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Application Note

VCM / PVC Process - pH

Chemical Industry: Polyvinyl Chloride Production
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most common types Crude EDC will go through purification stages to remove
of plastics. Production of PVC first began in Germany in traces of HCl, Cl2, entrained catalyst and residual organics.
the early 1930s. Since then, global PVC manufacturing Purification involves wash and drying cycles followed by
has grown to over 35 million tons annually. distillation. A dilute caustic solution is used in the wash
stage to neutralize chlorides and prevent corrosion.
The process starts with creation of a vinyl chloride Each purification stage generates wastewater in the
monomer (VCM). A monomer is really an individual form of wash water, condensation and cooling water. All
molecule. A polymerization process is used to link the wastewater is eventually sent to treatment.
VCM molecules together to form PVC. In this paper we
will briefly describe both the VCM and PVC processes The purified EDC is heated to roughly 500C where it is
and how Barben pH & ORP sensors excel in these difficult split into VCM and HCl. The reaction is as follows:
C2H4Cl2 C2H3Cl + HCl
The VCM Process
VCM is a flammable, toxic gas that is the main feedstock Most facilities will use a secondary process called
of PVC production. The raw materials of VCM are oxychlorination. Oxychlorination uses HCl acid to create
ethylene and chlorine. These two materials combine to additional EDC. Recovered HCl is blended with either air
form ethylene dichloride which is thermally cracked to or oxygen and ethylene in the presence of a copper salt
create VCM. Ethylene is a byproduct of steam cracking catalyst (typically CuCl2). The oxychlorination reaction is
in the refinery. The chlorine typically comes from a chlor- highly exothermic causing temperatures of 220 - 250C.
alkali facility located close by (see our paper: Chlor-alkali_ Please see the reaction below:
AN_RevA.pdf for information on this process).
C2H4 + 2HCl + 1/2O2 C2H4Cl2 + H2O
Direct chlorination is the primary process used to create
ethylene dichloride (EDC). Ethylene and chlorine are After oxychlorination a quench with dilute caustic is used
combined with a metallic catalyst (typically FeCl3) to create to cool the EDC and neutralize residual HCl. Typically the
an exothermic reaction. The reaction is shown below: quality of EDC produced by oxychlorination is not as pure
as created from the direct chlorination process; however
C2H4 + Cl2 C2H4Cl2 the creation of additional EDC feedstock and reuse of

VCM Production
and H2O

C2H4 Air (O2)
Cl2 HCl Recycle
Crude EDC

Unconverted EDC
Purified VCM

and H2O Crude
HCl Stripper
Wash / Dryer




Figure 1
Waste H2O Waste H2O Waste H2O Waste H2O
Application Note
VCM / PVC Process - pH
HCl more than outweigh the quality issues. EDC created Once all the batch components have been added to the
from the oxychlorination process is routed through the reactor it is heated to begin PVC formation. The actual
purification stages prior to cracking. reaction is exothermic thus, once started, large quantities
of cooling water are required to control the reactor
Thermal cracking is a pyrolysis reaction that produces temperature (typically 30 to 80C). Over the course of 3 to
VCM and HCl. Effluent gases are rapidly cooled in the 10 hours the PVC will precipitate out in the form in small,
quench tower. If the cooling is not done quickly then solid granules of plastic. An agitator is used to keep the
further decomposition occurs creating undesirable coke VCM and PVC in suspension. The reaction is run until 80 -
(tar) which can foul the reactor. HCl is stripped off in a 90% completion. The resulting PVC slurry is drained from
separate column for recycle in the oxychlorination process. the reactor. Any residual VCM will be stripped off for reuse
After a final distillation column the pure VCM is sent to back into the reactor. All water will be removed through
storage where it can be converted to PVC plastic. a centrifuge and cyclone dryer. The finished product is a
PVC powder with plastic granules ranging from 100 - 150
The PVC Process (suspension polymerization) m size.
While the VCM process is continuous, the PVC process is
based on a batch reaction. VCM and demineralized water pH Measurement Challenges
are pumped into a pressurized reactor vessel along with The VCM / PVC processes are highly water intensive thus
initiator chemicals, protective colloids, and a pH buffer. the need for reliable on-line pH and ORP measurements
The purpose of each is discussed below. is a primary requirement. pH control is used in the
oxychlorination quench tower to neutralize excess HCl
VCM - Vinyl chloride monomer is converted into polyvinyl to prevent corrosion. Downstream in the PVC process,
chloride when exposed to initiator chemicals in the reactor demineralized water is pH buffered to prevent corrosion in
the reactor. Throughout the plant cooling water is used.
Water - Demineralized water provides for the suspension ORP control of biocide addition is common in the cooling
of VCM droplets and PVC granules as well as acts as a water to prevent bacteria and algae growth. Wastewater
heat transfer fluid is generated by nearly all of the quench and distillation
processes throughout production. Considerable amounts
Intiators - The initiator reacts with VCM at a prescribed of water is also used for cleaning and maintenance
temperature to create long chain PVC molecules. purposes. VCM / PVC wastewater has a wide variety of
contaminants that must be dealt with:
Protective Colloids - Water soluble colloids influence the
size, surface texture, and porosity of the PVC as well as Residual EDC and VCM
prevent clumping of the granules Copper and iron catalyst
PVC granules
pH Buffers - Inorganic salts or bases designed to Chlorinated organic compounds
neutralize HCl acid created by the polymerization process Glycols
Coke from the EDC cracking process
Figure 2
Cooling Water
Cyclone Dryer



PVC Centrifuge
Reactor PVC

PVC Slurry
Waste H2O

PVC Production
Application Note
VCM / PVC Process - pH
The wastewater chemical mixture is very effective in pH / ORP Electrode Examples
shortening the lifespan of conventional gel filled double
junction pH sensors. Over time, the sensor reference half
cell gets contaminated as the chloride and hydrocarbon The top electrode shows a CR
hemispherical glass pH electrode. The
compounds penetrate the junction and poison the dome shape provides a large surface
electrolyte and Ag/AgCl reference element. The solid area and high resistance to cracking
when process pressures and tem-
metallic catalyst and PVC particulates also are very peratures fluctuate. The notches on
effective at plugging the small porous reference junction each side provide added insurance to
protect the electrode against impact.
that is commonplace in many conventional pH sensors.

The end result of chemical contamination and plugging is a The bottom electrode is Barbens
shift in pH reading and eventual loss of sensor response to unique billet style ORP electrode.
Unlike most competitive designs, no
changes in pH. glass is used in the construction of the
sensor thus the design is highly resis-
tant to damage from impact as well as
pH and ORP Solutions chemical attack. The flush platinum
Barben Performance Series pH sensors are specifically electrode can be easily polished if hard
scale coatings occur.
designed for harsh chemical processes thus are well
suited for the measurement challenges in the VCM / PVC Figure 4

processes. The patented Axial Ion Path reference half

Kynar (PVDF) should be specified as the sensor body
cell (Figure 3) uses multiple filtering chambers to greatly
material due to its chemical compatibility. All Barben
slow the ingress of process chemicals from poisoning
pH sensors have options for Viton Extreme, EPDM, and
the sensor internals. The large annular Teflon junction
FFKM (Kalrez) sealing components. Viton Extreme or
provides a much greater surface area then conventional
FFKM are highly recommended in effluents that contain
pH sensors. The increased area is effective in reducing
chloroethanol, chloral, or vinyl chloride.
the plugging due to particulate matter and simplifies
cleaning. Because of these design advantages the Barben
pH Sensor Installation
sensor can be installed directly into the process instead of
If pH measurements are performed on sample lines
on a sample line.
then the 551 pH sensor with Nut Lock Adapter is highly
Figure 3 recommended. This style of sensor uses a union nut
to lock the sensor in place. The nut tightens down on a
Multiple Axial Ion Paths flange on the body to hold the sensor in place. The 551
Plug free communication sensor design is an improvement over traditional threaded
Seal individual filtering chambers
sensors as it prevents undesirable torque on the cable
and sensor body. The Nut Lock Adapter can withstand
Annular Filtering Junction
Maintains measurement signal pressures up to 300 PSIG. A wide variety of materials are
Wood slows process ingress available including 316 SS, Titanium, Hastelloy, Kynar,
Highly resistant to strong chemicals
CPVC, and PEEK. A typical installation can be seen in
Figure 5 below.
Teflon Junction Interface
Initial protection against process
Figure 5
Large surface area 551 Sensor with Nut Lock Adapter
H+ H+


For all VCM / PVC wastewater applications pH FITTING NUT

1.825 (46.4mm)

sensors should be specified with CR coating resistant 3/4" FLEX CONDUIT

hemispherical glass electrodes (Figure 4). The coat
resistant layer on the glass provides additional insurance 551
against particulate build-up on the electrode. For ORP
applications the flat platinum billet electrode should be

specified. The flat design provides a large surface area for 1/4 INSERTION DEPTH

easy cleaning should scale or coating occur.

Application Note
VCM / PVC Process - pH
Summary Contact Us
Barben Performance Series pH sensors offer many
advantages for VCM / PVC manufacturing facilities Barben Analytical is a leading supplier of analytical mea-
including the following: surement technology targeting the industrial
marketplace. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ametek.
Less frequent calibration intervals
High pH / ORP measurement accuracy Ametek has nearly 14,000 colleagues at over 120 manu-
Increased pH / ORP sensor lifespan facturing locations around the world. Supporting those
Simplified sensor specification operations are more than 80 sales and service locations
across the United States and in more than 30 other coun-
In process control applications higher accuracy and tries around the world.
reliable pH / ORP measurement leads to savings by
reducing chemical usage. Maintenance expenses are Barben Analytical
also decreased as spares inventory is reduced and fewer 5200 Convair Drive
calibration hours are required to keep measurements Carson City, NV 89706 USA
Toll Free: +1 (800) 993-9309
Phone: +1 (775) 883-2500
Fax: +1 (775) 297-4740
Email: [email protected]

Barben Analytical reserves the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice. We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter
and illustrations contained within.

Hastelloy is a registered trademark of Haynes Intl Inc.

Viton and Kalrez are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow Elastomers L.L.C.
Kynar is a registered trademark of Elf Atochem North America Inc.
Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours Company Inc.

2015, by AMETEK, Inc. All rights reserved VCM_PVC_AN_RevA August, 2014

Toll Free +1(800)993-9309 Phone +1(775)883-2500 Fax +1(775)297-4740
[email protected] ISO 9001:2008
Cert. No. 43271

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