Cinema Avant Garde Reading MA Tisch
Cinema Avant Garde Reading MA Tisch
Cinema Avant Garde Reading MA Tisch
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Hatfield, J. "Expanded Cinema and Its Relationship to the Avant-Garde: Some Reasons for a Review of the
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Hatfield, Jackie, ed. Experimental Fim and Video: An Anthology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006.
Hatfield, Jackie, ed. Experimental film and video : an anthology. Eastleigh, UK : John Libbey Pub., 2006.
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__________ . "Three myths of avant-garde film." Film Comment v 17 May/June 1981. p. 34-5
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Michelson, Annette, ed., Hollis Frampton, special issue of October, no. 35 (1985)
Moritz, William. Optical Poetry: The Life and Work of Oskar Fischinger. Bloomington: Indiana University
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Mueller, Roswitha, ed., "German Avant-Garde Cinema: The Seventies," Discourse: Journal for Theoretical
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Rieser, Martin and Andrea Zapp, eds. New screen media : cinema/art/narrative. London: BFI Pub., 2002.
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Nichols, Bill, ed. Maya Deren and the American avant-garde. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2001.
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__________ . loge du cinma exprimental. revised edition. Paris: Paris experimental, 2000 [1979].
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__________. "Modernism, Phantasy and Avant-Garde Film Wallflower." In: The Undercut Reader: Critical
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Perchuck, Andrew and Rani Singh, eds. Harry Smith: The Avant-Garde in the American Vernacular. Los
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Peterson, James. Dreams of Chaos, Visions of Order: Understanding the American Avant-garde Cinema.
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Petrolle, Jean and Virginia Wright Wexman, eds. Women and experimental filmmaking. Urbana : University of
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Pickowicz, Paul and Yingjin Zhang, eds. From underground to independent : alternative film culture in
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Rabinovitz, Lauren. Points of Resistance: Women, Power & Politics in the New York Avant-garde Cinema,
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Rees, A. L. A History of Experimental Film and Video: From Canonical Avant-garde to Contemporary British
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Renan, Sheldon. An Introduction to the American Underground Film. [1st ed.]. New York, Dutton, 1967.
Rodowick, David. The Crisis of Political Modernism: Criticism and Ideology in Contemporary Film Criticism.
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Russell, Catherine. Experimental ethnography: the work of film in the age of video Durham, N.C.: Duke
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Schwartz, David. "Visions of New York: Films from the 1960s Underground." In: Underground U.S.A.:
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Sitney, P. Adams. "Image and Title in Avant-Garde Cinema." October, Vol. 11, Essays in Honor of Jay Leyda.
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___________ . Modernist Montage: The Obscurity of Vision in Cinema and Literature. New York: Columbia
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__________ . Visionary film: the American avant-garde, 1943-2000 / P. Adams Sitney. 3rd ed. Oxford; New
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_____________, ed. The Avant-garde Film: A Reader of Theory and Criticism. New York: NYU Press, 1978.
Sklar, Robert. "The cinematic avant-garde." In: A world history of film New York : Harry N. Abrams, 2002.
Skoller, Jeffrey. Shadows, specters, shards : making history in avant-garde film Minneapolis : University of
Minnesota Press, 2005.
Small, Edward S. Direct Theory: Experimental Film/Video as Major Genre. Carbondale: Southern Illinois
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Smith, Murray. "Modernism and the Avant-Gardes." In: The Oxford guide to film studies / edited by John Hill
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_________ . On the Margins: Brazilian Avant-Garde Cinema, in Randal Johnson and Robert Stam, eds.
Brazilian Cinema. New York: Columbia University Press, 1995, pp. 306-27
Stauffacher, Frank, ed. Art in Cinema: A Symposium on the Avant-garde Film Together with Program Notes
and References for Series one of Art in Cinema. [1st ed.] . San Francisco: Art in Cinema Society, 1947.
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___________ . Mad to be saved: the Beats, the '50s, and film. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press,
Suarez, Juan Antonio. Bike Boys, Drag Queens & Superstars: Avant-garde, Mass Culture, and Gay Identities
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In addition, please consult Film Culture (entire run) and Millenium Film Journal (entire run)
1. Most experimental film has been made according to what has been termed the "artisanal mode of
production". What is this? What advantages does it have over studio production? Please refer to at
least 3 films and 3 critical texts in support of your answer.
2. It has been said that video led to the demise of experimental cinema. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Please refer to at least 3 films or video works and 3 critical texts in support of your answer.
3. In what ways have the aesthetics of sound, rather than (or in dialectical relation to) the aesthetics of the
image, played a role in the development of avant-garde film theory and practice? Please refer to at least
3 films and 3 critical texts in support of your answer.
4. With reference to at least three distinct phases or movements of the avant-garde, as represented by the
filmography and bibliography you have studied, discuss the importance of historyas trope, as material
effect, as context, or otherwisein experimental film practice.
5. In The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths, Rosalind Krauss writes: "The
functioning of the index in the art of the present operates to substitute the registration of sheer physical
presence for the more highly articulated language of aesthetic conventions (and the kind of history
which they encode)." How might one apply this proposition, which Krauss articulates primarily in relation
to painting and photography, to modes of indexicality in structuralist film? Your answer should discuss
the work of two filmmakers who, in your opinion, illustrate both the possibilities, and limits, of Krauss's
formulation for film analysis.
6. Write an essay discussing uses of "found footage" in avant-garde film and video, situating such work
historically and aesthetically in relation to the use of found materials in other visual and sonic arts.
Please refer to at least 3 films and 3 critical texts in support of your answer.