Stone PW Documentation

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The Heroes Stone Adventures in the Forgotten


A Persistent World Module

Greetings and thanks for taking the time to peruse this nifty little manual.

The Heroes Stone project was the culmination of many years spent playing, building,
writing and daydreaming with the wonderful institution of Neverwinter Nights. I wanted
to preserve all of the wonderful characters, adventures and locations from my past
campaigns and one-shots, so creating a Persistent World seemed like the best to
memorialize the experience.

After hosting it for a year or so between myself and Dane Bramage, with a wonderful
group of players, my attention has turned to other creative pursuits. That being said, I
didnt want the hard work of the Stone to be lost to those who might yet enjoy them, so I
made the decision to make the module available to the public.

Its a Persistent World, ready to go, out of the box, PW-essential scripts and 1.69 features
already integrated, with a host of great quests for players all the way up to level 10.

In addition to the completed areas, theres also a ton of high-quality areas also included
that only need quests and encounters assigned to them, or they can be used for DM-run

I paid a great deal of attention to detail in the mod and I think it goes a long way towards
immersing the player in the wonderfulness that is the Forgotten Realms.

Youre welcome to use the mod in any way, shape or form if you have any questions
regarding the design or the implementation of the mod, feel free to drop me a line. Youll
find an enormous amount of documentation here, but given the nature of this mod, that
might not be enough, so I have no problems answering any sensible inquiries.

Enjoy your stay at the Stone!


Matt Deller

[email protected]


INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 2
A BIT OF HUMOUR ......................................................................................................... 4
BACKDROP OF THE STONE .......................................................................................... 5
THE LEGEND OF THE SQUIRRELS .............................................................................. 6
PLAYERS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 6
MAP OF THE STONE AND YEAR.................................................................................. 8
MAJOR LOCATIONS FEATURED IN THE STONE...................................................... 8
RUMOURS HEARD AT THE HEROES STONE TAVERN.......................................... 9
HAKS NEEDED TO PLAY............................................................................................. 10
SYSTEMS AND SCRIPTS USED ON THE STONE ..................................................... 11
MODULE RULES AND SPECIFICS FOR PLAYERS .................................................. 12
CLASS-SPECIFIC INFORMATION............................................................................... 15
SCRIPTED QUESTS - DOCUMENTATION ................................................................. 18
DM TIPS........................................................................................................................... 25
HORSES ON THE STONE.............................................................................................. 26
LOOT CONFIGURATIONS AND CLEAN-UP SCRIPTS............................................. 27
TRAP SYSTEM................................................................................................................ 28
PHB MOVEMENT SKILLS IN THE STONE ................................................................ 33
DESCRIPTIVE TRIGGERS USED IN THE STONE ..................................................... 34
DMFI 1.09 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................. 36
DEDICATIONS................................................................................................................ 39


The history of the Western Heartlands is a history of endless battles and destroyed
empires. The cities and towns themselves are strong, independent and varied but they are
also strongly motivated by trade and they listen harder to the ringing of gold than the call
of battle. Additionally, something else prospers in the open land - freedom and
opportunity. No nation lays claim on the Western Heartlands to land beyond that which
their armies can control, and no warlord can make demands beyond the swing of his axe.
Small holds and castles regularly spring up, only to be knocked down by invading forces,
or abandoned after a generation or two. Lost dungeons and secret citadels lie scattered
throughout the land, and this rugged frontier presents more than enough opportunities for

The small town of Riverthrow itself is no exception, as its founders had to clear out a
bloody swath of goblins, orcs and worse some sixty-score years ago. Behind the axe of
the mighty dwarf Namli Gharad and the relentless automatons of the wizard Renton
Lightstaff, Riverthrows founders carved out a small niche for themselves amongst the
rugged backdrop of the Western Heartlands. The towns proximity to both the River
Chionthar and the River Reaching made it an ideal location for trade and commerce
they very likes of what eventually attracted ex-bucaneer Jarnor Leer to establish a small
tavern near the banks of the Chionthar. Years later, when the bard Cain Lethellon
approached Jarnor with the concept of the Heroes Stone, it was fait accompli.

In the current year, 1374, trade and business in Riverthrow has been more vibrant than
ever, burgeoned by the presence of the Heroes Stone Tavern adventurers of all stripes
have sought out the Stone in the hopes of making a name for themselves, amassing
personal wealth or simply looking to affect a change, for better or worse. With this influx,
Riverthrow has been able to profit off of the coin spent on goods, supplies, lodging and
medicinal goods its success has also lured some of Riverthrows famed Squirrels
back to stay or at least to visit for a short while.

Despite all of the recent advancements in Riverthrow, danger is still a daily reality, living
in the Heartlands. Goblins, aided by Hobgoblin shamans, are once again re-claiming their
territories with murderous force. Orcs are showing up in droves by Namli Gharads
abandoned dwarven home, Dhag Gharad. Flights of Red Dragons have been spotted in
the far distance. Most worrisome, the Cult of the Dragon has once again reared its ugly
head and their subtle influence can be seen throughout the Heartlands shadowy
whispers speak of their success in bringing their long-sought plans for a fortress in the
Well of Dragons to fruition.

The success of the Stone is no mere chance event the opportunity to take a stand, to
make a name for ones self or deity or to carve a place in Faerunian lore runs prevalent in
the blood of all those who would call themselves Westies. Unfortunately, the Rivers
Chionthar and Reaching have also been washed too many times with the same blood of
those thinking themselves ready for such challenges if you chance the Stone, you

chance the untamed wilderness of the Heartlands and all of those who sought to tame it
before you.


Riverthrows Squirrels were an improbable group of children, bonded together by their
affection for an old man by the name of Vanthar who adopted Riverthrow as his home
late in life. Vanthar delighted the children with his remarkable tales of skulking monsters,
gallant heroes and craven evil-doers - they in turn were his source of inspiration and

Years later, cut down in senseless murder while walking outside of town by a group of
marauding bandits, the old mans death had a profound impact upon the six children
they put aside their petty differences and joined together to discover the real mystery of
whom Vanthar was and why he was ultimately killed. In sorrow, they forged a bond that
was able to withstand some of the greatest challenges of their young lives.

Tragically, their efforts to undermine what was ultimately discovered to be a series of

covert operations by the Cult of the Dragon was capitulated by the death of one of their
own Luther Seprendoc, the partys smart-mouthed and bitter jack of all trades. In a
pitched battle, Luther lost his life, but was the deciding factor in eliminating one of the
Cults higher-ranking wizards.

Since then, the Squirrels have disbanded, but they still continue to be ever-aware of the
Cult of the Dragons activities. The Paladin of Tymora, Alain Blake, now runs a hospice
in Riverthrow. Edwin Talmaris, now a Doomguide of Kelemvor, maintains a nightly vigil
in Riverthrows cemetery for adventurers chasing the glory of the Stone. Nya Alvarian, a
wizard specializing is Divination and Ursa Desandenbach, an expertly trained mercenary
and soldier, now both call Elturel their home. The rogue Vinni Crainte was spotted in
Elturel a while back as well, but his present location is unknown. Nonetheless, it's clearly
understood by the Cult's senior members that this group of remarkable individuals
banded once before to stop their plans - and will do so again if the need arises.

For fame, for righteousness, for riches, for power and for reasons yet unknown.

Youve arrived at the Heroes Stone Tavern, ensconced along the River Chionthar
aptly named for the massive stone monolith outside of the well-known establishment.

A man dressed in finery best left for a court eunuch signaled your attention from his
personal table. This was the bard Cain Lethellon - fop amongst fops, but rumor had it that

his drunken posturing was nothing but a clever ruse to disguise his true prowess.

The bard cast a wandering eye over you - perhaps in amusement, perhaps in approval.

Considering his wine cup, (was the cursed thing bottomless?) he took one last lingering
glance and set it down on the table.

If you were wondering, yes, you could find my name among the other champions,
engraved into the stone, carved into the annals of history, you know, he said.

The bard rose from his chair. Undead scavengers, their mouths agape with their
soundless cries for my supple fleshenraged Orc barbarians clamoring for my still-
warm entrails to be roasted on a spit! Lusty wenches, jostling for ah

A pretty-faced barmaid sauntered by, rolling her eyes in apparent dismay at the bards

Cain suppressed a polite cough and sat back down.

Sullenly, Cain pointed to a lengthy piece of parchment that was affixed to the taverns
rear wall.

Read it and gather who you will. If you are feeling suicidal, go alone and feel free to
throw your corpse hither into some dragons maw.

The bard leaned in close and gazed at you intently.

A word of advice - aye, even from this humble bard.

Tis a fine sight indeed to see how many noble titles adorn the Heroes Stone outside
but dont ever forget that it has been washed in blood a thousand times over for each
name never fit to be inscribed.

He reared back to take a drink and tipped his cup in mock salute.

But you know what they say, as he lazily turned his attention to the carved plaque of
stone outside.

There is no road of flowers leading to immortality.


Map of the Stone in the Western Heartlands

The Heroes' Stone takes place in the year 1374: The Year of Lightning Storms


- The town of Riverthrow, a humble outpost in the Western Heartlands, protected (and
adopted) by the wizard Renton and his golems. This town is the starting point of the
adventure and the Heroes' Stone Tavern sits on its' outskirts.

- A Red Wizard Enclave in Thay

- The Outskirts of Evereska

- The Marsh of Chelimber

- The Forest of Wyrms

- The Battle of Bones

- Outskirts of Hill's Edge

- The Reaching Woods

- The River Chionthar

- The Dwarven Fortress of Dhag'Gharad

- The grand city of Elturel and it's countryside surroundings

- Citadel Adbarr and it's Mines below

- Herald's Holdfast

- Lizardman Marsh and its ruins, off the Sword Coast

- The Moonsea Coast

- The Underdark and the Drow city of Zo'Marra

- The Plane of Shadow

- The Abyss

- The Well of Dragons in Vaasa


- Renton's new synthesis of golem and elemental ooze has traveling wizards wondering if
Renton has gone mad.

- Edwin Talmaris, Doomguide of Kelemvor, can usually be found wandering Riverthrow's

cemetery at night.

- Cain Lethellon accepts bardic challenges from time to time at the Stone.

- A commander from a contingent of Evereska's forces has been paying Seril to take all
those of Elvish Blood to assist them with fighting the Daemonfey.

- A Gnomish airship sits parked on the shores of the River Reaching - the gnome who
captains the ship is very unlikely to be found down on the ground, with all of the goblins
nearby that area.

- Renton seems to know something about a portal that deals with the long-dead god of
decay, Moander.

- Allein Manesi, a past associate of Cain Lethellon, is rumored to have a shop of sorts for
bards and rogues near Riverthrow - but the location is not clearly known.

- Alain Blake, one of the rare paladins of Tymora, is known to frequent "Tymora's Smile", a
hospice in Riverthrow.

- Priests of the god Velsharoon, Lord of Undeath, have been gaining followers in the Western
Heartlands. Their premise for recruitment has been one of promising immortality under the
guise of undeath. One of these priests is said to frequent an old burial ground near the River

- A goblin of unusual intelligence is said to haunt The "Traveler's Friend" store.

- The Hobgoblin Shamans that are said to be behind all of the goblin attacks by Hill's Edge
are seen traveling at times with monstrously-sized insects as pets.

- Some say that a pack of werewolves run rampant near the Forest of Wyrms.

- Brother Mirniman, a priest of Tymora, is said to offer a game of dice for those who have
provided services for the Hospice.

- Rumors abound of a rather strange-elf that appears during the day in a druid sanctuary in
the Reaching Woods and spends his time carving wooden statues.

- Namli Gharad is supposedly the last living ancestor of Clan Dhag'Gharad and he also
knows how to enter the old Dwarven fortress that belonged to his clan, by the Hill's Edge.

- Giant Ants are causing local druids problems in the Reaching Woods.

- In the Forest of Wyrms lies treasure aplenty - but trolls, bugbear warriors and other horrors
await as well...

- It's said that nearby the River Reaching, a portal exists to the centuries-old battlefield now
known as the "Battle of Bones".

- Strange noises can be heard coming from Renton's old golem warehouse.

- There seems to be an infestation of fire beetles in the Squirrels' old cave.

- A Red Wizard in the Stone is willing to teleport adventurers to a Thayvian Enclave for a


Mirador Superset Hak: A long-standing tileset hak - some of you may already have

CEP 2.1: we are using the latest and greatest version: CEP21_Full_c.exe

CTP - The Community Tileset Hak: You'll need the specific file
"CTP_Release_1_4.7z" and that will cover the bases, if you don't already have it.

Faerun Cloaks Hak: The one you want is version 1.8 - "estelindidis_cloaks.rar"


KBs Lootable Corpses
DMFI 1.09
Devas Arena System
HABD Bleeding/Death System
CSs Resting System
PnP Familiars/Summons (Summons last PnP time, Familiars getting killed will cost XP,
Can cause loss of level)
Share Spells With Familiar
Mandragons Tailoring System
Jasperres AI for NPCs/Monsters
PnP Turn/Rebuke Undead
PWFXP System for XP
Rangers/Druids Script Will not be attacked by most Animals or Insects
Sir Elrics Random/Respawning Traps
OMW Loot Notification System
Paladins Detect Evil
NPC Fight or Flight System
DnD and Forgotten Realms Custom Items
Estelindis Forgotten Realms Cloaks
Working Catapults
Use Magic Device Checks
No Swapping Weapons in 2 feet of Enemy Range If within 2 feet, also provokes AOO
CEP 2 Ridable Horses
Continual Flame Exploit Fixed cannot sell items.
Ring of Spell Storing Mages can Store spells in a ring for later use
Time Stop Fix
UMD - This fixes several weaknesses like a level 25 fighter/level 1 sorc casting a level 9
Trash Cans
Tile Magic
Detect Trap Spell Only find traps, not disarms them
No Pick-Pocketing of Large Items
Bashable Locks/XP for Unlocking Chests/Doors and disarming traps

Racial Movement and Armor Encumbrance - This system places proper racial speeds on
PVP Subdual System Players can only kill each other if they toggle it so. DM
Controlled NPCs will also cause subdual damage
Tensors Transformation Fix More in line with the PnP version
Magical Bardic Instruments
Merchant Inventory Cleanup
PRC limiter (see ALCS Level up in Mod events)
Anti-HIPS exploit for Shadowdancers
Multiple Summons for Magic-Users
Teleport for Magic Users Teleport to Safe Havens or Allies
Silicon Scouts Loot System Custom drops with percentages
True werewolves/PC Lycanthropy
Kilanas Bardic Songs
Old Man Whistlers Skills/Ability Triggers



- Please stay in character at all times. Any OOC chat should be done via tells or in
emergency situations, with a quick "OOC: Be back in a moment".


- There is to be no "cybersex", inappropriate language or other adult content. While this

server is geared primarily towards old school DnD players, it is PG-13 in content.


- You'll start game at level 3, with an automatic gold bonus. There is a basic starting
merchant in game, but be sure to save your gold for the in-game merchants. You may
also make use of the Tailoring System present in the OOC Start area and the item namer
to personalize your items.

- Sub-races are allowed, but not supported mechanics-wise. If you want to create a dwarf
with dark-skin and call yourself a Duergar, feel free, but understand that there will be no
Sub-race benefits/disadvantages conferred in the game engine. Our only request is that if
you do pick a Forgotten Realms sub-race, that you do your research ahead of time as
other characters will hold you to it. The nature of the Heroes Stone allows for some
flexibility in regards to what type of characters might show up but theyll have to be very
good at their role-playing and be prepared well in advance for any possibility, up to and
including being left out of group play. Again, we do not use any unique sub-race scripts,

so please do not ask for them if you decide to play a sub-race.

- All Prestige Classes are available, with the exception of Blackguards and Red Dragon

- If you are a cleric or paladin, you *must* have a Forgotten Realms Deity and you must
enter it into the deity field during character creation.

- No cheeseball naming or naming your character after contemporary or famous figures -

keep it legit with the Forgotten Realms mythos.

- Please put a legitimate description of your character in your bio - if you must, leave it
blank, but please do not put something along the lines like "RP to find out".

- If you choose to play a character of "evil" alignment, please remember that evil does not
mean stupid, ill-tempered or being a general jerk. Please refer to the main rule above - if
your gameplay starts to impugn on others, it doesn't fly here on this server.


- We use the HABD bleeding system, which means that players are allowed the chance to
"bleed to death" instead of just being killed outright. A few notes about this follow.

- If you are brought below 0 hitpoints you will automatically start bleeding to death. You
are allowed so many chances to self-stabilize or to have someone heal you, use bandages
on you (heal check) or use a heal kit on you. If none of those things happen, and you get
down to - 10 hitpoints, then you die. Be warned that a critical hit that sustains a massive
amount of damage (say a Dragon crushing you flat) can kill you outright with no chance
of "bleeding to death".

- Once dead, you can wait indefinitely to have an ally raise or resurrect you. If not, you
can choose to Respawn and be transported to the Gates of the Abyss - there you will
judged and sent back to the mortal plane. The location of where you will start again
depends on your alignment. You'll be auto-raised and the penalties listed below will be

- Respawn Penalty if you select to Respawn (5% XP, 10% Gold - please keep in mind an
auto-raise penalty will be applied as well)
- Raise Penalty (15% XP, 10% Gold) or Resurrection Penalty (5% XP, 5% Gold).
- Random backpack item lost at site of death - can be picked up by wandering monsters
or by other PC's.


- There are many ways to move towards achieving legendary renown, but when it comes
to slaying beasts and adversial npc's, this is the breakdown on how XP points are


- PC's suffer XP reduction if their level is not close enough to the average party level. For
example, a level 1 grouping with a level 10 will only get 1 exp point when they kill a

- PC's suffer XP reduction if their level is not close enough to the CR of the killed MOB.

- Groups receive a small XP bonus.

- Whoever strikes the killing blow receives a bonus.

- Groupmembers need to be within minimum distance to the killed MOB if they want to
receive XP.

- Henchmen, familiars and other summoned creatures will dilute the amount of XP


- In-Character CvC is allowed - we use a subdual CvC system which means that PC's
cannot be killed by other players. Instead, they will be knocked unconscious for a
duration of two minutes, with a recuperation period of a minute where the player's
movement will be slowed and their AC is dropped by two.

- By default, all entering players are set to "subdual" mode - if two players wish to fight
to the death, they can use the Subdual Toggle given at character creation to enable it so.

- Henchmen, Familiars and Summoned creatures will also deal subdual damage to
another player.

- An ally's fireball will no longer kill you, but instead will knock you unconscious as
listed above.

- Please note that this is "In-Character" CvC, which means that your character has to have
a valid In-Character reason to engage another character. Repeated "griefing" is not
allowed. Just being "evil" or an assassin does not mean you can wantonly kill. There are
plenty of other servers that allow unlimited PvP, but not this one.

- An example of In-Character CvC: A ranger has noticed that a fighter has been wantonly
slaying animals that haven't attacked him in the Reaching Woods. Ranger warns the
offending player that his actions might lead to consequences, but offending player
continues to kill animals with complete disregard. The Ranger engages in one-time CvC
against the fighter and knocks him unconscious, close to death, teaching him a lesson, the
hard way. Should the Fighter still continue such behavior, DM Intervention and perhaps
stiffer consequences can be used.


- Pick-pocketing is only allowed by mutual consent as well and there is a script in place
that disallows pick-pocketing of medium or large items. There are plenty of other perks
for rogues on this server so don't fret too much.


- Resting is allowed every 12 minutes - also, you cannot rest with armor equipped or with
weapons/items in hand. The only area with unlimited resting is the OOC start area. Other
than that, there are no other caveats on resting. You don't need to worry about bedrolls,
rations, inns, renting rooms, etc.


- Being able to look at Challenge Ratings (Easy-Impossible) and Effects (Strength

Increased, etc) on NPC's and other Players has been disabled.

- Giving items to your other characters, giving items to other low-level characters without
a valid RP reason, BLATANT Farming and exploiting game mechanics in general is


- Have access to Teleport at higher levels - this spell can be learned by a prominent mage
in the module. Teleport will let you transport yourself or your party to certain safe
locations or to any other friendly player on the server.
- Can use a ring of "spell storing" - basically meaning that players can store spells for
later use on a ring up to a certain amount of spell levels.
- Can have multiple summons (think a troop of undead for necromancers or a trio of
elementals, etc) - these summons only last though as per PnP conventions, ie, based on
the caster's level, even with spells like Animate Undead.
- Scrolls being read now require a caster check - if you try to read a 9th level spell as a
1st level caster, there will be disastrous consequences
- Casters can share spells with Familiars - ie, if you cast Mage Armor on yourself, it will
also be cast on your familiar simultaneously. Take that note that spell damage sustained
to your familiar will also damage you.
- Death of your familiar will result in a XP loss and possible level loss - take care of your


- Have access to a wide range of magical bardic instruments that confer bonuses like
party regeneration, etc while they are played.
- Can find or buy unique bard songs that confer an amazing amount of bonuses and

Some sample songs:

Infernal Threnody (Inspire) - Evil aligned allies receive a large AC boost vs. Good
Carlin's Corrosive Chorus (Inspire) - Allied weapons receive acid elemental damage
Bruno's Bombastic Brawl (Inspire) - Allied bludgeoning weapons receive Massive
Critical Enhancement, Allied Gauntlets receive Bludgeoning Damage Bonus
Celestial Concerto (Inspire) - Allies regenerate health
Insidious Rhythm (Curse) - Enemies must make a concentration check (DC Perform) or
suffer spell failure
Cantata of Conduction (Curse) - Enemies receive decreased damage immunity vs.
Argot's Animal Anthem (Curse) - All enemies must make a will save or be transformed
into a random animal.


- Can receive XP for unlocking chests/doors and also for disarming traps
- For rogues that multi-class to Shadowdancer, HIP's has been slightly adjusted so
spamming it is not possible.


- Rangers will have many situations where they receive bonuses with tracking checks.
- Both Rangers and Druids will not be attacked by most wild animals and insects, unless
they have someone in their party who is not a druid or ranger or animals are being
controlled by another creature.
- Rangers and Druids can summon more than one animal creature. PLEASE note that
animals and companions have individual personalities and don't always mix well


- Paladins Can Detect Evil up to 30 Meters away.

- Paladins at level 5 can summon a mount as per PnP rules
- Turn Undead now has specific impacts based on turner's level, alignment and domains.
For your review, the entire list is listed here:

*Rebuke Undead
Evil aligned players can rebuke undead. When you rebuke undead, instead of turning a

creature, you paralyze them. If your rebuking level is high enough, you have a chance of
dominating them and having them under your control for a duration.
*Cleric, Paladin, Blackguard and Champion of Torm levels now stack
The turning level isn't decided on the class with the highest level.
Cleric levels now stack with Blackguard and Paladin levels but Paladin
and Blackguard levels don't stack with each other.
*Magical domain, you can turn/rebuke magical beasts now.
*Animal/Vermin domain, can turn animals and insects (Try this in the Ant Hive!)
*Destruction Domain can turn constructs.
*Evil Domain: If you try to turn a creature with an good alignment and you
have the evil domain power, you gain a +1 modifier. Unless you also have the
good domain, -1 is subtracted from the modifier versus evil.
*Good Domain: If you try to turn a creature with a evil alignment and you
have the good domain power, you gain a +1 modifier. Unless you also have the
good domain, -1 is subtracted from the modifier versus good.
*Sun Domain: You gain a +1 modifier to all checks.
*Knowledge Domain: You gain a modifier that is dependant on your wisdom bonus.
You gain one third of your wisdom bonus as a modifier. If your wisdom bonus is
equal to or smaller then 0, then the current wisdom bonus - 2 is subtracted
from the modifier.
*Strength Domain: Checks your strength bonus versus the targets strength bonus.
If your strength bonus is 2 or more times higher, then you gain +1 to the modifier.
If your strength is higher, then you gain +1 to the modifier.
If the targets strength is 2 or more times higher, then you lose -1 from the modifier.
If the targets strength is higher, then you lose -1 from the modifier.
These stack for a total of +2 or -2 to your modifier.
*Water/Fire/Air/Earth Domain: You gain +1 to your modifier versus the corresponding
elemental of the domain you have.
*Trickery Domain: The trickery can have a negative and positive effect to our modifier,
Theres a 50% chance it will have a positive effect and a 50% it will have a negative
*Luck domain, it becomes 80% for a positive effect and 20% for a negative
effect. If its positive, you gain 1-3 to your modifier. If its negative, you lose 1-3 from
your modifier. Also if it rolls a lucky 7 or a unlucky 13, the results of the modifier are
doubled. So if you had a negative effect of -3 and roll an unlucky 13, it will become -6.
*Death Domain: You gain a +1 modifier versus undead.
Focuses in necromancy will add to your modifier against those considered undead.
*Spell Focus Necromancy: +2
*Greater Spell Focus Necromancy: +2
*Epic Spell Focus Necromancy: +2
The bonuses from the focuses stack for a total of +6 if you have all three.
*War Domain damages Turned/Rebuked creatures
If you have the War Domain and successfully turn or rebuke a creature, they will take a
small amount of Divine damage.
*Travel Domain Extends Turning Range
Originally the turning range is 20m (65ft) but if you have the Travel Domain this changes

to 25m (80ft), adding another 5m to the original distance. This way you can turn
creatures which are farther away then usual.


Monks of the Dark Moon Levels 6-9

Questgiver/Location: Brother Norin - Shores of the River Reaching

Objective: A rogue cell of the Monks of the Dark Moon have set up a base in some
underground ruins nearby. Brother would like the party to curtail the activities by
defeating one of the clerics leading them. He'll need the cloak as proof.

Encounters: Aspirant and Veteran Monks of the Dark Moon, Shadow Mastiffs, and Cleric
of Shar

Reward: 500 XP, Three Different Items that offer each individual benefits - player can

Loot: Monk corpses, Chest (needs Sharran key from cleric)

Special Notes: This is a tough quest - the monks are also potent sorcerers. Players will
need good reflex scores and protection against fear magic.

Swamp Survival Levels 3-5

Questgiver/Location: Salla/All Things Natural Shop

Objective: Now that the player has completed her first quest, she'll ask the player if
he/she is willing perhaps to find something else as well. It seems that an old woman who
makes her home on the edge of the Marsh of Chelimber has a reagent that Salla is
constantly seeking to ease Namli's pain of old age. Player must hitch a ride via Gard and
his wagon and then find the old woman's hut. There the player can use a series of
conversation checks much like Cinaymon's quest to procure the reagent. If player is
unable to do so, quest is essentially over, but player can find good hunting outside in the

Encounters: Giant Leeches, Giant Swamp Lizard, Swamp Snakes, Black Dragon
Wyrmling (rare)

Reward: Salla will give the player a item that confers medicinal benefits of some sort

Loot: Players can loot bones/corpses in swamp for items.

Special Notes: Convincing Randra to give up the Dew Frond is tough - players needs
some serious convo skills, and they only get one shot. Also, Randra is a really a Green
Hag who hides her appearance. Useful to know for DM'ed Quests...

The Daemonfey Inside Levels 5-7

Questgiver/Location: Unuldur who greets players entering the Elven port.

Objective: The outskirts of Evereska harbors a recently discovered portal that Fey'ri
(Daemonfey) have been using to enter. While the main host of the Daemonfey armies
have already been driven off, the left over patrol that has been sent to dispatch the fey'ri
appearing have been struggling with the task, outgunned and outmanned. The
commander now in charge will ask players to assist them with the task of shutting down
the portal - they cannot completely destroy it, but they have been able to render it
unusable for some time. Unuldur will ask them to do the same.

Encounters: Imps, Fey'ri

Reward: 400 XP, a Elven Cloak of Valor, and access to buy Elvish items, including an
Elven Steed.

Special Notes: The player gets one shot at trying to use conversation skills to solve the
quest without fighting. If not, they must defeat the Feyri then destroy the portal to
complete the quest.

The Reluctant Necromancer Levels 3-5

Questgiver/Location: Sigil Fernel - Fernel Tower, Battle of Bones

Objective: Sigil, a rather odd gnome necromancer is a bit of a kleptomaniac - he doesn't

really like to venture outside and prefers to stay holed up in his tower. He's friendly
enough though and will give players information and access to his collection of goods
(mostly for magic users) if they fetch him a few spell components.

Encounters: Skeletons, Zombies, various other types of undead

Reward: 150 XP and 150 GP, Access to Special Items

Loot: Bones that might contain items of worth

Special Notes: If player completes his quest, he'll tell them what the portal upstairs leads
to....(a lich who inhabits an area near the Battle of Bones that quest is not complete

Slime and Demand Levels 3-5

Questgiver/Location: Renton - Renton's Tower

Objective: Renton's study of ooze golems needs some ichor to keep it running - for that
purpose, Renton discovered a lost sanctum of Moander, God of rot and decay. 10 ichors
from slimes killed will get a hefty reward from Renton.

Encounters: Slimes, Moanderian Undead, Acolyte of Moander (rare)

Reward: 300 GP, 250 XP

Loot: Debris that might contain items of worth and Altar at end

Special Notes: Sometimes a priest of Moander will spawn near end area. Also, getting to
the end area requires solving a rune puzzle in the correct sequence which will give the
players a key.

The Beholder Kin and I Levels 3-4

Questgiver/Location: Riverthrow Outskirts - Gibberlings Lair

Objective: Something is driving Gibberlings out of their holes - Allein Manesi suspects
that its some type of beholder-kin. Upon killing the beholder kin, the PC can alert Allein
to its existence and gain a reward.

Encounters: Gibberlings, Beholder-Kin

Reward: 200 GP, 200 XP

Loot: Dead adventurer's remains

Special Notes: The entrance to the Gibberling Cave is hidden players need to do a
successful spot check. The Beholder-Kin is not a tough foe but elusive - it only spawns
50% of the time. Also, Allein sells items great for rogues and bards.

The Werewolfs Requiem Levels 4-6

Questgiver/Location: Jander Sunstar/Reaching Woods South

Objective: In a cave not far from the Forest of Wyrms, exists a pack of werewolves, or
more accurately, adventurers who have been bitten by a werewolf and are now
werewolves themselves. Jander Sunstar harbor a particular hatred towards these creatures
but is loath do anything about having taken a vow of non-violence with the goddess
Eldath. Jander will point out the existence of the werewolves and ask that the player rid
the cave of whatever inhabitant currently exists there.

Encounters: Infected Adventurer (werewolf)

Reward: A carved figurine of the Goddess Eldath - it confers regeneration.

Loot: Whatever spoils are left over in the werewolf's den.

Special Notes:

- Jander Sunstar is actually a character from Ravenloft that I used in my old mod - in that
story, he was a vampire who was given a reprieve by the goddess Eldath - but had to
avow it to kill a pack of werewolf worshippers. The convo only slightly hints at this.

- The werewolves are tough and can infect the player if they are bitten. The curse will
kick in a day later at night and can only be removed by belladonna (given by Jander or
sold by Salla in Riverthrow), a remove curse spell, a remove disease spell or a Heal spell.

- Werewolves can only be found at night - and pc has to slip through a crack to get to
them...wolves guard den during the den so no pc's slip in for easy looting.

The Battle of Bones Level 3-5

Questgiver/Location: Edwin Talmaris/Riverthrow Cemetery or Varissa/Shores of River

Reaching or Bran/Temple of the Morninglord

Objective: A portal to the Battle of Bones inside an old crypt near the River Reaching -
there are several ways to get access to this area, namely by talking to any of the three
clerics listed above. By talking to them you gain entry to the Battle of Bones and also
accept a quest that will put you in favor with that priest.

Encounters: Low-Level Undead, Crypt-Chanters, Ghoul Lord, Skeletal Ogres, Skeletal


Reward: Kelemvor - Token of Undeath Prot, Velsharoon - A Negative Plane ally,

Lathander - access to Lathander cloaks, items, etc.

Loot: Bones throughout Battle of Bones sites

Special Notes: The whole point of this quest really is to allows clerics, paladins, etc to get
access to deity gear and goodies, for each respective alignment.

Restoring the Weave Levels 3-4

Questgiver/Location: Renton Lightstaff/Renton's Tower

Objective: Renton's old golem warehouse has a problem of having multiple golems still
functioning - and hostile after one of Renton's apprentices disjoined the Weave in that

room after an experiment gone awry. PC's must find a conduit and activate it to lessen the
dangers of the Wild Magic area expanding.

Encounters: Various Golems, Animated Tomes, Tables

Reward: 150 XP, A one-time Ooze Golem as a companion.

Loot: Some scrolls can be found in animated tomes

Special Notes: The person activating the conduit dampener must be a mage, sorcerer,
bard or thief.

The Ruins of DhagGharad Levels 7-10

Questgiver/Location: Namli Gharad/Namli's House

Objective: Namli's clan and ancestral home was long ago wiped out by a red dragon and
its orc slaves - one of the only survivors, Namli has heard that his one of his kin has been
trapped as a wandering ghost, cursed to wander the halls of Dhag'Gharad until it can be
reclaimed. A feeble old dwarf now, Namli knows there's not much that he can do for the
time being, but he would be content if the adventurers could check on the place and
possibly locate the ghost. Namli also is curious about all of the humanoid activity taking
place in and around the entrance.

To successfully complete the Quest, the PC must first find the ghost (in the Hall of
Moradin), then the PC must find a statue that has an inscription on it - player must be a
dwarf or have high lore to read - then PC must return with what they have read and
proclaim it to the ghost. The ghost, having a bit of its honor restored, will grant them a
key and access to the inner sanctum of DhagGharad. This takes care of Objective for

At that point, if the player chooses to enter the inner sanctum, they will see for the first
time Cult of the Dragon members who are there to keep an eye on the dragons in the lava
caves beyond and placate them in the hopes of eventually convincing them to become
dracoliches. If the player is able to defeat the Wearer of Purple, he/she can bring a note
found on the Wearer's corpse to Cain Lethellon for some extra XP and to further the story
a bit. If the PC wants to take on the dragons, it's optional - it's major loot, but also major
danger. Players who enter will need protection from elements or heat damage, lest they
suffer heat damage.

Encounters: Orc Clan of the Red Claw, Wearer of Purple, Ensorcelled Goblins (they
explode upon contact) Red Dragon Wyrmlings, Young Adult Red Dragons, Cinderspawn
(undead fire elemental), fire elementals, skeletal undead.

Reward: 500 XP, 400 GP

Loot: Red Claw orcs will drop gold and items, in the Fire Elementals room there is a
reliquary that will drop nice loot, and there is a stash room where the player can bypass a
trap and get to the two chests, then possibly fight an undead creature - end result though
is great loot - two chests that have the potential for some nice drops.

Special Notes:

- To get there, the player can see Bigo aboard the gnomish airship on the River
Reaching's Banks...
- Having a rogue is almost mandatory for this Quest. Traps galore.
- If players decide to take on dragons in Lava Caves, they'll need a lot of elemental
protection against fire as the heat of the place does minor damage every round.
- Namli won't give quest until PC is level 7.
- Once they enter Inner Sanctum, there is no going back.
- Plenty of triggered text-descriptions galore

Career Minded Goblins Levels 3-5

Questgiver/Location: Cinaymon/The Traveler's Friend Store

Objective: Cinaymon has given up on his clan of cave goblins - they fight for power with
a goblin claiming power every week almost. Cinaymon would like the Heroes to Journey
to the treacherous Forest of Wyrms and locate the chieftain - once there, he'd ask that
either the chieftain through diplomatic means or be taught a lesson conversation-wise, or
by more direct means if needed. The only catch is that the goblins have wrested power
over a few cockatrices which makes the situation very tricky. Cinaymon expects a
Cockatrice Egg as proof.

Encounters: Goblin Sorcerer, Cockatrices

Reward: A Rod of Heartlands Survival can be used by any class, has unique spells.

Loot: Goblin Sorcerer's treasure room (players must get key from dead chieftain, or be
incredibly strong enough to bash door down)

Special Notes: Getting to the clan can be tricky - the Forest of Wyrms is loaded with
tough creatures and challenges.

Scouring the Heartlands Levels 3-5

Questgiver/Location: Alain Blake/Tymora's Smile

Objective: A clan of goblins, led by hobgoblin shamans have been staging various attacks
on those foolish to wander into their domain - hobgoblin shamans stay hidden and are
elusive to catch. If PC is are able to find one of the shamans, killing them will help to

lessen the threat for the time being. Also, Alain wants to know more about why the
humanoids are showing up in droves...

Encounters: Goblin scouts, warriors, shaman, and shaman pets

Reward: A lucky coin of Tymora that confers temporary combat bonuses, 250 XP.
Discount with Tymorian priest.

Loot: Shaman's Chest, Camp Chest, Orc Stash (optional)

Special Notes: Shaman spawns in a difficult to reach location, requiring a long jump of
DC 20 to clear the gorge. If they miss it, then they end up in a rather nasty pit filled with
spiders that they have to climb back out. There are three different types of Shamans to
encounter. Player can also venture further about and find a red dragon scale on an orc and
let Alain know about it. This leads to the DhagGharad quest.

Lending a Helping Hand Levels 3-4

Questgiver/Location: Mrs. Salla Alvarian/Alchemy SHop

Objective: Mrs. Alvarian is in need of some beetle extract and wyrmsage - luckily, an old
cave used by children has had a beetle infestation as of late and Reaching Woods South
has wyrmsage.

Encounters: Tiny fire Beetles, Giant Fire Beetles in Cave, Forest Animals in Reaching

Reward: Small amount of XP, Infused Bandages or Packets of Stunning.

Loot: Vinnis Stash in Squirrels Cave

Special Notes: In cave, players can make use of squeezing through tight spaces to get to a
successive area with bigger beetles (and more XP)...

Culling The Hive Levels 3-4

Questgiver/Location: Renthran Greenbrother/Perimeter of Reaching Wood

Objective: Giant Ant Hive is out of control, local druid needs help from adventurers to
keep the population in check. PC must bring Queen's royal Jelly to Druid to help prevent
further ants being spawned.

Encounters: Larvae, Giant Ant Workers, Giant Ant Soldiers, Giant Ant Hive Guard,
Giant Ant Queen

Reward: 250 XP, Potion of Barkskin

Loot: Low-Level loot from cocoons

Special Notes: Rangers/Druids can slip by unmolested, except for Hive Guards who will
attack anything on sight

- As you log on as a DM on the Stone, you're automatically given a few things - the
DMFI Exploder which will create all of your DMFI widgets, the Polymorph wand,
Horse_Dismount widget (use this to dismount a horse in DM or DM Possessed NPC
form), Mordakeinen's Magnificent Mansion (which can be operated by simply having
your DM Possessed NPC drop it on ground), DM Force Instant Death Widget (will
autokill players without bleeding) and the Sleep Control Widget which I've since
removed as its now irrelevant.

I'd suggest making a new DM, logging, using the exploder widget on yourself, place
everything how you want it in your quickslots, then export that DM avatar and delete the
other one.

- In DM mode, using horses is tricky. We can't use the regular horses that players use
because they won't let us dismount. If youre possessing an NPC in DM Mode and you
want a horse, you need to go to the Item Palette, Custom, then Special 2. Anything like
"Summon Black Horse" or "Summon Walnut Horse" is safe for use in DM_NPC forms.
Use the horse_dismount widget to dismount.

- I have a few different custom factions that you might see when you are scrolling
through the custom NPC list. The first custom faction is "Intelligent Enemies" - which
are basically one step away from hostile. They are good to use if you want a NPC that
you plan on fighting the PC, but you need it not to attack the PC on sight.

The next is " PC Ally Against Int Enemies. This faction will always fight against
Intelligent Enemies if pressed ands will help the PC's against Intelligent Enemy factions.

SO let's say you have a NPC that you want to give it one of these custom factions -
simply create or find a creature that has the faction you want. For Intelligent Enemies, a
good one is "Cave Goblin - Interim Chief" in the custom palette under goblins. For the
"PC Ally Against Int Enemies" faction, try Cave Goblin - Chief in Waiting" in the same

Simply use the DMFI NPC wand to "copy" the alignment and store it as a custom
alignment. Then you can transfer that alignment to any creature you wish using the same
wand. Play around with it.

- We have a lot of unique items under the item palettes - as a rule of thumb, ALWAYS
spawn the item you are thinking of rewarding a player with on yourself first. Id it and
check out the gold value. The Stone is a low-magic server so please reward accordingly. I
always like to use gems which can be found under the custom item palette,
Miscellaneous, Gems. The Lesser versions of the gems are nice for low-level while the
regular versions are good for higher levels.

- Everything in terms of encounters, loot, chests being locked, etc is set to reset every 25
minutes - while may seem like perhaps a short time, in a lot of the quests I've installed
"easy exits" once they reach the end and 25 minutes is enough to keep the action going
when a new party shows up.

- We use two types of encounters - standard bioware encounters and the NESS spawn
system. The NESS spawn system is simply a waypoint that you assign specific
instructions on how many, how often, etc creatures should show up. The gibberlings in
the cave are all NESS spawns for example.

NESS is nice because you can set it up to show up at a certain time of day/night and you
can also use it to spawn placeables. For the most part though, I use the Bioware
encounters so I can scale to party difficulty.


- Any PC is able to ride a horse however, you can only gain the AC bonus and
Mounted Combat/Archery Bonuses by putting points into your ride skill. By
default, purchased horses allow a small HP boost as well, when the player is
mounted - Paladins do not gain this HP boost for balance reasons when they use
their Paladin's Mount (the Paladin's Mount has a high number of HP and Paladins
can never "lose" their horse per se). If Paladins acquire a purchased horse
however, they can then make use of the HP boost, mounted upon the purchased

- In Chapter 1, Horses can be purchased by Jase Bradbury in Riverthrow SE

upon purchasing the horse, youll acquire a horse whistle for that respective horse.
When you summon your horse, your whistle will be removed from your inventory
you can get it back however by dismissing your horse (interact with your horse
to bring up the command).

- Please note if you die while mounted or if you log out while mounted, your
HORSE WILL BE LOST. Therefore, it is important that you be sure to dismiss
your horse if you believe you might encounter a challenging monster or NPC or if
you are logging out otherwise youll have to buy a new horse. Its not a perfect
system, and we hope to add more persistence regarding horses later but for now,
it works pretty well considering that horses out of the box were not designed for

persistent-type settings.

- Horses cannot be stolen once youve mounted the horse for the first time it is
flagged as belonging to you.

- Paladins can summon mounts at level 5 to unsummon their mounts they can
use Paladin's Mount Unsummon Widget which can be found in the starting area's
merchant or with Jase in Riverthrow SE.

- Horses are not able to be ridden indoors or underground, unless expressly

permitted for an area.

The nuts and bolts are a bit more complex to explain heres a sample of how I set it up.
Safe to say, just leave it alone unless you know what youre doing.

* Must make changes in Module Event: On Activate

Gunpowder plain: horse003 Item tag: horse_gun_plain/zep_sum_horse006

Black plain: horse005 Item tag: horse_black_plain/zep_sum_horse007
Walnut plain: horse006 Item tag: horse_walnut_plain/zep_sum_horse008
Spotted Leather Barded: horse007 Item tag: horse_spotted_barded/zep_sum_horse009


A copy of the Silicons Scout Loot system is enclosed here are the configurations of the
loot setups, which can be found in the Starting Area.

ss_t_chest_1: Orc/Goblin/BugBear Drops

ss_t_chest_2: Low Level Magic User Drops
ss_t_chest_3: Magic Gear Levels 1 10 Drops
ss_t_chest_4: Green Dragon Drops
ss_t_chest_5: Mundane Loot Drops
ss_t_chest_6: Low Level Books and S3crolls
ss_t_chest_7: Wyrmsage stalks
ss_t_chest_8: Cockatrice Eggs
ss_t_chest_9: Feyri Drops
ss_t_chest_10: Rust Monster Drops
ss_t_chest_11: Beads of Force
ss_t_chest_12: Necro Items/Drops

Current Chest/Loot Configs:

Chests will close and relock every 1500 seconds (25 minutes)
Chests will refill at 1500 seconds


vg_area_clean (place in area properties on exit)


ClearDelay float 300

ClearEncounters int 1
ClearItems int 1


Clean_store2 on OnOpenStore of Merchant

We use Sir Elrics Random, Respawning Trap System.


Spawn random traps on the ground, objects or doors:

Spawn a random trap on any or all objects or doors in an area,

dependant on the percentage and category type set by the user and
also random locations within the area.

If the trap is disabled or triggered it will respawn after a user set


The traps can be stock Bioware traps or customize any or all of the
settings to suit your module.

Full instructions for respawning random traps:

1) Open the area properties and in the OnEnter event add the script:

Optional - You can set a local float TRAP_AREA_TIMER = (in seconds)

on each,
area for faster or slower respawns otherwise the default is used,
see se_inc_resp_trap.

eg. float TRAP_AREA_TIMER = 3600(1 hr)

float TRAP_AREA_TIMER = 1800(30 mins)

2) Place the invisible object with the tag

anywhere in the area.

3) Set a variable(int) on the invisible object to choose the percentage

chance of creating a trap on each object or door in the area.
TRAP_PERCENTILE int = 25 (25% chance of trapping each
*Note - If the trap percentile is not defined it will default to 50%

4) Set a variable(float) on the invisible object for the trap size.

TRAP_SIZE float = 2 (ie. 2 game meters)
*Note - If no trap size is defined it will default to 1(ie. 1 game meter)

5) Set a variable(int) on the invisible object for the trap strength.

TRAP_TYPE int = 1 (ie. 1 Minor, 2 Average, 3 Strong, 4 Deadly, 5 Epic)
A random trap will be selected from that category.
*Note - If no trap type is defined it will default to 2(Average)

6) Trap DisarmDC is randomly chosen depending on the trap type

category ie:

1 Minor = 25 - 35 DC range
2 Average = 25 - 35 DC range
3 Strong = 30 - 40 DC range
4 Deadly = 35 - 45 DC range
5 Epic = 50 - 60 DC range

This can be set to suit your module (see se_inc_resp_trap)

7) For random ground traps place a waypoint tagged

in various places in the area that will suit a ground trap position.
When the spawner scans the area for objects, depending on the
each one of these may have a random trap spawned at their location.
*Note - If no trap size is defined it will default to 1.0
(This is not totally random but gives the builder control of where the,
random placement of these traps will/can occur)

8) To ensure a placeable or door is always trapped set this local int on


9) To ensure a placeable or door is never trapped set this local int on

TRAP_NEVER int = 1

10)If you want the random traps to be randomized each time a player
set this local int on the spawner:
This will remove all previously spawned traps and randomly select
objects and locations for the new ones.

11) New optional setting(new to v2.6)

PRESET_TYPE int = 1 to 11
If set that type of trap will be selected rather than a random trap.

(Minor, Average, Strong & Deadly)

1 = ACID
4 = FIRE
6 = GAS
7 = HOLY

10 = SPIKE

PRESET_TYPE int = 1 to 4
(Epic only)
2 = FIRE

12) Optional settings(new to v2.7)

TRAP_DETECTABLE int = 1 (Non-Detectable)
TRAP_DETECT_DC int = 1 to 250
TRAP_DISARM int = 1 (Non-Disarmable)
TRAP_RECOVERABLE int = 1 (Non-Recoverable)
TRAP_MULTI_SHOT int = 1 (Multiple shot traps, new to v2.3)



Note: This trigger and scripts were designed for a generic trigger,
not a trap trigger. A trap trigger cannot be reset after a disarm or

If you do set it up as a trap trigger, move the OnEnter script from

the OnEnter event to the OnTriggered event. It should work until it
has been disarmed or recovered.

Setup required:
1. Place a generic trigger in your area
2. Place this script in the OnEnter event of the trigger
3. Place the cs_ox_trapcep script in the OnExit event
4. Place the CEP trap placeable on or above the trigger (unless you
want the trap to be "hidden", then don't place the placeable and
instead set the TrapHidden local variable to "TRUE" and include
the trap resref in the TrapResRef local variable.
5. Configure the trap "parameters" using local variables stored on the
trigger. Local variables are set from the "variables" button
on the "Advanced" tab of the trigger.

The following parameters are configurable and can be setup as

local variables on the trigger. The variable name must match
the string name listed down the left side of the list below:

TrapTag : tag of trap placeable (expressed as a string) (required)
(Defaults to an empty string)

TrapReflexDC : DC required to avoid the trap (expressed as an integer)

(Defaults to 15)

DamageType : DAMAGE_TYPE_* (expressed as an integer)



NoKnockdown : TRUE/FALSE (expressed as an integer)

(Defaults to FALSE = Knockdown occurs)

SoundObjectTag : tag of sound that plays during trigger of trap

(Defaults to an empty string = no sound)

MaxDamage : the maximum damage distributed (expressed as an integer)

(Defaults to 10)

MinDamage : the minimum damage distributed (expressed as an integer)

(Defaults to 1)

ResetTime : number of seconds after "trap is triggered" that the

trap can be triggered again
(Defaults to 120 seconds)

DeactivateTime : number of seconds after "trigger" that the trap is

repositioned in its "ready" state (this value should
be equal to or less than ResetTime)
(Defaults to 110 seconds)

IncludeNonPC : TRUE/FALSE (expressed as an integer) whether the trap

can be triggered by a non-PC
(Defaults to TRUE = does trigger on non-PC's)

ContinuousDmg : TRUE/FALSE (expressed as an integer) a value of TRUE
causes damage to the PC every 2 seconds until they
exit the trigger
(Defaults to FALSE = no continuous damage)

HiddenTrap : TRUE/FALSE (expressed as an integer) a value of TRUE

assume the trap is "hidden" (not actually placed in
the area), so when the trap is triggered, the script
actually creates the trap placeable, then activates
it. On deactivate, the trap is destroyed.
(Defaults to FALSE = which requires placement of the trap)

TrapResRef : the resref of the trap being triggered - only required

if HiddenTrap is set to TRUE.
(Defaults to empty string)


Courtesy of Old Man Whistler's documentation, here is the ruleset for using these skills in the
Heroes' Stone:


Balance - uses DEX, affected by Armor Check Penalty and Encumbrance Penalty, +2
synergy with 5 ranks of Tumble skill.

Climb - uses STR, affected by Armor Check Penalty and Encumbrance Penalty

Jump - uses STR, affected by Armor Check Penalty and Encumbrance Penalty, +2 synergy
with 5 ranks of Tumble skill, +1 skill point for every +10% movement speed from class,
affected by creature size modifier.

Long Jump (3.5E) - uses STR, affected by Armor Check Penalty and Encumbrance Penalty,
+2 synergy with 5 ranks of Tumble skill, +1 skill point for every +10% movement speed from

High Jump (3.5E) - uses STR, affected by Armor Check Penalty and Encumbrance Penalty,
+2 synergy with 5 ranks of Tumble skill, +1 skill point for every +10% movement speed from
class, affected by creature size modifier.

Swim - uses STR, -1 skill for every 5lb of weight character has.

Tight Space - uses DEX, affected by creature size modifier, Armor Check Penalty and
Encumbrance Penalty. (NOTE: this skill diverges from the PHB)

Class Bonuses

Barbarian excels at Climb, Jump, Swim.
Bard excels at Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim, Tight Space.
Druid excels at Swim.
Fighter excels at Climb, Jump, Swim.
Monk excels at Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim, Tight Space.
Ranger excels at Climb, Jump, Swim.
Rogue excels at Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim, Tight Space.
Assassin excels at Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim, Tight Space.
Harper Scout excels at Climb, Jump, Swim, Tight Space.
Shadowdancer excels at Balance, Jump.


Failing a Balance, Climb, or Jump check by more than 5 means you take falling damage.
Succeeding against a DC15 Tumble check reduces the damage. The falling damage can kill

Failing a Swim check by more than 5 means you take drowning damage. Drowning damage
cannot kill you.

Failing a Tight Space check by more than 5 means that you damage yourself on the attempt.
This damage cannot kill you.


Generic Descriptive Skill Trigger/Placeable.
by OldManWhistler

Use PGUP/PGDW to scroll. The PDF file that came with this script has this information
available in an easy to print form.

This is an automated trigger where all the information about how the trigger is supposed
to work is contained in the trigger instance. This script works with the OnUsed event for
placeables or the OnEnter/OnClick event for triggers.

The NAME of the trigger will control the text that is displayed on success.

The TAG of the trigger will control the rest of the variables:

SAD: The number for the skill, ability or description.

DC: The DC that has to be beaten by a d20+modifier roll.
SET: Determines how the trigger will function.
XP: The amount of XP to reward on success.
OBJ: Specifies the type of object to create.
FC: Specifies the orientation/direction of the created object.
RESREF: Must match a valid ResRef of the object to be created or sound to be played.

The RESREF *can* contain underscores. Remember that resrefs are case sensitive.

Note: Any values that are not filled in will be taken as a value of zero or an empty string.
You *must* fill all the values up to your last significant value.

Valid values for SAD:

0 - Animal Empathy
1 - Concentration
2 - Disable Trap
3 - Discipline
4 - Heal
5 - Hide
6 - Listen
7 - Lore
8 - Move Silently
9 - Open Lock
10 - Parry
11 - Perform
12 - Persuade
13 - Pick Pocket
14 - Search
15 - Set Trap
16 - Spellcraft
17 - Spot
18 - Taunt
19 - Use Magic Device
20 - Appraise
21 - Tumble
22 - Craft Trap
50 - Strength
51 - Dexterity
52 - Constitution
53 - Intelligence
54 - Wisdom
55 - Charisma
56 - Description (no check, always succeeds)
57 - Tracking (only rangers can pass DC>10, -5 penalty if in passive detect mode)

Valid values for SET: (Value in brackets is with DM notification)

0 (32) Display to player who triggered, can be repeated
2 (34) Display to player, check until successful
3 (35) Display to party, check until successful
6 (38) Display to player, only one chance to be successful
7 (39) Display to party, only one chance to be successful
8 (40) Display to player, trigger destroys itself on success
9 (41) Display to party, trigger destroys itself on success

12 (44) Display to player, only one chance to be successful, destroys itself on success
13 (45) Display to party, only one chance to be successful, destroys itself on success
24 (56) Display to player, trigger destroys itself after one check
25 (57) Display to party, trigger destroys itself after one check

Valid values for OBJ:

1 - Creature
2 - Item
3 - Placeable
4 - Sound

Valid values for FC:

0 - East
1 - North East
2 - North
3 - North West
4 - West
5 - South West
6 - South
7 - South East

Destroyed Trigger reset every 1400 seconds.


A reference manual for voice commands for players and DMs

Unlike previous releases of the DMFI tools, there is no requirement for an NPC,
summoned creature, familiar or "voice" to be within range for these functions to work.

Repeated text is ALWAYS ignored (ie in testing hi, hi, hi)


**DM channel no longer used**
There is no longer a requirement to speak your special command on the DM channel.
You may use the special modifiers below on the Talk, Whisper, or Party channel.

[your typing here]

Enclosing text in square brackets will speak your "native" language. If you have more
than one, use the language widgets to set the language you will be speaking.

;your text here

Starting your text with a semicolon will cause your familiar or companion to say your

,your text here

Starting your text with a semicolon will cause your summoned creature will say your

Bracketing text between two * will attempt to perform an emote. This applies to simple
spoken text by the PC.

This will work for DM possessed creatures or for players. The action will be taken by the

Two uses:

1) is for skill checks or ability checks - ie *uses strength to move rock*

2) is for emotes - ie *bows to the leader of the town*

Two emotes animation shortcuts:

.emon - animations NO
.emoy - animations YES

Appropriate actions include:

All abilities and all skills (spell them just like the actual skill or ability - ie use magic

Emote animations:

beg, plead
bends, stoops
bored, scratch

cheer, hooray, celebrate
demand, threaten
drink , sip
drunk, woozy
ducks, dodge
fall back
fidget, shift
flop, prone
laugh, chuckle
peers, scans
pray, meditate
shakes head
sits on floor or ground
talks, chats
taunt, mock
tired, fatigue, exhausted
yawn, stretch

.broadcast commands

These commands will change how dicerolls are reported for .skill rolls and for rolls
performed by the DMFI DM Dicebag

.dm - DM send only
.private - DM and player
.local - roll is given via TALK
.global - roll is given via SHOUT

Two dice-roll animation shortcuts:

.anin - animations NO
.aniy - animations YES

.lan commands

Set yourself or associate to speak a particular language

EX: .lan drow

This list represents the real Heroes' Stone - it chronicles the work of artists, scripters, area
designers, writers and other talents who have directly, indirectly, however heavily
modified, had an impact on the Heroes' Stone.

- Bioware for a stroke of brilliance in creating NWN!

- KBs Lootable Corpses
- Gary Gygax for sharing a dream
- Lazyboness City of Elturel
- ThinkBlue's Wizard Tower
- Kilana's Bard Songs
- Rocc for Subdual PvP Script and Tsunami282 for revisions
- The Bloodstone Lands PW

- Reds Hillside Graveyard and Underground Crypt
- Outcrowd1s Airship, Ant Hive, Mithral Hall, and Selunes Temple areas
- DMFIs Starting Area and DM Package
- LIlivati's Underdark and Zo'Marra areas
- Dale Vs Drowning Wood
- Meshin for being a Bug-Squashing God with his mod runthroughs.
- NWNX Team
- The Original Battledale PW for Inspiration
- TwistedWolfs Blackrock Valley
- Tarridus for his great art collages
- Devas Arena System
- Mjonirsbane FR Gemstones
- HABD Bleeding/Death System
- Raivynn's Potions
- CSs Resting System
- Arlettes mountaintop area
- Knat's PWFXP
- Seryn's FR Shields
- CTP Team
- CEP Team
- Sir Elric's Respawning Traps
- Lodrezzon's Mirador Hak
- WychWeird's Wild Magic Scripts
- Vuldrick's Base Mod systems
- Estelindis's FR Cloaks
- Chaos_Theocrat's Awesome Prefab Area Collection
- Mask's Anti-Pickpocket
- NESS's Spawn System
- Tom G's Shadow Domain
- Lavicicious Area Cleaner
- Mandragons Tailoring System
- Demetrious's Share Spells
- Jasperres AI for NPCs/Monsters
- Slynderdale's PnP Turn/Rebuke Undead
- Old Man Whistler's Loot Notification System
- Christine Golden for her Ravenloft series
- Big E's Paladins Detect Evil
- Deathchild's Use Magic Device Checks
- Turanar's Ring of Spell storing
- Fenris for some of the best links, ever!
- shadguy's Multiple Summons for Magic-Users
- LionofHume, Tyndareus and Gralin for testing and suffering through multiple
- Frozen Partnah for early bug-testing and ideas
- Silicon Scouts Loot System Custom drops with percentages
- JHR's True werewolves/PC Lycanthropy

- Old Man Whistler's Persistent Player Item Storage 1.00
- The_Krit for Horse Dismount/Destroy script
- Mulu and Ciera for enduring much tasteless humor concerning elves while beta-
- Old Man Whistlers Skills/Ability Triggers
- Dane Bramage for being a great DM and Host

I'd also like to give special recognition to the following individuals: Outcrowd1, Dane
Bramage, Alexander Frost, Fenris, Lilivati, Tarridus, Conor Knoxx, Frozen Partnah,
Zarathustra217, Decider and Shfree.

It goes without saying that this module is dedicated to your imagination, creativity and
friendship over the years - you have my eternal appreciation.

Lastly (and most importantly), my wife - for letting me get away with WAY too much
time spent on NWN!


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