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I needed a power hacksaw for my

work making tubular chairs. Here is

my design which is cheap to run and
easy to build.
Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 1
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4 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006
The author cannot accept any responsibility for injuries arising from the
construction and/or use of the equipment described in this handbook. Individuals using
these instructions should make sure they have the necessary skills in both mechanical and
electrical engineering before starting the project.

CH 1 The bits you will need 67

CH2 Constructing the bedplate frame 8- 9

CH3 Constructing the swinging arm 10 15

CH4 Crank fabrication 16 17

CH5 Motor and drive belt 18 21

CH6 Saw stop, blade lifting device 22 28

CH7 Vice table and angle setting 29

CH8 Outer casing fabrication 30 33

CH9 The electronic speed controller 34-38

CH10 Testing and setting to work 39-40

The designmain parameters

1. Should use 12 inch standard hacksaw blades, these are cheap at 50p each.

2. Table model with minimum weight consistent with rigidity so that it can be transported
easily and repositioned for angled cuts etc.

3. As far as possible use proper bearings for longevity.

4. To be able to move the vice to cut at an angle of up to 45 deg.

5. To use readily available materials.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 5

1. The bits you will need
From the washing machine, you will need.

1. The motor. Its important to use the variable speed brush variety (some machines use
synchronous motors). Leave 50cm wire on motor connector.

2. The ON/OFF switch (nice push button)

3. The control board (from which to extract the triac)

4. The drive belt (which you will shorten)

5. The drum (from which you will extract the large pulley and bearing assembly)

6. The casing which is used to guard all the moving internals of the completed saw. (this sheet
metal, can also be welded to cars)

7. The input mains filter. ( an aluminum cylinder with 4 terminals )

8. Wires with the original spade connectors attached.

Salvaging the drum bearing and pulley

The bearing was embedded in a fairly heavy plastic surround at the back of the drum and required
some work with a hand saw around the outside of the drum ( cut A). Then a jig saw was used to trim
around the outside of the pulley at cut B.
The spindle can usually be removed through the front of the drum once the big nut holding the
pulley has been loosened .It comes out complete with the spider which is fixed to the inner drum.
Take care not to loose any bearings.

6 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

The inner drum was easily detached from the spider resilient mounts. The three legged spider
is made of aluminum molded over the pulley shaft. This shaft was carefully recovered by cutting
into the aluminum parallel to its sides. These cuts were opened up with a flat chisel and the
aluminum was split away. Soft vice jaws were used to avoid damaging the shaft bearing surfaces.
Inside the aluminum molding was a nice round shaft with a flat to grip the spider better.

Other bits required

A pair of pedals and cranks from an old pushbike, preferably steel ones. These provide good crank

Most of the static frame is made from old bed iron

For the moving frame of the saw you will need approx 10 feet of 25mm square steel tube.

You also need about 5 feet of 1 inch 3mm bar.

A small quantity of 30mm angle iron is needed for the sliding blade carrier. (12 inches)

For the saw table (to which the vice is bolted) some 5mm x 350x110mm plate is required.
Some conveniently available building angle was slit and welded together for this purpose.

Since the saw blade is so high an ordinary record number 1 vice was used to hold the work.

Two 9mm x 11inch coach bolts needed to act as swinging arm pivots

A length of 12mm studding (220mm) and 3 12mm nuts is needed for adjustable crank rod.

Approximately 5 inches of 30mm square section tube is needed for the crank joints.

Various 8mm nuts and bolts

One Radio Spares 8mm knob (for blade tensioner)

Number 1 Record metalwork vice

Three 10mm bolts and nuts for vice

A car timing belt idler wheel to catch the saw when it cuts through the work. (maybe you have
changed this yourself its a 60k service, garages throw them out).

Control IC TDA1085 available from Radio Spares.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 7

2. Constructing the bedplate framework

Welding capability

This is quite an advanced project; a large amount of stick welding is required. Always tack things
together initially, and then when you are sure they are in the right place you can make a tight
weld. The author has lost count of the number of times he has welded something into the wrong
place. You then have to slit it with the angle grinder, sometimes in difficult places, so be warned.
Do your final welding when the machine is almost finished!

Welding distortion

This occurs because the metal expands when it is hot and then the joint cools and everything pulls
together. Its a very difficult problem in many industries. Problems like banana shaped boats and
submarines can occur unless special measures are taken.

The illustration shows what happens even when two strips of metal are only tacked together on one
side. When a tack is made on the other side it evens up. The opposite ends should then be tacked in
the order shown. Six tacks should be sufficient for a short distance. Even when it is decided to make
a run its a good idea to do half of one side then half of the other. The result is less neat than a
continuous run but there is less danger of distortion.

This is probably the most difficult piece of work to get right but it does bring home the point.

I would also steer clear of continuous runs unless it is completely necessary.

8 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

Constructing the bedplate framework

Part A is the front cross beam which divides the front saw table from the rest of the saw.

Part B is set to give enough clearance from the side of the case to the cone shaped pulley. The front
vertical spar is welded into the corner formed by joint between parts A and B.

Dimension A, between the two upright spars is set to accommodate different sized bearing plates
from the donor washing machine.

A plate was butt welded to the top of each vertical spar to spread the load and give more flexibility
to the bearing plate fixing bolt position.

These fixing plates were tied together with a 1 inch bar welded as shown. The pulley must rest
against the flat surface formed by the inside of the vertical spars. Butt welds are used where flat
mounting surfaces must be preserved.

The prototype bedplate was made from 1.5 inch wide bed iron, this proved to be a bit thin and
there was appreciable flexing when the crank rotated. However thicker material may prove
satisfactory. In this case the frame was reinforced by welding in extra sections to create box
sections as shown in fig 4 note 1.

The back vertical spar was also reinforced with a diagonal brace.

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3 Constructing the saw swinging arm
Getting this item right will mean that the saw will cut in a straight line through the work without
wandering off at an angle.
Before this was started all the factors which might cause the saw to wander were listed. All
considered the method and order of making up the components to take advantage of the uniformity
of the materials turned out to be important. The saw frame and arm were fabricated first.

Parts A were cut to size from 25 mm square tube and were equalized by filing whilst clamped
together side-by -side in the vice as shown in fig 7. The opposite ends were squared up by inverting
and repeating the process.

10 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

Top pivots
Referring to fig 6 tubes part A were center punched 0.5 inch from each end along the center line and
drilled with a 3mm pilot hole on a drill press. The center line can easily be estimated by using odd
leg calipers or dividers (my son made several during his apprenticeship.)

The 9 mm shank bolts used for the pivots had rolled on 10mm threads at one end. These threads
were therefore bigger than the shaft and would not pass through a 9 mm bearing hole. The solution
was to grind these threads off with the bench grinder. An 8 mm thread was then cut with a die when
the diameter had been reduced sufficiently.

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In-line reaming
The pilot holes can be enlarged with a larger drill to just smaller than 9mm. This allows the holes in
each to be lined up side-by-side in a vice and reamed out to fit the 9mm bolt. It turns out that a
standard 11.25 inch rat tailed file was ideal for the purpose giving a 9mm hole when it slips through
completely. Squareness and equality of position is guaranteed by this process. The diagram also
shows clamping in the fore and aft direction aligning the components in two planes.

The handle of the rat tailed file was removed and a pair of vice grips used to twist it in the manner of
a reamer to enlarge the hole. It is possible the constructor may not be able to obtain the same sized
file. It will be satisfactory as long as it is approximately the same. Experimenting with bolt insertion
will verify how much work is needed. A tight mobile fit is required. A bolt was inserted into the
first set of pivot holes prior to reaming the opposite end, to ensure perfect alignment.

The bearing is mild steel to mild steel, not ideal, but there is nothing to stop the end of the square
section from being filled up with bronze or white metal at some future time to give better wear
resistance (soft-to-hard metal).

Referring to fig 6 at the start of the section we now need parts B through G, be sure to make parts D
equal using the methods already described.

Part G was tacked into position when parts A were held in position threaded by a pivot bolt and part
F clamped with two G clamps. Part B was also clamped into position with spacers D. Just to
make doubly sure measurements of squareness were taken and a straight edge used. When satisfied
G, F and E were tacked into position. The top swinging arm should be true due to the squareness
and uniformity tube components used.

12 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

Blade holder
As shown in fig 6 part H was slit down the center line at one end by 0.5 inches to take the hacksaw
blade. Its center line should be determined on both sides by using caliper method described earlier.

Using the hacksaw a cut was made holding the part in the vice at 45 degrees. This allowed the best
control of the operation. Then the work was turned over and another cut made at 45 degrees. The
cut was squared up when both sides have been done.

If the slit is not parallel with the sides of part H then the saw will deviate from the vertical. Part H
itself must also be vertical.

The blade is retained in this slit by a pin made from a piece of welding rod.

Referring to fig 6 part H was tacked onto part B square with parts D.

These tacks were made deliberately light on one side at first.

Then the part can be slightly adjusted with a hammer then tacked on the other side. It should not be
welded up solid until it has been tacked on all sides and thoroughly checked for squareness.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 13

Vertical swinging arm
The horizontal section of the frame hangs from the rear vertical sections and it is important that the
parts C of this section are the same length. The method given in fig7 was again used.

This time there are two sets of pivot holes to line up. A and B. Pilot holes were drilled using the drill
press, this gives approximate accuracy and squareness.

Then one set of holes were enlarged using the process already described with the rat-tailed file.
Finally the bolt is inserted to align this end and the other set of holes at the opposite end are

Again this process encourages equality and when parts C are separated and parallel the bearings
should run true.

With parts C joined to the top swinging arm using the 9mm bolt the cross braces were clamped onto
opposite sides of the square section.

These were welded on squarely when Parts C were made parallel by equalizing distances A and B.

Cross braces were welded onto opposite sides of parts C and are connected at the center with a
small piece of 25 mm square tube.

The holes for pivot B which go through supports D should also be aligned before drilling either by
clamping a steel plate to both square sections or by clamping both in the vice.

Otherwise twisting could occur when supports D are fixed to the back of the base plate which will
tighten the bearing surface.

14 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

Blade tensioner
The blade tensioner is made from a piece of tubing which is a sliding fit on the outside of the saw
arm 25 mm square section tube. This tube was fabricated from suitably chamfered 30 mm angle
The author uses a large amount of this tubing for other projects and has designed a grinding
machine to simplify this task. For a one off job its probably easier to clamp the angle section in
the vice and shave the edges down at 45 degrees with an angle grinder. Welding shrinkage has to be
allowed for; the aim is for a siding fit with as little slap as possible.

Another vertical spar which carries a slit for the blade was welded to the fabricated section. A
straight edge was used to check for squareness.
The 8 mm nut welded to the end cap allows a radio spares 8 mm stud knob to be used to tension
the blade. This bears against a blanking plate welded to the end of part B.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 15

4 Crank fabrication
Having used the robust washing machine drum bearings its fitting that the crank assembly is hard
wearing too. Cycle pedals were the obvious choice.

There were a lot of unknowns here so it was decided to make everything as adjust able as possible.

A clamp was fabricated on the flat end of the drum shaft left when the spider was broken off. .
Be sure to remove the shaft from the bearing before any welding, the grease will fry and plastic may
The shaft of the sawn -off pedal is held in a square hole by a set screw. This allows the crank
throw to be adjusted.

The pedal bearing was prepared by removing much of the flat pedal leaving only the sleeve

Note how the connecting rod consists of a 12mm threaded rod passing through a c shaped piece
made from a piece of 30mm square section tube.

This section is welded to a complete tube which surrounds the pedal bearing. The hole for the 12
mm studding was drilled so that the studding is in contact with the side of the tube.

Two 12 mm nuts retain this connecting rod and also enable adjustment. A jubilee clip may be
required to retain the connecting rod end on the pedal sleeve.

Adjustment of the 12mm nuts allows the saw arm position in relation to the crank to be changed.
.The remaining pedal sleeve was used as a swinging arm connecting rod bearing.

16 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

Its threaded end was ground smooth which pushed into a suitable bracket.

The bearing retainer nut was used in conjunction with another bracket for a more positive fixing.

Again the pedal sleeve was surrounded by a piece of 30mm square tubing.

A 12mm nut was welded to this tubing to permit linking with the 12 mm studding used for the
connecting rod.

The above diagram shows underneath the back of the top swinging arm of the saw. Dimensions
may be varied to suit the pedals available.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 17

5 Motor and drive belt
The motor is mounted on the piece of angle section beneath the verticals on which the drum bearing
is mounted.

On the prototype the two motor mountings on the face were bolted to the base angle section which
had to be cut away to give clearance so that the belt would run parallel and stay on the pulley.

The drum bearing backing plate was clamped into an approximate position and the three mounting
holes drilled. Elongated holes in the metal brackets allow further adjustment to suit the belt used.

Care is needed so that the large pulley does not foul the inside of front vertical 45 deg guard.

The length of the existing belt can be shortened once the motor has been mounted and the
approximate position of the drum bearing is known.

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Shortening the belt
The belt furnished with washing machine is very much longer than is needed. A belt of approx one
meter is needed for the machine.

Custom made belts are likely to be expensive in small quantities. Fortunately these belts can be

Its quite surprising but an overlap joint made with super-glue will actually hold. The joint should
be 0.5 inch with the edges beveled on a bench grinder.

According to the manufacturers instructions the glue should be applied to one surface then
the joint should be clamped for a few minutes in a vice.

The belt was modified when both motor and drum bearing plate had been mounted so that its
approximate length could be determined.

Then using the elongated holes the belt tension was set just enough to prevent slippage.

Setting the belt onto the inner grooves on the motor pulley will pull the belt into the large pulley.

These adjustments were made so that that belt just stayed on the large pulley as both were turned by

This ensures wear free running of the flat grooved belt.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 21

6. Saw stop, blade lifting device.
To stop the blade from dropping too far its necessary to limit its travel (some saws actually switch
off when they get through the work piece).

The blade also needs to be lifted out of the way when releasing the vice. Here these functions are
combined in one.

A car timing belt tensioner is ideal for this purpose, having a heavy duty bearing incorporated.
Its wheel runs against the left hand square section swinging arm member when the saw cuts
through the work. The rim of the wheel shown in fig 20 was ground off so that it presented a flat
bearing surface

It is mounted on a sliding joint with the front vertical drum angle section. This is used to raise and
lower the saw blade.

A peg was welded to this sliding section this allows a jockey wheel to be raised or lowered by a
lever pivoted on the back drum pulley upright.

The idler wheel is spring loaded to absorb the impact of the saw arm dropping on it when the work
is done.
Fig 22 shows the metal strips carrying the lifting pin and the jockey wheel which are welded to the
outer surface of the sliding angle section.

This was done so that it will slide unimpeded on the side of the front vertical spar supporting the
crank bearing casing.

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Lifting lever
The lever which operates this lifting arrangement was made by partially cutting through a
piece of 22mm x 3mm steal strip and bending as shown in 3-dimensions.

A web was welded across the vee when it has been proved that this lever clears the side of the
saw and any long work which is likely to be sawn particularly when the vice is set to 45 degrees.

The sharpened saw retaining latch is butt welded in the position shown to give the correct spacing
in the saw-up position.

The full-sized diagram shows how the lever and jockey wheel carrier fit together on the side of the
frame. To retain the lever in the upper position a chamfered section engages with a flange on the
slide retainer.

The next page shows how the blade lifter angle is sandwiched between a piece of angle section
welded to the outside of the front vertical spar with the appropriate spacing piece in place. This
allows it to slide when the lifting lever is operated. There is a lip which then retains the lever in the
upper position. Then lifting the lever and moving to the right clears the lip allowing the blade to be

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 25

The lever is loose enough on its pivot to be able to be moved sideways when the blade is lifted by
the lifting pin. Its latch can then be moved to engage with the catch plate allowing the blade to be
retained in the upper position.

The opposite process is used to lower the blade.

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7. Vice table and angle setting
This was designed so that work could be cut up to a 45 degree angle. It uses a 3 inch jaw
Record No1 vice which with the dimensions shown can be pivoted on one of its mounting
bolts. A sector plate was made which was marked with commonly used angles. This is
between the vice and the saw table.

When the vice rotates on its fixing/pivot bolt it must not foul the front upright (on fig 31
where the 0.2 inch clearance is indicated).

Also the position must be set so that the saw blade is clear of the vice jaws for all angle

When the vice is set for 45 degrees holding a long bar there has to be enough clearance
with the large pulley wheel guard.

Only when all these conditions are satisfied should a pivot hole be drilled and tapped into
the bedplate.

Moving the vice position towards the front of the saw is permissible as the blade stroke is

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 29

8. Outer casing fabrication
The outer casing was designed to enable work to
be cut up to an angle of 45 degrees, this entails having a cut out on the left side.

FIG 25 22 inch
Cutting the washing
machine case.

29 inch

17 inch

Cut Cut
here here

Fig 24 shows how the washing machine case was cut with an angle grinder to obtain
material from which to make the saw casing. The side panels were used to fabricate the
case and the bends already part of the washing machine case were also used.
Edge 180
degree bend
Top of washing
FIG 26 Bending the machine lid recess
left side of the case
90 degree

Case height 18 inches

Edge 90
degree bend
Case length 17 inches

30 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

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32 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006
The right of the case is similar except that the top side is smaller they both were welded
together using a MIG to make a case with the front view a shown below.

The back has an internal 180 deg bend to get rid of the sharp edge and 90 degree bends
which go inside the back and are welded to the sides and top. There is a cut-out at the front
left side to allow clearance for work cut at 45 degrees.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 33

9. The electronic speed controller

Knowledge of electronics is needed to complete this section if not a ready made controller
will be available from the author to suit demand. This can be wired in by a qualified
electrician or the user if he feels confident.
This item is essential for the operation,
had it not been available the saw could not have been constructed. It uses a TDA1085C
Universal Motor Speed Controller I.C together with the original triac and snubber network
from the donor washing machine board. It has been included at this point in the project
because its helpful to get things moving at this stage. Although the motor can also be
powered up with a variac variable transformer.

Fig 28 Case hinge fixing

A1 A2 G
Mounted on a metal
heat sink FIG 29

Snubber network
100 100nF
In operation the triac operates as a switch controlling the current going to the motor, the
snubber prevents damage to the triac by absorbing surges. The snubber capacitor will be a
fairly high voltage type.

A dropper resistor of 6.8k is used to derive the 15v supply for the IC and this should be a
ceramic high wattage type. Constructors from USA may need to use half this resistance.
Two series silicon diodes give the potential on pin 5 to set the speed; this could be made
variable up to 15000rpm for other applications.

The 50m shunt which limits the motor current under fault conditions was made up from
resistance wire using a 4 terminal method to determine its value.

The board was designed to fit inside a small plastic box available from Maplin electronics,
the heat-sink needs to be in the open so only one half of the box was used. There is a danger
of electric shock if the heat sink is touched. However the plastic box is facing towards the
outside of the saw so the possibility of the other side being touched is remote.

34 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

FIG 30 PCB Master track layout Calenterprises Ltd 2006

The board was be reduced to 66% and printed on transparent film,

such as used for O.H.P. The resultant transparency was then laid on
UV sensitized board with the logo readable and the image transferred
for etching.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 35

Wiring and testing the controller
The motor can be wired up to the controller
for testing once it is mounted securely. These motors give quite a jolt when they start off,
its not safe to have them just lying on the bench. If the triac is short circuit the motor will
try to rev up to 15000rpm so its worthwhile tying it down. The belt was of coarse left off.








FIG 33 Motor wiring


The diagram shows wiring for the authors washing machine motor looking into the six
way connector. Most of the time wires can be traced visually, backing up with ohm meter
measurements. Across the tacho the resistance is high compared with either armature or the
Since the original connecting plug was retained with a reasonable length of wire attached it
was a simple matter to make all the connections into a terminal strip bolted to the controller
plastic box. The motor armature and field windings are wired in series and the direction of
rotation can be changed by swapping the red wires.

36 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

Mains input filter
The original washing machine mains input filter was used; this is a shiny cylindrical item
with 4 terminals. This may have spade terminals which fit the wiring recovered from the
donor washing machine.

The washing machine single pole push button switch was used to switch the live into the
filter. Its other side goes to LIVE VIA SWTCH on the controller. Neutral goes straight
through the mains filter to NEUTRAL on the controller.

For the sake of safety the three pin plug should be fitted with a 5 amp fuse. The mains cable
should be securely clamped to the frame with a P clip.

As shown in fig 34 the electronic controller inside a 120x 80 cm Maplin box was mounted
onto the main frame with the exposed parts towards the centre of the saw. Mounting the
mains switch and the filter completes the electrical items.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 37

Mains wiring

Fig 35 Mains wiring to switch, mains filter and control box.




See Fig 33 TACHO

For motor







P-clip and ground

Connection to
solder tag

38 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

10. Testing and setting to work

Now all the components necessary to run the saw on the blade lift are assembled for a safe trial.

Parts D (fig 12), the lower swinging arm bearing pillars were clamped to the rim of the angle
section to the rear of the saw.

The position should be such that-----------

1 The rear frame does not run outside the edge of the bedplate on RH side (so that the case will not
foul any moving parts).

2 The right top swinging arm rail (looking from the back) runs against the blade lift wheel.

3 When the connecting stud rod is screwed in place it runs approximately in the centre of the
swinging arms.

4 The saw blade clears the vice jaws when the vice is set in the straight position.

5 The saw blade runs true.

This can only be set approximately at this stage. It is better set up by
making a cut. An approximate setting was achieved by tapping the rear pivot points whilst checking
against a square clamped into the vice. Parts D were then drilled through the frame and fastened
with 8mm bolts. This allows further adjustment if the holes are made slightly larger than the bolts.

Running the partially completed saw will reveal any faults and the crank adjustment for throw and
position can be tried.

For instance it is possible to have the vertical swinging arm making contact with the back vertical
pulley wheel support or at the other extreme the inside of the case.

In the prototype a jubilee clip was used to keep the connecting rod in the centre of the pedal sleeve.

Silicon rubber bathroom sealant could also be used here both to dampen vibration and seal in
position. Here a fixing which allows for misalignment is needed.

The speed controller was checked with the belt disconnected. (the saw will shake itself to bits if its
faulty and runs at 1000rpm).

With the two diodes connected across pins 5 and 6 of the TDA1085C the speed should be OK.

Then the saw was run with the belt in place. In the prototype it was noticed that the speed was prone
to reduce when sawing a steel bar. Although some belt slippage was noticed the main problem
proved to be electronic.

The 47K resistor connected to pin 3 started off as 100K but this limited the motor current so it
was reduced. In the event of a fault the 50m measures the motor current and the TDA1085C
keeps it at a safe value.

Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006 39

Cutting tests
Complete perfection is rarely achieved in constructing the swinging arm and blade-holder;
however this can be compensated by adjustment of the rear arm bearings.

The first long cut was made into a soft wood block (its easier to assess deviation with a long cut).

If the rear swinging arm bearings are loosened sufficiently they may be adjust by tapping with a
hammer. So long as there is negligible twist in the blade a reasonable straight cut should be

Blade twist would be caused by either the two blade slits and/or carriers not being parallel.
The remedy is to partially slit some welds and adjust with the hammer. Then cautiously re-welding
to avoid distortion.

The rear bearing carriers may be tack welded for extra stability.

The saw was set to work cutting through so 3mm x 30mm square tube it cut through the flat section
successfully but was laboring on the narrow sections. This is not unusual for any type of metal saw
since there is more pressure on the blade with narrow work. Even proprietary metal cutting band
saws have trouble in this repect. A spray of WD40 enabled the cut to proceed more smoothly.

No extra weight was required on the saw arm to cut at a reasonable speed.

When the saw is cutting at 45 degrees the cut is made nearer to the end of the saw arm so less
leverage is operating, the saw still cut at a reasonable speed.

To sum up provided the blade is kept lubricated there should be no trouble cutting any normal steel

Possible improvements
As mentioned earlier the swinging arm bearing are plane steel-to-steel which will wear particularly
if lubrication is neglected. This will lead to a sloppy action.

However the open tubes which make up these bearings can be filled up with lead-bearing bronze or
similar and the holes drilled out again. This would create a longer lasting bearing surface.

http://www.nucleus.com/~harlan/saw.html Yes it can be done

http://onsemi.com Speed control with the TDA1085C

http://www.calenterprises.co.uk My site

[email protected] My E-mail

40 Cal Enterprises Ltd. June 2006

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