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Torch the Case

The NYU Stern Consulting Casebook

December 2011 Edition 1

Strategy Essentials Case Interviewing Guide. 3
Strategy Essentials Practice Cases. 31
Franks Fertilizer 31
Magic Media 42
Wallys Wire Factory 48
Marble Front Supplies 57
Additional Practice Cases 69
The Fruit Cart Vender 70
Sports Bar 75
Botox 81
Table of
Cut Cut Cut 86
Contents Equipment Manufacturer 89
Bike Helmets 93
Kitchen Hardware 97
Starbucks & Ice Cream 101
DrugStop Co. 105
Post Patent Pharma Problem 111
A PE & A Soda 118
Hurricane Katrina 124
A Sticky (Paper) Situation 129
Free Wi-Fi 134 2


by Sonia Marciano (Clinical Professor Stern), Vinay Patel

(McKinsey Associate) & Vijay Devarajan (McKinsey
Summer Intern)
graphic design: Emanuela Frattini Magnusson

Interview Techniques

Most interviews for strategy positions evaluate a specific set of skills. While not written for
any specific firms or positions, this section aims to provide general insights into the interview
process as well as provide advice for success in that process. Most case based interviews
test some combination of four skills:

Structuring business problems

Analytical thinking
Synthesizing conclusions into actionable recommendations
Clear communication

Interviewers Dilemma
Before spending hours preparing casing questions for interviews, candidates should analyze the interview process
from the interviewers perspective. Interviewers face particular dilemmas in the interviewing environment that restrict
their choices in candidates. Understanding this environment will increase a candidates success rate.

Quantitative Rubrics
Especially in large organizations, interviewing guidelines are increasingly focused on quantitative metrics, where
rubrics dominate. If possible, research top-line categories from r e c r u i t e r s . Furthermore, the r u b r i c style reports
can extend to behavioral questions. Keeping this in mind will make the interviewing process more concrete.

Many interviewers do dozens of interviews in a day. In this environment, it is particularly important to stand out. On
the casing side, interviewers will inevitably have to repeat cases over and over, and over, and over. This can lead to
boredom and at times interviewers may mix it up by making small changes to a case, with data, or contextual
information. While it is more challenging to generate a plausible hypothesis to explain off-the-cuff data, it is an
opportunity as well. Be creative with your explanations.

With behavioral interviews, boredom can be swept away with more emotional stories, especially stories that are
funny or have a dramatic climax. By adding concrete sensory details, you can increase how well interviewers remember
both your stories and you as an individual. If interviewers seem particularly bored with the overall process, asking
them unusual (but topical) questions will jolt back their attention.

Hiring Dynamics
At many large firms, hiring is not done directly by individual interviewers. Especially when each round consists of 3-4
interviews, actual hiring is likely done in committee. Top and bottom candidates are quickly identified, and groups
probably discuss the moderate candidates.

In such group discussions, interviewers (especially juniors within the firm) must be your agents, and concrete
memories will aid them during the horse picking that ensues. Furthermore, give your interviewers ammunition for
questions that you think may arise about you that the friendly interviewer may not bring up, including grades and
resume gaps. Being upfront with strengths and weaknesses will demonstrate a degree of self-awareness that your
interviewers can use to lobby for you in committees made of less friendly decision makers.

Silence vs. Rambling

Almost all interviewers recognize how difficult casing questions are. When faced with difficult
questions, especially opening questions, feel free to request and take a moment to gather your
answer. Then, when you present you answer, you can add structure that leads to a clear end in
sight. This w i l l limit rambling and greatly increase the perception of composure and confidence.

Listening vs. Note Taking

When a candidate furiously takes n o t e s , i t can b e v e r y distracting for inte rviewe rs . Yet missing
critical information will derail y o u r problem solving. Try to balance out note ta k i n g b y listening and
taking l i g h t e r notes on generalities while the interviewer is giving you information. Then, double
check information when your interviewer is finished, and then confirms any numerical data that is

Often, following up with questions to fill in information gaps will demonstrate your ability to identify
relevant versus irrelevant data. Some cases involve sections where your interviewer only provides data
that you ask for, so be willing to prod around.

Interruption vs. Feedback

Many case interviewers will interrupt you with clarifying questions while you answer a previous
question. Be aware that they know the answers, and after many interviews, can quickly determine
based on how you start your answer, if you understand whats going on. Take advantage of the
interviewer who is willing to give you full credit for only half answers by moving on! Dont be wed to
the actual giving of answers, and stay focused on the most recent question the interviewer has asked
(in context of the overall case). They can tell you understand a problem only a few words into your
answer; continuing serves little purpose if they are concerned with a new problem. Treat the
interviewer like a client--your time is their money!

Alternatively, there will be times a n interviewer wants t o interrupt you but is more r e s e r v e d . If you
see an interviewer physically holding an up-breath, this may indicate he or she has something to say.
While they are in this state, interviewers are not paying attention to what you are saying. Instead,
you need to take a moment and listen t o their feedback. Many interviewers will give comments as
the case progresses, and candidates should be willing to ask clarification questions along the way. At
times, interview questions may be structured to leave out critical information, and identifying that
missing information and inquiring for data is the right answer.

Interviewing is an exercise in being insightful. Every question you are asked, every answer
you give is an opportunity to be insightful; take them!

Be a precise, structured thinker. Avoid words which can have multiple meanings (e.g., the
market) and always be aware of potential vagueness in questions (e.g., size the market can
be in terms of units per day, units per year, dollars per year, etc.). When faced with vague
problems, state the vagueness you see, propose a path, and unless you meet resistance move

For example: you are asked Size the market for boots. An example of a confident response is
Im going to look at both men's and womens boots, and determine the annual revenue of the
retail industry for boots. For each kind (men's and women's), Ill examine winter boots, rain
boots, and other boots The clarification is subtle but signals awareness of vagueness, one of

many potential insights.

Be transparent around your structure lead answers with any parts you foresee, and pause
between parts to remind the interviewer where you are in your higher level organization.
Using physical hand motions (left, center, right) for parts of stories or answers can enhance
this effect.

Divide & Conquer
Starting Analysis

Most case interviews begin w i t h a description of a firms situation, followed by general opening
questions. Candidates are expected to re-frame the problem in a more concrete form, and then
generate a systematic approach that will help produce a solution. Business frameworks are
frequently used to break larger questions down into more ma na gea bl e chunks. A framework is
merely a mental outline of how you intend to solve a problem. It is easiest to start with a broad
framework and then break that framework down into component parts.

EXAMPLE: We are going to analyze Apple. Lets start by figuring out how to increase profitability for
iPod sales.

A very simple f r a m e w o r k is a profit analysis. Based on whether a firm has high fixed costs or high
variable costs, we can use one of two profit frameworks. For high fixed costs industries, we use total
revenue and total cost, which are in turn driven by discrete revenue and cost sources. For high
variable cost industries, we use volume and margin, which are in turn driven by channel variables.

High FC: Profit = TR - TC

TR = P x Q = P1xQ1 + P2xQ2 + P3xQ3 + ... TC = FC1 + FC2 + FC3 +...

High VC: Profit = V (P - C) = V1 (P1 - C1) + V2 (P2 - C2) +...

This is a fantastic starting framework because of its broad applicability. Always explain your full
choice o f model (why its preferable to alternate models), in the process indicating your
understanding of cost structure relevance.

EXAMPLE RESPONSE: The mp3 player industry has very high variable costs, like most hardware
industries. While development may be somewhat costly, the majority of expense probably comes in
manufacturing because of the high quality parts that go into iPods. So here, total cost and total
revenue are tricky to separate. Instead, profitability is best understood in terms of volume and
margins. To increase iTunes profitability, Apple could increase total volumes or it could find ways to
raise its margins.

MECE Lists

Using MECE lists will help fracture problems. MECE stands for mutually exclusive and collectively
exhaustive. A list is mutually exclusive when none of the items on the list overlaps other items on
the list. The list [men, women, widowers] is not mutually exclusive because men and widowers overlap.
Alternatively the list [teenage boys, teenage girls, adults aged 18-65, retired] is mutually exclusive
because no group overlaps with any other group. A list is collectively exhaustive when all the items
on the list sum to a set containing all the items of relevance. The list [salaries, rent, and manufacturing
costs] would not be collectively exha ustive for a product company that had design costs. However,
that list might be collectively exha ustive for a firm with only those costs.

Sticking with MECE lists allows us to quantify structured thought. Specifically, we want to deal with
metrics that can be mathematically operated on to produce numbers for our top-level question. It is
critical for lists to remain strictly MECE at the top-level, though as we select individual items to further
fracture, staying MECE becomes increasingly difficult. At lower levels, keeping categories context
s p e c i f i c i s critical. For e x a m p l e , a firm looking to cut costs might categorize the items in a retail store
differently than one focused on a purely aesthetic remodeling.

Actionable Recommendations

Synthesizing conclusions into actionable recommendations is the most challenging part of case based
interviews. While varying significantly based o n the case, synthesis must d emo n s t r a t e the link
between analysis and a c t i o n . In cases where analysis t h u s f a r is inconclusive, candidates should
recommend some f u r t h e r analysis. Along with the proposed analysis should come a number of
plausible conclusions (of the analysis), each which is tied to some prognostic action.

To increase the value of recommendations, a candidate can add a number of factors:

Roles within organizations for people to be responsible for each action

Financial costs of each action
Likely time horizon on each action, and most urgent steps
Political implications of recommendation within the organization

Quantitative sections are among the most intimidating parts of interviews. Interviewers are ultimately
trying to measure comfort with numbers. This translates into assessing three broad skill sets:
absorption, processing, and c o m m u n i c a t i o n . Absorption understands relationships between
business metrics and turning concrete business questions into discrete mathematical problems.
Processing are the tasks associatedwith solving discrete mathematical problems, optimizing for a mix of
speed and accuracy. Communication is about making arguments (mainly justifying your conclusions)
using numbers and non-trivial calculations, such that your audience can reproduce your argument.

These notes will identify the specific skills that constitute comfort with numbers, describe common
mistakes, and provide some advice on avoiding such mistakes. Distilling problems into rigid questions is
the core of demonstrating this comfort.


Structuring Answers

Know the form of an answer in the first step in any quantitative problem. Consider the question How
much electricity do you use? The most helpful answer form during a cost analysis might be in
[$/month] or [$/year], while in an environmental analysis m i gh t b e [KW-hours/month] or [BTU/month].
Regardless, an answer i n Watts or in Volts would be completely off.

Once we decide to use [$/month], we should structure our answer based on observable data. We can
gather the wattage of different appliances, and estimate the hours used per month, to compute [kW-
hours/month]. Finally, we use an equation that captures the relationship between our variables based
on our specific cost in [$/kW-hour].

Graphical Interpretation

Many casing interviews involve information presented in graphical forms. While there are no specific
rules for using this data most effectively, we present some guidelines.

Always note the units and variables on each axis

Take care for distortions in axes--these gaps often are used to skew visual slopes
Take care to understand variable independence and causality
Look for meaning in slopes, and try to identify causes of slope difference
Look for meaning in areas, especially when the y-axis itself measures a rate

In the above example, the purple bubbles indicate the order in which you should read the chart. Reading around the chart is good
practice. In other words, start with the title, high-level description (if there is one), footnotes and sources prior to diving into the data in
the center of the chart.


In most casing interviews, the quantitative sections are designed primarily to evaluate your
ability to remain calm in face of complexity. Inquire about calculator use from recruiters, but if
using a calculator during interviews, do computations in chunks where its clear the calculator is
for only one step of the overall mathematical process.

Alternatively, practice math tricks, especially for dealing with huge numbers.

If possible, separate thousands

EXAMPLE: 4,500 x 15,000,000?
ANSWER: 60+ (15/2) * B = 67,500,000,000

When all numbers are on non-thousand multiples, and use exponent notation
EXAMPLE: 0.03% of 170,000? WRONG: 3E-2 * 17E4 = 51E2 = 5100
CORRECT: 3E-4 * 17E4 = 51E0 = 51

Correct Rounding

Generally, keep two correctly computed numbers. EXAMPLE: 5.25 * 176 => 5.2 * 7 * 25 => 36 * 25
= 900

Round up and down alternatively to avoid over biasing answers. Be aware that adding is far more
robust to rounding than multiplying. With adding, the cumulative rounding up and rounding
down tends to cancel effectively. With multiplication, rounding on smaller numbers tends to
produce larger p e r c e n t a g e changes than rounding on big numbers, so always keep smaller
multipliers more precise even when rounding larger multipliers.

If you take care to mitigate the effects of rounding, you can demonstrate quantitative skill by
explaining error ranges. For example, if you are confident you use 1150 kW-hours of electricity
per month, but you are unsure if you pay $0.08 or $0.10 per kW-hour, you can estimate your
monthly cost to be $100-115 per month, with a small adjustment down of the $115 exact


Candidates are commonly frustrated with their mistakes regarding units, and after interviews
consider these avoidable mistakes. Almost a l w a y s , forgetting units when m a k i n g
c a l c u l a t i o n s was the error, not mistakes with units. This is particularly true for time data
where we are more willing to bypass writing of units, such as with monthly versus weekly data. As
a remedy, always write out units, and trace cancellation as you compute. Keeping partial answers i n
unit form helps when future questions require going back to partial answers a s inputs.
Furthermore, always be sure to ask for units if they are not provided. Interviewers may make
different assumptions about the standard unit (for example, actual employees versus full time
equivalents, when measuring labor).

Case Interview Toolkit
This section will provide you with some basic frameworks that will help you analyze case interview questions.
The purpose is not to regurgitate these lists and frameworks during practice and actual interviews, but rather to
help you identify the common genres of case questions and key pieces of information that may be relevant in
driving to the answer. Eventually with enough practice, you will be able to internalize these lists and
frameworks and draw out only the most relevant factors in a given case question.

First, we give you a few frameworks that may seem familiar to you you will have seen them in your core
economics, accounting, marketing, strategy, operations and finance classes. These concepts will provide the
foundation for the more involved ones ahead, and will aid your analysis of all case questions, simple and

The Building Blocks

Profit = Revenue - Costs

The most common genre of case question involves the profitability of a firm. Therefore it is important to have an
understanding of the components that drive profitability. At its most basic level, the profit of a firm for a given
period of time equals its revenues minus its costs during that same period of time. The framework below
outlines the key components of a firms revenues and costs.


a. Total Revenue
i. Revenue for Stream A
1. Price * Volume sold
ii. (+) Revenue for Stream B
1. Price * Volume sold
iii. (+) Revenue for Stream C
1. Price * Volume sold
b. (-) Total Costs
i. Fixed - remains constant regardless of units produced
1. Plants, Property, and Equipment (PP&E)
2. Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A)
3. Marketing
4. Rent
5. Interest
6. Insurance
7. Surcharges
8. Salaried Staff
ii. Variable increase proportionally to volume of units produced
1. Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS)
a. Raw Materials
b. Conversion (turning raw material to final product)
2. Packaging
3. Delivery
4. Commissions
5. Hourly staff salaries

It is important to note that a firm may derive its total revenue from multiple sources or operations. The total
revenue for a firm is the sum of the revenues generated by each revenue stream. A revenue stream can
represent a unique line of products or services.

The total costs for a firm is usually split into two categories: fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs are those
that remain constant regardless of the number of units produced. Variable costs are those that fluctuate
proportionally to the number of units produced.

Break-even analysis

A common case question is to estimate the break-even point for a particular product or service offering. In
other words, the interviewer is asking how much of a product or service needs to be sold in order to pay off the
variable and fixed costs. By revisiting the basic profit equation:

Net profit = [number of units sold * (price per unit- variable cost per unit)] - total fixed costs

To find the break-even point, set Net Profit = 0, and solve for number of units sold. The equation will simplify to:

number of units sold * (price per unit - variable cost per unit) = total fixed costs

Common Frameworks

Before we get into specific frameworks for the various types of case questions you may see, it is worthwhile to
revisit some of the basic conceptual frameworks you may have encountered in your core courses. These
frameworks are particularly well-known, so beware of using them verbatim as interviewers will immediately
recognize them.

The 4 Ps of Marketing

1. Product

2. Price

3. Place

4. Promotions

1. Product What are the features of the product? Is it differentiated from competitive products available?
Does the product have the right positioning in the marketplace? What kind of brand equity does the
product possess?

2. Price What is the perceived value of the product to the customer? What are the prices of competitive
products or substitutes? What does it cost to make and deliver the product?

3. Place What channels of distributions are aligned with the companys strategy? Are there retailers or
wholesalers involved or does the company sell direct-to-consumer? What is the profitability of each

4. Promotion What is the desired message that needs to be communicated about the product? What
obstacles exist in communicating this message? How will the communication/marketing strategy be
differentiated from competitors? How much money can be spent on marketing?

Industry Analysis Porters 5 Forces

1. Supplier Power

2. Buyer Power

3. Barriers to Entry

4. Rivalry

5. Threat of Substitutes

Supplier Power - Powerful suppliers capture more of the value for themselves by charging higher prices,
limiting quality or services, or shifting costs to industry participants. A supplier is powerful if:

i. It is more concentrated than the industry it sells to (Microsoft monopoly in OS vs. fragmented PC
ii. Supplier group does not depend heavily on the industry for its revenues
iii. Industry participants face switching costs in changing suppliers
iv. Suppliers offer products that are differentiated (unique and better)
v. There is no substitute for what the supplier group provides
vi. Supplier group can credibly threaten to integrate forward into the industry
Buyer Power - Powerful customers can capture more value by forcing down prices, demanding better
quality or more service, and generally playing industry participants off against one another at the expense of
industry profitability. Consumer group has negotiating leverage if:

i. There are few buyers, or each purchases in volumes large relative to the size of a single vendor
ii. Industrys products are standardized and undifferentiated
iii. Buyers face few switching costs in changing vendors
iv. Buyers can credibly threaten to integrate backward and produce the industrys product
Barriers to Entry Newcomers to an industry can expect to face retaliation by the incumbents. Barriers to
entry are advantages enjoyed by incumbents in an industry and which discourage potential new entrants
from entering the space. Incumbents enjoy an advantage when there are:

i. Supply-side economies of scale firms that produce at larger volumes enjoy lower costs per units,
employ more efficient technology, command better terms from suppliers
ii. Demand-side benefits of scale buyers may trust larger companies for a crucial product
iii. Customer switching costs costs associated with switching vendors (alter product specs, retrain
employees, modify processes/IT systems)
iv. Capital requirements Need of large financial resources to compete
v. Incumbency advantages independent of size e.g. proprietary technology, preferential access to
best raw materials, preemption of most favorable geographic location, etc
vi. Unequal access to distribution channels
vii. Restrictive government policy licensing requirements, restrictions on foreign investment

Rivalry within the industry - depends on intensity and basis on which they compete

a. Intensity of rivalry is greatest if:

i. Competitors are numerous or are roughly equally in size and power
ii. Industry growth is slow
iii. Exit barriers are high
iv. Rivals are highly committed to the business and have aspirations for leadership
v. Firms cannot read each others signals well because of lack of familiarity with one another,
diverse approaches to competing, or differing goals
b. Price competition is most liable to occur if:
i. Products or services of rivals are nearly identical and there are few switching costs to
ii. Fixed costs are high and marginal costs are low
iii. Capacity must be expanded in large increments to be efficient
iv. Product is perishable
c. Competition on dimensions other than price (i.e. product features, support services,
delivery time, brand image, etc) is less likely to erode profitability because it improves
customer value and can support higher prices

Threat of Substitutes A substitute product is one that is not directly a competitive product within an
industry, but could nevertheless disrupt the industry. One example could be internet communications or
VoIP (i.e. skype, gtalk, etc.) disrupting cellular phones. Threat of a substitute is high if:

i. It offers an attractive price-performance trade-off to industrys product

ii. Buyers cost of switching is low

Game Theory

Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that helps us understand decision-making in

contexts where an agents optimal choice i s highly dependent on the ongoing decisions of others. In
business settings, the most common applications are in pricing and in capital in v est me n t .
Understanding these dynamics will aid competitive analysis in case interviews. The term co-opetition
is the topic of a book, aptly titled Co-Opetition by Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff. This
book demonstrates how firms can use game theoretic reasoning to make more comprehensive

Figure 20: Game Theory Help Us Consider Mutual Dependence

When the industrys buyers, suppliers, competitors

and entrants take actions that cause movement down
the demand curve more often industry profits fall (for a given cost curve).
These actions often drive the industry towards commoditization

When the industrys buyers, suppliers,

P1 competitors and entrants take action that
shift the industrys demand curve, more often industry profits rise.
These actions are often examples of co-opetition.

Industry Demand 1

Best of Game Theory

Firms face a number of questions which game theory helps dissect:

Should my firm cut prices in response to the entry of another firm?

Should my firm make an acquisition of a rival in order to reduce the number of firms in the
industry and impose some order?
Should my firm hold its price constant even after its costs go down?
How might my firm change its terms of trade with a supplier?
How should my firm think about getting its technology standard adapted as the industry
How might my firm increase its share without initiating an aggressive response from its rivals?
How many distribution channels should my firm employ and which ones?
What types of benefits should my firm offer to attract employees with particular traits?
When my firm is accepting bids from rival suppliers or making bids in order to win business,
what bidding strategies are available to achieve the firms objectives?

Game theory, in practice, is particularly useful in the context of forecasting or estimating the cash
flows of a project when costs and/or prices are impacted by competitive responses to the firms
participation in a particular project. Game theory may also produce new insights that affect the
timing, scale, scope, or other aspects of a project. Game theory is mainly relevant in the context of an
industry with a small number of participants (small number of rivals, small number of customers,
small number of suppliers, etc.). It is also relevant for understanding the bargaining relationships
across the industry chain between suppliers, distributors, and the final customers.
Challenges to Game Theory

By definition, game theoretic analysis is contrived. When distilling a complex situation into a
tractable problem, analysts r i s k shifting from key issues t o simplifiable issues. Furthermore, most
ga me theory models make strong rationality assumptions that are unlikely to fit the way an
organization behaves at every juncture. (Of course, subtle game theory models can incorporate
dynamics of group decision making with budgeting processes in particular.) Finally, predictions of
game theory models are very sensitive to the information and timing structure assumed, and small
changes can cause large prediction differences.


Pricing is highly strategic when there are a small number of players. As shown in the Value Capture
section, with low elasticity of demand, players can strategically raise prices without risking share loss.
However, with high elasticity of demand, where players can strategically lower prices and steal share,
price wars are likely.

In a game theory framework, all players want higher prices overall, but each individually wants to be
the only lower priced producer (in order to maximize share of the big pie). Typically, when players are
able to price fix, or form cartels, they have found a way to ensure each player has an individual cost to
lowering price and destroying the profitable industry. Examples of this include OPEC, where oil
prices were kept fairly high because countries had reasonable information on each others production
levels. In other industries, time delays in pricing allow the market to follow the leader, so that a
dominant player emerges that raises price, and all others follow with price raises of their own. This is
most common in highly repetitive games (airline ticket pricing), where the consequences of short-
term gains are very severe longer-term losses.

Prices can be held high in black markets as well, typically through violence. In drug cartels, violence is

used to limit supply overlap, reducing competitive forces on prices. Sellers will defend turf in order
to limit the profit dissipating effects of price competition. And the risks of starting turf wars to gain
share at the cost of life-and-limb prevent individual sellers from attempting geographic expansion.

Firms can also use industry cooperatives to help police each other into optimal group behavior. For
example, coffee shops in New York City may want to buy only from environmentally friendly growers,
but normally this is more expensive. By forming or encouraging an industry cooperative that
monitors environmental impacts, some firms can isolate others in the eyes of customers. This makes it
easier for customers to differentiate between firms, and firms within the collective can then
premium price.

Capital Investment

Strategic decisions regarding capital investment center on preemptive investments, which are
difficult to replicate. Generally, firms want to make capital investments when those investments limit
the returns on future investments that m i g h t c o m p e t e . An example of this is Southwest investing
in city-pair airline routes, and filling those routes to flight capacity. Additional airlines have a
difficult time competing because they would not generate sufficient capacity utilization to offset even
small capital investment amounts.

Unfortunately, dynamic behavior of capital investment often leads to over investment or under
investment because it's extremely difficult to gauge the level of investment sufficient to preempt
other firms from following.

Sometimes, the commitment signal to other firms of strategic investment may come in the form of
direct- to-customer marketing. By mass marketing an offer for $99 tickets between Ireland and
England, an airline could commit to the capital investment of airplane equipment perhaps with the
intention of forcing others to limit investment.

What is a Framework?
Generally, the case portion of the interview will begin with the interviewer reading the case question and
related contextual details. You should dutifully write down the key pieces of data that are given to you in the
question. More importantly, however, you should listen carefully and comprehend everything the interviewer
has said. You should use the next few moments to ensure you have fully absorbed the information by
synthesizing the key objective(s) of the case as well as asking any clarifying questions you may have. The next
portion of the case will typically be your opportunity to show the interviewer how you would approach and
structure the problem given the limited amount of data you have. A framework is essentially the basic
structure underlying your problem solving approach. A good framework for a typical case interview will be:

1. Unique and tailored to each particular case Interviewers know that if you did any real preparation
for your interviews, you probably studied various frameworks from books like this one or Marc
Cosentinos Case In Point. As a general rule, it is not be a good idea to use any framework verbatim
because it shows little creativity on your part. The stand-out candidate will pick and choose elements of
several frameworks and create a customized one that best suits each case.

2. Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive (MECE) A framework for a single problem can be
organized in a multitude of different ways. While creativity is encouraged in designing a framework for
your case, you need to ensure that

A.) There are no overlaps among the sub-branches of your framework, and
B.) The aggregated sub-branches do not leave anything out.

You should also quickly revisit your framework before synthesizing and delivering your final conclusion. It
will help you contextualize everything you have learned throughout the interview with regard to the original

Frameworks by Case Type
Market Sizing

Occasionally a market sizing question can be a case in and of itself, for example, What is the market for
personal computers likely to be in 15 years? However, this is somewhat rare. Market sizing more often
surfaces as part of addressing a broader case issue. If, for instance, you are evaluating whether a company
should enter a new market, you may want to begin your analysis by figuring out the size of the market to
determine if it is worthwhile to enter.

As part of a larger case, an interviewer may ask you to estimate something that she is certain you do not know
(for example, How many chopsticks are sold in Japan each year? or Estimate the number of gas stations in
the U.S.). As mentioned above, these oddball cases as a stand-alone entity are rare in MBA interviews, but it
is not out of the realm of possibility that you may encounter such a question as part of a more in-depth case.

The critical thing to bear in mind with regard to market sizing cases is that the end number that you come up
with is not what is most important. Recruiters want to see your thought process when they give these types of
cases. Consequently, develop a logical, sequential framework to arrive at an estimate, and make sure to
verbalize your methodology. Even if you are performing calculations on a piece of paper, tell the interviewer
what you are calculating, and why, as you work through the math. In the aforementioned chopsticks example,
you could articulate to the interviewer that you will estimate the number of chopsticks sold every year in
Japan as follows: The # of chopsticks sold annually in Japan = # of pairs sold to individuals + # of pairs sold to
restaurants. In turn, the # of pairs sold to individuals = [[Population of Japan * % who use chop sticks]/# of
years a pair lasts] * # of pairs each user owns]. And the # of pairs sold to restaurants = [# of Restaurant Meals
Consumed Per Year * % of Restaurant Meals That Require Chopsticks].

These types of questions almost always involve performing mathematical calculations, so do yourself a favor
and use round numbers to make it easier. For example, even if you know that the U.S. population is
approximately 290M, tell the interviewer you are going to round to 300M if it is okay. That should be fine
with the interviewer because (s)he really does not care what numbers you use so long as you use a reasonable
and logical process to arrive at an estimate.

It helps to know some basic demographic and statistical facts (e.g. the size of the population), especially about
the regions in which you are interested in working. However, even if you do not know a statistic that you wish
to use in your analysis (say, the number of U.S. households) dont freeze. Come up with something
reasonable and move on from there. For example, if you know the U.S. population is somewhere between 250
and 300 million people, and that it seems realistic that there are 2.5 to 3 persons per household, an estimate of
100 million households is sound.

Entering a New Market

Basic Approach:

Find out why we are considering entering the market. What is our objective? Does it make sense for us
Find out a bit more about the industry we are looking to enter to see if it makes sense for us to do so.
What should be our strategy?
How will we enter the market?

Potential Framework:

I. Why - Objectives/Goals
II. Market/Industry Attractiveness
a. Size
b. Growth Rate
c. Profitability (margins)
d. Customer Segmentation
e. Competition
i. Market Shares
ii. Strengths/Weaknesses
iii. Product Differentiation
f. Barriers to Entry/Exit
III. How?
g. Organic
i. Product/Service
ii. Pricing
iii. Competitive Response?
h. Joint-Venture
i. Acquisition

Industry Analysis

Basic Approach:

Examine the internal dynamics of the industry, including the competitors, customers, etc.
Examine the external forces that affect the attractiveness of this industry

Potential Framework:

I. Internal to Industry/Segment
a. Life cycle/Performance trends
b. Profitability/Margins
c. Competition
i. Major players and share
ii. Differentiation
iii. Trends Rivals recently entering/exiting? Is the industry consolidating or
d. Customers
i. What are the major segments and what are their preferences?
ii. Price sensitivity vs. differentiation
e. Drivers of value
i. Size, Brand, Technology
f. Barriers to entry/exit
II. External
a. Substitute products/disruptive technologies?
b. Suppliers (many or few? Power?)
c. Complementary industries
d. Government/regulation

Note: A highly fragmented market (i.e. multiple competitors with roughly equal market shares) with no clear
market leader usually suggests lower barriers to entry. However, industries with one or two large players
with the majority of the market share will likely be difficult to penetrate.

Industries where large competitors have top share positions across several segments suggests some degree of
cost and customer sharing across the segments.

M&A/Private Equity

Basic Approach:

Analyze how attractive the industry is: How big and how fast is the opportunity growing? What are the
industry benchmarks for profitability? Are there any short- or long-term threats on the horizon?
Analyze the attractiveness of the target within the industry
Examine the competitive environment
Consider the financial logistics of the acquisition: Does the price make it an NPV positive investment?
How will the acquisition be financed? What are the post-merger integration costs?
Consider the feasibility of a profitable exit:

Potential Framework:

1) Market Attractiveness
a) Size
b) Growth
c) Market profitability
d) Threats:
i) Substitutes
ii) Imports
e) Key market trends
2) Company attractiveness
a) Profitability
b) Relative market share
c) Relative cost position
d) Key customer segments
e) Strength of customer relationships
f) Strength of key talent
3) Competitive Environment
a) Market fragmentation
b) Competitive threats
c) New market entrants
d) Barriers to entry
4) Acquisition Logistics
a) Fair Price? NPV Positive?
b) Financing
c) Integration/Post-merger costs
5) Feasibility & Profitable exit
a) Existence of strategic buyers
b) Existence of other financial buyers
c) Expected exit multiple with improved performance

Developing a new product/Starting a new business

Basic Approach:

Examine the firm-level considerations of developing the new product: Do we have the management
talent to execute? How will the new product affect our existing products? How will we bring the
product to market?
Examine the external or industry-level considerations of developing the new product: What customer
base are we targeting and what are its preferences? How large is the opportunity and how fast is it
growing? What is the competitive environment?
Consider the logistics of how to execute:
1.) Organically consider suppliers, distribution, marketing, etc.
2.) Joint-venture: consider which strategic partnership to pursue?, o
3.) Acquisition: Consider which target firm.

I. Internal/Firm-level
a. Effects/fit with product mix enhance or cannibalize?
b. Costs/financing
c. Pricing
d. Management
II. Customers
a. Segments
b. Distribution Channels
c. Retention
III. Industry Analysis
a. Market Attractiveness
i. Size
ii. Growth
iii. Market profitability
iv. Threats:
1. Substitutes
2. Imports
v. Key market trends


Basic approach:

- Verify any objectives or goals the client has.

- Get an understanding of the product and the industry dynamics in which it will operate: competing
products, industry benchmark margins

- Decide which pricing strategy best suits the situation: Monopolist pricing, commodity pricing, cost-
based pricing, price-based costing, competitive analysis


I. Market/Industry
a. Size
b. Growth
c. Customers
i. Segments
ii. Channels
iii. Relative importance of price v. Benefits (elasticity)
d. Competition
i. Share
ii. Advantages/disadvantages of our product
e. Supply/Demand chart
II. Pricing Strategy
a. Competitive analysis
i. Costs/prices of competition
ii. Substitutes?
b. Cost-based pricing
i. Fixed
ii. Variable
iii. Costs of getting the customer
c. Price-based costing based on Consumers WTP
d. Monopolist pricing?
e. Effects on our product mix enhance or cannibalize?

Growth Strategy

Basic approach:

Understand clients objectives: Improve profitability? Increase revenues? Are there any concrete
numerical targets? What is the timeline to achieve the targets?
Perform an analysis on industry attractiveness
Consider various options for growth: Sell more of the same products to existing customers (pricing
decrease or bundling)? Sell same products to new customers (increase channels and marketing)? Sell
new products to existing customers (i.e. cross-sell)? Sell new products to new customers?

I. Verify objectives/goals
a. Top-line growth?
b. Profits?
c. Market share?
d. New product?
II. Industry analysis
a. Size?
b. Growth/potential?
c. Customers
i. Segments highest growth potential?
ii. Channels
d. Competition
i. Players
ii. Share
iii. Products differentiation & price
iv. Marketing
III. Strategies
a. Increase channels
i. Capacity constraints?
b. Increase marketing
c. Increase product mix
d. Acquire competitor
e. Vertical
i. Capture margins at different areas of value chain
ii. Cost savings
f. Diversification
9. Increase sales

Increase Sales


I. Verify Objective (sales v. gross profits)

II. Market
a. Size? Growth?
b. Competition
i. Players & share
ii. Pros/cons
iii. Prices
iv. Marketing
v. Response?
c. Customers
i. Segments
ii. Preferences
iii. Channels
III. Sales growth Strategies
a. Old products to old customers (increase amount per sale)
i. Decrease price?
b. Old products to new customers
i. Increase distribution channels
ii. Marketing
c. New Products to Old Customers
i. Cross-promote
ii. Bundling
d. New products to New customers
i. Diversify/M&A
ii. New product development
e. Pricing
f. Seasonal balance using resources to sell different things based on seasonal demand

Reducing Costs

Basic approach:

Examine trends in internal fixed costs

Examine trends in internal variable costs

Examine trends in external costs

Benchmark against trends in rivals costs

Formulate strategy to reduce costs


I. Costs
a. Internal
i. Fixed
1. SGA
2. Fixed periodic salaries
3. Plant, Property, & Equipment
a. Land
b. Buildings
4. PP&E Maintenance
ii. Variable
1. Raw Materials
2. Hourly employee salary
4. Variable manufacturing overhead
5. Consider minimum efficient scale are we operating efficiently?
b. External
i. Economy
ii. Interest Rates
iii. Foreign Exchange
iv. Taxes
v. Strikes
II. Benchmark Competitors
III. Strategies to reduce cost



I. Industry analysis
a. Lifecycle
i. Growing, mature, declining?
b. Customers
i. Segments
ii. WTP/Preferences
c. Competition
i. Share, differentiation, trends
d. Substitutes?
II. Firm-level analysis
a. Revenue trends
b. Cost trends
c. Management/Employees
d. Financing
III. External
a. Economy
b. Government/Regulations
IV. Turnaround Strategy
a. Set objectives/goals
i. Prioritize short-term and long-term goals
b. Cost savings
i. Variable
ii. Fixed
1. Employees/Unions
iii. Tax
iv. Divestitures
c. Revenue growth
i. Expand channels/customers
ii. Marketing
iii. Expand product mix
iv. Acquisition/JV
d. Determine finance needs of business plan
e. Reassure customers, suppliers, and distributors

Case 1: Franks Fertilizer
Type of Case: Profitability, Market Sizing
Difficulty: Moderate

(to be said to the interviewee)
Our client, Franks Fertilizer, makes agricultural soil fertilizer. The clients research division has created a new fertilizer supplement for
grape production, and wants our advice on whether or not they should commercialize it. What are the key issues we need to examine?

Interviewer Guide
This case involves some market sizing, some analysis of pricing dynamics, and ultimately an investment decision. Candidates must be able
to organize and process a fair bit of quantitative data in addition to draw some high level insights. Judgment is particularly important
when determining how to present a summary of all the arithmetic.

Question What are the key issues we need to examine?
This is a profitability question, so we want to know:
How big is the market? (What revenues can we generate?)
How will customers value the product? What are the drivers of demand?
What can we charge for the product? What are industry dynamics?
What kind of volume can expect?
What are our margins? (What are our variable costs?)
What are our fixed costs?

Background Information
Additional Background
(to be said to the interviewee)
Franks Fertilizer would like to target the California grape market for sales of its new grape supplement. California grapes are exclusively
used for wine making, and firms in the industry specialize in growing either green grape for white wine, or purple grapes for red wine.
Firms in both markets average 250 acres, which they harvest once per year. The market is fairly stable, and is growing at pace with GDP.

Revenues and Competitors

(to be provided when requested by interviewee)
Provide exhibit #1

Exhibit #1
(to be provided to the interviewee as background information for second question)

Question How big is the California grape market? What
conclusions can we draw from this? Is the California grape market
big enough to justify commercializing the fertilizer supplement?

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Total Purple Grape Revenue** (Average purple grape revenue * # purple grape firms) $15M
Total Green Grape Revenue** (Average green grape revenue * # green grape firms) $20M
Market Size (annual)** Sum of revenues $35M

Question What is the potential value add of the supplements?
The total potential is the combined value from extra revenue (from improved yield) and reduced costs (from earlier harvests).

Question What is the savings produced to farmers from early

Additional Background
(to be said to the interviewee)
In tests, the supplements allow grape growers to harvest their grapes 16 days earlier than with the current fertilizer product on the
market. This saves growers approximately $5 per acre per day costs, which normally are needed to keep animals away from crops.

Cost Savings
(NOT to be shown to interviewee)

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

(Daily cost savings * Harvest days reduced *
Savings per farmer** $20K
Average number of acres per farm)
Total number of farmers Found in exhibit #1 230
Total Savings** (Savings per farmer * Total number of farmers) $4.6M

Question What is the savings produced to farmers from better
Additional Background
(to be said to the interviewee)
Furthermore, the increase in the size of grapes directly increases the amount of grape juice produced annually. The supplement can
increase purple grape yields by 10% and green grape yields by 15%.

Cost Savings
(NOT to be shown to interviewee)

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Savings for purple grape farmers** (Purple grape market size * Increased purple grape yield) $1.5M overall, $50K per farmer
Savings for green grape farmers** (Green grape market size * Increased green grape yield) $3M overall, $15K per farmer
Total Savings** (Savings per farmer * Total number of farmers) $4.5M

A strong candidate will question whether California grapes are a substantial piece
of the overall grape market to determine whether this will reduce grape prices

Question What is the total value of the product per farmer?
Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
Early harvest savings per farmer Found in previous pages $20K

Increased yield savings per purple grape farmer Found in previous pages $50K

Increased yield savings per green grape farmer Found in previous pages $15K
(Early harvest savings per farmer +
Total savings for purple grape farmers** $70K per farmer
Increased yield savings per purple grape farmer)
(Early harvest savings per farmer +
Total savings for green grape farmers** $35K per farmer
Increased yield savings per green grape Farmer)
(Savings per purple grape farmer * # of purple grape farmers +
Total savings** $9.1M
Savings per green grape farmer * # of green grape farmers)

Question How much of the $9.1M value can Franks Fertilizer

capture? What will determine this?
Candidate should identify issues of buyer power and rivalry:
Price discrimination
Brand value
Consumer confidence in our marketing
Presence of substitutes

Question What will be the costs of producing enough
supplements for the entire California market? Half the market?
What kind of penetration should we expect?
Additional Background Cost
(to be said to the interviewee) (to be provided upon request)
Commercializing the supplement will require annual capital leases Candidate may inquire about the timeframe of fixed costs and
costing $2.2M, with additional production costs of $4K per recovery. The fixed cost is one time; recovery should be based on
hectoliter. Purple grape fields require 5 hectoliters per 250 acres, reasonable assumptions.
while green grape fields require 2 hectoliters per 250 acres.

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

# purple grape farms Found in exhibit #1
# green grape farms Found in exhibit #1
(# purple grape farms * Purple grape farm supplement required +
Total demand for supplements** 550 hectoliters
# green grape farms * Green grape farm supplement required)

Total variable cost** (Total hectoliter demand * production cost per hectoliter) $2.2M
Total fixed cost As stated above $2.2M
Cost of supplying to entire market** (Fixed cost + Variable cost) $4.4M
Cost of supplying to half market** (Fixed cost + Variable cost/2) $3.3M

Penetration analysis should return to the issues of buyer power.

Candidate should identify tradeoff between margin and initial penetration. 39
Question What kind of penetration lets us break even if we price
at $10K per hectoliter? What about if we price at $8K? $15K?
Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
Variable Cost Found in previous pages $4K

Break even for $10K price** (Fixed cost / Marginal profit) 365 hectoliters
Break even for $8K price** (Fixed cost / Marginal profit) 550 hectoliters
Break even for $15K price** (Fixed cost / Marginal profit) 200 hectoliters

Use contribution margins to solve the problem:

Quantity*Price Quantity*Variable Cost Fixed Cost = 0
Quantity*(Variable Cost + Margin) Quantity*Variable Cost Fixed Cost = 0
Quantity*Margin = Fixed Cost
Quantity = Fixed Cost/Margin

Case Closing
It would not be a good move to commercialize the product based on the California grape
market alone
Comparing the break even quantities and the total size of the California grape market we
Recommendation see that Franks Fertilizer would have to capture substantial market share just in order to
break even
Before deciding to commercialize the supplement it would be wise to size additional
markets to see if there is potential for additional sales elsewhere

Demand for supplement is not as high as projected

Willingness to pay is not high enough to make business profitable or makes breakeven
Risks quantity unreasonable to reach
Supplement does not perform as expected

Case 2: Magic Media
Type of Case: Auction/Bidding Strategy, Profitability
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
Our client, UK based Magic Media, is participating in an auction for the rights to broadcast the 2016 Quiddich World Cup. Magic Media is
a mature company that derives the vast majority of its revenues from selling TV advertisements.
What should we bid on the broadcasting rights? What factors will affect our bid?

Interviewer Guide
This case starts very heavy on assumption-based number crunching. As assumptions are updated, the candidate must correctly adapt
his/her answer with arithmetic logic. Finally, the candidate must provide some high level insights on auction dynamics.

Question What are the key issues we need to examine?
Determine our marginal TV revenue
Know how long the World Cup runs, how many prime time and non-prime time advertisements can be shown, and what can be
charged for each
Take into consideration that receipts are far into the future, but securing the license will require payment now
Figure out how much our competitors will bid in the auction to determine if we should bid, and if so, how much

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

The Games Competition

The 2016 Quiddich World Cup will last 3 weeks, beginning with Magic Media has 3 competitors in the auction
the opening ceremony on a Sunday afternoon, and with the There are 2 smaller US-based players that are looking to boost
final match and the closing ceremony on a Saturday evening their international presence, and would likely have considerably
We can broadcast 6 hours per weekday and 8 hours per higher production costs (and possibly lower advertising
weekend. We can broadcast an extra 2 hours on ceremony days, revenues). They may be willing to loss-lead on the Quiddich
to allow for the length of the ceremony World Cup
We expect heavier viewing during the weekday evenings (the There is also 1 large UK-based player, which like Magic Media, is
last 2 hours), as well as all the weekend days, with peak viewing a mature company. The UK competitor has similar economics as
during the final day of games and the two ceremonies the client

Revenues Cost
We can show ads for no more than 10 minutes per hour, and we Due to the complicated logistics of the event, we will need to
charge double our normal rates, so $50K/min for non-prime, spend an extra $10M to produce the broadcast over our normal
$200K/min for prime, and $500K/min for peak (normally we programming
charge $25K/min, $100K/min and $250K/min, respectively)

Revenue Analysis
(NOT to be shown to interviewee)

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

(Hours for final match + Hours for opening ceremony +
# of peak hours** 12 hours
Hours for closing ceremony)
(Prime hours per weekday * # of weekdays +
# of prime hours** 70 prime hours
# Hours per weekend day * # of weekend days)
# of non-prime hours** (Non-prime hours per weekday * # of weekdays) 60 non-prime hours
(# peak hours * Peak rate * 10 minutes +
Total revenue** # prime hours * Prime rate * 10 minutes + $230M
# non-prime hours * Non-prime rate * 10 minutes)
Marginal profits (Total revenue/2 Extra production costs) $105M

Details Around Calculations:

Tournament lasts a total of 21 days, of which 15 are weekdays, 5 are normal
weekend days, and 1 is the final match day
If 2 of 6 weekday hours are prime we have 30 prime hours on weekdays and 60
non-prime hours
Combined with regular weekends we have another 40 prime hours totally 70
prime hours and 60 non-prime hours
Adding the ceremonies and the final match day we have a total of 12 peak hours
Candidates should recognize that extra viewership may spill over onto other
normal programming and may adjust the expected marginal revenue up
between $2.5M and $10M based on reasoned assumptions 45
Question The World Cup takes place in 2016, but the auction is
this year. How much is the future stream of revenue worth today?
Candidates should identify the time delay between purchasing the rights to broadcast and the receipts from advertisement sales. If the
candidate inquires about interest rates, prompt him/her to make reasoned assumptions. Some candidates may need prompting to do
this analysis.

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Cost of capital Make an assumption 10%
Time period Match will be held in 5 years (assuming it is 2011) 5
Marginal profits Calculated earlier in case $105M
Present value** (Marginal profits) / ((1 + Cost of capital)^(Number of years until match)) $65.2M

Case Closing
In this case, Magic Media should bid below but close to the projected $65.2M
But we will want to know more about past bidding behavior of the UK competitor, and
Recommendation whether they are likely to risk losing the auction by underbidding (to increase gains)
The smaller competitors add uncertainty to the overall mix, making underbidding even less

Candidates should recognize that a bid at value is entirely acceptable, because it would
produce profits that meet the cost of capital. However, the at value bid could be a
problem if the overall model is too optimistic (maybe by ignoring downside risks)
Risks Our projected revenues could be at risk if there is not sufficient demand to fill all the time
slots for advertisements at the given prices
Over- or under-bid because of insufficient understanding of competitors positions

Case 3: Wallys Wire Factory
Type of Case: Strategy (Increasing Profitability)
Difficulty: Moderate

(to be said to the interviewee)
It is 2009. Wallys Wire Factory makes electronics cables. Like most players in the industry, Wallys Wire Factory makes a large range of
cables, wires, connectors, converters, and basic electronics extras. It has a steady stream of business and has little desire to expand into
new products. Wallys Wire Factory has hired you to help increase profitability from its existing businesses

Interviewer Guide
This case tests a number of qualitative skills including reading charts and drawing conclusions from visual data. The case also tests a
candidates understanding of pricing dynamics and ability to form data- driven hypotheses. Though this case does not have a significant
quantitative component, candidates will run into difficulty presenting the discrete elements of their synthesis if they are unstructured

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Market Competition
Wallys is the leader of an established mature industry that is There are significant barriers to entry, so there has been no
growing at the rate of GDP new competitors in the past 5 years, and Wallys projects it
Market share: provide exhibit #1 and #2 would take 2-3 years for a new competitor to enter
Competition varies significantly by region

Costumers Products
Costumers are mainly IT departments and retail businesses, There is a range of higher and lower end products, and
but there is a sizable number of technology minded margins vary considerably by product line
individuals who make direct purchases as well

Exhibit #1
(to be provided to the interviewee as background information when asked about industry structure)

Wire Market Share Data, 2006

Exhibit #2
(to be provided to the interviewee as background information when asked about industry structure)

Wire Market Share Data, 2009

What happened over the past three years? In which market are we best able to
increase profitability from existing businesses? How should we approach this?

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)
Question: what happened over the past three years?
Our position in North America has grown further, possibly due to weak buyer power since firms are unable to exert much control as
our product is a small component of their costs. It is probably the main buyer, with sales to retail firms being a smaller share
Competitor 1 has grown considerably in Europe, mainly at our expense. Given the size of their growth, it is likely that they have
reduced prices, which does not bode well for us since we may need to lower prices as well. We may be forced to innovate and cut our
own costs
Competition has become fierce in Asia. Competitor 1 has grown at the expense of competitor 3. Since all firms are splitting profits, late
stages of pricing parity are likely settling in. Retail is probably the biggest buyer. Since they shop based on price, as our product is an
expensive input, industry profits are eroded
Note we cannot say anything about market growth since we are only given market shares

Question: In which market are we best able to increase profits from existing businesses? How should we approach this?
It is unlikely that we can increase profitability in Europe and Asia since our product is being commoditized
There is scope to increase profitability in North America
Since margins vary by product line, we need to start there and understand causes of variations

Exhibit #3
(to be provided after market share questions are addressed)

Question: we want to look at the North American market and understand variations in margins across products. We plot gross margin
by product on the y-axis. What variable(s) might we want to plot on the x-axis?
Since we do not face extreme competition in North America, there may be room to increase profits by capturing value through pricing.
Therefore we should check how gross margins vary by product price elasticity.
There are other reasonable answers.
A strong answer should come with the possibility for some strategic recommendation based on data. For example in addition to
naming the axis, the candidate should explain at least one data pattern that comes with a recommended course of action.

Exhibit #4
(to be provided after market share questions are addressed)

Question: if we choose to chart price elasticity on the x-axis, what kind of pattern might we expect?
Products with high price elasticity normally have the lowest gross margins, because products across companies are close substitutes
and consumers use price when shopping.
Products with low price elasticity have relatively high gross margins because products do not substitute well, and consumers are
shopping based on different feature offers.
The scatter plot should therefore have a clear downward trend, if the above were to hold true.

What kind of pattern would indicate considerable room for increasing profitability?
Any scatter plot where we do not see a clear downward trend would indicate considerable room for increasing profitability through
price adjustments.
Exhibit #5
(to be provided after market share questions are addressed)

Question: after plotting price elasticity vs. gross margin by product, we produce the chart above. There appears to be little correlation
between price elasticity and gross margin. What do you conclude based on the chart?
Should raise prices on products in the lower left quadrant, since we can substantially increase margin without suffering share losses,
because products have inelastic demand with respect to price
We should be willing to cut prices on products in top right quadrant, since we can substantially increase our share with only slight
losses of gross margin because of high price elasticity
Revenue will increase in top left quadrant through price, and in top right quadrant through quantity

Case Closing
We are unlikely to increase profitability in Europe and Asia since our product is being
We can increase profitability in North America, our strong hold
Since there isnt extreme competition in North America, we may be able to increase profits
Recommendation through price
After looking at price elasticity and gross margins by product, we determined that it is best
to increase prices in products with low price elasticity and gross margin, and lower prices
in products that have high price elasticity and high margins

Case 4: Marble Front Supplies
Type of Case: Operations
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
Marble Front Supplies is a producer of kitchen appliances and kitchen supplies. Marble Front is a strong brand, and historically the
company had significant advertising and marketing expenses to maintain their brand. In the past, growth has been steady, driven by a
combination of product line extensions and key acquisitions of specialty item producers. Sales go through a number of channels,
including superstores, which are increasingly critical. These superstores have gained considerable share in the past few years, and
constantly pressure us to lower our margins as they substitute generic products for traditional brand names like Marble Front. Recent
drops in sales and profits have made Marble Front an acquisition target.

Our client is a private equity firm considering purchasing Marble Front. The client wants us to do due diligence on Marble Fronts
production facilities, and wants us to size the opportunity for production efficiencies. They believe Marble Front needs to lower costs to
stay competitive in this market. What are the factors we should examine to determine whether Marble Front can lower production costs?

Interviewer Guide
This case tests the candidates ability to analyze related pieces of operations data pulled from charts and tables, and has a moderate
quantitative piece. Finally, candidates must be able to assess the qualitative drivers of an investment decision and synthesize a

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Manufacturing Profitability
The client currently produces SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) in 3 Revenues:
factories located in Michigan, Mexico, and New Jersey Current production generates $475 million in revenues
Annual Production Annual Capacity Provide exhibit #2

Michigan 5,000 SKUs 8,500 SKUs

Mexico 4,500 SKUs 12,000 SKUs
New Jersey 3,000 SKUs 5,500 SKUs

Provide exhibit #1

Exhibit #1
(to be provided to the interviewee as background information)

What is the current capacity utilization? What are the possible

improvements and how should we choose which is best?

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Capacity utilization calculation:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
(production in Michigan + Mexico +
Total production** 12,500
New Jersey)
(capacity in Michigan + Mexico +
Total capacity** 26,000
New Jersey)
Utilization ** (Production/Capacity) ~48%

There are a few ways to increase capacity utilization:

1. Combine New Jersey into Michigan
2. Combine either Michigan or New Jersey into Mexico
3. Combine both Michigan and New Jersey into Mexico while reducing
the total SKUs produced from 12,500 to 12,000

Some candidates may also raise the possibility of looking for new
production locations that give a better total cost structure

Exhibit #2
(to be provided to the interviewee as background information)

What conclusions can you draw about Marble Fronts fixed and variable costs?

Question - what is currently the total expense from running three
plants? How much would we save in each of our three scenarios?
(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)
Current total expenses:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Production in Michigan Given 5,000
Annual variable costs per SKUs Given 7,900
Annual fixed costs Given $15M
Total annual cost (Michigan): (Fixed + Production*Variable) $54.5M

Production in Mexico Given 4,500

Annual variable costs per SKUs Given 4,000
Annual fixed costs Given $18M
Total annual cost (Mexico): (Fixed + Production*Variable) $36M

Production in New Jersey Given 3,000

Annual variable costs per SKUs Given 8,500
Annual fixed costs Given $20M
Total annual cost (New Jersey): (Fixed + Production*Variable) $45.5M

(Total cost in Michigan + Mexico +

Total cost: $136M
New Jersey)
Question - what is currently the total expense from running three
plants? How much would we save in each of our three scenarios?
(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)
Scenario #1 savings by combining New Jersey into Michigan:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Annual fixed costs in New Jersey Given $20M

Annual variable costs per SKUs in Michigan Given $7,900

Annual variable costs per SKUs in New Jersey Given $8,500
(Annual variable costs per SKUs in NJ
Annual variable cost savings per SKUs: $600
Annual variable costs per SKUs in Michigan)

Production in New Jersey Given 3,000

(Annual fixed costs in NJ +
Total savings: $21.8M
Production in NJ*Annual variable cost savings)

Question - what is currently the total expense from running three
plants? How much would we save in each of our three scenarios?
(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)
Scenario #2a savings by combining Michigan into Mexico:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Annual fixed costs in Michigan Given $15M

Annual variable costs per SKUs in Mexico Given $4,000

Annual variable costs per SKUs in Michigan Given $7,900
(Annual variable costs per SKUs in Michigan
Annual variable cost savings per SKUs: $3,900
Annual variable costs per SKUs in Mexico)

Production in Michigan Given 5,000

(Annual fixed costs in Michigan +
Total savings: $34.5M
Production in Michigan*Annual variable cost savings)

Question - what is currently the total expense from running three
plants? How much would we save in each of our three scenarios?
(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)
Scenario #2b savings by combining New Jersey into Mexico:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Annual fixed costs in New Jersey Given $20M

Annual variable costs per SKUs in Mexico Given $4,000

Annual variable costs per SKUs in New Jersey Given $8,500
(Annual variable costs per SKUs in NJ
Annual variable cost savings per SKUs: $4,500
Annual variable costs per SKUs in Mexico)

Production in New Jersey Given 3,000

(Annual fixed costs in NJ +
Total savings: $33.5M
Production in Michigan*Annual variable cost savings)

Question - what is currently the total expense from running three
plants? How much would we save in each of our three scenarios?
(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)
Scenario #3 savings by combining both Michigan and New Jersey into Mexico while
reducing the total SKUs produced from 12,500 to 12,000:
Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
Annual fixed costs in Mexico Given $18M
Annual variable costs per SKUs in Mexico Given $4,000
New production in Mexico (Capacity in Mexico) 12,000
Total annual cost (Mexico): (Fixed + Production*Variable) $66M

Original total annual cost (calculated before) $136M

Total cost savings: (Original total annual cost new total annual cost) $70M

Original total production Given 12,500

Production decrease (Original total production capacity in Mexico) 500
% of lost revenues (Production decrease/Original production) 4%

Total revenues Given $475M

Total revenue loss (Total revenues*% of lost revenues) $19M

Total savings: (Total cost savings total revenue loss) $51M

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)
What other costs or revenues might we consider when sizing the opportunity of production consolidation?
The main issues would be the implementation timeframe and the costs of closing plants. This might require buying out union
contracts, taking losses on capital leases, and hiring costs for expanding the Mexico plant
We might also face public backlash from outsourcing manufacturing jobs to Mexico

How high would closing costs have to be (on a per plant basis) before Scenario #3 is not the best available opportunity? Are there any
other disadvantages of Scenario #3?
If per-plant closing costs exceeded $16.5M, Scenario #2a would become more profitable than Scenario #3, because the marginal costs
of #3 over #2 would be taken into consideration
Scenario #3 also runs the risk of making expansion impossible, while Scenario #2a leaves some excess capacity and therefore Marble
Front would be better positioned to take advantage of any unexpected demand growth

Scenario Total annual savings

#1 $21.8M
#2a $34.5M
#2b $33.5M
#3 $49M

Case Closing
Combining Michigan and New Jersey into Mexico, while reducing the total SKUs produced
Recommendation from 12,500 to 12,000, the total capacity in Mexico, will result in the highest total savings
for Marble Front ($49M, after considering the appropriate decrease in revenues)

In using the full capacity of the factory in Mexico, any expansion plans in case of any
unexpected demand growth become impossible
Risks If the costs for closing the plant in New Jersey exceeded $14.5M, it would make more
sense for Marble Front to combine only Michigan into Mexico, which will result in
$34.5M cost savings

Additional Practice Cases
The NYU Stern Consulting Casebook

Case 1: The Fruit Cart Vendor
Type of Case: Profitability
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
You find out you have a long-lost uncle, and he is a fruit cart vendor at a street corner in downtown Boston. He sells his fruit only on
weekdays to morning and evening commuters, as well as downtowners going on lunch breaks. Your uncle realized that you are a
business school student, and he thinks you might be able to make his business more profitable. He wants to increase his profit during
this summer by 10%, which would be $1,000 over last years profits, and he will plow these profits back into the business. In order to do
this, your uncle wants to expand into selling vegetables. He is known for having high-quality fruits, which he gets from his buddy who is a
wholesaler. He plans to use similar high-quality suppliers for his vegetables. Your uncle operates in a really good location: a well-
trafficked spot in the business district near a busy train station.

He wants your help to determine if he can reach his goal of increasing profit by $1,000 next year.

Interviewer Guide
This case is a basic profitability analysis. The interviewee should spend most of their time exploring all the revenue sources and costs
associated with entering the vegetable market. The interviewee should calculate the expected profit and make a recommendation based
on their calculations. They should also include other considerations such as competitor response, changes in customer types, the uncles
knowledge of vegetables, etc.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Profitability Customers
Revenues: Your uncle generally serves 3 types of customers: morning
By talking to customers, he has estimated a potential demand commuters, evening commuters, and downtowners on lunch
of 20 vegetables per day breaks
He expects to sell each vegetable for $1 He sees more morning and lunch customers but evening
Cross-selling to certain customers is expected to generate an customers tend to buy for home so he sells roughly equal
additional 5% in revenues proportions of his fruits to each type of customer
The annual cost of his permit to operate is $1000
If he sells vegetables, the permit costs will increase by 20%
The cost of each vegetable is 75 cents
Cannibalization will decrease fruit sales by 5%

Competition Competencies
There are no competing vegetable vendors nearby You uncle has been in the fruit business for 20 years and his
Fruit customers generally get their vegetables from customers appreciate that he knows the peak seasons for the
supermarkets near their home fruits that he sells
He is a master at picking out the best fruit for his customers
His knowledge in these respects is very limited for vegetables

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Basic profit calculation:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
Fruit profit per year Given $10,000
Desired profit increase Given 10%
Desired profit increase amount ** (Fruit profit/yr * % profit increase) $1,000

Revenue per vegetable Given $1.00

Cost per vegetable Given $0.75
Profit margin per vegetable ** (Revenue Cost) $0.25

Vegetables per day Given 20

Profit per day ** (Profit/veg)*(Veg/Day) $5.00

Days per week Given 5

Weeks per year Assumed 52
Profit per year ** (Profit/day * Days/wk * Weeks/yr) $1,300

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Additional profit considerations:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
Cross-selling additional sales Given 5%
Original fruit sales profit Given $10,000
Change in fruit profit ** (Additional sales * Original profit) $500

Cannibalization of fruit sales Given 5%

Original fruit sales profit Given $10,000
Change in fruit profit ** (Cannibalization* Original profit) -$500

Original annual permit cost Given $1000

Permit cost increase Given 20%
Additional permit cost ** (Original permit cost * Cost increase) $200

Vegetable profit per year Previously calculated $1,300

Cross-selling fruit profit Previously calculated $500
Cannibalization of fruit profit Previously calculated -$500
Additional permit cost Previously calculated -$200
Profit per year ** (Profit/day * Days/wk * Weeks/yr) $1,100

Key Takeaway: Calculated profit $1,100 > Desired profit increase of $1,000
Case Closing
At current estimated demand levels, your uncle would be able to surpass his projected
profit target of $1,000 by $100 next year. He may want to do informal surveys of his
Recommendation customers to determine which vegetables would be more preferable, which could increase
daily demand.

Since he will just make his target by $100, he must be confident that his lack of expertise
with vegetables will not affect his relationships with his customers.
He must also be aware that his lack of expertise may lead to spoilage rates that could
Risks eat into his profits to a degree that he did not anticipate
It is also important that he is comfortable that he can find the additional cash (at least
$200 to finance the additional permit costs for carrying vegetables)

Case 2: Sports Bar
Type of Case: New Business/Profitability
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
Your client is an entrepreneur and looking to invest in new bar. He needs to determine how profitable the company will be, and convince
his primary investor, his father, that it will be a viable business. What are the areas you would consider and investigate?

Interviewer Guide
This case is math intensive so the interviewee will need to stay organized. A great caser will lay out a chart with all the data and
calculations. The case starts by asking for a framework and then gets into the details. By the end of the case, the interviewee should
make a clear recommendation as to how the primary investor can be convinced it is a viable business. He/she should approach it from an
investment perspective and analyze the profitability of the business, along with any risks that arent discussed.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Profitability Labor Needs

The average customer spends $15 on food # people Pay Rate
The average customer spends $20 on drinks
Capacity constraints and benchmarking should also be Kitchen 4 (when open) $10/hour
discussed here Bar 1 $5/hour
Lease cost is $10,000 per month Waitresses 3 $5/hour
Labor costs can be seen to the right
Food costs are 60% of revenues Competitive Research
Drinks costs are 25% of revenues
There is no specific data on utilities, legal, insurance, licenses,
Sunday Wednesday
training, remodeling , equipment, and other startup costs Hours
Food Customers Drinks Customers
12pm 8pm 10 customers/hour 4 customers/hour
8pm 12am 4 customers/hour 15 customers/hour

Thursday Saturday

Hours Food Customers Drinks Customers

12pm 8pm 15 customers/hour 10 customers/hour
8pm 2am 5 customers/hour 20 customers/hour

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Profitability calculation:
Source/Formula Sunday - Wednesday Thursday Saturday
(** - calculation required)
Food Drinks Food Drinks
Day orders per hour Given 10 4 15 5
Day time hours Given 8 (12pm-8pm) 8 (12pm-8pm) 8 (12pm-8pm) 8 (12pm-8pm)
Day time orders ** (Hours * orders per hour) 80 32 120 40

Night orders per hour Given 4 15 5 20

Night hours Given 4 (8pm-12am) 4 (8pm-12am) 6 (8pm-2am) 6 (8pm-2am)
Night orders ** (Hours * orders per hour) 16 60 30 120
Total daily orders** (Night + Day orders) 96 92 150 160

Days per week Given 4 4 3 3

Total weekly orders (Days * daily orders) 384 368 450 480

Total weekly food orders 834

Total weekly drink orders 848

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Profitability calculation (continued):

Source/Formula Food Drinks Calculations
(** - calculation required)
Price Given $15 $20
Weekly orders Previously calculated 834 848
Weekly revenue ** (Price * Weekly orders) $12,510 $16,960 $29,470

COGS Given 80% 50%

Weekly COGS ** (% cost * Weekly revenue) $10,008 $9,480 $19,488

Source/Formula Kitchen Bar Waitresses
(** - calculation required)
Salary per hour Given $10 $5 $5
# people 4 1 3
Sunday Wednesday hours (4 days * (12pm-12am)) 48 48 48
Thursday Saturday hours (3 days * (12pm-2am)) 42 42 42
Total labor cost ** (Salary * Total hours) $3,600 $450 $1,350

Total weekly labor cost** $5,400 78

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Profitability calculation (continued):

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
Weekly revenue Previously Calculated $29,470
Weekly COGS Previously Calculated $19,488
Weekly labor Previously Calculated $5,400
Weekly lease cost (assume 4 weeks/month) Given $2,500
Weekly Profit ** (Revenue COGS Labor Lease) $2,082

Weeks per year Assumed 50

Annual Profit ** (% cost * weekly revenue) $104,100

Key Takeaway: Calculated profit of $104,100 per year is a good investment

Case Closing
From a financial perspective, the sports bar makes a lot of sense but there are still many
unknowns that need to be figured out
Recommendation The recommendation should focus on convincing the primary investor (his father) that it
will be a viable business

There are many costs that have been excluded from this case that will need to be
properly calculated in more detail and include:
Risks &

Marketing and promotions
Location could also be an important factor in determining the success of the bar
compared to competitors
Other risks include sudden rise in COGS (food shortage) and increase in minimum wages

Case 3: Botox
Type of Case: Market Sizing & Business Expansion / New Product Launch
Difficulty: Low

(to be said to the interviewee)
The maker of Botox is considering expanding to the migraine market and has already begun clinical trials in this arena. The product is
scheduled to launch in 2010. What is your estimate for the size of the migraine market and the potential revenue?

Interviewer Guide
This case has 2 key components. 1.) A straight forward market sizing exercise for the migraine market, that will involve discussing the
potential size of a target segment (population type market sizing) 2.) Discussing the considerations of launching Botox as a different
product targeted at a new segment. The interviewee should quickly get to the mechanics of market size estimation and arrive at a $
market size. The interviewee should then be able to discuss the pros and cons of a product launch, address additional considerations
and make a solid recommendation as to how to proceed.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Product Features Customers

Price # of typical migraine sufferers is difficult to approximate since
The drug will be priced at $200/injection migraines/headaches vary greatly
Cost Assume at least 10% of migraine sufferers are willing to invest
N/A but reasonable to expect marginal cost is quite small as in such a medicine
most pharmaceuticals have this cost profile
The companys product is given in the form of an injection
every 2 months
Offers similar efficacy compared to market leading option but
without any side effects
When given for migraines it does have some added skin care

(to be covered in discussing the interviewees framework)

Sizing the Market Product

Population: Price:
This drug will be produced world wide so the interviewee Will customers require insurance coverage?
should use world population (6-7 B) Is it reasonable to expect patients to be willing to pay more
% of population diagnosed with migraines: than they are currently?
Reasonable estimate of the number of migraine sufferers Delivery Method:
(20% of population) Inconvenience of MD /hospital visits for injections
% treated with OTC (Over The Counter) vs. prescription Benefits:
medications (i.e. severe migraine sufferers): How might the additional skin care benefits from Botox be an
Assume that about 50% of chronic migraine sufferers asset for the product?
experience severe migraines and are willing to purchase
prescription products
Expected share for the product:
Due to the absence of side effects and the beneficial skin care
properties assume 40% of overall market in 5 years. If
competition from generics have been raised assume 20%

Brand Impact Competition

How might the launch of Botox for migraines affect the Immitrex, the market leader in traditional prescription
existing Botox for appearance enhancement business? migraine treatments, lost patent protection in December
Should the client launch under a separate brand name in the Interviewee should discuss the possibility of aggressive entry
migraine market? of generic competition or ask if generics exist

(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Example of market sizing calculation:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
World population Given 6B
% of people who suffer from chronic
Assumed 20%
% severe migraine sufferers Assumed 50%
Total market size in # of patients ** (World pop. * % chronic sufferers* % severe) 600 M

$Price/ injection Given $200

# injections/year ** (1 injection/ 2 months * 12 month/year) 6
Annual revenue per patient ** ( $ Price/injection * # injections/year) $1200
Total annual market size in $ ** (# patients * Annual revenue per patient) $720 B

Botox $ market (Total market size $ * % of market share) $144-288 B

Key Takeaway: The size of the market represents an attractive opportunity .

Case Closing
Given the projected $ size of the prescription migraine market this looks like a promising
market to enter for the Botox maker and would seem to offer very large revenue potential,
and more importantly, profit potential.
Recommendation Launching under another brand name would allow the client to more effectively
differentiate between the two uses when advertising the product to consumers and
physicians. It would also likely lessen the backlash from the differential pricing.

Launching under the same brand name could cause a public outcry over the discrepancy
in price between the migraine version and the plastic surgery version given they are the
Risks &
identical drug.
Also, it could cause some patients to use the migraine form instead of buying the plastic
surgery version, thus cannibalizing some of the existing sales of Botox.
On the other hand, keeping the Botox brand name brings with it the strong reputation
Botox has already built through its current use.

Case 4: Cut Cut Cut
Type of Case: Cost Reduction
Difficulty: Low

(to be said to the interviewee)
Our client is the CFO of a large multi-billion dollar consumer goods company in North America. The recent economic crisis has generated
a need to drastically reduce costs in order to maintain the firms future competitiveness. The senior executive team has decided to take
cost cutting steps to achieve significant cost reduction by 2012. Since the company expects to grow its sales over the period, it has been
determined that core activities such as production plans, sales, and marketing should not be affected/touched by this initiative.
The CFO, who is responsible for the initiative, has approached our firm in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of cost
reduction alternatives, as well as a recommendation on what would be the appropriate approach/steps to execute this initiative. Finally,
he has asked for input on who should be involved in this initiative.

Interviewer Guide
This is a very high-level strategy case in which the interviewee is expected to provide ideas and alternatives to the companys problem.
Keep in mind that finding the alternatives is not the only issue, execution and participants must be addressed as well. Finally, calculations
are not required, but the recommendations should meet the $500 million goal.

(ideas to be presented by the interviewee)

Potential Opportunities
Direct productivity improvement due to workload imbalances
Technology implementations that would reduce manual work
Move selected operations (accounting, finance, etc.) to low-cost locations
Outsource selected operations (call centers, transactional work)
Consolidate office locations to reduce/distribute fixed costs
Eliminate excessive organizational levels
Eliminate low added-value work
Implement a supplier consolidation process to achieve better COGS

Approach to Implementation
Form a team
Create incentives to promote results/ collaboration
Understand the opportunities (list them out, size them, get the data)
Benchmark with other companies and initiatives
Restore areas that are not performing as designed
Eliminate/change areas that are performing as designed, but still have opportunity areas
Implement, adjust and correct

Key Players
Functional experts
Support from upper management
Customers, both external (suppliers, consumers, etc.) and internal
Functional areas impacted by changes

Case Closing
Strong recommendation should include an exhaustive analysis of the three areas
requested by the client. Since this is a very high-level case, multiple answers are accepted
Recommendation After the possibilities have been laid out, the candidate should prioritize, and select one,
or a few that would allow the client to achieve its objective of $500 million cost cuts

Since the client is not willing to cut back on its projects, any cost reducing strategies are
Risks &
subject to these future investments that can generate additional expenditure
Since this is not a numbers oriented case, it would be important to recommend some
Considerations more qualitative analysis to evaluate the real impact of the cost saving initiatives

Case 5: Equipment Manufacturer
Type of Case: Supply Chain/Operations
Difficulty: Low

(to be said to the interviewee)
Your client is an industrial manufacturer of cranes. They are a French company and have recently acquired a U.S business in order to
expand their product offering and enter the U.S market. The two products they have after the acquisition are mobile cranes and tower
cranes. The combined company holds approximately 60% of the market. Currently, the tower business, used for skyscrapers, is located in
Europe, and the mobile business, used for building highways, is located in the U.S. Prior to the acquisition, the company did have a small
mobile manufacturer in Europe that they still retain.

The company has brought you and your team in to determine how to reduce redundancy and maintain a single face to the customer. The
client also wants to explore the possibility of expanding mobile cranes into Europe and tower cranes into the U.S. Should they build new
facilities or ship products?

Interviewer Guide
In this case, the interviewee will be required to investigate the different distribution channels of the manufacturers products and
compare between the different expansion plans in Europe as well as the U.S.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Distribution Channels Market Share

60% of the revenues come from leases through a dealer
(manufacturer dealer construction firm), 40% come from Europe U.S
direct leases (manufacturer construction firm)
When dealers are involved in leasing the equipment, they are Tower 80% 20%
responsible for the equipment repairs. Additionally, they must Mobile 40% 70%
know the product
The information about the acquisition was communicated to Total 60% (globally)
the dealers so they have an expectation for lower costs as a
result of the redundancy elimination

Managing the dealer relationships is key
The dealers will now have larger costs, since they will have to
learn the sales pitch for the new catalog of products and be
prepared to service them as well
The dealers will need higher profit margins to offset costs

(to be covered in discussing the interviewees framework)

Expansion Plans - Mobile

Mobile Expansion Options Considerations
Determine capacity of the facility
Expand European Facility
No action until it reaches 100% capacity
Advantage - no tariffs
Navigate Sites in Europe for Possible Facilities
Finding suitable location
Capital investment
Advantage - spillover excess inventory
Ship to Europe Tariffs
Lead time

Expansion Plans - Mobile

Tower Expansion Options Considerations
Advantage no tariffs
Build new U.S Facility
Customer demand not proven (need
to find way to measure)
Ship from Europe
Lead time
Case Closing
The case is based on an actual problem. The manufacturer eventually maxed out
production in Europe. In the U.S, they converted a facility to create a hybrid product
Recommendation between mobile and tower that could do small-to-mid-size projects. They didn't have to
invest as much capital as would have been required by a new facility. They gained
significant market share.

Demand might decrease over time, so any capital expense might turn out to be
Risks & The hybrid product might not be accepted well by the buyers
Manage dealer relationship initiate training and consider increasing their profit
Considerations margins
Expend globally to other continents

Case 6: Bike Helmets
Type of Case: Private Equity and Market Sizing
Difficulty: Low

(to be said to the interviewee)
Your client is a Private Equity firm that mainly works in the manufacturing industry. When making a decision about whether or not to
purchase a company, they look at expected demand, projected profits and some additional factors. They are considering purchasing a
firm that makes bicycle helmets and accessories. You have been hired to determine whether or not they should purchase this firm.

Interviewer Guide
This case is really designed to see how the interviewee thinks. The candidate needs to make assumptions and justify them throughout.
The interviewer should push back on each assumption. In the end, the recommendation is flexible, but if the bike company is moving
more heavily into the higher margin, not as competitive, and still-growing low end of the market, this could be an attractive investment.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Bike Company Market

The company only sells its products in the US Most new entrants have been at the high-end of the market
Revenue mix from the 2 product lines is split 50/50 There are different product lines for high-end and mass
The company currently has 70% market share market
They have a good relationship with their suppliers High-end = 40% of market
The company was originally in the high-end of the market, but Mass market = 60% of market
now is in the mass market

Helping the Interviewee Develop Assumptions

(have the interviewee quantify his/her assumptions)
Market Growth
If the candidate asks Is the overall bike helmet market growing? Ask him/her what do you think? and make them justify their
answer. Ask him/her to provide a percentage growth or shrinking (a range is okay)
Sample answer: I believe the bike helmet market is growing because people are exercising more because of health concerns,
gas prices are increasing rapidly so more people are using bikes instead of driving. Also, Lance Armstrong has revived an
interest in the sport.
If the candidate asks where the company distributes its product, ask them back Where do you think?
Sample answer: Specialty stores, Sports Authority, Wal-Mart, Target
The products are distributed mainly through specialty stores, but ask the candidate what are the risks of selling at Wal-Mart?
Sample answer: Buyer power squeezes the profit margins for the bike company
What is more profitable, selling to the mass market or selling in specialty stores
Sample answer: Selling to the mass market is more profitable because of lower distribution costs
At some appropriate point during the interview, ask the candidate to determine the annual revenue of the company (market sizing). A
good trick on this part is to realize that since the revenue mix is 50/50, they only have to size one of the product lines, and then double
their answer at the end. It is easier to size the bike helmets, because accessories is a very broad category. There is no right way to size
the market, but here are some points to consider:
Age , Income, Urban/rural , Bike helmet laws , Delivery
The candidate should size the entire market and then take 70% of the total market, since thats the companys share. Estimates
and factors for consideration will vary, but the candidate must be able to justify the numbers through each step of the process.
(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Example of market sizing calculation:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations
US Population Given 320 M
% of population who ride bikes Assumed 75%
% of bike riders that wear helmets Assumed 75%
# of helmets bought per year Assumed 1
Total market size in # helmets ** (US pop. * % bike riders * % wear helmets) 180 M

Price per helmet Assumed $20

Annual revenue from helmets ** (Helmet market size * Price of helmet) $3.6 B
Annual revenue from accessories ** (Accessories revenue = Helmet revenue) $3.6 B
Total annual market size in $ ** (Helmet revenue + Accessories revenue) $7.2 B

Bike company market share Given 70%

Bike company annual revenue (Total market size $ * % of market share) $5.1 B

Key Takeaway: The size of the market represents an attractive opportunity .

Case Closing
The recommendation will ultimately depend on the assumptions made by the interviewee
in sizing the market
Recommendation If the company is moving into a higher margin, lower competition, and growing then this
would be an attractive investment for the private equity firm

Risks &

The risks should be based around the assumptions made by the interviewee
Changes in various assumptions could have different impacts on the profitability and
Considerations investment potential for the private equity firm

Case 7: Kitchen Hardware
Type of Case: Profitability
Difficulty: Moderate

(to be said to the interviewee)
Your client is a manufacturer of food processing and preparation equipment that is sold to households and restaurants. Seventy percent
(70%) of the goods are imported from China and Italy while 30% are manufactured locally. The client has been in the industry for over 80
years and has a very strong brand name. The client has experienced a 1% decline in sales for each of the last 5 years and a comparable
drop in earnings over the same period. The client would like to understand why the sales and earnings have dropped and how to address
the issues.

Interviewer Guide
This case is focused on profitability, however before the interviewee begins their analysis the interviewee should investigate the product
lines for the client. However, because background information is limited it will be a qualitative discussion of costs and revenues with the
conclusion based on the discussion.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Market Company/Products
Market growth: This is a mature market, so market growth is 95% of clients revenue is to restaurants with the remainder
low going to households
They service the entire U.S., equal parts Northeast, This is the clients first experience with slumping sales
Northwest, and South They have best brand in the industry in terms of quality and
New competition has entered the market and copied their recognition. They price their products at a slight premium.
products Locally manufactured goods have slightly higher margins
Mix of products has changed slightly in the past few years.
Costs They sell their products to buying groups that represent a
collection of restaurants. Competitors have begun offering
COGS: There has been a slight increase in the price to the complete kitchen solutions that include items the client does
client of the imported goods, about a 2% rise every 3 years not currently produce
Production costs have not changed
Distribution costs have increased slightly because of increased
fuel costs from shipping the goods. The client contracts with
shippers such as UPS or FedEx to deliver their products

(ideas to by presented by the interviewee)

Revenues Product Lines

Client has the strongest brand name in the industry. The To address the competitive pressures, the client could form a
candidate should explore increasing price premium to joint venture with other manufacturers to offer complete
reinforce their brand image as the best in class solutions or add new products to their existing lineup to
Promotions/Marketing promote on chef reality shows, trade compete more effectively.
shows, higher-end restaurant chains (e.g. Mortons) The candidate should ask about profitability of the household
Explore margins and internal capabilities of selling direct to business. There is no specific information, so ask the
restaurants to bypass the buying groups and capture more of interviewee to brainstorm all of the things he/she would like
the restaurants willingness to pay to know about the consumer business
Second-hand market since restaurant business is highly Is it a growing market?
competitive with restaurants going out of business frequently, Is it more profitable than the restaurant business?
the client could start a certified pre-owned business line for Ask the candidate what to do if it is and if it isnt
their products, similar to car dealerships. If interviewee o If yes try to grow the household side of the
suggests this, ask them to brainstorm the benefits and risks business, and ask candidate to brainstorm ideas
Obvious benefit: high margin how
Obvious risk: cannibalization o If no divest or spin off this side of the
Bundle products together to increase sales of companion business and focus on the core restaurant
items business

Locally produced goods have higher margins
The candidate should explore building or renting
additional production facilities or expanding existing
ones to reduce reliance on lower margin imports. They
should mention current factory utilization rates
Or, try to squeeze foreign suppliers to reduce costs on imports

Case Closing
The client should explore raising the prices to reinforce their strong brand image and look
into the second-hand market
Promotions and product bundling could be another way to increase sales
Recommendation Reducing costs through locally producing products or pressuring foreign suppliers will
increase margins
Recommendations on the product line may vary based on the assumptions made by the
interviewee, but should follow a logical framework

Entering the second-hand market could cause cannibalization of current sales

Risks & Competitors may respond to any promotions or bundling
Customers may not be willing to pay an extra price premium for the brand name
Considerations Producing goods locally may have an impact on the quality of the products

Case 8: Starbucks and Ice Cream
Type of Case: Product Expansion
Difficulty: Moderate

(to be said to the interviewee)
Starbucks has had no growth and is facing competition from Dunkin Donuts, which has partnered with Baskin Robbins at many of its
locations. So lets pretend that Starbucks is our client. Do you think that they should add ice cream to retail stores?

Interviewer Guide
This is a very high-level strategy case in which the interviewee is expected to evaluate one idea for the client. It is important to access the
many impacts the introduction of this product will have in the companies strategy and operation. Additionally, the candidate should be
evaluated based on Creativity and Organization to propose new alternatives for the firm.

(ideas to be presented by the interviewee)

Customers Starbucks Value Proposition

How are the customers at Starbucks different from customers What differentiates Starbucks?
at Dunkin Donuts? Atmosphere generated by the large stores and
Starbucks: higher end clients who appreciate the comfortable chairs (this is as important as the coffee)
coffee and the ambience the stores provide High quality coffee
Dunkin Donuts: lower income group and coffee on-the- Extreme customization of products
go High quality customer service
Who eats ice cream?
Heavily consumed by children

Business Issues Operational Issues

A large number of kids in a store would damage one Starbucks Finding and dealing with a new supplier
most recognizable quality, the ambience it provides Current stores are not equipped to store ice cream with
Cannibalization - Starbucks high margin product lines in freezers which would require major renovations, and could
frozen drinks and baked goods would be affected by the mean a smaller seating area
introduction of ice cream Baristas would need to learn new processes for handling ice

Initial Recommendation (interviewee should summarize in 30 seconds):

Starbucks should not sell ice cream in its stores because of potential cannibalization,
conflicts with its current business model, and the need for major operational changes

Question what could Starbucks do to achieve that growth?
Introduction of New Products Expansion into New Areas
Introduce a non-specialty coffee (Starbucks has now done this Additional suburban areas, slightly further semi-rural areas
with Pike Place Roast) as a special offer during tough Selective cities internationally where Starbucks value
economic times to compete with Dunking Donuts proposition will find eco
Begin selling Starbucks ice cream in retail channels (The
company has also done this)

Key Takeaway: Starbucks has many additional alternatives to explore growth that will fit
its value proposition and leverage on the competencies it has developed over time

Case Closing
Given the conflicting target market, potential cannibalization and major operational
challenges between Starbucks business model and ice cream selling, it is not
recommended that it starts selling this product on its stores
Recommendation Analyze the other suggested growth opportunities, and pick one or two that would meet
Starbucks model
Devise how these new alternatives would solve Starbucks growth problem as well as help
the company fight the competitors strategic move

There is a risk the market migrates towards selling ice cream in cafes
The new alternatives may not be enough to set Starbucks back on the growth track (not
big enough, not profitable enough, or simply to not meet their expectations)
Starbucks growth issue is beyond new products and rest on more structural problems
(excess of stores, growing lines and increasing costs of customization)

Case 9: DrugStop Co.
Type of Case: Product Mix Analysis
Difficulty: Moderate

(to be said to the interviewee)
Our client is the CEO of DrugStop Co., a large pharmacy/drugstore operating stores across North America. When the current CEO came on
board 5 years ago he had a mandate to pursue growth. The retailer has been enjoying growing sales over the past 5 years and
significantly increasing its market share over the period. Recently, however, stockholders have been clamoring for his replacement the
CEO has become increasingly concerned about the health of the firm and the safety of his position. He has approached our firm in order
to help him determine the reasons for his fall from grace as well as recommendations on appropriate actions.

Interviewer Guide
This case is a largely qualitative discussion of the factors contributing to an overall profit decline. The interviewee will need to correctly
interpret the charts provided in order to gain insights into DrugStop Co.s situation. Some interviewees may be uncomfortable with the
ambiguity of the situation and lack of quantitative information. Push the interviewee to focus on what the root causes of the profit
decline might be and how DrugStops current strategy might need to change in order to reverse the trend.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by the interviewee)

Market DrugStop Co.

Competitive Situation: Revenue:
Overall market has experienced stable growth although at a Price - DrugStop did not change the prices of its products in
slower pace than DrugStop Co. the last 12 months.
DrugStop Co. is a strong #2 in its market and has had steady Quantity - DrugStops sales quantities have increased over the
growth in market share past 5 years. Provide exhibit #1
There have been no significant changes in the competitive Costs:
landscape over the past 5 years(marketing, new product/ Fixed Costs - Fixed costs have not significantly changed over
services, new entrants, substitutes, etc.) the past 5 months
Product Types & Margins: Product:
Prescription Drugs 50%, Declining segment DrugStop has introduced a whole series of new
Generic- 20%, Low volume but growing segment complementary convenience products and generic drugs over
Convenience Products- 2%, High volume, high growth the past 5 years.
Product Segments: Profits:
Industry projections for annual growth rates in the segments Provide exhibit #2
that DrugStop Co. services:
Prescription Drugs (-2%)
Generic Drugs- 10%
Convenience Products- 10% Consumer
Some shifting in preferences related to recessionary
environment, but overall spend continues to grow.
No change over the past 5 years
No change over the past 5 years

Exhibit #1
(to be provided to the interviewee as background information)

DrugStop Co. Sales DrugStop Co. Sales

100% $300,000

80% $250,000
20% $50,000
0% $-
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Prescription Sales Generic Sales Retail Sales Prescription Sales Generic Sales Retail Sales

What conclusions can you draw about DrugStop Co.s strategy?

Exhibit #2
(to be provided to the interviewee as background information)

DrugStop Co. Financial Performance

$300,000 25%


15% Profits ($)
Total Sales ($)
$100,000 Profit Margin (%)


$- 0%
1 2 3 4 5

What conclusions can you draw about the impact of DrugStop Co.s strategy?

(to be covered in discussing the interviewees framework)

Market DrugStop Co.

Competitors Profit model
Sales Revenues Price * Quantity
Market Shares Costs- Variable costs remain in line with sales and there has
Substitutes been no significant increase in fixed costs
Changes in Demand
Changes in purchasing behavior Other / Macroeconomics
Changes in income
Government, regulations & taxes: Will current Healthcare
legislation and agenda create even greater demand for generic
Economic trends- Recession and tepid economic recovery has
influenced consumers to be more frugal spenders. Will this
trend last?

Case Closing
DrugStops product mix has shifted from being based on high-margin/price drugs to
generic drugs and convenience store items, both of which are lower-margin/price. This
explains its decline in profit while increasing market share
In order to increase profits, recommended solutions may include changes in product mix
Recommendation (balance high-margin drugs with generics), bundling of higher margin products with low
margin ones, introduction of complementary services, opening new stores in profitable
locations, introducing an online and delivery store, and even reducing costs to become
more profitable (closing down stores, reducing personnel, sourcing, etc.).

It will be important for the interviewee to consider whether current macroeconomic

trends will persist and/or materially affect consumer
Risks & Other The interviewee should think about government regulations as a risk to the company
The interviewee should also consider that the projected growth numbers are not written
Considerations in stone and be able to talk about how differences in growth rates might affect their
conclusions (i.e. generic growth rate much larger implies staying in generics is a
worthwhile strategy)

Case 10: Post-Patent Pharma Problem
Type of Case: Profitability / Product Mix
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
Your client is a manufacturer of over-the-counter drugs. They have two products: ADR and ZYK. Lately, trends in the industry and the
company are uninspiring - sales are flat and costs are creeping upward. How can the company do better?

Interviewer Guide
In this case the interviewee will be required to explore market share and size and revenue, gross margin and fixed cost of each product
and calculate margin and net profit of both of them. As a follow up, the interviewee will be asked what increase in revenues/increase in
gross margin will break-even one of the products (that currently has a negative net profit)

(to be covered in discussing the interviewees framework)

Market Revenues and Costs

Revenues should be revealed after the discussion on costs is
Variable ADR ZYK over (see below)
If the candidate asks about fixed and variable costs, ask what
Market size $1.2 B N/A are typical fixed and variable costs for a Pharma company
Market share 33.33% N/A Fixed costs: R&D, production, labor, manufacturing
plant overhead, etc.
Variable costs: materials, distribution, etc.
When the discussion on costs is over, give the candidate the
No Information On following information:

Competitors, new entrants Variable ADR ZYK

Differentiation between our products and the competitors Revenues N/A $150 M
products Gross margin 40% 60%
Fixed costs $180 M $70 M

Calculations of Revenues, Margin and Net Profit for Each Product

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations ADR Calculations - ZYK

ADR: (Market size * Market share)

Revenues $400 M ** $150 M
ZYK: Given
Margin ** (Revenues * Gross Margin) $160M $90 M

Fixed Costs Given $180M $70 M

Net Profit: ** (Margin Fixed costs) -$20M $20 M

Key Takeaway: ADR is losing money!

Question how much additional revenue would the
company need from ADR in order to justify keeping it?
Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Additional profit required for ADR to break-even Previously calculated $20 M

Gross margin Given 40%

Additional revenues required ** (Additional profit required / Margin) $5 0M

Current revenues Previously calculated $400 M

(Additional revenues required /
Required increase in revenues ** 12.5%
Current revenues)

Key Takeaway: Increase of 12.5% in revenues is significant

Question what ways are there to increase revenues?

Change pricing strategy (increase/decrease price, based on demand elasticity)
Increase the number of distribution channels
Change shelf positioning of the drug
Start a marketing campaign
Many more

Question Instead of increasing revenues, the company is looking
to reduce the variable costs and improve the gross margin on ADR
instead. What would the increase in gross margin for ADR have to
be in order for the company to justify keeping it?
Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Additional profit required for ADR to break-even Previously calculated $20 M

Current revenues Previously calculated $400 M

Additional gross margin required ** (Additional profit required / Revenues) 5%

Key Takeaway: Increase of 5% in gross margin (from 40% to 45%)

by decreasing variable costs seems more feasible

Question in the case gross margin is increased but revenues stay
the same, by what percent should the variable costs decrease?
Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

(Original gross margin + Additional gross margin

New gross margin 45%
Current revenues Calculated on the previous pages $400 M

New margin ** (Current revenues * New gross margin) $180 M

Current variable costs ** (Current revenues Current margin) $240 M

Target variable costs ** (Current revenues New margin) $220 M

% decrease in variable costs ** (1 Target variable costs / Current variable costs) 8.33%

Question what ways are there to decrease variable costs?

Negotiate prices with suppliers
Use cheaper materials (for example, cheaper containers for the drugs)
Make distribution more efficient and fast
Many more

Case Closing
Since increasing gross margin for ADR by decreasing variable costs seem doable, the
company should start there
In case the company discovers that decreasing variable costs is not feasible without
Recommendation significantly increasing fixed costs or hurting revenues, and since 12.5% increase in
revenues seems very difficult to achieve, the company should consider shutting down ADR

There is always a chance that ADR will improve margin

Risks Trying to increase revenues and/or decrease costs might not succeed and only require
the company incur more costs

Considerations &
Investigate further the ways to increase revenues and decrease costs
Based on research, decide on a way of action shutting down ADR or trying to improve
Next Steps results

Case 11: A PE and a Soda
Type of Case: Profitability / Exit Strategy
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
Your client is a private equity firm that has recently purchased a plastic materials manufacturer that makes products such as plastic soda
bottles. The client is looking to cash out of their investment within 5 years and wants you to help improve the profitability of the

Interviewer Guide
Your client is a private equity firm that has recently purchased a plastic materials manufacturer that makes products such as plastic soda
bottles. The client is looking to cash out of their investment within 5 years and wants you to help improve the profitability of the

(to be covered in discussing the interviewees framework)

Market & Firms Performance Manufacturing

Bottling market size can be calculated by revenues later The firm has two plants:
Bottling market is growing at 10% a year in North America One plant in southeast US that manufactures only
The firm has 30% share of the bottling market bottles with capacity of 1.5B bottles
The firms bottling sales have been growing at 15% a year, Another plant in Canada that can produce both
projected 15% growth for each of the next two years bottles and non-bottling materials with capacity of
500M products. Currently producing non-bottling
No downtime, plants are fully utilized
Plants are using new, highly efficient machinery

Product Mix Revenues and Costs

The firm manufactures two types of products - bottles and Bottles sell for 5 cents each
non-bottling goods Non-Bottling generates $20M in revenues
The bottles are delivered locally to the clients, large bottlers Bottles costs:
such as Coke or Pepsi COGS (plastic) 2 cents per bottle
Non-bottling products (such as advertising displays for stores) Machinery 1 cent per bottle
are delivered directly to the establishments that will use them, Labor - 0.5 cent per bottle
such as gas stations Non-bottling has total variable costs of $18M
Bottles are made to spec whereas the non-bottling goods are SG&A across the entire firm is $20M
Firm has higher quality products and manufactures at lower
costs due to more efficient machinery

Comparison of the Two Products
(NOT to be shown to the interviewee)

Variables Calculations
Source/Formula Calculations Bottling
(** - required calculation) Non-Bottling
Manufacturing capacity Given 1.5 B 0.5 B
Revenues Given 5 cents per bottle $20 M

COGS Given 2 cents per bottle

Machinery Given 1 cent per bottle -

Labor Given 0.5 cent per bottle

Bottling: COGS + Machinery + Labor

Total variable costs 3.5 cents per bottle ** $18 M
Non-bottling: Given

Bottling: Manufacturing capacity *

Total profit ** (Total revenues Total variable cost) $22.5 M $2 M
Non-bottling: Total revenues Total costs

Profit margins ** Total profit / Total revenues 30% 10%

Key Takeaway: Bottling products are more profitable and have higher profit margins

Question should the firm convert the non-bottling
production to bottling in its Canada plant? (cost - $3 M)
Cost of conversion - $3 M
Assumption - the firm has sufficient cash on hand to finance this project

Current profit in Canada (previously calculated):

$2 M, 10% margin
Projected profit from conversion:

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Number of additional bottles Given 0.5 B

Profit per bottle Previously calculated 1.5 cents

Projected profit from conversion ** (# of additional bottles * profit per bottle) $7.5M
This would be the profit only if the firm can sell the entire capacity

Key Takeaway: The conversion could potentially add $5.5M in annual profit,
if the firm can sell the entire capacity Breakeven in the 1st year

Question how much additional market share should the firm
gain in the next 2 years in order to sell the extra bottles?
Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Calculations

Number of bottles currently manufactured Given 1.5 B

Firms current market share Given %30

Bottling market size ** (# of bottles manufactured/market share) 5B

Bottling market is growing at 10% per year in North America (given)

The firms sales are growing at 15% per year (given)

Source/Formula Year 0 (now) Year 1 Year 2
(** - calculation required
Firms sales Each year, multiply by the firms sales growth rate 1.5 B 1.72 B ** 1.98 B **

Bottling market size Each year, multiply by the bottling market growth rate 5B 5.5 B ** 6.05 B **

Required market share Firms sales / Bottling market size 30% 31.36% ** 32.72% **

Key Takeaway: Gaining ~3% market share in 2 years seams feasible

Case Closing
The manufacturer should convert the non-bottling manufacturing in Canada to bottling, as
it offers better margins, assuming that the firm can maintain sales growth
The additional capacity is needed to match next years anticipated demand, although the
Recommendation firm wont need the entire capacity in the first year after expansion (only 0.22M)
If market and sales grow according to projections, the firm will run out of capacity at the
end of the second year

The market might not continue growing at the same rate

Sales might not continue growing at the same rate
Risks The non-bottling market and firms sales might be growing at a faster rate (no
information was given)

Consider adding another plant or expanding existing plants to keep pace with the sales
Considerations & growth. Expansion plans should fit within the PE firms goal of exiting within 5 years
Negotiate with suppliers / customers
Next Steps Increase prices due to higher quality products

Case 12: Hurricane Katrina
Type of Case: Non-traditional
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
In August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the southern coast of the US, turning into the most economically damaging and fifth deadliest
hurricane in history. The most severe loss of life and property damage occurred in New Orleans, which flooded as the levee system
catastrophically failed. Eventually 80% of the city became flooded and also large tracts of neighboring parishes and the floodwaters
lingered for weeks. Preliminary damage estimates were well in excess of $100 billion.

As part of an effort to prevent similar disasters in the future, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approached our
firm in order to develop a strategic plan to help prevent such impact the next time a nature phenomenon occurs. How might you
approach this problem?

Interviewer Guide
This is not a typical case where traditional profitability or new product frameworks can be used. It is important not to try to force-fit
the standard frameworks, but rather think about the problem in terms of the information you were given and the problem that needs to
be solved. Even more than other cases, this case does not have one right answer; however some approaches are discussed below.

The first phase of the case (before interviewee has been given focus on the mitigation piece) is an opportunity for the interviewee to
exhibit structured thinking and sound process approach, there is no right answer. More important is whether the interviewee proposes a
logical approach to the problem that covered a broad range of relevant considerations.

Background Information
(to be provided when requested by interviewee)

Natural Disasters
Economic assistance and funds are provided at the state and federal levels
FEMA usually structures their plans in four dimensions: Preparation, Response, Recovery and Mitigation

Our project should concentrate on mitigation; meaning how to mitigate the impact of future disasters

FEMA Approach to Mitigation

Four Major Areas:
Identify the risks,
Assess, quantify and prioritize impacts to mitigate
Determine plan to mitigate risk
Implement: Training, Communication, Raise awareness

(have the interviewee explore mitigation)

Example #1:
Once the interviewee has been told to focus on Mitigation, generally their approach should follow a sequence along the lines of: Identify,
Assess, Plan, Communicate, and Implement

List out potential natural disasters (not only hurricanes) and risks associated with each
Inventory of current state of infrastructure: levies, potential refugee centers (i.e. Astrodome)
Out of the potential disasters, consider which one is most likely and should be prioritized for planning purposes
Out of the risks associated with each disaster, prioritize those risks across all potential disasters that have maximum risk
Raise necessary funds to invest in infrastructure, communication, etc.
Identify key suppliers and other resources that can be mobilized in the event of emergency
Create a structured plan to address and communicate the risks and solutions identified
Raise awareness within the general public; as well as institutions and partners: state, federal, NGOs, private companies, media, etc.
Use tools such as schools, media public announcements, celebrities, etc. in order to create awareness
Establish a conference to gather, align and integrate all parties
Potential of using Global Warming awareness as an issue to further leverage message

(have the interviewee explore mitigation)

Example #2:
Determine the objectives and priorities of the client (FEMA)
Reduce casualties
Reduce damage to property
Understand the various types of disasters that must be considered
Identify the most common causes of death and the number of people at risk
Evaluate the possible mitigating actions (prevent risk, or mitigate once risk comes to pass)
Implement/communicate plans
Property damage/other losses
Identify causes
Prioritize and plan
Implement/ communicate
Other considerations
Flexibility of response with changing conditions
Reliability of suppliers
Effectiveness of communication
Chain of command

Case Closing
This case does not have a single right answer, but the conclusion reached by the
Recommendation interviewee should follow a logical thought process

There are many risks that could be considered with this case and the discussion will
Risks determine which risks the interviewee should mention in his/her conclusion

Case 13: A Sticky (Paper) Situation
Type of Case: Strategy/Reinvestment
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
Your client manufactures specialty papers sold to commercial printers in the US. The client produces self-adhesive sheeted papers that
are ultimately used in a variety of labeling applications often, eventually, to service CPG firms and for billboards.
Your clients operations are profitable, but the business has failed to grow over the past few years. The client would like to invest in the
business and you have been asked to identify opportunities for growth.

Interviewer Guide
This is a very direct profitability case. It touches upon the strategy the company may pursue, but the decisive factor is the profit from the
alternatives. The candidate will be required to consider revenues, costs and gain in market share to get to the bottom of the case.

(to be covered in discussing the interviewees framework)

Product/Manufacturing Product Mix

Company is not capacity constrained with its manufacturing There are approximately 25,000 commercial printers in the US
Raw materials including rolls of paper, adhesives, and a non- that the company sells to
stick coating are used. They are then layered. Finally, they are The company generally sells to three different-sized printers:
cut to specification for the customers this process is called Small, medium, and large
sheeting The printers (the customers), prefer to receive the sheeted
papers in different forms:
Small prefer boxes
Medium prefer cartons
Large prefer pallets

Financials Costs
The company has 30% market share in the small printers and Additional printing will increase its costs (operations,
10% on the medium and large printers additional manufacturing costs, and SG&A)
Margins are acceptable, but management is averse to price- An expansion in medium-sized (carton) packaging would cost
cutting because theyre afraid it will initiate a war with $675K/year
competitors leaving everyone worse off. Price and cost are Additional pallets (large-sized packaging) would cost
different for each carton type $2.3MM/year
Assume, further, that the client can capture up to an
additional 20% of the medium-sized or large-sized packaging
Industry customers in case of an expansion
Not growing likely mature and difficult to alter
No significant competitor in the market
Ignore taxes and depreciation

Financials for the three sectors
(To be provided upon interviewees request)

Source/Formula Small Medium Large
(** - calculation required)
Price Given $20 $18 $15

Materials cost Given $5.5 $5.5 $5.5

Coating cost Given $1 $1 $1

Sheeting cost Given $0.5 $0.5 $0,5

Packaging cost Given $3 $2 $1
Gross profit per box ** (Price Costs) $10 $9 $7

Number of printers Given 20,000 3,000 1,000

Annual usage Given 100 500 3,000

Total profit ** (Profit * # of printers * Annual usage) $20 M $13.5 M $21 M

Key Takeaway: Profit per box is larger in the cartons (medium size) market
but total market is larger for the pallets (large size)

Question which market should the company expand?
Get the total available profit in the market (previous slide)
Consider the market share the company will be able to gain
Finally, account for the cost of getting the extra capacity to supply the additional clients:
Medium Size $675,000
Large Size $2,300,000

Variables (** - calculation required) Source/Formula Medium Large

Total profit Calculated on the previous page $13.5 M $21 M

Additional market share Given 20% 20%

Additional margin** (Total Profit * Additional market share) $2.7 M $4.2 M

Cost of capacity expansion Given $675 K $2.3 M

Potential profit** (Additional margin Cost of capacity expansion) $2.025 M $1.9 M

Key Takeaway: Both markets provide an attractive opportunity, but given the
high cost of the extra capacity on the pallets, the cartons present a better deal

Case Closing
The client is in a profitable market, that apparently provides some growth opportunity
Of the two available expansion opportunities, both the large size and the medium size
seem to be interesting (yielding around $2 million dollars per year of gross profit
Recommendation The medium size (carton) has a much lower cost of expansion and therefore, shows itself
as a better option regarding bottom line growth boost
Additionally, the smaller cost of expansion means a reduced financing need and a resulting
diminished risk from the investment

These recommendations are based on no growth on the markets, expansion in one or

the other could tip the balance
Risks There is no information regarding competitors response, but given a 20% market share
increase, it is reasonable to assume there would be one

This segment of the specialty paper market seems to be fairly stable and mature, thus
Considerations & the assumption of no growth, hence it would probably be wise to look for opportunities
outside its core products
Next Steps Producing products downstream in the paper industry could reveal attractive
opportunities as well

Case 14: Free Wi-Fi
Type of Case: Strategy
Difficulty: High

(to be said to the interviewee)
As part of an effort to kick start the economic recovery in NYC Mayor Bloomberg has asked you to come to NYC and advise him on
whether Wi-Fi should be accessible to all of Manhattan free of charge. The Mayor has looked at several studies and has seen some
research on economic impact. What would you investigate to determine whether he should implement the plan?

Interviewer Guide
This case is focused on developing an approach to the question. No number calculations are necessary in this case, but proper market
sizing and ballparking of the impacts could yield insightful recommendations.

Background Information
(to be provided to the interviewee upon request)

Economic Impact Study Manhattan Market Info

Employment Value: Relative Size:
In the U.S. the Internet employs 1.2 million people directly to Population- U.S. 300M (100%) vs. Manhattan (day time) 2.9M
conduct advertising and commerce, build and maintain the (approx 1%)
infrastructure, and facilitate its use. Each Internet job supports
approximately 1.54 additional jobs elsewhere in the economy, Demographics:
for a total of 3.05 million, or roughly 2 percent, of employed 17% under 18, 12% over 65
Americans. The dollar value of their wages is about $300
billion, or around 2 percent of U.S. GDP Income Levels:
20% of population under the poverty line ( 32% of under 18
Payments Value: and 19% of 65+)
The direct economic value the Internet provides to the rest of
the U.S. economy is estimated at $175 billion. It comprises
$20 billion of advertising services, $85 billion of retail
transactions (net of cost of goods), and $70 billion of direct
payments to Internet service providers. In addition, the
Internet indirectly generates economic activity that takes
place elsewhere in the economy. Using the same multiplier as
for employment, 1.54, then the advertising-supported
Internet creates annual value of $444 billion

Source- www.iab.net/economicvalue

(to be covered in discussing the interviewees framework)

Step 1 - Utility of Initiative

Would this implementation be useful to the population?
Analyze the number of people who currently have and do not have access to the Internet: Of those who do not have access, identify
the reasons for the lack of access
Supply Side: People want access, but currently do not have it due to a number of factors: service and geographic gaps, price,
slow/subpar access speeds
Demand side: People do not want access because they do not have a computer or do not consider it valuable (think certain
age demographics)

Step 2 - Impact on Stakeholders

Which key stakeholders would this implementation affect?
Benefit - Households, Businesses, and Academic Institutions
Cost - Tax payers and Internet Service Providers (e.g. Comcast, TimeWarnerCable, FIOS, etc.)
How would these stake holders be affected?
Pros - Increased productivity, equitable internet access, lower costs, infrastructure jobs, etc.
Costs - ISP revenue loss, government /monopoly inefficiencies, loss of industry competencies, etc.

Step 3 - Other Considerations

Why Wi-Fi?
Are other options worth investigating (e.g. DSL or cable)
Are there alternative ways to provide access?
Kiosks, internet cafes, increased public library internet access, subsidizing internet access for pockets of the population, e etc.
How can we be confident that projected benefits will be realized?
Benchmark other cities that have implemented this model
How much might this cost and would constituent agree to bear the costs?
What political capital might be gained or lost on this initiative?
Additional Issues 136
Security, privacy, speed, health risks, etc.
Case Closing
This case is focused on developing an approach to the question. There is no set of
Recommendation recommendations but the interviewees conclusion should logically follow from the points
raised during the case discussion


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