Conditional Sentences: Go To The Library Once Every Week

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Always remember If clause Result clause Examples

(a) If she has enough time, she goes to
the library once every week.
True in the Simple Simple Present/Simple (b) If she has enough time, she will
present/Future Present Future go to the library once every week.
(General Truth)
(c) If she had enough time, she would
go to the library once every week.
Untrue in the (However, the truth is that she
present/future Simple Past Would+ Simple Form does not have enough time, so she
will not go to the library)
(Unlikely to
(d) If she had had enough time, she
would have gone to the library
Untrue in the past once every week. (However, the
(Impossible Past Perfect Would have+ past participle truth is that she didnt have
enough time, so she didnt go
situation in past)


(e) If I dont eat breakfast, I always get hungry In (e): The simple present is used in the result
during class. clause to express a habitual activity or situation.
(f) Water freezes (will freeze) if the temperature In (f): Either the simple present or the simple
goes below 32 F/0C. future is used in the result clause to express an
(g) If I dont eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I will established, predictable fact.
get hungry during class. In (g) and (h): The simple future is used in the
(h) If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a result clause when the sentence concerns a
picnic. particular activity or situation in the future.

EXERCISE 1: Connect the phrases to make sentences.

1. If you hide behind the tree, a) youll know more words.
2. If you dont hurry, b) hell see you.
3. If you read more books, c) well be late.
4. If she doesnt eat, d) their teacher will be angry.
5. If they dont do their homework, e) shell be hungry.

EXERCISE 2: Complete the conditional sentences.

1) If you _________________________ (not/behave), you __________________________ (get) a bad mark.
2) If she __________________________ (wear) a raincoat, she _________________________ (not/get) wet.
3) I ___________________________ (not /talk) to you if you ________________________ (not/ keep) my secret.
4) If he ___________________________ (leave) now, I __________________________ (never/ talk) to him again.
5) If your students _____________________ (work) hard, their results ___________________ (be) a lot better.
6) If you ____________________________ (wait) a minute, she ________________________ (be) here with Jack.
(i) If I taught this class, I wouldnt give tests. In (i): In truth, I dont teach this class.
(j) If he were here right now, he would help us. In (j): In truth, he is not here right now.
(k) If I were you, I would accept their invitation. In (k): In truth, I am not you.
Note: Were is used for both singular and plural subjects. Was (with I, he, she, it) is sometimes used in
very information speech but is not generally consider grammatically acceptable.

EXERCISE 3: Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses.

1. If I have enough apples, I (bake) _____will bake______ an apple pie this afternoon.
2. If I had enough apples, I (bake) _______________________ an apple pie this afternoon.
3. I will fix your bicycle if (have) _______________________ a screwdriver of the proper size.
4. I would fix your bicycle if I (have) _______________________ a screwdriver of the proper size.
5. I (make) ___________________ a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are ripe.
6. I (make) ___________________ a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are ripe.
7. Jack would shave today if he (have) _______________________ a sharp razor.
8. Jack will shave today if he (have) _______________________ a sharp razor.
9. Sally always answers the phone if she (be) _______________________ in her office.
10. Sally would answer the phone if she (be) _______________________ in her office right now.
11. I (not be) _________________ a student in this class if English (be) __________________ my native language.

EXERCISE 4: Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I were you, I _____________________________________ (not wear) those old jeans.
2. Terence _____________________________________ (win) the championship if he trained harder.
3. If he _____________________________________ (be) taller, he could be a basketball player.
4. If everybody _____________________________________ (protest), they would stop killing whales.
5. The countryside _____________________________________ (be) more beautiful if people didnt set fire
to the forests every year.
6. If you __________________________ (stop) smoking, you _______________________ (feel) much better.
7. If the temperature ____________________ (drop) a bit more, it ______________________ (snow), but I
dont think it will.
8. I _____________________ (read) the book if it ____________________ (be) interesting, but its so boring.
9. If my boyfriend __________________ (treat) me like that, I ____________________ (break up) with him.

EXERCISE 5: Rewrite the sentences using the second conditional.

1. I dont have his phone number. I cant call him. If I

2. I feel terrible I cant go to school. I
3. My parents dont like him because he looks so strange. If he
4. He doesnt get the good marks because he is lazy. He
5. She doesnt speak Portuguese because she doesnt live in Portugal.
6. You dont lose weight because you eat too much.
(l) If you had told me about the problem, I would have helped you.
(m) If they had studied, they would have passed the exam.
(n) If I hadnt slipped on the ice, I wouldnt have broken my arm.
In (m): In truth, they did not study. They failed the exam.
In (n): In truth, I slipped on the ice. I broke my arm.
Note: The auxiliary verbs are almost always contracted in speech. If youd told me, I wouldve helped
you (OR: Idve helped you).

EXERCISE 6: Put the following words in order to create third conditional sentences
1) said / have / same / I'd / the / thing
2) would / have / no. / He / said
3) wouldn't / accepted. / They / have
4) you / what / have / said? / would
5) tried. / have / could / I
6) it. / might / got / We / have
7) You / have / done? / would / What

EXERCISE 7: Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses.

If I (have) ___________________ enough money, I will go with you.
If I (have) ___________________ enough money, I would go with you.
If I (have) ___________________ enough money, I would have gone with you.
If the weather is nice tomorrow, we (go) ___________________ to the zoo.
If the weather were nice today, we (go) ___________________ to the zoo.
If the weather had been nice yesterday, we (go) ___________________ to the zoo.
If Sally (be) ___________________ at home tomorrow, I am going to visit her.
Jim isnt home right now. If he (be) ___________________ at home right now, I (visit) __________________him.
Linda wasnt at home yesterday. If she (be) ________________ at home yesterday, I (visit) ______________ her.

EXERCISE 8: Complete the sentences.

1. If she _______________________ (arrive) on time, she wouldnt have missed the English lesson.
2. If you _____________________________ (be) more careful, you might not have broken your glasses.
3. If he hadnt watched TV until midnight, he ____________________________ (not be) late for work.
4. You ______________________________ (not get) the job if you hadnt applied for it.
5. If I had invited you to my wedding party, ______________________________ (you/go)?
6. She ____________________________ (have) better grades in her exams if she had worked harder.

EXERCISE 9: Rewrite the following sentences. Use the third conditional.

1. He didnt get the job because he forgot to come to the interview.
2. I didnt do any part-time jobs while I was at school, so I gained no work experience.
3. William broke into a house and went to prison.
4. It was more expensive because you didnt come on the bus.
5. She didnt get better because she refused to go to the doctor.
6. We didnt pass because we didnt study.
7. He didnt go out with us because he broke his leg.
8. He broke his leg because he fell.
EXERCISE 10: Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses.
1. Its too bad Helen isnt here. If she (be) ________________ here, she (know) __________________ what to do.
2. Fred failed the test because he didnt study. However, if he (study) ___________________ for the test, he
(pass) ___________________ it.
3. An aerosol spray can will explode if you (throw) ___________________ it into a fire.
4. You should tell your father exactly what happened. If I (be) ___________________ you, I (tell)
___________________ him the truth as soon as possible.
5. If I (have) _________________ my camera with me yesterday, I (take) _________________ a picture of Alex
standing on his head.
6. Im almost ready to plant my garden. I have a lot of seeds. Maybe I have more than I need. If I (have)
___________________ more seeds than I need, I (give) ___________________ some to Nellie.
7. I got wet because I didnt take my umbrella. However, I (get, not) ___________________ wet if I (remember)
___________________ to take my umbrella with me yesterday.
8. I (change) ___________________ the present economic policy if I (be) ___________________ the President of
the United States.
9. If the teacher (be) ___________________ absent tomorrow, class will be cancelled.
10. George has only two pairs of socks. If he (have) ___________________ more than two pairs of socks, he
(have to, not) ___________________ wash his socks so often.
11. That sounds like a good job offer. If I (be) ___________________
you, I (accept) ___________________ it.
12. The cowboy pulled his gun to shoot at the rattlesnake, but he
was too late. If he (be) ___________________ quicker to pull the
trigger, the snake (bite, not) ___________________ him on the
ankle. Its a good thing he was wearing heavy leather boots.

EXERCISE 11: Choose the correct ending for the following sentences
1. If the weather had been better yesterday,
2. If Jane had arrived on time last night,
3. If I had studied more for my exams,
4. We would have had a wonderful weekend
5. The party would have been funnier

EXERCISE 12: Supply the appropriate auxiliary verb

1. I dont have a pen, but if I ___________________, I would lend it to you.
2. He is busy right now, but if he ___________________, he would help us.
3. I didnt vote in the last election, but if I ___________________, I would have voted for Senator Anderson.
4. I dont have enough money, but if I ___________________, I would buy that book.
5. The weather is cold today, but if it ___________________, I would go swimming.
6. She didnt come, but if she ___________________, she would have met my brother.
7. Im not a good cook, but if I ___________________, I would make all of my own meals.
8. I have to go to class this afternoon, but if I ___________________, I would go downtown with you.
9. He didnt go to a doctor, but if he ___________________, the cut on his hand wouldnt have gotten infected.
10. I always pay my bills. If I ___________________, I would get in a lot of trouble.
11. Helium is lighter than air. If it ___________________, a helium-filled balloon wouldnt float upward.
12. I called my husband to tell him I would be late. If I ___________________, he would have gotten worried
about me.
ORAL: WHAT WOULD YOU? What would you do in these situations?
1) If you had to choose a place to live outside your country, which one would you choose and why?
2) Quit Facebook?
3) If you had plenty of money to give away, what would you do with it?
4) What three things would you take if your house was on fire?
8) You find a lot of money in the street?
9) You were a girl/boy for a day?
10) What will happen if we dont protect the environment?
11) If you had a child, how would you bring him/her up?
13) If you were a teacher, how would you behave with your students?
14) What would happen if you failed three courses this year?
15) You could be invisible for a day?
16) You saw a bear in the forest?
17) Had one day left to live?
18) Were in a war?
19) You find out you were adopted?
20) Had superpowers?
21) You can get any job you wanted?
22) Your friend is drunk and cannot drive?

ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Answer each question. Begin with No, but
Example: Do you have a dollar?
Response: No, but if I did (No, but if I had a dollar), I would lend it to you.

1. Are you rich? 8. Are you (the President of the United States)?
2. Do you have a car? 9. Are you tired?
3. Are you a bird? 10. Are you at home right now?
4. Are you in (students country/hometown)? 11. Are you married? Single?
5. Do you live in an apartment? Dormitory? 12. Do you speak (another language)?
Hotel? 13. Is the weather hot/cold today?
6. Are you the teacher of this class? 14. Are you hungry?
7. Do you have your own airplane? 15. Do you live in (New York City)?

EXERCISE 14: ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Begin your response with But if I had known
Example: There was a test yesterday. You didnt know that, so you didnt study.
Response: But If I had known (that there was a test yesterday), I would have studied.
1. Your friend was in the hospital. You didnt know that, so you didnt visit her.
2. Ive never met your friend. You didnt know that, so you didnt introduce me.
3. There was a party last night. You didnt know that, so you didnt go.
4. Your friends parents are in town. You didnt know that, so you didnt invite them to dinner.
5. I wanted to go to the soccer game. You didnt know that, so you didnt buy another ticket.
6. I was at home last night. You didnt know that, so you didnt visit me.
7. Your sister wanted a gold necklace for her birthday. You didnt know that, so you didnt buy her one.
8. I had a problem. You didnt know that, so you didnt offer to help.
9. The book you loved was at a discount. You didnt know that, so you didnt buy it.
10. The girl you liked had a boyfriend. You didnt know that, so she turned you down.
EXERCISE 15: Change the following statements into conditional sentences.
1. I didnt buy it because I didnt have enough money. But I would have bought it if Id had enough money.
2. I wont buy it because I dont have enough money. But
3. You got into so much trouble because you didnt listen to me. But
4. We ran out of gas because we didnt stop at the service station. But
5. Jack came, so I wasnt disappointed. But
6. The woman didnt die because she received immediate medical attention. But
7. There are so many bugs in the room because there isnt a screen on the window. But
8. Ann didnt pass the entrance examination, so she wasnt admitted to the university. But


Notice the use of progressive verb forms in the following examples. Even in conditional sentences, progressive
verb forms are used in progressive situations.
(a) TRUE: It is raining right now, so I will not go for a walk.
(b) CONDITIONAL: If it were not raining right now, I would go for a walk.
(c) TRUE: I am not living in Chile. I am not working at a bank.
(d) CONDITIONAL: If I were living in Chile, I would be working at a bank.
(e) TRUE: It was raining yesterday afternoon, so I did not go for a walk.
(f) CONDITIONAL: If it had not been raining, I would have gone for a walk.
(g) TRUE: I was not living in Chile last year. I was not working at a bank.
(h) CONDITIONAL: If I had been living in Chile last year, I would have been working at a bank.

EXERCISE 16: Change the following statements into conditional sentences.

1. It is snowing, so I wont go with you. But if it werent snowing, I would go with you.
2. This child is crying because his mother isnt here. But
3. You werent listening, so you didnt understand the directions. But
4. Joe got a ticket because he was driving too fast. But
5. I was listening to the radio, so I heard the news bulleting. But
6. Grandpa is not wearing his hearing aid because its broken. But
7. You were sleeping, so I didnt tell you the news as soon as I heard it. But
8. Im enjoying myself, so I wont leave. But


Frequently the time in the if clause and the time in the result clause are different: One clause may be in the
present and the other in the past. Notice the past and present times are mixed in the sentences in the following

(a) TRUE: I did not eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now.
(b) CONDITIONAL: If I had eaten breakfast several hours ago, I would not be hungry now.
(past) (present)

(c) TRUE: He is not a good student. He did not study for the test yesterday.
(d) CONDITIONAL: if he were a good student, he would have studied for the test.
(present) (past)

EXERCISE 17: Change the following statements into conditional sentences.

1. Im hungry now because I didnt eat dinner. But if Id eaten dinner, I wouldnt be hungry now.
2. The room is full of flies because you let the door open. But
3. You are tired this morning because you didnt go to bed at a reasonable hour last night. But
4. I didnt finish my report yesterday, so I cant begin a new project today. But
5. Helen is sick because she didnt follow the doctors orders. But
6. Im not you, so I didnt tell him the truth. But
7. I dont know anything about plumbing, so I didnt fix the leak in the sink myself. But
8. I received a good job offer from the oil, so I wont seriously consider taking the job with the
electronics firm. But


(a) If I were a bird, I could fly home. In (a): could fly = would be able to fly
(b) If I could sing as well as you, I would join the In (b): could sing = were able to sing
opera. In (c): could have gone = would have been
(c) If Id had enough money, I could have gone to able to go
Florida for vacation.

(d) If I dont get a scholarship, I might get a job In (d): I might get = maybe I will get
instead of going to graduate school next fall. In (e): you might get = maybe you would
(e) If you were a better student, you might get get
better grades. In (f): I might have been = maybe I would
(f) If you had told me about your problem, I might have been
have been able to help you.

(g) If John should call, tell him Ill be back around In (g): If John should call indicates a little
five. more uncertainty or doubt than If John
(h) If there should be another world war, the calls, but the meaning of the two is basically
continued existence of the human race would the same.
be in jeopardy. In (h): If there should be indicates more
uncertainty or doubt then If there were.

EXERCISE 18: Complete the following.

1. I could _________________ go to Arizona over vacation if I had enough time. __________________________
2. I could buy __________________________________________________________________________________
3. I would buy __________________________________________________________________________________
4. I could have bought ___________________________________________________________________________
5. I would have bought ___________________________________________________________________________
6. If I could speak _______________________________________________________________________________
7. You might have passed the test__________________________________________________________________
8. If you should need to get in touch with me later ____________________________________________________
9. If it should rain tomorrow ______________________________________________________________________
10. I could have finished my work on time. __________________________________________________________

(a) Were I you, I wouldnt do that. With were, had (past perfect), and should,
(b) Had I known, I would have told you. sometimes if is omitted and the subject and
(c) Should anyone call, please take a message. verb are inverted.
In (a): Were I you = If I were you
In (b): Had I known = If I had known
In (c): Should anyone call = If anyone
should call
EXERCISE 19: Give sentences with the same meaning by omitting if from the conditional sentences.
1. The other team committed a foul, but the referee didnt see it. If the referee had seen it, our team would have
won the game. Had the referee seen it, our team would have won the game.
2. Your boss sounds like a real tyrant. If I were you, I would look for another job.
3. You really should learn how to use a computer. If you had used a computer, you could have finished the
work in half the time.
4. Ill be out of my office until 2:00. If you should need to reach me, Ill be in the conference room.
5. The factory was on the verge of bankruptcy. If it had gone out of business, hundreds of people would have
lost their livelihood.
6. We would have won the game if Thompson had caught the ball.
7. If Thompson had not dropped the ball, we would have won the game.*
8. The artists and creative thinkers throughout the history of the world have changed all of our lives. If they had
not dared to be different, the history of civilization would have to be rewritten.
9. If there should be a global nuclear war, some scientists predict that life on earth as we know it would end
10. If Tom had told the truth about his education background, he probably wouldnt have gotten the job with the
accounting firm. I suspect his boss will figure it out and fire him one of these days.
11. I know youre getting discouraged and are planning to drop out of school. However, if you were to finish
your education, many more career opportunities would be open to you.
12. Im glad I went to the meeting. If I hadnt been there, my proposal probably would not have been accepted.

*In the negative, not follows the subject. It is not contracted with the auxiliary verb:
CORRECT: Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I wouldnt have believed it.
INCORRECT: Hadnt I seen it with my own eyes,


Often the if clause is implied, not stated. Conditional verbs are still used in the result clause.
(a) I would have gone with you, but I had to study. (Implied condition: if I hadnt had to study)
(b) I never would have succeeded without your help. (Implied condition: if you hadnt helped me)
Conditional verbs are frequently used following otherwise. In (c), the implied if clause is: If she had not run
(c) She ran; otherwise, she would have missed her bus.

EXERCISE 20: Give sentences with the same meaning by using if clauses.
1. I would have visited you, but I didnt know that you were at home.
I would have visited you if I had known you were at home.
2. It wouldnt have been a good meeting without Rosa.
It wouldnt have been a good meeting if Rosa hadnt been there.
3. I would have answered the phone, but I didnt hear it ring.
4. I couldnt have finished the work without your help.
5. I would have been on time, but I left too late.
6. He would have taken a taxi, but she didnt have enough money.
7. I like to travel. I would have gone to Nepal last summer, but I didnt have enough money.
8. I stepped on the brakes. Otherwise, I would have hit the child on the bicycle.
9. Cathy turned down the volume on the tape player. Otherwise, the neighbors probably would have called to
complain about the noise.
10. Jack would have finished his education, but he had to quit school and find a job in order to support his
EXERCISE 21: Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. Some of the verbs are passive.
1. If I could speak Japanese, I (spend) _____________________ next year studying in Japan.
2. Had I known Mr. Jung was in the hospital, I (spend) _____________________ him a note and some flowers.
3. We will move into our new house next month if it (complete) _____________________ by then.
4. How old (be, you) _____________________ now if you (be) _____________________ born in the year 1900?
5. Its too bad that its snowing. If it (snow, not) _____________________, we could go for a drive.
6. I was very tired. Otherwise, I (go) _____________________ to the party with you last night.
7. Im broke, but I (have) _____________________ plenty of money now if I (spend, not)
_____________________ so much yesterday.
8. That child had a narrow escape. She (hit) _____________________ by a car if her father (pull, not)
_____________________ her out of the street.
9. Im glad I have so many friends and such a wonderful family. Life without any friends or family (be)
_____________________ lonely for me.
10. My grandfather is no longer alive, but if he (be) _____________________, Im sure he (be)
_____________________ proud of me.
11. If you (sleep, not) _____________________ last night when we arrived, I would have asked you to go with
us, but I didnt want to wake you up.
12. Bill has such a bad memory that he (forget) _____________________ his head if it (be, not)
_____________________ attached to his body.
13. According to one report, the average hen lays 247 eggs a year, and the average person eats 255 eggs a year. If
hens (outnumber, not) _____________________ people, the average person (eat, not) _____________________
255 eggs a year.

EXERCISE 22: Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. (*unless = if not)

1. A: What would you be doing right now if you 6. A: Why isnt Peggy Adams in class today?
(be, not) _____________________ in class? B: I dont know, but Im sure she (be, not)
B: I (sleep) _____________________. _____________________ absent unless* she (have)
_____________________ a good reason.
2. A: Why were you late for the meeting?
B: Well, I (be) _____________________ there on 7. A: When did Mark graduate?
time, but I had a flat tire on the way. B: He didnt.
A: Oh?
3. A: How did you get to work this morning? B: He had to quit school because of some trouble at
B: I drove. I (take) _____________________ the bus, home. Otherwise, he (graduate)
but I overslept. _____________________ last June.

4. A: Did you know that Bob got 100% on the test? 8. A: Hi, sorry Im late.
B: Really? That surprises me. If I didnt know better, B: Thats okay.
I (think) _____________________ he cheated. A: I (be) _____________________ here sooner, but I
had car trouble.
5. A: Boy, is it ever hot today!
B: You said it! If there (be) _____________________ 9. A: Want to ride on the roller coaster?
only a breeze, it (be, not) _____________________ B: No way! I (ride, not) _____________________ on
quite so unbearable. the roller coaster even if you paid me a million
10. A: hi, Pat. Come on in. 12. A: Do you really mean it?
B: Oh, I didnt know you had company. I (come, B: Of course! I (say, not) _____________________ it
not) _____________________ (know, I) unless I (mean) _____________________ it.
_____________________ someone was here.
A: Thats okay. Come on and let me introduce you 13. A: Are you coming to the party?
to my friends. B: I dont think so, but if I change my mind, I (tell)
_____________________ you.
11. A: How did you do on the test?
B: Not so well. I (do) _____________________ 14. A: I hear Dorothy had an accident. Was it
much better, but I misread the direction for the last serious?
section. B: No. Luckily, she wasnt driving fast at the time of
the accident. If she (drive) faster, Im sure it (be)
_____________________ a more serious accident.

EXERCISE 23: Complete the following. Add commas where necessary.

1. If it hadnt rained _____________________________________________________________________________
2. If it werent raining ____________________________________________________________________________
3. You would have passed the test had ______________________________________________________________
4. Its a good thing we took a map with us. Otherwise _________________________________________________
5. Without electricity modern life __________________________________________________________________
6. If you hadnt reminded me about the meeting tonight _______________________________________________
7. Should you need any help ______________________________________________________________________
8. If I could choose any profession I wanted _________________________________________________________
9. If I were at home right now _____________________________________________________________________
10. Without your help yesterday ___________________________________________________________________
11. Were I you _________________________________________________________________________________
12. What would you do if ________________________________________________________________________
13. If I had the chance to live my life over again ______________________________________________________
14. Had I known ________________________________________________________________________________
15. Can you imagine what life would be like if _______________________________________________________

EXERCISE 24 ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Answer the questions.

Example: Suppose the student sitting next to you drops his/her pen. What would you do?
Response: I would pick it up for him/her.
1. Suppose (pretend) there is a fire in this building right now. What would you do?
2. Suppose there is a fire in your room or apartment or house. You have time to save only one thing. What
would you save?
3. Suppose you go to the bank to cash a check for twenty dollars. The bank teller cashes your check and you
leave, but when you count the money, you find she gave you thirty dollars instead of twenty. What would you
4. Same situation, but she gave you only fifteen dollars instead of twenty.
5. John was cheating during an examination. The teacher saw him. Suppose you were the teacher. What would
you have done?
6. You go to a party. A man starts talking to you, but he is speaking so fast that you cant catch what he is
saying. What would you do?
7. Late at night youre driving your car down a deserted street. Youre all alone. In an attempt to avoid a dog in
the road, you swerve to one side and hit a parked car. You know that no one saw you. What would you do?
8. Mary goes to a friends house for dinner. Her friend serves a dish that Mary cant stand, doesnt like at all.
What if you were Mary?
9. My friend John borrowed ten dollars from me and told me he would repay it in a couple of days, but its been
three weeks. I think he has forgotten about it. I really need the money, but I dont want to ask him for
it. Give me some advice.
10. John was driving over the speed limit. A police car began to chase him,
with red lights flashing. John stepped on the accelerator and tried to escape the
police car. Put yourself in his position.
11. You are walking down the street and suddenly a large dog jumps in front of you.
The dog doesnt look friendly. He is growling and moving toward you. If that
12. Suppose you are walking down the street at night all by yourself. A man suddenly appears in front of you.
He has a gun. He says, Give me your money. Would you try to take his gun away?
13. Suppose you go to (Chicago) to visit a friend. You have never been there before. Your friend said he would
meet you at the airport, but hes not there. You wait for a long time, but he never shows up. You try to call him,
but nobody answers the phone. Now what?
14. You are just falling asleep when you hear a burglar opening your bedroom window and climbing in. What
would you do?
15. You ask a very special person to go to dinner with you. You like this person
very much and want to make a good impression. You go to a fancy
restaurant and have a wonderful meal. But when you reach for your wallet,
you discover that it is not there. You have no money with you.

EXERCISE 25-WRITTEN: Following are topics for writing.

1. If, beginning tomorrow, you had a two-week holiday and unlimited funds, what would you do? Why?
2. If you had to teach your language to a person who knew nothing about your language at all, how would you
begin? What would you do so that this person could learn your language
as quickly and easily as possible?
3. If you were Philosopher-King of the world, how would you govern?
What would you do? What changes would you make? (A
Philosopher_King may be defined as a person who has ideal wisdom
and unlimited power to shape the world as s/he wishes.)
4. Suppose you had only one year to live. What would you do?
5. Describe your activities if you were in some other place. (in this country
or in the world) at present. Describe your probable activities today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Include the
activities of other people you would be with if you were in this place.

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