Clinical Study

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Advances in Medicine
Volume 2016, Article ID 3194010, 6 pages

Clinical Study
Efficacy of Synbiotics for Treatment of
Bacillary Dysentery in Children: A Double-Blind, Randomized,
Placebo-Controlled Study

Manijeh Kahbazi, Marzieh Ebrahimi, Nader Zarinfar, Mohammad Arjomandzadegan,

Taha Fereydouni, Fatemeh Karimi, and Amir Reza Najmi
Infectious Diseases Research Centre (IDRC), Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran

Correspondence should be addressed to Mohammad Arjomandzadegan; [email protected]

Received 21 April 2016; Revised 29 August 2016; Accepted 9 October 2016

Academic Editor: Aliya Naheed

Copyright 2016 Manijeh Kahbazi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Bacillary dysentery is a major cause of childrens admission to hospitals. To assess the probiotic and prebiotic (synbiotics) effects in
children with dysentery in a randomized clinical trial, 200 children with dysentery were studied in 2 groups: the synbiotic group
received 1 tablet/day of synbiotic for 35 days and the placebo group received placebo tablets (identical tablet form like probiotics).
The standard treatment was administered for all patients. Duration of hospitalization, dysentery, fever, and the weight loss were
assessed in each group. It was concluded that there was no significant difference in both groups in the baseline characteristics.
The mean duration of dysentery reduced ( < 0.05). The mean duration of fever has been significantly reduced in the synbiotic
group (1.64 0.87 days) in comparison to the placebo group (2.13 0.94 days) ( < 0.001). Average amount of weight loss was
significantly lower in the synbiotic group in comparison to that in the placebo group (129.5 23.388 grams and 278 28.385 grams,
resp.; < 0.001). There was no significant difference in the mean duration of hospitalization in both groups ( > 0.05). The use of
synbiotics as an adjuvant therapy to the standard treatment of dysentery significantly reduces the duration of dysentery, fever, and
rate of weight losses. The trial is registered with IRCT201109267647N1.

1. Introduction seek medical treatments and are diagnosed through stool

cultures [4]. The most common microorganisms diagnosed
Bacillary dysentery is a disease in the category of acute infec- in developing countries are S. flexneri and S. dysenteriae,
tious diarrhea. This is mostly spread by the following Gram- but S. sonnei frequently causes community-wide outbreaks in
negative bacteria: Shigella flexneri, S. dysenteriae, S. boydii, industrialized countries [5]. The widely accepted definition
and S. sonnei [1]. Shigella is a pathogen transmitted through of probiotics is as follows: the live microorganisms which
the fecal-oral route, primarily via person-to-person contact. when administered in adequate amounts confer a health
Shigellosis in children has variable symptoms ranging from a benefit on the host [6]. Probiotics are mostly species of
mild, self-limited diarrhea without inflammation to a severe, the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus genera.
inflammatory, bloody diarrhea with high fever, abdomi- Also, in some studies, yeasts, such as Saccharomyces boulardii,
nal cramps, vomiting, lack of appetite, toxic appearance, have also been suggested and are used as probiotics [7
painful defecation, and other extraintestinal complications 9]. In some in vitro studies, Lactobacillus acidophilus has
[2]. Shigellosis is estimated to be responsible for about 170 been effective against some intestinal pathogen elements such
million cases and 14,000 deaths worldwide annually and such as Shigella, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Proteus, Klebsiella,
a burden is a major health problem with socioeconomic con- Pseudomonas, E. coli, Clostridium perfringens, and Vibrio.
sequences [3]. Estimation of the disease inflictions remains The positive effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus on the gas-
largely speculative because only a small percentage of patients trointestinal system are due to adhesion and colonization to
2 Advances in Medicine

the intestinal mucosa, competition for adhesion sites on gut, groups received the same standard routine treatment such
or other tissue surfaces to prevent pathogens colonization, as oral and/or intravenous fluid therapy, antibiotic treatment
stimulation of mucosal and systemic immunities, production (Ciprofloxacin, 15 mg/kg, twice a day and for 3 days, orally)
of antibacterial factors, and special bacteriocin, including and nutritional support. And breastfeeding was promoted.
acidophilin, lactocidin, acidolin, lactolin, organic acids (lactic
acid), and the reduction of PH [1015]. Probiotics have been 2.3. Randomization, Masking Procedure, and Study Design.
used for many purposes, but they are most extensively studied In a double-blind manner, the patients were randomized
in connection with acute infectious diarrhea, but further and divided into the placebo and synbiotic groups. Ran-
research in different age groups and various doses of different domization sequence was generated by a computer-generated
probiotics is required to evaluate the impact of probiotics randomization table in blocks of 4. Except for the study
on management of infectious dysentery [9, 16, 17]. Prebiotics coordinator, all investigators and patients remained blinded
are dietary fiber which trigger the growth and activate the to the randomization process until the study was completed.
activity of a limited number of bacteria in the intestinal Each patient was given a different code. Parents and the
flora. In addition, prebiotics can increase the effects of patients were not informed about their allocation status (the
probiotics because of their synbiotic relationships. Synbiotics synbiotic or placebo group). Placebos and synbiotics were
are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics which can provided by a pharmacist in packages with the same form and
synergistically promote the growth of beneficial bacteria or were labeled with the code letter A or B. In the production
newly added species in the colon [18]. In this study, we of placebo tablets, the preservative substances and artificial
investigated the effects of Lactobacillus GG (probiotic) plus colors had not been used. Also, there was no fermented
prebiotic fructooligosaccharides on dysentery in 1-month5- substance in the tablet. The same as the synbiotic tablets, the
year-old children. placebo tablets did not have any taste. In the PICU or hospital
emergency room, the researcher, in a direct and double-
2. Materials and Methods blinded manner, supervised the patients to take the tablets
properly. The patients in the synbiotic group were given 1
The study was conducted between October 2011 and October tablet/day of synbiotic tablets (Lactol), containing probiotic
2012 at Amirkabir Hospital, Arak, Iran, with a catchment area material (bacillus coagulant, 150 million spores per serving)
of 1500000 people. and prebiotic material (fructooligosaccharides, 100 mg per
serving) for a period of 35 days.
2.1. Description of Participants. The inclusion criteria were
male and female patients between the ages of 1 and 60 months 2.4. Ethical Approval. The protocol has been written based
who presented with acute dysentery to the PICU or Pediatric on guidelines for good clinical practice (GCP) for trials
Emergency of the Amirkabir Hospital. Participants were on pharmaceutical products. The protocol approval was
patients at the same level of economic conditions who had obtained from the clinical human research and ethical review
experienced loose stools with mucus or blood and frequency committee at the Arak University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
of more than three times a day for less than two weeks, white The purpose of the study, its objectives, potential benefits,
blood cell (WBC) count 5/high-power-field (HPF) in the risks, and inconveniences, alternative treatment that may be
stool exam (SE), positive stool culture of Shigella spp. with or available, and the subjects rights and responsibilities were
without the presence of fever, abdominal pain, dehydration, explained to the parents. After reading the consent form to
anorexia, and vomiting. The criteria for exclusion from the the parents in presence of a third party, written informed
study were refusal of consent by parents, malnutrition status, consent (in accordance with the current revision of the
chronic or concurrent diseases (sepsis, meningitis, pneumo- Declaration of Helsinki) was obtained from every parent who
nia, and toxic colitis), previous diagnosed acute dysentery, wanted their children to participate in the study [19].
acute abdomen condition, usage of other probiotics, usage
of antibiotics or antidiarrheal agents within last 3 days, 2.5. Data Analysis. At the end of the study, the study
immune deficiency or treatment with immunosuppressive coordinator informed the researcher about the content,
drugs during the last 60 days, failure to isolate Shigella spp. synbiotics or placebo, of the packages. Statistical analyses
or presence of erythrophagocytic trophozoite of Entameba were performed using SPSS (version 12.0., Chicago, USA).
histolytica or cyst/trophozoites of Giardia lamblia in the An independent sample of -test was administered. Mean
microbial analysis of the stool, and usage of drugs that may standard deviation, standard error, Chi squared test, and
have effects on gastrointestinal motility and/or digestion and its non-parametric equivalent (Mann-Whitney) were used to
absorption. The patients who required intravenous fluids, analyze the difference between two groups and find the drug
after receiving the treatment in the emergency rooms or efficacy. < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
PICU, were included in the study as patients with severe or
medium dehydration status. 3. Results
2.2. Clinical Management. All patients were examined by a Out of the patients admitted to the pediatric emergency,
pediatrician. The degree of dehydration, stool appearance, 200 patients (out of 961 screened patients) were included
stool consistency, stool frequency, weight loss, duration of in the study. The age of participants was between 1 month
dysentery, and fever were recorded. All patients in both and 5 years. The patients were divided into two groups in
Advances in Medicine 3

a double-blind manner; 100 patients were assigned to the Table 1: General characteristics of patients in both synbiotic and
synbiotic group and 100 to the placebo group. Before the placebo groups.
treatment, there was no difference between the groups in
Characteristic Synbiotic Placebo value
terms of age, gender, degree of dehydration, frequency of
stools, or initial period of dysentery. The mean and SD of Age, mean SD, 37.267 22.2 36.933 18.467 0.9
participants ages were 37.267 22.2 months and 36.933 months
18.467 in the synbiotic and placebo groups, respectively ( > Sex (male/female) 46%/54% 38%/62% 0.25
0.05). In the synbiotic group, there were 54 females (54%) Dehydration
and 46 males (46%). In the placebo group, there were 62 Minor 84% 71%
females and 38 males (62% and 38%, resp.; = 0.25). Table 1 Medium 15% 25% 0.067
shows the baseline characteristic information related to both 1% 4%
synbiotic and placebo groups. Based on these results, age
and sex distributions in both synbiotic and placebo groups
were similar and no difference was observed among them. Table 2: Mean and standard deviation of patient characteristics
Therefore, it can be said that general characteristics of parti- during the study.
cipants do not have any negative influence on the obtained
Characteristics Synbiotic Placebo value
results of the study.
In this study, a comparison between various levels of Duration of 2.5 0.98 2.9 1.09 0.01
dehydration shows that, in both synbiotic and placebo dysentery (day)
groups, a small portion of patients were affected by acute Duration of fever 1.64 0.87 2.13 0.94 <0.001
dehydration. In synbiotic group, 84 participants (84%) were (day)
affected by minor dehydration, 15 participants (15%) were Duration of
affected by medium dehydration, and 1 participant (1%) hospitalization 3.6 1.04 3.7 1.08 0.691
was affected by severe dehydration. In placebo group, 71 (day)
participants (71%) were affected by minor dehydration, 25 Weight loss (gram) 129.5 23.3 278 28.3 <0.001
participants (25%) were affected by medium dehydration,
and 4 participants (4%) were affected by severe dehydration
(Table 1). The results show that there is no significant months. Treatment of acute infectious dysentery is mainly
relationship between dehydration mean in synbiotic and designed to compensate for the dehydration and the loss of
placebo groups at the beginning of the study ( > 0.05). The electrolytes [20] and to protect the normal gastrointestinal
results obtained by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test show that data microenvironment [21, 22].
distribution is normal. So, the use of independent sample Probiotics are used for this purpose to retrieve the dete-
-test is permissible. The demographic findings, mean and riorated normal intestinal microflora. The most investigated
standard deviation of duration of dysentery, duration of probiotics in this field are Lactobacilli and Saccharomyces
fever, duration of hospitalization, and the amount of weight boulardii [9]. In spite of the fact that there are numerous
loss following the intervention are summarized in Table 2. studies about probiotics as a treatment for infectious diarrhea,
The mean duration of dysentery was significantly reduced there are some unsolved problems related to the dysen-
in the synbiotic group when compared to the placebo group tery description, remission criteria, probiotic type, probiotic
(2.5 0.98 days versus 2.9 1.09 days, resp.). Duration potent dose, study quality, and probiotic effectiveness eval-
of fever after starting treatment was reduced significantly uation [23]. Recent studies using different probiotics have
( < 0.001) in children receiving synbiotics (1.64 0.87 shown variable effects and meta-analyses show uncertain
days) compared with those in the placebo group (2.13 0.94 results due to inequality of studies [2426]. This suggests that
days). There was no statistical difference between groups in each probiotic has its unique efficacy, so each probiotic needs
the mean of hospitalization (3.6 1.04 in synbiotic group to be tested to assess its efficacy in specific conditions [27].
versus 3.7 1.08 in placebo group; > 0.05). At the end of Recent systematic reviews recommend further studies of
the study, Patients taking synbiotics were less likely to have probiotics in an outpatient setting [24, 28]. There are some
weight loss (129.5 23.3 grams in the synbiotic group versus meta-analyses which have assessed the results of probiotics
278 28.3 grams in the placebo group). There was no death in the treatment of AGE. In a recent meta-analysis, in order
or severe clinical complications during the course of the trial to evaluate the efficacy of probiotics in the treatment of
and no adverse effects related to synbiotics were observed. AGE, data was collected from 63 randomized controlled trials
[RCTs] and 8014 subjects. 56 out of all those RCTs were
4. Discussion carried out in infants and young children. Forty-six RCTs
assessed a single probiotic, and 17 RCTs tested a combination
The present study confirmed the positive effects of probiotics of different probiotics. Lactobacillus GG, S. boulardii, and
and prebiotics on the treatment of children affected by Enterococcus lactic acid bacteria strain SF68 were the most
dysentery. The results of this study showed that routine common probiotics used in studies. The Cochrane Review
treatment of dysentery in combination with three to five days suggested that Lactobacillus GG can reduce the duration of
of synbiotics reduced the duration of dysentery, duration of diarrhea about 27 hours, stool frequency on the second day,
fever, and weight changes in children aged between 1 and 60 and the probability of diarrhea lasting 4 days. The authors
4 Advances in Medicine

have suggested that more assessments are needed to help Hospital in Northern Taiwan. In comparison to the placebo
clinicians in the use of particular probiotic regimens in group, the Bio-Three group presented a significant reduction
specific patient groups [29]. in the severity and duration of diarrhea and the duration
According to a research on the impact of Lactobacillus of hospital stay, although no reduction of the duration of
reuteri DSM 17938 on acute infectious diarrhea in a pediatric fever was observed [34]. The Working Group on Probiotics
outpatient setting, it was shown that probiotics had a positive of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
impact on the length of hospitalization and diarrhea. The Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) described that the
positive impact on the length of diarrhea was consistent with use of probiotics should be considered as an adjuvant therapy
the findings of the present study [30]. In another study, Golam to ORS in the management of acute gastroenteritis [9, 24].
H. Rabbani et al. studied the impact of green banana on In the literature, the properties of probiotics have been
clinical severity of childhood shigellosis. They found that recognized as a safe and beneficial adjunct to many treat-
cooked green banana had a positive impact on the length of ments for infections [3538]. In our study, no adverse effect
hospitalization among all age groups. The impact on diarrhea toward synbiotics has been reported as well; but recently it
reduction in treatment group was consistent with the findings has been a matter of intense debate so that in a review article
of the present study [31]. There was no data of weight changes it has been concluded that since there may be different strains
of participants and the impact on the duration of fever was of different probiotics with different properties it is possible
not consistent with the results obtained in the present study. to have different results of efficacy or adverse effects [39].
Ashraf et al. conducted a clinical trial in 2001. In that
study, children with confirmed shigellosis were given hyper- 5. Conclusion
immune bovine colostrums in addition to receiving routine
treatment. The impact of hyperimmune bovine colostrum Dysentery is one of the most common diseases among
on the duration of fever, duration of anorexia, duration of children. This disease has harmful impacts on children,
abdominal pain, duration of tenesmus, duration of diarrhea family, and society. Due to harmful consequences in terms of
after inclusion, duration of blood in stool, stool frequency on economy, human loss, and also the lack of definite treatment
day 3, stool frequency on day 5, cumulative stool frequency in which leads to the resistant form of the disease, using probi-
5-day therapy, number of positive stool cultures on day 3, and otics can be beneficial. The findings of this study indicate the
number of positive stool cultures on day 5 was investigated beneficial effects of Lactobacillus as an adjunct to standard
in that study. Values were not significantly different between treatment on the children affected by dysentery, shortening
groups. They concluded that HBC as an adjuvant is unable duration of fever and duration of dysentery. Besides, many
to show any beneficial effect in reducing the severity of studies have confirmed the lack of side effects of probiotics.
childhood shigellosis [32]. Therefore, it seems that using probiotics/prebiotics as a tool of
In another recent study conducted by Islek et al. (2014) side treatment in areas affected by dysentery can be beneficial
in Turkey, the role of Bifidobacterium lactis B94 plus Inulin to improve childrens health.
in the treatment of acute infectious diarrhea in children was
investigated. Compared to the control group, the duration Competing Interests
of diarrhea was significantly reduced in the synbiotic group
in comparison to the placebo group (3.9 1.2 days versus The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
5.2 1.3 days, resp.; < 0.001). These results are consistent
with the findings of this study in which the positive impact References
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Mathematical Methods
in Medicine
Research and Treatment
Oxidative Medicine and
Cellular Longevity
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014 Volume 2014 Volume 2014 Volume 2014 Volume 2014

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