Ben Franklin Aphorisms

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English 11 Unit 3 Wk 16 Date Assigned ________ Date Name ____________

Due ____________ Period ______________


Choose two aphorisms from your assigned group.

Write a paragraph, and within that paragraph, do the following:
o explain your chosen aphorisms literal meaning (20 points)
explain the idea the aphorism expresses - whats the real-life message or advice? (30 points)
include a real world example that connects to the aphorisms meaning (30 points)
Using drawing paper, create an original illustration for the two you chose. The entire paper must be filled with
color. (15 points)
Use the aphorism itself as the caption. (5 points)
Type the paragraph using MLA format.
Additional deductions will be taken for spelling, grammatical, and usage errors.

Group 1 (A - C)
A lie stands on one leg, truth on two. Group 4 (L - N)
He that blows the coals in quarrels that he has nothing to Hunger never saw bad bread.
do with has no right to complain if the sparks fly in his He that pursues two hares at once does not catch one
face. and lets the other go.
Tart words make no friends; a spoonful of honey will It is easier to build two chimneys, than maintain one in
catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar. fuel.
Vice knows shes ugly, so puts on her mask The horse thinks one thing, and he that saddles him
Group2 (D - F)
He that scatters thorns, let him not go barefoot.
At the working mans house hunger looks in but dares not Group 5 (O - S)
enter. If your head is wax, don't walk in the sun.
Many foxes grow grey, but few grow good. Plough deep while sluggards sleep and you shall have
The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a corn to sell and to keep.
wise man is in his heart. The rotten apple spoils his companion.
There are many witty men whose brains cant fill their
Group 3 (G - K) bellies.
He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
Those who in quarrels interpose must often wipe a
bloody nose. Group 6 (T - Z)
An innocent plowman is more worthy than a vicious Remember, that time is money.
prince. The busy man has few idle visitors; to the boiling pot the
There will be sleeping enough in the grave. flies come not.
Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble.
The tongue is ever turning to the aching tooth.
English 11 Unit 3 Wk 16 Date Assigned ________ Date Name ____________
Due ____________ Period ______________

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