Jisce R&dpolicy

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Research and Development (R&D) Policy:

Improving high-quality scientific research is a necessary requirement for creating successful

applications. The objective of Research & development (R&D) initiatives undertaken by JIS College of
Engineering (JISCE) is to build research careers, internationalization of human potential, support to
strengthen the knowledge foundation and promote the creation of new applications, as well as
societal impact of education, research and innovation. All education, research and innovation of this
Institute should aim to be of a high standard. The goal of creating technological and social
innovations has emerged alongside R&D-based activities.

To achieve the high quality research ambience the following policies has been undertaken. A
research development cell has been established that will prepare and implement the documents for
development of research and development activities within the Institute.

1. Establishment of Research and Development (R&D) cell:

1.1 The Research and Development (R&D) Cell was established in 2012 as per the decisions
taken by the Academic Council.

1. 2. The R&D Cell comprise of the following members

(i) Director/ Principal - Chairman (ex officio member)
(ii) Registrar (ex officio member)
(iii) Dean Coordinator (ex officio member) - would be the Secretary/Jt. Secretary of the Cell.
(iv) Head of all Academic Departments (ex officio member)-
(v) Members* Senior Faculties, nominated by the Director/Principal.
(vii) Nominee from the Industry
(viii)Nominee form the University
(ix) Nominee from Network Institution.

*Head/Members should have Doctoral degree (Ph.D.)

*Head/Members should have Research publications in refereed journals to their credit.

2. Responsibilities:

2.1 The R&D Cell is responsible for assisting the Academic Council in the performance of the
Councils responsibilities in respect of the establishment and promotion of excellence in the
Institutes research and development, and academic and research training activities. This includes
the development, review and monitoring of achievements under the Research & Development,
and those aspects of other university/Institute Plans.

2.2 The development and enhancement of the Institutes research capacities.

2.3 Motivate all Faculties to pursue research in their respective areas of expertise.

2.4 The protection and commercialization of the Institutes intellectual property.

2.5 Consultancy activities related to R&D.

2.6 The provision of research and development opportunities for academic staff to maintain
enthusiasm, awareness of current scholarship and relevance in teaching and other Institutional

2.7 The development of infrastructure conducive to promoting the quality and quantity of
research and development.

2.8 The establishment of research and development priorities; and monitoring the quality and
quantity of school research and development.

2.9 Disbursement of Institute Research Funds to established researchers, both individually and in
groups; including research infrastructure funds; higher degree by research candidates; seeding grants
to beginning researchers; research initiatives across the departments; and provision of consolidated
information to the Academic Council and other appropriate Institutional bodies.

2.10 Monitor the application of Research Funds to ensure that the funds are properly and formally
accounted for.

2.11 Promote emerging areas of research and development.

2.12 Development of mechanisms conducive to the best possible ways of engaging and
motivating research staff.

2.13 To monitor and enhance the quality of research programmes, projects and the research
infrastructure within Institute, including the training of research scholars.

2.14 To be responsible for progression of research scholars.

2.15 To foster the development of multi-disciplinary research endeavors across Faculties and

2.16 Monitor the research and development performance of individuals, groups, Centres, Schools and
Faculties to encourage excellence and productivity through maintaining a database of research and
development activities.

2.17 Oversee the application of the Code of Research Ethics for the responsible practice of research.

2.18 To formulate incentive schemes for promoting research activities with teachers and

2.19 The quality of postgraduate education to be brought up to an internationally high level. An

evaluation of PG program to be carried out by the R&D committee.

2.20 To promote building build strategic, durable partnerships and develop funding solutions with
Industries and research Institutions for steering, funding and cooperation.

2.21 Legislation on higher education is amended to support the export of education.

3. Terms of Office

3.1 Members of the R&D cell other than ex officio members serve for terms of up to five years.

3.2 An appointed member may be appointed to serve for additional terms as per the approval of the
Academic Council of the Institute.

4. Quorum
The quorum for meetings of the R&D cell shall be the nearest whole number above 50% of the
membership of the R&D cell for the time being.

5. Meeting Schedule
The R&D cell will meet at least two times each semester. The Chairman/Coordinator is
responsible for determining if more meetings are required.

6. Reporting
The R&D cell will report to the Academic Council by way of its minutes.

7. Policy for Research and innovation funding: development principles

(a) Funding will be long-term and predictable, and allocated under transparent criteria.

(b) Long-term skills development requires a stable funding base: the diverse and strong technological

and science base of this Autonomous Institute will be safeguarded.

(c) Funding to promote the application, introduction and commercialization.

(d) New and current resources to be directed towards the most important targets: strengths and
selected priority fields; infrastructures; the research career system; internationalization.

(e) Research and innovation by individual departments will be activated through funding, with the
aim of improving the ability to innovate through interdisciplinary research work.

(f) The funding basis for the Institute to be diversified; quantitative objectives and incentives to be set
for international funding through steering committees.

(g) A larger share of the research funds will be used for strengthening the knowledge base and for
research and innovation as well as cross-border cooperation.

(h) Expanding the funding base of research institutes will be necessary in the future.


8.1 The design and methodology of research undertaken by a member of staff or student, that makes
use of research and subjects like people, human remains, other living beings and the environment,
must be submitted to R&D Cell for evaluation and approval, especially if legislation, professional
councils or institutions affected by the research require it.

8.2 When students hand in research essays, mini-dissertations, dissertations and theses, they must
declare that their research has complied with the Code of Research Ethics of the Institute.


This code expresses the ethical values of all staff engaged in academic and/or research
activities at the JIS College of Engineering (An Autonomous Institute), who have committed
themselves to:

9.1 uphold the values of freedom, democracy, equality, human dignity and respect for

9.2 strive for distinguished scholarship, excellence in teaching, reputable research and
innovation through leading, challenging, creating and exploring knowledge.

9.3 accomplish the above individually, through collective efforts and partnerships with

9.4 The purpose of the Code of Research Ethics is to guide staff and students engaged in
academic and research activities to:

(i) respect the human dignity and rights of all stakeholders.

(ii) promote shared ethical values and fulfill all academic/research activities according to
such values.

(iii) uphold and promote individual, group and institutional integrity when in the process
of fulfilling the roles as Professors, Guides, Researchers, Mentors and Advisors.

(iv) create trust in the institution and the practice of science and engineering.

(v) this code can be amended from time to time to deal with other aspects of research duties.

(vi) the pursuit of truth through free inquiry and open dialogue.

(vii) just and fair treatment of human beings, other living beings, the environment, and
human remains.

(viii) complying with the highest standards of scientific and engineering research

(ix) making no misrepresentation in the dissemination of research information and

findings and not fabricating data or information.

(x)designating authorship of consulted research sources clearly, accurately and justly and
assigning authorship of research publications accurately and justly.

(xi) committing no form of plagiarism.

(xii) practicing or promoting no form of unfair discrimination in research.


(i) Data or information shall be gathered and recorded in such a way that it can be made
available at any time (after completion of the project) to other interested parties without
undermining confidentiality.
(ii) Researchers will judiciously consider potentially destructive consequences of their
research activities, outcomes or outputs on the human or natural environments and
will avoid such research projects, or assiduously reduce the risk of such consequences
through their research activities.
(iii) Researchers will exercise their rights to academic freedom and freedom of scientific
research, researchers are accountable to the community for the way in which they exercise
those rights.


(i) The methods, contents and results of research that has been funded (fully or partially)
by external funds, shall be fully disclosed. Full particulars of the person or institution
from outside the Institute who funded the research shall be provided in the published results
of the research.
(ii) Researchers shall be honest with sponsors of their research about their qualifications
and their research expertise and skills. Researchers shall ensure that sponsors require
nothing of their research that is contrary with internationally acknowledged standards
for ethical research.
(iii) Researchers shall only utilise a sponsors funds for purposes explicitly approved by
the sponsor.


(i) Researchers shall, at all times, respect research participants right to freedom, dignity,
privacy and bodily and psychological integrity.
(ii) Researchers shall treat non-human living beings with care, respect and awareness of
their vulnerability and defenseless-ness.
(iii) Researchers shall undertake research in a manner that does the environment no harm
and that creates no additional environmental stress.
(iv) Researchers shall undertake to carry out biohazard waste disposal as per established
norms and practices.
(v) Researchers may use people as participants of research only if they have given their
proven informed consent for their participation in the research, or, in the case of
persons younger than eighteen years, if their guardians have given such informed
consent and also observe confidentiality.

Policy for organizing in house seminar/conference/workshop related to R&D:


1) Eligible Employees
JIS College of Engineering employees (excluding employees on leave without pay) with a
regular full-time appointment and with one year of accumulated service are eligible

2) Criteria for Professional Development

1) Courses, seminars, workshops and conferences intended to assist employees in maintaining
and improving knowledge and skills relevant to the employees responsibilities or to their
career development at the Institute, can be considered for funding
2) All professional development activities must be provided by an association that is in the
business of career related training or upgrading, or a service provider that is in the business
of educating
3) Employees approved for Professional Development Leave are entitled to up to 14 paid
working days.
4) The following will not be considered for funding
Professional fees or dues
Training to meet minimum job requirements in the employees current job (e.g.
basic level training for newly installed or upgraded computer hardware or software
will not normally be approved whereas intermediate and/or advanced computer
training may be considered for funding).
Courses or programs an employee is expected to take at the sole request of a
5) General interest courses. An exception might be a course that could be an asset to the
employee and the college

3. Criteria for Funding

Eligible employees can access funds for approved professional development to a maximum of
Rs.. per financial year (April 1 to March 31). Maximum funding levels are set by Board of
Governors and reviewed periodically.

Approved funding for individual professional development activities will not be carried forward into
the next financial year.

Allowable expenses must be submitted within two (2) weeks of the staff development activity.

Funds allocated to professional development activities will be in the following priority order

1) Registration fees
2) Materials and supplies
3) Travel for activities off campus
4) Accommodations and meals

4. Application Procedures
1) The College pre-approves requests for financial support for development activities only. The
college does not normally approve funding requests retroactively.
2) Requests for leave to participate in a professional activity must be obtained by the applicant
from the Principal through their respective Head of the Department.
3) Completed applications are to be submitted to the Principals office atleast one week prior
to the event.
4) Completed applications are considered on a first come first serve basis. Applications will be
date stamped upon receipt and reviewed for completeness.

5. Cancellation
Employees can request to withdraw their application and/or approved funding by writing to
the Principal after obtaining approval from Head of the Department.

Employees can not use previously approved funding for a different purpose.

Employees who do not attend the professional development event for which they have
received approved funding must repay the money.

Publications Policy related to R&D:

Publisher: The JIS College of Engineering shall be the publisher.

Scope: This policy applies to all departments and units.

Purpose of the Policy: Publication policies, procedures, and guidelines are framed to ensure a
minimum standard and common visual identity in all official publications and promotional
materials. The Institute official information will be accurate, consistent, legally compliant,
timely and accessible.

To this end, clear roles and responsibilities will be defined for those who formulate, publish and
maintain this information, whether electronically or in print. Each publication will have a
designated content owner who is responsible for ensuring that the publication complies with
this policy. Management and release of publications will be authorised by the designated
content manager for specific publications and/or categories of publication. The Chairman /
Convenor Publications Committee shall be responsible for the overall administration of the
publication policy. All new and existing publications issued or reproduced in any language and
in any medium, including web, print, CD ROM, video and audio, are required to be of a high
standard and to represent fairly and accurately the institutes operations, services. The current
standards are defined in the publication processes and procedures and in the policies referred
to in the sections below.

Publishing: Publishing is defined as making or assisting to make information publicly available

in a manner which purports to represent to public forum, its programmes of study, capabilities,
activities or interests, whether on the institute website or by linking from that website, or
printed, electronic or reproduced in any form whatsoever.

Publication types

A. Primary Publications: The primary focus of this policy is to bring out institutes official
information. This is defined as information which is of a regulatory or contractual nature
and is therefore binding on or relied upon by those who deal with the institute. The policy in
respect of this information is to manage the authorization, content and format of its
production so that it can be contractually relied upon to represent or describe the institutes
regulations, policies and practices as well as the services and products which the institute
offers and the terms on which such services and products are supplied.

Publications which contain this type of information include the following: The Academic
Calendar (published or reproduced in any medium, including web, print and CD ROM). All
materials published or reproduced in any language and any medium, including web, print,
CD ROM/DVD, video and audio, which are prepared for communicating contractual
information to prospective, current or past students of the Institute or to those who
influence and support them. Examples of such materials in print are: Short guide (for future
students), Prospectus, Introducing booklets, Accommodation Guide, Family guide, College
and campus handbooks, information for international students, programme guides and
brochures, leaflets, posters, fliers and the like which are produced for the purpose of
promoting programmes and services. All advertising communications, including television,
cinema, newspaper, radio, magazine, flyers, leaflets, web banners, posters, electronic
recordings, CDs, DVDs, vehicle and outdoor advertising, email, phone, SMS and direct
mail campaigns and all other advertising formats. All materials published or reproduced
in any language and any medium, including web, print, CD ROM/DVD, video and audio,
prepared for the purpose of communicating contractual information to the Institutes
business partners, research partners and stakeholders.

B. Secondary Publications: The focus of this policy is on information which is not

intended to be regulatory or contractual, but rather is teaching material, or is
descriptive, interpretative or explanatory about people, activities and issues of interest
to those who interact with the Institute. The publication policy is intended to cover
scholarly publications such as journal articles, books and the like which are the product
of normal academic activities. The policy in respect of this information is to have
procedures in place to ensure that it is fit for purpose, without compromising the
appropriate exercise of academic freedom of expression. Where the context does not
make the status of the material self-evident, a disclaimer may be required, stating that
no representation is being made or implied that the content has official endorsement as
policy or should necessarily be contractually relied upon by those who deal with the.

JIS College of Engineering shall publish the following items.

1. Online Publications
a. Websites
b. Online News Letters
c. e-Magazine
d. e-Journals
e. e-Brochures
i. Placement Brochure
ii. Institutional Brochure
iii. e-Prospectus
2. Hard Copy Publications
a. News Letter
b. Magazine
c. Journal
d. Brochures
i. Placement Brochure
ii. Institutional Brochure
iii. Prospectus
e. Case Study Book
f. Conference / Seminar Proceedings
g. Research Thesis of Faculty
h. Books Composed by Faculty Members in Original
i. Monographs
j. Study Materials
Roles and Responsibilities:

Policy Owner: The Chairman / Convenor shall be responsible for administration of the
publication policy. Issues of compliance, policy interpretation, and maintenance of the
policy, processes and procedures and promulgation of the policy should be referred to the
Chairman / Convenor. Compliance with the policy will be monitored and reported to the
publications committee under guidance of Chairman / Convenor.

Content Owners: The Content owner is JIS College of Engineering, who shall manage the
publication unit through the Chairman / Convenor Publication Unit, having overall
responsibility for accuracy, consistency and timeliness of content in publications under their
control as well as for approving content for publication. Content owners are responsible for
compliance with this policy and the JIS College of Engineerings publication processes and
procedures, as well as with other relevant policies and procedures (eg. for the management
of copyright, adherence to advertising and branding guidelines and for publication
consistent with the Policy).

Content Managers (Publication Committee): Shall ensure that appropriate policies

and standards are in place and adhered to by internal stakeholders. Maintain an up-
to-date list of publications, content owners, editors and authors. The content
managers will normally delegate responsibility for particular publications or types
of publication to the relevant operational line manager. The Web Content Manager is
responsible for the Institutes web content management system. Chairman /
Convenor publication committee shall create the team responsible for the institutes
primary publications in print, CD ROM/DVD, video and audio. The convenor website
committee (under the guidance of chairman / convenor publications) shall be
responsible for website publications.
A current content owner must be identified for each publication and it is their responsibility
to ensure they are registered with the appropriate content manager. The owner must be a
staff member of JIS College of Engineering, such as heads of departments/faculty/staff who
shall delegate the responsibility for the production of the publication to an editor.

Editors: An editor (or coordinating editor) shall have delegated responsibility for
one or more publications which combine materials belonging to several content
owners or authors.

Authors: Create and maintain content for specific publications in whatever

format/medium. Authors must submit material to content owners for approval
before publication.

Content Sources: JIS College of Engineering has a number of authorised central

repositories which serve as the primary locations of official information. These are
described in the (JIS College of Engineering) publication processes and procedures.
Authorisation to place or amend content in these repositories and to define
templates and formats rests with the executive person or bodies delegated by (JIS
College of Engineering) Principal shall authorize the publication committee for
timetable information for the institutes teaching programmes.

Storage and security: The IT Manager is accountable for the hardware and network
integrity and security of the Universitys authorised central repositories. Web
servers and other infrastructure managed by units other than ITS which are used to
store publicly available web content or files for publication must adhere to the same

policies and to comparable service levels for administration, security, backup and
maintenance as apply to ITS.

Branding: All primary publications are required to comply with JIS Groups current
branding and design standards. These are contained in the JIS Groups Brand
Identity Guidelines. Approved templates and guidelines for print and electronic
publication are available from AGM Corporate at JIS Group Head Office.
All secondary publications must also comply with the (JIS College of Engineering)s/ JIS
Groups current branding and design standards as far as reasonable and consistent with
their function.

Audience: All staff / stakeholders.

Relevant legislation:
All relevant acts relating to Indian publications

Copyright: All materials shall be published as original and should not have been published
before in their current or substantially similar form, or be not under consideration for
publication with any other journal / book / or any other form.
The contributors shall warrant that the materials is his/her/their original contribution and
that it is no ways and no form under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors
submitting articles for publication shall warrant that the work is not an infringement of any
existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.

Permissions: Prior to article submission, all contributors shall obtain and submit clear
permission to use any content that has not been created by them.

Rights of publishers:
1. Non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the article or book chapter.
2. Print and electronic rights.
3. Worldwide English language rights.
4. To use the material for the life of the work (i.e. there should be no time restrictions
on the re-use of material).

Publications Committee
Publisher: JIS College of Engineering
Chairman: Principal (JIS College of Engineering)
Jt. Convenor:
Annexure A

Terms for Book Publications

1.1. The Contributor with full title guarantee assigns to the Publisher for the full period
of copyright and all extensions and renewals (where relevant by way of present
assignment of future copyright) the entire copyright and all other rights of whatever
nature in and to the Contribution including, but not limited to, the right for the
Publisher by itself or with others, throughout the world, to copy, store and publish
the Contribution or derivative works based on the Contribution and to issue, rent,
sell transmit and distribute copies of the Contribution or derivative works to the
public in all languages and in all media of expression now known or later developed,
and to license or permit others to do so.
1.2. The rights in the title of the Contribution and the Work and any series titles used on
or in connection with the Work including, without limitation, any trade mark or
trade dress rights will belong solely to the Publisher.
1.3. If the Contribution is written by the Contributor in the course of the Contributors
employment, the Contribution is owned by the company/employer which must sign
this Agreement (in addition to the Contributors signature) in the space provided
2.1. The Contributor will prepare the Contribution, which will consist of no more than
the number of words specified in the letter of invitation to the Contributor from the
Volume Editor regarding the Contribution to the Work (the Letter of Invitation)
(including illustrations, black and white photographs, figures, tabular material and
bibliography and will conform in all material respects to the Instructions for
2.2. On or before the due date specified in the Letter of Invitation (the "Due Date") the
Contributor will deliver one copy of the complete Contribution in accordance with
the Instructions for Contributors to the Publisher. Upon completion of the Volume
Editors review, the Volume Editor will return the Contribution to the Contributor
for revision and the Contributor will revise the Contribution in accordance with the
Volume Editors instructions or advice. Upon completion of the revision of the
Contribution by the Contributor, the Contributor will submit the final version of the
Contribution to the Volume Editor and Publisher within 4 (four) weeks of receipt of
the Volume Editor's review.
2.3. If the Contribution contains extracts (including illustrations) from or is based in
whole or in part on other copyright works (including, for the avoidance of doubt,
material from on-line or intranet sources), the Contributor, at the Contributors
expense, and in the form specified by the Publisher, will obtain from the owners of
the respective copyrights written permission to reproduce those extracts in the
Work in all territories and editions and in all media of expression and languages. All
necessary permission forms must be submitted to the Publisher on delivery of the
2.4. The Publisher may, after publication of the Work, dispose of all original materials
and artwork. The Publisher will, however, on written request made prior to
publication, make reasonable efforts to return any original material supplied by the
Contributor. The Contributor must retain a copy of all materials delivered to the
If the Contributor fails to deliver the complete Contribution acceptable to the Publisher,
the Editor and the Volume Editor in form, organisation, content and style on the Due
Date, and/or does not make the changes referred to in Clause 2.2 within 4 weeks, or if
notwithstanding those changes the Contribution is not, in the Volume Editors or
Publisher's judgement, complete and satisfactory, the Publisher may terminate this
Agreement pursuant to Clause 12. The Publisher will have the final decision as to the
inclusion or omission of the Contribution in or from the first and any subsequent
editions of the Work.


4.1. The Publisher undertakes to credit the Contributor as author of the Contribution.
4.2. The Publisher and its licensees will have the right to use the Contributors name,
likeness and professional credits on or in connection with the Work or any
derivative works based on the Work, including for all related advertising and
promotional activities.

The Contributor authorises the Publisher, the Editor and the Volume Editor to make any
amendments to the Contribution which the Publisher may deem desirable in the interests of
uniformity and style of the Work and/or as the Publisher may consider necessary for
improving its marketability and to fully exploit its rights in and to the Work or the

At the request of the Publisher, the Contributor will read and correct the proofs for the
Contribution and return them to the Publisher within 14 days of receipt, failing which the
Publisher may agree with the Volume Editor to dispense with proof corrections by the

The Contributor may draw on and refer to material in the Contribution in preparing other
articles for publication in scholarly and professional journals and papers for delivery at
professional meetings, provided that credit is given to the Work and to the Publisher.

8.1. The Contributor (and where the Contributor consists of two or more persons, the
Contributors obligations, warranties and undertakings under this Agreement will be joint
and several), warrants to the Publisher that:
a. the Contribution is original to the Contributor except for excerpts and illustrations
from other copyright works for which written permission has been obtained in
accordance with Clause 2.3;
b. the Contributor is the sole owner of all rights in the Contribution and has not
assigned, encumbered, licensed or otherwise disposed of any rights in or to the
Contribution except pursuant to this Agreement and the Contribution has not
previously been published and is not in the public domain;
c. the Contribution contains nothing libellous, in breach of any confidentiality
obligations or official secrets acts, or anything which would constitute a malicious
falsehood or is otherwise unlawful and exploitation of the Contribution by the
Publisher or any licensee of the Publisher will not infringe the copyright or any other
rights of any third party;
d. all statements in the Contribution purporting to be facts are true or based upon
generally accepted professional research practices and any advice, recipe, formula
or instruction contained in it will not, if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness
or damage to the user.
8.2. Any changes made to the Contribution upon the advice of the Publisher or its legal
advisors or the failure by the Publisher to exercise its rights under Clause 12 will not affect
the warranties given by the Contributor.
8.3. Each party will promptly inform the other of any third party claims which, if sustained,
would constitute a breach of any of the Contributors warranties. The Publisher will have the
right to defend or settle any claim. The Contributor will co-operate fully with the Publisher
and may join in any defence with legal advisors of the Contributors choice, at the
Contributors expense.

If the Publisher chooses to revise, adapt or make derivative works of the Contribution, it
may at its sole discretion;
a. request the Contributor to update or revise the Contribution, whereby the Publisher
will enter into a new agreement with the Contributor. The Contributor will advise
the Publisher within 30 days whether he/she is able to substantially update or
revise the Contribution.
b. create adaptations, updated versions or derivative works of the Contribution, either
by itself or with others suitably qualified, provided that the Contributor will be
credited as the author of the original Contribution, in which case the Contributor
will receive no further payment for the Contribution.

10. CONTRIBUTORS COPIES: Each Contributor shall receive access to the particular volume of
the work in which their Contribution is published.

11. RESOLUTION OF DISAGREEMENTS: In the event of any disagreement between the

Contributors which prevents or delays submission of the Contribution by the Due Date in
form, organisation, content and style acceptable to the Publisher, or otherwise interferes
with the publication of the Work, the Publisher may, in its sole discretion, determine how
the disagreement will be resolved and its determination will be final.

12. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT: The Publisher may terminate this Agreement

immediately by notice in writing if:
a. the Contributor fails to deliver the Contribution acceptable to the Volume Editor and
Publisher in content and style by the Due Date, or fails or refuses to make the
changes requested by the Volume Editor pursuant to clause 2; or
b. publication may result in legal liability unacceptable to the Publisher in its
reasonable judgement; or
c. if the Publisher, in its sole discretion, does not publish the Contribution as part of the
Work or does not proceed with publication of the Work.

13.1 The Contributor recognises that the Contributor's engagement is personal and that the
Contributor may not assign or dispose of the Contributor's rights or obligations under this
Agreement, other than the right to receive any fee payable, without the prior written
consent of the Publisher.
13.2 The Publisher may assign the benefit of this Agreement (or any interest in this
Agreement) to a third party provided the Publisher will procure that the assignee
undertakes to observe and perform all of the obligations of the Publisher in this Agreement.
14.1 Any notice given under this Agreement must be in writing and sent to the address
of the other party set out in this Agreement or as otherwise notified. Notice may be given
to a party to this Agreement by electronic mail (other than in respect of clause 12), hand
delivery, pre-paid first class post, airmail or fax (provided the fax machine used has an
answer back facility). In the case of notices sent by the Contributor to the Publisher,
these should be marked for the attention of the Publishing Director. Notices sent by post
will be deemed received on the 5th business day after posting or, if sent by airmail, on
the 10th business day after posting. Notices which are hand-delivered will be deemed
given at the time of actual receipt. Any notice sent by fax or electronic mail will be
deemed given at the moment when the answer back or message sent confirmation (as
the case may be) is received by the sender.
14.2 This Agreement and any attachments and/or appendices to this Agreement contain
the full and complete understanding between the parties and supersede all prior
arrangements and understandings and may not be modified except in writing and
signed by both parties or their duly authorised representatives. Nothing in this
Agreement shall limit either party's liability in respect of fraudulent misrepresentation.
14.3 Failure by a party to enforce any term of this Agreement will not constitute a
waiver of that term or of that partys right subsequently to enforce any term of the
14.4 The warranties and indemnities contained in this Agreement and the provisions for
payment of and accounting in respect of payment due to the Contributor under the
terms of this Agreement will survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
14.5 Each party undertakes to the other that it will not disclose to any third party,
except to their respective professional advisors, the terms of this Agreement without the
prior written consent of the other.
14.6 Nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed as constituting a
partnership or contract of employment between the parties.
14.7 The parties do not intend any term of this Agreement to be enforceable by any third
party which is not a signatory to the Agreement.
14.8 This Agreement will be governed by Indian Law as if made and wholly performed
in England and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian
(West Bengal) courts.
Annexure B

Terms for Journal Publication


Ethics: (NAME OF THE JOURNAL) shall adhere to high ethical standards in publishing.

Copyright: Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their
current or substantially similar form, or be not under consideration for publication with any
other journal / form. The author is needed to submit an undertaking that the article is
his/her/their original contribution and that it is no ways and no form under
consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors submitting articles for publication shall
warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify
the publisher against any breach of such warranty.
The editor/s shall / may use appropriate software for checking the originality of the
submissions received.

Permissions: Prior to article submission, authors should clear permission to use any content
that has not been created by them.

Rights of publishers:
1. Non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the article or book chapter.
2. Print and electronic rights.
3. Worldwide English language rights.
4. To use the material for the life of the work (i.e. there should be no time restrictions on
the re-use of material).

When reproducing tables, figures or excerpts (of more than 400 words) from another source, it
is expected that:
i. Authors shall obtain the necessary written permission in advance from any third party
owners of copyright for the use in print and electronic formats of any of their text,
illustrations, graphics, or other material, in their manuscript. Permission must also be
cleared for any minor adaptations of any work not created by them.
ii. If an author adapts significantly any material, the author must inform the copyright
holder of the original work and the authors would need to obtain and provide proof of
consent statements
iii. Authors must always acknowledge the source in figure captions and refer to the source
in the reference list.
iv. Authors should not assume that any content which is freely available on the web is free
to use. Authors should check the website for details of the copyright holder to seek
permission for re-use.

Final submission: Authors should note that proofs are not supplied prior to publication. The
manuscript will be considered to be the definitive version of the article. The author must ensure
that it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors. Before
submitting, authors should check their submission completeness.

Manuscript requirements: Authors are requested to prepare their manuscript using the
following guidelines before submission

Format: All files should be submitted as a Word document as .docx file. Pictures / Figures (if
any) are to be provided in high resolution .JPEG Format with insertion at appropriate positions
in text with legends.

Article Length: Articles should be a maximum of 10000 words in length. This includes all text
including references and appendices.

Article Title: This should clearly reflect the goal of the paper in as crisp and simple
statement as possible

Article Title Page

A separate Article Title Page should be submitted alongside with the articles, this should include
the following:
i. Article Title
ii. Author Details: Details should be supplied on the Article Title Page including: Full name
of each author, Affiliation of each author, at time when the research was completed,
where more than one author has contributed to the article, details of who should be
contacted for correspondence, E-mail address of the corresponding author, Brief
professional biography of each authors, Acknowledgements
iii. Abstract: This should clearly indicate the following, research
design/methodology/approach, major findings, managerial implications (value
contributed) within Maximum is 250 words.
iv. Keywords: The author is requested to provide 8 to 10 keywords on the Article Title
Page, that shall encapsulate the principal topics of the paper
v. Article Classification (Research Paper / Spot Light/ Book Review)

Funded Research: In case of publication of outputs of funded research, the authors shall
declare all sources of external research funding with a statement to this effect in the
Acknowledgements. Authors should describe the role of the funder or financial sponsor in the
entire research process, from study design to submission.

Headings: Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the distinction between the
hierarchy of headings. The preferred format is for first level headings to be presented in bold
format and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in medium italics.
Notes/Endnotes: Notes or Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be
identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end
of the article.

Figures: All Figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, web pages/screenshots, and photographic
images) should be submitted in electronic form. All Figures should be of high quality, legible and
numbered consecutively. Graphics may be supplied in colour to facilitate their appearance on
the online database.
i. Figures created in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Illustrator should be supplied in
their native formats. Electronic figures created in other applications should be copied
from the origination software and pasted into a blank MS Word document or saved and
imported into an MS Word document or alternatively create a .pdf file from the
origination software.
ii. Figures which cannot be supplied in as the above are acceptable in .pdf formats.
iii. Photographic images should be submitted electronically and of high quality. They should
be saved as .jpeg files at a resolution of at least 300dpi and at least 10cm wide. Digital
camera settings should be set at the highest resolution/quality possible.

Tables: Tables should be typed and included in a separate file to the main body of the article.
The position of each table should be clearly labelled in the body text of article with
corresponding labels being clearly shown in the separate file.
Authors must ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items
and have corresponding explanations displayed as footnotes to the table, figure or plate.

References: References to other publications must be in Harvard style and carefully checked
for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
1. For books : Surname, Initials (year), Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication.
e.g. Kotlar, P. (2012), Marketing Management,12th Ed.,Pearson Education, New Delhi,
pp. a-b
2. For book chapters: Surname, Initials (year), "Chapter title", Editor's Surname, Initials,
Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice a continuum", in
Stankosky, M. (Ed.), Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management, Elsevier, New
York, NY, pp. 15-20.
3. For journals: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of article", Journal Name, volume, number,
e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century",
Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 72-80.
4. For published conference proceedings: Surname, Initials (year of publication), "Title
of paper", in Surname, Initials (Ed.), Title of published proceeding which may include
place and date(s) held, Publisher, Place of publication, Page numbers.
e.g. Jakkilinki, R., Georgievski, M. and Sharda, N. (2007), "Connecting destinations with
an ontology-based e-tourism planner", in Information and communication technologies
in tourism 2007 proceedings of the international conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia,
2007, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, pp. 12-32.
5. For unpublished conference proceedings: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of paper",
paper presented at Name of Conference, date of conference, place of conference,
available at: URL if freely available on the internet (accessed date).
e.g. Aumueller, D. (2005), "Semantic authoring and retrieval within a wiki", paper
presented at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), 29 May-1 June, Heraklion,
Crete, available at: http://dbs.uni-leipzig.de/file/aumueller05wiksar.pdf (accessed 20
February 2007).
6. For working papers: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of article", working paper [number
if available], Institution or organization, Place of organization, date.
e.g. Moizer, P. (2003), "How published academic research can inform policy decisions:
the case of mandatory rotation of audit appointments", working paper, Leeds University
Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, 28 March.
7. For encyclopedia entries (with no author or editor): Title of Encyclopedia (year)
"Title of entry", volume, edition, Title of Encyclopedia, Publisher, Place of publication,
e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1926) "Psychology of culture contact", Vol. 1, 13th ed.,
Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp. 765-71. (For authored entries
please refer to book chapter guidelines above)
8. For newspaper articles (authored): Surname, Initials (year), "Article title", Newspaper,
date, pages.
e.g. Smith, A. (2008), "Money for old rope", Daily News, 21 January, pp. 1, 3-4.
9. For newspaper articles (non-authored): Newspaper (year), "Article title", date, pages. e.g.
Daily News (2008), "Small change", 2 February, p. 7.
10. For electronic sources:If available online, the full URL should be supplied at the end of the
reference, as well as a date that the resource was accessed.
e.g. Castle, B. (2005), "Introduction to web services for remote portlets", available at:
http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-wsrp/ (accessed 12 November
11. Standalone URLs, i.e. without an author or date, should be included either within
parentheses within the main text, or preferably set as a note (roman numeral within square
brackets within text followed by the full URL address at the end of the paper).

Submissions Procedure: please email the soft copy of the article to the editor in chief at (EMAIL
ID) indicating the section for which the article has been submitted in the subject.

Review process: Each paper is first reviewed by the editor and, if judged suitable for consideration
it would be put up to three referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendations,
the editor would decide whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected. The
Editors reserve the right to make additional recommendations over and above the reviewers, and
to make the final decision on each manuscript.
Ph.D Regulations:
Following Regulations relating to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Engineering, Science,
Humanities and Management Disciplines (henceforth referred as Faculties) of this Autonomous Institute
have been constituted. The Regulations may be called Ph.D Regulations, JISCE, Kalyani.

The Ph.D. Degree shall be awarded to a candidate on the basis of original research work of merit
recommended by the concerned Supervisor(s) followed by the Doctoral Committee and
subsequently passed by the Board of Examiners and successfully defended by the candidate during
his/her Viva-Voce Examination.

2. Eligibility Criteria for Admission

(i) The application for admission to the Ph.D programme is to be made to the
DIRECTOR / REGISTRAR in the prescribed form.
(ii) Ordinarily, The Institute shall admit a Ph.D. candidate through an ENTRANCE
TEST in the subject in which he/she has obtained Masters Degree. Although, if he /
she wishes to apply other than the one in which he/she has got the qualifying degree,
the candidate has to seek an endorsement from the concerned Doctoral Committee.
However, a person who has cleared UGC / CSIR (JRF)

Examinations / NET / SET / SLET / GATE / Teacher

Fellowship or any other examinations that may be

deemed equivalent by the Doctoral Committee or
passed the M.Phil. / M.Tech. (the Masters Degree in
any Engineering) or Equivalent Examination shall not
be required to appear at the said Ph.D. Entrance Test.

(a) In case of candidates holding a qualifying degree from any University, admission
for the Ph.D. Programme will proceed after determination of the EQUIVALENCE
by the Doctoral Committee of this Institute (JISCE) and fulfillment of the
admission criteria.

(b) In all other cases the Institute (JISCE) shall admit as Ph.D candidate through an
ENTRANCE TEST conducted by the office of the Principal & Dean along with all
the HODs and if qualified the applicant will have to be successful in the Interview
governed by the Doctoral Committee of JISCE. However, the Dean and respective
departmental Heads in consultation with the Director will decide the admission test
procedure. A list of successful candidates name will be published and displayed
through Institutes Internet.
(iii) A person who has obtained a Post Graduate Degree of less than 2 years duration may
also apply who has completed at least a total 5 years of Graduate and Post Graduate
study in a recognized university / Institute provided the Doctoral Committee of JISCE
endorse it.
In case of Foreign Applicant, a clearance from the Govt. of India is to be produced to
the Director of the Institute. Moreover, Enrolment in the Ph.D programme may be
allowed only to such foreign nationals as have obtained and are holding RESEARCH

(iv) A person who has obtained the Degree in MCA of this Institute or from any other
Institutes of repute recognized as equivalent thereto by this Institute may also apply
for Ph.D admission programme. The concerned departmental head (where he / she
intends to enroll) in consultation with the members of the Doctoral Committee of
JISCE will take up an Entrance test followed by an Interview.

(v) The intending candidate must submit a statement that he / she is not currently enrolled
as a student in any course of studies or registered for the Ph.D degree in any
Institute/University and shall undertake not to be thus enrolled or registered so long
as he / she is registered for Ph.D degree of this Institute (JISCE)

(vi) Doctoral Committee will predetermine the number of students to be admitted in the
Ph.D. Programme in the month of July. (Once in a year). However, Entrance test
schedule shall be notified once in a year and the reservation policy should be strictly
followed as per rules of the Govt. of West Bengal.

3. Registration Procedure
(i) The Doctoral Committee will process the application of the qualified
candidate. The scheme of work and the Title of the Thesis which is to be
submitted along with the application or with in one year from the date of
(ii) However, if the Doctoral Committee accepts the candidate for Registration
then the candidate must register his/her name within one month of the date on
which the decision of the said committee is communicated to the candidate,
by paying the requisite fee plus such other fees duly determined by the

(iii) Registration for Ph.D degree shall be granted to the candidate provided that
the Doctoral Committee is satisfied that:
a) The candidate satisfies the requirements for eligibility as laid down in item no. 2.

b) It shall be possible for the candidate to maintain regular contact with the Supervisor
throughout the entire period of his/her work, and

c) The experimental part, if any, of the work can be carried out at this Institute or in other
recognized Institute / University or Research Organization or Industry where adequate
facilities for carrying out such work exist.

d) That person is qualified as per the norms and willing to act as supervisor.
(iv) In case of Failure to register within the prescribed time, the application shall
be deemed to have been cancelled unless granted permission by the Director
on the basis of a written application.
(v) On payment of the registration fee, the candidates name and other particulars
will be included in the register maintained by the office of the Principal &
(vi) Registration shall remain valid for FIVE years from the date of registration.
The relevant Doctoral Committee may, however, extend the period of
registration beyond 5(five) years on the merit of individual cases on sufficient
grounds provided that such extension shall not exceed two (2) years.
(vii) The candidate may apply to the Director for cancellation of registration stating
reasons, and such application, preferably forwarded by the Supervisor(s) must
be placed and recorded at the meeting of the Doctoral Committee. If
approved, the candidates registration will be cancelled
(viii) The Institute/ WBUT may also cancel the registration of a candidate if he/she
does not fulfill the above criteria. In such cases, the Supervisor(s) may
recommend to the Director for cancellation of the said registration. The
application shall be placed at the meeting of the Doctoral Committee. The
Doctoral Committee will take final decision after getting the reply within a
stipulated period of time.

4. Privileges & Obligations of Registered Candidates

i) A registered candidate shall work under the guidance of the Supervisor (s)
appointed by the Doctoral Committee.
ii) A registered candidate shall abide by such regulations as may be prescribed by
the Doctoral committee from time to time.
iii) If the candidates do not have Masters or equivalent degree, he/she will have
to complete at least four courses, of which one course shall be on Research
Methodology. Each course shall be of one semester duration. The candidate
with the approval of the Supervisor(s) may choose courses from the regular
Masters degree courses and equivalent PhD level courses offered by the
Institute or courses identified and approved by the Doctoral committee from
any reputed and recognized Institute previously identified by them. All the
courses must be successfully completed with at least 50% marks within two
years of registration. Those mark sheets must be submitted to the Doctoral
Committee through the Supervisor (s) for inclusion in the students record.
iv) A fee determined by the Institute shall be paid by a registered candidate for
appearing at the examination for the course(s) mentioned above.
v) He/she shall submit a progress report in duplicate to the office of the Principal
& Dean through the Supervisor(s) once in every completed year of research.

5. Thesis Supervision
i) The Supervisor under whom a registered candidate shall have to work shall be
a TEACHER of this INSTITUTE (JISCE) holding a Doctorate Degree or
possessing adequate research experience as evidenced by the Quality
PUBLICATIONS, which is to be decided by the members of the Doctoral
Committee. However, if the teacher Himself / Herself is registered for Ph.D
degree, he/she shall not be eligible for appointment as a Supervisor till he/she
is awarded the degree.
ii) A) In special cases, the Doctoral Committee may appoint a Supervisor from
outside this JISCE. A Teacher / Scientist from any University / Institute who
wishes to supervise a registered candidate of this Institute for the first time has
to apply in the prescribed form forwarded by the Director and this has to be
approved by the Doctoral Committee.
B) The Doctoral committee may appoint a Supervisor from the Officers of the
Institute holding a Doctorate Degree and possessing adequate research
experience as evidenced by publications provided that if the officer
himself/herself is registered for the Ph.D degree, he/she shall not be eligible
for such appointment as Supervisor till he/she is awarded the degree.

C) A Teacher / Officer of this Inst. Can have registered candidates in any

faculties / disciplines if he/she is eligible 5(i) and 5(ii) B) above.

iii) The Doctorate Committee of each Disciplines (e.g., Engineering, Science &
Management referred as Faculty) will constitute Ph.D Research Committee
either for every department / schools (if any) or for each research work. Such
committee shall be comprised of the following members:

A. Ph.D Research Committee for Departments / Schools (if any)

Head of the Dept./Director of the School as chairperson.

a) Elected Member of the Doctoral Committee from the Department / Joint

Director of the School.
b) Concerned Supervisor(s) as invitee member.
c) FOUR (4) Subject-Experts of whom at least one must be from outside
the Dept. / School and one must be from outside the Institute, nominated
by the concerned Board of Studies / Academic Committee of School
(ACS) for a maximum period of four years.
d) Dean and Principal of JISCE
B. Ph.D Research Committee for each research work

a) Concerned HOD / Director of School as Chairman.

b) Same as A.
c) 4 subject-experts of whom one must be from outside the Institute.
d) Concerned Supervisor(s) with one of them as Convener.
The Ph.D Research Committee will conduct the Interview, review the Title and Scheme
of work and conduct pre-submission presentation of the candidate and forward its report
to the Doctoral committee.

iv) Not more than 4 (FOUR) candidates may work under the guidance of a
Supervisor at a time. A joint supervision shall count as one full supervision

6. Thesis Submission

i) A registered candidate shall have to work for a minimum period of 2

years after registration, although the Doctoral Committee may permit a
candidate to submit his/her thesis One year after the successful
completion of coursework, if the supervisor certifies that the candidate
has carried on research for 2 years and that the thesis embodies at least 2
years work.
ii) A student must have at least One Publication in a referred Journal out of
his/her doctoral research work prior to submission and shall produce
evidence for the same in the form of acceptance letter or offprint to the
Doctoral Committee.
iii) Before final submission of the thesis a student who has satisfactorily
completed the course work (vide item 4(iii), must present his/her work at
a meeting of the Ph.D Research Committee as constituted under 5(iii).
Interested researchers may also attend the meeting as invitee. Any
suggestion may be suitably incorporated under the advice of the
iv) S/he shall state in the preface on which the work is based and how the
work contributes to the general advancement of knowledge. S/he shall
also state the sources from which her/his information has been derived
and shall indicate which portion(s) of the thesis s/he claims as her/his
original contribution.
v) A candidate cannot submit any portion of her/his thesis work for which a
degree or diploma or other academic award has been conferred on
her/him by this Institute or any other Institution but may incorporate as
part of the thesis any such earlier work with proper citation/reference.

vi) A registered candidate shall have to submit FOUR hard copies (the
number may be determined separately in case of Joint Supervision) and
one electronic copy of the thesis duly recommended by the Supervisor(s)
embodying the results of the research she/he has carried out together with
four copies of the Synopsis of the thesis. The copies of the Thesis should
be submitted to the Principal & Deans office together with a receipt of
the fees paid to the institute for this purpose.
vii) The Fee so paid is nonrefundable.
viii) Proof of the candidates fulfillment of other requirements shall also be
submitted at this time.
ix) The Executive Council shall have the power to revoke any Ph.D degree
conferred duly if the candidate is found guilty of Plagiarism, falsification
/ copying of data / information or any other form of academic or ethical
malpractice. The decision of the Council is final.

7. Thesis Examination

a) The Doctoral committee shall approve names of Six persons who are
well known authorities on the subject for appointment as Examiners of a
thesis by considering the list submitted by the Supervisor(s). Such
examiners shall neither be Teachers of this Institute nor persons who are
supervising candidates for the Ph.D degree registered at this Institute.
b) On recommendation of the Doctoral Committee, a Board of Examiners,
consisting of two external experts and the Supervisor(s) under whose
guidance the candidate worked, shall be appointed by the Executive
Council of which at least one external expert shall be from outside the
state of West Bengal.
c) External Examiners will be requested to state their opinion in the
prescribed form that has the following options:

i) The candidate may be awarded the Ph.D degree of this

Institute / WBUT

ii) The candidate may be awarded the Ph.D degree of the

Institute /WBUT provided that the following

Modifications are addressed in a separate addendum.

The examiners present at the Viva Voce must certify that

the modifications are satisfactorily addressed, failing

which the thesis must be resubmitted after addressing

the suggested modifications.

iii) The candidate may be awarded the Ph.D degree only

after addressing following questions and resubmitting

the thesis.

iv) The candidate not be awarded the Ph.D degree of this

Institute / WBUT

A detailed Report must also be submitted and signed by the external Examiners.

A thesis which has been directed to be resubmitted by at least one of the External
Examiners may be submitted again after due revision, modification or alteration but
not earlier than three months from the date of communication of the recommendation
to the candidate and a fee shall have to be paid at the time of resubmission as decided
by the Institute /WBUT. External Examiners appointed under 7(b) will examine the
resubmitted thesis again. A thesis may be resubmitted only once.

d) If there is a difference of opinion in the recommendations {(clauses 7(c)

(i) to (iii) vis--vis (d)} of the External Examiners, all the reports and the
thesis will be sent to a THIRD External Examiner appointed by the
Doctoral Committee who will act as special Adjudicator and her/his
recommendation will be considered as BINDING.
e) If both the external examiners reject the thesis {clauses 7 (i) &
(ii)} or in case of a favourable opinion of the Special Adjudicator, s/he
shall be asked to appear at the viva voce examination.

8. Viva Voce Examination

i) There shall be an OPEN viva voce examination for which notice should be
issued 15 (fifteen) days before the examination and teachers of all
faculties shall be invited to attend the examination. Other interested
persons may also attend.
ii) The Executive Council on recommendation of the Doctoral Committee
shall appoint one expert who is not a teacher of this Institute and is a well-
known authority on the subject, and the Supervisor(s) of the candidate, as
examiners for the oral examination. In case the supervisor is not available,
the Institute /WBUT shall appoint another examiner in her/his place.
In the event of a Ph.D candidate proceeding abroad after submission of the
thesis, two competent Scholars in the field abroad may be appointed as an
examiner for the Open viva voce as a special case with the approval of the
Director / Vice Chancellor.

iii) The examiners at the oral examination may ask questions beyond the
subject of the thesis in order to satisfy themselves that the candidate has
adequate knowledge of the particular branch of the subject on which s/he
has submitted the thesis. If there is an addendum as mentioned under 7(c)
(ii), the examiners will certify that it is satisfactory.
iv) If the examiners are not satisfied, the candidate may be directed to appear
again at the viva voce examination after six months. Such a candidate
shall pay an additional fee duly determined by the Institute / WBUT.
v) The Degree will be awarded by the WBUT if the examiners of the viva
voce examinations are of the opinion that the candidate is a fit person to
receive the degree.

9. Honorarium of Examiners

The members of the Board of Examiners shall be paid an honorarium as may be

determined from time to time by the Institute /WBUT for the examination of the
thesis and the Oral Examination separately.

Honorarium will be paid to the examiners at the same rate as mentioned above for
re-examination of the thesis.

10. Registration of Candidates under Supervisors who are not the

Teachers of JISCE

i) The executive Council may identify research institutions from where the
teachers and researchers may independently supervise candidates for the
Degree of Ph.D of this JISCE, Kalyani institute.
ii) The research Institute shall only be recognized by the Institute (JISCE) if
said institute does not confer Ph.D. Degrees independently
iii) When a research institute is thus identified by the Executive Council of
this Institute (JISCE), the research institute must follow the rules and
regulations of JISCE / WBUT regarding the Ph.D Programme.
iv) The Director / Head of the research Institute must forward the candidates
application form for registration to the Ph.D programme of this Institute.
v) The Ph.D research Committee as constituted under clause 5(iii) A will
conduct the Interview, review the Title and the Scheme of work and
conduct pre-submission presentation of the candidate and forward its
report to the Doctoral Committee.

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