MS Parent Bulletin (Week of November 20 To 24)

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Issue # 12 week of November 20 TO 24 SY1718

MS Parent Coffee
Dear Parents, Focus: MS Curriculum
Time: 7:45 - 9:00
I hope this weeks Parent Bulletin finds you all well and that Location: Lofthouse (Please note the change in ven-
you are looking forward to the weekend ahead. Please read ue!)
on to learn more about whats coming up next week! Facilitators: Rachel and Amanda

THIS WEEK: Friday, November 24th

MS Party - Bearcat Idol and Friday Night Lights!
Friday, November 17th
ES/MS Activity Sign Up Opens: Time: 5:00 - 8:00p.m.
Online sign up for the semester 2 After School Activi Venue: ES Field and various sports facilities
ties will open up on Friday, November 17th at 4:00pm Please see the permission slip and explanatory letter
The system will be open for one week and will close attached to the Parent Bulletin email.
on Friday, November 24th at 4:00pm
Semester 2 after school activities will commence on
Wednesday, January 10th Kind regards,

Rachel and Amanda

Wednesday, November 22nd
MS Academic Bowl
Location: ISM
Time: 8:00 - 3:00
Venue: Little Theater
Academic Bowl students will be released from their
regular classes on this day as will the Academic Bowl
coaches - Holly Elwell and Holly Walker.
Interested parents are welcome to come along and
support our Bearcats!

All Choirs Concert

Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. MS Activities 3
Venue: FAT Campus Card 3
Come along and support our 175 performers for a
spectacular choral extravaganza! Alumni News 3
Student groups who are performing are ISM Sing!, G5 ISTA Festival 4
Choir, G6 Choir, G7/G8 Choir, Concert Choir, Show Choir
and our Faculty Choir. MS Play: Peter Pan 4
MS Service Learning 5
Athletics & Activities 6
Admissions & Advancement 7
Thursday, November 23rd
ISM Upcoming Events 8
Monday, November 27th
All Strings Concert
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Venue: FAT

MS Art Show
Opening Event = November 27th at 3:00 p.m.
Venue: FAT Lobby

Wednesday, November 29th

All Bands Concert
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Venue: FAT

Thursday, November 30th and Friday, December 1st

No School
There is no school on these dates due to Bonifacio
National Holiday and a Faculty In-Service Day.

Tech Parent Coffee Follow Up - Instagram Tutorial! (From
David Collett)
As promised here is a tutorial on how to use Instagram.
Parent sessions on how to use technology and deal
with screen time will be planned for early in the second
semester as we are running short on time!

Retrieving Campus Card Password
2nd Semester, SY 2017-18 If you forget your password, send an email to
[email protected] to request for the
January 8 to June 1, 2018 resetting to the original password.

For more information, visit:

For questions/concerns, email:

DONE ONLINE from [email protected]

November 17 (4pm) to
November 24 (4pm)


Rebecca Plaza 09 established an architec-
ture, interiors and urban design practice in
Students confirmed activities 2015 and recently received the gold medal
at Asias Young Designer Award, besting
will be sent through email on more than 1,200 entries from around the
December 11th country. She graduated from The University
of Bath with honors and several accolades
including The Basil Spence Prize from HRF
ACTIVITIES WILL START Prince Edward. Please read her feature in
JANUARY 10, MONDAY. the Philippine Star HERE.
Please contact Maica Cruz of the Alumni Office at alum-
ni@ismanilaorg to share your Alumni Bearcat News!
ISSUE # 36

Greetings to all parents of 7th & 8th grade students interested in attending the International
Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) Drama Festival in Bangkok: Scary Stories & Things That Go
Bump in the Night!

Please go to the link below to read important details directly from the website
and to learn more about ISTA:
MS ISTA Festival Bangkok

Auditions will be held on the following days in Room 1149 (Ms. Grev's classroom):
Tuesday, November 21st - 12:40-1:15pm (bring your lunch)
Wednesday, November 22nd - 11:00-11:40am (bring your lunch)
Thursday, November 23rd - 12:40-1:15pm (bring your lunch)

Once we determine our group of 20 students, we will start meeting one day a week during lunch to bond, play drama
games, and take care of trip business. Parents will then be asked to begin the process of filling out paperwork to make the
trip happen. Students may sign up on Ms. Grev's classroom door for auditions. Students only need to attend ONE SES-
SION. We will play drama games and mixers, so no preparation is needed; just come with an open mind, a positive spirit,
and a willingness to work together as an ensemble.

Thank You,
Ms. Rankin and Ms. Grev

ISSUE # 36


This years play is Peter Pan. It will be a devised production.

Auditions will start in the second week of January. More details to come.

Info lunch session: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in the first week of December. - Any questions please see Ms.
Rankin before hand.

Season 2 - usually 1 - 2 rehearsal a week except for main cast. Ensemble - Wednesday.
Season 3 - Full commitment to the play.

Ms. Rankin and Ms. Grev
ISSUE # 36

Service Learning
In the Middle School, students have various opportunities to en- Throughout the year, students also have an opportunity to partici-
gage in service learning projects that connect their passions, inter- pate in 15 to 20 Saturday Service events organized with ISM Service
ests, talents and concerns. The emphasis is on exposure and reflec- Partners ranging from animal shelters to focused educational pro-
tion, with opportunities to go deeper. There are three main layers jects to recycling. These trips are planned and promoted by Service
to service in the Middle School: Classroom Without Walls (CWW), Clubs that meet during lunch and after school. Middle School Satur-
Saturday Service, and service learning embedded within the curric- day Service is open to all ISM students and their parents
Various examples of service learning also occur through class con-
Service learning projects are a component of CWW, which occur tent connecting global issues with the Middle School curriculum.
twice a year at each grade level. CWW projects include partnerships Some examples include math classes that measure and report on
with schools for underprivileged and disabled children, interaction waste produced by the ISM community, drama classes that use the-
with indigenous communities, and environmental projects such as atre as a a medium for advocacy, and the Be the Change elective
tree planting, organic farming, and coral reef preservation. CWW course, which engages students research, planning, action, and re-
gives students the opportunity to explore a variety of issues, con- flection to address local and global concerns.
tribute to sustainable solutions, and reflect on their experiences.

ISSUE # 36


For upcoming IASAS events.Season 2 and 3 ISM proudly hosts Basketball teams to Jakarta/ Swim team to Bangkok
Tennis in S2 and Track&Field/Golf in S3. Fri Nov 24th Friday Night Lights #2- Touch and Bas-
ketball vs Brent and Rugby vs Brent/BSM/Faith
Housing forms for hosting IASAS tennis players Jan 31-Feb 4 is from 4pm
available here. If you are participating in our tennis program S2 Nov 25 Sailfish Aquathon at Pool/MS field 7-
or were housed at a S1 IASAS event in Bangkok or Singapore 11:30am
please help out by housing a pair of tennis players. Bearcat com- Feb 1-3 IASAS S2 Championships- Tennis at ISM/
munity support is encouraged and needed to support these Basketball at ISB/Rugby and Touch at TAS/
events. Swimming at JIS
The S2 practice schedule is posted (see link below) and is on the Information on our ES/MS Activities program is available on the
ATAC blog schedules page and are posted on notice boards ES and MS Activities blogs. Links to these blogs are on the help-
around school. ful shortcuts menu on the home page of the ATAC blog or acces-
sible via the ISM website.
S2 sports SY 17-18:
(MS- Basketball/Touch/Rugby/Tennis) For our Sailfish swim team program please check information
(HS- Basketball/Touch/Rugby/Tennis&Varsity Swim team) about tryouts at Sailfish blog
2nd season practice sched 17-18 For gymnastics team information please check Gymnastics
blog Look for Coach Jas or Coach Ramon at the MS gym when
For our year round teams practice schedules are posted on no- attending training sessions.
tice boards around the school and on the schedules page of the
ATAC (Athletics) blog and provided in the ink below. Please note the practice times for ATAC programs for SY 17-18
are as follows:
All season sports sched 17-18.xls 17-18 All year round team team training sessions are 3:15-4:30.
See schedule for our All year round teams program here
A big thanks to all our Sailfish staff/swimmers and parents for a
great meet last Saturday. We have record entries across the day See Sailfish blog for swim squad start and finish times after
with just under 500 entries! Thanks to Coach Holly/Hazel and all the tryouts period has concluded and squads have been fi-
others who made this such a successful and well run meet and a nalised.
special well done to all our swimmers who raced hard last Satur- Gymnastics team training is 3:10-4:50pm every M,W,F
All HS seasonal teams practice from 3:05- 4:50pm.
This Saturday at the ISM Climbing wall we will hosting a round of MS seasonal teams practice 3:15-4:40pm.
the Young Wild and Free wall climbing series. Stop by the MS In order to clear the campus prior to 5pm all after school pro-
gym wall and see some incredible climbing feats from our ISM grams will conclude by 4:50pm or earlier. The last bus
climbing team as they compete against the best young climbers is 4:55pm this is due to the ever increasing traffic concerns in
in and around Manila. Climbing action will start from 8am. our area.

Please take the time to navigate the ATAC blog as it is our one Parents and students please take some time to peruse the ATAC
stop shop for all information related to the competitive ISM blog it has a wide variety of information and links to our sports
sports program. and activities program. If you have any questions regarding the
competitive program of sports at ISM after reading the infor-
Upcoming Events:*matches at ISM unless specified as *away mation on the blog please send an email
venue. Check ATAC game schedule at the parent portal for all to [email protected] and I will assist you as best I can.
the midweek and weekend matches upcoming. Please check on
a regular basis as venues and time do change at short notice. Bearcat Den- drop by our fantastic spirit store. There is a a
Players will always be informed by their coaches if times/venues range of new products and items to purchase including items
change. from our service partners.

Nov 18 Wall climbing comp at ISM Bearcat Den hours of operation- 7am-4pm Mon-Fri.
Nov 18 Rd #2 Local Touch league at BSM Best Regards,
Nov 18 Rd #1 Local Rugby league at ISM Mark Pekin
Nov 18 MS Tennis ISTA league at ISM Director of Athletics & Activities
Nov 18 Basketball at ISM (MS/JV teams)
Nov 17-19 S2 exchange weekend. Rugby and Girls
tennis to ISKL/Touch and Boys Tennis to Singapore/ 6
ISSUE # 36


Leaving ISM?

Students Leaving During the School Year:

Parents are obliged to officially inform the Admissions Office through a Withdrawal Notification Form
at least (15) days prior to your childs last day of school.

Students Leaving at the End of the School Year:

Parents are obliged to officially inform the Admissions Office through a Withdrawal Notification Form
on or before the second Friday of May.

The Withdrawal Notification Form and complete Withdrawal Procedure can be down-
loaded from HERE and submitted to the Admissions Office.

Instructions for Demographic Update

We encourage all families to check their demographic information and make necessary
updates. CLICK HERE for the step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
Please contact your School Office for PowerSchool log-in information.

ISSUE # 36


ISSUE # 36

ISSUE # 36

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