Time Borrowing and Time Stealing

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10/16/2017 Time Borrowing and Time Stealing

3rd September 2012 Time Borrowing and Time Stealing

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Time Borrowing and Time stealing

Why Time Borrowing ?

In certain designs (particularly processor architectures), have some stages which are time hogs (like multiplier). The
succeeding stage (say, store) hardly requires any time when compared to a multiply stage. For the sake of one time
hogging section of the pipeline, one cannot penalize the entire pipeline.

So, if we can borrow extra time required for the multiply stage, from the succeeding less time consuming store
stage, we can have an efficient pipeline in terms of TIMING.

What is Time Borrowing ?

Time Borrowing also known as cycle stealing occurs at a LATCH.

By definition, Time Borrowing is permitting the logic to automatically borrow time from next cycle, thereby reducing
the time available for data to arrive for the following cycle OR permitting the logic to use slack from the previous
cycle, in the current cycle (explained in FIG # 2).

The slack used from previous cycle ripples through the pipeline automatically. Time Borrowing (Cycle Stealing)
applies ONLY to LATCH based designs, while Time Stealing for flop based designs.
In FIG # 1 below, time hogging PATH # 1 causes setup violation at FF1. With clock period of 5 ns, and PATH # 1
consuming 7 ns, timing cannot be met UNLESS, clock period is changed from 5 ns -> 7 ns (the least. Tpd, setup
and hold of FF is assumed to be 0). Increasing the clock period affects the performance of the pipeline.

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The above timing issue is resolved with SAME clock period of 5 ns, using TIME BORROWING principle as
shown in FIG # 2. In FIG # 2, FF1 is replaced with LATCH1 which is POSITIVE LEVEL sensitive. This OPENS the
LATCH1 at the same time as FF1 at 0ns, but closes LATCH1 at 2.5 ns ( at negative edge of CLK1), unlike FF1.

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So, PATH # 1 has extra 2.5 ns to borrow from next cycle (as LATCH1 closes at 2.5 ns). Time borrowed by PATH#1
= 2 ns ( PATH # 1 delay (7 ns) CLK period (5 ns). PATH#1 can use the entire 2.5 ns, but uses only 2 ns, leaving
a positive slack of 0.5 ns.

Since LATCH1 closes at 2.5 ns, there is NO TIMING VIOLATION, as data from PATH # 1 -> LATCH1 arrived 0.5 ns
before LATCH1 is closed. Output of LATCH1 is immediately available for combinatorial PATH#2. PATH#2 starts
right where PATH #1 left off, as shown in the fig. (this is important to remember, as Prime Time uses this principle
for Time Borrowing, while reporting). PATH#2 adds 1 ns delay from where PATH#1 left off (@ 2 NS ) also referred
as the start point (not the pin G of LATCH1) for FF2.

PATH#2 could have used upto 3 ns (0.5 ns slack from previous stage + 2.5 ns of half-clk-period of current cycle),
but uses only 1 ns. Valid data is available for capture FF2 at 3 ns. Since rising edge of capture FF2 happens at 5
ns, FF2 has positive slack of 2 ns (5 ns 3 ns).

This should clear the concept of borrowing time from next cycle & using the slack from previous cycle.

Timing is met with NO changes to clock, but just by replacing FF1 with LATCH1. Time borrowing stops once you
hit the pipeline with a Flip flop. Ideally, to exploit Time Borrowing principle fully, pipeline should employ only

Why NOT negative edge triggered flip-flop instead of latch ?

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If we replace LATCH1 with negative edge triggered flip-flop FFN1 as in FIG#2B, PATH#1 will still have that extra
2.5 ns (half clock period) to borrow from next clock cycle, just as in case of LATCH. So why NOT use FLIP-FLOPs
which are preferred in any design methodology over LATCH.

On the input side, a negative flop will behave just the same way as a latch. The value addition a latch brings, is on
the output side. The transparency nature of the LATCH will help the succeeding stage use positive slack (leftover, if
any) in the current stage OR pass on the negative slack in the current stage to succeeding stage so that slack
ripples through the pipe, till it hits a section of the pipe with positive slack.
By comparing FIG#2 (above) and FIG#2B (below) waveforms, one can understand the usefulness of the LATCH
over negative edge FLOP.

In FIG#2B, in case of negative edge flop, the data appears at the input of PATH#2 (output of FFN1) at time = 2.5 ns.
With PATH#2 consuming 1 ns, data arrives at the output of PATH#2 at 3.5 ns (2.5ns + 1ns) and we are lucky to
have a positive slack of 1.5 ns (5 ns -3.5 ns).
Now, consider a situation where PATH#2 requires 2.7ns, instead of 1ns. Available time = 2.5 ns. Required time by
PATH# 2 is 2.7 ns. We have a timing violation at the clock edge at t = 5 ns, with negative slack of 0.2 ns.

In case of positive level sensitive latch, data appears at the input of PATH#2 (output of LATCH1) at time = 2ns,
because of the transparency nature of the latch (in case of negative edge flop data appeared at input of PATH#2 at
t = 2.5ns). Assuming PATH#2 requires 2.7 ns, data arrival time at second positive clock edge is 2ns + 2.7ns =
4.7ns. Second positive clock edge occurs at t = 5 ns. We have a positive slack of 0.3 ns (5 4.7)ns.

As seen from the waveform comparison in FIG#2B, having negative edge triggered flop in place of positive level
sensitive latch, the positive slack 0.5 ns (between t=2ns and t=2.5ns) available in PATH#1 is wasted by edge based
behavior of flop (look at the GREEN colored PATH#2 in Fig 2B). The level sensitive nature of the latch, makes use
of the prior cycles positive slack of 0.5ns in the current cycle.

The above concept is basis for TimeBorrowing principle using latches.

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Understanding Time Borrowing in real designs

In FIG # 3, there are 4 positive level sensitive latches. LATCH #1 and LATCH #3 are controlled by CLK1, LATCH #2
and LATCH #4 are controlled by CLK2. Relationship between CLK1 and CLK2 is as shown in fig.

PATH #1, PATH#2, PATH#3 and PATH #4 represent combinatorial cloud with delays indicated in the fig. For
simplicity, all 4 latches assumed to have 0 ns propagation delay, 0 ns setup and hold time.

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In SCENARIO 1, PATH # 1 delay = 6 ns; PATH # 2 delay = 1 ns; PATH # 3 delay = 8 ns; PATH # 4 delay = 1 ns.

LATCH#1 is opened at point (1) at CLK1. Data from LATCH#1 through PATH#1 is available 6 ns later from launch
point (1) at CLK1. Implies, valid data is available 1 ns (6 ns 5 ns) after LATCH#2 is opened at point (2) of CLK2.
Since PATH#2 has enough slack, PATH#1 was able to borrow 1 ns from PATH #2.

Similarly, PATH#3 with delay of 8 ns, borrowed 3 ns from succeeding stage. In either case, slack in prior stages
(between pts (2) and (3), pts (4) and (5) ) is NOT used fully, as PATH #2 and PATH # 4 has delays less than half-a-
clk period.


In SCENARIO 2, PATH # 1 delay = 6 ns; PATH # 2 delay = 1 ns; PATH # 3 delay = 2 ns; PATH # 4 delay = 1 ns.

In scenario 2, PATH#3 has delay of 2 ns which is less than the half-cycle period of CLK ( 5ns ). Implies, NO
BORROWING required from succeeding stage. This also means, had there been a FF instead of LATCH#4, it
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wouldnt have made a difference.

NOTE: FF in place of LATCH#4, stops time borrowing we have seen from LATCH#1 -> LATCH# 3, at launch edge
of FF.


In SCENARIO 2, PATH # 1 delay = 6 ns; PATH # 2 delay = 7 ns; PATH # 3 delay = 5 ns; PATH # 4 delay = 3 ns.

In SCENARIO 3, there is 100% time borrowing its simply a huge combinatorial block between LATCH at start and
the last LATCH, where each stage AUTOMATICALLY borrowing time and rippling through to the final outputs.
LATCHES in between are just transparent delay elements.

In this scenario, if the circuit above had 4 FFs instead of 4 LATCHES, the 4 stage FF based pipeline would have
consumed 28 NS. Using Time Borrowing principle, pipe delay has been reduced to 20 ns.

If the principle of Time Borrowing is understood, its easy to figure out the max permissible BORROW TIME.

What is Time Stealing ?

Time Stealing can be deployed when a specific logic partition needs additional time. The additional time required,
should be deterministic at the time of the design. Then one can adjust the clock phase of capture FF (FF2), so that
data arrival time at the capture edge of FF2, will not violate setup.

In FIG # 4, PATH # 1 stole a time of 4 NS (CLK2 offset, not the time borrowed by PATH # 1) from PATH #2 s
available time of 10 NS, leaving PATH # 2 with 6 NS. Since PATH # 2 needs only 1 NS, there is enough time for
FF3 to capture data at 20 NS.

Pipeline stages, with 10 NS < delays < 14 NS can have their FFs CLK pins hooked to CLK2.

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Difference between Time Stealing and Time Borrowing:

Time Stealing will not AUTOMATICALLY use the left over slack from previous stage. It is forced to steal from the
succeeding stage, and leave less time to the succeeding stage. It is designers responsibility to make sure the
succeeding stage delay is < CLK_PERIOD PHASE_SHIFT.

In Time Borrowing, latch transparency helps in making use of the slack left in previous cycle ripple through the pipe
automatically, without interfering with clock phases.

Posted 3rd September 2012 by Orange - Pit Stop For All your VLSI needs
Labels: Latch Designs, Time Borrowing, Time Stealing, Timing

6 View comments

Amrut Jigajinni 2 November 2015 at 10:38

Nice Concept !! Very Helpful

Suman Ghosh 5 March 2016 at 22:02

Awesome stuff

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10/16/2017 Time Borrowing and Time Stealing

naveen 24 April 2016 at 03:24

Nicely Explained.
Can you please add multi-cycle (constraint) commands for this operation to happen.

Abhishek 12 May 2016 at 19:12

Very good document.

Sheng-En Lin 6 August 2016 at 02:11

Very helpful :)

Mike Wang 11 June 2017 at 01:16

Probably the best document I found, which captures Time Borrowing concept so well. Read many books, papers
and documentation - none explained as clearly as this document

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