b b b b
RSYN1 b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for sensors and monitoring - S group
SIML1 b b b b b b b
A49TSTMP1-16 b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for instrument transformers and sensors - T group
TRTN1 b b b b b
Logical Nodes for switchgear - X group
XCBR1 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Logical Nodes for further power equipment - Z group
ZCAP1-4 b

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 139

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PICS - Protocol implementation
conformance statement
Profile conformance
A-Profile support
1 Profile
A1 Client/server
Client Server

A2 GOOSE/GSE Management b b (1)

A4 Time sync b
The Specific Communication Services Mapping
to MMS (ISO 9506) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 is defined by
part 8-1 of IEC 61850. T-Profile support
It provides: Profile Client Server Comments
b the mapping of the objects and services of the ACSI T1 TCP/IP profile b
to MMS T2 OSI T profile
b the mapping of time-critical information exchanges to T3 GOOSE/GSE T profile b b (1)

ISO/IEC 8802-3 T4 GSSE T profile

These conformance tables are taken from chapter 24 of T5 Time Sync T profile b
IEC 61850-8-1. (1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

MMS conformance
MMS service supported CBB (server) M/O/C/I Supported
status M b
getNameList C b
identify M b
rename O
read C b
write C b
getVariableAccessAttributes C b
defineNamedVariable O
defineScatteredAccess I
getScatteredAccessAttibutes I
deleteVariableAccess O
defineNamedVariableList O
getNamedVariablesListAttributes C b
deleteNamedVariableList C
defineNamedType I
getNamedTypeAttributes I
deleteNamedType I
input I
output I
takeControl I
relinquishControl I
defineSemaphore I
deleteSemaphore I
reportPoolSemaphoreStatus I
reportSemaphoreStatus I
initialDownloadSequence I
downloadSegment I
terminateDownloadSequence I
initiateUploadSequence I
uploadSegment I
terminateUploadSequence I
requestDomainDownload I
requestDomainUpload I
loadDomainContent I
storeDomainContent I
deleteDomain I
getDomainAttributes C b

Nota :
M: mandatory support
O: optional support
C: conditional support
I: out of scope
X: must not be supported (version compatibility)

140 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PICS - Protocol implementation
conformance statement

MMS conformance (contd)

MMS service supported CBB (server) M/O/C/I Supported
createProgramInvocation I
deleteProgramInvocation I
start I
stop I
resume I
reset I
kill I
getProgramInvocationAttributes I
obtainFile C
defineEventCondition I
deleteEventCondition I
getEventConditionAttributes I
reportEventConditionStatus I
alterEventConditionMonitoring I
triggerEvent I
defineEventAction I
deleteEventAction I
alterEventEnrollment I
reportEventEnrollmentStatus I
getEventEnrollmentAttributes I
acknowledgeEventNotification I
getAlarmSummary I
getAlarmEnrollmentSummary I
readJournal C b ACE850 only
writeJournal O
initializeJournal C
reportJournalStatus I
createJournal I
deleteJournal I
fileOpen C b
fileRead C b
fileClose C b
fileRename I
fileDelete C
fileDirectory C b
unsolicitedStatus I
informationReport C b
eventNotification I
attachToEventCondition I
attachToSemaphore I
conclude M b
cancel M b
getDataExchangeAttributes X
exchangeData X
defineAccessControlList X
getAccessControlListAttributes X
reportAccessControlledObjects X
deleteAccessControlList X
alterAccessControl X
reconfigureProgramInvocation X

Nota :
M: mandatory support
O: optional support
C: conditional support
I: out of scope
X: must not be supported (version compatibility)

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 141

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PICS - Protocol implementation
conformance statement
GOOSE services
GOOSE conformance Subscriber Publisher
1 GOOSE services
Supported M/O/C
b(1) C
b (1)
SendGOOSEMessage M M b
GetGoReference O C
GetGOOSEElementNumber O C
GetGoCBValues O O
SetGoCBValues O O
GOOSE Control Block (GoCB) O O b
(1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

GSSE conformance Subscriber Publisher

M/O/C Supported M/O/C Supported
GSSE services C C
SendGSSEMessage M M
GetGsReference O C
GetGSSEDataOffset O C
GetGsCBValues O O
SetGsCBValues O O
GSSE Control Block (GsCB) O O

Nota :
M: mandatory support
O: optional support
C: conditional support
I: out of scope
X: must not be supported (version compatibility)

142 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation extra
information for testing

Device configuration
The entire device configuration is read-only and can only be modified by the CID file.
In particular, data objects with functional constraints of DC and CF can never be

ACSI models
Association model
Item Value/Comments
Maximum simultaneous client associations ECI850: 6
ACE850: 8
TCP Keepalive 1 to 60 seconds (default 30) (1)
Authentication Not supported
Association parameters
TSEL Required, value defined in the CID file
SSEL Required, value defined in the CID file
PSEL Required, value defined in the CID file
AP-Title Not required, ignored if present
AE-Qualifier Not required, ignored if present
Maximum MMS PDU size 8000
Typical startup time after a power supply ECI850:
interrupt 20-100 seconds (depends on the CID
configuration file). The status LED blinks quickly
during startup.
5-30 seconds (depends on the CID
configuration file). The On/fault LED blinks quickly
during startup.
(1) This is the time between two keepalive probes during normal operation. The session time-out,
in case of communication failure, is related to this value in a non-linear way and ranges from
approximately 50 seconds to approximately 150 seconds. It is about 90 seconds for the default
keepalive value.
Note: A 3 second delay between each association is required.

Server model
Item Value/Comments
Quality bits for analog values (MX)
Validity Good, Invalid
OutofRange Supported
Failure Supported
Inconsistent Supported
Source Process
Other quality bits and values Not supported
Quality bits for status values (ST)
Validity Good, Invalid
BadReference Supported
Failure Supported
Inconsistent Supported
Inaccurate Supported
Source Process
Other quality bits and values Not supported
Maximum number of data values in Limited only by the MMS PDU size
Get/SetDataValues requests

Dataset model
Item Value/Comments
Predefined Datasets in the ICD files b 1 status Dataset LLN0.StDs
b 1 measurand Dataset LLN0.MxDs in each
Sepam Logical Device
Maximum number of data elements in one By configuration: 600
Maximum number of persistent Datasets By configuration: 32 (1)
Maximum number of non-persistent Not supported
(1) The number of Datasets is only limited by the available memory. The indicated limit here is an
imposed limit for the configurator and based on the section <services> content of
the ICD file.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 143

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
Setting group model
Item Value/Comments

1 Number of setting groups 2

Note: Setting group is used to globally switch Sepam between A and B parameter sets, so no
individual "SG" feature is provided.

Reporting model
Item Value/Comments
Predefined BRCBs in the ICD files b 2 status RCBs LLN0.brcbST01 and
LLN0.brcbST02, based on LLN0.StDs
b 2 measurands RCBs LLN0.brcbMX01 and
LLN0.brcbMX02, based on LLN0.StMx
in each Sepam Logical Device
Predefined URCBs in the ICD files None
Support of trigger conditions
Integrity Supported
Data change Supported
Data update Supported (can be set, but there is no process
data to report for this condition)
Quality change Supported
General interrogation Supported
Support of optional fields
Sequence number Supported
Report time-stamp Supported
Reason for inclusion Supported
Dataset name Supported
Data reference Supported
Buffer overflow Supported
EntryID Supported
Conf-rev Supported
Segmentation Supported, automatic
Sending of segmented reports Supported
EntryID Only the first 4 octets are used. Remaining octets
must be 0.
Buffer size for each BRCB 30000 octets
URCB management Non indexed URCB instances are created
dynamically from the models, for each client
requesting it.
The auto-indexation of the URCB with the use of
the RptEnabled max = "n" attribute is supported
from 2011 versions (See page 46).
BRCB management The auto-indexation of the BCRB with the use of
the RptEnabled max = "n" attribute is supported
from 2011 versions (See page 46).
Maximum number of RCB. 40 (48 for ECI850) (1)
(1) The number of RCB is only limited by the available memory. The indicated limit here is an
imposed limit for the configurator and based on the section <services> content of
the ICD file.

Transient data
Sepam ICD files are provided with this attribute set to FALSE. Both state transitions are reported.

Reports buffering starts only when a client context is available for a BRCB. This occurs following
the first activation of this BRCB after device startup.

144 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
Log model
ACE850 allows only one Log file (in Logical node LLN0 of logical device LD0) and
only one Log Control block.
Log annotations are used to indicate loss of events, due to buffer overflow or clock
not synchronized.
Logging is disabled by default in the ICD file. It must be enabled either dynamically
or at configuration time. Integrity period logging is not supported, write operations to
the corresponding field of the Log Control Block are possible but the value is ignored.

Log data is stored in non-volatile memory. Two 128 Kbytes memory blocks are used,
when both are full, the block containing the oldest data is erased. Then the minimum
Log depth is 128 Kbytes and the maximum Log depth is 256 Kbytes, that is
approximately between 1000 and 2000 single point status changes respectively.

In order to ensure that a valid TimeOfEntry is assigned to Log entries, Logging is

automatically disabled if the SNTP synchronization is disabled or not successful,
whatever the value of LogEna.
Log annotations are used to indicate loss of events, due to buffer overflow or clock
not synchronized.
The Log file is erased each time a new CID is loaded in the device, in order to avoid
model inconsistencies.
Note: The content of the whole Log may also be retrieved at any time, as a COMFEDE formatted
XML file, using FTP.

Logging is not supported by ECI850. If Log or LogControl elements are found in the
CID file, they are ignored. This may occur as ICD files are common for ACE850 and
ECI850 and contain default elements.

Control model
Item Value/Comments
Control models supported
Status only Supported
Direct with normal security Supported
Direct with enhanced security Not supported
SBO with normal security Not supported
SBO with enhanced security Supported
Time activated operate (operTm) Not supported
Test mode Not supported, ignored
Check conditions Not supported, must be 0
Operate many Not supported
Pulse configuration Not supported
Command Termination timeout 15 seconds
Service error types b instance-not-available
b access-violation
b parameter-value-inappropriate
b instance-locked-by-another-client
b failed-due-to-server-constraint
b generic-error

SBO controls
ctlNum normally must have the same value in the Select and Operate requests.
To insure interoperability with older clients not complying with this rule, the value plus
one is also accepted in the Operate request.
It is possible to select several times the same control object. The select/operate
timeout is restarted with each selection. The value contained in the Cancel structure
is ignored. Controls with same ctlVal as current status are accepted.

Local/remote modes
Edition 2 has introduced several new objects for managing local/remote controls.
However, only the legacy Loc object is supported by Sepam.
Sepam does not either support multilevel controls.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 145

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
GOOSE model (Sepam series 60 or series 80, with ACE850)
Item Value/Comments

1 GOOSE header subscriber identification

Source Mac Address Not Supported
Destination Mac Address Supported
VPID tag (VLAN, priority) Supported, optional field
Ethertype = 0x88B8 Supported
APPID Supported
Length Supported
gocbRef Supported
timeAllowedtoLive Supported
datSet Supported
goID Supported, optional field
t Not Supported
stNum Supported
sqNum Not Supported
test Supported
confRev Supported
ndsCom Not Supported, must be FALSE
numDatSetEntries Supported
GOOSE publish can be turned ON/OFF Supported, using SetGoCBValues(GoEna)
GOOSE publish mode test turned ON/OFF Supported, using the Diagnostics Web pages
Incorrect GOOSE publish configuration Not supported, configurator does not validate it.
Missing GOOSE detection Supported, QR condition is set on timeout.
Syntactically incorrect GOOSE frame Supported, QD condition is set on bad syntax.
Subscribed GOOSE is out-of-order Supported, partially for stNum, not for sqNum
Subscribed GOOSE is duplicated Supported, the frame is ignored.
GOOSE data contents
Structured data objects Supported
Data attributes Supported
timestamp data attributes Supported
GOOSE VLAN capability
GOOSE with VLAN tag Supported
GOOSE without VLAN tag Supported
Retransmission time profile Supported, configuration from 4 ms to 30 s
TAL min = 200 ms
(1) Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80, with ACE850 only.

GOOSE Publisher detailed behavior

b Test mode:
The test mode of a GOOSE can be set or reset using a check-box in the "GOOSE
messaging statistics" web page.
b Transmission profile:
v On any change the GOOSE frame is first transmitted as soon as possible, and then
retransmitted according to the time profile, from MinTime to MaxTime.
v Time profile follows the powers of 2 in milliseconds, bounded to 29900 ms.
v MinTime and MaxTime are configurable and truncated to the nearest convenient
value of the profile, in the range from 4ms to 29900 ms.
v Each member of a Dataset have to be detailed at least at the level of
b Time-Allowed-to-Live (TAL):
It is the sum of the 2 next retransmission times (with a minimum of 150 ms), plus
50 ms.
b Maximum number of GOOSE frames in transmission: 4
b Proprietary attributes completing information of the state of the GOOSE Control
Block status:
v MinTime: actual minimum time of the retransmission profile in milliseconds,
v Max Time: actual maximum time of the retransmission profile in milliseconds,
v Test: Test = TRUE means that the GOOSE is currently being emitted in test mode.

146 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
GOOSE Subscriber detailed behavior
A received GOOSE frame is considered if it matches the following configured criteria:
b Ethernet protocol:
v If the Optional VLAN tag exists, it must have the form 0x8100xxxx.
v The protocol identifier must be GOOSE = 0x88B8.
b GOOSE protocol:
v Received frame is large enough to contain specified data length.
v Destination address is the one of the subscribed GOOSE.
v All the fields are checked for consistency in the following order: APPID, Length,
gocbRef, TAL, datSet, optional goID, t, stNum, sqNum, test, confRev, ndsComm, and
Data fields. ndsComm must have the value FALSE.
b GOOSE data consistency:
v The datSet structure matches the expected one versus ASN.1 coding types.
v If it does not match, the Quality of Data flag (QD) is set.
b GOOSE timeout:
v If a frame does not match any above criteria, it is rejected as invalid.
v If no valid frame is received before the Time-Allowed-to-Live timeout, plus 50ms,
the Quality of Reception flag (QR) is set.
v On invalid frame, data is left to last known valid values.
b GOOSE data validity:
v stNum may take any value except for the previous value minus 1 (in order to avoid
possible desynchronization during a network reconfiguration).
v sqNum is not checked to prevent deadlocks with a desynchronized producer.
v t field is not checked, devices may be not time-synchronized.
v Test mode: when the test mode is set in the GOOSE header, the values are not
considered, and previous values are frozen as valid until the test mode is reset,
however QD and QR conditions are still evaluated.

A valid received GOOSE is decoded for Sepam serie 60 or Sepam series 80 as

b Each IEC 61850 data is converted in a 1-bit value using rules:
v Single Point Status: "TRUE" = 1, "FALSE" = 0.
v Double Point Status: "10" = 1, all other combinations = 0.
v Quality: "bad" = 1, "good" = 0, with the following rules:
If INVALID: mask "I" is applied on detailQual (default 0xF8).
If QUESTIONABLE: mask "Q" is applied on detailQual (default 0x77).
Mask "M" is applied on the source, test, operatorBlocked bits (default 0x03).
If any of these gives 1 or QR condition is present, the quality is set to "bad".
v Any other data type gives a 0 value.
b Each of resulting 1-bit values may be assigned to zero, one, or more of the 31
dedicated GOOSE inputs of Sepam (GSE_GGIO1 logical node):
v The 31 virtual GOOSE inputs are G401 to G416, and G501 to G515.
v G516 input is reserved for the ACE850 module presence detection.
v A GOOSE input not having any assignment is let to 0.
v Several 1-bit values may be assigned to one GOOSE input: an OR is assumed.
b Maximum number of GOOSE subcriptions: 40

The acceptance of GOOSE messages with/without the simulation flag set is

controlled by the Sim data object in LPHD1, as defined in IEC 61850-7-1.

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 147

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing
Time and time synchronization model
Item Value/Comments

1 Time quality bits

LeapSecondsKnown Supported but not used
ClockFailure Supported
ClockNotSynchronized Supported
Maximum time to wait for time server 5 seconds
Meaning of ClockFailure bit This bit is set when it is not possible to get time
from any time server (or when the SNTP
synchronization is not enabled).
Meaning of ClockNotSynchronized bit This bit is set when the time server sets the alarm
condition (clock not synchronized) in the SNTP
frame (LI field).

Time stamps
Time stamping is performed in Sepam devices for process status values such as protection
tripping, digital inputs changes
It is performed in the ECI850 or ACE850 for any other data such as deadbanded analog values.
For time stamping consistency, it is necessary that ECI850 or ACE850 are synchronized via

ECI850 or ACE850 clock

At power-up, the ECI850 or ACE850 clock is reset to a default date (1970/01/01). It is then
synchronized to the SNTP servers if the feature is enabled and the servers are running. Sepam
units are synchronized from the ECI850 or ACE850 only if the ClockFailure status is not set.

File transfer model

Item Value/Comments
Separator for files and directories path '/'
Structure of files and directories LD/LDName/dirname/filename (1)
Maximum length of names (incl. path) 64
Case sensitivity Case sensitive
(1) See FTP server for more details.

148 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
PIXIT - Protocol implementation
extra information for testing

Impact of Sepam settings

Logical device mode
Provided that the Sepam unit is of the correct type and communicates correctly with
the ECI850 or ACE850, the corresponding logical device mode (given by LLN0.Mod)
is always ON. The only exception is when a Sepam series 60 or Sepam series 80
device is set in "test mode" in which case it is reported as ON-BLOCKED (the closest
IEC 61850 mode). However, be aware that Sepam behavior is not exactly the
IEC 61850-7-4 behavior (refer to Sepam documentation).
With ECI850, LLN0.Mod is OFF when the communication with the Sepam device
attached to the Logical Device is broken.

Protection logical nodes

Protection logical nodes are OFF (Mod attribute), if the corresponding protection
function is turned OFF in the Sepam unit.
Some Protection Logical Nodes require a mandatory Str (Start) attribute. Such an
information being unavailable in Sepam devices, it is always provided as an OFF
state and invalid quality.

Breaker-related Logical Nodes

Breaker-related logical nodes CSWI1 and XCBR1 rely on the breaker control function
being turned ON in the Sepam device.

Setting groups
IEC 61850 setting group 1 corresponds to Sepam setting group A.
IEC 61850 setting group 2 corresponds to Sepam setting group B.
Selection of active setting group is only possible if "Choice (of setting group) by
remote control" is selected on the Sepam device.

In order to be executed, controls must be enabled in the Sepam unit. This is the case
if the Loc attribute is OFF. In addition, with ECI850, SBO mode must be turned OFF
on the Modbus interface.

Analog values
Measurements are provided as floating point values. Their units are specified in the data model.

Default deadband values are provided in the CID file. These values can be changed.
Unlike specified in IEC 61850-7-3, deadband values are not expressed as % but they
are integer values in physical units, which are described in the CID file.

Integer statuses
Integer statuses are transmitted with the following units:
Logical Attribute Sepam Sepam Sepam Sepam
Node series 20 series 40 series 60 series 80
A66_PMRI1 StrInhTmm 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min
A51LR_PMSS StrTmms 100 ms 100 ms 10 ms 10 ms
A49_PTTR1 TmResTr 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min
A49_PTTR1 WaitTm 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min
XCBR1 OpHrsCnt 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr
XCBR1 OpTmms 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
XCBR1 ChaTms 1 ms 100 ms 1 second 1 second
Miscellaneous Counters 1 1 1 1

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 149

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
SICS - SCL Implementation
conformance statement
SCL implementation conformance
1 M/O/C Value/
ICD export M
I11 Fix ICD file (no adaptable export needed) GC_1 (1) Yes
I12 Export of ICD file or IID file according to IED GC_1 (1) No for ICD
preconfiguration performed by tool Yes for IID
I13 State the data model name space (61850-7-3 M Yes
subclause 7.2) within ICD file (LLN0.NamPlt.ldNs
I14 State the data model version (61850-7-3 subclause M Yes
7.8.3) and any predefined/fixed configuration values
within ICD file (
I15 Version 2003 export GC_1 (2) No (1)
I16 Version 2007 export GC_1 (2) Yes (1)
I17 Predefined data sets O Yes
I18 Predefined control blocks O Yes
I19 Substation bay template with IED part O No
I110 Communication section with default address O Yes
I111 Export correct valKind value (Table 46) O RO, Conf O Yes
I112 Exports internal addresses as InRef or Input O Yes (input section
section (subclause 9.3.13) only)
I113 Exports internal addresses in Input section O No
with expected serviceType (subclause 9.3.13)
I114 Exports in UTF-8 coding M Yes (only coding
SCD import M
I21 Identify IED to be configured in SCD file by IED name M Yes
I22 Configure LD name (at least via ldInst, dependent on M Yes for IED
the IED capabilities) and IED addresses from SCD addresses
No for ldInst on
ACE850 (fix name)
Partial for ldInst on
ldName is not
I23 Determine communication side addresses of IED C1 Yes
inputs from SCD
I24 Determine and use clock communication addresses C1 No
from SCD
I25 Configure values of (existing) control block from SCD C3 Yes
I26 Prepare (new) control block instances according to C3 Yes
SCD file
I27 Prepare/configure data sets according to SCD file C3 Yes
I28 Modify predefined data sets according to SCD C3 Yes
I29 Interpret client references in the control blocks of C1 For GOOSE only
other IEDs to find the control block instances
allocated to this IED, and data sent to this IED
I210 Set IED configuration values and parameter values O Yes
as defined in SCD file
I211 Support changed (reduced capability) valKind (e.g. O No
from Set to RO or to Conf) (Table 46)
I212 Support ldName on other IEDs (9.3.4) C3 No
I213 Interpret input signal references to source control O No
blocks (9.3.13)
I214 Imports UTF-8 coding of XML M Other codings M Yes (only coding
(1) CET850 is not able to convert an SCL file from one edition to the other. However, Sepam ICD
libraries are provided for both editions, allowing creating either edition 1 or edition 2 SCD files.

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IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
SICS - SCL Implementation
conformance statement

SCL implementation conformance

statement (cont.)
M/O/C Value/
IID export after IED engineering O
I31 IED version and instance information: O Yes
LPHD.PhyNam: hwRev, swRev, serNum,
I32 Configuration values (fc=CF) O Yes

I33 Setting Parameter values (fc=SP, SG) O Yes

I34 SCL Header management ( 9.1) C2 Yes

I35 Modify IED data model (add LN/Data object/LD, or O No

remove unused LD/LN/Data object)
Tool functionality M
I41 Support MustUnderstand concept (8.2) M Yes (at device level)

I42 Incoming 61850 signals to IED internal (input) C1 Yes

I43 Use or create IED Input section for binding incoming O Yes
(external) signals to internal signals, to document
this binding
I44 Create CID file for IED O Yes

I45 Support ldName for LD name specification C3 No

I46 Modify LN prefixes or lnInst O No

(1) CET850 is not able to convert an SCL file from one edition to the other. However, Sepam
ICD libraries are provided for both editions, allowing creating either edition 1 or edition 2 SCD

Nota :
C1: mandatory, if the IED can receive data from other IEDs, i.e. be either client or subscriber.
C2: mandatory, if any of the other features in this table section is supported.
C3: mandatory, if the appropriate IED capability is claimed in PIXIT or IED capability section.
GC_1 (n): at least one of the elements of group n shall be available.
O: optional, should match the IED capabilities; i.e., if an IED claims that RCBs can be configured by SCL, then the IED tool shall support it.
M: mandatory

SEPED306024EN - 01/2013 151

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
TICS - Technical issues conformance
Error corrections and improvements have been made to the current edition (edition 1)
1 of the IEC 61850 standard. These items, known as technical issues or "tissues" can
be found on:
The UCA IUG QAP, acting as the competent body for device certification, requires
that the tissue conformance statement of a device is provided.

The following tables reference only the tissues that have been accepted and solved
by the editor's group in charge of them, at the time of publication.

The conformance (M/O/-) column indicates:

b M: Mandatory, tissue is included in the UCA Device conformance test procedures
and stated as mandatory (interoperability).
b O: Optional, the tissue is a recommendation or it is optional in the IEC 61850
documents or it is not required for compliance to edition 1.

The supported (Sup) column indicates:

b Y: Yes, the tissue is implemented in the device.
b N: No, the tissue is not implemented in the device.
b N/A: Not applicable, the tissue is not applicable for the device.

Optional tissues are listed only if they are supported.

Some tissues are only editorial, or related to the XML schema or to a client. They
have no impact on the device conformance and are therefore just listed for sake of

IEC 61850 part 6 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 660, 661, 699, 731, 752, 787, 806
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
658 Annex A There are some features missing in SCL to support the service tracking as defined in 7-2. N/A
663 9.3.7 Table 22 FCDA element cannot be a "functionally constrained logical node". Y
668 9 Allow two terminals additionally to the neutral point at the power transformer winding. N/A
687 9.3.2 SGCB ResvTms. N/A
706 9.3.7 Mandatory attributes for a FCDA. Y
719 9.3.1 Table 11 ConfDataSet - maxAttributes is maximum number of FCDA elements. Y
721 9.3.5 Default name for Log element is LDinst. Y
768 Add VisString65 to the bType enum list.
779 Table 45 Relative object references. N/A
788 Annex G Make SICS S56 mandatory. N/A
804 Table 46 valKind and IED versus System configuration N/A
807 9.3.2 Table 11 Need a way to indicate if "Owner" present in RCB. N

IEC 61850 part 7-2 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 813, 820
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
728 Table 37 BRCB: PurgeBuf can only be set when RptEna=false. Y
778 Tables 53, 54 The enum value "not-supported" is missing in AddCause enumeration. Y
780 Unsupported trigger options at a control block Y
783 20.2.3 TimOper resp- N/A
786 Annex B2 AddCause enum must be: Y
b 26 "Inconsistent-parameters"
b 27 "Locked-by-other-client"

152 SEPED306024EN - 01/2013

IEC 61850 Conformance statements
communication (Edition 2.0)
TICS - Technical issues conformance

IEC 61850 part 7-3 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 709, 720, 814, 819, 832, 839
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
697 6.7 Persistent command not allowed for DPC N/A
698 7.5.9 Table 47 Rename dB to db in BAC common data class. N/A
722 Annex A, D Add units for 'h' and 'min'. N

IEC 61850 part 7-4 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 671, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 685, 689,
693, 694, 695, 696, 712, 715, 716, 727, 748, 749, 830
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
670 5.3 Add a SetMod DO to Common LN. N
674 5.18.14 Change the CDC of LocSta in ZRRC to SPC. N/A
676 5.3.5, 5.3.6, 6 Change the name of LCCH.Fer and LCCH.RedFer to FerCh and RedFerCh respectively. N/A
677 6, 5.11.12, Change SOPM.MotStr to MotStrNum and SOPM.MotStrNum to MotAlmNum. N/A
713 5.6.4 Change the DO names as following: N/A
Tm1ms --> Tm1Tmms
Tm1ldms --> Tm1ldTmms
Tm2ms --> Tm2Tmms
Tm2ldms --> Tm2ldTmms
Tm3ms --> Tm3Tmms
714 Annex H Delete ShOpCap and SwOpCap enums and replace by SwCap. N/A
724 5.4.2 Change ANCR.Auto to optional. N/A
725 5.4 Change Loc in Axxx LNs to Optional, where it is mandatory. N/A
The presence of LocKey, LocSta should be defined as Optional where the DO Loc is
present, otherwise forbidden.
729 5.14.8 In the LN SPDC the DO, add the setting PDAlmLev (ASG): Partial discharge alarm level. N/A
732 5.3.10 Add an optional data object LoQuTrk of CDC OTS to LTRK, which allows the tracking of log O N/A
734 5.3.4 Move OpTmh from LLN0 to LPHD. N/A
742 5.7.2 GAPC.Str, GAPC.Op, GAPC.StrVal are single instance DOs. Y
743 5.5.3 Change DOs CCGR.PmpCtl and CCGR.FanCtl PmpCtl1 and FanCtl1 (multiple instances N/A
744 5.14.11 STMP has no EEHealth and EEName DOs. Y
772 5.3.2 In LPHD, the DO for PwrUp and PwrDn should be transient. N/A
773 5.17.3, 5.17.4 Add Loc, LocKey and LocSta as optional in YLTC and YPSH. O N/A
774 5.8.5 Add LocKey as optional in ITCI. N/A
800 5.5 Change CSYN.VInvTmms to CSYN .VIntvTmms. N/A
810 5.13.8 Add FltX, CDC MV, Fault reactance and FltR, CDC MV, Fault resistance as optional DO in O N

IEC 61850 part 8-1 Tissues

Editorial and schema related TISSUES are: 821, 827
Number Clause/ Paragraph Final change M/O/- Sup
Subclause Figure/Table
834 23.1 File directory names are up to 64 characters. Y
817 Change fixed length encoding of 32 bits floating point values in Fixed length Goose N/A
messages, to match existing implementations.
784 Tracking of controls N/A
770 GoID is VISIBLE STRING 129 (not 65). Y

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ART.960140 2013 Schneider Electric - All rights reserved

Schneider Electric Industries SAS

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