Edu 202 Portfolio Assignment - Multicultural History of American Education

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Teachers, Schools, and Society

Fourth Edition

Chapter 5--The Multicultural History of American Education


Student: Seth Manesse

EDU 202 Section 1002
Throughout 1600s
Dame schools--Private schools in homes
Early 1600s Established in 1600s Informal family education
Educational hodgepodge Local control of schools Apprenticeships
Education revolved around reading the bible--path to Compulsory education Girls--Memorized the alphabet, learned stitching
heaven, reading, writing, moral development Tax-supported schools Blacks and Native Americans--Denied education

1600 1700
Boston Latin Grammar School established
Laws similar to The Massachusetts Law spread throughout most of New England
Girls--after learning to read and write returned home to keep house
1636 Boys--those who could afford to went on to Latin grammar school
Harvard College established
First college in America
1687 -- 1890
New England Primer published--The
1642 first real textbook
Massachusetts passed a law requiring that parents and
masters of apprentices be checked periodically to insure
that students were being taught properly.

The Massachusetts Law of 1647--Old Deluder Satan Law
Towns of 50+ households must appoint a pay a teacher--reading and writing
Towns of 100+ households must provide a Latin grammar school to prepare
youths for university

Source: Teachers, Schools, and Society, Fourth Edition

Established in 1700s
National interest in education
State responsibility for education
Early 1700s Growth in secondary education Throughout 1700s
Philadelphia and New York--Night Thomas Jefferson--sought to make nonsectarian Rural districts unable to afford schools--Itinerant teachers
schools; private teachers education available to all white children went from village to village
Southern colonies--Plantation owners Franklin Academy sparked the establishment of Blacks--Denied education; laws prohibiting black education
took tutors into their homes six thousand academies over the next 100 yrs

1700 1800
1740 1783
South Carolina--Passes law Noah Websters American Spelling Book--Became the
prohibiting education of slaves most common textbook; Contained alphabet, syllables,
consonants, rules for speaking, readings, short stories,
1749 and moral advice; Lists of words later became the
Benjamin Franklin--Advocated academies to American Dictionary
teach practical subjects
1785, 1787
1751 Land Ordinance Act and Northwest Ordinance--required
Franklin Academy established townships in newly settled territories to reserve land for
(eventually became the educational purposes
University of Pennsylvania)

Source: Teachers, Schools, and Society, Fourth Edition

Established in 1800s Throughout 1800s
Increasing role of public secondary schools Teaching is a gendered profession--at the outset of the century most teachers
Reforms to make public education more practical were males by the end of the century most teachers were unmarried females
and serve poor as well as wealthy children Prior to the Civil War--Legal penalties in many states for educating slaves and
Public school systems--in most states blacks; Clandestine schools in southern cities to educate blacks
Common schools (later elementary Segregated education for women and minorities
schools)--widely available
Normal schools--to train educators

1800 1900
1821 1827 1855 1874
Emma Willards Troy Female Massachusetts requires public high schools First kindergarten Kalamazoo
Seminary opens--First endowed (German language) case--Legalizes taxes
secondary school for girls 1830 in US for high schools
Louisiana law imposes prison
1821 sentence on anyone caught
First public high school opens in Boston teaching a slave to read or write 1862 1882
Morrill Land Grant Immigration Act--Blocks
1822 Chinese immigration to the US
1837 College Act--public
Cherokee language became written
Horace Mann Father of the land was donated to
1823 Public School--Becomes establish 69 colleges 1896
First (private) normal secretary of Massachusetts Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme
school opens in Vermont Board of Education Court decision supporting racially
separate but equal schools
1823 1839
Mississippi law prohibits six or more Negroes First public
from gathering for educational purposes normal school in
Lexington, MA
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) established--uses
education to destroy Native culture
Source: Teachers, Schools, and Society, Fourth Edition
Throughout the 1900s 1990 -- present
Established in 1900s
At the outset of the century teaching is gendered--most teachers were unmarried females Increased public school diversity and
Increasing federal support for
Most districts would not employ married women until after WW II competition through charter schools,
educational rights of
School districts avoided hiring men who do not possess a clearly masculine demeanor, for-profit companies, open
underachieving students
Federal Government moved to end racial segregation enrollment, and technological options
Increased federal funding of
1960s Kerner Commission warns--We are moving towards two societies, one black, and Promotion of educational goals,
education programs
one white--separate but unequal. standards, and testing

1900 2000
1932 1950 1964
New Deal First middle The Civil Rights Act--Gave the Federal
First junior high school
education school in Government the power to enforce desegregation
in Columbus, OH
programs Bay City, MI
Smith-Hughes Act--Provides 1944 1954 1964-1965
funds for teacher training G.I. Bill of Brown v. Board of Job Corps and Head
and development of high Rights--Pays Education of Topeka Start are funded
school vocational programs veterans tuition and Supreme Court Decision
living expenses outlawing racial segregation 1968
in schools Bilingual Education Act--Funds to provide
Progressive 1949
education Congress reverses quotas relevant instruction primarily in Spanish
programs and laws against Chinese Sputnik leads to
immigration increased federal 1972
Accepts five thousand highly education funds Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in schools
Pattern of separate and
educated Chinese refugees
unequal Mexican
American schools 1958 1975, 1991, 1997, 2004
throughout the southwest National Defence Education Individuals with Disabilities Education Act--Financial
Act funds science, math, and assistance to school districts to provide free and appropriate
foreign language programs education for the nations 8 million children with disabilities

Source: Teachers, Schools, and Society, Fourth Edition

2000 -- Present
Increasing focus on standards, testing, and accountability
Discriminatory treatment of LGBT teachers and students still frequent
Todays students are more segregated than they were in the 1970s and 1980s
White students experience the most segregated environment in schools
Multicultural students have growing impact on schools

2000 2100
1990 -- present 2011 -- present
Increased public school diversity and NCLB modified to allow greater
competition through charter schools, freedom to states in evaluating
for-profit companies, open students and teachers
enrollment, and technological options
Promotion of educational goals,
standards, and testing

2000 -- present
Native Americans have
the highest dropout rate
of all students

Passage of No
Child Left Behind
Act (NCLB)

Source: Teachers, Schools, and Society, Fourth Edition

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