Q SBI DataLake RFP v1.0 25Dec2016-Mod V2
Q SBI DataLake RFP v1.0 25Dec2016-Mod V2
Q SBI DataLake RFP v1.0 25Dec2016-Mod V2
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents...................................................................................................................................2
1.Bid Details.........................................................................................................................................11
2.Invitation to bid................................................................................................................................12
4.Eligibility and technical criteria.........................................................................................................14
5.Instructions for Response to RFP......................................................................................................20
5.2.Understanding RFP requirements..............................................................................................21
5.3.Executive Summary of the Bidders Response...........................................................................21
5.4.Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)...................................................................................................22
5.5.Performance Bank Guarantee....................................................................................................22
6.Detailed Scope of the Data Lake Solution.........................................................................................25
6.1.Key Drivers of the Data Lake Solution at the Bank.....................................................................25
6.2.Scope of the Data Lake Solution at the Bank.............................................................................25
6.3.Guiding Principles......................................................................................................................26
6.4.Vendor Evaluation POC Scope....................................................................................................27
6.4.1.POC Mechanism......................................................................................................................27
6.4.2.Evaluation of the POC.............................................................................................................28
6.5.Detailed Scope of the Data Lake Solution at the Bank...............................................................29
6.5.1.Define Data Lake Strategy.......................................................................................................29
6.5.2.Define the Data Lake Architecture..........................................................................................30
6.5.3.Benefit Realization..................................................................................................................31
6.5.4.Evolution of the Data Lake......................................................................................................31
6.5.5.Promoting User Adaption of the Data Lake.............................................................................32
6.5.6.Avoiding Common Pitfalls & Challenges of Data Lakes...........................................................32
6.6.Functional Requirements...........................................................................................................33
6.6.1.Functional requirements- Software........................................................................................33 Storage........................................................................................................................37 Processing framework and workflow management....................................................37
Page 2 of 220 Federation...................................................................................................................37 Management.......................................................................................................38 life-cycle management.....................................................................................38 to search for data......................................................................................................38 governance, security, administration and access management...................................38 data consumption...........................................................................................39 time analytics.............................................................................................................40 recovery site and other environments.................................................................40 Change Management framework.......................................................................40 of Data Lake Performance..........................................................................40 requirements......................................................................................................42
6.6.2.Functional Requirement Use Cases......................................................................................43 Case 1 - Customer-Customer Relationships and Householding.....................................43 Case 2 - Real-time Branch Scorecard.............................................................................44 Case 3 - Real-time Identification of Fraudulent transactions on digital channels (POS,
SWIFT, ACH).....................................................................................................................................45 Case 4 - Credit Performance Monitoring by Vintage Cohorts........................................45 Case 6 Credit Scoring of first-time borrowers.............................................................45 Case 7 Generation of Preventive Maintenance Schedule for ATMs............................45
6.6.3.Functional Requirements - Hardware.....................................................................................46 LAKE Sizing..................................................................................................................46 specification and recommendations...................................................................46
6.7.Technical Requirements (TR)......................................................................................................52
6.7.1.Data Ingestion and capture.....................................................................................................52
6.7.2.Storage and Data Formats.......................................................................................................54
6.7.3.Data processing: Transformations...........................................................................................55
6.7.4.Workflow management and scheduling..................................................................................56
6.7.5.Data Discovery & Preparation.................................................................................................56
6.7.8.Metadata & Governance.........................................................................................................58
6.7.9.Disaster Recovery....................................................................................................................59
6.7.10.Data Encryption....................................................................................................................61
6.7.11.Cloud Integration and Migration...........................................................................................61
6.8.Other Requirements..................................................................................................................62
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6.8.2.Reliability & High Availability..................................................................................................62
6.8.5.Ease of Use..............................................................................................................................64
6.9.Project Timelines.......................................................................................................................65
6.10.Software Procurement.............................................................................................................65
6.11.Implementation Approach.......................................................................................................66
6.11.1.Engage..................................................................................................................................66 Understanding.....................................................................................................66 Understanding...........................................................................................................66 setup...........................................................................................................66 Acquisition.................................................................................................................66
6.11.2.Enable...................................................................................................................................67 Ingestion....................................................................................................................67 Preparation and Data Wrangling................................................................................67 & Metadata Management.............................................................................67 Implementation...................................................................................................67
6.11.3.Execute.................................................................................................................................68 Federation.................................................................................................................68 setup............................................................................................................................68 Reporting......................................................................................................68 with other applications of the Bank................................................................68 Case Implementation..................................................................................................68
6.11.4.Empower...............................................................................................................................68 Discovery...................................................................................................................68 and Modelling.................................................................................................68 & Interpretation...............................................................................................68 Case Implementation..................................................................................................68
6.11.5.Evangelize.............................................................................................................................69 LAKE for Daily Activities............................................................................................69 Implementation...................................................................................................69
6.12.Testing (System Integration Testing & User Acceptance Testing) & Rollout..............................70
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6.12.1.Testing Strategy.....................................................................................................................70
6.12.2.Delivering Base Version.........................................................................................................72
6.12.3.Identifying GAPS...................................................................................................................72
6.12.4.Customization process..........................................................................................................72
6.12.5.Pre User Acceptance Test...................................................................................................73
6.12.6.Acceptance testing................................................................................................................73
6.12.7.Production Implementation..................................................................................................73
6.12.8.Completeness of the Project.................................................................................................74
6.14.Phase-wise Deliverables...........................................................................................................75
6.15.CV Requirements.....................................................................................................................75
7.Bidding Document............................................................................................................................77
7.1.Cost of bidding...........................................................................................................................77
7.2.Clarifications and amendments on bidding document..............................................................77
7.3.Contents of bid documents........................................................................................................78
7.4.Bidding Process..........................................................................................................................79
7.5.Bid preparation and submission................................................................................................79
7.6.Bid Currency..............................................................................................................................82
7.7.Bid Prices...................................................................................................................................82
7.8.Revealing of Prices.....................................................................................................................82
7.9.Pre-Bid Meeting.........................................................................................................................82
7.10.Validity of bids..........................................................................................................................82
7.11.Late submission of bids............................................................................................................82
7.12.Bid integrity.............................................................................................................................82
7.13.Format and Signing of Bid........................................................................................................83
7.14.Deadline for submission of bids...............................................................................................83
7.15.Modification and withdrawal of bids.......................................................................................83
8.Opening and evaluation of bids........................................................................................................85
8.1.Opening of bids..........................................................................................................................85
8.2.Objective of Evaluation Process.................................................................................................85
8.3.Phase 1 - Eligibility Criteria Evaluation.......................................................................................86
8.4.Phase 2 - Technical Evaluation...................................................................................................86
8.5.Phase 3 - Commercial Evaluation...............................................................................................90
8.6.Contacting the Bank...................................................................................................................91
8.7.Award and signing of contract...................................................................................................92
9.Payment Terms.................................................................................................................................93
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9.1.Data Lake Software and Implementation...................................................................................93
9.3.Training Costs.............................................................................................................................94
9.4.Other Payment Terms................................................................................................................94
10.Post Implementation Support Requirements..................................................................................96
11.Terms & Conditions.......................................................................................................................103
11.2.Patent rights...........................................................................................................................103
11.3.Power to vary or omit work...................................................................................................104
11.4.No waiver of Bank rights or successful bidder's liability........................................................104
11.5.Change in order.....................................................................................................................105
11.6.Contract amendment.............................................................................................................105
11.7.Inspection, Quality control and Audit....................................................................................105
11.8.Cancellation of contract.........................................................................................................106
11.9.Bank's right to accept any bid and to reject any or all bids....................................................107
11.10.Documentary evidence of establishing bidder's eligibility and qualification........................107
11.11.Country of origin and eligibility of goods and services.........................................................107
11.12.Delivery, installation, commissioning and documentation...................................................107
11.14.Warranty and Annual Maintenance Contract.......................................................................111
11.15.Compliance with IS Security Policy.......................................................................................112
11.16.Penalty and SLAs..................................................................................................................113
11.17.Right to verification..............................................................................................................113
11.18.Purchase price.....................................................................................................................113
11.20.Validity of agreement...........................................................................................................114
11.21.Indemnity to the Bank.........................................................................................................114
11.22.Limitation of liability............................................................................................................114
11.24.Delays in vendor performance in successful implementation of the project.......................115
11.25.Vendors obligations.............................................................................................................115
11.26.Technical documentation.....................................................................................................116
11.28.Source Code.........................................................................................................................117
11.29.Liquidated damages.............................................................................................................117
11.30.Conflict of interest...............................................................................................................117
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11.31.Fraud and corrupt practices.................................................................................................118
11.32.Termination for default........................................................................................................119
11.33.Force Majeure......................................................................................................................120
11.34.Termination for insolvency...................................................................................................121
11.35.Termination for convenience................................................................................................121
11.36.Disputes and arbitration (Applicable in case of Selected Bidder).........................................121
11.37.Governing laws and disputes (Applicable in case of successful bidder only).......................121
11.38.Governing languages............................................................................................................122
11.39.Governing Law - Applicable Law..........................................................................................122
11.41.Taxes and Duties...................................................................................................................122
11.42.Tax deduction at sources......................................................................................................123
11.43.Right to use defective products...........................................................................................123
11.44.Tender fee............................................................................................................................123
11.45.Terms & Conditions..............................................................................................................123
12.1.Annexure 1: Bid Covering Letter............................................................................................126
12.2.Annexure 2: Bill of Materials..................................................................................................126
12.3.Annexure 3: Functional Requirement....................................................................................127
12.4.Annexure 4: Technical Requirement......................................................................................143
12.5.Annexure 5: Implementation Details for proposed Solution..................................................162
12.6.Annexure 6: Bidder Details....................................................................................................164
12.7.Annexure 7: OEM Details.......................................................................................................166
12.8.Annexure 8: Non-Disclosure Agreement................................................................................167
12.9.Annexure 9: Compliance Statement......................................................................................171
12.10.Annexure 10: Performance Bank Guarantee (Indicative for SBI)..........................................173
12.11.Annexure 11: Bank Guarantee Format for Earnest Money Deposit.....................................175
12.12.Annexure 12: Checklist Technical Bid................................................................................177
12.13.Annexure 14: Indicative Users and Growth Rate..................................................................178
12.14.Annexure 15: Implementation Schedule..............................................................................179
12.15.Annexure 16: Interfacing Application Details.......................................................................180
12.16.Annexure 17: Proposed Solution.........................................................................................186
12.17.Annexure 18: Support Staff Conformity Letter.....................................................................187
12.18.Annexure 19: Non-Blacklisting Conformity Letter................................................................188
12.19.Annexure 20: Pre-bid Query Format....................................................................................188
12.20.Annexure 21: Model SLA......................................................................................................190
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12.21.Annexure 22: Undertaking from OEM..................................................................................199
12.22.Annexure 23: Proposed Resource Profile.............................................................................199
12.23.Annexure 24: Indicative Commercial Bid.............................................................................202
12.24.Annexure 25: Undertaking of Authenticity..........................................................................206
12.25.Annexure 26: MANUFACTURERS' AUTHORIZATION FORM...................................................207
12.27.Annexure 28: PRE-CONTRACT INTEGRITY PACT...................................................................209
12.28.Annexure 29: EULA..............................................................................................................217
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Acronyms and Definitions
As used in the Document Description
Associate Banks 5 Associate Banks (State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank
of Travancore, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Hyderabad
and State Bank of Patiala) combined
BG Bank Guarantee
CV Curriculum Vitae
DC Data Centre
FM Facilities Management
Project Cost Project cost would be initial cost/ onetime cost/ fees /
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As used in the Document Description
Cost/ installation cost/ commissioning cost/ integration cost
with existing systems/ customization cost/ training cost /
technical assistance
Project Team The set of persons who will be deployed by the Bidder for the
implementation of this project including those whose details
will be provided by the Bidder as experts in Annexure 23.
Project Site Locations where supply and services as desired in this RFP
document are to be provided.
The Contract Price/Project Cost Price payable to the Vendor under the Contract for the full and
proper performance of its contractual obligations.
Vendor/Service Provider Successful Bidder found eligible as per eligibility criteria set
out in this RFP, whose technical bid has been accepted and
whose price as per the commercial bid/reverse auction to be
conducted is the lowest and to whom notification of award has
been given by Bank.
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1. Bid Details
1 Date of commencement of Date: 27/12/2016 Time:
Bidding Process (Posting of
Tender Document on Web
Site / Publication of Tender)
2 Last date and time for Date: 18/01/2017Time:
downloading Bidding
3 Last date and time for Date: 05/01/2017 Time: 17:00 Hrs
receipt of written queries for
clarification from bidders
4 Pre-Bid Meeting Date: Date: 10/01/2017 Time: 15:00 Hrs
Place of Meeting Red conference room, State Bank of India
4th Floor, Tower No:4, CBD Belapur Railway
Station Complex, Sector-11, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai - 400614
5 Last Date and Time for Bid Date: 18/01/2017 Time: 17:00 Hrs
6 Date and Time of Technical Date: 18/01/2017 Time: 18:00 Hrs
Bid Opening Representatives of Bidder may be present
during opening of Technical Bid. However
Technical Bids would be opened even in the
absence of any or all of the bidders
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7 Place of opening of Bids Red conference room, State Bank of India
4th Floor, Tower No:4, CBD Belapur Railway
Station Complex, Sector-11, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai - 400614
8 Address for submission of 1.
hardcopy of RFP Deputy General Manager (IDSPM)
(Bank ) IDSPM Department
State Bank of India
4th Floor, Tower No:4,
CBD Belapur Railway
Station Complex,
Sector-11, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai 400614
2. Invitation to bid
i. State Bank of India (herein after referred to as SBI/the Bank is having its
Corporate Centre at Mumbai, various other offices (LHOs/ Head Offices /Zonal
Offices/Global Link Services, Global IT Centre, etc. of State Bank of India, its five
Associate Banks (viz. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State
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Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travancore) and
branches/other offices, other exchange companies in available at various locations and
managed by the Bank (collectively referred to as State Bank Group or SBG
hereinafter). This Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued by the Bank for End
toEnd Solution for Data Lake Implementation.
ii. In order to meet the IT hardware and software requirement, the Bank proposes to
invite tenders from eligible vendors to undertake supply, installation, testing,
commissioning and maintenance of IT hardware and software (includes development
and customization) as per details mentioned in Scope of work,Annexure-3 &
Annexure-4of this RFP document.
iii. Bidder shall mean any entity (i.e. juristic person) who meets the eligibility criteria
given in Section 4of this RFP and willing to provide the goods and services as
required in this bidding document. The interested bidders who agree to all the terms
and conditions contained in this document may submit their bids with the information
desired in this bidding document (Request for Proposal).
iv. Address for submission of bids, contact details including email address for sending
communications are given in given in Section 5 of this RFP document.
v. The purpose of SBI behind this RFP is to seek a detailed technical and commercial
proposal for procurement of the IT hardware/product and services desired in this
document. The proposed product must integrate with Banks existing infrastructure
vi. This document shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for purpose
other than for which it is specifically issued.
vii. Interested bidders are advised to go through the entire document before submission of
bids to avoid any chance of elimination. The eligible bidders desirous of taking up the
project for supply of proposed product and services for SBI are invited to submit their
technical and commercial proposal in response to this RFP. The criteria and the actual
process of evaluation of the responses to this RFP and subsequent selection of the
successful bidder will be entirely at Banks discretion. This RFP seeks proposal from
Bidders who have the necessary experience, capability & expertise to provide SBI the
proposed hardware, software and services adhering to Banks requirements outlined in
this RFP
viii. Bidders desirous of taking up the project for supply of above solution for SBI
are invited to submit their technical and commercial proposal in response to this RFP.
The criteria and the actual process of evaluation of the responses to this RFP are
independent of any RFP evaluation processand subsequent selection of the successful
Bidder will be entirely at Banks discretion. This RFP seeks proposal from Bidders
who have the necessary experience, capability & expertise on requisite solution,
adhering to SBIs requirement outlined in this RFP.
ix. This RFP is not an offer by State Bank of India, but an invitation to receive responses
from the Bidders. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the RFP
process unless and until a formal contract is signed and executed by duly authorized
official(s) of State Bank of India with a selected Bidder.
3. Introduction
3.1. Overview
State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest Bank with a network of over 17000
(Seventeen Thousand) branches for SBI and 6,000+ (six thousand) branches for 5
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(five) Associate Banks spread across India. The Bank has presence in 36 (thirty-six)
countries across the globe. The Bank offers wide range of products and services to
both Corporate and Retail Customers. The Bank also has one of the largest networks
of more than 55,000 (fifty-five thousand) ATMs spread across geographical locations.
State Bank Group (SBG) comprising of SBI, Banking and Non-Banking Subsidiaries
and Joint Ventures is the largest financial conglomerate of India.
3.2. Purpose
State Bank of India (SBI) is keen on embarking on a Big Data Analytics journey and
gain an advantage over its competitors in terms of innovation, time to market, user
delight, cost of service, despite its behemoth size and scale.
Current model of data processing focuses on reporting needs and captures data needed
for end of day reports / credits - debits / assets - liabilities etc. There is a potential of
losing out on important insights / patterns in data from this approach. It also means
that analysts will not be able to use an exploratory / experimental workbench for data
There is an increasing trend globally in large Banks to use customer data in near real
time from their mobile click-stream / touch-stream data, purchase patterns to make
customized offers / improve service experience.
With data at SBI growing at an astronomical rate, a robust, horizontally scalable and
cost effective infrastructure for data storage and processing is the need of the hour.
The ability to handle complex data from semi-structured and unstructured data
sources, in addition to the conventional structural data processing, maximizes value
potential and quality of services in the financial sector. Operational efficiency in the
digital age is one of the factors that determines a Bank's growth. By managing ~3
petabytes of data efficiently, SBI has the potential to be a trend setter for smart data
management globally. Empowering representatives of Bank at every level with
analytics, thus standardizing and speeding up the decision-making process, will be a
natural outcome of smart data management
To this end, The State Bank of India is requesting Request for Proposal (RFP) for
implementation of a unified, scalable, central Big Data Lake solution as a storage and
processing infrastructure, which can serve as one true and up-to-date source of data
for Reporting, Business Intelligence, Advanced Analytics and AI requirements at SBI.
Proposed system should also reduce the analytical and reporting burden that core
Banking system currently experience.
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outright rejection of the Bidders proposal. The Prime Bidder is expected to provide
proof for each of the points for eligibility evaluation.
The Minimum Eligibility Criteria will have to be met by Prime Bidder and/or
Consulting Partner.
Prime Bidders, who are interested in providing services as briefly explained above
and meeting the following Eligibility Criteria may respond to this RFP.
Photocopies of relevant documents / certificates, duly stamped and signed must be
submitted as proof in support of the claims made. At relevant clauses, Copy of the
Credential Letter or Copy of Purchase order or Email Confirmation from the
clients executive or an Undertaking from the bidder on the bidders letterhead
confirming the implementation along with the contact details of clients
representative will be accepted by the Bank.
Bidders have to submit Bill of Material (BOM) and Compliances as given in
Annexure-2 of this document.
The bidder should also submit PRE-CONTRACT INTEGRITY PACT as
prescribed by the Govt. of India (Annexure- 28) duly signed on each page and by
two witnesses. Bid submitted without PRE-CONTRACT INTEGRITY PACT
shall not be considered.
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S. Eligibility Criteria Document Required
Eligibility Criteria to be met by the Prime Bidder
1 The P r i m e CopyofCertificateofIncorporationandCertificateofcom
Biddermustbeacompany / partnership mencementofBusiness(incaseofPublicLtdCompany)
firmincorporatedinIndiaandoperatingfo issuedbytheRegistrar ofCompanies/partnership deed.
r a t l e a s t 5 years ason
5 The Prime Bidder should have at Undertaking from the bidder on bidders letter head
least 200 SME resources on its rolls signed by the authorized signatory of the bidder.
across areas like Analytics, Data
Sciences and Data warehouse / Data
Lake Implementation.
7 The Prime Bidder should have Copy of the Credential Letter or Copy of Purchase
implemented a Data Lake meeting order or Email Confirmation from the clients
the below-mentioned criteria in executive or an Undertaking from the bidder on the
any BFSI or Telecom company in bidders letter head confirming the implementation
India or abroad, which has a along with the contact details of clients
minimum Business turnover/ representative.
Business Mix (Advances +
Deposits) of INR 1, 00, 000 crore.
Minimum Criteria:
- 200 TBdata stored
- Daily data ingest of minimum
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50 GB
- Real-time /structured /
unstructured data ingestion
- Size of the cluster between 50
to 100 Nodes
8 Should have done implementation Copy of the Credential Letter or Copy of Purchase
of some Big Data Analytics use order or Email Confirmation from the clients
cases with a Bank/ Payment executive or an Undertaking from the bidder on the
Service Provider/ Insurance/ bidders letter head confirming the implementation
Telecom sector in India or abroad along with the contact details of clients
across areas like the following: representative
-Customer behaviour analytics
-Default/ Delinquency analysis
-Churn analysis
-Unstructured data analytics
-Real time data analytics
-Fraud detection
-Cross Sell
-Risk based Pricing
-Pricing Analytics
9 Should have at least 25data Undertaking from the bidder on bidders letter head
scientist, 25 data modeler and signed by the authorized signatory of the bidder,
50Big Data ETL/ELT developers along with the profiles of the data scientists, data
across the organization modeller and ETL/ELT developer.
13 Bidder should have been in BDL /Data Length of existence of bidder should be mentioned.
lake operation for minimum 3 years
14 The bidder/ OEM should have support Bidder should specifically confirm on their letter head
setup within onehour of response time in this regard.
in Rabale (PR) and Ctrl-S, Hyderabad
(DR) locations.
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15 The OEM should be an entity having a Bidder should specifically confirm on their letter head
local presence of support centre . in this regard.
16 The bidder should agree clauses of Bidder should specifically confirm on their letter head
Service Level Agreement (format in this regard.
placed at Annexure-21), should they
become L1/TC1 in the reverse auction
to execute a contract with the Bank.
17 The bidder should not have any Bidder should specifically confirm on their letter head
Service Level Agreement pending to in this regard.
be signed with the Bank for more than
6 months from the date of issue of
purchase order issued by any of the
Department at SBI GITC as on the
date of bid submission. [No change/
addition or deletion to be made by
the bidder to any of the clauses.]
18 Primary bidder should have at least Bidder should specifically confirm on their letter head
25% of the implementation team on in this regard.
his roles.
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Prime Bidder will be summarily rejected.
There will be no scoring involved in the Eligibility Bid evaluation.
The decision of the Bank would be final and binding on all the bidders to this
document. The Bank may accept or reject an offer without assigning any reason
what so ever.
The EMD DD or Bank Guarantee of the non-qualified Bidder(s) will be
returned post completion of Phase-1evaluation.
The technical and commercial bid documents of the non-qualified Bidder(s)
will be retained by the Bank.
Documentary evidence must be furnished against each of the above criteria
along with an index. All documents must be signed by the authorized signatory
of the bidder. Relevant portions, in the documents submitted in pursuance of
eligibility criteria, should be highlighted
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5. Instructions for Response to RFP
5.1. Disclaimer
i. The information contained in this RFP document or information provided
subsequently to Bidder(s) whether verbally or in documentary form/email by or
on behalf of State Bank of India (Bank), is subject to the terms and conditions set
out in this RFP document.
ii. This RFP is not an offer by State Bank of India, but an invitation to receive
responses from the eligible Bidders. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall
arise from the RFP process unless and until a formal contract is signed and
executed by duly authorized official(s) of State Bank of India with the selected
iii. The purpose of this RFP is to provide the Bidder(s) with information to assist
preparation of their bid proposals. This RFP does not claim to contain all the
information each Bidder may require. Each Bidder should conduct its own
investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and
completeness of the information contained in this RFP and where necessary obtain
independent advices/clarifications. Bank may in its absolute discretion, but
without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the
information in this RFP.
iv. The Bank, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and
shall have no liability to any person, including any Applicant or Bidder under any
law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust
enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise
from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFP or
otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, completeness or
reliability of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or information
contained therein or deemed to form or arising in any way for participation in this
bidding process.
v. The Bank also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence
or otherwise, howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the
statements contained in this RFP.
vi. The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Bank is bound to select a Bidder or
to appoint the Selected Bidder or Concessionaire, as the case may be, for the
Project and the Bank reserves the right to reject all or any of the Bidders or Bids
without assigning any reason whatsoever.
vii. The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications
in the Bidding Document. Failure to furnish all information required by the
Bidding Document or to submit a Bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding
Document in all respect will be at the Bidders risk and may result in rejection of
the Bid.
viii. The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation
and submission of its Bid including but not limited to preparation, copying,
postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or
presentations which may be required by the Bank or any other costs incurred in
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connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remain
with the Bidder and the Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the
same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation
or submission of the Bid, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding
ix. It is to be noted that no changes shall be accepted in the Terms and Conditions and
Model SLAs (Annexure 21) of the Bank.
5.2. Understanding RFP requirements
Bidders before submission of response must carefully go through the entire RFP
document and understand the project scope, requirements, terms and conditions and
other information furnished in the RFP. Failing to furnish all the information required
as per the RFP or submission of incomplete or conditional response to RFP will be at
the risk of the bidder and such bids are liable to be rejected.
The Bidders can submit only one bid. Each Bidder can propose only one set of Data
Lake Solution.
The Bidders must propose industry standard tools/applications/products for all the
areas of the DATA LAKE SOLUTION, that have been implemented in large Banking
organizations and which are compatible with the DATA LAKE SOLUTION as a
The Data Lake Solution is defined as the entire solution for end to end
implementation of a Data Lake that includes the layers of Data Ingestion, Data
Storage, Data Discovery, Data Access, and Analytics.
Before proposing the Data Lake Solution, the Bidder is expected to go through the
business requirements in detail, understand them and suggest a solution which
delivers the business requirements as needed by the Bank within the time frame
stipulated by the Bank. The Bidder must define suitable architecture of the Data Lake
Solution in line with the requirements as per Section 4 factoring all the business,
functional and technical requirements. The bidder must also suggest proper and
optimal solutions for software, data model, data ingestion components, data stores,
data analytics, data quality, master data management (MDM) within the Data Lake,
metadata management, data access, data classification & encryption, integration with
existing data warehouse, methodology for capturing data warehouse changes in data
lake on real time basis, backup and recovery, etc.
The details of the products offered with reference to the RFP along with brochures
and benchmarking results are also to be enclosed as applicable. The details of their
past implementation and current use are also to be given. The Bidder must give clear
and unambiguous details of suitable tools/software/utilities/solutions that it is
Page 21 of 220
proposing for data ingestion, data storage, data analytics, data quality, master data
management, metadata management, data access, data classification & encryption,
integration with existing data warehouse, methodology for capturing data warehouse
changes in data lake on real time basis, backup and recovery, etc. The
tools/software/utilities/solutions proposed must be supported open source.However, if
any tool/software required for data lake solution proposed, is not available in
supported open source, bidder may suggest proprietary tools/software. The
tools/software/hardware/utilities/solutions should have the capability for handling the
functional & non-functional requirements as well as the scope of work. All known and
pertinent limitations, constraints, compatibility issues, versioning issues, etc. of all
tools/ software/ hardware/ utilities/ solutions must be clearly informed by the Bidder.
The Bidder must propose technical architecture of the Data Lake solution which is in
tune with the business requirements of the Bank.
The Demand Order/ Bank Guarantee will be valid for period of 180 (one hundred
eighty) days initially, and such other extended period in the future, as Bank may
decide for, owing to extension of the RFP selection process
The Bank Guarantee should be issued by any scheduled commercial Bank, other than
SBI and Associate Banks. A format for BG is attached as per Annexure-11.
EMD may be forfeited in the event of withdrawal of bid during the period of bid
validity or if successful Bidder fails to sign the contract in accordance with the terms
& conditions and other requirements specified in RFP or any act of Bidder not in line
with contract obligations.
EMD (Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee) should be kept in the envelope containing
technical bid. Any bid not accompanied with the requisite EMD shall be treated as
non-responsive and is liable to be rejected.
The EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned as early as possible. Successful
Bidders EMD will be returned upon the Bidder signing the contract and submitting
the required Performance Bank Guarantee.
No interest is payable on the amount of EMD. In case, SBI is the sole Banker for the
Bidder, a Letter of Comfort from SBI may be accepted.
Page 22 of 220
The Bank guarantee should be issued by any scheduled commercial Bank, other than
SBI. A format for BG is attached as per Annexure-10.
(*PBG for service contract or work contracts shall be maximum of @20% i.e. 20%
max for the amount of warranty obligation or AMC obligations or value of Services
contract )
In case, SBI is the sole Banker for the Bidder, a Letter of Comfort from SBI may be
5.6. Others
The Bidder must also give brief description of the following:
1. The proposed implementation methodology in the phases defined for carrying out
and for completion of the project as per the time schedule given in the document.
2. Bidders plan and methodology on extending post implementation maintenance
and support for the project during the contract period. Bidder should give the
details of the resources (quantity, quality and experience) which they shall deploy
at the site and support the Bank shall get under AMC and ATS. These resources
should have minimum experience of 3 years each.
3. The Bidder must use SBIs independent testing agency, along with details of
number, quality and experience of resources as part of the Data Lake Solution
offer for assisting the Bank in testing of the base version, developments, data
migration assurance and other releases for production. Bank reserves the right to
select the proposed agency for testing.
4. Training: The bidder must give a training schedule and furnish training facilities
and trainers credentials.
5. The Bidder must indicate in the Executive summary the total development time
that includes studying of the source systems, understanding source data formats,
data profiling, data cleansing, unit testing, system testing, placing into production
and documentation.
6. The Bidder will be the single point of contact/reference to the Bank. The Bank
will enter into agreement with the selected Bidder only. However, the Bidder as
well as other partners must confirm to the Bank that they are willing to enter into
back to back agreement that is in conformity with the deliverables and other
service/uptime commitments the bidder makes to the Bank in its response to the
RFP. If requested, the Bidder must share a copy of these back to back agreements
with the Bank. Bidders have to confirm the same as per Annexure 1 Bid
Covering Letter.
7. The Bidder must furnish the details of the other partners, with whom he proposes
to join to undertake the Data Lake Solution implementation in the Bank. The
Page 23 of 220
Bidder against the name of such partners must also furnish the details of the
products/services such OEMs/SMEs/Other Consortium partners will offer as per
Annexure 6 - Bidder Details
8. The resources to be deployed by the Bidder & its Partners must also have
experience in studying existing databases/Banks systems and in gathering the
requirements and in supply/installation/integration/implementation of the solution
including the design and construction of the Data Lake Solution suitable to the
9. The Bidder is expected to deliver the Data Lake Solution as per the intent of the
10. The bidder should ensure involvement of global resources who have executed the
project are a part of the team. The Bank will not accept bids where credentials for
the purpose of eligibility and technical scoring are proposed on global Banks but
teams / resources are all local. The bidder will have to have the global resources
on board.
11. The bidder if not a consulting firm has to tie up with a reputed global consulting
organisation for the purpose of the bid and the consultant will be required to be
associated with the Bank throughout the life cycle of the project in terms of
defining the strategy, use cases, data scientists, implementation and support.
12. Number of minimum vendor personnel to be employed in DATA LAKE needs to
be defined. However additional resources may be employed on T&M basis to
cater any additional requirements of Data Lake e.g. addition/modification of
new/existing data sources, implementation of new use casesetc. Cost terms for
such T&M resources should be fixed at the time of Proposal submission, and
should hold good throughout the engagement period.
13. The proposed Data Lake solution is required to be scalable. For hardware &
software components to be added to scale the Data Lake (for example, to enhance
storage or computation), the Bidder must submit along with this proposal the
minimum configuration and unambiguous cost terms, which should hold good
throughout the engagement period. The Bidder will be responsible for all
hardware/ software/ utilities/ tools/ solutions/ operating processes compatibility
issues, and for ensuring that the overall system runs as expected throughout the
engagement period.
Page 24 of 220
6. Detailed Scope of the Data Lake Solution
6.1. Key Drivers of the Data Lake Solution at the Bank
Some of the key drivers of implementation of Data Lake at the Bank are as follows:
The Bank would like to apply advanced techniques like Machine Learning
within fraud and risk to improve models and allow acceleration towards more
real-time analysis and alerting.
Data Science at the Bank is expected to lead to strong, observable and
benchmarked business returns (not just cost takeout) in the broader market.
The data at the Bank is expected to grow at an annual rate of 50%. The
existing legacy platforms at the Bank may not be able to deal with the data surge.
There is hence a need to find a more complete and comprehensive data solution,
to manage compliance mandates, and to integrate data governance, lineage and
other compliance aspects more deeply with big data platforms. The Data Lake at
SBI is expected to serve as a converged regulatory and risk data hub.
SBI is increasingly looking at IoT data for ATM or mobile Banking. It may
involve multiple streams of activity in real-time. For example, real-time, multi-
channel activities can use IoT data to offer the right offer and advice to retail
Banking customers at the right time. SBI can also embed their services into the
device at client touch points.
Enterprise data warehouse needs storage and compute offload. The Data Lake
is expected to hold historical data also for any ad-hoc analysis. The Data Lake
will be superset of existing Enterprise data warehouse. Data ingest pipelines for
new / existing source systems, required data transformations and data
organization should be taken up by Data Lake.
Optimize total cost of operations for data management, organization, analytics
and enable Bank to streamline data driven decisions.
Data management and processing using commodity hardware/appliance /
supported open source software.
This section defines the requirements for the Banks Data Lake Solution. This section
also lists the Key guiding principles to govern and support further detailing of the
solution architecture.
Term Description
Requirements Informational requirements for analytical
needs for the Data Lake.
Page 25 of 220
External Data Sources Data sources which are external to the Bank.
This includes data from the third parties or
data available on the Web
The following are the key guiding principles governing the overall solution:
Page 26 of 220
Data available with the Bank should be leveraged in an as is where is
condition by the Bidder.
It should not become necessary to make any changes to upstream or
downstream applications or systems because of building the big Data Lake.
Page 27 of 220
o Upon successful completion of the POC, Vendor will be confirmed for
the whole project. They can then include the cost of the POC hardware,
software and services into the cost of the whole project.
o In case the vendor does not successfully complete the POC in the
stipulated time frame, they will need to remove the full Bank data
footprint from the hardware, and vacate the SBI data center area within
15 days.
o No payment of any kind will be made for unsuccessful POCs.
o No payments of any kind are scheduled to be made before the POC.
Presentation & Demonstration: For closing the POC, the vendor is required to
make a presentation on the functionality implemented, and demonstrate the
same. Bank teams and/or its consultants will evaluate the Vendor's POC work
for the deliverables, process, efficiency, quality of the solution, etc.
The Bank may also provide Feedback or Suggestions to the Vendor at the close
of a successful POC, so as to improve the subsequent steps.
o At the end of a successful POC, the main project is expected to begin.
Vendor is advised to do POC hardware sizing accordingly so as not to
lose any time due to procurement delays.
o Vendor must have clear deliverables and timelines, and meet them, even
in cases where there are hardware procurement delays upon successful
completion of the POC.
Page 28 of 220
6.5. Detailed Scope of the Data Lake Solution at the Bank
The following sections provide the detailed scope of the Data Lake solution to be
implemented at the Bank.
A successful Data Lake design should be built around measurable and anticipated
business outcomes. However unique the business goals may be, they should be
tethered to the foundation and development of the Data Lake venture.
Cost effective way to acquire, store, combine and enhance huge
volume of structured and unstructured internal and external data
Ability to perform real-time, near real-time analytics on huge volume
of data
Reduce operational expenses by leveraging IOT data
Next generation advanced analytics and visualizations to produce
accurate, actionable and timely insights.
Optimize total cost of operations for data management, organization,
analytics and enable Bank to streamline data driven decisions
Detailed Requirement study should identify to what extent the Data Lake should be
used, who will provide data and who will consume the data. It is crucial to pose the
right questions and collect the right datasets.
Page 29 of 220
6.5.2. Define the Data Lake Architecture
The enterprise data warehouse, discovery-oriented environments, highly specialized
analytic and operational technologies coexist in a Data Lake. The following diagram
represents the high-level architecture of a Data Lake solution.
The architecture should clearly define the implementation strategy for the below
1) Data ingestion framework catering to various formats
2) Layers of data storage required and type (SQL, NO-SQL, GRAPH etc)
3) Data processing framework
4) Data federation between EDW and DATA LAKE
6) Metadata management
7) Information life cycle management
8) Ability to search for data
9) Data governance, security and access management (data classification
& encryption)
10) Downstream data consumption
11) Real time, near real-time analytics
12) Framework for data movement to DR site and DR
13) Methodology to capture data warehouse changes in BDL in real time.
Page 30 of 220
14) Methodology to reconcile data with source systems
15) Data reporting
General functional and technical components of theData Lake solution architecture
are discussed in detail in this section and the Appendixes. These should be studied
carefully and validated by the Bidder, Consulting Partners and back-to-back strategic
Big Data partner if any.
In their response, the Bidder should provide details of the strategy and approach
they will use to ensure that the expected benefits from the Data Lake are
The Bidder should propose detailed strategies on their concept of the Data Lake
evolution roadmap. It should also propose processes and criteria on how it will
make sure that the fundamental goals of ambiguous and competing terms
eventually converge into a shared understanding within and across business
The Bidder should also provide details on how they plan to achieve the
Evolution of the Data Lake from statistics to empirical data science
driven insights to systematizing analytical intuition throughout the
Retention and scaling of the Data Lake after the current raw data is
consumed into the Data Lake - process for meeting future needs of
the Data Lake.
Process for connecting new data sources into the Data Lake. The
Bank can make available limited information about expected future
data sources and requirements.
Strategies for managing the compute and memory resources of
theData Lakein such a way as to get time efficiencies while
reducing data duplication and data movements across the
Processes for developing future data discovery solutions, use cases
or descriptive / predictive / prescriptive applications on the Data
Processes on how new data sources consumed into the Data Lakein
future can be used to add value to existing Use Cases. Just as an
Page 31 of 220
example, consider a golden record that unifies customer data
across all time periods and across all channels, including point-of-
sale transactions and website traffic.
6.5.5. Promoting User Adaption of the Data Lake
Data Lakes wont deliver their full value unless the user base for the Data
Lake expands far beyond users with programming skills. Further, users
accustomed to using easy-to-use, high-performance databases and data
warehouse may reject a supported open source Data Lake if it requires too
much training or behaviour modification to use.
Hence it is very important for the Bidder to clearly lay out the strategies,
mechanisms and processes by which they will promote, measure and advancethe
adoption of the Data Lake by the users of the Bank.
Data Lake implementations come with several pitfalls and challenges. Examples
include ensuring lasting value for procured hardware resources;seamlessly
handling version changes of open source components and bringing new
supported open source software components in to use; accelerating the time
frames for Extract Transform Load of the Source System / EDW data into the
DATA LAKE; integrating structured, semi-structured, unstructured data sources
in a seamless manner; handling potential future movement of Data Lake
partially or fully on to the cloud; accommodatingrapid changes in governance,
policy and security guidelines; reducing vendor dependence and achieving self-
sufficiency for successful lake management within the lake; Maintaining a very
efficient mechanism for converting business requirements into implementation
of new analytics use cases on the Data Lake; etc.
In its proposal, the Bidder must clearly mention all known and common pitfalls
of Data Lakeimplementations, including but not limited to the above list, and
describe clearly how they plan to successfully address and mitigate these pitfalls
and challenges.
Page 32 of 220
6.6. Functional Requirements
The Data Lake Solution at State Bank should be able to deliver the following
functionalities in the various Business Units of the Bank. The solution should be built
using best practices / state of the art in the software, engineering and big data
analytics space
Page 33 of 220
Proposed solution should have a framework in place to monitor/handle hardware
failures or corruption in underlying filesystem level
Proposed solution should enable exact point-in-time recovery of files or
directories in the cluster from accidental deletions or corruption due to user or
application error
Upstream data should be used in as-is, where-is format. Downstream applications
should not require any major changes when their source is changed to the Data
Any change in business logic in EDW source systems during ETL migration to
BDL these new changes need to be implemented by bidder in less than a weeks
time in BDL Ingestion
Capable of ingesting data from any source system currently implemented
in the Bank, or any future standard source systems that the Bank will
decide to use.
Capable of ingesting structure, semi-structured, unstructured, real-time
data, IOT data, etc in any standard format onto the Data Lake irrespective
of number of columns and size of the table.
Capable of ingesting data via flat-files, ODBC/JDBC sources, DB-links,
messaging queues or APIs etc. with high throughput and low latency
Should have an easy to use GUI based framework to configure sources to
DATA LAKE, select table/columns and rows of data to be ingested.
Robust data ingestion framework should be in place to
o Perform one time full load from EDW to DATA LAKE
o Ingest incremental data from EDW to DATA LAKE on daily basis
o Ingest incremental data from any new source configured
o Should be configured to ingest data from the existing data sources
directly into DATA LAKE. List available in Annexure 16.
o It should be possible to pre-define logic for every process, defining
how the data should be selected for ingestion from source
systems/operational files
o Ingestion subsystem should allow to configure ingestion processes
from single / multiple source system, single / multiple files, single /
multiple operational input files
o Any new standard source system/table identified by the Bank in the
future should be easily configurable to ingest data, at a specific
frequency (e.g., from batch ingestion every day to real-time
ingestion), on a business requirement basis.
Page 34 of 220
As data is incrementally ingested from EDW to DATA LAKE, changes
done in EDW through ingestion and / or updation should be reflected in
DATA LAKEin real time basis.
Reconciliation should be maintained periodically and on an ongoing basis
by the vendor by generating logs/reports for
o Validation between Source systems and DATA LAKE
o Validation between EDW and DATA LAKE
DATA LAKE should be able to ingest incremental data from sources like
the INVM file (investor master file in Oracle database in the Core Banking
System) through change data capture (CDC) processes and/or scraping log
extracts. Ingestion subsystem should have failure, retry, alert, frequency
and escalation logic defined
Ingestion subsystem should generate detail logs for auditing and
Ingestion subsystem should log failure or reject records.
Bidder should provide clear technical architecture diagrams for ingesting
structured / semi-structured / unstructured data, batch / interactive / real-
time data, internal / external data. Bidder should specify clearly the
supported open source software components to be used in their ingestion
subsystem, the specific capabilities and limitations of these components.
Vendor should list out all types of risks they expect from the ingestion
subsystem (e.g., dropping of data packets during ingestion, security
loopholes, unprotected personally identifiable information, etc.) along with
mechanisms and processes they would implement for mitigating such
This condition of vendor listing risks and mitigation plans is
applicable to all components, modules and subsystems, not just the
data ingestion subsystem.
We provide below recent daily and monthly data volumes for ingestion into the current EDW,
to provide an idea of the requirement for your calculations. These are only indicative
numbers of the usage; data lake ingestion requirements will be not only higher in volume but
also have far more variety compared to these numbers.
Source systems data inflow to the existing EDW staging database
Page 35 of 220
[monthend file (1 TB) + Daily file 100 GB*30
3 Flat file extract for SBI INVM
5 Flat file extract from ATM, [631 GB monthly + [ ~20GB per day * 30 =
INB, PSG, and SBI Card ~600 ] load for file ATM , INB base ]=1,231
ETL Volume
No Sep-16 (GB)
Flat Files
(a) ATM
(b) INB ~656.7
(c ) PSG
(d) Subsidiaries
8 Risk 100
This is the
9 CIBIL 86.55 current folder
Page 36 of 220
Bank to
provide input
Page 37 of 220
users and reports between EDW and DATA LAKE
The service should be available till DATA LAKE completely subsumes
The bidder should also specify the bandwidth needed to enable data
federation between EDW and BDL. It should be noted that EDW, BDL
and DR sites will be at different locations (Belapur, Rabale and Hyderabad
Page 38 of 220
The solution should clearly highlight the how value creation and risk
management outcomes are achieved and measured.
The solution proposed by the bidders should detail out processes and steps
to carry out the following functions:
Provide traceability it should be possible to track and visualize any data
transformation or any rule applied to data in the lake.
Provide trust The system should be able to ensure the users that they are
accessing data from the right source of information.
Provide auditability the solution should record any access to the data to
satisfy compliance audits. For example, it should be able to check on who
touched the data, when did they touch it, is there a chain of custody issue,
is there transparency in terms of data privacy and protection etc.
Enforce security and privacy Data inside the Data Lake will be accessed
by only authorized users. Data at rest/in-motion should be encrypted
Automate security policies and compliance reports
Capability to classify and store (personal identifiable information)
sensitive data in encrypted /masked form and should have capability to
decrypt/unmask such information in Data Lake when required by only
authorized IDs.
Provide administrative and security management facilities
Should provide for DATA LAKE portal displaying all reports, Dashboard,
Data dictionary, applications running in DATA LAKE, data sourcing
department (upstream applications), Data sharing departments
(downstream applications), information about interfacing applications,
login to portal details, list of missing files from source systems, status of
all applications / interfaces running on DATA LAKE along with memory,
disk and CPU usage, status of DATA LAKE clusters, hardware
status/software status etc. with need based access.
Monitor privileged users
Capability to define clear roles and access management rules to user IDs Downstream data consumption
Approximately 1200 Cognos reports will need to be migrated to work with
theDATA LAKE within 12 to 18 months from the date of DATA LAKE
Should support bulk data and targeted data extracts via statistical tools and
AP interfaces
DATA LAKE should have supported open source statistical and machine
learning tools configured for analysis and reporting
Should have capability to easily connect with any downstream applications
currently used at the Bank
Page 39 of 220 Real time analytics
DATA LAKE should have capability to ingest data in real-time
Capable to perform in-memory processing and equipped with tools to
perform analytics on real-time data in real-time/near real-time. Disaster recovery site and other environments
Vendor should set up the DR cluster of same configuration as the
production cluster
Vendor should provide the framework for online real-time replication from
production DATA LAKE setup to DR DATA LAKE setup, such that
RTO(2 hrs)& RPO is ideally zero.
The bidder should specify the bandwidth requirements to achieve the 2 hrs
RTO between the production and DR site. This should be arrived at taking
into account the daily data ingest volumes.
Page 40 of 220
more columns are alphanumeric, 4 or more are date, 4 or more are
categorical variables with 20 or more distinct values (e.g., industry
classification), 4 or more are continuous variables (e.g., account
Benchmark Performance:
In your response to the RFP, please include as a table with the execution
times you can commit to achieve on the proposed data lake for the
following operations:
Find records with numeric key match
Find records with alphanumeric key match
Find records with 5-part composite key (numeric + alphanumeric)
Find records with referential foreign-key match
Find records with sub-string match
Distinct / duplicate identification
Distinct with composite key
Outer join between two transactional tables with numeric key
Outer join between two transactional tables with composite key
Find ten highest/lowest values from a numeric, continuous variable
Find average, highest, lowest and count of 8 numerical, continuous
variables grouped by four categorical variables
Generate percentile distributions of a numeric, continuous variable
Generate frequency distribution of a category variable
Find random sample of 20,000 records from transactional table
Generate all-node roll-up of numerical variable by category
variable hierarchy from transactional table where transactional table
has data only at leaf level
Outlier identification (+/- six-sigma) of continuous, numeric
Time for data quality audit missing/blank/null values, dispersion
(90% or more records have the same value for a particular variable),
Find pairwise correlations of category variables across two
different tables
Determine Multi-collinearity (VIF, Condition indices)
10-fold cross-validation for a random sample of 1 million
transactional records
Ingestion of 10 million records into transactional table without
index update
Ingestion of 10 million records into transactional table with index
Scatter matrix construction
Time series prediction
Information value computation
Logistic Regression model with minimum six independent
variables and R2 of xx or better and GINI coefficient of 0.6 or better
for a random sample of 1 million transactional records
Page 41 of 220
6-level Decision Tree for a random sample of 1 million
transactional records
Clustering with minimum 6 clusters and 6 or more input variables
for a random sample of 1 million transactional records
Neural Network for a random sample of 1 million transactional
records Resource requirements
Vendor should have resources available as per the profile mentioned
Number of minimum vendor personnel to be employed in DATA LAKE
need to be defined along with stating requirement of personnel on T&M
basis as and when new requirements on Data Lake come,like addition of
new data sources/implementation of new use cases.
Proposal should definethe exact number and types of resources needed on-
Below are the typical roles and experience levels that the vendor is
expected to have available in their resource pool:
Sno Resource Profile Tentative experience
Page 42 of 220
18 Testing Lead 8+ yrs
Each household must be assigned a unique, persistent ID. Two output data
Page 43 of 220
sets shall be created, containing
Household ID and ID of Customer belonging to the household
Customer ID, relationship of related customer, ID of the related
customer respectively.
5. Employee metrics
i.Number of, overall tenure, and this branch tenure of staff by category
officers, clerical and subordinate staff
ii. Leave, absenteeism and Attendance record
iii. Employee satisfaction
iv. Employee Training record
Page 44 of 220 Use Case 3 - Real-time Identification of Fraudulent transactions on
digital channels (POS, SWIFT, ACH)
Identify Out of Pattern digital transactions to be flagged as suspicious,
for automatic reversal based on past customer transaction history,
including time and location where transaction was initiated, merchant type
where transaction was executed, beneficiary identity
Page 45 of 220
6.6.3. Functional Requirements - Hardware DATA LAKE Sizing
As far as sizing is concerned, we propose to keep provision for 200%
additional growth of data in addition to the present data volume growth.
The details as given under
Present EDW data size (uncompressed) 750 TB
Present data growth annual 375TB
Adding 200% extra growth for considering new source systems like 750 TB
LOTUS and CRM & sourcing of semi-structured and unstructured data
Net per year growth 1125 TB
Total Data volume to be handled in the first year of operation 1875 TB
(750+1125) TB
Total Data volume to be handled in the third year of operation 3750 TB
(937.5+1875+937.5) TB
Big Data technologies provide data replication. Average of about 7500 TB
2*1copies/ block is considered reasonable, with a separate DR setup
Big Data infra assumed to provide for average 50% compression rate 3750 TB
Another 500 TB proposed for UAT and DEV environment 500 TB
Assuming that 50% of data lake does data storage and the other space 8500 TB
is used for computational processes and intermediate data, total storage
capacity expected for theDATA LAKE is approximately
Hence, by the end of the 3rd year, the data lake is required to be able to grow to a total
storage capacity of approximately 8.5PB. By the end of the 1st year, Data Lake is
required to have about 4.75 PB total storage capacity. Hardware specification and recommendations
A high-level recommendation on hardware components that will be needed
for DATA LAKE is outlined below. The infrastructure for DATA LAKE
should be provisioned keeping in view that there is a requirement for
varied workloads on the DATA LAKE:
1) Balanced workload ETL operations, data processing
2) Compute intensive workloads Report generation, IoT, real time data
and analytics
3) Storage intensive workloads Storage and archival
As mentioned in the functional scope of RFP, the DATA LAKE is expected
to be built on commodity hardware/appliance. The recommended
11As per the Banks requirement default replication factor may be changed
Page 46 of 220
component specification is given below. It should be noted that any
description of component here is illustrative and the Bank does not
recommend a specific vendor or choice of hardware. The list below is
(This is not an exhaustive list and the vendor is free to include components
needed to set up DATA LAKE, as long as they are horizontally scalable
commodity hardware / appliance/Hybrid appliance and run supported
open source big data software.)
1) Compute and Storage resources (For all types of nodes in the DATA
At least 2x(12) core processors with 2.2 Ghz per node, latest
generation of processors
Storage drives in JBOD configuration At least 12 X 4 TB drives per
node (Configuration for storage intensive nodes can be 12X8 TB)
Page 47 of 220
9) Each node in the rack should be reachable at-least by 2 distinct network
path(s). This is to ensure that failure of one network switch does not
make the node unreachable.
10)Node rebalancing should be done periodically to ensure that the storage
is judiciously used on all nodes. As this is network intensive, this
activity can be scheduled during non-peak hours
11)The data locality on cluster should take advantage of higher transfer
rates in between the same rack. Similarly, judicious usage of
Bandwidth is a critical requirement for DATA LAKE. Geographic
separation and limited bandwidth are definite constraints and
performance cannot be compromised
The computations below depict a sample scenario where 100 nodes are
available for the DATA LAKE cluster:
Please Note: The hardware configuration provided below is a baseline or
minimum desired configuration per node for BDL
Page 48 of 220
On the basis of this baseline configuration, we can compute the total number
of resources available to the DATA LAKE as follows (Assuming the cluster
size is 100 for ease of computation). This activity is to compute the amount of
RAM / cores available for individual tasks on the cluster.
1. Resources for OS and Overhead services will be deducted per node
2. Resource requirement(s) for search, No-SQL and New-SQL services
will be dedicated per node and will be deducted from available resources
3. Resource management services and their footprint will be deducted.
4. Total resources available at the cluster level will be computed
5. Multiplier factors for balanced and compute intensive workloads will
be used to arrive at total vCores available at cluster level
6. Total cluster resources will be computed that can be used for executing
individual tasks.
Page 49 of 220
The BDL ecosystem should have state of the art data processing engines that can perform in-
memory processing to reduce the time data transformations and query.
Page 50 of 220
The Hardware configuration of DATA LAKE should be able to factor the following:
1) At-least 2000 concurrent users (DATA LAKE is expected to have more users
and the solution should not be bound by any license model for number of users).
Not including API based access
2) At-least 30000 jobs to be run on a daily basis(Internal threads due to parallel
processing should not be counted as a separate job)
3) Support of real time, streaming data
4) Support to Unstructured data Text, Document images, Image, audio and
video data
5) User(s) being able to run ad-hoc jobs than the standard set of jobs for the day
6) Both batch and interactive jobs running on the cluster
7) Bandwidth limitations and geographic separation of Source / EDW, DATA
LAKE and DR sites. Vendor need to specify minimum bandwidth requirement
between Belapur(DW) and Rabale(BDL-PR) and also between Rabale(BDL-PR)
and Ctrls Hyderabad(DR)
Tentative sizing calculations for production environment:
End of first year Data Lake Storage 4.75 PB
In similar lines the following configuration can be chosen for Dev and UAT
environment(s) for reporting and testing
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6.7. Technical Requirements (TR)
The following section and its sub sections will elaborate the technical scope for SBI's
Business Data Lake. The technical scope contains
1) Scope of work
2) Capability of tool (s)
3) Indicative metrics to be achieved
The Big Data Lake must be designed and implemented with the following
1. The Big Data Lake is built on Commodity hardware/appliance, taking into
account not only the Banks current data and processing needs but also the Banks
growing number of sources, unstructured data, next gen, first of a kind use cases.
The DATA LAKE should have horizontal scale as a defining design characteristic.
2. The software platform / tool (s) deployed on DATA LAKE should be Supported
open source. The choice of tool(s) to satisfy the functional / non-functional
requirements for DATA LAKE can be suggested by the vendor to the Bank. It will
be vendors responsibility to ensure that the platform is agnostic to the choice of
tools. The Bank may suggest various supported open source tools for
experimentation / analysis / integration that the vendor should provision and
The general guiding principles of the business Data Lake to be highly secure, highly
scalable, robust, reliable, fault tolerant, supporting concurrent user base hold true. The
specifics of each of these items will be discussed in sub-sections of 6
The technical scope of DATA LAKE covers salient points in each stage of data
processing lifecycle. The DATA LAKE goes through the following logical phases in
the course of its operationalization.
Storage Offload:DATA LAKE as a storage offload from existing EDW, capturing
daily incremental changes and in sync with the EDW. DATA LAKE begins
serving data to upstream / downstream systems using data federation
DATA LAKE - Data pipelines New data sources and Real time data handling,
data capture and processing use cases, DATA LAKE still in Sync with EDW
DATA LAKE Compute offload - Existing compute / ETL processes on EDW
will be migrated to DATA LAKE. DATA LAKE will serve as the single data and
compute infrastructure for the Bank
DATA LAKE Analytics / Insights and Reports Existing reports and
downstream / upstream data needs for visualizations are on DATA LAKE, data
analysis - analytic applications deployed on DATA LAKE
Operational DATA LAKE DATA LAKE handling the entire data processing
framework at the Bank, eventual sunset of EDW as it exists this day.
The number and type of data sources will vary. The mode of data ingest / capture
will be different for each data type. The frequency of ingest, mode of data
capture can vary across current and new sources of data. The vendor should be
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on an ongoing basis able to implement and support the same. A few scenarios are
mentioned below:
1) Historical data load Snapshot data load from existing data infrastructure to
DATA LAKE, incorporate existing EDWs staging and landing environment
2) Incremental data capture Daily incremental data / updates captured from
source systems (tabular data dumps, extracts, log files etc)
3) Real time data capture and Ingestion Structured, semi-structured and
unstructured data (Eg: Card transactions, ForEx data loading, DB Events /
extract Logs, machine data, streaming data sources etc
4) Unstructured data like Images, video, Audio, Text data etc from file servers /
File transfer APIs
5) Semi-structured data Geographic information, mobile touch stream,
internet Banking user logs etc.
6) External data from the web
7) Incremental data changes (Change data capture) Daily incremental changes
in structured data / DB change logs that needs to be synchronized in lake
with existing EDW till the transformationsare off-loaded from existing EDW.
(Details on EDW transformations is available in following sections)
The solution should be able to route data from source to multiple data stores.
Routine can be simple or complex, with routing rules based on attributes of the
data, and with automatic conversion of data types and formats.
Upon ingesting data, users should be able to perform light sanitization on the
source data in order to support universally acknowledged policies, such as
masking personally identifiable information or using canonical data
representations, as well monitoring the inbound data flow for completeness,
consistency and accuracy.
The tool (s) used for Data ingest and capture should be easy to use, simple,
intuitive point and click utilities that support creating / modifying and
scheduling data pipeline jobs.
Data sanity checks, validations and reconciliation of data should be available
as part of the data ingest solution.
It should also be possible to monitor ingestion pipelines to ensure that they are
not dropping data or that the data is not becoming corroded over time.
The tool(s) of choice should be able to provide audit logs for data validation
and tracking data lineage in case of failure.
An alerting, report and monitoring utility about the ingest pipelines should be
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available as part of the solution. Trigger mechanisms in identifying schema
changes at source and packaging data in formats for quick retrieval from
DATA LAKE are in scope.
The vendor should be able to design solutions to handle data volumes and
complexity in source data. An example workload is provided below
(Workloads of this type are in scope of this engagement)
A source system table with ~ 400 columns in an Oracle database generates
data of ~ 600 GB on a daily basis. The ingest tools should be able to perform a
change data capture on source systems of this nature.
Data engineers should be able to create ingest pipelines, or a logical
connection between a source and multiple destinations. It should be possible to
move data using an integrated development environment for creating and
running pipelines using a visual UI to minimize the amount of custom-coding
The Data Lake Solution for storage should have the following features:
1) Store reliably, efficiently and optimally irrespective of the data type
(structured data, flat files, extracts, logs, xml / JSON / BSON type data, text,
images, audio, video, sensor data, GIS data etc)
2) The underlying architecture is scalable
3) Storage replication is managed by the platform
4) Data is stored in formats that are suitable and efficient for processing engines
to consume
5) Storage should support data compression. It should be possible to perform
both fast compression and efficient compression based on data processing
6) The storage layer of lake should support large volume data ingest and
transfer seamlessly over the network.
7) The lake should allow for read / write and modify the data stored
8) Storage should be compatible to perform processing operations on whole
dataset as well as Individual records or Individual groups.
9) The storage should be horizontally scalable. Redistribution of storage load
across the lake should be possible and in-scope of setting up the Data Lake.
10) Ensuring regular health checks, monitoring and alerting about data storage /
utilization of storage / failure handling of storage are in-scope of activities
11) The storage system should be robust to handle multiple concurrent access by
processing engines / end users
It should be possible to project and view data through multiple modes using
the Storage on Data Lake. For instance: The Bank may decide to implement
use-cases that project transactions data as a graph data structure. The Storage
solution on lake should allow for such projections. Activities of this nature are
in scope of the current engagement and Bank will engage with the vendor to
provide specific details on such use-cases.
The Data Lake will have storage intensive, compute intensive and balanced
workload scenarios. The storage mechanism should serve as a single entity
that can be utilized by multiple processing engines or compute nodes
designated for a specific purpose in the Lake.
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The storage layer should be able to accommodate data used for specific
processing needs. For example: Storage is expected to allow data reside in
multiple layers. The Lake should be flexible to handle data needs for Staging,
direct data ingestion / landing, projections of data, organizing data and
aligning it with specific schema type(s) etc. Activities of this nature are in-
scope of the current engagement.
One of the core activities in implementing the Data Lake is to operationalize the
lake with data processing. As described in the functional specifications, the Bank
envisages EDW be subsumed by the lake. The Bank suggests a 3-stage approach
to ensure a smooth transition:
1) Initialize Data Lake Historical data offload, synchronize daily incremental
data between EDW and Lake, federate data for data requests by users /
downstream applications
2) Implement transformations Offload ETL jobs to Data Lake, develop
reports for downstream consumption, populate marts
3) Execute and operationalize Define window period for both EDW and Data
Lake to perform data processing. Lake meets success criteria for sustenance,
EDW sunset
There should be provision to monitor, log and assess the progress of each
transformation job. Job design (s) should be re-usable.
There should be a provision organize individual transformations as operators, tie
operators to data structures and organize the entire process as a single job.
Organizing jobs, scheduling jobs and triggering jobs should be possible from an
easy to use interface. Reports on job status and success / failure / retrigger
should be sent to concerned stakeholders on a periodic basis.
The tool(s) used for data transformation should be aligned to data sources and
types / formats of data residing on Data Lake/EDW.
The BDL is expected to complete the entire data loading (ETL) operation in 2
hrs. The data volume currently for this activity is approximately 4.6 TB
(uncompressed data).
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The processing pipelines for ETL jobs also include daily, weekly, monthly,
quarterly and annual reports, feeding data structures for downstream
consumption. These activities are in-scope for this engagement.
Transformations for this activity can be categorized into the following types:
1.Existing transformations in EDW that needs to be migrated to DATA LAKE
2.New transformations for data sources that are not sourced by EDW
3.Transformations and data processing pipelines for real time data capture
DATA LAKE activity includes all items mentioned above in scope for this
engagement. The Bank will engage the vendor to create specific data
transformation pipelines based on need basis.
The workflows should be designed using off the shelf tools. The workflow
management tool should work with all supported tools / components used
underneath for data capture, storage, organization, transformations and updates.
The Bank currently has ~7000jobs for data processing. This number is expected
to grow with evolving use-cases from different business units and availability of
data from the lake. The Bank will engage the vendor to design and develop data
processing workflows on DATA LAKE.
Audit, alerting, traceability, recovery and monitoring form critical features that
need to be available as part of workflow and scheduling system on the lake. It
should be possible to trigger workflows / schedule jobs through User interface or
using a command line utility.
On-demand object creation to blend data from multiple sources (relational, objects in
lake, semi-structured data) should be facilitated.
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An easy to use web interface and SQL like query capability should be available for
authorized users/applications on the lake. For instance: BI reports / dashboards can be
consumers of data processing pipelines on the lake. Activities of this nature are in
scope of this engagement.
The vendor as mandated by the Bank will streamline ad-hoc reports / visualizations
using the data discovery capability or assist business teams build pipelines for analysis
using data discovery capability.
6.7.6. Analytics
Rapidly building and deploying scalable analytics solutions on the DATA LAKE
is one of the primary outcomes.
The technical scope for Analytics applications in the context of DATA LAKE
can be categorized as:
1) Power data / objects to existing analytics models built on proprietary
2) Empower analysts with tool(s) like analytics notebooks to perform
interactive data analysis and rapid model building
3) Implementing end to end analytics use-cases as mandated by the Bank
The DATA LAKE solution should be able to provide tool (s) in the analytics
layer to perform:
1) Data extraction and preparation
2) Data pre-processing
3) Experimentation and model building
4) Model evaluation, deployment and visualizations
The DATA LAKE should have support to best in class machine learning and
analytics frameworks that run on scalable architectures.
DATA LAKE Analytics solution should have ability to create templates for
common data processing / end to end applications, tag data sets and re-use
operators across machine learning pipelines.
DATA LAKE Analytics solution must have capability to utilize in-memory
computing, blend tools in analytics notebooks that perform SQL like querying
on relational data and unstructured data on DATA LAKE.
The analytics notebooks should be shareable and experiments be replicable
across users / teams performing similar analysis.
Analytic queries can be used to provide a summary view of a data set, like cross-
referencing other data sets, and ad-hoc computation can be used to support a
variety of algorithms, for example, building a search index or classification via
machine learning.
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6.7.7. Search
Search solution in the context of DATA LAKE should be interpreted as:
1) Free text search across DATA LAKE
2) Search metadata and objects in DATA LAKE namespace
3) Search patterns (keywords + regular expressions)
4) Search datasets and analytics notebooks
5) Search workflows and jobs
6) Search repository of data processing operators
7) Search reports
The DATA LAKE Search solution should use tool (s) which work with each of
the DATA LAKE ecosystem components. Advanced search options should be
available for users.
Search interface should be intuitive and results must be relevant
Users / applications should have the provision to index objects and assets created
6.7.8. Metadata & Governance
It should be possible to define metadata to update and access requests as well as
schema. Metadata should be available for data, processes and pipeline(s)
Without proper Data Governance, a Data Lake can quickly turn to a Data
Swamp. In order for the Bank to stay on top of its datas integrity,
confidentiality, and availability needs, the Data Lake Solution should address the
following data governance issues:
Reference The Solution should have the capability to document the source
systems along with where it is coming from. It should be possible for track data
lineage, audit and log events relevant to process these events. The Bank on a
periodic basis will analyze / need reports on this log / event analysis.
Quality The solution should let the users have an understanding of the quality
of the data using data profiling. Data quality refers to sanctity of data at the
source, data correctness and validity post transformations, truth of data at the
time of access.
Security / Privacy It should be possible to define policies and rules for
implementation and access control in the DATA LAKE. DATA LAKE should
support user level, group level and application level authentication and
authorization. The solution should compliant to Banks security policies.
Master Data and Metadata Management The solution should allow users to
create Enterprise glossaries to define a consistent and uniform business
vocabulary to prevent misinterpretation of data elements. The Metadata to be
created using the tool(s) on DATA LAKE can also be technical and provide
details of data cleansing, derived data, data mappings etc.
Lifecycle Management The Solution should be able to manage data from the
point of ingest to retirement including retention, archiving, replication,
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compression, encryption/decryption and backup / purging. There should be a
provision for entire data and application lifecycle to be managed and monitored
through an easily usable interface. Data lifecycle should be managed using crisp
storage policies.
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impact to work. A thorough plan / successfully implementing the DATA
LAKE DR is a critical component for completion of this assignment.
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6.7.10. Data Encryption
Data encryption applies to the following data on DATA LAKE:
1) Data at rest
2) Data in motion
3) Data available over an API to external sources / applications
The vendor team will determine tables / columns that need encryption by
discussing with data owners before implementing the solution.
The processing time for data should include time needed for encrypting and
decrypting information needed for downstream / report generation. The overall
SLA for data processing should be adhered to, keeping data encryption as an
important activity.
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6.8. Other Requirements
6.8.1. Capability
The Data Lake solution should be able to
1) Handle large volume of data, handle variety in data types and accommodate
real time streaming data.
2) DATA LAKE / applications on DATA LAKE should be robust to increase in
user base. The Bank expects the DATA LAKE to be performance and
functionality compliant to at-least 2000 concurrent users, not including API
based access. This number is expected to grow and support to such growth in
user base is in scope of the current assignment.
3) The system should be capable of handling structured, semi structured and
unstructured data which can be visualized using sophisticated reporting and
charting tools.
4) The DATA LAKE should use tool(s) already procured by Bank. These are
tools that the Bank has an EULA. Annexure 29
For example: If the Bank mandates that the operating system be RedHat
Enterprise Linux and RDBMs layer be Oracle, then the vendor should
facilitate such a combination for DATA LAKE.
5) Any relevant analytics, data processing and analysis tool(s) as needed by the
Bank should be provisioned in DATA LAKE
6) There should be an API layer that allows data consumption in any of the
below mentioned access modes for downstream applications
Sno Access Mode Data format
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2) Correctness
3) Recovery
for data and DATA LAKE solution artefacts.
The solution should also maintain incremental and differential copies. This can
be on traditional storage devices or storage intensive part of the DATA LAKE
Necessary corrective action should be in place for each failure. Failure of node,
disk or any network component should not affect the functionality of DATA
Failure tolerance is not restricted only to server and application failure. Failure
of network, hardware, software or nodes are considered failure scenarios in
Standard practices of configuring DATA LAKE for High Availability and storage
namespace federation (at least 99.5% - calculated monthly basis) should be
implemented. DATA LAKE solution should serve users even when confronted
with node failures or network partitions.
6.8.3. Agility
Batch mode of operation on DATA LAKE is one of its features. DATA LAKE is
expected to provide data and process agility. Agility is in terms of the following:
1) Near real time availability of data for analysis
2) Quantum of time taken for analysis
3) Ease of incorporating ad-hoc analysis to mainstream use-cases
The data discovery and data exploration techniques provided in the Data Lake
solution should facilitate ad-hoc analysis and on-demand schema generation.
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will help with data agility by allowing users to perform self-service data
ingestion and data source management.
SBI DATA LAKE should get quick response, least processing time and higher
availability of data required for ad-hoc query purpose or for report generation. It
is recommended that these components are built using any tool (s) that support
in-memory processing and SQL on DATA LAKE
6.8.4. Scalability
Scalability is defined in the context of DATA LAKE as:
Based on the estimates of data growth and DATA LAKE utilization, the vendor
is expected to submit a capacity planning for initial size of DATA LAKE cluster,
timely upgrades / additions to the DATA LAKE.
The Bidder should provide scalability of the proposed technology also keeping
in mind new technologies emerging for catering to future needs. The Data Lake
Solution should contain capabilities to scale horizontally without disturbing the
base architecture or requiring system downtime.
Size of the data may vary after doing the assessment of data coming from
various existing sources or from sources as per future needs. The scalability
design should ensure that the query response time(s) / time(s) for analysis /
transformation does not get negatively impacted with scale.
For example: The Bank estimates the number of jobs to be deployed on DATA
LAKE to be in the range of 30k. Increase in the number of standard jobs should
not impact ad-hoc jobs / analysis. The design of the DATA LAKE should
consider, various workloads and data access patterns and have clear logical
boundaries to perform storage, compute and balanced workloads.
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6.8.6. Security
Business data in the Data Lake should be stored more securely, with the correct
level of access granted to individual users. Some of the security features of the
Data Lake solution should include:
3) Data protection
It should be possible to protect the data in the Data Lake throughout its lifecycle
including data in transit and data in store.
Auditing or diagnostic logs should be used to log management-related activities
or data-related activities. Log management and auditing of all critical activities
on DATA LAKE is a critical requirement.
The Bank reserves right to ask the vendor to produce / analyse logs for
reporting purposes.
The Bidder needs to provide the details separately in their respective sections as per the
format given in Annexure 2 Bill of Materials.
The Bank will accept standard tools to establish features and functionalities for state-of-
art technology to be used to get best performance. The products offered should have
comparability in their performance, features and functionalities.
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The Bidder shall provide enterprise-wide usage licenses for all software / tools without
any limitation to number of named/concurrent users, processing capability or any other
component etc. The Bidder should propose and use standard and time tested tools.
The following sub-sections provide a high level indicative approach that may be adopted
for the delivery of each of the phases of the Data Lake solution at the Bank.
1) Engage
2) Enable
3) Execute
4) Empower
5) Evangelize
6.11.1. Engage
The vendor should focus on following areas and outcomes in this phase Business Understanding
Some of the tasks that can be part of this phase but is not limited to are:
Understand the business and technical landscape of the project
Identify the stakeholders and finalize the RACI Matrix
Facilitate joint workshops and meetings with business and other relevant
stakeholders to have a functional understanding of the Use Cases
Vendor should also walk the SBI team through their SDLC lifecycle and
deliverables expected
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A detailed project plan for phase wise execution of the project
Finalize the deliverables from the vendor
High level design document for the system/solution be deployed
A RACI matrix with all the stakeholders involved
DATA LAKE cluster setup completed and optimized for performance
Detailed installation guide
6.11.2. Enable
This phase should allow the teams to work with data on DATA LAKE Data Ingestion
This stage will be involving the following steps
1) Develop data pipelines for one time historical data ingestion from EDW
into DATA LAKE in to the required schemas.
2) Data pipelines from EDW to DATA LAKE for incremental data that will
be coming to EDW via ingestion/updates. These pipelines will replicate
incremental data onto DATA LAKE
3) Data pipelines for new sources identified for ingestion to DATA LAKE
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6.11.3. Execute
As all the required data is now available in the cluster in the required format, it is
an ideal situation to execute use cases identified at the Bank and validate the data
for downstream consumption is in valid form Data Federation
Data federation solution will be implemented till EDW is not sunset DR setup
DR site should be up and running the stipulated RTO. Mock trial should be
run and confirmed that the required DR SLAs are met. Downstream Reporting
Complete the necessary integration and changes to ensure the successful
migration for approx. 500 cognos reports from EDW to DATA LAKE and
validate the accuracy of the reports Integration with other applications of the Bank
The Data Lake solution needs to have seamless integration with all the
applications currently used at the Bank. The bidder is expected to provide an
approach on how solution will integrate with existing/upcoming applications
up-stream and downstream. Use Case Implementation
6.11.4. Empower
DATA LAKE is opened for select number of users in the respective departments
to start using DATA LAKE to perform the below activities. Data Discovery
Subject matter experts/Data Scientists/Marketing heads can now use the data
in DATA LAKE (previously unavailable to them) In addition to delivery of the
defined Use Cases, to discover hidden patterns and trends and derive new
insights for the business. Hypothesis and Modelling
This step involves writing, running and refining the programs to analyze and
derive meaningful insights from data. Machine Learning techniques may be
applied to the data to identify the machine learning model that best fits the
business needs. All the contending machine learning models are trained with
the training data sets. Evaluation & Interpretation
This step involves evaluation of different evaluation metrics to measure the
performance of the machine learning model. The models are measured and
compared using validation and test sets to identify the best model based on
model accuracy and over-fitting. Deployment
Models will be deployed in the test environment before actually they are
deployed to production. Use Case Implementation
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6.11.5. Evangelize Optimization
The final step involves retraining the machine learning model in production
whenever there are new data sources coming in or taking necessary steps to
keep up with the performance of the machine learning model. Operations/Maintenance
This step involves developing a plan for monitoring and maintaining the Data
Lake project in the long run. The model performance and performance
downgrade will be monitored in this step.
This step will also include provision of support for any problems reported and
resolution of issues. DATA LAKE for Daily Activities
DATA LAKE is opened for all the users to perform their daily activities. All
downstream reports and data requirements are full-filled by DATA LAKE.
Any new source required will be configured to DATA LAKE. DATA LAKE
will serve as one true source for all data and decision can be taken to sunset
EDW UseCase Implementation
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setup. However, DR setup is proposed to be made functional post migration of
data and ETL on BDL is operational and stable and after confirmation from the
Bank. The DR setup should have provision to achieve 2 hours of RTO.
The above steps are indicative steps in the implementation approach.
The Bidder should provide a detailed implementation approach and detailed description
for all the parameters mentioned below:
The Bank will beoutsourcing the testing to its third-party testing providerto carry
out the acceptance tests for testing of software, hardware and peripherals, system
software, network equipment, if any, other equipment and other IT infrastructure
and solution supplied by the Bidder as a part of the Data Lake Solution. The
Bidder shall assist SBI in all acceptance tests to be carried out by SBI.
The bidder needs to perform unit testing, system testing and integration testing.
The Bidder should provide human resources (at-least 3-4 people) to assist the
Bank's third party testing provider (Employed or engaged by the bank) to help
execute UAT. The Bidder should also provide desired inputs and outputs for
different sub-systems in the BDL. The bidder should provide the bank / testing
partner with sample test cases to facilitate a smooth execution of UAT.
The Bidder shall follow the following steps for all packaged applications
delivered to meet the scope of work. The Testing overall includes two types of
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applications, etc. The testing steps for this follow the following activities:
a) Base testing
b) Gap analysis to gaps
c) Customization process
d) Pre-UAT
e) Deployment
f) Acceptance
2. Testing of developed deliverables for Data Ingestion, Data Storage, Data Transformation
and Analytics, Data quality, data discovery, data access, Metadata management
scripts, Data governance workflow scripts, security and accessibility scripts, backup
and archival scripts and any additional scripts required to meet the requirements for
the Data Lake Solution. The acceptance testing of developed deliverables follow the
following 3 steps after successful completion of all testing processes namely unit
testing, Integration testing and system testing before getting ready for this Pre-UAT
a) Pre-UAT
b) Deployment
c) Acceptance
The Bidder will be responsible for providing and updating system &
user documentation as per the modifications.
In all cases, the Bidder shall have the sole responsibility for bearing
all additional charges, costs or expenses incurred in correcting,
reworking or repairing the defective or non-conforming
hardware/software, unless such failure is due to reasons entirely
attributable to SBI.
The Bidder shall provide resources for testing. The bidder must
indicate the minimum number of resources that he will provide for
testing and such resources should be available till completion of the
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6.12.2. Delivering Base Version
The Bidder shall first deliver the base version of the Data Lake Solution and
the Bidder will assist the Bank to conduct a preliminary test to ascertain the
extent to which the software has met business requirements as furnished in
the RFP for delivery of the Use Cases.
The testing also includes testing to ascertain whether the response time, the
bandwidth usage & performance of the application software are as per the
expectations of the Bank.
The Bank and the Bidder shall proceed to arrive at Gaps and the customization
required meeting all the requirements of the Bank.
The Bidder should create a GAP analysis document and deliver to the Bank.
The Bank shall review and propose any changes or modifications. The
Bidder and the Bank shall agree on the changes before the document can be
signed off by the Bank. Once the document is signed off the Bidder can
proceed making the customization as laid out in the document.
The Bidder shall ensure that the software provided as a part of the Data Lake
Solution meets all the requirements described in detail in this RFP and to
carry out all such customization or development work as may be required by
the Bank within the total cost proposed by the Bidder.
The Bidder shall provide all the Use Cases as per the requirements of the
Bank. The precise scope of the customization and development work to be
undertaken by the Bidder shall be as per the requirements of the Bank as
described in the above-mentioned Appendices or Annexure.
The Bidder shall carry out all the customization related work at the Project
Office of the Bank or offsite in case the customization cannot be carried out
at the Bank premises.
The Bank shall be a party to the Functional Specifications requirement sign-
off, Installation sign-off, Implementation sign-off, User acceptance test and
User acceptance test sign-off.
The Bidder shall install and commission the software for customization and
User Acceptance Test as per Project Plan to be agreed with the Bank failing
which the Bidder shall be liable to pay the Bank penalty to be defined as per
this RFP.
The Bidder shall provide all tools, testing instruments, drivers, consumables,
etc. required to install and customize and test the software free of any fees or
charges or any expenses.
The Bidder shall document and submit to the Bank all the testing activities,
procedures and results.
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The Bidder shall be required to ensure that the software provides interfaces to
the other application systems at the Bank as specified in Appendix 03:
Applications Profile
The Bidder shall provide the Bank weekly progress report on the
bugs/problems reported/points taken up with schedule of date of reporting,
date of resolving, and status for all kind of bugs and problems whether
reported by branch// Head Office or SI staff. In case of disputes relating to
resolution of problem relating to any site, the SI is required to send the copy
of call report pertaining to each visit of each of the engineer to the said site
indicating the purpose of call, when called, when visited, when problem was
resolved, how resolved, etc.
During the testing, the Bank will notify the Bidder at regular intervals the
Bugs/findings in writing.
The Bidder shall fix the Bugs and carry out the necessary rectifications
wherever necessary and deliver patches/version towards changes effected.
The Bank shall test patches / version to ascertain the changes made, bugs
fixed and to ensure that there is no regression in the software.
The Bank shall accept the solution software only after the critical or major
bugs are fixed, which is then ready for Production implementation.
All the testing will be carried out with the resources provided by the Bidder.
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6.12.8. Completeness of the Project
The project will be deemed as completed only after the project scope and
requirements are met in full and the Data Lake Solution meets all technical
specifications and delivers all the requirements, as per the terms of the RFP.
The project will be deemed incomplete when the mutually agreed acceptance
and completion criteria are incomplete or not met or not fulfilled. The Bank
reserves the sole right to accept or reject the acceptance of any product /
service in the event the agreed acceptance and completion criteria are not
6.13. Training
The Bidder will be responsible for training SBIs employees in the areas of
implementation, operations, management, error handling, system administration etc. The
Training should at least cover but not limited to the following Areas:
Functionality available in the solution
Customization development
Data Ingestion Techniques
Impact analysis
Auditing techniques
Advanced User Training
Advanced trouble shooting techniques
Deployment if various products/packages as part of the solution
Techniques of generating various reports from the solution provided
Advanced trouble shooting techniques
Deployment of various products / packages as part of the solution
Development and deployment of new products using the proposed solution
Using of all the auditing tools being provided
System and Application administration at branches
Incidence analysis and reporting
Backup administration guide
Archival & Purging Implementation and Maintenance Guide
The Bank will be responsible for identifying the appropriate personnel for all the training
requirements. The Bidder will impart training to all the necessary users on the Data Lake
Solution. The Bidder must ensure that proficient personnel conduct the training on the
UAT environment at either the Data Centre location or the Disaster Recovery location..
The Bidder will be responsible to install the required applications / systems, training
server at the data centre and also ensure connectivity to the training server, for the
purpose of training at the training Centres. There will be no cost payable by SBI for the
application, database and operating system software installation at such training sites. The
training hardware at the data Centre should at a minimum support 25 concurrent users.
Page 74 of 220
The Bidder will be responsible for providing the users with the requisite training material
in both hard and soft copies for the core team/implementation training, technical training,
end- user training and train the trainers. The onus of preparing the training material will
be on the Bidder. The Bidder should provide training to personnel identified by SBI on
functional and technical details of the Data Lake Solution. The Bidder should also
provide the following trainings:
Core Technical Training
End User Training
Top Management/Executive Training
Train the Trainers
Training should include training aids such as online tutorials, hard copies and soft copies
of the manuals, etc.
6.15. CV Requirements
The vendor should provide Team CVs with relevant experience and who can work on the
implementation of the Data Lake for SBI.
The vendor team needs to possess deep and relevant subject matter knowledge in the
business areas outlined in the scope section, hands-on experience and documentable
Data Analytics experience based on the Hadoop platform.
The vendor should have at least 200 resources on its rolls across areas like Analytics,
Data Sciences and Data warehouse / Data Lake Implementation.
The following will be evaluated positively for each individual resource and for the
entire team:
Level of seniority and dedication to the project
Page 75 of 220
The degree of hands-on experience and operational experience from
relevant projects, which ideally cover business challenges similar to what the
Bank faces
Ability to create business value in a complex organizational context
Completeness of the team and cultural fit
Also, vendors are advised to focus on strong CVs in the following areas who have
experience in Banking domain.
Engagement Management
Data Scientists
Big Data Architect
Data Modeller
BI Visualization Expert
Banking Subject Matter Expert Retail Banking
Banking Subject Matter Expert Corporate Banking
Banking Subject Matter Expert Regulatory requirements &
Banking Subject Matter Expert Payments
Banking Subject Matter Expert Risk Management
The vendors should only include CVs of consultants who will be part of the
proposed on-site team and form project governance team.
Page 76 of 220
7. Bidding Document
7.1. Cost of bidding
The participating bidders shall bear all the costs associated with or relating to the
preparation and submission of their Bids including but not limited to preparation,
copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstration or
presentations which may be required by the Bank or any other costs incurred in
connection with or relating to their Bid. The Bank shall not be liable in any manner
whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
7.2. Clarifications and amendments on bidding document
1) Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document may notify the Bank
in writing at the address/by e-mail given in part II of this document within the
date/time mentioned in the schedule of events.
2) If deemed necessary, the Bank may seek clarifications on any aspect from the
bidder. However, that would not entitle the bidder to change or cause any change
in the substances of the bid already submitted or the price quoted. The bidder may
be asked to give presentation for the purpose of clarification of the bid.
3) A pre-bid meeting will be held on the date and time specified in the schedule of
events which may be attended by the authorized representatives of the bidders
interested to respond to this RFP.
4) The Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents should submit
written queries on or before <Date & Time to Contact person details>.
5) The queries received (without identifying source of query) and response of the
Bank thereof will be posted on the Banks website or conveyed to the bidders.
6) SBI reserves the right to amend, rescind or reissue the RFP, at any time prior to
the deadline for submission of Bids. The Bank, for any reason, whether, on its
own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder,
may modify the Bidding Document, by amendment which will be made available
to the bidders by way of corrigendum/addendum. The interested parties/bidders
are advised to check the Banks website regularly till the date of submission of bid
document specified in the schedule of events/email and ensure that clarifications /
amendments issued by the Bank, if any, have been taken into consideration before
submitting the bid. Such amendments/clarifications, if any, issued by the Bank
will be binding on the participating bidders. Bank will not take any responsibility
for any such omissions by the bidder. SBI, at its own discretion, may extend the
deadline for submission of bids in order to allow prospective bidders a reasonable
time to prepare the bid, for taking the amendment into account. Nothing in this
RFP or any addenda is intended to relieve Bidders from forming their own
opinions and conclusions in respect of the matters addresses in this RFP or any
addenda thereof.
Page 77 of 220
entertained and queries in this regard, therefore will not be entertained.
8) Queries received after the scheduled date and time will not be responded/acted
ii. Failure to furnish all information required in the bidding document or submission
of bid not responsive to the bidding documents in any respect will be at the
Bidders risk and responsibility and the same may finally result in rejection of its
bid. SBI has made considerable effort to ensure that accurate information is
contained in this RFP and is supplied solely as guidelines for Bidders.
iii. Nothing in this RFP or any addenda is intended to relieve bidders from forming
their own opinions and conclusions in respect of the matters contained in RFP and
its addenda, if any.
iv. The Bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondences and documents
relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Bank and supporting
documents and printed literature shall be submitted in English.
v. The information provided by the bidders in response to this RFP will become the
property of SBI and will not be returned. Incomplete information in bid document
may lead to non-consideration of the proposal.
vi. The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, statements, terms and
specifications in the bidding document. Failure to furnish all information required
by the bidding documents or submission of bid not responsive to the bidding
documents in every respect will be at the Bidders risk and may result in rejection
of its bid. While SBI has made considerable effort to ensure that accurate
information is contained in this RFP and is supplied solely as guidelines for
Bidders. Furthermore, during the RFP process, SBI has disclosed or will disclose
in the RFP and corrigendum/ addenda, available information relevant to the Scope
of Work to the extent, detail, and accuracy allowed by prevailing circumstances.
Nothing in this RFP or any addenda is intended to relieve Bidders from forming
their own opinions and conclusions in respect of the matters addresses in this RFP
or any addenda.
vii. Commercial bid should contain for hardware, software and services, clear
itemized best prices, at a fine granularity.
viii. Separately a price sheet should be provided each for additional hardware
procurement and human resources pricing for time and materials. These sheets
should mention the prices at / below which the hardware and human resources
will be available to the bank for a period of 3 years after go-live. The bank at its
Page 78 of 220
sole discretion may source these resources from the open market based on the
attractiveness of pricing.
ix. AMC for hardware for 4 years and Annual software AMC should be provided.
x. No user based pricing is permitted.
xi. Cost items for DR should be elaborated separately in the Bill of Materials.
ii. The Bidder should be willing to participate in the online reverse auction to be
conducted by Banks authorized service provider on behalf of the Bank. Eligible
Bidders will be trained by Banks authorized service provider for this purpose.
Bidders should also be willing to abide by the e-business rules for reverse auction
framed by the Bank / Authorised service provider. The details of e-business rules,
processes and procedures will be provided to the short-listed bidders.
2) Vendor must provide individual and factual replies to specific questions asked in the
3) Technical bid should comprise of one hard copy and one soft copy (Word format).
Hard copy of technical bid should be a complete document and placed in a sealed
envelope super-scribed as TECHNICAL BID. The soft copy of the technical bid
should be submitted on a CD sealed in an envelope marked as SOFT COPY OF
TECHNICAL BID. These two sealed envelopes should be placed in a single sealed
envelope super scribed as Technical bid for ____________________________.
Page 79 of 220
e) Specific response with Supporting documents in respect of Eligibility Criteria as
mentioned in Annexure 12 & Annexure 13.
iii. Bidders information as per Annexure 6 on bidders letter head
iv. Undertaking of Authenticity - Annexure-25
v. Format for Manufacturers Authorization Form Annexure- 26
vi. Any deviations sought from technical criteria/specifications given in RFP.
vii. Audited balance sheets and profit and loss account statement for last 3 years
viii. A copy of board resolution or power of attorney showing that the signatory has
been duly authorized to sign the tender document.
ix. Bidder should provide detail explanation of functioning of Software / Hardware /
Firmware / Network / Database / Middleware / Third Party software etc
x. Bidder should provide detail requirements of software, hardware, network
bandwidth etc\
xi. Bidder should provide licensing details of Software / Database / Middleware /
Operating System / Third Party Software / firmware etc
xii. Response to all points of the Technical evaluation format as per Annexure 12
4) Bidder should submit indicative commercial bid as per Annexure 24of the bid
document.IndicativeCommercial bid should comprise of one hard copy and one soft
copy (Word/Excel format). Hard copy of commercial bid should be a complete
document and placed in a sealed envelope super-scribed as INDICATIVE
COMMERCIAL BID. The soft copy of the commercial bid should be submitted on a
CD sealed in an envelope marked as SOFT COPY OF INDICATIVE
COMMERCIAL BID. These two sealed envelopes should be placed in a single
sealed envelope super scribed as Indicative Commercial bid for
5) The bids should be submitted in 2 separate envelopes one for Technical Bid (super
scribed as Technical bid for _______________) and other for Commercial Bid
(super scribed as Indicative Commercial bid for _______________.
b) A soft copy (Word format) on a CD should also be kept in a separate envelope within the
envelope of technical bid. Voluminous documents should be submitted only on CDs.
c) While submitting the Technical Bid, literature on the hardware and its associated operating
software should be segregated and kept together in one section / lot in a separate
d) Care should be taken that the Technical Bid shall not contain any price information. Such
proposal, if received, will be rejected.
e) The bid document shall be complete in accordance with various clauses of the RFP
document, duly signed by the authorized representative of the Bidder and stamped with
Page 80 of 220
the official stamp of the Bidder. Board resolution authorizing representative to bid and
make commitments on behalf of the Bidder is to be attached.
f) Bids are liable to be rejected if only one (i.e. Technical Bid or Indicative Price Bid) is
g) Prices quoted by the Bidder shall remain fixed for the period specified in part II of this
document and shall not be subject to variation on any account, including exchange rate
fluctuations, any upward revision in taxes, duties, levies, charges etc. A Bid submitted
with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be
h) If deemed necessary the Bank may seek clarifications on any aspect from the bidder.
However that would not entitle the bidder to change or cause any change in the
substances of the bid already submitted or the price quoted.
i) The bidder may also be asked to give presentation for the purpose of clarification of the
j) The bidder must provide specific and factual replies to the points raised in the RFP.
k) The Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a
person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract.
l) All the enclosures (bid submission) shall be serially numbered with rubber stamp of the
participating bidder company. The person or persons signing the Bids shall initial all pages
of the Bids, except for un-amended printed literature.
m)Any inter-lineation, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if they are initialed by the
person signing the Bids.
o) The Bank reserves the right to reject bids not conforming to above.
p) The two NON-WINDOW envelopes shall be put together and sealed in an outer NON-
WINDOW envelope.
q) All the envelopes shall be addressed to the Bank and deliver at the address given in Part-II
of this RFP and should have name and address of the Bidder on the cover.
r) If the envelope is not sealed and marked, the Bank will assume no responsibility for the
bids misplacement or its premature opening.
Page 81 of 220
7.6. Bid Currency
Prices shall be expressed in Indian National Rupees only.
Note: If any taxes to be paid by the Bank, same should be mentioned explicitly
Page 82 of 220
7.13. Format and Signing of Bid
1) The bidder should prepare submission as per minimum eligibility criteria, Technical
Bid, Indicative Commercial Bid and other requested information.
2) All pages of the Bid document should be serially numbered and shall be signed by the
authorized person(s) only. The person(s) signing the bid shall sign all pages of the bid
and rubber stamp should be affixed on each page except for an un-amended printed
literature. The bidder should submit a copy of board resolution or power of attorney
showing that the signatory has been duly authorized to sign the tender document.
3) Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if the person(s) signing
the bid sign(s) them.
4) In case of any discrepancies between hard and soft copy, the hard copy will be
considered as base document.
5) Bid should be typed and submitted on A4 size paper [font times new roman 12],
spirally bound securely and in serial order. Bidders responding to this RFP shall
submit covering letter included with the bid and compliance certification statement
required for submission of a proposal.
IDSPM Department
State Bank of India
4th Floor, Tower-4, Belapur Railway Station Complex,
Secto-11, CBD belapur,
Navi Mumbai 400614
In the event of the target date for the receipt of bids being declared as holiday for the
Bank, the bids will be received till the target time on the next working day.
The Bank may at its discretion extend the bid submission date. The modified target
date & time will be notified on the web site of the Bank. The bids shall be submitted
by the time and date rescheduled. All rights and obligations of the Bank and bidders
will remain the same.
Any Bid received after the deadline for submission of Bids prescribed, will be
rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.
Page 83 of 220
b) A withdrawal notice may also be sent by Fax, but followed by a signed confirmation copy, not
later than the deadline for submission of Bids.
c) No modification in the Bid shall be allowed, after the deadline for submission of Bids.
d) No Bid shall be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bids and
the expiration of the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form.
Withdrawal of a Bid during this interval may result in the Bidders forfeiture of its EMD.
Page 84 of 220
8. Opening and evaluation of bids
8.1. Opening of bids
The responses to the RFP will be opened in the presence of the Bidders authorized
representatives who choose to attend the meeting on the specified date and time at the
venue as mentioned under the clause Bid Details. The Bidders representatives must
carry an authorization letter for Technical Bid opening.
A bid not meeting the pre-requisite criteria, will be rejected and the decision will be
solely based on SBIs discretion. SBI may waive any minor deviation in the bid
submission process which does not have any material impact on the overall evaluation
The objective of the evaluation process is to evaluate the bids so as to select a capable
and best fit Bidder at a competitive price. The evaluation will be undertaken by a
Committee constituted by the Bank. The decision of the Bank shall be considered
For the purpose of the evaluation and selection of Bidder, a three-phase bidding
process will be followed as mentioned below:
In the first phase, Bidders will be evaluated based on the Eligibility Criteria provided
in Section 2 of this document.
In the second phase, only the Technical Bids will be evaluated. All technical bids
will be evaluated and a technical score would be arrived at.
The Technical Bid shall NOT contain any pricing or commercial information at all
and if the Technical Bid contains any price related information, then that Technical
Bid would be disqualified and would NOT be processed further.
In the third phase, the Commercial Bids of only those bidders shall be evaluated who
have qualified in the technical evaluation. The remaining commercial bids, if any,
shall not be opened.
While the technical score carries a weight of 70 (seventy) percent, the commercial
score carries a weight of 30 (thirty) percent.
SBI may call for any clarifications/additional particulars required, if any, on the
Page 85 of 220
eligibility requirements/technical/ commercial bids submitted. The Bidder has to
submit the clarifications/ additional particulars in writing within the specified date and
The decision of the Bank would be final and binding on all the bidders to this
document. The Bank may accept or reject an offer without assigning any reason what
so ever.
The EMD DD or Bank Guarantee of the non-qualified Bidder(s) will be returned post
completion of Phase 1 evaluation.
The technical and commercial bid documents of the non-qualified Bidder(s) will be
retained by the Bank.
S.No Parameters
3 Proposed solution
While the technical score carries a weight of 70 percent, the commercial score carries
Page 86 of 220
a weight of 30 percent. Based on the scoring stipulated in above table, bidders
complying with the following would be considered for Commercial Bid Evaluation
In the event that none of the bidders qualify, then Bank, at its discretion, may choose
to select three bidders who have achieved the top three scores to qualify for the next
phase. The decision of the Bank shall be final and binding in that regard. The
Technical evaluation shall comprise of areas mentioned as follows:
Page 87 of 220
S. Technical Evaluation Approach
No. Evaluation
Page 88 of 220
S. Technical Evaluation Approach
No. Evaluation
3 Proposed The Bank will scope the proposed solution based on the
Solution following parameters:
The technical and functional capabilities of the
The use cases proposed by the bidders and its
relevance for the Bank
Proposed Architecture
Ease of integration, scalability and adherence to
leading industry practises.
Project Management & Governance Framework
4 Site Visits and The Prime Bidder is required to take the Banks representative for
use case a reference site visit to showcase the Data Lake implementation
implementation and showcase the use case implementations.
The feedback from the client and Banks committee judgement
of implementation success will decide the marks to be awarded
to the bidders.
Page 89 of 220
The bidders scoring the minimum threshold stated in this section will be declared
technically qualified and will be eligible for next stage of evaluation.
1. Banksdecisioninrespecttoevaluationmethodologyandshort-
listingBidderswillbefinalandnoclaimswhatsoeverin thisrespectwillbeentertained.
2. The Bank reservesthe righttochange/relax thecriteriaforevaluation
hecommercialbidvaluesobtainedattheendofthereverseauction process, final
commercials of the bidders will be determined.
Page 90 of 220
The Highest Technical bidder shall not automatically qualify for becoming
selected bidder and for award of contract by the Bank.
The Lowest Commercial Bidder shall not automatically qualify for becoming
selected Bidder and for award of contract by the Bank.
The Bank shall not incur any liability to the affected Bidder on account of such
The Bidder whose technical and commercial Bid is accepted will be referred to as
Selected Bidder and the Bank will notify the same to the Selected Bidder.
The Selected bidder shall provide revised TCO and the revised break-up of the
cost items post reverse auction
The final decision on the vendor will be taken by the Bank. The implementation of
the project will commence upon successful negotiation of a contract between the
Bank and the selected bidder based on the Techno Commercial evaluation.
If for some reason, negotiations with the successful bidder fail to result in an
agreement within a specified timeline, the Bank reserves the right to award the
contract to the next most eligible bidder based on the Techno-Commercial
evaluation scores.
Errors, if any, in the price breakup format will be rectified as under:
(a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and total price which is
obtained by multiplying the unit price with quantity, the unit price shall prevail
and the total price shall be corrected unless it is a lower figure. If the bidder does
not accept the correction of errors, the bid will be rejected.
(b) If there is a discrepancy in the unit price quoted in figures and words,
the unit price in figures or in words, as the case may be, which corresponds to the
total bid price for the bid shall be taken as correct.
(c) If the vendor has not worked out the total bid price or the total bid price
does not correspond to the unit price quoted either in words or figures, the unit
price quoted in words shall be taken as correct.
(d) The Bidder should quote for all the items/services desired in this RFP.
In case, prices are not quoted by any Bidder for any specific product and / or
service, for the purpose of evaluation, the highest of the prices quoted by other
Bidders participating in the bidding process will be reckoned as the notional
price for that service, for that Bidder. However, if selected, at the time of award
of Contract, the lowest of the price(s) quoted by other Bidders (whose Price Bids
are also opened) for that service will be reckoned. This shall be binding on all
the Bidders. However, the Bank reserves the right to reject all such incomplete
Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Bank in its decisions on Bid evaluation, Bid
comparison or contract award may result in the rejection of the Bidders Bid.
Page 91 of 220
8.7. Award and signing of contract
i. Bank will notify Selected Bidder in writing by letter or fax/email that its bid has
been accepted. The Selected Bidder has to return the duplicate copy of the same to
the Bank within 7 working days, duly Accepted, Stamped and Signed by
Authorized Signatory in token of acceptance.
ii. The successful bidder will have to submit Non-Disclosure Agreement (wherever
applicable), Performance Bank Guarantee for the amount and validity as desired
and strictly on the lines of format given at Annexure-8 & Annexure-10
respectively of this document together with acceptance of all terms and conditions
of RFP.
iii. Copy of board resolution or power of attorney showing that the signatory has been
duly authorized to sign the acceptance letter, contract and NDA should be
iv. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.
v. The Selected Bidder shall be required to enter into a contract/ SLA with the Bank,
within 15 days of award of the tender or within such extended period as may be
decided by the Bank.
vi. Until the execution of a formal contract, the Bid document, together with the
Banks notification of award and the vendors acceptance thereof, would
constitute a binding contract between the Bank and the successful Bidder.
vii. The contract/ agreement will be based on bidders offer document with all its
enclosures, modifications arising out of negotiation /clarifications etc. and will
include SLA, project plan phases & milestones and schedule, copies of all
necessary documents, licenses, certifications etc
viii. The Bank reserves the right to stipulate, at the time of finalization of the
contract, any other document(s) to be enclosed as a part of the final contract.
ix. Failure of the Selected Bidder to comply with the requirements/terms and
conditions of this RFP shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the
award and forfeiture of the EMD and/or PBG.
x. Upon notification of award to the Selected Bidder, the Bank will promptly notify
the award of contract to the Selected Bidder on the Banks website. The EMD of
each unsuccessful Bidder will be discharged and returned.
Page 92 of 220
9. Payment Terms
9.1. Data Lake Software and Implementation
The Payment will be made on the achievement of the milestones mentioned as under:
Milestone Implementation
fee for respective
phases (%)
Page 93 of 220
Milestone Implementation
fee for respective
phases (%)
9.2. ATS
The payment of ATS shall be made on annual basis in advance.
The ATS and support services cost shall be paid after successful completion of
stabilization phase, subject to satisfactory services rendered, till that date. In case of
delayed delivery or incomplete delivery, the date of receipt of the complete and final
component as per the Software Requirement Specifications shall be treated as
delivery date.
9.3. Training Costs
100% of the payment for the training costs will be borne by vendor Bank
Page 94 of 220
the Bank or deployed in production. At no point, Bank would pay for the services/ modules
that is not deployed for the Banks use.
3 Also, the payments for each quarter (as applicable) will be made only after the acceptance
of the milestones and relevant activities/ deliverables for that quarter. Any delay in
achievement of the milestones or deliverables will result in further delay of the payment.
4 The Bidder recognizes that all payments to the bidder under this RFP and subsequent
agreement are linked to and dependent on successful achievement and acceptance of
milestones/ deliverables/ activities set out in the project plan and therefore any delay in
achievement of such milestones/ deliverables/ activities shall automatically result in delay
of such corresponding payment.
5 Bidders have to provide the prices for implementation across all the offices. TCO will be
calculated as the summation of the grand total of the price bid and all the items mentioned
as additional items.
6 The reasons like non-familiarity with the site conditions and/or existing IT infrastructure
will not be considered as a reason for any delay or extra claims whatsoever.
7 The fees payable by the Bank to bidder shall be inclusive of all costs such as insurance,
taxes (including service tax, as per the rates applicable), custom duties, levies, cess,
transportation, installation, (collectively referred to as Taxes) that may be levied,
imposed, charged or incurred and the Bank shall pay the fees due under this RFP and
subsequent agreement after deducting any tax deductible at source (TDS), as applicable.
The bidder will need to provide the details for the tax rates as considered in the pricing.
This will be used for subsequent tax changes. The Bank shall pay each undisputed invoice
raised in accordance with this RFP and subsequent agreement, within 30 working days
after its receipt unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing, provided that such invoice is
dated after such Fees have become due and payable under this RFP and subsequent
8 The price would be inclusive of all applicable taxes under the Indian law like customs
duty, excise duty, import taxes, freight, forwarding, insurance, delivery, etc. but
exclusive of only applicable Service Tax, VAT and Octroi / Entry Tax /equivalent local
authority cess, which shall be paid / reimbursed on actual basis on production of bills.
As and when GST is implemented, taxes which are included in the RFP and
subsequently will fall under the purview of GST, will have to be quoted separately in
the invoice. The Bank will not pay the same to avoid double taxation. Any increase in
these taxes will be paid in actuals by the Bank or any new tax introduced by the
government will also be paid by the Bank the entire benefits / advantages, arising out
of fall in prices, taxes, duties or any other reason, must be passed on to Bank. The
price quoted by the bidder should not change due to exchange rate fluctuations,
inflation, market conditions, increase in custom duty or excise tax. The Bank will
notpay any out of pocket expense. No escalation in price quoted is permitted for any
reason whatsoever. Prices quoted must be firm till the completion of the contract.
9 Any objection/ dispute to the amounts invoiced in the bill shall be raised by the Bank
within reasonable time from the date of receipt of the invoice. Upon settlement of disputes
with respect to any disputed invoice(s), the Bank will make payment within reasonable
time after the settlement of such disputes. All out of pocket expenses, travelling, boarding
and lodging expenses for the entire Term of this RFP and subsequent agreement is included
in the amounts and the Bidder shall not be entitled to charge any additional costs on
account of any items or services or by way of any out of pocket expenses, including travel,
boarding and lodging etc.
10 All the payments will be made as per the milestones agreed in this RFP document
11 Vendor evaluation POC will not have separate payment
Page 95 of 220
12 Bank will pay only for the bidder and Bank will not incur any additional license or actual
The Bidder will be single point of contact and responsible for ATS, warrantees for
all, components, software, etc. While bidding for providing Post Implementation
support services, the application proposed by the Bidder by way of this RFP should
come with warranty as provided by the OEM. Thereafter, the Bidder should provide
ATS for hardware for a total of five years. This includes 2 years of support during
implementation and 3 years of support post the implementation, that is during BDL
in production. The hardware price should be valid for the entire period of 5 years.
The bidder should provide necessary support for amends / upgrades on the hardware.
The bidder needs to mention:
b) AMC costs
All hardware that the bidder procures should have a minimum warranty period of 1
year (Post Go-Live). The bidder needs to quote for the cost of 4 years of AMC for
hardware and software. The bidder will be paid a sum of 1/16th of the cost as arrears
quarterly for hardware AMC and yearly in advance for software AMC.
Also, the post implementation support should be carried out from the Banks
premises. The bidder must note that the managed services as a part of post
implementation should be available for all environments viz. production,
development and test.
Bidders must note that any Warranty pertaining to Software Application that extends
beyond the contract period due to the Software Application supply towards the
terminal years of the contract must be provided and supported by the Bidder without
any additional cost to the Bank.
Working Day: A working day would be any day when any branch / office of the Bank
Page 96 of 220
is functioning.
T&M costing: - This will be applicable for Maintenance task(s). The bidder should
provide a clear AMC and ATS work definition. The prices should be quoted for L1
and L2 resources. The number of resources under each L1 and L2 should be
specified. The price(s) for L1 and L2 positions are fixed and consistent for the period
of execution.
Page 97 of 220
functional information, ticket routing
Issues addressed by Business application related issues/queries
L1 Queries related to business process, reports
generation, presentation layer applications, etc.
Enterprise application (In-Scope), Operating System
(Windows, Linux & Unix), Printing, Generic IT
Other environmental software related to the proposed
L1 staff responsibility Assessment in case of specific rights assignment
Provision for assigning user rights only for certain
fixed period
Creation or modification of user profiles
Periodic user right monitoring (at known frequency)
must be specified and implemented
Categorization of requests into functional clarification,
bug or change request
Functional clarification/ work around to be provided
by Level 1 support itself
Logging bug and reporting for further processing
Provide telephonic and/ or electronic mechanisms for
problem reporting requests and for service and status
Bidders Provide for localized L1 helpdesk at the Bank
responsibility premises
Provide for L1 support for all activities and services
that are part of scope
Banks role Provide 1 supervisor and/or 1 support personnel
Page 98 of 220
or batch processing activity at various levels in the
proposed solution
Resolve the call within stipulated timeframe as
defined in SLA by coordinating with the L1 or L3
teams if required
Escalate unresolved calls as per escalation matrix
Automatically log in calls during escalation
Provide the timeframe for providing a solution of
resolution of the escalated calls
Decide on preventive maintenance schedule with the
Prepare a root cause analysis document with the
resolutions provided for major issues such as:
Production issues, Problems resulting in complete
service disruptions or downtime, Delayed response
times, Data /table corruptions, etc.
Application presentation layer support
Support and maintain all interfaces to the proposed
solution and other solutions part of this scope
Modifications to existing scripts, reports
Present to Bank management on critical issues
reported, resolved, solution provided and suggest
recommendations or leading practices as and when
asked by the Bank or on a monthly basis, whichever is
Perform performance tuning of the application
including database tuning
Perform the application audit on a half yearly basis
Rectify any corruption in the software application
Ensure patch releases are ported to the production
environment with no business disruption or business
Support quarterly BCP/DR drills
Provide application support from the Banks data
center as mentioned above for the DC or DR site
Routing the transactions through the backup system in
case the primary system fails
Support for integrating any applications that need to
interfaced with the proposed Data Lake Application in
the future
Bidders Deploy L2 service desk agents at DC/DRC premise
responsibility from where Level 2 support is planned to be provided
Make sure that proficient and professional personnel
are put to handle L2 support
Resolutions should be provided on a proactive basis
Ensure that the minimum operational support staff for
L2 has onsite support experience in relevant areas and
Page 99 of 220
the number of shifts that they need to work
The on-site engineers are expected to provide
following services: Configuration changes, version up-
gradations, performance monitoring, trouble shooting,
patch installation, running of batch processes, and
liaison with OEM for various support issues, taking
periodic backup of the database, query generation, etc.
In case of subcontracting, the Bidder is responsible for all the services provided to the
Bank regardless of which entity is conducting the operations. The Bidder is also
responsible for ensuring that the sub-contractor comply with all security and privacy
requirements of the contract and Bank can obtain independent audit report for the
The Bidder shall, at their own expenses, defend and indemnify the Bank against all
third-party claims or infringement of intellectual Property Right, including Patent,
trademark, copyright, trade secret or industrial design rights arising from use of the
products or any part thereof in India or abroad. In case of violation/ infringement of
patent/ trademark/ copyright/ trade secrete or industrial design, the supplier shall after
due inspection and testing get the solution redesigned for SBI at no extra cost.
The supplier shall expeditiously extinguish any such claims and shall have full rights
to defend itself there from. If the Bank is required to pay compensation to a third
party resulting from such infringement, the supplier shall be fully responsible
therefore, including all expenses and court and legal fees.
The Bank will give notice to the supplier of any such claim without delay, provide
reasonable assistance to the Supplier in disposing of the claim, and shall at no time
admit to any liability for or express any intent to settle the claim.
The supplier shall grant the Bank a fully paid-up, irrevocable, non-exclusive,
unlimited license throughout the territory of India or/ and abroad to access, replicate
and use software provided by the supplier, including all inventions, designs and marks
embodied therein perpetually.
The source code /object code /executable code and compilation procedures of the
software/hardware solution made under this agreement are the proprietary property of
the Bank and as such Selected Bidder shall make them available to the Bank after
successful User Acceptance Testing. Selected Bidder agrees that the Bank owns the
entire right, title and interest to any inventions, designs, discoveries, writings and
In any case in which the successful Bidder has received instructions from Bank as to
the requirement of carrying out the altered or additional substituted work which either
then or later on, will in the opinion of the finally selected bidders, involve a claim for
additional payments, such additional payments shall be mutually agreed in line with
the terms and conditions of the order.
If any change in the work is likely to result in reduction in cost, the parties shall agree
in writing so as to the extent of change in contract price, before the finally selected
Bidder(s) proceeds with the change. In all the above cases, in the event of a
disagreement as to the reasonableness of the said sum, the decision of Bank shall
ii. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time
required for the Vendors performance of any provisions under the Contract, an
equitable adjustment shall be made in the Contract Price or delivery schedule, or
both, and the Contract shall accordingly be amended. Any claims by the Vendor
for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 15 days from the date of
Vendors receipt of Banks change order.
Where any deficiency has been observed during audit of the Service Provider on the
risk parameters finalized by the Bank or in the certification submitted by the Auditors,
the Service Provider shall correct/resolve the same at the earliest and shall provide all
necessary documents related to resolution thereof and the auditor shall further certify
in respect of resolution of the deficiencies. The resolution provided by the Service
Provider shall require to be certified by the Auditors covering the respective risk
parameters against which such deficiencies have been observed
The selected Bidder shall, whenever required, furnish all relevant information,
records, and data to such auditors and / or inspecting officials of the Bank / Reserve
Bank of India and or any regulatory authority / Banks consultant / Testing agency
entrusted by the Bank to carry out this work.
The Bank may, at its discretion carry out pre-shipment factory / godown inspection by
a team of Bank officials or demand a demonstration of the solution proposed on a
representative model in Bidders office as per specification provided by the Bank.
The Bank may, at its discretion inspect, test the products/solution after delivery of the
same to the Bank and where necessary may reject the products/solution which does
not meet the specification provided by the Bank. This shall in no way be limited or
waived by reason of the products having previously being inspected, tested and
passed by the Bank or its representative prior to the products shipment from the place
The Banks at its discretion may carry out periodic inspection/quality checks on
continual basis and where necessary may reject the products/solution which does not
meet the specifications provided by the Bank.
The Inspection and Quality Control tests before evaluation, prior to shipment of
Goods and at the time of final acceptance would be as follows:
b) The supplier should intimate the Bank before dispatching the goods to various
locations/offices for conduct of pre-shipment testing. Successful conduct and
conclusion of pre-dispatch inspection shall be the sole responsibility of the
c) The Bank may, at its discretion, waive inspection of goods having regard to the
value of the order and/or the nature of the goods and/or any other such basis as
may be decided by the Bank meriting waiver of such inspection of goods.
d) In the event of the hardware and software failing to pass the acceptance test, as per
the specifications given, a period not exceeding two weeks will be given to rectify
the defects and clear the acceptance test, failing which, the Bank reserves the right
to cancel the Purchase Order.
e) The inspection and quality control tests may be conducted on the premises of the
supplier, at point of delivery and / or at the Goods final destination. Reasonable
facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production data, shall
be furnished to the inspectors, at no charge to the Bank. If the testing is conducted
at the point of delivery or at the final destination, due to failure by the Bidder to
provide necessary facility / equipment at his premises, all the cost of such
inspection like travel, boarding, lodging & other incidental Expenses of the
Banks representatives to be borne by the Bidder.
Nothing stated hereinabove shall in any way release the Bidder from any warranty or
other obligations under this contract.
System integration testing and User Acceptance testing will be carried out as per
requirement of the Bank.
11.9. Bank's right to accept any bid and to reject any or all bids
The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid in part or in full or to cancel
the Bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award, without
incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform
the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Banks action.
i. that in case of a Bidder offering to supply products and/or services mentioned in the
scope of work, the bidders need to provide the evidence that bidder has been duly
authorized by the OEM strictly on the lines of authorization letter Annexure-26
ii. that adequate, specialized expertise are available with the bidder to ensure that the
services are responsive and the Bidder will assume total responsibility for the fault-
free operation of the product proposed and maintenance thereof during the support
(warranty/annual maintenance contract, if desired) period.
For purposes of this clause, origin means the place where the goods are mined,
grown, or manufactured or produced, or the place from which the related product is
supplied. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing or substantial
and major assembly of components, a commercially-recognized product results that is
substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its
ii. Delivery, installation and commissioning of the equipment shall be made by the
Vendor in accordance with the system approved / ordered and within the time
schedule given in the Scope of work given in Annexure-3 & Annexure-4 of this
iii. The delivery will be deemed complete when the equipments/ components/
associated software/firmware are received in good working condition at the
designated locations, mentioned in part II of this RFP.
iv. The installation will be deemed to be completed, when the product including all
the hardware, accessories/components, firmware/system software, and other
associated software have been supplied, installed and operationalised as per the
technical specifications and all the features as per the technical specifications are
demonstrated and implemented as required, on the systems, to the satisfaction of
the Bank. The Bidder has to resolve any problem faced during installation and
vi. The details of the documents to be furnished by the Vendor are specified
hereunder: -
(a) 2 copies of Vendors Invoice showing contract number, products description,
quantity, unit price and total amount.
(b) Delivery Note or acknowledgement of receipt of products from the Consignee
or in case of products from abroad, original and two copies of the negotiable clean
Airway Bill.
(c) 2 copies of packing list identifying contents of each of the package.
vii. The above documents shall be received by the Bank before arrival of products
(except where it is handed over to the Consignee with all documents). If these
documents are not received, the Vendor will be responsible for any consequent
viii. Penalties as specified in Annexure-21 will be applicable for the any kind of
default in delay in delivery, installation/commissioning/support etc. expected in
scope of work which will be deducted at the time of making payment(s).
ix. In addition to the penalty on delayed supplies, Bank also reserves the right to
cancel the Purchase Order and forfeit the EMD. In the event of such cancellation,
the vendor is not entitled to any compensation, whatsoever.
x. For the System & other Software/firmware required with the hardware ordered for
or for the solution developed, the following will apply: -
(a) The vendor shall supply standard software/firmware package published
by third parties in or out of India in their original publisher-packed status only,
and should have procured the same either directly from the publishers or from
the publisher's sole authorized representatives only.
(b) The Vendor shall provide complete and legal documentation of
all sub systems, licensed operating systems, licensed system software/firmware,
licensed utility software and other licensed software. The Vendor shall also
provide licensed software for all software/firmware whether developed by them
or acquired from others.
(c) There should not be any end user licensing cost. Any licensed
software to be used for the DATA LAKE solution should be vendors
responsibility to purchase, integrate and manage. Bank will not be involved
with any third party other than the Selected Bidder. Bank will pay only for the
bidder and Bank will not incur any additional license or actual costs
(d) In case the Vendor is providing software/firmware which is not
its proprietary software then the Vendor must submit evidence in the form of
agreement he has entered into with the software/firmware vendor which
includes support from the software/firmware vendor for the proposed software
for the entire period required by the Bank.
The ownership of the software license shall be that of the Bank from the date of
delivery of the same. In other words, wherever the ownership of the licenses is
indicated, the name State Bank of India must appear to indicate that the Bank is the
perpetual owner of the software/license. Evidence to this effect must be submitted
before the payment can be released.
11.13. Services
i. All professional services necessary to successfully implement the proposed
solution will be part of the RFP. These services include, but are not limited to,
Project Management, Training, Deployment methodologies etc.
iii. Bidder should ensure that Bidders key personnel with relevant skill are always
available to the Bank.
iv. Bidder should ensure the quality of methodologies for delivering the services and
its adherence to quality standard.
vi. Bidder should provide and implement patches / upgrades / updates for proposed
Data Lake solution as and when release by the Bidder/OEM or as per
requirements of the Bank. Bidder should bring to notice of the Bank all release
/version change. Bidder should obtain a written permission from the Bank before
applying any of the patches/ upgrades / updates.
vii. Bidder has to support older versions of the software etc. in case the Bank chooses
not to upgrade to latest version.
ix. All product updates, upgrades & patches should be provided by the Bidder/ OEM
free of cost during warranty andAMC/ ATS/ S&Speriod.
x. Bidder should provide legally valid software solution. The detail information on
license count and type of licences should also be provided to the Bank.
xi. The ownership of the software/firmware license and the hardware shall be that of
the Bank from the date of delivery of the same to the Bank. In other words,
wherever the ownership of the licenses/hardware is indicated, the name State
Bank of India must appear to indicate that the Bank is the perpetual owner of the
hardware/operating software/firmware, etc. associated with the hardware.
Evidence in this regard must be submitted before the payment is released.
xii. The Bidder should keep the Bank explicitly informed the end of support dates on
related Products /hardware and should ensure a support during warranty and
xiii. For every change request beyond the scope of this contract,Bidder should
provide detail effort estimates to the Bank including the code change
requirements, affected applications, resource requirements, testing requirement,
time required to implement the changes etc.
The Bidder should propose a solution for which OEM End of Sale is not declared
Bidder should provide latest version for all the solution components.
Bidder should propose all modules of the solution for Data Lake.
The Bidder is required to submit an undertaking to this effect from OEM for the
above points.
ii. During the warranty and AMC period (if desired), the Bidder will have to
undertake comprehensive support of the entire solution (hardware/components/
operating software/firmware) supplied by the Bidder at no additional cost to the
Bank. During the support period, the Bidder shall maintain the solution
(hardware/ software, etc.) to comply with parameters defined for acceptance
criteria and the Bidder shall be responsible for all costs relating to labour, spares,
maintenance (preventive and corrective), compliance of security requirements
and transport charges from and to the Site (s) in connection with the repair/
replacement of the product (hardware/ equipment/ components/ software or any
component/ part thereunder), which, under normal and proper use and
maintenance thereof, proves defective in design, material or workmanship or fails
to conform to the specifications, as specified.
iii. During the support period (warranty and AMC, if desired), the vendor shall
ensure that services of professionally qualified personnel are available for
providing comprehensive on-site maintenance of the solution and its components
as per the Banks requirements. Comprehensive maintenance shall include,
among other things, day to day maintenance of the hardware system and solution
as per the Banks policy, reloading of firmware/software, compliance to security
requirements, etc. when required or in the event of system crash/malfunctioning,
arranging and configuring facility as per the requirements of the Bank, fine
tuning, system monitoring, log maintenance, etc. The bidder shall provide
services of an expert engineer at SBI GITC, Belapur or at other locations
wherever required, whenever it is essential. In case of failure of product
(hardware, system software or any of its components), the Bidder shall ensure
that product is made operational to the full satisfaction of the Bank within the
given timelines. The selected Bidder shall provide preventive maintenance
schedules as per periodicity, which shall be specified in advance.
iv. On site, comprehensive warranty for the solution would include free replacement
v. Warranty/ AMC (if opted) for the system software/ off-the shelf software will be
provided to the Bank as per the general conditions of sale of such software.
vi. Support (Warranty/ AMC, if opted) would be on-site and comprehensive in nature
and must have back to back support from the OEM/Service Provider.
Undertaking on the lines of Annexure-26 of this RFP document is required to be
submitted by the vendor, duly endorsed by the OEM that in case vendor fails to
provide services then OEM shall provide the same at no extra cost, to the
satisfaction of the Bank. The vendor will warrant products against defect arising
out of faulty design, materials, etc. during the support period for the specified
period. The vendor will provide support for operating systems, other pre-
installed/custom developed software components/system software during the
specified period of the hardware on which these software and operating system
will be installed. The vendor shall repair or replace worn out or defective parts
including all plastic parts of the equipments at his own cost including the cost of
vii. In the event of system break down or failures at any stage, protection available,
which would include the following, shall be specified.
a. Diagnostics for identification of systems failures
b. Protection of data/ Configuration
c. Recovery/ restart facility
d. Backup of system software/ Configuration
viii. Prompt support shall be made available as desired in this RFP during the
support period at the locations as and when required by the Bank.
ix. The bidder shall be agreeable for on-call/on-site support during peak weeks (last
and first week of each month) and at the time of switching over from PR to DR
and vice-versa during DR drill. No extra charge shall be paid by the Bank for
such needs, if any, during the support period.
x. Bidder support staff should be well trained to effectively handle queries raised by
the customers/employees of the Bank.
xi. Updated escalation matrix shall be made available to the Bank once in each
quarter and each time the matrix gets changed.
ii. Bidders should ensure that exchange rate fluctuations, changes in import
duty/other taxes should not affect the rupee value of commercial bid over the
validity period defined in this RFP.
iv. The applicable TDS will be deducted at the time of payment of invoices.
vi. Prices payable to the Vendor as stated in the Contract shall be firm and not
subject to adjustment during performance of the Contract, irrespective of reasons
whatsoever, including exchange rate fluctuations, any upward revision in duties,
charges, etc.
vii. The Bidder will pass on to the Bank, all fiscal benefits arising out of reductions,
if any, in Government levies viz. sales tax, excise duty, custom duty, etc. or the
benefit of discounts if any announced in respect of the cost of the items for which
orders have been placed during that period.
viii. The Bank reserves the right to re-negotiate the prices in the event of change in
the international market prices of both the hardware and software.
11.19. Insurance
i. The insurance shall be for an amount equal to 110 percent of the value of the
Products from Warehouse to final destination on All Risks basis, valid for a
period not less than one month after installation and commissioning and issue of
acceptance certificate by the Bank.
ii. The limitations set forth herein shall not apply with respect to:
a) claims that are the subject of indemnification pursuant to IPR
b) damage(s) occasioned by the gross negligence, fraud or wilful
misconduct of Service Provider,
c) damage(s) occasioned by Service Provider for breach of
Confidentiality Obligations,
d) When a dispute is settled by the Court of Law in India.
e) Loss occasioned by Non-compliance of Statutory or Regulatory
11.23. Confidentiality
i. Bidder acknowledges and agrees that all tangible and intangible information
ii. The Confidential Information will be safeguarded and Bidder will take all the
necessary action to protect it against misuse, loss, destruction, alterations or
deletions thereof. In the event of a breach or threatened breach by Bidder of this
section, monetary damages may not be an adequate remedy; therefore, Bank shall
be entitled to injunctive relief to restrain Bidder from any such breach, threatened
or actual.
iii. Any document, other than the Contract itself, shall remain the property of the
Bank and shall be returned (in all copies) to the Bank on completion of the
Vendors performance under the Contract, if so required by the Bank.
ii. If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Vendor should encounter
conditions impeding timely delivery of the Products and performance of Services,
the Vendor shall promptly notify the Bank in writing of the fact of the delay, its
likely duration and cause(s). As soon as practicable after receipt of the Vendors
notice, the Bank shall evaluate the situation and may, at its discretion, extend the
Vendors time for performance, in which case, the extension shall be ratified by
the parties by amendment of the Contract.
iii. Any delay in performing the obligation/ defect in performance by the supplier
may result in imposition of penalty in addition to the liquidated damages,
invocation of Performance Bank Guarantee and/or termination of contract (as laid
down elsewhere in this RFP document)
ii. The vendor will be responsible for arranging and procuring all relevant
permissions / Road Permits etc. for transportation of the equipment to the
location where installation is to be done. The Bank would only provide necessary
letters for enabling procurement of the same.
iv. The Vendor will abide by the job safety measures prevalent in India and will free
the Bank from all demands or responsibilities arising from accidents or loss of
life, the cause of which is the Vendors negligence. The Vendor will pay all
indemnities arising from such incidents and will not hold the Bank responsible or
v. The Vendor is responsible for managing the activities of its personnel or sub-
contracted personnel (where permitted) and will hold itself responsible for any
vi. Vendor shall provide necessary training from the OEM to the designated SBI
officials on the configuration, operation/ functionalities, maintenance, support &
administration for software/ hardware and components, installation,
troubleshooting processes of the proposed solution.
vii. The Vendor will treat as confidential all data and information about SBI, obtained
in the process of executing its responsibilities, in strict confidence and will not
reveal such information to any other party without prior written approval of SBI
as explained under Non-Disclosure Agreement in Annexure 8 of this document.
ii. The vendor shall also provide documents related to Review Records/ Test Bug
Reports/ Root Cause Analysis Report, list of all Product components, list of all
dependent/external modules and list of all documents relating to traceability of
the Product as and when applicable.
iii. The Vendor should also provide the MIS reports as per requirements of the Bank.
Any level/ version changes and/or clarification or corrections or modifications in
the above-mentioned documentation should be supplied by the Vendor to the
Bank, free of cost in timely manner. The vendor shall develop customized
documentation as per Banks requirement, if desired by the Bank.
11.27. Training
Vendor shall train designated SBI officials on the configuration,
operation/functionalities, maintenance, support & administration for software/
/hardware/ Database/ OS/ Middleware, application architecture and components,
All training cost should in included in the estimation and should be available as a
separate item in the estimation breakup as part of total project cost.
Any update or upgrade to source code should be informed and brought under Escrow
or made available to the Bank.
In case of source code is purchased by the Bank, the Intellectual Property Rights on
the software code should be assigned to the Bank.
The Bidder, its Member or Associate (or any constituent thereof) and any other
Bidder, its Member or any Associate thereof (or any constituent thereof) have
common controlling shareholders or other ownership interest; provided that this
Member or Associate, as the case may be) in the other Bidder, its Member or
Associate, has less than 5% (five per cent) of the subscribed and paid up equity share
capital thereof; provided further that this disqualification shall not apply to any
ownership by a bank, insurance company, pension fund or a public financial
institution referred to in section XX of the Companies Act, 1956. For the purposes of
this Clause, indirect shareholding held through one or more intermediate persons shall
be computed as follows:
Subject always to sub-clause above, where a person does not exercise control over an
intermediary, which has shareholding in the Subject Person, the computation of
indirect shareholding of such person in the Subject Person shall be undertaken on a
proportionate basis; provided, however, that no such shareholding shall be reckoned
under this sub-clause if the shareholding of such person in the intermediary is less
than 26% (twenty six percent) of the subscribed and paid up equity shareholding of
such intermediary; or
Such Bidder, its Member or any Associate thereof receives or has received any direct
or indirect subsidy, grant, concessional loan or subordinated debt from any other
Bidder, its Member or Associate, or has provided any such subsidy, grant,
concessional loan or subordinated debt to any other Bidder, its Member or any
Associate thereof; or
Such Bidder has the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid as any other
Bidder; or
Such Bidder, or any Associate thereof, has a relationship with another Bidder, or any
Associate thereof, directly or through common third party/ parties, that puts either or
both of them in a position to have access to each others information about, or to
influence the Bid of either or each other; or
Such Bidder or any Associate thereof has participated as a consultant to the Bank in
the preparation of any documents, design or technical specifications of the Project.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Bank shall reject an
Without prejudice to the rights of the Bank under Clause 8.7.2 hereinabove, if a
Bidder is found by the Bank to have directly or indirectly or through an agent,
engaged or indulged in any corrupt/fraudulent/ coercive/undesirable or restrictive
practices during the Bidding Process, such Bidder shall not be eligible to participate in
any RFP issued by the Bank during a period of 2 (two) years from the date if such
Bidder is found by the Bank to have directly or indirectly or through an agent,
engaged or indulged in any corrupt/ fraudulent/ coercive/ undesirable or restrictive
practices, as the case may be.
For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms shall have the meaning
hereinafter, respectively assigned to them:
Corrupt practice means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to influence the actions of any person connected with
the Bidding Process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to or employing
or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the Bank
who is or has been associated in any manner, directly or indirectly with the Bidding
Process or the Letter of Authority or has dealt with matters concerning the Concession
Agreement or arising there from, before or after the execution thereof, at any time
prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or
otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Bank, shall be deemed to constitute
influencing the actions of a person connected with the Bidding Process); or (ii)
engaging in any manner whatsoever, whether during the Bidding Process or after the
issue of the Letter of Authority or after the execution of the Agreement, as the case
may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to the Project or the Letter of
Authority or the Agreement, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial or
technical adviser of the Bank in relation to any matter concerning the Project;
Undesirable practice means (i) establishing contact with any person connected
with or employed or engaged by the Bank with the objective of canvassing, lobbying
or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the Bidding Process; or (ii)
having a Conflict of Interest; and
ii. In the event SBI terminates the Contract in whole or in part, SBI may procure,
upon such terms and in such manner, as it deems appropriate, systems or services
similar to those undelivered and the Bidder shall be liable to Bank for any excess
costs for such similar systems or services. However, the Bidder shall continue the
performance of the contract to the extent not terminated.
iii. If the contract is terminated under any termination clause, the vendor shall
handover all documents/ source code/ executable/ Banks data or any other
relevant information to the Bank in timely manner and in proper format as per
scope of this RFP and shall also support the orderly transition another vendor or
to the Bank.
iv. The vendor shall also support the Bank on technical queries/support on process
implementation or in case of software provision for future upgrades.
For the purposes of this clause, 'Force Majeure' means and includes wars,
insurrections, revolution, civil disturbance, riots, terrorist acts, public strikes, hartal,
bundh, fires, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, declared
general strikes in relevant industries, Vis Major Act of Government, impeding
reasonable performance of the Vendor and / or Sub-Contractor but does not include
any foreseeable events, commercial considerations or those involving fault or
negligence on the part of the party claiming Force Majeure
If Force Majeure situation arises the Bidder shall promptly notify Bank in writing of
The Vendor shall continue work under the Contract during the arbitration proceedings
unless otherwise directed by the Bank or unless the matter is such that the work
cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the arbitrator is obtained.
Arbitration proceeding shall be held at Mumbai, India, and the language of the
arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the
parties shall be in English.
The Bidder shall continue work under the Contract during the arbitration proceedings
unless otherwise directed by the Bank or unless the matter is such that the work
cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the arbitrator is obtained.
Arbitration proceeding shall be held at Mumbai, India, and the language of the
arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the
parties shall be in English.
11.40. Notices
Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this contract shall be sent to
other party in writing or by Fax and confirmed in writing to other Partys address. For
the purpose of all notices, the following shall be the current address:
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
The notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notices effective date
whichever is later.
All expenses, stamp duty and other charges/ expenses in connection with the
execution of the Agreement as a result of this RFP process shall be borne by the
ii. The Vendors staff, personnel and labour will be liable to pay personal income
taxes in India in respect of such of their salaries and wages as are chargeable
under the laws and regulations for the time being in force, and the Vendor shall
perform such duties in regard to such deductions thereof as may be imposed on
him by such laws and regulations.
ii. SBI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids without assigning any
reason thereof and Banks decision in this regard will be treated as final. Bids
may be accepted or rejected in total or any part or items thereof. No contractual
obligation whatsoever shall arise from the RFP process unless and until a formal
iii. Any Bid not containing sufficient information, in view of SBI, to permit a
thorough analysis may be rejected.
iv. The Bank shall have the right to reject the bids not submitted in the prescribed
format or incomplete in any manner.
v. The Bank is not responsible for non-receipt of bids within the specified date and
time due to any reason including postal delays or holidays.
vi. The Bank also reserves the right to alter/ modify any/ some/ all of the
requirements, as it may deem necessary, and notify the same on its website
www.sbi.co.in before the last date for submission of response under this RFP. The
bidders should be agreeable for the same.
vii. Bids not conforming to the requirements of the RFP may not be considered by
SBI. However, SBI reserves the right, at any time, to waive any of the
requirements of the RFP, if in the sole discretion of SBI, the best interest of SBI
be served by such waiver.
viii. Bidders who do not meet the technical criteria stipulated by the Bank will not
be considered for further evaluation.
ix. SBI shall have the right to cancel the RFP process at any time prior to award of
contract, without thereby incurring any liabilities to the affected Bidder(s).
Reasons for cancellation, as determined by SBI in its sole discretion include but
are not limited to, the following:
x. Pre-bid meeting, if any, will be held to brief the intending bidders about the
requirements of the Bank and to furnish clarifications on any points / queries
received from them. No separate communication will be sent for this meeting.
xi. SBI reserves the right to verify the validity of bid information and to reject any
bid where the contents appear to be incorrect, inaccurate or inappropriate at any
time during the process of RFP or even after award of contract.
xii. SBI reserves the right to re-negotiate the prices in the event of changes in the
market conditions and/or technology etc.
xiv.During the term of agreement, Bidder will not hire or retain, either as an
employee or consultant any employee of Bank. During the contract period, Bank
will also not hire or retain, either as an employee or consultant, any employee of
the Bidder. Nothing herein shall affect Banks public recruitment process.
xv. All pages of RFP should be stamped and signed by Authorized Signatory of the
xvii. Bank may choose to take an undertaking from Bidder employees to maintain
the confidentiality of the Banks information/documents etc. Bank may seek
details / confirmation on background verification of Bidders employees
worked/working on Banks project as may have been undertaken / executed by
the Bidder. Bidder should be agreeable for any such undertaking/verification.
Bid Covering Letter: To be submitted by the Bidder along with Bid documents
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
Our Bid for End to end solution for Big Data Lake_________________________
1. You are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid received by you, and you may reject
all or any bid without assigning any reason or giving any explanation whatsoever.
2. Bank may follow close or open bidding process as per requirement of the Bank.
3. If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to enter into and execute at our cost, when called
upon by the Bank to do so, a contract in the prescribed form.
4. If our Bid is accepted, we are to be jointly and severally responsible for the due
performance of the contract.
5. You may accept or entrust the entire work to one Bidder or divide the work to more than
one Bidder without assigning any reason or giving any explanation whatsoever.
6. Bidder means the Bidder who is decided and declared so after examination of
commercial bids.
7. The name(s) of successful Bidder to whom the contract is finally awarded after the
completion of commercial bid shall be displayed on the website of the Bank and/or
communicated to successful Bidder(s).
8. The Commercial Bidding process will be through an e-procurement process. The online
reverse auction will be conducted by the Bank or a company who have been authorized in
this regard by the Bank. The bidders are required to possess a valid Digital Certificate for
participating in the e-procurement process bid for Data Lake solution Implementation for
State Bank of India.
Yours faithfully,
12.2. Annexure 2: Bill of Materials
We confirm that we comply with all the specifications mentioned above & the terms &
conditions mentioned in the RFP Document are acceptable to us.
(Signature) (Name) (In the capacity of)
Functional Requirements (Confirmed&
Data Storage
Data Federation
Metadata Management
Data Discovery
Data Access
Data Quality
Should generate detail job logs, error logs for auditing and
Advanced search options should be available for users
Disaster Recovery
In general, for the end user the perception will be that both
BDL and BDL DR will be functional on a daily basis
Data Encryption
Other Requirements
1 Assignment Name
3 Name of Client
4 Category of Client
5 Address
8 Project Scope
18 Narrative Description of
Project with present
20 Number of branches/offices
using the solution
Yours faithfully,
1 Date of Incorporation
1 Date of Incorporation
I. We confirm that we will abide by all the terms and conditions contained in the RFP.
II. We hereby unconditionally accept that Bank can at its absolute discretion apply
whatever criteria it deems appropriate, not just limiting to those criteria set out in the
RFP, in short listing of bidders.
III. All the details mentioned by us are true and correct and if Bank observes any
misrepresentation of facts on any matter at any stage, Bank has the absolute right to
1 Date of Incorporation
I. We confirm that we will abide by all the terms and conditions contained in the RFP.
____________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as _________ which
expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context thereof, shall mean and include its
successors and permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART;
And Whereas
B. For purposes of advancing their business relationship, the parties would need to disclose
certain valuable confidential information to each other. Therefore, in consideration of
covenants and agreements contained herein for the mutual disclosure of confidential
information to each other, and intending to be legally bound, the parties agree to terms and
conditions as set out hereunder.
(b) Confidential Information shall not include any information that: (i) is or subsequently
becomes publicly available without Receiving Partys breach of any obligation owed to
Disclosing party; (ii) becomes known to Receiving Party prior to Disclosing Partys
disclosure of such information to
Receiving Party; (iii) became known to Receiving Party from a source other than Disclosing
Party other than by the breach of an obligation of confidentiality owed to Disclosing Party; or
(iv) is independently developed by Receiving Party.
I Confidential Materials shall mean all tangible materials containing Confidential
Information, including without limitation written or printed documents and computer disks or
tapes, whether machine or user readable.
2. Restrictions
(a) Each party shall treat as confidential the Contract and any and all information
(confidential information) obtained from the other pursuant to the Contract and shall not
divulge such information to any person (except to such partys own employees and other
persons and then only to those employees and persons who need to know the same) without
the other partys written consent provided that this clause shall not extend to information
which was rightfully in the possession of such party prior to the commencement of the
negotiations leading to the Contract, which is already public knowledge or becomes so at a
future date (otherwise than as a result of a breach of this clause).
Receiving Party will have executed or shall execute appropriate written agreements with its
employees and consultants specifically assigned and/or otherwise, sufficient to enable it to
comply with all the provisions of this Agreement. If the Contractor shall appoint any Sub-
Contractor then the Contractor may disclose confidential information to such Sub-Contractor
subject to such Sub Contractor giving the Customer an undertaking in similar terms to the
provisions of this clause.
(b) Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information in accordance with judicial or
other governmental order to the intended recipients (as detailed in this clause), provided
Receiving Party shall give Disclosing Party reasonable notice prior to such disclosure and
shall comply with any applicable protective order or equivalent. The intended recipients for
this purpose are:
Receiving Party agrees to segregate all such Confidential Material from the confidential
material of others in order to prevent mixing.
(a) Receiving Party may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any software
disclosed to
Receiving Party.
(b) Receiving Party shall return all originals, copies, reproductions and summaries of
Confidential Information or Confidential Materials at Disclosing Partys request, or at
Disclosing Partys option, certify destruction of the same.
(c) Receiving Party acknowledges that monetary damages may not be the only and / or a
sufficient remedy for unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information and that disclosing
party shall be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies (as listed below), to
injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed proper by a Court of competent jurisdiction.
(d) Disclosing Party may visit Receiving Partys premises, with reasonable prior notice and
during normal business hours, to review Receiving Partys compliance with the term of this
4. Miscellaneous
(a) All Confidential Information and Confidential Materials are and shall remain the property
of Disclosing Party. By disclosing information to Receiving Party, Disclosing Party does not
grant any expressed or implied right to Receiving Party to disclose information under the
Disclosing Party patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information.
(b) Any software and documentation provided under this Agreement is provided with
(c) Neither party grants to the other party any license, by implication or otherwise, to use the
Confidential Information, other than for the limited purpose of evaluating or advancing a
business relationship between the parties, or any license rights whatsoever in any patent,
copyright or other intellectual property rights pertaining to the Confidential Information.
(d) The terms of Confidentiality under this Agreement shall not be construed to limit either
(e) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof. It shall not be modified except by a written agreement dated
subsequently to the date of this Agreement and signed by both parties. None of the provisions
of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by any act or acquiescence on the
part of Disclosing Party, its agents, or employees, except by an instrument in writing signed
by an authorized officer of Disclosing Party.
No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other
provision(s) or of the same provision on another occasion.
(f) In case of any dispute, both the parties agree for neutral third party arbitration. Such
arbitrator will be jointly selected by the two parties and he/she may be an auditor, lawyer,
consultant or any other person of trust. The said proceedings shall be conducted in English
language at Mumbai and in accordance with the provisions of Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act 1996 or any Amendments or Re-enactments thereto.
(g) Subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement, this Agreement will inure to the
benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their successors and assigns.
(h) If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and
(i) All obligations created by this Agreement shall survive change or termination of the
parties business relationship.
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
Dear Sir,
We hereby undertake and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated by the
Bank in the RFP document.
We certify that we have not made any changes from the contents of the RFP document
read with its amendments/clarifications provided by the Bank submitted by us in our Bid
document. It is further certified that the contents of our bid are factually correct. We also
accept that in the event of any information / data / particulars proving to be incorrect, the
Bank will have the right to disqualify us from the bid.
We hereby undertake that our entities name does not appear in any Caution list of RBI /
Yours faithfully,
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
Whereas as per the payment terms of the said RFP/Purchase Order the Contractor has to
submit a Bank Guarantee from any scheduled commercial Bank, other than SBI in favour
of you.
You may raise a demand on us in writing stating the amount claimed under the Guarantee
and on receipt of your claim in writing, without any demur, protest or contest and without
any reference to the Contractor, we the Guarantor shall make the payment under this
Guarantee to SBI within 24 hours of receipt of written claim / demand.
We the Guarantor, further confirm that a mere letter from the SBI that there has been a
breach by the Contractor of its obligations or there are sufficient reasons for invoking this
Guarantee, shall without any other or further proof be final conclusive and binding on the
We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and the Guarantee by any
arrangement, variation, violation between you and the Contractor, indulgence to
Contractor by you with or without our consent or knowledge and this Guarantee shall be
in addition to any other Guarantee or security you possess against the Contractor.
This Guarantee shall be a continuing Guarantee and shall not be discharged by any
change in the constitution of the Bank, Guarantor or the Contractor. It is further
guaranteed that the payment under this Guarantee shall be made by us on receipt of your
written demand as aforesaid making reference to this Guarantee.
This Guarantee shall remain in full force and effect for a period of __ years from the date
of the installation i.e. up to _________ Unless a claim under this Guarantee is made
against us within one month from that date i.e. on or before _____, all your rights under
this Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all
liabilities there under.
Thereafter, our Guarantee shall be considered as null and void whether returned to
ourselves or not.
Date :
Place :
For _______________
(Branch and Bank)
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
Dear Sir,
WHEREAS State Bank of India (SBI), having its Corporate Office at Nariman Point,
Mumbai, and regional offices/offices in other cities in India has invited Request for
Proposal for supply, installation, support/services during transition, customization,
integration, migration, monitoring, testing, training, acceptance, documentation, warranty
support and post warranty maintenance support, for the Data Lake solution vide its RFP
No. XX dated XX on the terms and conditions mentioned in the RFP documents.
It is one of the terms of said Request for Proposal that the Bidder shall furnish a Bank
Guarantee for a sum of Rs. XX,XXX (Rupees XX only) as Earnest Money Deposit.
We also agree to undertake to and confirm that the sum not exceeding Rs XX,XXX
(Rupees XX only) as aforesaid shall be paid by us without any demur or protest, merely
on demand from the SBI on receipt of a notice in writing stating the amount is due to
them and we shall not ask for any further proof or evidence and the notice from the SBI
shall be conclusive and binding on us and shall not be questioned by us in any respect or
manner whatsoever. We undertake to pay the amount claimed by the SBI within 24 hours
Any forbearance or commission on the part of the SBI in enforcing the conditions of the
said agreement or in compliance with any of the terms and conditions stipulated in the
said tender and/or hereunder or granting of any time or showing of any indulgence by the
SBI to the Bidder or any other matter in connection therewith shall not discharge us in
any way our obligation under this guarantee. This guarantee shall be discharged only by
the performance of the Bidder of their obligations and in the event of their failure to do
so, by payment by us of the sum not exceeding XX,XXX (Rupees XX only).
Our liability under these presents shall not exceed the sum of Rs. XX,XXX (Rupees XX
Our liability under this agreement shall not be affected by any infirmity or irregularity on
the part of our said constituents in tendering for the said work or their obligations there
under or by dissolution or change in the constitution of our said constituents.
This guarantee shall remain in force for a period of 180 (one eighty) days, provided that if
so desired by the SBI, this guarantee shall be renewed for a further period as may be
indicated by them on the same terms and conditions as contained herein.
Our liability under this presents will terminate unless these presents are renewed as
provided herein up to three years or on the day when our said constituents comply with
their obligations, as to which a certificate in writing by the SBI alone is the conclusive
proof, whichever date is later. Unless a claim or suit or action is filed against us within six
months from that date or any extended period, all the rights of the SBI against us under
this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all our
obligations and liabilities hereunder.
Yours faithfully,
(NB: This document will require Stamp Duty as applicable in the State, where it is
executed and shall be signed by the official whose signature and authority shall be
S.No. Documents
11 Bidder's proposed approach and methodology for providing solution and services. Also
Detailed Solution Architecture Document (including Physical, Technical and Logical
Security Architecture (of the proposed application(s)
12 All relevant Credentials/ Documents required for Eligibility Criteria Past Experience
mentioned in RFP aligned with product at their environment and implementation was
done by the Bidder.
13 Certified copies of audited financial statements (and Annual reports, if applicable) for the
last three financial years (2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16); OR
Certificate from Bidders Statutory Auditor in original providing turnover details for the
last three financial years (2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16)
14 Certified copies of audited financial statements for the last two out of three financial years
(2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16) ; OR
Certificate from Bidders Statutory Auditors in original providing profit details for two
out of the last three years, viz. 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16
16 Self- Declaration by authorized signatory confirming that the proposed solutions is owned
by Bidder/ Bidders Parent Company (or its subsidiaries)/ or any other subsidiary of the
17 Power of Attorney
The BDL will be single source of data for all downstream applications, ad-hoc
analysis, experimentation, analytics models deployment and concurrent user access.
Multiple analytics and customer centric use cases will be deployed on BDL. The BDL
solution should factor user growth specific to two types of users:
The solution should be usable by any number of users and there should not be any
cost implications with user growth.
In terms of compute and data growth rate, the Bank estimates that the fully functional
BDL should be able to run ~30k jobs on a daily basis and at-least 7k ETL jobs for
existing workloads. With new ingest pipelines and real time data ingest / processing
the number of jobs is expected to grow at-least at a rate of 5% on average for ETL
jobs and at-least 5% on average for overall daily jobs (Every quarter)
Scaling or expansion plans for BDL should be submitted by Vendor taking into
account the compute, storage and users footprint on BDL.
RFP Rollout
Vendor Response
POC Execution
Finalize vendor
2 Loan Originating Software solution to handle Oracle LINUX Web Based Web Service Web-Logic
Software (LOS) - SME all loan origination needs 11G/12c
and Agri
3 Loan Originating Software solution to handle Oracle AIX Java (Web Web Service WebSphere
Software (LOS) - for P- all loan origination needs 11G/12c Based)
segment loan
6 Lead Management New leads and tracking of Oracle Window J2EE (Web - Oracle
Systems old leads relating to deposits, 11G/12c s Server based) WebLogic
retail loans etc. OS:REHL 2008 Server
7 Complaints Centralized application for Oracle Window J2EE (Web CBS, ATM Oracle
Management Systems lodging of complaints by 11G/12c s Server based) WebLogic
Contact Centre, Branches and OS:REHL 2008 Server
administrative offices. 5.0
8 Performance Linked Used for incentive Oracle .NET (Web Web service
Incentive System (PLIS calculation. 11G/12c based)
9 Debit Card Used for issuance and Application LINUX WebLogic Web service NA
Management System management of debit cards on VMware, or
(inclusive of Card database on Window
Tracking System) ORACLE s
10 SMS Alert applications SMS Alert application Oracle Java HTTP & Axiom
generate the SMS alerts for database Platform 1.6 XML web
ATM, POS, ePG transactions 11G/12c services, DB
and sent to customer's Link,
mobile. HTTPS API
12 Mobile Banking Application to manage Oracle AIX Application JSON and IBM
Application customer transactions Database 7.1 developed SOAP web WebSphere
(e.g. STATE BANK OF initiated through mobile RHEL and services Application
INDIA FREEDOM, channel 5.6 deployed on Server, IBM
INDIA ANYWHERE 5.3 Middleware.
and others) RHEL Backend
6.4 applications
OS X are hosted
10.8.4 on IBM
RHEL WebSphere
6.5 application
Window server.
14 Loan Lifecycle End to end loan lifecycle Oracle Mainfra Java (Web Web Service WebSphere
Management system management suite 11G/12c me Based)
ork 4.5,
s Server
Bus 1.1
17 Phone Banking Transactional Banking Oracle Window J2EE (Web CBS, MR Oracle
Application provided to Contact Centre 11G/12c s Server based) Port WebLogic
through IVR and Agent: 2008 Server
1. Stop Payment of Cheque
2. Fund Transfer
3. Issue of TDR/STDR
4. Issue of Statement of
5. Issue of H/L and E/L
19 Pension Management Enquiry of last 6 pensions, Oracle Window asp.Net - IIS Server
System status of life certificates, 11G/12c s Server
details of arrear payments 2008
20 CMP ITRO Tracking Used for refund Income Tax Oracle LINUX .Net Web
System Returns 11G/12c Services
23 Kiosk Used for passbook printing Oracle UNIX Java CBS, BSNL,
and financial transactions 11G/12c PMS, Bill
Desk, Web
24 Document Management System is used to track, 8 GB RAM, Window .Net 4.5 NA IIS
System manage and store documents Quadcore s 2008
2.4 Ghz, 1
TB storage
Database :
Oracle 11g
25 Government Business Used for reconciliation of Database Databas .Net 4.0 NA IIS
Software Solution government bills and fund Server: 128 e: HP
26 Government Business Used for reconciliation of Database Databas .Net 4.5 CBS IIS
Software Solution government bills and fund Server: 128 e: HP
(Phase-II) settlement GB RAM, UX
1.6 Ghz, App
dual core Server:
processor, Window
Oracle s 2008 R2 - 64
App Server: bit
64 GB
RAM, 32
27 Payment Hub Used for RTGS and NEFT Oracle AIX Java IBM MQ
Below mentioned application at SBI will also be interfaced with Data Lake solution.
S.No. Application Name
1 Data Warehouse
2 Workflow Solution
7 Finacle Treasury
10 TATkal Tracker
11 Service Desk
18 Analytics
1 SBIL Policy Core Insurance System of SBI Oracle Windows Ingineium Web Service, DB
Management Life Product Link
2 Integrated System for recording customer NA Windows .net Web Service, Batch
Grievance grievances
3 Channel System for getting sales channel Oracle Linux Java Web Service
Management hierarchy and commission data
4 MIS To get real time policy data and Oracle Linux Oracle Web Service, Query
(reporting) reports and campaign data
6 Swayam For leave management Oracle Linux SAP File, Web Service
1 Front Office
2 Back Office
D) Refer below mentioned illustrative list of applications from SBI, Associate Banks
and subsidiaries to be interfaced with proposed DATA LAKE solution
2 Data Warehouse
3 Data Warehouse
1 Back Office
(If the Bidder does not have a prior experience on implementing the proposed Data Lake,
then the below undertaking from OEM should be submitted)
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
Subject: Partnering with Bidder for Data Lake Solution Implementation scope of work
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
Bidders are expected to submit pre-bid queries in below mentioned format only.
Bidders are requested to refer this Annexure 20 before submitting pre-bid queries so as to
avoid duplication.
Bidders to note that there will be no change in standard Terms and Conditions of RFP
and Model SLAs (Annexure 21)
Queries are to be submitted strictly in the above-mentioned format and in.xls/.xlsx file only.
1. The Vendor warrants that the products supplied under the Contract are new,
unused, of the most recent or current model and they incorporate all recent
improvements in design and / or features. The Vendor further warrants that all the
Products supplied under this Contract shall have no defect, arising from design or
from any act of omission of the Vendor that may develop under normal use of the
supplied products in the conditions prevailing in India.
2. Warranty for Hardware Components: Onsite comprehensive warranty for all the
hardware components including free replacement of spares, parts, kits as and
when necessary will be12 months from date of installation or.
4. Warranty for Software Solution: Onsite comprehensive warranty for all the
software solution components, including free fixing of bugs, addition of missing
features if any will be 12 months from the date of go-live
5. The Vendor shall in addition comply with the performance guarantees specified
under the Contract. If, for reasons attributable to the Vendor, these guarantees are
not attained in whole or in part the Vendor shall make such changes, modifications
and / or additions to the Products or any part thereof as may be necessary in order
to attain the contractual guarantees specified in the Contract at its own cost and
expense and to carry out further performance tests.
7. During the term of the contract, the VENDOR will maintain the equipment in
perfect working order and condition and for this purpose will provide the
following repairs and maintenance services:
a) Free maintenance services during the period of warranty. Professionally
qualified personnel who have expertise in the hardware system software and
software solution supplied by the vendor will provide these services.
The Vendor shall rectify any defects, faults and failures and shall repair/
replace worn out or defective parts during working hours on all working days
In case any defects, faults and failures could not be repaired or rectified during
f) The Bank shall maintain a physical or digital register at its site in which, the
Banks operators / supervisors shall record each event of failure and / of
malfunction. System and software logs can also be used for inferring
information on failures and malfunctions. The VENDORs engineer shall enter
the details of the action taken on each event, into such a physical or digital
8. Any worn or defective parts withdrawn and replaced by the VENDOR shall
become the property of the VENDOR and the parts replacing the withdrawn parts
shall become the property of Bank.
10. However, if Bank desires to shift the installation to a new site and install it
thereof urgently, the VENDOR shall be informed of the same immediately. THE
Bank shall bear the charges for such shifting and the VENDOR shall provide
necessary arrangement to Bank in doing so. The terms of this agreement, after
such shifting to the alternate site and reinstallation thereof would continue to
apply andbinding on the VENDOR.
12. NO term or provision hereof shall be deemed waived and no breach excused,
unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party claimed
to have waived or consented. Any consent by any party to or waiver of a breach
by other, whether express or implied, shall not constitute a consent to or waiver of
or excuse for another different or subsequent breach.
13. If, in any month, the VENDOR does not fulfil the provisions of clauses (b), (c), (d
) and (e) only the proportionate maintenance charges for that period during the
month will be considered payable by Bank without prejudice to the right of the
Bank to terminate the contract. In such event the VENDOR was credited without
deducting the proportionate maintenance charges for that month, the Bank can
deduct the same from future payments payable or the VENDOR shall refund the
amount forthwith to Bank on demand by Bank.
16. In the event of failure of the Service Provider to render the Services or in the event
of termination of agreement or expiry of term or otherwise, without prejudice to
any other right, the Bank at its sole discretion may make alternate arrangement for
getting the Services contracted with another vendor. In such case, the Bank shall
give prior notice to the existing Service Provider. The existing Service Provider
shall continue to provide services as per the terms of contract until a New Service
Provider completely takes over the work. During the transition phase, the existing
Service Provider shall render all reasonable assistance to the new Service Provider
within such period prescribed by the Bank, at no extra cost to the Bank, for
ensuring smooth switch over and continuity of services. If existing vendor is
breach of this obligation, they shall be liable for paying a penalty of Rs. 1,00,000
on demand to the Bank, which may be settled from the payment of invoices or
Performance Bank Guarantee for the contracted period.
Severity Definition during Live operations due to Functional issues of the proposed
solution, the SLAs will be applicable post go-live as mentioned in the project
b. Moderatefunctionalrestrictionsintheapplicatio
nirrespectiveofthecause, which have a convenientand
readilyavailable workaround
Severit Definition
Critical ForUAT:FatalErrorslikeGeneralProtectionFault,systemhangsandtestingcannotproceedtillerrorisfixe
High ForUAT:SeriousProgrambehaviorinconsistenttofunctionalrequirements,or
datarenderedinconsistentand testing cannotproceed inthatareatillerrorisfixed
The Bidder understands that the testing agency will deliver their testing services in
accordance with the Project timeline detailed in PROJECT TIMELINE. In order to achieve
the satisfactory and timely results and execution, the Bidder will have to ensure the
adequacy and experience of the testing resources to the full satisfaction of the Bank. In case
of breach of the above by the Bidder, the Bank shall impose penalty equivalent to a sum of
one half of one percent (0.5%) of the cost of the testing agency per calendar week or part
thereof, of delay till all the obligations of the Bidder are met.
Important Note: The response and resolution by the Bidder pertaining to UAT related
defects/gaps of Critical, High, and Medium & Low would strictly be to meet the Project
Timeline and go live requirements of the Bank.
Post Implementation
a) The VENDOR shall ensure that the full configuration of hardware, software and solution
are available to the BANK in proper working condition with an uptime of 99.5% of the
time on a 24x7 Monthly basis. Uptime is defined as the uptime of the solution and node,
not of overall hardware or system software. If any significant part of the solution or
cluster is unavailable or inaccessible or unresponsive to end-users, it will be considered
down-time. The Banks decision will be final in determining downtime.
Uptime rules
software/ tool/ solutionetc.failsleadingtodenialofservice.Aslongasthereisnodenialserviceto abank
ybasis. SLA will be monitored, and penalty will be levied asbelow:
This shall be in addition to penalty for not meeting the availability SLA which is defined
Penalty will be levied @`50,000 per instance for any loss bank has suffered due to
frauds taken place during the downtime or non-availability of the system
Penalty will be levied @`50,000 per instance for any violation of rules configured to
prevent fraud and/or generate alerts etc.
Penalty will be levied @`50,000 per hour if the solution disrupts banking operations
and at the rate of @`20,000 per hour if it causes lowering of performance of
banking operations by at-least 25%.
(If the Bidder does not have a prior experience on implementing the proposed Data Lake
solution, then the below undertaking from OEM should be submitted)
The Deputy General Manager (IDSPM),
State Bank of India, Global IT Centre, IDSPM Department,
4th Floor, Tower No 4,
Railway Station Complex Building,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614.
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
The indicative commercial Bid needs to contain the information listed hereunder in a
sealed envelope bearing the identification Indicative Commercial Bid for
Procurement of ______________________.
Location (A)___________
3. Installation/ Commissioning
Sub-Total A
3. Installation/ Commissioning
Sub-Total B
Sub-Total C
Sub-Total D
# The Proportion to Total Cost percentage mentioned here will have to be maintained in
the final price quote also by the L1 bidder. The percentage should be mentioned in two
decimal places. Variation in the final price should not exceed +/- 5%. See illustration at
the end.
Important: The price breakup of all the hardware/software components must be provided
(even if the price is zero). The bid may be rejected if the price breakup is not provided.
* The amount quoted here should be for ___ years. However, annual maintenance charges
will be paid at quarterly intervals for the year for which the annual maintenance is taken.
Annual maintenance will be taken at the option of the Bank.
**The quoted prices should be including all kinds of taxes/duties, the nature and rate of
which should be specified in the following table:-
*** This will be the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and should be quoted in the reverse
1. Software
2. Hardware
3. Installation/ Commissioning
4. Training
5. Support
Grand Total
Seal of Company
With reference to the equipment being quoted to you vide our Quotation
No:___________ dated ___________, we hereby confirm that all the components
/parts /assembly / software etc. used in the equipment to be supplied shall be original new
components / parts / assembly / software only, from respective OEMs of the products and
that no refurbished / duplicate / second hand components /parts/ assembly / software shall
be supplied or shall be used. We also undertake to produce certificate from the Original
Equipment Manufacturers (if required by you) in support of the above statement at the
time of delivery / installation
2. We also confirm that in respect of licensed operating systems and other software
utilities to be supplied, the same will be procured from authorized sources and supplied
with Authorized License Certificate (i.e. Product keys on Certification of Authenticity in
case of Microsoft Windows Operating System)
3. In case of default and the Bank finds that the above conditions are not complied with,
we agree to take back the equipment supplied and return the money paid by you, in full
within seven days of intimation of the same by the Bank, without demur or any reference
to a third party and without prejudice to any remedies the Bank may deem fit.
4. In case of default and we are unable to comply with above at the time of delivery or
during installation, for the IT Hardware / Software already billed, we agree to take back
the equipments without demur, if already supplied and return the money if any paid to us
by you in this regard.
5. We also take full responsibility of both parts & Service SLA as per the content even if
there is any defect by our authorized Service Centre / Reseller / SI etc.
Yours faithfully,
Note:This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be
signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the
manufacturer. The Bidder in its Bid should include it.
1. This is to certify that the products / equipment as detailed below has/have been received
in good condition along with all the standard and special accessories (subject to remarks
in Para No. 2) in accordance with the Contract/Specifications. The same has been
installed and commissioned.
2. Details of products not yet supplied and recoveries to be made on that account:
3. The acceptance test has been done to our entire satisfaction and Staff have been trained
to operate the Product.
5. The amount of recovery on account of non-supply of Products is given under Para No. 2.
6. The amount of recovery on account of failure of the Vendor to meet his contractual
obligations is as indicated in endorsement of the letter.
Name _______________________
(a)The Vendor has adhered to the time schedule specified in the contract in dispatching the
Products / Manuals pursuant to Technical Specifications.
(b) The Vendor has supervised the commissioning of the solution in time i.e., within the
period specified in the contract from the date of intimation by the Purchaser in respect of
the installation of the Product.
(c)Training of personnel has been done by the Vendor as specified in the contract.
(d) In the event of Manuals having not been supplied or installation and commissioning of
the Solution having been delayed on account of the Vendor, the extent of delay should
always be mentioned.
This pre-bid pre-contract Agreement (hereinafter called the Integrity Pact) is made
on _______ day of the month of _ 201 , between, on the one hand, the
State Bank of India a body corporate incorporated under the State Bank of India
Act, 1955 having its Corporate Centre at State Bank Bhavan, Nariman Point,
Mumbai through its -----------------------Department / Office at
(hereinafter called the "BUYER", which expression shall mean and include, unless the
context otherwise requires, its successors) of the First Part and M/s_represented by
Shri_ , Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter
called the "BIDDER/Seller which expression shall mean and include, unless the context
otherwise requires, its / his successors and permitted assigns of the Second Part.
To avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free
from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the
contract to be entered into with a view to :
Enabling the BUYER to obtain the desired service / product at a competitive price in conformity
with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of corruption
on public procurement; and
Enabling BIDDERs to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in order to
secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also
abstain from bribing and other corrupt practices and theBUYER will commit to
prevent corruption, in any farm, by its officials by following transparent
The parties hereto hereby agree to enter into this Integrity Pact and agree as follows:
1.2 The BUYER will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERs alike, and will
provide to all BIDDERs the same information and will not provide any such information
to any particular BIDDER which could afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in
comparison to other B1DDERs.
1.3 All the officials of the BUYER will report to the appropriate authority any attempted or
completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a
Commitmentsof BIDDERs
2. The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair
means and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract
stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commit itself to the
3.1The BIDDER will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration,
reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or
inducement to any official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process,
or to any person, organisation or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage
in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
3.2 The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give,
directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial
benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of
the BUYER or otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done any
act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with
State Bank of India for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in
relation to the contract or any other contract with State Bank of India.
3.3* Wherever applicable, the BIDDER shall disclose the name and address of
agents and representatives permitted by the Bid documents and Indian
BIDDERs shall disclose their foreign principals or associates, if any.
3.4* The BIDDER confirms and declares that they have not made any payments to
any agents/brokers or any other intermediary, in connection with this bid/contract.
3.5* The BIDDER further confirms and declares to the BUYER that the BIDDER is the
original vendors or service providers in respect of product / service covered in the bid
documents and the BIDDER has not engaged any individual or firm or company
whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the
BUYER or any of its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the award
of the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended
to be paid to any such individual, firm or company in respect of any such
intercession, facilitation or recommendation.
3.6 The BIDDER, at the earliest available opportunity, i.e. either while presenting the
bid or during pre-contract negotiations and in any case before opening the financial
bid and before signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is
committed to or intends to make to officials of the BUYER or their family
3.7 The BIDDER will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair
the transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation,
contracting and implementation of the contract.
3.8 The BIDDER will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair
means and illegal activities.
3.9 The BIDDER shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain,
or pass. on 'to others, any -information provided by the BUYER as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including
information contained in any electronic data carrier. The BIDDER also undertakes to
exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.
3.10 The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly orthrough any
other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
3.11 The BIDDER shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of
the actions mentioned above.
3.12 If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of
the BIDDER, either directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the officers of the BUYER,
or alternatively, if any relative of an officer of the BUYER has financial Interest/stake in the
BIDDER's firm, the same shall be disclosed by the BIDDER at the time of filing of tender.
The term 'relative' for this purpose would be as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act
3.13 The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary
dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the BUYER.
4. Previous Transgression
4.1 The BIDDER declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in
respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise /
Public Sector Banks in India or any Government Department in India or RBI that could
justify BIDDER's exclusion from the tender process.
4.2 The BIDDER agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject, BIDDER can be
disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for
such reason.
5.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Bid document / RFP, the Earnest Money/Security
Deposit shall be valid upto a period of five years or the complete conclusion of the
contractual obligations to the complete satisfaction of both the BIDDER and the BUYER,
including warranty period, whichever is later.
5.3 In case of the successful BIDDER a clause would also be incorporated in the Article
pertaining to Performance Bond in the Purchase Contract that the provisions of Sanctions
for Violation shall be applicable for forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision
by the BUYER to forfeit the same-without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for
violation of this Pact.
5.4 No interest shall be payable by the BUYER to the BIDDER on Earnest Money/Security
Deposit for the period of its currency.
6.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the BIDDER or any one employed by it
or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) shall
entitle the BUYER to take all or any one of the following actions, wherever required:
(i) To immediately call off the pre contract negotiations without assigning any reason
and without giving any compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the
other BIDDER(s) would continue, unless the BUYER desires to drop the entire process.
(ii) The Earnest Money Deposit (in pre-contract stage) and/or Security
Deposit/Performance Bond (after the contract is signed) shall stand forfeited either fully or
partially, as decided by the BUYER and the BUYER shall not be required to assign any
reason therefore.
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without
giving any compensation to the BIDDER.
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the BUYER, and in case of an Indian BIDDER
with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Base Rate of State Bank of India,
while in case of a BIDDER from a country other than India with interest thereon at 2%.
higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from the
(ix) Forfeitureof Performance Bond in case of a decision by the BUYER to forfeit the same
without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact.
(x) Intimate to the CVC, IBA, RBI, as the BUYER deemed fit the details of such events for
appropriate action by such authorities.
6.2 The BUYER will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at para 6.1(i) to (x)
of this Pact also on the Commission by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its
behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER), of an offence as defined in
Chapter IX of the Indian Penal code, 1860 or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other
statute enacted for prevention of corruption.
6.3 The decision of the BUYER to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Pact has
been committed by the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive on the BIDDER. However, the
BIDDER can approach the Independent Monitor(s) appointed for the purposes of this Pact.
7. Fall Clause
7. 1 The BIDDER undertakes that it has not supplied/is not supplying similar product/systems or
subsystems at a price lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other
Ministry/Department of the Government of India or PSU or any other Bank and if it is found at
any stage that similar product/systems or sub systems was supplied by the BIDDER to any other
Ministry/Department of the Government of India or a PSU or a Bank at a lower price, then that
very price, with due allowance for elapsed time, will be applicable to the present case and the
difference in the cost would be refunded by the BIDDER to the BUYER, if the contract has
already been concluded.
8. Independent Monitors
8.1 The BUYER has appointed Independent Monitors (hereinafter referred to as Monitors
8.2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively,
whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact.
8.3 The Monitors shall not be subjected to instructions by the representatives of the
parties and perform their functions neutrally and independently.
8.4 Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents relating
to the project/procurement, including minutes of meetings.
8.6 The BIDDER(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all
Project documentation of the BUYER including that provided by the BIDDER. The
BIDDER will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid
interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same
is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor shall be under contractual obligation to
treat th e information and documents of the BIDDER/Subcontractor(s) with
8.7 The BUYER will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings
among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact
on the contractual relations between the parties. The parties will offer to the Monitor the
option to participate in such meetings.
8.8 The Monitor will submit a written report to the designated Authority of
BUYER/Secretary in the Department/ within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or
intimation to him by the BUYER / BIDDER and, should the occasion arise, submit
proposals for correcting problematic situations.
9. Facilitation of Investigation
In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of
commission, the BUYER or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents
including the Books of Accounts of the BIDDER and the BIDDER shall provide necessary
information and documents in English and shall extend all possible help for the purpose
of such examination.
12. Validity
12.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend upto 5
years or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both the BUYER
and the BIDDER/Seller, including warranty period, whichever is later. In case BIDDER
is unsuccessful, this Integrity Pact shall expire after six months from the date of the
signing of the contract, with the successful bidder by the BUYER.
12.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of
this Pact shall remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to
their original intentions.
Witness Witness
1. 1.
2. 2.
* Provisions of these clauses would need to be amended/ deleted in line with the
policy of the BUYER in regard to involvement of Indian agents of foreign suppliers.
(Note: This agreement will require stamp duty as applicable in the State where it is executed)
3. IBM DB2
6. Cognos reporting
7. Kony Platform
a. Mobile Application Development Framework.
b. Mobile Device Management.
c. Mobile Application Management.
d. Mobile Content Management.
e. Integrated Development Environment