Proposal Impacts of Motivation On Employee Performance in Retail Industry (Tesco)

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The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on

Tesco PLC)


Today, working a business is altogether mind boggling when contrasting and the customary
past business operations. There are varieties of difficulties required to confront routinely in
order to bring on the business functions successfully. As of late it is distinguished that there
are two live gatherings who straightforwardly decide the presence of any business and those
two gatherings are customers and employees. Thus of that present day showcasing capacities
and human asset administration ought to require to be overseen in more propelled way when
contrasting and other comparable elements of a business. By considering the above situation,
this specific research is directed in view of the fundamental segment of HR administration
setting which is employee motivation and how its effects on the employee job performance in
light of retail part particularly in UK. The analyst is led in view of the Tesco PLC which is
the chief retailer in UK.

At first the researcher presented and analyzed the foundation certainties relating to the
research and literature review performed. For the examination purposes, both primary and
secondary information considered in any case, the scholar confronted bit confinement of
dissecting optional information accordingly results of this exploration profoundly adjusted
towards the primary data investigation and its unwavering quality stays in the higher position.

Data analysis in view of 30 representatives who as of now employed in Tesco PLC. An all
around structured questionnaire has been utilized to gather information and investigated
utilizing measurable information examination methods. In light of the got comes about it is
recognized that there is an impressive relationship exist between employee motivations to
improve employee performance. Aside from the fundamental results of the research
examination; it is recognized that occasionally worker inspiration methodology has not been
extended among every included representative and therefore of that there are slight
downsides additionally happen in the perceived performances of employees also.

This examination has been additionally affirmed that the current hypothesis which is
employee motivation is fundamentally vital for execution of representatives and authoritative
execution also. However representative inspiration ought to be similarly dispersed among all

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

workers to make it more outcome situated. These results gotten through this particular
research examination.

1.1 Introduction

Having cream of HR in a business from a general public prompts ceaseless development and
achievement in any wander today. That a lot of significance created for HR administration.
The greater part of the refreshing organizations have slanted to consider clients and workers
have uncommon significance than others in current business patterns, for example,
developing rivalry. Employee motivation or progression of the conduct of the workers with
the authoritative condition turns out to be fundamentally imperative. This situation centers to
be explored through this particular research examination partner the retail business in the UK.
Tesco PLC is one of the chief retailers in the UK and it's relied upon to analyze the qualities
and shortcomings of worker inspiration practices and its impacts towards the hierarchical
execution. There are different components influence on the worker inspiration, for example,
rewards, work configuration, workplace and resource allocation and so on (Snell and
Bohlander, 2012).

1.2 Background of Study

Having clear and exact comprehension of the foundation of the examination is essential
before proceeding with it. Expanding aggressiveness in the market among retailers wind up
plainly genuine with the concentration of enhanced customer services for maintenance and
pulling in new clients. In this matter, performances of workers are necessary. Motivated
employees are happy with the association that they serve. There are two methods for
accomplishing worker inspiration as either fiscal or non money related prizes. Clearly the
greater part of the UK organizations, particularly retailers perform assortments of
representative motivational techniques under the above essential two strategies (UK Gov
Website, 2014).
As the vast majority of the people think and propose, employee motivation is bit hard to
embrace in this present reality as it firmly identified with observation what not. Along these
lines, worker inspiration is conceivable, yet there ought to be impeccable key strategies to be
connected. Through this specific research examination, it is relied upon to assess the viability

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

of worker inspiration on the execution of representatives partner the Tesco PLC which is
premier retailer in UK.

1.3 Organisational Background

Tesco PLC is the considering association for this particular research examination that
possessed more than 300,000 representatives and there are more than 3300 unique sorts of
outlets around the nation. The Tesco presently centers to expand value sharpness, wide
cluster of items accessibility, enhanced quality and impeccable customer services. As needs
be an as of late created idea staff and administration, stores and organizations, range and
quality, cost and esteem, brand and promoting, and snap and blocks which included staff
also and there are 250,000 representatives in UK have been chosen to give preparing
programs. This will expand the aptitudes and capacities of workers to do their doled out
responsibilities (Tesco PLC, 2015).

Figure1.1 Tesco PLC Official Logo


1.4 Rational of Study

As per depicted by Cohen and Manion, (2007) worker training is considerable from different
viewpoints, for example, organisational performance increase, development of employee,
industry development, services improvement and there are different positive outcomes will be
distinguished all through this specific research examination. Consequently this exploration
will address a large portion of the conditions of business, for example, temperate, social,
political, innovative and so on. These all give confirmations to affirm this exploration is
rationally acceptable.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

Monsen and Horn (2008) portrayed a research ought to be noteworthy so as to proceed with
it. By this research examination, the workers of Tesco PLC will profit because of receiving
most recent motivational procedures, the specialist would have the capacity to expand his
expert and individual capacities, the clients or society would be experience better
administrations from representatives and so on every one of these legitimizations depict that
this specific research examination is advanced with noteworthy elements required to proceed
with this research.

1.6 Research Aim

The aim of the research is defined as below.

To identify Impacts of Employee Motivation on Job Performance On Tesco PLC, UK

1.5 Research Objectives

Notwithstanding the above indicated point of the exploration, the beneath targets are
characterized to accomplish while actualizing the research (Lancaster, 2005).
To identify employee motivational strategies of Tesco PLC
To talk about limitations of employee motivational strategies of Tesco PLC
To measure relationship between employee motivation and employee performance of Tesco
To provide suggestions to improve employee motivational strategies of Tesco PLC

1.6 Research Questions

The beneath inquiries will be replied in the end phase of the examination as a technique for
affirming the relativity and precision and one of a kind stream of from the start to end.
What kind of motivational systems can be identified in Tesco?
Are there any constraints of motivational methodologies of the organization?
What are the strengths of employee motivational strategies of Tesco PLC?
How is the employee performance condition at Tesco PLC?
How to improve worker motivational condition at Tesco PLC?

1.7 Scope of the Study

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

There are different methods for enhance worker execution in an association. Be that as it
may, in this exploration, the analyst very centered around how worker inspiration could be
utilized to enhance representative execution. Indeed, even this relevant any association, the
specialist looks at it with retail industry picking Tesco PLC in UK even there are different
associations. As needs be, the extent of the examination is just consider the factors of worker
inspiration and its effects on expanding the execution of representatives and Tesco PLC
representatives have been decided for that from the retail business. This is the scope of the
research examination (Beri, 2007).

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Under this specific section of the examination, the analyst anticipated that would do a basic
survey of the exploration examination as for the factors incorporated into the title, which is
Impacts of Motivation on Employee Performance in Retail Industry, UK; Case Study on
Tesco PLC. Not long after in the wake of having intensive with the initial some portion of the
research examination and before choosing the auxiliary strategy for the exploration
examination, the literature review ought to be done in order to make it successful.

There are sure separated subjects will be utilized to play out a basic review of the research,
for example, employee performance, employee motivation, employee motivation towards
organisational performance, UK, employee motivation in Tesco PLC and a few past research
results as those all make a far reaching writing audit in connection to the exploration
examination. The researcher will dissect the consequences of past related research also
keeping in mind the end goal to have a specific understanding with respect to the normal
points of view of the exploration examination. Likewise, every single section is to be
examined alongside the remarks and understandings of the specialist to make a compelling
survey of the writing relating to this specific research examination (Bruce et al, 2012).

2.2 Employee Motivation

As indicated by depict by Nohria et al, (2008) generally workers have roused in enhanced
routes, for example, culture, rewarding systems, job design of the association, resource

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

allocation, performance management and other incidental advantages, and so forth.

Weightman (2008) clarified the idea of worker inspiration as a drive which pulls a man
through a particular choice, activities or objectives. This specific drive or impact may pave
the way to either inner condition or outside condition. Among the outer elements, social
acknowledgment and developments, scholarly elements, natural truths and some other
physical components are also affected. This is positively satisfactory in light of the fact that
the methods for worker inspiration and strengths are handy matter.

Another remark made by Dewhurst et al, (2009) noticed that representative inspiration is
utilized by different associations so as to build the occupation fulfillment of workers. In the
greater part of the definitions, worker inspiration is characterized as a mental variable which
settles on impacts on basic leadership and conduct of representatives. Spurred workers add to
their own particular manager with their level best and individual's level of ingenuity. Both
money related and non fiscal prizes cause to expand representative inspiration. As indicated
by clarified by Islam et al, (2008) social setting of an association likewise affect on the
worker inspiration because of components, for example, cooperation, companionships,
individual systems, representative relations, collective errands and such things are critical to
rousing a representative. Disappointed representatives on the social settings of an association
is motivation to worker turnover.

Be that as it may, aside from the above remarks, another remark made by Lamb, (2004)
highlighted that when a job designed for the fascinating and testing nature, it winds up
noticeably simpler to advance representative inspiration. Characteristically individual
interests to acknowledge difficulties and developments. In any case, not just these things,
there are different mental elements likewise impacted on worker inspiration. There are sure
speculations also created and having mindful about those additionally increase the value of
this specific critical review.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory

As per remarked by Brophy (2004) Maslow's order of requirements hypothesis is an

outstanding model to actualize worker inspiration. There are five phases characterized that

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

any individual hopes to accomplish. Once accomplished, human needed to consider

accomplishing next need.

Figure 2.1 Maslows hierarchy of needs theory

McClellands Theory of Needs
According to described by Jones (2008) further explained regarding same type of
motivational theory which consists three major components as explained in the below graph.
As per described by Jones (2008) additionally clarified with respect to same sort of
motivational hypothesis which comprises three noteworthy parts as clarified in the
underneath diagram.

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

Figure 2.2 McClellands Theory of Needs

In any case, by having thought about the investigation done by various experts with respect to
employee motivation, all remarks have certain significance and no any remark in regards to
outer matters. All together, the above remarks cooperatively gave a complete thought with
respect to the representative inspiration.
2.3 Employee Performance
The direct and visible implication of employee motivation is that the increased or
advancement of the skills and abilities of an employee. This directly leads to improved
performance of employees. However, having a certain understanding of employee motivation
is vital as it further interconnect with the increase of organisational performance as well.
Accordingly, having clarified understanding regarding the employee performance is very
important. The below set of professional comments are substantial accordingly (Hosie and
Sevastos, 2009).
The immediate and obvious ramifications of employee motivation is that the expanded or
progression of the aptitudes and capacities of a worker. This straightforwardly prompts
enhanced execution of workers. In any case, having a specific comprehension of
representative inspiration is essential as it further interconnect with the expansion of

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

hierarchical execution too. As needs be, having cleared up understanding with respect to the
representative execution is critical. The underneath set of expert remarks are generous as
needs be (Hosie and Sevastos, 2009).
As indicated by depicted by Houldsworth and Jirasinghe, (2006) execution of workers is the
most affected component that will decide the achievement and mirror the accomplishment of
an association. As HR are the primary live asset of any association, inspiration does not
normally happen and certain intercession required pushing up the goal of representatives to
work more so as to get different advantages. This ought to be adjusted legitimately on the
grounds that settings of the workplace and conduct of partners additionally altogether
affected on the inspiration and the execution of representatives. Lundberg et al (2009) besides
clarified that frameworks, forms additionally affected in the execution of workers. Some of
the time, despite the fact that representatives have enough ability to finish an errand or action
adequately, because of inborn obstructions in the set up of the association, both performances
and motivation will be vanished.

According to highlighted by Marques, (2008) adaptable working hours and security

measures, budgetary advantages likewise decide the execution of representatives and it will
be carried on up to hierarchical execution. In this manner, employee motivation changes into
worker execution and in the long run it moves toward becoming as an execution upliftment of
a considering association too.

By considering the over every single remark and comparative analyses, plainly representative
execution, creating point is that the worker inspiration. These two factors are firmly
interconnected segments. All the broke down actualities are dependable and precise in its
particular substance lastly all the above examined segments gave a far reaching
understanding on worker performance.
2.4 Employee Motivation towards Organisational Performance

A definitive necessity for a business is to enhance worker inspiration or execution with a

specific end goal to give better administrations or items to the clients and consistent change
of the authoritative capacities. As center idea based for this examination, it needs to inspect
on how worker inspiration causes to achieve well are performing associations. In like

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

manner, under basic investigation takes significant significance (Humborstad and Perry,
Ahmad, (2009) clarified that organisational performance depends on different components
other than representative motivation. Be that as it may, the most elevated commitment to
enhanced hierarchical execution made by representatives as they willing to check a
noteworthy development in their working styles. Representative inspiration does not along
add to enhanced execution of the association. There ought to be workers performed well
keeping in mind the end goal to approach the authoritative execution. As procuring of a
worker makes different costs for a business, there ought to be a representative execution
driving motivational procedure that will be trailed by authoritative execution. This stream
creation endow to officials or basic leadership groups of any business.

As per Benabou and Tirole, (2003) there are some worker motivational practices, for
example, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational models. It is not ensured that all worker
motivational models prompt hierarchical execution because of its abilities. For instance, even
intrinsic motivation causes to organisational performance, extrinsic motivation does not
support to hierarchical execution. In any case, this is for all intents and purposes adequate in
light of the fact that even a few associations have embraced representative benevolent,
motivational practices, there is no noteworthy development seen in the specific associations.

In any case, by considering the every last remark and its substance from different and
alternate points of view, plainly worker inspiration is a variable that decides the execution of
representatives lastly which prompts organisational performance. Nonetheless, by adjusting
immaculate inspiration centered authoritative execution advancement strategies and
arrangement of works on, including exercises, obviously hierarchical execution is
conceivable. The all above inspected things have relative worthy substance and nearly gave
perfect understanding.

Chapter Three
Research Methodology
3.0. Introduction
As the third part of this research, the scholar expected that would characterize a logical way
to deal with actualize the research examination in a compelling and effective way. In like

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

manner, under this particular section, the specialist will be decide rationality of the
examination, proposed approach, inquire about procedure, test and inspecting systems, data
collection methods and tools, information investigation, information introduction, explore
related moral and different issues and time administration plan for the research examination.
Every one of these things will be vital to actualize an examination in a precise and
dependable way.

3.1. Research Philosophy

Burton and Bartlett, (2009) depicted that significance of characterizing of the most proper
rationality for the research investigation. The researcher has certain thought with respect to
the examination and as needs be reasoning of the exploration examination ought to be
characterized in approach to meet the possibility of the analyst. There are three noteworthy
business related inquires about accessible as positivism, authenticity and interpretive.
Positivism philosophy is identified with inspect on existing social speculations and those will
be demonstrated through experimental examinations. Interpretive philosophy is looking at the
connections among social factors and human conduct in a general public. Authenticity is the
scientist free and driven theory. Among the above methods of insight, positivism examine
logic is appropriate for this examination.

3.2. Research Approach

According to depicted by Saunders et al, (2009) the analyst ought to be characterized the
most fitting methodology. There are two prevalent research approaches accessible as
inductive and deductive each comprises of its own attributes. Deductive research approach
depends on improvement of research related theories at first and those will be approved
through the examination. Inductive research approach is the other way around which implies
research will be done at first and speculations will be created in light of the results of the
exploration. Among these two methodologies deductive approach is applicable due to there
the specific speculations accessible regarding worker inspiration and representative execution
and theory advancement done at first. In this way taking after of deductive approach is better
and which is conform to the above picked reasoning also.

3.3. Research Strategy

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

As indicated by depicted by Thomas, (2004) as research consumes time, efforts and finance
of the specialist and related gatherings, it needs to accomplish the exploration viably.
Besides, strategy of an exploration must be characterized considering the accessible assets
too. There are different techniques used to lead inquires about as systems, for example, tests,
documented looks into, overview, contextual investigations and so on all the accessible
research procedures can be change into either business explore methodology or
administration examine technique. At any rate, by considering the above created measures
and the qualities of the analyst, the technique of the examination will be overview as the
scientist anticipated that would gather information from defined sample.

3.5. Data Collection Methods

As per Fowler, (2008) strategies for information gathering are essentially vital to any
exploration examination with the view to reliability and accuracy. When gathering the
information for the research, there are two attributes ought to be accomplished as quantitative
and subjective qualities. At the point when the researcher centers to gather numerical
information or numbers based information those will be vital to get valuable choices with
respect to the examination and all other non numbers based information which implies
subjective information likewise will be vital to settle on specific choices. In like manner, in
this examination, the analyst anticipated that would use above both information accumulation
strategies in light of its significance. Aside from the data collection tools, there are data
collection tools too, those will be characterized under the beneath heading.
3.6. Data Collection Tools
As indicated by Gill and Johnson, (2010) the scholar characterized the approaches to gather
information utilizing proper tools relevant for data collection of any exploration. For the
accumulation of essential information required for information gathering, the analyst
anticipated that would utilize pre characterized organized poll among characterized test for
the examination. This empowers the analyst to gather set of exact and dependable
information that will show the first picture with respect to the status of the considering
association. In this manner, utilization of all around organized survey is appropriate to gather
information from workers of Tesco PLC. There are different sources accessible for gathering
secondary data for the exploration examination, for example, books, articles, yearly reports,
different distributions, past research comes about, web assets and so forth as devices for the

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

over, any important sources will be utilized. These tools will be given far reaching answer for
information gathering for the examination.
3.7. Data Analysis
As per seen by Pallant, (2007) characterizing of the techniques to be utilized to break down
the gathered information from different assets assume noteworthy position. There are sure
things ought to be considered while dissecting information, for example, the most astounding
consideration ought to be paid to points and goals when performing information
investigation. For breaking down the quantitative information, the analyst will be utilized
SPSS measurable programming while topical approach will be utilized to both examination
and introduction of the information. The researcher expected that would do consummate
information examination utilizing the above techniques and devices.
3.8. Data Presentation Methods
Basically, if the reference groups of this examination couldn't comprehend the investigation
period of the exploration examination, it shows the wastefulness of the information
examination. In like manner, focu the over two strategies, the analyst will introduce the
quantitative infosingrmation utilizing diagrams, outlines, information plots and so forth by
accepting them through SPSS and subjective information will be utilized using characterized
topics as above.
3.9. Research Limitations and Ethical Issues
The analyst could be characterized the impediments and moral issues partner with the
exploration examination keeping in mind the end goal to elevate the significance of its
results. Likewise, beneath constraints and ethical issues are seen by the analyst.

Sample size won't not be adequate with the no. of workers and limit of association yet the
researcher considered availability resources.

Wrong data may be a main issue of legitimacy of research results. While getting to optional
information additionally confront a similar issue. Representatives may decline to answer or
give authoritative and personal information
Use of organisational specific secondary or primary data makes ethical issue.
These are the major issues associated with this research.
4Analysis & Discussion

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

In this specific section, the analyst anticipated that would additionally break down the after
effects of the information investigation performed in the past part. Inside the past part the
analyst dissected the gathered information relating to the exploration examination and those
all not adequate to accomplish to a ultimate results of the exploration examination.
Subsequently, after graphical introduction of the examination information, the scientist ought
to be further investigating with a specific end goal to reach to an official choice. This is
imperative part else it might prompt decrease the unwavering quality of the examination

Notwithstanding, in this part the scholar will be explored the points and targets of the
examination and further investigation will be completed and the analyst will be further direct
a talk creating his own understandings earned in connection to this exploration examination.
Every one of these focuses will be incorporated into this part to meet a compelling,
dependable research result in the following section.

5.1 Research Aims and Objectives

It is important to take after the points and goals which are characterized in the start of the
examination when performing information investigation stage. By evaluating of these points
and targets the specialist would have the capacity to bring out a flawless information
examination through the points and destinations and that will be limit the conceivable
disappointments related with the exploration examination also. As needs be, the underneath
point is characterized at first to be accomplished toward the finish of the examination.

To identify Impacts of Employee Motivation on Employee Performance on Tesco PLC,

In addition to the above aim, there are four major objectives also defined to be achieved
which are given below.
To identify employee motivational strategies of Tesco PLC
To discuss limitations of employee motivational strategies of Tesco PLC

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

To measure relationship between employee motivation and employee performance of Tesco


Clearly the greater part of the focuses highlighted in the aims and objectives of the
exploration examination officially secured appropriately. Despite the fact that the analyst will
be further rely on upon the above particular targets when playing out the information
examination and exchange under this specific section also.

Ahmad, K. (2009). Leadership and work motivation from the cross cultural
perspective, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 19 Iss: 1, pp.72 84
Benabou, R., & Tirole, J. (2003), Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, Review of Economic
Studies, 70, 489-520.
Beri, G. C. (2007) Marketing Research, 04th Edn, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, New Delhi.
pp 05-08.
Berman, B. And Evans, J.R. (2007) Retail Management: A Strategic Approach, Pearson
Education Publishers, USA
Brophy, J. (2004). Motivating students to learn (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
Bruce, A., Birchall, D., Smith, P.H., Derry, S., Ross, D. (2012) Fast Track to Business
Success, Pearson Education, Inc, New Jersey
Burton, D. and Bartlett, S. (2009) Key Issues for Education Researchers, Sage Publications,
Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (2007) Research Methods in Education, Routledge Publishers,
Dewhurst, M., Guthridge, M. and Mohr, E. (2009), Motivating People: Getting Beyond
Money, McKinsey Quarterly
Engle, J. (2007) How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Retail Business, Atlantic
Publishing Group, USA
Fowler, F. J. (2008), Survey research methods, 4th edition, London: SAGE
Garg, P. and Rastogi, R. (2006) new model of job design: motivating employees
performance, Journal of Management Development, Vol: 25 Iss: 6

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

Gill, J. and Johnson, P. (2010) Research Methods for Managers, 04th Edn, Sage Publications,
Hosie, P.J., and Sevastos, P. (2009) Does the happy-productive worker thesis applies to
managers? International Journal of Workplace Health Management, Vol: 02, Iss:
Houldsworth, E. & Jirasinghe, D. (2006) Managing and measuring employee
performance, Kogan Page Publishers, UK
Humborstad, S.I.W., and Perry, C. (2011) Employee empowerment, job satisfaction and
organizational commitment: An in-depth empirical investigation, Chinese Management
Studies, Vol: 05, Iss: 03.
Islam, R., Zaki, A., and Ismail, H. (2008), Employee motivation: a Malaysian
perspective, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 18 Iss: 4, pp.344
Jones, I. (2008) the Human Factor: Inside the CIAs Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture, New
York: Encounter Books
Lamb, M. (2004), Integrative motivation in a globalizing world. System, 72(11, 3-19).
Lancaster, G. (2005), Research Methods in Management, Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-
Lundberg, C., Gudmundson, A. and Andersson, T. D. (2009), Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory
of work motivation tested empirically on seasonal workers in hospitality and
tourism, Tourism Management 30,890899
Marques, J.F. (2008) Spiritual performance from an organizational perspective: the
Starbucks way, Corporate Governance, Vol. 08, Iss. 03.
Monsen, E.R. and Horn, L.V. (2008) Research: Successful Approaches, 03rd Edn, American
Dietetic Association, USA.
Nohria, N., Groysberg, B. and Lee, L. (2008), Employee Motivation A Powerful New
Model, Harvard Business Review
Pallant, J. (2007), SPSS Survival Manual, 3rd edition, Buckingham: Open University Press,
Panagiotakopoulos, A. (2013) the impact of employee learning on staff motivation in Greek
small firms: the employees perspective, Development and Learning in Organizations: an
International Journal, Volume: 27 Issue: 2

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

Saunders, M., Lewis, P., and Thornhill, A. (2009) Research methods for business students,
5th ed. Harlow: Person Education
Snell, S. A. and Bohlander, G. W. (2012), Managing Human Resources, 16th Edn. Cengage
Thomas, A.B. (2004) Research Skills for Management Studies, Routledge Publishers, New
Turabian, K.L. (2007) A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations,
07th Edn, University of Chicago Press, London
Weightman, J. (2008) the Employee Motivation Audit: Cambridge Strategy Publications
Tesco PLC Website-Local Skills Applied Globally (2014), (Online), Available from: [Accessed on 10/16/2014]
Tesco PLC Website-Business Growth, (2014), (Online), Available from: [Accessed on 10/16/2014]
Tesco PLC About us (2014), (Online), Available from: [Accessed on 9/15/2014]
UK Gov website (2014) corporate report: UK retail industry (Online), Available
from: international-action-
plan/uk-retail-industry-international-action-plan#overview [Accessed on 9/14/2014]

Correlation Calculation for questions no. 12 and 13

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Deviation N

Value 1 4.03 .928 30

Value 2 3.90 .803 30


Rated Rated

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

Value 1 Value 2

Correlation 1 .745**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Value 1 N 30 30

Correlation .745** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Value 2 N 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

An Investigation the Impacts of Motivation on Employee Performance in Retail

Industry, UK; Case Study on Tesco PLC
Survey Questionnaire
I hope to conduct surveys to investigate the impacts of motivation on employee performance
in the retail industry, UK; case study on Tesco PLC for my MBA studies.
Following information is very important to my studies and I keep the information very
confidential manner to conduct our further research investigation. Thank You!
Yours Sincerely, ..
Survey Questioners- Employees
Name (If possible):
1. Your Gender is
1. Male
2. Female
1. What is your age group
1. 18-25
2. 26-35
3. 36-45
4. 46-55

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

5. Over of 56
1. How long have you being an employee of Tesco PLC?
1. Less than 01 Years
2. 1-3 Years
3. 3-5 Years
4. 5-10 Years
5. More than 10 Years

Most of
Q. the
No Questions Yes Times Sometimes No

Do you satisfy with the working environment

condition of the Tesco PLC (your present
04 workplace)

Do you feel that you energise with the

compensation package you receive from Tesco
05 PLC?

Do you satisfy with the employee motivation

06 strategies used by the Tesco PLC?

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral; Disagree Disagree

Sometimes I am bored with

07. my workplace

I am satisfied with the chances

08. and ways for promotions

I am confident with my
abilities and success in
09. assigned work for me

I do not blame others/ Others

10. do not blame me

The Effects of Motivation on Job Performance (Case Study on
Tesco PLC)

I agree with different

motivational strategies used by
11 the Tesco PLC

12. How are you rating the relationship between Impacts of Motivation on Employee
Performance on a scale of 10 (Extremely satisfied) to 0 (Not satisfied at all)?
13. How are you rating the relationship between Impacts of Motivation on Employee
Performance in Retail Industry, UK on a scale of 10 (Extremely satisfied) to 0 (Not
satisfied at all)?
14. Do you get regular training and development programs about job task improvement? (Yes/
No) .
If yes, what are they?

15. Do you motivate due to Tesco PLC motivation plan? (Yes/ No)
If not, why?

16. What are your recommendations to improve motivation strategies of Tesco PLC in order to
improve employee performance?

Thank You


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