Questionnaire Odt
Questionnaire Odt
Questionnaire Odt
Dear Sir/Madam:
We, the undersigned employees of Jose Rizal University, are currently working on a Guided
Research entitled Gender Awareness of Administrators, Faculty , Staff and (Students) of Jose
Rizal University
In this regard, we would like to ask a few minutes of your time to answer this survey
questionnaire. The data that will be gathered in this research will be treated with utmost
confidentiality and shall be used only for research purposes.
Respectfully yours,
I. Demographic Profile
Instruction: Kindly supply all the needed information. Put a check (/) mark where
it is needed. Rest assured your answers will be held in strict confidentiality.
6. Im a
___ student ___ JHS Faculty ___ College Faculty
___ ES Faculty ___ SHS Faculty ___ Non-teaching Staff
___ Administrator
8. If faculty, NT Staff , Administrator, how many years have you been in the university
___ 1-5 ____ 16-20 ____31- up
___ 6-10 ____ 21-25
___11-15 ____ 26-30
9. Grade/course level ___ Gr.9 -10 ___ Gr. 11-12 ____ College
10. If faculty ___ Elem. teacher ____ JHS ___ SHS ____ College
I am aware
that Republic Act 9710 known as
Magna Carta of Women (MCW) has
provisions for equal access and
elimination of discrimination in
education, scholarships, and training.
8 t
hat in education or training environment,
sexual harassment is committed when
the sexual favor is made a condition to
the giving of a passing grade, or the
granting of honors and scholarships, or
the payment of a stipend, allowance or
other benefits, privileges, or
Instruction: This questionnaire is designed to identify the programs and activities that
must be implemented in the university to promote gender awareness
and/or Gender and Development (GAD). Please indicate your answer by
putting a check (/) mark on the column that best describe your answers.
Thank you!