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When any abnormality occurs in the NEW CAPO system caused by electric parts malfunction and by
open or short circuit, the CPU controller diagnoses the problem and sends the error codes to the
cluster and also stores them in the memory.
The current or recorded error codes are displayed at the error display mode selected by touching
SELECT switch 2 times while pressing BUZZER STOP switch.
Cluster displays Co : Er and makes buzzer sound itself to warn the communication error when
communication problem caused by wire-cut or malfunction of the CPU controller occurs.
Cluster displays real time error codes received from CPU controller through communication. In case
of no problem it displays CHECK Er : 00.
If there are more than 2 error codes, each one can be displayed by pressing and switch
Examples :
1) Communication Error
Co : Er & Buzzer sound
2) No problem
CHECK Er : 0 0

3) 4 Error codes(03, 06, 10, 43) display

CHECK Er : 0 3

Press Press Press

0 3 0 6 1 0 4 3 No change
Start Press Press Press Press


The recorded error can be displayed only when the key switch is at ON position.
Examples : 5 Recorded error codes(03, 06, 10, 20, 32) display
TIME Er : 0 3

Press Press Press Press

0 3 0 6 1 0 2 0 3 2 No change
Start Press Press Press Press Press


Select recorded error(TIME Er) display and press engine and select switch at the same time for
2 seconds or more. Cluster display changes to TIME Er : 00, which shows that CPU controller deleted
all the recorded error codes in the memory.


If any fault code is received from ECM, cluster turns ON the "Engine check" and sound the buzzer.
The fault codes are displayed on the cluster as the same as current error display.
ex) CHECK Er : 143


When any abnormality occurs in the NEW CAPO system caused by electric parts malfunction and by
open or short circuit, the CPU controller diagnoses the problem and sends the error codes to the
cluster and also stores them in the memory.


(Error display)

(Recorded error delete)

If any fault code is received from ECM, cluster turns ON the Engine check warning lamp and sound
the buzzer.
The fault codes are displayed on the cluster as the same as current error display.
ex) CHECK Er : 143


Error code No. Description

1 Short circuit in accel actuator system

2 Potentiometer circuit is shorted to Vcc(5V) or battery +
3 Short circuit in pump EPPR valve system
4 Short circuit in boom down EPPR valve system
5 Short circuit in travel speed solenoid system
6 Short circuit in power boost solenoid system
7 Short circuit in max flow solenoid system
10 Short circuit in hour-meter system
11 Accel dial circuit is shorted to Vcc(5V) or battery +
12 P1 pressure sensor circuit is shorted to power supply(24V) line
13 P2 pressure sensor circuit is shorted to power supply(24V) line
14 P3 pressure sensor circuit is shorted to power supply(24) line
15 Boom down pressure circuit is shorted to power supply(24V) line
16 Accel actuator circuit is open or shorted to ground
17 Potentiometer circuit is open or shorted to ground
18 Pump EPPR valve circuit is open or shorted to ground
19 Boom down EPPR valve circuit is open or shorted to ground
20 Travel speed solenoid circuit is open or shorted to ground
21 Power boost solenoid circuit is open or shorted to ground
22 Max flow solenoid circuit is open or shorted to ground
25 Hour-meter circuit is open or shorted to ground
26 Accel dial circuit is open or shorted to ground
27 P1 pressure sensor circuit is open or shorted to ground
28 P2 pressure sensor circuit is open or shorted to ground
29 P3 pressure sensor circuit is open or shorted to ground
30 Boom down pressure sensor circuit is open or shorted to ground
31 Engine preheater circuit is open or shorted to ground
32 Travel alarm buzzer circuit is open or shorted to ground
33 Alternator circuit is open or shorted to ground
34 Controller input voltage is below 18V

Error code No. Description

35 Controller input voltage is over 38V

36 Communication error with cluster
37 Engine speed sensor circuit is open or shorted to ground
38 Anti-restart relay circuit is open or shorted to ground
39 Accel actuator does not stop at a target position
40 There is more than 500rpm difference between target speed and actual speed
41 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor circuit is shorted to ground
42 Fuel level sensor circuit is shorted to ground
43 Coolant temperature sensor circuit is shorted to ground
44 Boom up pressure sensor circuit is shorted to power supply(24V) line
45 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor circuit is open or shorted to battery +
46 Fuel level sensor circuit is open or shorted to battery +
47 Coolant temperature sensor circuit is open or shorted to battery +
48 Boom up pressure sensor circuit is open or shorted to ground
49 Engine preheater circuit is shorted to battery +
51 Heavy duty work solenoid circuit is open or shorted to ground
56 Travel alarm buzzer circuit is shorted to battery +
58 Heavy duty work solenoid circuit is shorted to battery +

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI

111 Engine control module critical internal failure - Possible no noticeable performance effects,
629 Bad intelligent device or component. Error engine dying, or hard starting.
12 internal to the ECM related to memory hardware
failures or internal ECM voltage supply circuits.
Engine magnetic crankshaft speed/position lost Fueling to injectors is disabled and the engine
115 both of two signals - Data erratic, intermittent, or can not be started.
612 incorrect. The ECM has detected that the
2 primary engine speed sensor and the backup
engine speed sensor signals are reversed.
Intake manifold 1 pressure sensor circuit - Engine power derate.
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high
source. High signal voltage detected at the
intake manifold pressure circuit.
Intake manifold 1 pressure sensor circuit - Engine power derate.
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low Source.
Low signal voltage or open circuit detected at the
intake manifold pressure circuit.
Intake manifold 1 pressure - Data valid but Engine power derate.
124 above normal operational range - Moderately
102 severe level. Intake manifold pressure has
16 exceeded the maximum limit for the given
engine rating.
Accelerator pedal or lever position sensor 1 Severe derate in power output of the engine.
circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted to high Limp home power only.
source. High voltage detected at accelerator
pedal position circuit.
Accelerator pedal or lever position sensor 1 Severe derate in power output of the engine.
circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted to low Limp home power only.
source. Low voltage detected at accelerator
pedal position signal circuit.
Remote accelerator pedal or lever position Remote accelerator will not operate. Remote
sensor 1 circuit - Voltage above normal, or accelerator position will be set to zero percent.
shorted to high source. High voltage detected at
remote accelerator pedal position circuit.
Remote accelerator pedal or lever position Remote accelerator will not operate. Remote
sensor 1 circuit - Voltage below normal, or accelerator position will be set to zero percent.
shorted to low source. Low voltage detected at
remote accelerator pedal position signal circuit.
Engine oil rifle pressure 1 sensor circuit - Voltage None on performance. No engine protection
above normal, or shorted to high source. High for oil pressure.
signal voltage detected at the engine oil
pressure circuit.
Engine oil rifle pressure 1 sensor circuit - Voltage None on performance. No engine protection
below normal, or shorted to low source. Low for oil pressure.
signal voltage detected at engine oil pressure
143 Engine oil rifle pressure - Data valid but below None on performance.
100 normal operational range - Moderately severe
18 level.
Engine coolant temperature 1 sensor circuit - Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high controlled by ECM. No engine protection for
source. High signal voltage or open circuit engine coolant temperature.
detected at engine coolant temperature circuit.

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
Engine Coolant Temperature 1 Sensor Circuit - Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if
Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low controlled by ECM. No engine protection for
Source. Low signal voltage detected at engine engine coolant temperature.
coolant temperature circuit.
Engine Coolant Temperature - Data Valid but Progressive power derate increasing in
146 Above Normal Operational Range - Moderately severity from time of alert.
110 Severe Level. Engine coolant temperature signal
16 indicates engine coolant temperature is above
engine protection warning limit.
Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position 1 Sensor Severe derate in power output of the engine.
Circuit Frequency - Data Valid but Below Normal Limp home power only.
Operational Range - Most Severe Level. A
frequency of less than 100 Hz has been
detected at the frequency throttle input to the
Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 1 - Severe derate in power output of the engine.
148 Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Limp home power only.
91 Range - Most Severe Level. A frequency of
0 more than 1500 Hz has been detected at the
frequency throttle input to the ECM.
Engine Coolant Temperature - Data Valid but Progressive power derate increasing in
151 Above Normal Operational Range - Most severity from time of alert. If Engine Protection
110 Severe Level. Engine coolant temperature signal Shutdown feature is enabled, engine will shut
0 indicates engine coolant temperature above down 30 seconds after Red Stop Lamp starts
engine protection critical limit. flashing.
Intake Manifold 1 Temperature Sensor Circuit - Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if
153 Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted to High controlled by ECM. No engine protection for
105 Source. High signal voltage detected at intake intake manifold air temperature.
3 manifold air temperature circuit.
Intake Manifold 1 Temperature Sensor Circuit - Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if
154 Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low controlled by ECM. No engine protection for
105 Source. Low signal voltage detected at intake intake manifold air temperature.
4 manifold air temperature circuit.
Intake Manifold 1 Temperature - Data Valid but Progressive power derate increasing in
155 Above Normal Operational Range - Most severity from time of alert. If Engine Protection
105 Severe Level. Intake manifold air temperature Shutdown feature is enabled, engine will shut
0 signal indicates intake manifold air temperature down 30 seconds after Red Stop Lamp starts
above engine protection critical limit. flashing.
187 Sensor Supply 2 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, Engine power derate.
520195 or Shorted to Low Source. Low voltage detected
4 at the sensor supply number 2 circuit.
195 Coolant Level Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage Above None on performance.
111 Normal, or Shorted to High Source. High signal
3 voltage detected at engine coolant level circuit.
196 Coolant Level Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage Below None on performance.
111 Normal, or Shorted to Low Source. Low signal
4 voltage detected at engine coolant level circuit.
197 Coolant Level - Data Valid but Below Normal None on performance.
111 Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level.
18 Low coolant level has been detected.
Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Engine power derate.
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source. High
signal voltage detected at barometric pressure

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Engine power derate.
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source. Low
signal voltage detected at barometric pressure
227 Sensor Supply 2 Circuit - Voltage Above Engine power derate.
520195 Normal, or Shorted to High Source. High voltage
3 detected at sensor supply number 2 circuit.
Engine Crankshaft Speed/Position - Data Valid Fuel injection disabled until engine speed falls
but Above Normal Operational Range - Most below the overspeed limit.
Severe Level. Engine speed signal indicates
engine speed above engine protection limit.
Coolant Level - Data Valid but Below Normal Progressive power derate increasing in
235 Operational Range - Most Severe Level. Low severity from time of alert. If Engine Protection
111 engine coolant level detected. Shutdown feature is enabled, engine will shut
1 down 30 seconds after Red Stop Lamp starts
External Speed Command Input (Multiple Unit
Synchronization) - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
Incorrect. Communication between multiple
engines may be intermittent.
Sensor Supply 3 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, Possible hard starting and rough running.
or Shorted to Low Source. Low voltage detected
on the +5 volt sensor supply circuit to the engine
speed sensor.
Wheel-based vehicle speed - Data erratic, Engine speed limited to ,maximum engine
intermittent, or incorrect. The ECM lost the speed without VSS parameter value. Cruise
vehicle speed signal. control, gear-down protection, and road speed
governor will not work.
Wheel-based vehicle speed sensor circuit Engine speed limited to maximum engine
tampering has been detected - Abnormal rate of speed without VSS parameter value. Cruise
change. Signal indicates an intermittent control, gear-down protection, and road speed
connection or VSS tampering. g+H53overnor will not work.
Fan control circuit - Voltage below normal, or The fan may stay on continuously or not run at
shorted to low source. Low signal voltage all.
detected at the fan control circuit when
commanded on.
Fuel pump pressurizing assembly 1 circuit - Engine will run poorly at idle. Engine will have
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source. low power. Fuel pressure will be higher than
Low signal voltage detected at the fuel pump commanded.
actuator circuit.
272 Fuel pump pressurizing assembly 1 circuit - Engine will not run or engine will run poorly.
1347 Voltage above normal, or shorted to high
3 source. High signal voltage or open circuit
detected at the fuel pump actuator circuit. Engine will not run or possible low power.
Fuel pump pressurizing assembly 1 -
Mechanical system not responding properly or
out of adjustment.
SAE J1939 multiplexing PGN timeout error - At least one multiplexed device will not operate
Abnormal update rate. The ECM expected properly.
information from a multiplexed device but did not
receive it soon enough or did not receive it at all.
SAE J1939 multiplexing configuration error - At least one multiplexed device will not operate
Out of calibration. The ECM expected properly.
information from a multiplexed device but only
received a portion of the necessary information.

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
SAE J1939 multiplexed accelerator pedal or Engine may only idle or engine will not
287 lever sensor system - received network data In accelerate to full speed.
91 error. The OEM vehicle electronic control unit
19 (VECU) detected a fault with its accelerator
SAE J1939 Multiplexing Remote Accelerator The engine will not respond to the remote
288 Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Circuit - throttle. Engine may only idle. The primary or
974 Received Network Data In Error. The OEM cab accelerator may be able to be used.
19 vehicle electronic control unit (VECU) detected a
fault with the remote accelerator.
292 Auxiliary temperature Sensor Input 1 - Special Possible engine power derate.
441 instructions.
Auxiliary temperature sensor input 1 circuit - None on performance.
293 Voltage above normal, or shorted to high
441 source. High signal voltage or open circuit
3 detected at the OEM auxiliary temperature
Auxiliary temperature sensor input 1 circuit - None on performance.
294 Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source.
441 Low signal voltage detected at the OEM
4 auxiliary temperature circuit.
296 Auxiliary pressure sensor input 1 - Special Possible engine power derate.
1388 instructions.
Auxiliary pressure sensor input 1 circuit - Voltage None on performance.
above normal, or shorted to high source. High
signal voltage detected at the OEM pressure
Auxiliary pressure sensor input 1 circuit - Voltage None on performance.
below normal, or shorted to low source. Low
signal voltage or open circuit detected at the
OEM pressure circuit.
319 Real time clock power interrupt - Data erratic, None on performance. Data in the ECM will
251 intermittent, or incorrect. Real time clock lost not have accurate time and date information.
2 power.
Injector solenoid driver cylinder 1 circuit - Engine can possibly misfire or run rough.
Current below normal, or open circuit. High
resistance detected on injector number 1 circuit
or no current detected at number 1 injector driver
or return pin when the voltage supply at the
harness is on.
Injector solenoid driver cylinder 5 circuit - Engine can possibly misfire or run rough.
Current below normal, or open circuit. High
resistance detected on injector number 5 circuit
or no current detected at number 5 injector driver
or return pin when the voltage supply at the
harness is on.
Injector solenoid driver cylinder 3 circuit - Engine can possibly misfire or run rough.
Current below normal, or open circuit. High
resistance detected on injector number 3 circuit
or no current detected at number 3 injector driver
or return pin when the voltage supply at the
harness is on.
Injector solenoid driver cylinder 6 circuit - Engine can possibly misfire or run rough.
Current below normal, or open circuit. High
resistance detected on injector number 6 circuit
or no current detected at number 6 injector driver
or return pin when the voltage supply at the
harness is on.

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
Injector solenoid driver cylinder 2 circuit - Engine can possibly misfire or run rough.
Current below normal, or open circuit. High
resistance detected on injector number 2 circuit
or no current detected at number 2 injector driver
or return pin when the voltage supply at the
harness is on.
Injector solenoid driver cylinder 4 circuit - Engine can possibly misfire or run rough.
Current below normal, or open circuit. High
resistance detected on injector number 4 circuit
or no current detected at number 4 injector driver
or return pin when the voltage supply at the
harness is on.
Engine coolant temperature - Data erratic, The ECM will estimate engine coolant
intermittent, or incorrect. The engine coolant temperature.
temperature reading is not changing with engine
operating conditions.
342 Electronic calibration code incompatibility - Out Possible no noticeable performance effects,
630 of calibration. An incompatible calibration has engine dying, or hard starting.
13 been detected in the ECM.
343 Engine control module warning internal No performance effects or possible severe
620 hardware failure - Bad intelligent device or power derate.
12 component. Internal ECM failure.
351 Injector power supply - Bad intelligent device or Possible smoke, low power, engine misfire,
627 component. The ECM measured injector boost and/or engine will not start.
12 voltage is low.
352 Sensor supply 1 circuit - Voltage below normal, Engine power derate.
1079 or shorted to low source. Low voltage detected
4 at sensor supply number 1 circuit.
386 Sensor supply 1 circuit - Voltage above normal, Engine power derate.
1079 or shorted to high source. High voltage detected
3 at sensor supply number 1 circuit.
Engine oil rifle pressure - Data valid but below Progressive power derate increasing in
415 normal operational range - Most severe level. Oil severity from time of alert. If engine protection
100 pressure signal indicates oil pressure below the shutdown feature is enabled, engine will shut
1 engine protection critical limit. down 30 seconds after red stop lamp starts
418 Water in fuel indicator - Data valid but above Possible white smoke, loss of power, or hard
97 normal operational range - Least severe level. starting.
15 water has been detected in the fuel filter.
428 Water in fuel indicator sensor circuit - Voltage None on performance. No water in fuel
97 above normal, or shorted to high source. High warning available.
3 voltage detected at the water in fuel circuit.
429 Water in fuel indicator sensor circuit - Voltage None on performance. No water in fuel
97 below normal, or shorted to low source. Low warning available.
4 voltage detected at the water in fuel circuit.
Accelerator pedal or lever idle validation switch - Engine will only idle.
Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect. Voltage
detected simultaneously on both idle validation
and off-idle validation switches.
Accelerator pedal or lever idle validation circuit - Engine will only idle.
Out of calibration. Voltage at idle validation on-
idle and off-idle circuit does not match
accelerator pedal position.

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
Engine oil rifle pressure - Data erratic, None on performance. No engine protection
intermittent, or incorrect. An error in the engine for oil pressure.
oil pressure switch signal was detected by the
Battery 1 voltage - Data valid but below normal Engine may stop running or be difficult to start.
operational range - Moderately severe level.
ECM supply voltage is below the minimum
system voltage level.
Battery 1 Voltage - Data valid but above normal Possible electrical damage to all electrical
operational range - Moderately severe level. components.
16 ECM supply voltage is above the maximum
system voltage level.
449 Injector metering rail 1 pressure - Data valid but None or possible engine noise associated with
157 above normal operational range - Most severe higher injection pressures (especially at idle or
0 level. light load). Engine power is reduced.
Injector metering rail 1 pressure sensor circuit - Power and or speed derate.
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high
source. High signal voltage detected at the rail
fuel pressure sensor circuit.
Injector metering rail 1 pressure sensor circuit - Power and or speed derate.
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low
source. Low signal voltage detected at the rail
fuel pressure sensor circuit.
Intake manifold 1 temperature - Data valid but Progressive power derate increasing in
488 above normal operational range - Moderately severity from time of alert.
157 severe level. Intake manifold air temperature
16 signal indicates intake manifold air temperature
is above the engine protection warning limit.
497 Multiple unit synchronization switch - Data
1377 erratic, intermittent, or incorrect.
523 Auxiliary intermediate (PTO) speed switch None on performance.
611 validation - Data erratic, intermittent, or
2 incorrect.
Auxiliary input/output 2 circuit - Voltage above None on performance.
normal, or shorted to high source. High signal
voltage or open circuit has been detected at the
auxiliary input/output 2 circuit.
528 Auxiliary alternate torque validation switch - None on performance.
93 Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect.
Auxiliary input/output 3 circuit - Voltage above
529 normal, or shorted to high source. Low signal
703 voltage has been detected at the auxiliary
3 input/output 2 circuit.
Injector metering rail 1 pressure - Data valid but The ECM will estimate fuel pressure and
above normal operational range - Moderately power is reduced.
severe level. The ECM has detected that fuel
pressure is higher than commanded pressure.
Injector metering rail 1 pressure - Data erratic, Possibly hard to start, low power, or engine
Intermittent, or incorrect. The ECM has smoke.
detected that the fuel pressure signal is not

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
Injector metering rail 1 pressure - Data Valid Either the engine will not start or the engine
559 but Below Normal Operational Range - will not have starter lockout protection.
157 Moderately Severe Level. The ECM has
18 detected that fuel pressure is lower than
commanded pressure.
Starter relay driver circuit - Voltage above The engine will not have starter lockout
normal, or shorted to high source. Open circuit protection.
or high voltage detected at starter lockout
585 Starter relay driver circuit - Voltage below Engine power derate. The ECM uses an
677 normal, or shorted to low source. Low voltage estimated turbocharger speed.
4 detected at starter lockout circuit.
Turbocharger 1 speed - Data valid but above Amber lamp will light until high battery voltage
normal operational range - Moderately severe condition is corrected.
level. High turbocharger speed has been
599 Auxiliary commanded dual output shutdown - None or possible engine noise associated with
640 Special instructions. higher injection pressures (especially at idle or
14 light load). Engine power is reduced.
Turbocharger 1 speed - Data valid but below Engine can run rough. Possibly poor starting
normal operational range - Moderately severe capability. Engine runs using backup speed
level. Low turbocharger speed detected by the sensor. Engine power is reduced.
689 Engine crankshaft speed/position - Data erratic, Engine power derate.
190 intermittent, or incorrect. Loss of signal from
2 crankshaft sensor.
Turbocharger 1 compressor inlet temperature Engine power derate.
691 circuit - Voltage above normal, or shorted to
1172 high source. High signal voltage detected at
3 turbocharger compressor inlet air temperature
Turbocharger 1 compressor inlet temperature Engine will run derated. Excessive black
circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted to low smoke, hard start, and rough idle possible.
source. Low signal voltage detected at
turbocharger compressor inlet air tempera
Engine speed / position camshaft and Possible no noticeable performance effects,
crankshaft misalignment - Mechanical system engine dying, or hard starting.
not responding properly or out of adjustment.
mechanical misalignment between the
crankshaft and camshaft engine speed
757 Electronic control module data lost - Condition Possible poor starting. Engine power derate.
611 exists. Severe loss of data from the ECM.
Engine camshaft speed / position sensor - Data Possible engine power derate.
erratic, intermittent, or incorrect. The ECM has
detected an error in the camshaft position
sensor signal.
Auxiliary equipment sensor input 3 - Root Possible no noticeable performance effects or
cause not known. engine dying or hard starting. Fault
information, trip information, and maintenance
monitor data may be inaccurate.

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
Power supply lost with ignition on - Data erratic, Engine will shut down.
intermittent, or incorrect. Supply voltage to the
1117 ECM fell below 6.2 volts momentarily, or the
627 ECM was not allowed to power down correctly
2 (retain battery voltage for 30 seconds after key
1633 OEM datalink cannot transmit - Data erratic, Engine will only idle.
625 intermittent, or incorrect. Communications
2 within the OEM datalink network is intermittent.
Sensor supply 4 circuit - Voltage above normal, Engine will only idle.
or shorted to high source. High voltage
detected at +5 volt sensor supply circuit to the
accelerator pedal position sensor.
Sensor supply 4 circuit - Voltage below normal, Possibly hard to start, low power, or engine
or shorted to low source. Low voltage detected smoke.
at +5 volt sensor supply circuit to the
accelerator pedal position sensor.
Injector metering rail 1 pressure - Data valid but Engine may be difficult to start.
below normal operational range - Most severe
level. The ECM has detected that fuel pressure
is lower than commanded pressure.
Electric lift pump for engine fuel supply circuit - Engine may be difficult to start.
Voltage above normal, or shorted to high
source. High voltage or open detected at the
fuel lift pump signal circuit.
Electric lift pump for engine fuel supply circuit - Possible low power.
Voltage below normal, or shorted to low
source. Low signal voltage detected at the fuel
lift pump circuit.
Electronic fuel injection control valve circuit -Engine may exhibit misfire as control switches
2311 Condition exists. Fuel pump actuator circuit from the primary to the backup speed sensor.
633 resistance too high or too low. Engine power is reduced while the engine
31 operates on the backup speed sensor.
2321 Engine crankshaft speed/position - Data erratic, Possible low power.
190 intermittent, or incorrect. crankshaft engine
2 speed sensor intermittent synchronization.
Engine camshaft speed / position sensor - Data Engine power derate.
2322 erratic, intermittent, or incorrect. Camshaft
723 engine speed sensor intermittent
2 synchronization.
2345 Turbocharger 1 Speed - Abnormal rate of Engine power derate.
103 change. The turbocharger speed sensor has
10 detected an erroneous speed value.
Turbocharger turbine inlet temperature Engine power derate.
2346 (Calculated) - Data valid but above normal
2789 operational range - Least severe level.
15 Turbocharger turbine inlet temperature has
exceeded the engine protection limit.
2347 Turbocharger compressor outlet temperature Engine brake on cylinders 1, 2, and 3 can not
2790 (Calculated) - Data valid but above normal be activated or exhaust brake will not operate.
15 operational range - Least severe level.
2377 Fan control circuit - Voltage above normal, or Variable geometry turbocharger will go to the
647 shorted to high source. Open circuit or high open position.
3 voltage detected at the fan control circuit.

Fault code
J1939 SPN Reason Effect (only when fault code is active)
J1939 FMI
2384 VGT actuator driver circuit - Voltage below Variable geometry turbocharger may be in
641 normal, or shorted to low source. Low voltage either the open or closed position.
4 detected at turbocharger control valve circuit.
VGT actuator driver circuit - Voltage above The intake air heaters may be ON or OFF all
normal, or shorted to high source. Open circuit the time.
or high voltage detected at turbocharger control
valve circuit.
2555 Intake air heater 1 circuit - Voltage above The intake air heaters may be ON or OFF all
729 normal, or shorted to high source. High voltage the time.
3 detected at the intake air heater signal circuit.
2556 Intake air heater 1 circuit - Voltage below Can not control transmission.
729 normal, or shorted to low source. Low voltage
4 detected at the intake air heater signal circuit.
2557 Auxiliary PWM driver 1 circuit - Voltage above Can not control transmission.
697 normal, or shorted to high source. High signal
3 voltage detected at the analog torque circuit.
2558 Auxiliary PWM driver 1 circuit - Voltage below Power derate and possible engine shutdown if
697 normal, or shorted to low source. Low signal engine protection shutdown feature is enabled.
4 voltage detected at the analog torque circuit.
Intake manifold 1 pressure - Data erratic,
2973 intermittent, or incorrect. The ECM has
102 detected an intake manifold pressure signal
2 that is too high or low for current engine
operating conditions.


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