The Ultimate ADHD Toolkit 1

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2017 Success@School

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The Ultimate

for Parents
& Teachers
Fourteen invaluable toolschecklists,
charts, worksheets, letters, parent-teacher
conversation starters, and moreto help you and
your child team up with teachers
for a successful school year.
By Chris A. Zeigler Dendy, M.S.,
and Eileen Bailey
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Get to Know My Child

Personalize this letter of introduction and hand it to the teacher during the first month of school.

Dear [Teachers Name],

We wanted to take this opportunity to help you get to know

[Childs Name] better. He is smart, but he often struggles in school
because of his ADHD and deficits in executive functions. The more
Portrait of
you know about him, the easier your job will be and the more your child
successful he will be in school.

First let me tell you about his strengths:

> Creative
> Kind and respectful
> Eager to please adults
[Childs Names] special interests and talents
> Athletic; a great swimmer
> Understands and can program and repair computers
> Does electrical repairs around the house
> Loves video games
> Enjoys socializing with friends
Most of [Childs Names] challenges are due to his diagnosed ADHD and executive function deficits:
> Daydreaming
> Finds it hard to get started on and finish his work
> Forgets homework assignments
> Forgets to turn in homework
> Weak written expressionfinds it hard to get his ideas on paper and to organize them
> Difficulty memorizing math facts, learning foreign languages, and completing
complex multi-step algebra problems
> Slow writing and readingas a result, he produces less written work
Lightcome/thinkstock (Portrait); Shendart/Thinkstock (envelope)

Previous teachers have found these strategies to be most effective. He has a Section 504 Plan,
which has been helpful in recent years.
> Select someone to gently remind him to get started
> Tap him gently on his shoulder to get his attention
> Give him a quiet place to take tests
Our child wants to do well in school, even though it may be hard for him at times. His [dad]
and I are willing to work with you any time. Let us know if texting, email, or calling fits your
schedule best. Heres our contact information: [111-111-1111; [email protected]].

We look forward to having a great school year.

Warm regards,

[Your Names(s)]
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Let Me Introduce Myself

Have your child fill out this form and give it to the teacher during the first two weeks of school.


Ive put a check mark next to the things that work best for me in the classroom. But first, let me tell you a little about myself:
1. I love doing these things in my spare time at home: wearing noise-blocking headphones
away from the door and distractions
walking around other
2. I am very good at the following activities: 10. It helps if I have study breaks:
every 20 minutes every 30 minutes
after I finish a certain part of the work (one half, one third, or
one section)
3. My five biggest strengths are:
11. I like to...
Sit at the end of a row so I wont disturb others if I stand up
Stand up and walk around briefly
4. My four biggest weaknesses are: Stand up and stretch
12. These strategies help me stay organized and complete my
use an assignment book
5. I would love to do the following when I grow up:
write down the assignments
have a friend write assignments down and give me a copy
6. My favorite subjects are: send my assignments to my phone and/or my parents phone
( software)
have a row captain remind me to write down my homework
and remind me to turn it in
7. I make my best grades in these classes:
call a friend at home if I forget assignments
keep an extra textbook at home
ask a friend to help me review and organize my notebook
8. My most difficult subjects are: dictate assignments on a recorder
have someone help me plan the sequence of what I do first,
second, and last
estimate how long an assignment will take
9. I can learn best in these situations:
put finished work in one place
in the morning other color-code folders and book covers
With: break long-term assignments into sections with different due
by myself working with a friend dates
working with a tutor other send home a reminder of due dates for the final project via
email or a note
at my desk on the floor other
at the work table in the back of the room 13. What helps me learn and remember information:
other write things down draw a picture
Conditions: use a mind map use flash cards
sitting at my desk sitting on the floor type it into a computer listen to a recording
kneeling at my desk standing behind my desk read it out loud talk about the information
listening to music in a quiet area make or build something use associations; mnemonics
use songs or rhymes other
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Explaining ADHD to Teachers

Share this infographic, created by Chris A. Zeigler Dendy and Alex Zeigler, with your teacher
(artwork adapted by ADDitude magazine).

The Tip Hyperactivity Impulsivity > Talks back > Doesnt pay attention
of the Iceberg: > Cant sit still > Lacks self control > Loses temper > Is forgetful
The Obvious ADHD > Fidgets > Difficulty awaiting turn > Doesnt seem to listen
Inattention > Loses things
> Talks a lot > Blurts out
> Runs or climbs a lot > Interrupts > Disorganized > Late homework
> Always on the go > Intrudes > Doesnt follow through

the ADHD
Hidden Beneath projects
Iceberg >Bipolar (12%) > Poor listening and
the Surface: or is late Only 1/8 of an iceberg >Tourette reading comprehension
The Not-So-Obvious > Difficulty is visible. Most of Syndrome (11%) > Difficulty describing
Behaviors (2/3 have planning for future it is hidden beneath > Obsessive the world in words
at least one other > Impatient the surface. Compulsive > Disorganization
condition) > Hates waiting Disorder (4%) > Slow cognitive
> Time creeps > Oppositional processing speed
> Avoids doing > Less likely to follow rules Defiant Disorder > Poor handwriting
Neurotransmit- > Difficulty managing his (54-67%)
homework > Inattention
ter Deficits Impact own behavior
Behavior > Impulsive learning style
Sleep > Doesnt study past Serious Learning
> Insufficient levels of Disturbance (56%) behavior Problems Low Frustration

hanohiki/thinkstock. Reprinted from a Birds Eye View of Life with ADD & ADHD, 2011, Alex Zeigler.
neurotransmitters, > Impacts memory > Acts without sense of > Specific Learning Tolerance
dopamine and norepi- hindsight Disability (25-50%)
> Doesnt get restful > Difficulty controlling
nephrine, results in > Must have immediate > Poor working
sleep emotions
reduced brain activity. rewards memory
> Cant fall asleep > Short fuse
> Cant wake up > Long-term rewards > Cant memorize > Emotionally reactive
Weak Executive
> Late for school dont work easily > Loses temper easily
> Irritable > Doesnt examine his > Forgets teacher and > May give up more
> Working memory own behavior parent requests
and recall > Morning battles easily
> Difficulty changing his > Slow math calculation > Doesnt stick with
> Getting started, effort behavior
3-Year Delayed > Spelling problems things
> Internalizing language
Brain Maturation > Poor written > Speaks or acts before
> Controlling emotions Co-Existing expression
> Less mature thinking
> Problem solving Conditions
> Less responsible > Difficulty writing essays > Difficulty seeing others
>Anxiety (34%) > Slow retrieval of
Impaired > 18-year-old acts like 15 perspective
>Depression (29%) information
Sense of Time > May be self-centered
Not Learning Easily
> Doesnt judge passage
from Rewards and
of time accurately ADHD is often more complex than most people realize! Like icebergs,
> Loses track of time many problems related to ADHD are not visible. ADHD may be mild, mod-
> Repeats misbehavior erate, or severe, is likely to coexist with other conditions, and may be a
> Often late
> May be difficult to disability for some students.
> Forgets long-term

You can order the original color ADHD

Iceberg poster at
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Explaining ADHD to Classmates

Give this handout to parents of your childs classmates to help them better understand ADHD.

DHD affects about one in 10 children nation- getting out of his seat, or why he needs to play with a fidget
wide, so, chances are, your child will come across toy. The questions and answers below will help you and
many classmates with ADHD throughout his your child understand a child with ADHDs behaviors and
school years. He might have questionswhy a classmate actions better and accept him as someone who is doing
takes medicine even though he isnt sick, why he is always his best to meet the challenges of the disorder.

What is ADHD? Classmate to Classmate

ADHD causes the brain to work super fast. Sometimes it feels like a train Kids will be kids, and your child might be tempted
going down a hill without brakes. Children with ADHD cant always stop to ask a classmate with ADHD about his behaviors
their brain long enough to focus on something. ADHD can make a childs and actions. Here are some responses your child
body feel like it has to keep moving. Sometimes people with ADHD act might hear if he or she does:
before thinking.
What is ADHD? Why do you go to a
What causes ADHD? It means I cant pay different room to
ADHD is a neurobiological condition that children are born with. It is not attention for very long take tests?
caused by poor parenting, poor nutrition, or lack of discipline. It isnt a and my body doesnt want When I am taking tests
disease, and children with ADHD arent sick, bad, or flawed. to stay still. in the classroom, I tend
to look around and get
Why do children take medication if they arent sick? Why do you get to distracted. Going to a
Medication for ADHD is like eyeglasses for people who dont see well. It sit in the front different room helps me
isnt to treat an illness, but it does help their brains slow down. It might row every day? concentrate.
make their bodies stop feeling like they need to constantly move. ADHD It is easier for me to pay
medication doesnt take ADHD away, just as glasses dont improve your attention when something Why do you inter-
eyesight; they simply correct your vision while you are wearing them. is right in front of me. rupt the teacher
When I sit at the back of some of the time?
Does ADHD mean there is something wrong with you? the classroom, there are Sometimes I do things
No. ADHD means your brain works differently. Everyone has things they lots of things for me to without thinking. Like
are good at and things they arent so good at. Some people are good at art look at and I pay attention when you suddenly want
and some people are not. Some people are good at sports while others to everything or I day- to do something, but you
might be good at math. People with ADHD arent so good at paying atten- dream. When I sit in the cant stop yourself. My
tion, remembering things, organization, sitting still, or thinking before front, I pay more attention ADHD sometimes makes
they act. When you have ADHD, it doesnt mean you cant do these things, to the teacher because it hard for me to stop
but it does mean you have to work harder to do them. there are fewer things for myself. Or think of it this
me to look at. way: When you are riding
What are people with ADHD good at? a bike, you have to put the
People with ADHD may be very creative, good at problem-solving, Why do you get to brakes on to slow down.
enthusiastic, or have high energy levels, and can be successful at a lot of play with small Sometimes I have a hard
different jobs when they grow up. There are many politicians, doctors, toys at your desk? time putting on the brakes
lawyers, and businesspeople who have ADHD. My body has a hard time in my head. I blurt things
staying still. When I have out or do something
Does ADHD mean you are not very smart? something my hands can without thinking because I
People with ADHD are like everyone else. The condition doesnt have play with, I can keep my didnt use my brain brakes
anything to do with intelligence. Many successful people have had it body still, and my brain and slow down to think
people believe that Walt Disney and Albert Einstein had ADHD. focuses better. about it first.
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7 Conversation Starters
An adversarial parent-teacher relationship benefits no one. The key to collaboration
is clear communicationwithout any blame or hostility. Use these sentence starters to
begin developing a healthy rapport with your childs new teachers.

What You Should Say Why You Should Say it

Thank you for Starting a meeting by thanking the teacher sets a positive tone. Think about a time
your child told you the teacher helped him or was supportive. Let the teacher
know that you appreciate her efforts. If you cant think of a reason to thank the
teacher, start with, Thank you for talking with me today.

I am concerned Frame your concerns around you rather than your child or the teacher. I am
about concerned that Matt is falling behind in math, sounds better than, Matt isnt do-
ing well in math, or You should be doing more to help Matt with his math. Using
I am concerned opens up a conversation about how you can work together to
improve areas in which your child is struggling.

Do you have any You know your child best; however, the teacher might have some ideas on how you
suggestions about can help your son or daughter in class. The teacher has the opportunity to observe
your child at school. Asking for suggestions lets the teacher know that you respect
her opinion.

What do you see as Conversations with teachers sometimes devolve into negative talks, especially if
my childs strengths? your child is struggling or misbehaving in school. Focus on your childs positive
aspects to release tension and allow both of you to look at the situation from a
different perspective.

Ive noticed that my Share your perspective with teachers and give them information that could be
child responds to helpful. Wording this as your point of view allows you to give input without being
accusatory or making the teacher feel defensive.

His IEP provides for By using this wording, you are saying that you assume the teacher is following the
____. How do you IEP, instead of accusing her of not following it.
implement that in the

What can I do to Whether you are asking how you can support your childs learning at home or
help? how you can volunteer at school, the teacher will appreciate your wanting to be
involved in your childs education.
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Parent-Teacher Worksheet
Capture the details of the meeting with this handy and comprehensive form.

eeting with the teacher to discuss your out with the teacher. This will help ensure that you are
childs challenges is the first step in putting your both on the same page in terms of which challenges need
child on the road to success in the classroom. to be tackled and which steps each of you can take to help
Bring a copy of this worksheet to the meeting and fill it your child succeed academically and behaviorally.

Date:  Teacher Name:

Grade:  Subject: (necessary for older children)

Asks for help when needed Does well on tests Respectful to students and teachers
Comes to class prepared Gets along with others Listens
Completes homework Has positive attitude Participates in class
Solves problems creatively Puts forth effort


Is often not prepared Fails to hand in homework Doesnt finish classwork
Disrupts class Does poorly on tests Is disrespectful to other students
Has difficulty paying attention Has difficulty following directions Is disrespectful to teachers


Specific academic difficulties:

Steps for teacher:

Steps for parent:
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The Daily Report Card

Adapt this form (or print as is) and ask the teacher to use it on a daily basis to monitor progress.

T academic productivity, following classroom rules, peer

he Daily Report Card targets problem behav-
iors in the classroom. The goals should be tai- relationships, and teacher relationships. Every day the
lored to each childs individual needs. (For more teacher marks down how well the child meets his/her
details on setting up a DRC, click the link under How to goals for the day, and the parent gives a reward at home
Establish a Daily Report Card at for positive DRC performance. This tool encourages
resources/index.html.) The main areas to focus on are home-school communication on a daily basis.

Daily Report Card

Special Language Math Reading SS/Science Special


1. Completes
assignments with at
least 80% accuracy

2. Follows teacher
directions with 2 or
fewer reminders

3. Is respectful to
peers with 2 or
fewer reminders

To earn reward:  has to earn 14 of 18 s

(Childs name)
Total earned: 

Teacher signature: 

Parent signature: 

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Weekly Monitoring Report

Print this form and ask the teacher to use it to track the effectiveness of your childs treatment plan.

Childs Name:  Date:

Teacher:  Class:

Teacher: Please circle the number that best applies to each item below based 0 = Not at all 2= Pretty Much
on your observations of this child during the past week. 1 = A Little 3= Very Much

Question Scale

1. Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat 0 1 2 3

2. Difficulty remaining seated 0 1 2 3

3. Difficulty waiting turn 0 1 2 3

4. Talks excessively 0 1 2 3

5. Interrupts others 0 1 2 3

6. Always on the go 0 1 2 3

7. Easily distracted 0 1 2 3

8. Fails to complete assigned tasks 0 1 2 3

9. Trouble paying attention 0 1 2 3

10. Careless/messy work 0 1 2 3

11. Does not seem to listen when spoken to 0 1 2 3

12. Difficulty following directions 0 1 2 3

Note: For the following three items, higher scores indicate better functioning by the child.

13. Follows class rules 0 1 2 3

14. Gets along with peers 0 1 2 3

15. Seems happy and in good mood 0 1 2 3
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11 Tips for Redirecting Focus

Your students with ADHD are drifting away. One is daydreaming; another is whispering
to a neighbor. Your first instinct might be to call out their names. Dont. Children with ADHD
often feel out of place and disliked. Singling them out can embarrass them and drive their
thoughts further from your lesson. Instead, try these strategies...

1 Walk around the class while teaching. Randomly tap on students desks with the eraser end of a pencil, so
as not to draw attention to the tapping. Make sure to tap on the desk of the student with ADHD. By randomly
tapping on several desks, you dont draw attention only to the student with ADHD.

2 Provide or allow the child to use a rubber ball or another fidget device that doesnt make noise. Many
children with ADHD find it easier to focus if their hands are busy.

3 Gently touch the students shoulder.

4 Use the students name in your lessonname a character after him, or use her name in a sentence.

5 Send the student on an errand. If you dont have any errands to do, write on a piece of paper, Please smile
and say thank you to John and send him back to class. Staple it together and ask him to take it to the school
office, library, or nurse.

6 Start a discussion about the lesson to make it more interactive. Look for points in your lesson to ask
questions that will prompt discussion or opinion sharing. It is easy for a child with ADHD to drift off or
become distracted when only the teacher is talking. Bringing more people into the lesson creates variety and

7 Establish eye contact with the student, and speak while looking at him.

8 Ask the entire class to stand up. Say, We have been sitting for a while. Please stand up right next to your
desk. Have the students jump up and down, touch their toes, raise their arms, and stretch before sitting
down again.

9 Use a secret signaltouching your ear or saying a particular phraseto attract the students attention.

10 Walk around the classroom and pause at the students desk.

11 Stand close to the students desk.

ADHD-Friendly Lesson Plans

> Incorporate the students interests into For example, have them feel swaths of For example, you might ask your students
the lessonuse sports metaphors or muslin or wool to better understand to touch their toes while reciting math
references to music. clothing worn during the 18th century. facts, or to walk around the room while
> Start by giving a summary of the lesson, > Make lessons interactive by using pictures spelling words.
and summarize it again at the end. or flash cards. > Ring a cowbell to signal the start of a new
> Engage the students senses during class. > Add movement to lessons when possible. lesson or topic.
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Executive Function Worksheet

Find your childs EF challenges and check off the interventions that have been effective
(or you think may be effective). Talk them over with his teacher(s).

Performance Challenges you need to start work on your math as- Encourage students to review test mate-
Related to ADHD & EFD signment/leave for lunch, PE, or art. rial briefly right before going to bed.
Getting started and finishing classwork Planning ahead Memorizing facts: letters, numbers,
Use reminders: visual (Post-it note, timer) List step-by-step requirements, divided words, multiplication tables, math for-
or aural (alarm, adult prompt). into segments with separate due dates. mulas, and foreign languages
Give a private signal as a reminder; pull Notify parents/students of pending sepa- Use memory tricks, such as acronyms or
your ear. rate due dates. mnemonics.
Student selects nearby student to tap his Write key facts on strips of poster board
arm as a reminder. Controlling emotions, acting impulsively,
and post at school or home.
talking a lot, or daydreaming
Remembering, completing, and submit- Consider Times Tables the Fun Way, a
Medication is most helpful when a child
ting assignments book that helps kids memorize math facts.
talks a lot, daydreams, blurts out, or
Use software to notify Post chart with multiplication tables on
student and parent of assignments. desk.
Take a photo of the child raising her hand;
Appoint row captains to check to see tape it to her desk as a visual reminder. Analyzing, synthesizing, paraphrasing,
that homework assignments are written Give opportunities to talk more: read the and problem-solving
down and later submitted. morning bulletin, read stories to younger Provide step-by-step written instructions
Let student take a picture of the posted children. for assignments.
assignment on his cell phone. See tips below for organizing and writing
Losing homework
Common Academic Challenges essays.
Slow processing speed (slow reading, writ-
Notify parents of missing assignments. Writing essays or reports
ing, responding to questions, and taking
Parents should keep all finished papers, Have student dictate essay to a scribe or
longer to complete tests and homework)
review with child, and submit missing work. parent to type, then edit and organize on
Shorten assignments (e.g., every third
Following directions math problem). the computer.
State directions clearly: Step 1, do all odd Give extended time on tests. Use graphic organizers with step-by-step
problems. Step 2,. If student spends hours completing home- tips for essay components.
Post directions on board or give written work that takes most students 30 minutes, Average two grades on essaysone for
copies to students. shorten assignments. content and one for grammar.
Allow student to write answers only, not Give topic choices of only two or three
Getting organized titles, quickly narrow down to one topic.
the questions (photocopy questions).
Walk all students step-by-step through
Ask a question, give a few minutes to think, Completing complex math/algebra
organizing their notebooks, and check
and come back to student for answer. problems
them regularly.
Ask another student to help him organize Remembering key points in lectures and Solve sample problem and leave on the
his notebook. what they read and study board.
Parent/tutor reviews students notebook Appoint a note taker who copies and Have students work in pairs (teacher
weekly and helps with organization. shares with the class. explains problem, students make up their
Have student slide color cellophane strip own examples, and discuss answers).
No sense of time (late)
or ruler down the page to highlight and Completing long-term projects on time
Have student set watch or cell phone
help him focus on what hes reading. Provide graphic organizer to plan neces-
alarm to keep up with time.
Use erasable highlighter to note impor- sary steps to complete the project.
Parents review how much time is needed
tant information. Provide a job card with steps required for
for driving, parking, visiting the locker, and
Underline main noun and verb in first sen- completion.
talking with friends. Leave early enough to
tence in each paragraph to identify main Divide long-term projects into segments
get to school on time.
idea. with separate due dates and grades.
Changing activities or classes Write key points on Post-it notes. Notify parents about projects. Include this
Give a warning, Finish up. In five minutes Teach test-taking skills. in the students IEP or 504 Plan.
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12 Parent Advocacy Secrets

Check off the advocacy strategies you plan to use to work with your childs teacher this year.

Start early in the school year. Set up a meeting in the first few weeks of school to sit down with the teacher,
even if just to chat and get to know her classroom rules. Starting the relationship early helps to address
potential problems and identify difficulties before they become disasters.

Ask what you can do at home to help your child grow academically and socially. Let the teacher know
what you are focusing on at home, so she can contribute ideas. Learn to work together.

 Help the teacher see your child as an individual. Tell her about his strengths, potential behavior issues,
learning challenges, and health conditions. If there are changes in family circumstances, such as a death in the
family during the school year, let the teacher know, as these can adversely affect his behavior.

Let go of past bad experiences. Not every teacher is created equal. You might have had difficulties in the
past with other teachers. It is best to put this aside as you try to work with this years teacher.

Get involved. Join the parent organization, volunteer to help in the classroom, add your name to be a chaper-
one on field trips, attend school functions. When you are involved, you not only have the chance to observe
how your child behaves, you have the opportunity for positive interactions with your childs teacher.

Reach out in good times and bad. If you contact your childs teacher only when he is doing poorly or acting
out, you might have a more negative view of the teacher, or your interactions might be defensive. Instead,
when your child says something nice about his school day or about his teacher, take time to send her a note of

Respect the teachers time. Keep in mind that the teacher has many students, and cannot stop everything to
talk when you want. During your early conversations, discuss the best ways to communicate that will allow
regular discussions but not interfere with her ability to attend to the rest of the class. Explain the best ways to
reach you.

Document communication with the teacher. Write down the date of the communication, what you dis-
cussed, and the resolution. This helps you keep track of what steps you should take and what you expect the
teacher to do.

Have a clear objective in mind before talking to the teacher. Think about your concerns before reaching
out. You might say, Im concerned about Elanas poor math grades. Id like to set up a time to talk about steps
we can both take to make sure she doesnt fall behind.

Be specific when making requests. If you are asking for the teachers assistance, instead of saying, Jeremy
needs help gathering materials to bring home, and expecting the teacher to assist him, say, I am concerned
because Jeremy often shows up at home without the materials to do his homework. Can you work with Jeremy
each afternoon to make sure he has everything with him? Clear expectations prevent misunderstandings.

Avoid criticizing the teacher. Whether in person, over the phone, or through email, always pay attention to
the words you use when talking to the teacher. Criticizing is the quickest way to make a teacher feel defensive.

Focus on solutions rather than problems. Keep your conversation solution-centered, rather than focusing
on how your child misbehaved, treated others disrespectfully, or is having learning challenges.
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Accommodations Request
Send this sample letter to your districts head of education and a copy to your childs principal.

Dear Mr./Ms. [name]:

I would like to request an evaluation of my son/daughter [full name and student

ID# or date of birth] for his/her eligibility for special education provisions (IDEA)
and/or Section 504 accommodations. I have been concerned that he/she is not
progressing well in school, and that he/she may need some special help in order
to learn. He/she is in the [grade level and name of current teacher].

During the last two years, his/her classroom teachers have noted that he/she has
substantial problems completing assignments, problems with excessive motor
behavior, and impulsivity. Please note that Dr. Verywell Qualified [your doctors
name] has recently evaluated and diagnosed my child as having Attention-Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder. Because Dr. Verywell Qualified [your doctors name] was
concerned that his/her ADHD was resulting in decreased alertness and impair-
ment in school performance and learning, he/she urged us to pursue these
school-based evaluations in order to get my son/daughter the help he/she needs.

I understand that the evaluation is to be provided at no charge to me. My

reasons for requesting the procedure are [keep this paragraph short, but give one
or two reasons for your concern about your child].

I would appreciate meeting with each person who will be doing the evaluation
before he/she tests my child, so that I might share information about [childs
name] with him/her. I will also expect a copy of the written report generated by
each individual, so that I might review it before the [IEP or 504 Plan] meeting.

It is my understanding that I have to provide written permission for these tests

to be administered, and I will be happy to do so upon receipt of the proper forms
and explanation of the process.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience, so that we may begin the next
steps in planning an evaluation.


Parent [your name]
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Homework Ideas That Work

Check off the strategies you think would work best for your child and discuss with the teacher.

What Parents Can Do

Structure your childs time after school hours so that homework is completed at the same time each day.
Some children have more focus immediately after school, before they enter home mode. Others find they need
a little down time to have a snack and play before settling down to tackle homework.

Ask your childs teacher how she passes along homework assignments. She might hand out worksheets,
write homework on the board, or assign it orally. If your child forgets the assignments or supplies he will need,
discuss different ways to assign homework, such as keeping it posted on the board throughout the day or using
an online calendar to allow assignments to be accessed from home.

 Create a homework spot away from the family area where there will be fewer distractions. Stock the area
with pencils, pens, paper, and a calculator.

Work with your child at the beginning of homework time to help him break assignments into 15- to
20-minute work periods. Allow him to take a short break after each period.

Use behavioral charts to motivate your child. You might award a star each time he continues to work for 15
minutes, and give another star when homework is complete and in a folder to be returned to school.

If returning work to school is a problem, talk to the teacher about your childs scanning the completed
assignment (if it isnt done on a computer) and emailing it.

Create a checklist your child can follow each daygather supplies, complete math worksheets, read, etc.

What Teachers Can Do

Read assignments aloud and post them on the board each morning.

Allow enough time during class for students to write down the assignments. Consider keeping assign-
ments posted for the entire day.

Use an online calendar to allow access to homework assignments from home. Teachers can use Google
calendar or Assign-A-Day, a free tool for educators that lets students and parents see homework assignments,
upcoming tests, and due dates from their phone, tablet, or computer.

Assign study buddies, but dont put one student in charge of the other.  Team up every student in the class
and ask each one to check to make sure their partner has everything he needs to bring home.

Request that each student have a folder designated for completed work only. Each morning, have students
take out their folders and hand in homework.

Be responsive to the length of time homework assignments take. For some students, an assignment can
take hours to complete at home. Consider giving them partial assignments, such as solving the odd-numbered
problems. This will allow the child to show progress and understanding in less time and with less frustration.

Work with parents to determine how much time is needed to complete homework. If a student works on
an assignment for an hour, the parent may consider it completed, even if the child didnt finish every problem.
School r e s o urce
Download ADDitudes complete Success @ School toolkit at

Smart Learning Apps: The List

We asked teachers to recommend apps and programs that have helped their
students learn and practice positive behaviors.

Academic Study and Review

Study Stack Create flash cards using the app or for language, math, and science.
( Once you create the flash cards, the app automatically comes up with games to moti-
vate you to study.

Kahoot! Allows teachers to create classroom games based on any subject. You come up with
( multiple choice questions, and you can add videos, images, and diagrams to make it
more engaging.

Vocabulary  This website helps kids improve spelling and vocabulary by playing games. The site has
Spelling City word lists for every subject and grade level.

Khan Academy A full menu of short YouTube video tutorials in math, algebra, science, engineering,
(; computing, finance, arts, and the humanities.

Quizlet Create your own flash cards on any subject or choose cards from other Quizlet users.

Dexteria &  Help kids focus, improve, and perfect the fine motor skills necessary for writing through
Dexteria Jr. a set of hand exercises.

Student Tools
Tools 4 Students 2 Features 25 graphic organizers for students in grades 4-12 to organize their thoughts
( while reading or preparing to write.

Inspiration  This software is ideal for visual learners who retain information by associating words
& Kidspiration and concepts with images. The program offers graphic organizers, concept mapping,
( mind mapping, webbing, and other visual tools.

Mathway Answers algebra, trigonometry, and precalculus questions with step-by-step instruc-
Math Problem Solver tions. Caution: Let your child use this app only when he gets completely stumped and
( cant figure out how to solve a problem.

Classroom Behavior Management

PBISworld A website and app for parents and teachers that address challenging behaviors in class
( and at home. Click on the specific behavior and receive positive intervention strategies.

Class Dojo A classroom management system that allows teachers to encourage positive behaviors
( by providing immediate feedback to students.

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