Emerson Facts and Questions

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1. What is considered good oil pressure?

Good oil pressure is 20-60 psid, this is the differential between crankcase and oil pump

2. How do I know if a compressor is operating to capacity?

When selecting a compressor the capacity is listed under specific conditions (Example:
ARI conditions for air conditioning compressors is at 130F (54.4C) condensing and 45F
(7.2C) evaporator). A compressor capacity will change as the load changes. To
accurately check compressor capacity one should note the conditions you are operating
at and plot these on a capacity curve designed for the specific compressor and
refrigerant you are using. In short, the capacity that the compressor is drawing is specific
to the conditions. To obtain capacity data please visit the Online Product
Information (OPI) database.

3. What needs to be checked when a compressor trips on the protector?

Copeland protectors are inherent, meaning they sense both temperature and
amperage. If a protector trips, the system should be investigated for the increased
temperature or amperage problem. Some causes could be charge shortage, high head
pressures, increased friction of moving parts, reduced voltage, unbalanced voltages,
shorted windings, etc.

4. What needs to be checked when an erratic oil pressure control trips?

First, we must recognize that there is no such thing as a nuisance oil control trip. The
tripped control is warning you of an existing problem. The system should not be reset
until you have looked in the sight glass and recorded the level. If the oil is below the
glass, the system should be checked for leaks or oil logging. Investigate for the oil return
problem. This could be corrected by longer or more defrost cycles, reducing short
cycling, preventing low refrigerant charge, eliminating piping problems, etc. If it is
determined that oil should be added it must be removed once the problem is remedied.

If the oil is above the glass, the system should be checked for the possibility of
refrigerant diluting the oil. Liquid refrigerant floodback could be identified by absence of
superheat at the compressor. It would be advisable to separate the refrigerant from the
oil by heating the oil with a crankcase heater a few hours before starting or by jogging
the compressor (quick start/stop of the compressor several times) until the foaming is
controlled. Remember the suction service valve should not be closed while jogging the
compressor. If the valve is closed the refrigerant and oil could manage a more violent
explosion (flooded start) as there is less space for the initial start-up pressure to be
pulled from.

If the oil level is in the sight glass, the oil may be checked if it is too hot. Identify this by
checking the temperature six inches out on the discharge line. The maximum is 225F
(107.2C) at this distance. Any higher temperatures could mean that the cylinder
temperature is above 300F (148.9C) and it could cause oil control trips. If the oil is
foaming excessively it may have refrigerant dilution and may be identified as a floodback
problem. On refrigerant cooled semi-hermetic compressors, the problem could be an
over-pressurized crankcase. The root of this problem is overheat that causes excessive
crankcase pressures due to piston blow by at low loads. The problem may be found by
attaching a gauge manifold set to the crankcase and the suction. With the compressor
operating, start slowly front seating the suction service valve. Observation of the gages
should show both falling at an equal amount until the valve is fully front seated. The
point at which the crankcase gauge stops falling is proof that the crankcase blow by
pressure exceeds the venting.

5. What would cause my compressor to overheat?

Overheating problems occur when oil in a compressor is heated to the point where it
loses its ability to lubricate. If the heat is high enough, the oil breaks down chemically.
Major reasons for overheating due to discharge temperatures are:

Low suction pressures

High condensing pressures
High compression ratios

Low suction pressure is normally the result of incorrect pressure switch settings,
pressure drop in suction line, light load operating conditions or restricted evaporator
coils. High condensing pressures can be caused by inadequate airflow through the
condenser, undersized discharge line/condenser, and overcharge of refrigerant or
noncondensables in the system. High-pressure ratios are a combination of low suction
pressures and high condensing pressures. If the compressor is operated within the
manufacturer guidelines, this condition will not cause a problem. Emerson recommends
monitoring discharge line temperatures to determine if the compressor is in a danger
zone of overheating. Generally, discharge line temperature of 225F (107.2C) and below
will insure the compressor of a long life.

6. What would cause a compressor to run in a rapid cycling mode?

Possible causes include:

Compressor oversized for load

The "cycle on" and "cycle off" range of low pressure control is set too close
Undersized evaporator/suction line piping
A leak in liquid line solenoid valve
Oil float feeding erratically
The compressor shows a high to low internal leak

7. Will replacing the compressor solve a unit's noise problem?

In many cases, replacing the compressor will not resolve the sound issue and it is
recommended that different possible noise sources be explored before a compressor
exchange is considered. The noise radiated by A/C systems can be generated by:

Compressor noise as an airborne sound

Structural vibration of system's components such as refrigerant pipes, panels
Outdoor/indoor fan Because of the interaction between these sources of noise,
it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint the origins of noise using the ear only. In
general, the compressor is not the principal noise generator if the noise is heard
only indoors or if the noise is still present when only the fan is running. For more
information on this topic see Scroll Sound Enclosures.

8. Can a universal capacitor and relay be used with Copeland compressors?

The only universal start assist device approved for Copeland single-phase compressors is
a PTCR (Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistor) device with a resistance as low as
12.5 ohms or higher. These devices are made by various manufacturers and are applied
parallel to the run capacitor. They are approved only as low volt start-assist with piston
compressors in systems where the refrigerant pressure equalizes or scroll bearing units.
All other applications must use the specified Emerson start capacitor and relay
combination. For more information on this topic see Scroll Start Components and
Compressor Start Components.

9. A single-phase unit dims the customer's lights when it starts. What can be done
to remedy this?

The simplest device to reduce light dimming caused by voltage drop while the
compressor is starting is to add a start capacitor and relay. The capacitor and relay will
reduce the amount of time the compressor is in locked rotor and thus reduces the
amount of time the bulbs dim to a tolerable flicker.
For more information on this topic see Scroll Start Components.

10. How can I tell if the compressor is operating properly?

The best way to determine if a compressor is pumping properly is with a set of gages, an
amp meter and the compressor specification sheet. Measure the operating discharge
and suction pressure as well as the amperage. Using the compressor curve sheet, found
on the Online Product Information (OPI) database, compare the amperage reading at
the measured pressures. Because of voltage variations and measurement inaccuracies
the measured amperage should compare to the actual curve sheet values within +/-
15%. Never check compressor operation by closing the suction valve to see how low the
suction will go. This might actually cause damage to the compressor because of heat
build up.

11. Is there a limit on the length of line runs or vertical risers?

Since Emerson Climate Technologies is a technology provider; we lack the field

experience to adequately answer piping questions such as this. We would recommend
following the system Original Equipment Manufacturer's (OEM) guidelines, if available.
Where such information is not available, we would recommend using standard ASHRAE
piping guidelines or the tables found in Emerson's refrigeration manuals AE-101 through
105. These are available through an Emerson wholesaler for a nominal fee. For more
information on a related topic see AE Bulletin 22-1182. This bulletin can be located using
the Online Product Information (OPI) section of our website.
12. How much oil is in a hermetic compressor and what is a complete recharge?

The amount of oil in fluid ounces is on the nameplate in the box marked oil. A complete
recharge is four fluid ounces less than this amount since some of the oil remains in the
compressor after draining. For more information on oil used in Copeland compressors
see AE Bulletin 17-1248 or log in to the Online Product Information (OPI) page.
13. Where can I find information on Copeland brand products technical training?

Emerson Climate Technologies organizes technical seminars regularly across various

countries in the Asia Pacific region. Please contact us for the calendar of events.

14. Why do refrigeration manufacturers recommend only 80% to 90% of the original
system charge when retrofitting to some HFCs?

The new refrigerants are considered higher efficient and they are trying to sell
refrigerants under the requirement of fewer component change outs. For example, an
expansion valve works to full capacity if it has full liquid (subcooled liquid) to its inlet. If
the expansion valve is considered oversized for the new refrigerant then the valve
capacity will decrease if the refrigerant starts to boil off before the inlet of the valve. The
vapor molecules take up more space than the liquid molecules, therefore, less
refrigerant passes through the valve with vapor. Emerson recommends valves to be
sized accordingly and to charge the system as basic rules apply: expansion valves are
charged by clearing the sight glass in the liquid line at high load (subcooling) and the cap
tubes are charged by evaporator superheat at low load conditions. If only a percentage
of charge is used the compressor could overheat during an extended high load

15. Is it acceptable to use R-404A and Alkyl Benzene (AB)?

Emerson does not approve the use of Alkyl Benzene oil with R-404A. R-404A is a HFC and
Polyol Ester is the only approved oil. The Alkyl Benzene will not be miscible with the HFC.
The HCFC refrigerants have a small amount of chlorine that is miscible with the AB oil.
Tests have proven that oil return problems result when AB is used with R-404A.

16. Can I use a receiver on a cap tube system?

The refrigerant charge is critical in capillary tube systems since normally there is no
receiver to store excess refrigerant. Too much refrigerant will cause high discharge
pressures and motor overloading, and possible liquid floodback to the compressor
during the off cycle; too little will allow vapor to enter the capillary tube causing a loss in
system capacity.

17. Should a suction line filter drier be installed before or after an accumulator?

A drier is designed to be a temporary device to clean a system after a burnout. The

suction line acts like a chimney during the burn and the soot carries into the
accumulator. The soot will need to be caught before entering a newly installed
compressor. For this reason we suggest that the drier be installed between the
compressor and the accumulator. It should be removed within 48 hours and replaced
until the system is cleaned and acid free. At this time it may be removed or a filter left in
place. The filter may be installed up stream of the accumulator to keep the accumulator
from being contaminated.

18. Which starting components should be used with the new Copeland single-
phase welded models?
Only Emerson authorized start components should be used. We have tested and
approved the heavy-duty start components. Contact us for more information.

19. What are the proper methods to determine operating superheat, sub-cooling
and net oil pressures?

Superheat at the evaporator should be checked as close to the end of the coil as possible
(preferably near the expansion valve thermal bulb). Take the pressure at this location
with a pressure tap or to the shrader valve. Convert this to saturation temperature and
compare it to the actual temperature obtained near the thermal bulb.

Superheat at the compressor should be checked at the compressor only. Take the
suction pressure at the service valve and convert it to saturation temperature. Compare
this to the actual temperature obtained approximately six inches out on the suction

Subcooling should be checked as close to the inlet of the evaporator metering device as
possible. Take the pressure of the liquid line near the metering device inlet and convert
this to saturation temperature. Compare it to the actual temperature obtained near the
same point the pressure was obtained.

Net oil should compare the actual forces that work on the oil pump. This includes oil
pump outlet pressure and crankcase pressure (not suction pressure). The suction
pressure on a semi-hermetic refrigerant cooled compressor may be a couple of pounds
pressure difference from the actual crankcase pressure. This especially holds true if the
compressor is a two-stage application that has intermediate pressure working on the
crankcase. Place a gauge manifold on the oil pump discharge and one on the compressor
crankcase, the difference is net oil pressure.

20. Can I mix different oils?

Yes. Refer to the publication, No. 93-11 from Emerson Climate Technologies.

21. Can I use different weight oil?

Yes. Refer to the publication No. 93-11 from Emerson Climate Technologies.

22. Can I use R22 with POE?

Yes. Refer to publication No. 93-11 from Emerson Climate Technologies,.

23. Can I add an additive to the oil in my system?

No. Additives are not permitted. Refer to Application Engineering Bulletin No. 17-1282.
This bulletin can be located using the Online Product Information (OPI) section of our

24. When we are assembling the system it is open to the air for several hours. What
effect will this have on POE oil?

Exposure to ambient air will cause moisture to be absorbed in the POE oil. Refer to
various HFC refrigerant retrofit guidelines published by Emerson Climate Technologies.

25. Will too high of an oil level cause the compressor to trip on oil failure?

No. It may result in a motor protector trip due to high amps.

26. What is the viscosity of POE oil?

The viscosity of oils used in Copeland compressors is selected by the design of the
compressor and varies from 22 to 32 cst (centistokes). Refer to the Emerson Climate
Technologies publication No. 93-11 for further details.

27. Where can I find what refrigerants are approved for Copeland compressors?

Approved refrigerants can be found in the Emerson Climate Technologies publication

No. 93-11.

28. What percent mix of oils is acceptable?

Refer to the refrigerant changeover guidelines from Emerson Climate Technologies.

29. What would be the effect if I topped off the compressor with the wrong oil?

Emerson Climate Technologies recommends topping with approved oils as listed in

publication No. 93-11. Use of non-approved oils may result in oil management and
lubrication issues that could lead to system inefficiencies and compressor failure.

30. Are all POE refrigerant oils the same?

No. Oils vary in viscosity, formulation, etc. and are designed for different applications in
different compressors.

31. What will happen if I use Mineral oil or Alkybenzene oil with a HFC refrigerant?

Emerson Climate Technologies recommends using oils approved as listed in publication

No. 93-11. Use of non-approved oils may result in oil management and lubrication issues
that could lead to system inefficiencies and compressor failure.

32. How long can I leave POE oil exposed to the atmosphere before contamination

Exposure to ambient air will cause moisture to be absorbed in the oil. Refer to the
various HFC refrigerant retrofit guidelines published by Emerson Climate Technologies.

33. Does Emerson Climate Technologies analyze oil from failed compressors?

Investigation of failed compressors generally requires oil analysis.

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