Practicum Lesson Plan 2
Practicum Lesson Plan 2
Practicum Lesson Plan 2
Strand: Writing
Box Sub Heading: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Standard: W.1.8 with guidance and support from adults, recall
information from experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question.
Benchmark Assessment book
Benchmark Assessment scoring form
Benchmark Assessment instructional page
2 pencils
Lined paper
The Plan:
Introduce the Lesson:
You are going to read a story to me today, you will then tell me
about the story and then write about the story.
The story I will have you read today is Best Friends by Catherine Tess.
In this story, two girls tell all the things they like to do together. Read
to find out what they like to do. Point under each word as you read.
After the student orally reads the story, code his reading behavior on
the Benchmark Recording Form. Then I will score the students
fluency as well, although it says fluency is not scored on levels A or B.
Then I will give the comprehension prompt. I will have a conversation
with the student about the text. I will use the prompts as needed and
record as much as possible of what the student discusses with me.
After the comprehension prompt, I will then give the student the
Writing About Reading prompt. I will allow the student time to
complete the prompt. As the student is doing the writing prompt, I
will score the comprehension section and determine the Total score
for comprehension.
Review the Benchmark Assessment Scoring form and calculate the
accuracy, fluency, comprehension, and the written response. After
the student orally reads the story, code his reading behavior on the
Benchmark Recording Form. Then I will score the students fluency as
well, although it says fluency is not scored on levels A or B.
Strand: Language
Box Sub Heading: Conventions of Standard English
Standard: L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of
Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling with
L.1.2e Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic
awareness and spelling conventions.
Primary Spelling Inventory directions and list of words (on back)
Lined numbered paper
The Plan:
Introduce the Lesson:
Give student a piece of lined paper and a pencil. Have student
write their name at the top of their paper.
I am going to ask you to spell some words. You have not studied
these words and will not be graded on them. Some of the words
may be easy and others may be difficult. Do the best you can. Your
work will help me understand how you are learning to read and write
and how I can help you.
Instruction: Begin the assessment by calling out each word on the list.
Be sure to pronounce each word naturally without drawing out the
sounds. You may give the sentence provided if you believe it will
help the students. Repeat the word as many times as needed. Give
the first 15 words on the list (at least). If the student missed 5 words in
a row prior to word 15, then the assessment is finished. If the student
did not miss 5 words in a row prior to word 15, continue to give the
assessment until they do miss 5 words in a row.
Student All About Me Template
Paper for writing and Picture drawing
Pencils, Crayons, Colored pencils
Personal All About Me Project
The Plan:
Anticipatory Set: I am going to introduce myself by using this
poster I have made. You will also be making a poster like mine
but we have to do them each a section at a time.
Introduce the Lesson: Introduce myself by using my personal All
About Me poster. My name is Ms. Meinert. I am studying to
become a teacher. You will help me with becoming a teacher
by letting me know all of your knowledge. Here is my All About
Me poster. Lets talk about each of the sections on my poster.
Proceed to talk about the different sections.
Teaching the Lesson: Talk about myself using my Personal All
About Me Poster
Check for Understanding: After going over my poster, are they
creating their own poster a section at a time and using their
own ideas.
Guided Practice and/or Independent Practice: I will guide the
process of them creating their own poster. Start with one
section and once they finish that one then move on to the
Closure: Look at my poster, and look at his/her poster to see if
we have any similarities.