Magnetic Induction and Electric Potential Solvers For Incompressible MD Flows

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Magnetic induction and electric potential solvers for

incompressible MHD flows

Alessandro Tassone

DIAEE - Nuclear Section,

Sapienza Universita di Roma,
Rome, Italy


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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Fusion reactors

Liquid metal blankets are the

leading candidate for tritium
production in MCF reactors.
Interaction between LM and
magnetic field cause transition to
magnetohydrodynamic flow
MHD-related issues
High pressure drops
Enhanced corrosion rates
Turbulence suppression
Figure: ITER experiment

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Codes for CMHD

To support the blanket desing a

CFD software able to model
MHD flows is needed
Required parameters
M = 104
Re = 104
Gr = 1012
No mature CMHD code is
currently available. Figure: MHD calculations progress
(Smolentsev, 2015)

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

MHD governing equations

A laminar, isotherm and incompressible flow flow is assumed

u=0 (1)

= (p/) + 2 u + (J B)/ (2)
B 1 2
= (u B) + B (3)
J= B (4)

This set is called the B-formulation of the MHD governing equations

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Inductionless approximation

The equation (3) can be simplified, reducing the u-B coupling

non-linearity, if the self-induced magnetic field is negligible. This
corresponds to the inductionless condition

Rm  1

The parameter Rm = u0 L/ is called the magnetic Reynolds number.

For the typical values encountered in LM flows the condition is valid and
the magnetic field can be uncoupled from the fluid velocity, i.e. it depends
just from the boundary conditions.

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Electric potential formulation

A Poisson equation for the electric potential and the Ohms law substitute
(3) and (4)
u=0 (1)
= (p/) + 2 u + (J B)/ (2)
2 = (u B) (5)
J = ( + u B) (6)
The new set is called the -formulation of the MHD equations

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Parameters for incompressible LM MHD flow

Hartmann number: adimensional measure of the magnetic field intensity


M = BL (7)

Wall conductance ratio: measures relative electrical conductivity of the

wall compared to the fluid
w t
c= (8)
Others: Reynolds number (Re), Rm , Grashof number (Gr, buoyant
flows), interaction parameter (N )

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

A magnetic induction solver

Numerical constrains to ensure

(B0 + b)t+1 = 0

Employ arbitrary scheme to

project calculated field to very
close divergence-free one
u=0 B=0

PISO(u, p) BPISO(B, pB)
Figure: Solenoid magnetic field

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

How to find mhdFoam source code

A solver based on the magnetic induction formulation is available in the

OpenFOAM-4.x distribution. To access the source code

cd $FOAM_SOLVERS/electromagnetics/mhdFoam
gedit mhdFoam.C

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

Momentum equation - Line 78 to 90

fvVectorMatrix UEqn if (piso.momentumPredictor())

( {
fvm::ddt(U) solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
+ fvm::div(phi, U) }
- fvc::div(phiB, 2.0*DBU*B)
- fvm::laplacian(nu, U) UEqn solved to obtain velocity
+ fvc::grad(DBU*magSqr(B)) field prediction for following PISO

Lorentz force term is defined


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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

Predictor/corrector - from Line 133 to 155

Remember from (3)? phiB = fvc::flux(B) +

rABf*fvc::ddtCorr(B, phiB);
while (bpiso.correct())
{ Flux coefficients are calculated
fvVectorMatrix BEqn
( fvScalarMatrix pBEqn
fvm::ddt(B) (
+ fvm::div(phi, B) fvm::laplacian(rABf, pB)
- fvc::div(phiB, U) == fvc::div(phiB)
- fvm::laplacian(DB, B) );

BEqn.solve(); Poisson equation for pB

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

Projection scheme - from Lines 159 to 165

Magnetic flux coefficients are updated

if (bpiso.finalNonOrthogonalIter())
phiB -= pBEqn.flux();

Evaluate magnetic flux divergence error (from magneticFieldErr.H)


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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

The hartmann tutorial

Case parameters
M = 20
Re = 2
B|wall = B0

Available in

Figure: Hartmann problem

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

Default setup results

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The mhdFoam solver

M influence on the flow

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The epotFoam solver

An electric potential solver

Why employ a solver based on the -formulation?

More stable
Simpler boundary conditions
More accurate for coarse mesh

Requirement on J interpolation
Nonconservative treatment of Lorentz force
Worse convergence behavior
Constrain on charge conservation J = 0

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The epotFoam solver

Source code

A solver based on the electric potential formulation was developed based

on previous work by Francesco Ferroni of Imperial College. It is
constructed starting from the default icoFoam. To have a look at the
source code download epotFoam.tar.gz

tar xzf epotFoam.tar.gz

rm epotFoam.tar.gz
cd epotFoam
gedit epotFoam.C

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The epotFoam solver

Pre-PISO - Line 57 and from Line 67 to 78

Lorentz force initialization fvVectorMatrix UEqn

volVectorField fvm::ddt(U)
lorentz = sigma * + fvm::div(phi, U)
(-fvc::grad(PotE) ^ B0) - fvm::laplacian(nu, U)
+ sigma * ((U ^ B0) ^ B0); - (1.0/rho) * lorentz

Lorentz force is defined explicitly if (piso.momentumPredictor())

in momentum predictor for PISO {
loop solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The epotFoam solver

Potential prediction - from Line 128 to 142

After the PISO loop corrected u fvScalarMatrix PotEEqn

field is employed to estimate J (
surfaceScalarField psiub = ==
fvc::interpolate(U ^ B0) fvc::div(psiub)
& mesh.Sf(); );
PotERefCell, PotERefValue);
Evaluation of cross product u B PotEEqn.solve();

Poisson equation for electric


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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The epotFoam solver

Current interpolation - from Line 145 to 151

Interpolation scheme for current density

surfaceScalarField jn = -(fvc::snGrad(PotE) * mesh.magSf())

+ psiub;

surfaceVectorField jnv = jn * mesh.Cf();

volVectorField jfinal = fvc::surfaceIntegrate(jnv)

-(fvc::surfaceIntegrate(jn) * mesh.C());

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The epotFoam solver

Lorentz force calculation - from Line 154 to 157

Current density distribution is updated and employed to calculate Lorentz



lorentz = sigma* (jfinal ^ B0);

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The epotFoam solver

Compile epotFoam

Move the epotFoam folder in the user directory and compile it

mkdir -p $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/applications/solvers/MHD
mv epotFoam $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/applications/solvers/MHD
cd $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/applications/solvers/MHD/epotFoam

Download the case directory epotHunt.tar.gz and move it to the run


tar xzf epotHunt.tar.gz

rm epotHunt.tar.gz
mv epotHunt $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/run
cd $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/run/epotHunt
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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

The huntFlow tutorial

Case parameters
M = 20
Re = 2
cs = 0
ch =

Boundary layers scaling


H = 1/M (9a) Figure: Hunt problem

S = 1/M 1/2 (9b)

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Running the case

To run the case...

epotFoam >& log &

...since it will take a

while, have a look at the
case files

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow


A uniform 40x40x40 mesh is employed to simulate the half-duct over the

centerline for y > 0
Important patches
( upperWall Hartmann wall
(0 0 -1) //0 rightWall/leftWall side walls
(20 0 -1) //1 symmetryPlane
(20 1 -1) //2
(0 1 -1) //3
(0 0 1) //4
(20 0 1) //5
(20 1 1) //6
(0 1 1) //7

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Boundary Conditions

Electrical potential boundary equations are specified in 0/PotE

Conductive wall () = 0 type fixedValue;

value uniform 0;

Insulating wall
=0 type zeroGradient;

For other patches the setting is zeroGradient, except for the symmetry
plane. Velocity and pressure fields employ usual BCs (i.e. noSlip,

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Other relevant files

Magnetic induction intensity is defined in electromagneticProperties
All transportProperties are assumed to be constant and equal to 1

t = 2.5 e-3 s
Temporal discretization scheme: Crank-Nicholson (explicit, second order)
Spacial discretization scheme: Gauss liner (central differencing)
Residual tolerance: 1e-06 (p), 1e-05 (u, PotE)

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Post Process

To validate the results, the analytical velocity profiles available in

hunt.dat would be employed. To extract the numerical data and compare

postProcess -func sample


The sampling data utility produces data for every written time step. The is a script for the generation of the comparison picture employing

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow


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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow


Figure: Velocity contour Hunt flow Figure: Potential contour Hunt flow

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Introduction Theoretical background Solvers Tutorial 2D MHD flow

Follow-up activities

Tutorials for elemental 2D MHD flows (Hunt and Shercliff cases) were
developed for both mhdFoam and epotFoam

Extension of epotFoam capabilities to cases with wall of finite

conductivity, i.e. coupling solid and fluid domain to calculate potential

Implementation of wall function treatment to ease computational

time at high M (Widlund, 2003)

Code validation and development of tutorials for non-uniform

magnetic field (Smolentsev, 2015)

Q2D MHD turbulence modeling

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for your attention

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