Nursing MCQs

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1. Doctor prescribed dopamine at 6mcg/kg/min to Mr. Ashish, his weight is 70 kilograms.

The dopamine vial contains 400mg to be dissolved in 500ml of D5W. Calculate infusion
2. Mr. Ram Diagnosed with COPD, his ABG values are pH 7.25, PCO2 56mmHg, HCo3-
30mEq/L, Po2 88mmHg. Which of the following changes is most likely to observe:-
A. Hyperkalemia(6.2 mEq/l)
B. Hypokalemia (3.4 mEq/L)
3. A patient is admitted with atelectasis, when assessing the patient, the nurse expect
A. Diminished breath sounds
B. Slow, deep respirations
C. A normal oral temperature
D. A dry unproductive cough
4. The ABG of a patient with COPD deteriorates and respiratory failure is impending, the nurse
should first assess the patient for
A. Cyanosis
B. Bradycardia
C. Restlessness and mental confusion
D. Distended neck veins
5. The childs apical pulse is always checked before administering digioxin, the drug is not given
if the pulse rate is
A. Below 90 to 110beats/minute
B. Above 90 to 110 beats/minute
C. Less than 60 beats/minute
D. More than 150 beats/minute
6. During head injury what is the cause of increase in body temperature
A. Pons injury
B. Hypothalamus injury
C. Cerebellum injury
D. Medulla injury
7. A patient has taken an overdose of aspirin. Which of the following should a nurse most closely
monitor for during acute management of this patient?
A: Onset of pulmonary edema
B: Metabolic alkalosis
C: Respiratory alkalosis
D: Parkinsons disease type symptoms
8. A patients chart indicates a history of hyperkalemia. Which of the following would you
not expect to see with this patient if this condition were acute?
A: Decreased HR
B: Paresthesias
C: Muscle weakness of the extremities
D: Migranes
9. A nurse is monitoring a client receiving TPN. The client suddenly develops respiratory
distress, dysponea, and chest pain and the nurse suspects air embolism. Number the actions
that the nurse would take in order of priority.
A. Administer oxygen.
B. Contact the physician
C. Document the occurrence
D. Take the clients vital signs
E. Clamp the IV catheter
F. Position the client in left Trendelburg position.
{D, C, F, E, A, B}

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