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October 16, 2017

Dear Sir/Madam:


We, the undersigned employees of Jose Rizal University, are currently working on a Guided
Research entitled Gender Awareness of Administrators, Faculty , Staff and (Students) of Jose
Rizal University

In this regard, we would like to ask a few minutes of your time to answer this survey
questionnaire. The data that will be gathered in this research will be treated with utmost
confidentiality and shall be used only for research purposes.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Mrs. Gemma V. Garcia (JHS)

Ms. Aileen O. Montalban (JHS)

Mrs. Ruth L. Beltran (GTO)

Mr. Roland C. Dalloran Jr (ES)

Ms. Lovelle D. Sison (BAA)


I. Demographic Profile

Instruction: Kindly supply all the needed information. Put a check (/) mark where
it is needed. Rest assured your answers will be held in strict confidentiality.

Name: (Optional) _________________________________________________

1. Im a ___ male ___ female

2. Im ___single ___ widow ___ married ___ widower

3. My religion is ___ Roman Catholic _____ Protestant ___ Jehovahs Witnesses

___ Islam ___ Adventist ______ Others: Please

4. My ethnic affiliation is ___ Tagalog ___ Visaya ___ Pangasinanse

___ Ilocano ________________ others: Please specify
5. My age is
___ 14-20 ___ 31-35 ___ 46-50 __ 61-65
___ 21-25 ___ 36-40 ___ 51-55 __ 66-70
___ 26-30 ___ 41-45 ___ 56-60 __ 71-75

6. Im a
___ student ___ JHS Faculty ___ College Faculty
___ ES Faculty ___ SHS Faculty ___ Non-teaching Staff
___ Administrator

7. If student Im a ___ College ___ JHS ___ SHS

8. If faculty, NT Staff , Administrator, how many years have you been in the university
___ 1-5 ____ 16-20 ____31- up
___ 6-10 ____ 21-25
___11-15 ____ 26-30

9. Grade/course level ___ Gr.9 -10 ___ Gr. 11-12 ____ College

10. If faculty ___ Elem. teacher ____ JHS ___ SHS ____ College

11. If non-teaching/ Office

____ AHR _____ Treasury _____ Presidents Office
____ Elem. Prin. _____ JHS Prin. _____ SHS Prin. office
____ Deans Office _____ SDO _____ Clinic
____ Student A.O _____ Registrar _____ Grad. Office
____ VP for Acad. _____ VP for Admin. _____ VP for Quality & linkage
____ Guidance& testing _____ EMO _____ Acctg. Office
____ Athletic Office
I. Gender Awareness on Legal Mandates and Mechanisms

Instruction: This questionnaire is designed to assess or measure your gender

awareness and/or awareness on Gender and Development (GAD).
Please do not take too long over each question, we want your first
reaction not a long drawn out thought process. Please do not omit
any questions. This isnt a test, simply a measure of your awareness
and/or opinions about gender awareness and development program.

Please indicate the degree of your agreement, or disagreement with

each item by putting check in the appropriate column of your choice.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Legal Mandates and Mechanisms
Agree Disagree

I am aware

1. that womens human rights is

based directly on international law.

2. that Republic Act 7192 or

Women in Development and Nation
Building Act promote gender equality
and women empowerment.

that Republic Act 9710 known as
Magna Carta of Women (MCW) has
provisions for equal access and
elimination of discrimination in
education, scholarships, and training.

4. that Magna Carta of Women also

mandates the creation and/or
strengthening of Gender and
Development focal points system that
lead in promoting gender equality and
women empowerment in the agency or

5. that it also requires the

generation and maintenance of gender
statistics and sex-
disaggregated databases to aid in
planning, programming and policy

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Gender Awareness
Agree Disagree

6. that there are mandates on

(a) planning, budgeting, monitoring and
evaluation under Gender and
Development (GAD) program.

7 that there is an act declaring

sexual harassment unlawful in the
employment, education or training

8 t
hat in education or training environment,
sexual harassment is committed when
the sexual favor is made a condition to
the giving of a passing grade, or the
granting of honors and scholarships, or
the payment of a stipend, allowance or
other benefits, privileges, or

9 that in education or training

environment, sexual harassment is
committed when the sexual advances
result in an intimidating, hostile or
offensive environment for the student,
trainee or apprentice
10 that work, education or training-related
sexual harassment is committed by an
employer, employee, manager,
supervisor, agent of the employer,
teacher, instructor, professor, coach,
trainer, or any other person who, having
authority, influence or moral
ascendancy over another in a work or
training or education environment,
demands, requests or otherwise
requires any sexual favor from the
other, regardless of whether the
demand, request or requirement for
submission is accepted by the object of
said Act.

11 on Anti-violence against women and

their children act of 2004."

12 on Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health Act of 2012

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Gender Awareness
Agree Disagree

13 that the State recognizes and guarantees

the human rights of all persons including
their right to equality and
nondiscrimination of these rights

14 on Approval and Adoption of Philippine

Plan for Gender-Responsive
Development, 1995-2025

15 about the Adoption of the Gender

Equality Guidelines in the Development
of Media Policies and Implementing
Programs to Promote Gender

16 that all agencies of the government

including private higher education
institutions and companies shall
formulate a Gender and Development
(GAD) Plan designed to address gender
issues within their concerned sectors.
17 that GAD is being implemented in
schools and other institutions.

18. that GAD must also advocate the rights

of the lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender and intersex (LGBTI)

III. Awareness on Gender Issues and Concerns

Instruction: This questionnaire is designed to determine your awareness on gender

issues and concerns as administrators, faculty, staff and students of Jose
Rizal University. Please indicate your answer by putting a check (/) mark
on the column that best describe your answers.

Gender Issue and Concern Yes No

1. Does the University have policy on sexual harassment?

2. Are there sanctions for students and employees who

engage in sexual harassment?

3. Are there more women leaders in your division?

4. Does your division have a specific strategy to promote

gender awareness

5. Is there a specific policy aiming to increase the number

of women in decision making or leadership position?

6. Do expected mother employees avail the maternity leave

and other benefits as prescribed under Magna Carta of

7. Are there employees who avail the special leave for

women for Gynecological related diseases?

8. Employees who are single parents allowed to avail the

solo parent leave?

9. Is there a Violence against Women and Children desk/

committee in the institution?

10. Are there efforts/ discussions about gender in your division?

IV. Programs/Activities, Strategies and Mechanisms Needed to Promote
Gender Awareness and/or Gender and Development (GAD)

Instruction: This questionnaire is designed to identify the programs and activities that
must be implemented in the university to promote gender awareness
and/or Gender and Development (GAD). Please indicate your answer by
putting a check (/) mark on the column that best describe your answers.

Programs and Activities Yes No

1. Orientation/Lecture Forum/Seminar or Training on the


1.1 Gender and Development (GAD) or gender

equality and women empowerment;

1.2 GAD Mainstreaming, Planning and Budgeting;

1.3 GAD related laws and/ or laws protecting womens

human rights;

1.4 Anti-Sexual Harassment Law (Republic Act 7877);

1.5 Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children

(Republic Act 9262);

1.6 Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act 9710);

1.7 Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive

Health Act of 2012;

1.8 GAD Curriculum Integration;

1.9 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/sex and

Intersex (LGBTI) Rights.

1. Conduct the following:

1.1 Celebration of International Womens Day and/or

National Womens Month Celebration;

1.2 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women;

1.3 Inter-school visit to other colleges and universities

with best practices on GAD mainstreaming18-day
Campaign to End Violence Against Women;
1.4 Academic competition (slogan, poster, essay writing
contest, etc.) on gender concepts, etc.

1.5 Livelihood Seminar/Training to women for selected


1. Establish the following:

3.1 data-based profile of men and women

administrators, faculty, staff and students;

3.2 linkage and network to other agencies

and institutions with active GAD program

3.3 Gender sensitive facility like gender office, day care

room, lactation room, etc.

4 Involve faculty, staff and students on GAD related

programs, projects and activities.

5 Develop and collect instructional materials related to

gender issues and concerns.

6 Develop and distribute IEC materials related to gender

like journal, newsletter, brochures, pamphlets, modules,
leaflets, etc.

7 Provide budget for mainstreaming or integrating gender

issues and concerns in the different programs, projects
and activities of the university.

8 Conduct more research studies related to gender

issues and concerns confronted not only by women and
men but also by the LGBTI group.

9 Integrate GAD advocacy to the extension program

or projects of the university.

10 Send faculty and staff on gender related seminars-

workshops, training and conference initiated by other
agencies and institutions.

Thank you!

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