Flugge S. (Ed) - Encyclopedia of Physics (Volume 6 Elasticity and Plasticity) (1958)

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ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHYSICS EDITED BY S. FLUGGE VOLUME VI ELASTICITY AND PLASTICITY SPRINGER-VERLAG. BERLIN - GOTTINGEN + HEIDELBERG 1988 4 HANDBUCH DER PHYSIK HERAUSGEGEBEN VON S. FLUGGE BAND VI ELASTIZITAT UND PLASTIZITAT SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN » GOTTINGEN - HEIDELBERG Handbuch der Physi Band VIa/2 Encyclopedia of Physics, Volume VIa/2 Ineo equnty sued ios upland with the infmaton "Pace ny detdacetacarente" co pp 2S teste "ToeLes THY SeBintey" by own Es Coee vt eee of tai, ain Tle fr me A Tate is Av 9 ae ere marmite MH. ep fart wi subi (acs "Sn lle mine: four re Bl Te hf ma B,D tone een agwupel mit ee er Sips 6 fo sp rcs nein sen ‘Te ne Cou iar th th ae 2.9) ‘fer teal ics wit th ange (2 eo guy ol ie, rat legen a eI van be cet ely thee neato at wens AS ceri arn tenet ni in cae aa a ee Fee ee € — Bhsticity tense a Tein 2S "2 nee A i, ieee 3 a i feet 3 : 2ooteiee F mee fs LSet 3 : = es EE TS : steer ee , ia =a ee Tae . = e . Se x a : ee ; oe 7 i” Sher a ae 5 a 3 eas fl iy Sei cea mm oe Steer : i) Se, eS ey ia Semen, es i 1) Singin ¥ a Yoon modus | a : Ba ,, === ; : % by : : 3 Bo eS oe i ; Eee. : 2s : SS 5 x fia 3 ; ; ee : i 3 : Scr : : F eS 3 { Eee oe 7 ; Eke ‘ i = 5 i Se A bE emcee BE pao Ban sclatpmmeamertetats 7 : , Sa 3 Feta vector rom the xg 9 3 Sats, ves als Lae con 159,285 i Becomes. : a 5 ? i a ; i 3 = eres : : e F Ene : ; 2 oe : o , 2 f ‘ : eat 7 feceeaat: E. BE e eee H 3 Centerof rotation a y parallel to the x axis ‘Laplacian iv 3 Ae eee . {See 8 Zt i See : Z ; Ss 2 : a ~ ge is Zara es eres rtasai, Rotingias (ret Bra (Was 0 Fawr) spaia 3 it Compr pen a We ea ne H etm ene : ee er : 1 Rinsing te 3 i Neuer 2 Pr a EESSS Sp dati 8 waaay Mt ty am ERS hl a 2 oo, 1 auc ay 2 i Roeeciont = Wee ene Pt bs calgon & tev gi niles ten te Thee pats al oan aS a Bp anes nen | (Roeper ta 1 Soran es ai 1 Forming a ergot 1 oun a ni ns Schnell Deh Pog Hat ach (in op gw Sn Hel Tne SEUSS CN ‘Fat, Dy Aun M-Patonaes, Plea fC Hpi Tia Sa Raa PT th ages Saver d baees ‘The Classical Theory of Elasticity LN, Seeppox and D. 8, Bunay. 4, Inrodacon, The theory of cty i conceit the mochtig stare les ile rar en ec ‘sean the wg of Hoon 0g) atthe at al tts cst SRE rte cel tp it ire Sed er a waldo tele ie cee ‘otal io te ayo te mated torpet cate cd ecopeaes {ops tn cpcring The hc vl © te tid werk te [ie mak gate impo or tse t crete ete tle ea ‘pow igobt ann Gat a tes tfc ete parca ide theory of easy with sit daca of eld lense roe ‘ine ination ‘of tbe feat tckqee able fo the st ‘eredimps ning wd stat kos tere oa a theory of eae stay or abst sucht bade tons ste Suc of Be etn a le nn cc ‘et of strlen tethols" ty Casta madras (eh Sonos ‘cr (1950) and the goat in 153 by P Northolt a Grego ERM Rabon’ Eocan taasaton oft exer eden of Mosmersdnas eaiwone tos The it prt ofthe ate (Dvn ) i coed with th bse general sheng, Mth erie Crd ae yo sy ee try pe late Cnt eas Dic Wi ds ft rey ne lees rn of xin ert un he De of tran Ths pois spas fhe aplce {Sn of te ener thoy andthe scan hie of se meses “helps ein of thrice (Dn) dcin of to dnson| rotons strats Ts don naarady ove tush ee ot 2 Lx SemuonandD Sean: Te Cai ey ny Se sepa conta of eit matey Rain tematic ‘Searcy acter me a mae Sec su ec sd sr ees “Fale wat kn on daniel bln 2 and tee nly hh San me emi pte sot es eel ey oy SET ae rie thoy oie near oe en oe ain SESE deyaamcy epome wsceel nrans 2 tat topes omit frm ts esi: The stone peel prot eerng (5s) te thy of arate by Tents (pel ent Gee Seek by a yf ah al phase a a “dicen of he tt eth ae gen Oy ema fn) So cee (559. Te pon es pee ns ia Seely Een seo ie die ato RSE Scent p fcne oh oti a Dies Cpt fei pace te Sere eran ee A. Gene ha. The anata of sin, dae mht ey tr ns ee ea Seidl see biocloar ie acties Sse, SSE Srey aes nese aro Sa Beebe Penh Pama hs thee 1 Secret Spe i 0 e i ny a ieee ner Seige. Seine hearer We dmote bys the pnton eto of We aw pe ht the esd) edd SoPcnapatis i ty ine re tow pat Piste Yat Pei fan ee 9 Ere wet Fv ope tp Pop the eg Tet tthe pint Phen te bay ows om Cnfgration ‘Wasaga Sind fe Gascon hE te dpa, ton eed ele to oe db hel et ane SS wa Baate, 2) So ar weave mde no asumpon sont he nate of te mati oeing ‘he at bay tee than tats canine We om ke the aon ‘Smptoa thatthe mater ofthe ty tf vack naar that crt Aodhan gt Pin the te Se sap foes ft ets Tesi tr 5 nthe orginal state S. tea sue ht excep poi a cea sigue fins, eres or suriace hve fancinas Pis etna etree Ripe fom ay ofa gh an ere we Wee BER maed =t.23) ea sd sume that jan be expe ton of 4 la the same Ra Ktah G2 423) es ‘i phys assmpin ene the states (2) aed (23) shoal bo ‘Reo a sion chon hey tae, th otter yn 1h ft that ty ad thecal rt whch a igen the Bice apres, Wes sme hat Sa a sano ee Tals rm the ato (2.2) so 9) ae et ‘to diene do byte etn ea ‘Now he sq of thie sane ie becmadguaton Stuy ewes woes : dB ater co ra “enn ty pan salt Soci porn Weetee seme Size to may be rel a sch of ervnn cies fn We ay ‘heros wie a AGufe8l B—RMtetd 61.23) en, ‘fos tom Fy 24 hat we may rit he placment veto he fa He wlatetet es 2 Tae ala tse. Carepanding Yo the vcr (27) we obtain the ex eatin deandtie, tide ee on ‘the urs fh ae cts and Seep. ahs equate fe kaa tc al opti Moteunety Theat cso eft nsi bly ways etree Bly ee GED oe ae Ee aa Bat ay hehe oa Tis grits 7 ae cbvnuty the smell components of «covert Eee he scr a ne a oa Se a pine, TEs and tae il the sent nterrttio of the tain tne wo emailer St toG+ HET (astsunnt ba Faris spot ha ret 3 heal eer to le ents stein Tad then ray ge a (7.9 st hence 6 “th ee ee sepsis comes ap tae ‘Seren Fancy ae aa wher twit elo, denotes 8, Hence fallow rm B24 at Betws, vo Sow om B80 tat Bente t Bala sae, eres ow we may write P* THE BG, BF Bd) oa sd hence mone, on eum hacen eal ‘here dates the coast devote Fete 2 ~ {i}, bos li} ox 6) ete sat ot of end Rede to BY bata ata we eg SHH te 0.9 ie Sena, eng sa ‘The ph compet ra et. 5 eink that gy Bk at FB ban wich soe the components of the strain tae intone ofthe cnpments ‘At Riseanialy we ol wie Ey 9.4) the foc ome Taar were we hae expend the Gplacen! voir in ems of the contain hoc erton © af te sale S and P dicts covariation with spect fo She with reset to and, ene tates de—Ta— Fa + so hatin ems of the emponents ow wih sespect to 5 rom bila Fa, Toray oa For exmple, rere hearts stems 4,4) heat Swed at ran afin + Cats (aay ea) +) pager ett gr ee ee feaGean a sae aS skort Put ac en ta Boeken Sey ny i ot cetera phat ei il shige ate ec teem tam te ed ee rd Ve: B43) 4. The pina campoint of the decent ecar. If fy he oi vechirn Site eo aS to hat me may we the sow of he Hg. (5) be erm a werd, ws veel ay 6 44 soot 2 § meee Ce hey By, $6 Tig, tate om are sinply the ponents of te vector w rll to an chign crtaim stem of ter coating wi te dean Bato fone of one slong eg. ola ee 5. Soin ivan 1 is» wel known re ofthe ten elas tat {ig Beats ay be formed ion esis ey cea ht ‘RESIS vert nay be obtained Ga te mind as ace ‘nvatants a the contin of penal a te eto hee eat appl aE brit 40 tat, dente the rin avast eae ten ey th] er, Leen | Pit Prey 24 Pm aging the deena and equating suis of fomers of 1 we 6 sera terest tha SE oe Fe ethe Leet hot wh fa dente th detent.) gl rapecty rec, ents we mine tat LeBow Te Pees 62) ote tof stn iets J Jy mayb Sad the ect jones ei ie eapension tt eat cal Benen wa dst ap —2epl = dis Fg "is ound hai the gener ease Fatal REE ted hE 69) i [ingen oh eral teary atthe too rin rants aot ‘sia so ey a att ay ater tsar ter nen dace eee paceaicns emg feces gure tig ees Spake cen tinten ore tad Maat oeler on sme ecm rsa 7 her gy he away tno Dy the eatin en He Fo) oy eum ender 4 ny plane Hote svat dete of ea By} seb he tn Fan Hla Fay) HG Ta) Int fa) hl oats to os 1 remeber bi timer mee plaka Sierras anata rianoet gum {piesa ee a eee iipee bom adren te nore Epoicsithon soon in i in Ca Oley arked + Scronor crac) where TE] dane he Chita yal fhe ft Kind elated fr he Tj th state 5 king me of he nto on™ fon Han Jn the dtintion of he Cis yb forthe ate, find ha it dated tothat or the sae tara he oan Tron (mn) Srey vay bere the pol ay denotes the e=resion Haryuch Batya socmuanay nha neato tee R, way State Baee— Bry ~ 2m aia) (mpeg) + i= atau —(OP rd] 04 = 4pm Coy ental 1 we ont te coins (74) into Ea, 7.4) we se hat Ey (4) roo to etn which the night hand Se of 4 ead aes, Sel ee 3 elnino hs Rene Chl tn ls fe tie tener (74) tous tos independent equ, Hee gee ich spr the fa hat the cps aq he al en at hat . Chel, the amet ar Zobel a ny ae fae Yev-9 rar-o. Such indo impy tat the rekant ofthe ses tinge al th ‘ee ol hte nya whi a fy wot have expan Since ope wnat hag weeny 56M. Seon D5. en Tie Teo Ey Se savin see igo ly ee my ae Sti adel per, West ge sce eamples of isp ee EDD cot fu ne eioenal roger of eseaeon Fiat we cme an aouna a'2e|abin oii te {alin shar sped to the Dunas, (i cote posure on ts bud sai) aE. od mating ae ante = 90) F029") Ev. 06a) rn Eg 3.2), thre are tsa X,Y, ome a= 1-90. WO=HO lamar fonctions in he agate, Bat snder conn hare 2 re toast Mf wed fm Ee G40) en Oy M = Rely ney eter of the como ela f=, Tis eatin i tied by ri)—Ches, C=G4iC, ng at, ara ancy 9621 {or ond cents, nthe stenting toon, with fonction wid mated 063) Selene in he ann, By pating F=0. Gamo | ‘he cine 6) are completely sti, ad, fom Eas. (62) (653), via Sataiaing thee ents i Bg (§5.5) we ave ant ‘Then, ming 4 9415) aio, the eamponent of stress ae 6 Frome. 9444) aula) 651 Tony cn mo en we XY. Th tn ESET ea ER Ce dt vo wo Te nd ecm windy mad, a emt ens, a i a 0 nt A Tce i Sa ea ea ets ‘Boatin' plo 2 Bey Eg of we ao onde Determination of al hy meas of the enitinne eun2d =, meno, 068) anh mem gh mw nse in e958) yo te express a er ee ee } The dighoment components cironenting 1 de cmpex potas 360) {it 6) aw ety Semin! om By) and ae, tthe ro “ 8 SCH.) ao 10) 1 is madly wg that wee colo the ss components ad th rat “seep Segue wt uml tu spe rtton won ae ‘ena neve he sume tho Eph.) and.) stad ty {be sie ain eto “7. ae of epee, Asan ample nthe cuca corinats we ale inte oft stent eign ra nite pe Ep ‘Sosa nae deol by te toot rewimeomhs, faEb6n on) dint grote the elite Bonny define by Ema ¢ constant Wi hams hata inate pein rab oa owe" elon 0 tn rm ge 47) abd (49) the boc of by fre O+FG=T 8H H+WEI HI se e-em, Srevmeso fond that pl potent of he ferme pe) —Aesahe, yl)= Beech, ons) 4.8 rea, wee salient odes the sot dation, 1 ay end alee ecarSs ietmcttion’ 3) an6 $v Bae 950) 58 Lieeaner ad D8 ase ey hy. Ss f= 05:1 tat ena ont oe et tig ee Sao ythoces ie Baw =eine ons sat wth Ba 05) BO= 9) —dosis . Roar onan | oa ‘By substan on Ee, 972) and 74) lt dh ents (7.2) cay SEES ge mesa 7a Ea tina Eps 84) od 89) ‘lie afer sabato, the equation aries omit 019 neti vam ienretia Terri uaeanar_orenfoneeth= st fey sto rictians yee Ftcamems 9 sneer Sma te, sneer Nara fe aus yi ca seekrmeteaeimn acer tines emai ereiecre a Inpotreistes byrne we den) witna Ine he ls Myemene orang: aura techie ve tenn by Ria sete proses where bolatd frees 2 oth Nomar a hls ns pts oo Sf eta shape, 1V. Cauchy integral methods. wih ees fncon mend i actated byte of oe comple pote Topiter sila sabl cnfernal fentortattin, bu te gu vatge of {conpls potent erento se tf mets Seve by Mae nv Ee Goan ie pen diy rete, bumlay ies "Tae retids ae rel agete thoy oping i the planes Sey Canoes regi fe sitchen Se muppet = eanormal tae ‘Srastin so aor or talipane’ toe wean’ of may camera ‘los comterabiy more comple an wil hot be cee ere asone ‘eppetn ta esa en os pane may bt e tac by er met, {Eee nvivng manialtin of edary Canchy mera he ar ng ‘ee sphsanetropertes of Cay igre The scl ore he ‘Boe lable nets of thn maa andy robe, at, wre oe ‘ese en puto he Boundary ad dpacnt anete Pa 2 Een! soe Ba Trt Se Seal Thay of Ray se 38 ony tea 0 8 hy ml ha ten oft :SSR STR eles te et Mesh f te eg gn onl ath ein Soe haces eve ents SEAS Ri coe ae oa rea ae Rhsmec Eat, MaRS pt cao ea Epp tt gl th ni et cn cara a av te det ete Seer ie ett mites eo teunrat Sevienantas Bight cn en wis ky wo oe function halomorphic 4m 3° 8 : 1A ay andl cot 1 he Douay of me onto omer a 8 cng ni " ace TE ae {acts can und vit thee ares to Oa he faleiag te aT dina artes a ssa aad suis! edition rhe aon) oy ‘hi onary so ome fnton homer ide fe share #80 consent eual fT) ‘Conepeting propos old when Ja nite stright Sie, ken dure tobe te alg oh on edo o Deg ents ory tate the ei M=a+oUi~h, n°, gn ig Th ig Ste te sper pe, bing HL A mecesary and aici, comin fo i fe ee Bundy oa of 1 maton tome n'a cota fn 9° dingy | | | | | 1 A mesery a sic coliton Jr 9B hay aa of ton hore $d mans 5° lading af. Lay ale St Under the sare condense havea: te. A wesry eft comin fo 10 Oe boundary lof «fen mari eS tems. Wa. & ery and efit odio 7 1) 0 Be ory eo 4 fanton omar fe Sie oe no ity yay of i mos to ding eee ss ey ald a aly tel ijt ee ‘oni Sa be i lh etd tn Fe ‘We assume that the fanction ff} satisfies the Hilder conditions, that i, that for ‘Nom ofpun pend Atay ee thors esi We) 1001 24h 4h ozne 4 apie tnt fs tin me i ahd» i a a a re "hea te Fig tit spf ee. fa ona Fig=- doh ‘where the integra are principal wales, eum oli eli of nh bender sata of faces #1) Ue be ont te ater ope ‘iesohne wa a So la be opie The ee Fe 2 ‘Sabatier he ain Pack ties own cio 70) deren ie cing 2) eta £5 1 tare tt to th eh oa pl te Rar Ge el ofa Fol cdiemai, oznet ‘he a oie cota "hep nay tna) ws te Be ot doen eh ta Slay a ye ona Fy —cur io =16 os gy a aE set yg a a —hC—rt‘CésCOC—O Sevnnre oo E “The functions Gif} and fi) are also assumed to satisty the meget cece areas eee seers Sere ar circ parmems gt nae ra BB falls +0) ons we werent pe X= fearon, oe pa", ocenecan on ipso rome amma nec stent mea Teeter cts ‘Rota by sdbtting for Xl vaghnt whee resin testes fron ges to Pe tenga ematdaat Pepe een on Saar is cee ogee eet tee ee ue) a ff 0 = FEB oun “This sot Bonded ata es and i omer a = = i Pt i oe fle Tn theese gent we bave 70. Ky) sai in sto ede 0 Fe 80) wo Gourmet ‘where Z may now ncn nt ely are baci. The slton (89 my be Eats came oe sons fic oats bo es an. fan) cera ya H, are gs sme compe cotant I coe colour, conse the fntion| RO thee Raary, rms, Rubwere. rie S. fumes ae) =H, ste ston 8,89 B48, Palm hy f Ot + Pe ny we coe sc inch he fant GO) of Ea O82) nt costa ese, chan tay are ren Seino whe Ecker cinder of nd ane Wt” Wael cL, Coat om 1 “Than th banda xian (82) takes th form ea ym r rucracm « | So nga) stisies he Helder cnon on Lan” epaely te pea ‘Sat, hen gare pone a rr— hs ey oP) matey ai Te Clr ————— Baath vamnateer din ae aad a Lrlr—— iz em mag. Set a a ‘8 oo ‘eat at tee op et Sa ‘laud igen eS tt ec ae eee merece Hou ienenae tha meeet thd et a oe ce i ae nt et toe (Cr ee oe ee eo Rete tee ne Stet neon ot i tea, Mn+ =f at ihdde eat, — 09a) pee the ott and ther ofthe pint +m ca Lav atitry. The, nme and B68), hs abi ein of comtant SEH TOAS o T. 999) sae Pe eae mpd on ie, 6 Under th tanurmatin 99, Bg (893) bere 0+ BER ow It ona ich yb en ne nO+ ERO =) 099 srigcthuesenselecte teins tyme Se eS Reon satisly the Holder condition, weit eat ld = hf ue “whl, foe Ts a, an [BEE A -o. ‘Then fom the complex mjigt Ee. (898) Stl ate fine ea A fist eget oy) ow costae fm B90), mh we ~ nom B-1-nl) 38H New, ton Tiare te 0 efltsy been scopy arg pest dregeana corre Ai toge ere m0) 1 eee ne Senieingmmerentenseanatanny nents apntiring hen ena Wl) =f +a talamarphi ation, wt) 08) GLa Semcon an en he a Tayo an Sk. vst El ay) fe oo Mgt + LE yl erg tn pla ais ein and eminent SESE tn Pts Go a BOB) wy Sontag) 2 See) ety thsi stint Sp) a 0) poi 7S 2a eptine mice Agree eit Sica gi sd, on Bae. 85 2, oa Be Senaheae PT PSE Gator ony Te san! nay ar ie games area Pee, 9910) tan tah stn ar ge fan eno 8 9219 = nt FR —FO)= 2+ ona say. By eth sit hoe wed for he at bie te {sry and yl saad on he anemia that = ot — ahs [HEP ons) w= = oa) fer a6}. Whim Saini and X,Y, 7. aot al ez he poten {Shy Be ted toe peng case a han efor th. ae fEg pots hve meni ne fh pao se ‘lip e oan alae pte, a exam of the section of thi coe ts Si a ‘Bice Sbjered foaled toon T's int) That 6 sy is pla sss a sty gen sothat, oer E3585) 05% ar, Pao, won suing tat In (P)-~0 sc the stresedibtion int alee thy $i ete th thpn conte with snes (Urn), Om) ‘supped an tothe et cel ft bythe astro Tencaaecr fj oe eenct, tea sta pees rama vec o ] i fe E set ‘yen nen agate ee 6 ss have an Bas (95), (3940) md 404) nO=2 nab. ws =a (04 fend ws in nin = a etic ll a Ta cae On ier aere coe ssf RPORER ta faba fe EE TG mah ete teendary ra of Fae AB) fenFajna Ri [F [rvoene se cct rt te uy tn GS ee ees SSSR Sela ees 7 mand Ber: yp 4 35010. —EX Sean eee es 2 tah — Ye na | CRRA TET eS ee ‘he St and fut of Bs 45.4), whew ==, Ve fFoena-no, ozvee few B= 2 f rorewierray 0d PO) eva fom #0, By aking the stat eran yaene Aj=are, omen] sof ment at arn) here wa ome tso8 8 moe ag i) tet arent om ferorundemtin. ozece Fromientena, 1. spre stir os eo Jrtonena-es, oxeas, Jlorterirao, o> (os) mses + Jet —encef someat banat} sg 8) ea er he ng 1) ad teh cone POSSESS ST Cag a we tnd ea ok Ewe . Fid= (28/0 ft ~s9heon4y + ejee-wptajeoar nua} When fy) amnion pear this spin cn be rede ke sii, sing tian 7a), esa fo= VEnenen wa 72 LX Susan and Sane Cae Tse ey, Set sextet exons forthe cmponet of ste sd placenta hen ‘nn by ean of ay 54) te pata wen ” soning that herack eon nt an aio sml-axs2(t—) ean "W's ties pn cust 2 ho adetton a Pao he mec of tsmmtitate mil th emai bang fo exter ste eo ‘Siesarfrm- The boundary edo on 20 a wean se ono, [s>e. 1 pan symmt so that (an even fnctn of we ave fen the tad oo Ea (8.8), 22 YE fFPeansanty, oxrse fReestnamo, 9>6 “hee equtins may be ve fr J) by means fe sel quoted above 22s Stount top has of scl cane gen By Seon ‘Vi. Real potential methods, 1, Pron's pean fants, Parse hs wed dompecton of Se icy oss acon ben petunia nts fell table The eed ‘Roly sped fn protien insring secant tus or ie seed ‘ntl Esapd tonne mnt ns el dines ne Talkie nite Tee daleial bed oye the ha pune #0 ~ Tie stows eat te Alyse fnctin 2) saying the be relate re and a any aro fons. Sabiaing for a as (282) thd Wh mo Sy one te os mans Beh age ageing ieee th on Spat ath wn sate) ia NRE ‘ha, ing Se xeon the stints tr plane ai ‘ntgiating, we her the pnt of Gegacenat ean HB (9) tron Bisa Marg rol een on sete LL! ne RAT GLI he arin amoe feet Ho. (82) ad (8) aay oA ‘yoo te capers of ts pion ot ma ah ‘vero by ssng lap ar a Sees mage infacee ton “ taen foo. Roane tao, matin ‘Te vot te me atl ee ihe fa ie onthe romainder of ie dain to that ae Ul psy ten Semester and Eee a Re seats, 85) “he ss compensa ami Be enon the Bale ad 0 Tea" a stint he plete neeaty fxm tnt Tr TOS cei te fs fe comer pntn ta or SS a vo tangetes bundy sae ple. Fee tars mathe sued tive at sad er ory vag enn Th the ed ‘Std tao fal we staat atthe Gopacment vanes at [mag ee a dapltenet onthe Socnday gv ty ae ee Wepat rig feon va sing theft fp, (485 wh the Redary ois we ind the tin rele“ 5a) (af) en: ee eee wo» 2 fowanarte[ronooaye, _ : 2 fervsinasan [horsnas’ay. wa 2 fermenayee froninay ty “o se the fst hounary value jbl we Sit sole that 2px bo sash ie te Spat Ta abo to, tings eit bse _— amma) #m0. ‘se contin are enw with the fet of Ea 485) ba method sme {Riad Sine ste Sattons (et) venestefevaty a. (os) epee ioe, es a ame =n sett in “ wee Spat fevsinayin faneaay ay, faa wa Bead frvesasixfeineneyey, Stet enc, ea a Dil, the romaine f the bonny erg Sues Two frp of Sil in a a wth i ci. ee hiya boahie+i) Aefinsthe pi vrata (9) fn wh sobamheeony, pera 09) 1 his ae the blpane 0 mapped ota the smn stip >, Inc, the agmeat #0, [y]-<8 eerpending t0 £0, 9|< 2 and =, Y>8, <8 compan to 820,43 Bilt courses (9) ae dtd by beatin) (502) ‘Ths ransfermation maps the al plane « 00 othe fie sip =F <0, wicca The eral #4, cts tothe ne E= ficlndode s0eyohye—ttet—t qty Heol bot at ‘er any emia andocation the iene ations, Boe Dat ‘nec face of in aew vs ed "Poe tnd condone oo «0 a, Soen Bae (0, (03) lip tne & an fel by Es 504) the eontons bem Frh Boo Fed, Sno too aaa. 1 ly) sn een fein of eer of he ferme ian, (504) 0 08) FLX Smesoonand D8 Bean Cal Tyee. eS. se then (06 ce he ian amen sic sting the bundy condone, Sn, IFfp) ec aocn rpotd ySo o e HomrEabsv—v, on t=, Ean (508) ote taal 9 oon The se compo on infty th nd 92 of tn ech ja he enc When he dopacsnt on 0m bumetea oto) Sea SNS lat tate ede Sue ome (READ ASS At hn Sere ae tne be blast sear ogi sco When ot SESE tore ae i) Bayern) = bers, by Fou ana, Sel At See aeliisty o Sutin te oct (040) fa. (506) and revesing the one of Snmainiens fo expres E ie emesis. la) 4 he al pits USepunt hiding «mo of # fof ln how fc oo E Sa msec wo ss Me nr ae on 8 sete eae meme a SEE Rr wlam was aigtonnee eccceae aeeerteenteceeere Wy)=aew9, deve. hich iat the ona 504), the ely naa cst Hig =A. Subate {Ss Gta pom te petal fn * mA Stent — 28) (5083) ite at erm ses to linia ses nit at 20, y= 2d Ape ‘om a bizar constant commending ton nel andy Sepocaion OS injectate ae (004) 4 te bipennate sem 9) een by By (502), the oa conta (03) bee, ee a {bs ving teint srs an ale th dems of (ue the olga 9) ahs a ~ 40 that (0 an the ale go REY matte i at ‘mens Retr wth eet fo. Wi na en ton a —Lrt—se and for an odd function 7 7 fesse Fasaunaren. ong ‘Teter to ada a ha sight a if Ea 501) one to ai nite ‘Niassa th corms of Se pth ms ie cordate, “Ao | abbeteet be lerty= ate) ‘hi pron i fective whan fof he form 50.4) 0 (05) baths st deed expen Then pop ly Pubes rea cewek 1) ot ag waiter te ay ean, geome xl ped ty te cae am ite ration JOH AO yh, ~Bex ‘present the Legente fc ofthe fie a sen nd expect tie eument Pra) mat 2 ca nt (a remot m0 fai one of he pcp sre of the extra sate x noma othe er, the leno Hn stoi ating orn fl ier ll te ter Oo icp sra be atc bythe peas of he ek ut th ara om Se eb aor hl cl en ‘Serang dacanoe. Tous tbe mip tes which mel be sere! te We ‘rnanng 13; tes wih me ITE need ot be Seed Te(sahy) or sah), T3lsnh = TEtiany) sey — oo TB) = Ten) 8 by +1) —3 hy. 18 emily shown int if and a sto of Lariceseqation the cements ay teeny the equ FEES +0— scape 1 seh yoo 2 w=} [EE —anaatysna Psyc], gnu) (os Ween sebel Shee oem teavanatbaling suet meas) = GMS M4 Lake [Semty—f) azn eta Vath rte ond (ow) eee ; paige wa eens amherst at rack, a. E, Dynamical problems. In oe dco pc peens in fe mate thay of eatety| See ie eS eh ‘eta now coe ely ne proc in whch vy sh tine tat dram sts af setup In ety By ar he greta nay of ont lb ten Se the there he propaga Steyr, esl ye eh rin yc le {iy ar nen ne tl rc by 8 Bens WM is sod STR Fasae ia Vou NUVI of th Boeyoptin 1. Blati waves. patho a Sem, Slee fa we may wt he pardrReniare rere se vO $08 1.x. suasnon an. Ben Th hadnt Keys ‘wher dest te pact ver, P the bay force, th ent and 2 Ip le Law's hate cmt if oe whe te tey ue Pe Pm endo + cue oa) ‘ten tdi 4 salar fenton eda veer we wit wnat ty 5) Fortis epmtton of he dighsin vor we have diva Pp, ms Sting rom Eg (702), (75) an 7 to, wl the elation Pend g ex) ++ plead) + pgad + geal meget + ih ay bwin nt om sailasanrry +0832] +onfpme ree 2 sna ther tos that he vector eatin 70.5) of thegains| ‘tain roid tht pad pate nat Se soon ofthe egans uty) ve (ms wo repetvly, whee (wa so up nm tment me ay eSgiiG) eater orca eas cee eer Sie 8 liana wae tng ae ‘aioe sists Sele rh ec ta ‘cttw eat 9 falas ‘Seg ths ate lina wane ot ne: har we a See ceca gcc wa cesce Heecumsne cerhecemee Base eeeseieyar eae mattis ahs Aloe enn |e ws) cr ro as ty, - ovo ‘Bowing that f=) wha 9B, esha further be od hat the ratio [Sipe ot cbt’ ga te Vorwos td Foie mata ; te form st eh wee 109 "a cn nt tin ena ane el nay hee way ae en thong ties, ‘'atty i i genoa move epost ices wave of me type eo Sham pave sae may great to eft abd abated wes ts forsee beaut of th they te eae led to Btu's ‘Sc ia Vol RLVHT of Eneydopeta oa fuer secant of tees {a tht ape tena olen the reader shoal rae Ca ‘ano, lesion lpn de nes Sami Progra at, 139) ‘nt homoge ares sito inte exer ay tibet Ye pind peri of eran Sr ft wan roogness oftware of utes, tnt stich ete marc waves wer be propaga in the neg of Shandy of smc sal Wes Shouse sae wats nt et ‘ro stor 1, Revkch mam, Cone now mini wd 0 wow ay SESE met va a bag posed ong the ren Teer srt ne esl’ of Bg, 709), ich mayb oo Qrruh ta enavw wu wn agreinont, or or he ston (712), Pram (etude ead =— (Pa tintes 0, Ferg ements, A) SE = - ee ageeine os) Subetating te fons phe veto uation of maton (744) an wring Eihtompatet fr we can te rene [det (¢- ign Hed arama, ms ot ea, on Hoang ats @—aieamo ona) ‘ul eimintng end yor te fest an hd f then we fn hat 0-4 glee elt a)lt—a}ene noe, ous) a-f-gje 4-9 om tng a a1 we fd ht ymin tw Be tin we ieuancennnns ou sd puting ang 8 (78) we Sn hat gin and ence w= (tanto ca es ou outing Ea (7110) a (744) we tin tr tion = (4,0) ao nia teen usa sreacientsciennernn ous Fortis gloat vet ya cetngfinen—(G—a]eermferens, on) (gale —ancesfem—e, ou) 11h te han #0 1 a aG—(S—2)eCy (geaeq—am tet nd uti we ba Be ata (G-fenson chy te tn Ea, 09) ae i b-aast-ath- at le an tn a és ies dfn by “Tho Bg, 6 eh option fo he eter ‘Bint of tbe ray of te aren ies Sa Sele oe ‘penton yl) wee tat f= (5° ft swag ha Sty i cot keen Od. Fr amp fe Poser ao FS aad Be. (76) tees MP2 seo. Emel sh ey sent ave $234.25, The vl of stan tee bs SRB a9106, ‘the corpo vas ofthe ae 08058, OBIE feo" —as7new) angle ef, Sa Alosirsers— save) cngte— ef) “The tert th a ahd ary many and tears dono ad uaa Sure wave of hs yp mee tat sce By Lond Rar an for tat rsun ar rly call Rela ae lj mrt, tier sil pe of rae wav av tess pic Se of int meals ster ye, clot Let Wa pps Love ‘Shoned donbewens ot ie ape * = 0.Mojeeint, (hero) ms ar ere aay thre and V ae fecine a sale. Wo sal is snscnid eters to ‘ner the ter ner seated et the lowe eta or te paceman vst (724) we bse dive, Frum (Siar chert 1 that stung ine vet (4) me i tha Vu dsinegs + Bemoet. Sins in he region 20 we have a aco ws a1, 6) Now the pyc anion tht a te cotinoas aco Slat empath Hones ¥ and (Be) mat be coflanee ess pant dijis—o at = hoo thal we obtuse atone Aesogh + Bsneph=0. [liminang A, B,C fn thee eqestions we find tht ¢ most be such that SRE Ata el Commi eae al ich ream to een) ‘he ego fr tha wn Give ena iy eco ae = elon er an Sonal eee by Ue oqstine “ Ve temlegte+} (beac, | Vamasieghiew 0) Fan ay ott! ey a 02) 0 rr iy of euch waves in srt wi i conserae portance fn opts apn fey see thee appears o bea tat aut {ah in pas ppt in ath at he Se fe ea (about) ial he aac). Youll elcrved rm B72.) hat (ma Rayigh mar) the pend ‘ot yrpupaton af Lave waves epson the maven mio he wee So Tt pein a cr 173 Popaatinn of alae wares im lade Tn idl crate eg 3 ow any mie tat pga Sampara wt a ss easly sown that SEE) on snd ae Aa te a Weng th tos o nein nthe for Ba. (5.8) +a) gnd— pout mo eon ha ta et yee G+ 2 alte ee ne dap Aa ee, OEE ag ee a oe We sal om dics lly the ten tyes of lle ware which may be wouter ama, tron. England saa 1) oven! we. fw sea hat 2) u=0 0d tha, independent of Pion oe (34) eat sie, geo ond (Se +) oan festa tn A sen Poet tne we ne ” fom Ea (73.2) ha A Saatiting te ess into ap {Et Gua) ad at ya tated Mentaty Ey 3.) bc, ee ee ee ween os end tat 9) iss te ein dient eatin Seat os sage aun Sc # on teat 09 fs th in SUreeysor Bi) =4h ose ee i ot at manners oy ema dying ed Ses ooorrnon a veo ret) tr Ben Hence if ah o te Boeing sac r= of he ede hen, sme ih tt ve ie ny shor tobe peat om nh ah egtin ent =2h0. oso thse lacy = of he {Bad op) a oun oe emale(shcf est oi try whic ts atop ty fhe ca war 1) Latina wave, nt m0 so a od senda fg ios tm fh) at =o tat EY (ce A denen od 3) a (3.8) haces ae on = = Sh wn . 7 “ Ziq eeren 3a) (tN Suen a 5a: FeCl Thuy ay Sc 1. where R and Z a tants ofr alee, Ue, tom (73.2), we eta the Anes ER sigzieuen, 9 aeyn eR —zyeurn, wan 1 we site the expen it, (3.48) (347) find tha then ane qantas by eres et Re dmbiban +B san Za dighian + BiNinnimr Km) 2) re ant B constants nd a ni yes aefoe da Goe cosy Tomy te rnb 0 en ra mt ae satan item ses aye ht hn gi nd it 4nd bas —4 hell +28 Ki sare bua + Bar 2) hie ~0 nnatg A nt om heen i ion bef) aaa nae ie mae i ning he tgyny wd wv ef th, ses he te of te ‘hinder andthe te wave velo ofthe Sol Tibet er yaaa iene Bod ects snp be a ta he er emegit— Erte 3s} utc = Be and Poson’s ato, “The E75.) na fet dese by Pocus ad Canes. The app stirs 3)" a ed hyena by sorgy consti IE ny cm Sov fn end a ae a cmt fh eu ere ote eon papers orto pp. 94068 of He Reuss tes ‘Woes in Sexo 95) Fegan: fn ange: as A 088 — cme Qe J. Pow 20 _pSbioe ct tne beer Pe ace sare os Ty Suan 8, NL, 9.382 Lodo, ole ses epi as wi ne us 4) esr! wae te theese offen a al hsee component of the oplagment rer ae nanan and ch te dene ote, ha pes oh the anlar = (Wena, ing Won peers 29 whee, VW afte ons, eid hat Aa[U tL Ost vs temper —— gsan +44 ¥), comple = 7 sing 4 ow fam Ee (34) 8 3 we ave ¥42u) ote 9) ee 8 ey ei of 3.2) at may ke An SA hinricagenin as hs A cmt of gti. In tr ay ly at amc inn BEL an gemer, evn baC hiansa ewe oss hee ad Cae crane of inertia ody th econ of Eas hhh Ege oa nt Py cn thn ated by alg Um Am Kian) + Bye Koh +6 i, on wan oo eK em rid. oss 1A ro Kot asso Now ite endl sare fs om ations we mst have 9, = = “nf we ste he daar vec (835) The HS nga Ge A), ce SM ‘find that he boundary itn re equ oth eaement hat en Poe wna(l + sigmao, (30 r-iwan sn fquew: os ih a4 aaah IC oe mts fom 2 1938) into Bix (30 to G38 we cbt Gre sass gr oats wa fering 4B and limiting 8, fom the eas we otin| Ins Phan) —2 2 Fear) Inieal—1 (eco 4 eo) v ini, 2 AEE be gi nae oe Semeske Sie Seer ig eee ie cet aia ee eer heen eyo aeee eaters 30) (i=l), bt by expanding he Se tom of ech ofthe Beal fe (etd ws dace carer by Beceunon "Asso ume eo {stn bond on Baron sala he ben pb by HUTSON 14. he generation of lac waves by ay fret We sal oie he wot of Sing the dyes see pees inane mea of EGGS ct by tment ty fc we new te . oa scat wh the taney ting th eet of popagatin of Poni esas APACE ha ey et tn arernees rena aay [Beyer fe ypal pnt the soled dente Ge tl ele ‘eet 30) a fora meena peso, ahd plea 2a) cas) B= tate sa oc A Cg Bet oh tot Be {fete nace a To tn toe ve tone oer tne We sl ete Fn wae of nton 9 pcng ert the, ter rds Titel [Hemmer tins eener O45 it son | pheredY dey dad and Fuentes heen espace. wily Ee iro B (3) by way gra et ee er {ea-Zblos liye, tener = p04 end that By 74210 (744) at opulent tthe ences HEB oP — ocr, 9 Pim Ad oats, 68. wan caer oa) ‘by meas of which the For roo 8 of he components of ses od Belacenent cant dete i erm of Phe Four transom the “Samper of the bly fore ‘Sching thee eget we tat the Four tans of the com ‘ponents ofthe dopaamest vectra gen by the equations ei Co he dei by 08) at tte a) Sia Foi two fh ong of es gen by te Le FO ys (i on Hay DP a tgieey — ef cto aT). can To obtain the ceepenting exes othe apne of he dice ‘pet wctr wa a io Foun integra ret fo dena enh Sati fo) sted mma Pinan cy fs iadeo (ties -bex}eW 413) i addi a te ni ct averting E(t re we i thatthe cmp of he alate men ve a gat ae | REGROUP rig tone apap averting the Bq, 7444) by mens of the Fourie integral then, we fd ht Sampo fh sae ese even by ee og fae or xen ietonaw, EN Seon Fat! Ann Yoo he pia 29 958 M48 3 Semeonand $n TC Thay ey Se 7 Fm tes tinny B48) an (440) pie suet tng ate te re len Sinus the satin often of motion inti oe Wah Eedhbutim of Sly fees gan al yet 'may be ola by ‘an fate ogres with ea fe form Fehenetns or det oft stn nd of be parler sued by te when the Say fr PP aume ai sme fms the seer eed 9 the ‘apr by Hason, Foto so Seopa above 1 Boundary value problems of dynamic elasticity. Ze lei ‘We hl ow cle hin of dy ae any tay. It eon eit that sine fo poets eee aed “fe mehr osu re erect ont ‘hry ft cml ae se tenn integral tunes The er tare eked Sapte ely to teen pros and the [cea tanoon meta mah apps to edict! rb, ‘e's snpe rete fwerdntnaalcm For the ene Sal ‘ett our ttn the ce ane iin whch eget of tion Sse a alte 4 28 von als + 8) othe vs Notay=o sa) tc tn vy of rae ee by Ha (0 she Dien the Seto sp 5) th eet 03, end wh sen 0 and abst me Sa at 8 Bem te frm o) ss) Adin. tendo etn, wn hat aie tectalt (et 16 Th como varia tol. Ia the sce we consider api cgi ease tbe ohn 0 eben ef aul aes FHA Raso Qa AP Ma 28 (56. 8 st ecm ae me, “9 cig, re ie. (559) the foe (ee 69 sn hat it we satiety fe ex an ois tio & con ough the equine 4 sa rn heen wh at eta Rte— 8 69) ee eae (rap pot Be) no os Weft sy ying om 5) G3 (2—yB)r— 4 Blo~0 os ‘cn a of hh ns that 1 th ae cet he Airy "meets ou tenn to prob a wich th Garin indoenoes extend ils aly pnd rsa we may mre ecu nay. 60) Teansoring the B, 765) 0 ewe aa a y wend that can Be ities Oe oon (ies) —aalom8 own smibmiyt 3, smipenilt Shh say nerf ace he tn Bh 78a 69) at seacen a ee, gta mae 069) etn Seta ee. ss0 we oo et acttan aoeton 600 we fod hat (167) ps he atte aR) +KG) +AU + RCO m IROL) + Red] 640 “pyar EES bal kr late soon pe wed it tem ReE HAAR THUAN, Slosmmura srt tes ect 2B ves) Stating tee exprenins Sto Ege (75.2) and tating. we oan he a wee Re la) +H + ADA, 6.10) nate) + SPL a] ain for the nonemnihing components of the deptcement vet, Satting ‘Seo in tar nate ie Ep (8) we Ba tnd ton2in{artoys “3H mi}. gs ) mpi Roos tin ft aaa a 36.18 6.9) to ( ‘ital umeyed Noses apn a tae Sess of es UNS'Samin een with one fovinely sed by Swaroon Ieee id= ~area Rei-— 2th eta s mh vs ORL SS SELL ay cae pe siesta aes fe Siodls maie tt Ss Scere eepmrpmaeetenar ‘Taking he ans alog the Flmdary we may sncone boxndary concn of : Gane em, 59) fe, y=0. san) ating 90 n Bq (7548) we Sd that, (7620 i sid we tke ames tame Riga — ier Sting is exreien ito Ba. (7:14) we ain the exon SHARE EAA) — 4A {bg mma sy 40 hatte day oan 149) 1 atl 2 gape, i Hee fm as (766) a (7517) west he ston += orien [Paar Pe. oo aaa +P) ~ 2P) secs apr am ins of nea Sb atin Ru ee a stg tint pepraimgermone aie wane ao lh uti omit ang see re = ma merge ae era aaa sue ciaaire semis ne an ome stm cay wet cot grote i th mn name (btn $9040 rs28 om Ein gs, 582292 og, ‘820 si oe amo ed Coe a ey tl Ye ee eee Zieh mae Syed one ean yme spain game ct en mas Miniaeaeaaes Rotana ion Siar one ee. SE Re ee Typeset ti Lt on adenoma ant att sf fissnemmsces gna {a begun soi h o 1al 8. tmahitybat She eae ns ne aa eT oh Siisgat nan Tr Wid ee oar wt he aad? Sa he anny io tn per venan on or on oro ora Tex0)= atin pote by an eg ean de nee SES RRE SSIS pectin pe taspaat seat ae ere we Base writen ewe subtte am Bap 75) 9 777i E73) a (74) we bain parr Sn Oly BAZ edo rie—wh — Duet G- HHEDE =, ona (= ieDa+ e—par+ DaIEmo 79) fort determination the Foi astro he component othe displace ‘erate tn tear equine have wren, ar bore, (LS y's enn Se eguaon me De pt inte Seon (Oa D9 G5) =0 ons us aR ane por on “he stone of the E710 a lometary grat st omic yt BB tit oy re gt ra ty ae eee eee ete ertarsees mrt emery pues re wa be ad ne sarpealea ame gay mm gers oa as ee. AEB. EAy= im on) use tins forth costant ze po by the boundary eonion (ora wes tsa farm re eal (315-168, -y= ~FE0) os8 (pa—ien 745) “he sto Bap. 7718 30 0738) roe th fone lea egin fo Belo of eg, "Sag tm gations we fd tn tat Linas, 66.0) = P= mm 739) Satan thee cntant nt the Eg 742) and inverting hn exes thse by rnc f etd omothe Fowe tap te ‘rohan ly the express Liew itames} emanate, Lien enenemeendtto or he cmon oe depacenent eto sae “eb gst rm, a FF. Theemoclasiciey. 1 the pring sections of th atl teen asm tht th atc ‘ds eng domed are apt a econ tenpertse fe he ae oe ‘Sha ena the steno mt fp an ny endergdiag deal song 7. Te bse equtione of teresa. Unter fe thermal expan nope tdy termes tin whe pone telenel we a ‘rhognal Cato aero) Se sped by the Syne ina, a) ‘in wie @ denotes the tpt chang re, the temperate of he ie "a tate sas and Sa, a des th cfc fa oop che sitcom that 0 sacaiy sal for he ered psp ‘he tel romain enstan ehvaghont te tees in wich wae eee inn of te omponent ng of Se lacenentweloe he toed nes 1m he ao gine te spun r= Ayn Bam) aa ier ym ects the pal dente Sus, Th total ln made op ‘tn tht tin andthe due ain ols cmpannt oe peel ty the anton Pst aa aT os) rer 1 ae cmp of he ie es ao sa ‘seo tho pip sree, a Las ti cosas othe Sabinting fn Bes Gf G03) ote epi mend ‘we obtain the tensar equation renee nme taal ado oss Seyret ee cpt of te et val w= Gd=y0Ay+ 207, os imi dann he sta m sO1+20) on ize sean eran yo er pin (6 lel te “Th temodmunic was dering the sate ofthe dite si ae ie Seman) a he hte os 9 ym ‘Bopper ul wotme of he ode ge bye cin smeane(t +) +04) 3s TER Wap a a 30 958, wes the ative ott, old he dltlon ofthe entropy as bon ‘tet in he eto ero nthe frente tne he eustin p Weityed teach sec nt pot massed indepen of ‘entre ie ly of te eget tempat 7) yi deed SES vf sn a Fn tn dia rt ee shy oss) fox the eazony er wit vom, 20 hat the quantity of Meat arb bent ‘hte of eid the ome of smal lets and Sal rast a ements go by he rma Bea TemeedsyTd as) Sow its kno fm te theory of the caedaction of a cbs that the of aerate tino atop salt pve ty he equation Banaese a) wher th tat sonata ang the quant a at oe (eyelet fate thes Salting om Bg Sta tog OS) sel gy Tt apete oy we introdace the dy : sw an wre thi gets athe fom anmesony (74) wine @= ee =r Ties “Tyco th oto Ua eqns we hve he pst mod 2 a rust eR et (78.45) he i) enn et te, erated iitcSzaioelan ailing Sonat mvel SST Tin eon emt Bg 72), 88, (0) and uit Cred tS Th pets thy cont Ghote een nt ent em nt ae SMELT fhe oe mena ebm tn preg acon oo te ae ow Fue as tine ne mates pala SENSES ee cee es SED ee ey meng amt tem SOMES GUT 2 Bsfrwtdray inca me eet Xe ae msi = (= 21480) +2 2) oy 2a a wa ms) ne have wien sr (ah he wll of Smee the i f= (2p the ger ef he ate ley of Pane Aha of rave ta ms of Passos aa ait 9. 0, Stearate pir, 1 the body ors ad he bat sas ae Ge it Ue sic eee ae ate thn the To ‘Sonia Ee O80, Ge) ahd trans tte Samar ted POS Bae os) are +eno, a syst eR =o. = Wg Ea, on eto te Yoon’ mats an te Pca sd—(-td. ean ei tm eye wy tin 0.0), $s Ua rtm at ted os Tost gun ona rd tee tt pi ere SPS Se Dace car ora Slay ae note on Iweting ees) nt 8) nea ha te eon on 9 Eae—reqatyed)m0 seta ve dom pat m0) won tere mal fs) the dnlcmen neste dined Wy Ea. (09) i Tota of te any atte equation f temic. Ba 0) at arial irons -aiaf eh Sesotho ete ert a ue or enn ot oy 1 rt de te Reel an th elses ebony To ie ciate sett beet eta taaeee art ae eee Geis ee ae aos

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